GCSE GEOGRAPHY Revision Questions Paper One Living with the Physical Environment SECTION B | The Living World
COLD ENVIRONMENTS Note: questions get progressively more demanding as you move through. Mark schemes for each question can be found at the back of the booklet.
Q1. The figure below shows extreme environments in different parts of the world.
The following statements describe the distribution of areas of hot desert. Which two statements are true? Tick the two correct boxes. All areas of hot desert are north of the Equator.
No areas of hot desert are on the Equator.
Many areas of hot desert are located on the Tropics.
There are no areas of hot desert south of the Equator. (2)
Complete the sentences below. Circle the correct answer in each set of brackets. Polar environments are found in the [lower / middle / higher] latitudes. Tundra environments are found in the [centre / edges / west] of continents. Tropical rainforest environments are found in the [polar / desert / equatorial] regions. (3)
Three places are shown on the figure above as A, B and C. Which place (A, B or C) is in an extreme environment? ________________________ (1) (Total 6 marks)
Q2. Which two of the following statements are reasons why people should protect a cold environment such as Antarctica? Tick the two correct boxes. Very few people live in Antarctica. Antarctica is valuable for scientific research. Antarctica contains few species of land animals. Antarctica is the last great wilderness left on earth. (Total 2 marks)
Q3. The figure below shows extreme environments in different parts of the world.
Describe the distribution of the extreme environments shown in the figure above. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 4 marks)
Q4. Explain the reasons for the formation of one of the following: •
a polar environment
a tundra environment.
Chosen environment ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Extra space _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 4 marks)
Q5. The figure below shows some human activities in Antarctica.
Describe the effects of human activities on the environment of Antarctica. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 4 marks)
Q6. The figure below shows some human activities in Antarctica.
Choose one of the activities shown in the figure above. Describe the effects of this human activity on the Antarctic environment. Chosen hazard __________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Extra space _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 4 marks)
Q7. People can have damaging effects on cold environments. Describe ways in which the damaging effects may be reduced. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Extra space _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 5 marks)
Q8. For an ecotourism area or scheme that you have studied, describe the features that make it sustainable. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Extra space _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (6) (SPaG: 3) (Total 9 marks)
Q9. (a)
Give one reason why there is an increased demand for adventure holidays. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (1)
Use a case study of tourism in an extreme environment to explain how the development of tourism can cause environmental damage. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Extra space _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (6) [SPaG 3 marks] (Total 10 marks)
Q10. For a hot desert environment or cold environment you have studied, to what extent does that environment provide both opportunities and challenges for development? Chosen environment:____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 9 marks)
Q11. Use a case study to discuss how well an extreme environment is coping with the development of a tourist industry. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Extra space _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (8) [SPaG 3 marks] (Total 11 marks)
Q12. Use a case study to explain how ecotourism has contributed to sustainable development. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Extra space _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (8) (SPaG: 3) (Total 11 marks)
Q13. People can have damaging effects on cold environments. Describe strategies and methods used to reduce problems in cold environments. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Extra space _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 6 marks)
Mark schemes Q1. (i)
2 × 1 No areas of hot desert on the Equator. Many areas of hot desert are located on the Tropics. 2
3 × 1 higher, edges, Equatorial. 3
1×1B 1
Q2. 2x1 Antarctica is valuable for scientific research. Antarctica is the last great wilderness left on earth. [2]
Q3. 4x1 Many areas of hot desert lie on/between the tropics, many on the western edges of continents. Polar environments are found in the higher latitudes. Accept extreme north or south – reject ‘far north’. Tundra on the edges of continents tropical rain forest in equatorial regions / on equator / low latitudes. All 4 environments do not have to be described to reach the maximum mark. Reject ‘top’, ‘middle’, ‘bottom’ of the earth and the number of each environment in each continent. [4]
Q4. If desertification is explained, then L1 can be awarded (max 2) for causes of desertification (over-population, over-cultivation, over-grazing etc). If the physical processes leading to soil erosion and degradation are explained, then L2 can be awarded (max 4). Level 1 Basic (1–2 marks) Simple statements without development of ideas. Polar environment: some simple reference to the effect of latitude E.g. sun’s rays passing through more of the atmosphere. A larger area of the earth’s surface has to be heated. Accept references to altitude e.g. There is much highland (Antarctica). Accept simple statements about cold winds and lying snow and simple references to continentality (Antarctica). Hot desert environment: some simple reference to the effect of latitude E.g. sun’s rays passing through less of the atmosphere. A smaller area of the earth’s surface has to be heated. Accept simple statements about high pressure or descending air or little condensation or few clouds i.e. not linked. A simple explanation (not description) of the vegetation type can be
