Individual Project - Guidance

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A-Level French The Individual Research Project Guide: Your individual research project is an in-depth look at an area of French-language culture. It should: • Be of interest to you • Relate to French or French-language culture, history, life or society • Be carefully researched using a range of sources • Provoke interesting questions

Examples: Here are some examples of suitable themes for the Research Project: • A historical event or building such as: L’Arc de Triomphe, le Centre Pompidou, le Mémorial de la Déportation, le massacre du 17 octobre 1961, la prise de la Bastille (14 juillet 1789), mai 68. • A person such as François Mitterrand, José Bové, Léopold Sédar Senghor, Marie Curie, Toussaint Louverture, Jeanne d’Arc, Louis Pasteur • Performers such as MC Solaar, or Amadou & Mariam • An issue such as ‘Les langues minoritaires en France’ • A phenomenon such as 'La Sape' • A French-language writer from the past or present such as Maupassant, Sartre, Montaigne, Maylis de Kerangal • A topic related to a personal interest such as ‘La France/l'Algérie/La Côte d'Ivoire/La Belgique etc.) et la Coupe du Monde de football’, ‘Les sentiers de grande randonnée’, ‘la mode en France’ • A comparative topic such as ‘Les partis politiques de gauche [ou de droite] en France et en Grande-Bretagne’, ‘L’art contemporain en France et en GrandeBretagne’, ‘La gastronomie en France et en Grande-Bretagne’

A-Level French What can I do to prepare? 1. Complete your summer project thoroughly. 2. Get your hands on some reading material. Newspapers, books, magazines – choose something of interest to you and go through it carefully with a dictionary. Note down any new vocabulary. 3. Subscribe to some French-language content on social media. Here are some suggestions:

@le_parisien @comme1francaise @learn_fr @20minutes @lemondefr @inafr_officiel @gadelmaleh @frenchlanguage @leszexperts @francaisetvous @apprendretv5 @lpjofficiel @nrjhitmusiconly @monsieurdream @french_gov @hugotoutseul @normanfaitdesvideos @afpfr @lequipe @france24_fr @buzzfeedfrance

Cyprien Les Questions Cons CANAL+ Amnesty France Comme Une Française e-penser France 24 Jordi et Martin Le Rire Jaune Normanfaitdesvideos Palmashow Sara’h Officiel videofranceinter Squeezie

Duolingo Memrise Quizlet RMUnify – A-Level French Linguascope for the basics Gospeaky French in Action BBC Ma France

French for Beginners Le Journal en français facile Learn French Coffee Break French Learn French with Daily Lessons News in Slow French UT: Français interactif

4. Watch some French-language movies with the subtitles on or off: Amélie Intouchable Les 400 coups Delicatessen Un Long Dimanche de Fiançailles Hors de Prix

Entre les murs La Haine La Vie en rose Jean de Florette Manon des sources Ne dis à personne

Le Dîner de cons Amour Le Grand bleu Coco Avant Chanel Les Choristes Être et avoir Les Visiteurs

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