credited. Knowledge of basic information. Simple understanding. Few links; limited detail; uses a limited range of specialist terms. Limited evidence of sentence structure. Frequent spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Level 2 Clear (3–4 marks) Clear reasons for the formation with development of ideas. Polar environment: E.g. sun’s rays passing through more of the atmosphere and therefore lose heat. A larger area of the earth’s surface has to be heated due to the curvature of the earth. Accept clear references to altitude, e.g. There is much highland (Antarctica) and with increased height the temperature drops about 1 degrees C per 100 metres. Accept clear statements about frequent cold katabatic winds and snow cover reflecting heat and clear references to effect of continentality (Antarctica). Hot desert environment: clear reference to the effect of latitude. E.g. sun’s rays passing through less of the atmosphere and therefore lose less heat. A smaller area of the earth’s surface has to be heated due to the lesser curvature of the earth. Accept clear statements about high pressure or descending air leading to little condensation and few clouds i.e. linked. A clear explanation (not description) of the vegetation type can be credited. Knowledge of accurate information. Clear understanding. Answers have some linkages; occasional detail/exemplar; uses some specialist terms where appropriate. Clear evidence of sentence structure. Some spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. [4]
Q5. 4 × 1 (or 1+1 for developed points) Cruises – more landing sites – threats from shipwrecks, oil spills – threats to wildlife, disturbance. Scientific bases – machinery and equipment left on ice sheets, sewage put in sea. Fishing – overfishing, disrupts ecosystem, damages seabed. Accept a general ref to Antarctica is unpolluted and valuable for scientific research and this opportunity would be lost. Antarctica is the last great wilderness left on earth and it will be lost forever. [4]
Q6. Level 1 Basic (1–2 marks) Simple undeveloped effects E.g. Cruises - more landing sites, threats from shipwrecks, oil spills, threats to wildlife. Scientific bases machinery and equipment left on ice sheets, sewage put in sea. Fishing – overfishing reduces amount of fish, damages seabed. Accept a general ref to Antarctica is unpolluted and valuable for scientific research and this opportunity would be lost. Antarctica is the last great wilderness left on earth and it will be lost forever. i.e. – without further development. Knowledge of basic information. Simple understanding. Few links; limited detail; uses a limited range of specialist terms. Limited evidence of sentence structure. Frequent spelling, punctuation
and grammatical errors. Level 2 Clear (3–4 marks) Clear development of the effect; linkage of points. E.g. More cruises mean more landing sites will be built and more people will go ashore, this will lead to visual pollution. Will mean that breeding animals could be disturbed. Overfishing leads to fewer fish stocks which can disrupt the whole marine ecosystem/food chain. Sewage from scientific bases could be put into the sea and kill small creatures which fish and whales depend upon for food. Knowledge of accurate information. Clear understanding. Answers have some linkages; occasional detail/exemplar; uses some specialist terms where appropriate. Clear evidence of sentence structure. Some spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. [4]
Q7. Levels of response Level 1 Basic (1–3 marks) Simple statements without development of ideas. Gives scheme or method. E.g. An International Agreement protects Antarctica. Antarctic Special Protected Areas have been set up. Strict regulations on waste from scientific bases. Mining will not be allowed. Seal hunting is strictly controlled. Fishing boats have to limit and report their catch. Quotas on the number of tourists. Etc. Knowledge of basic information. Simple understanding. Few links; limited detail; uses a limited range of specialist terms. Limited evidence of sentence structure. Frequent spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Level 2 Clear (4–5 marks) Develops the idea to show how the scheme or method works. E.g. An International Agreement protects Antarctica. The Antarctic Treaty laid down rules governing human activity, which became law in 1998. Antarctic Special Protected Areas have been set up. Areas with great scientific value have a very strict management plan. A permit is needed to enter. Strict regulations on waste from scientific bases. Most waste is now taken away from the Antarctic. Mining will not be allowed for at least the next 50 years due to campaigns by pressure groups. Seal hunting is strictly controlled. Some species are given special protection. Fishing boats have to limit and report their catch so that the impact on the whole ecosystem can be assessed. Quotas on the number of tourists and visiting boats must be small. Etc. Knowledge of accurate information. Clear understanding. Answers have some linkages; occasional detail/exemplar; uses some specialist terms where appropriate. Clear evidence of sentence structure. Some spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.
Global warming/CO2 emissions = max L1. There must be an appropriate context. [5]
Q8. Content will depend on example used. Expect reference to Galapagos, rainforests and Masai / Safaris. Candidates should be able to highlight the sustainable features such as: local employment, education programmes for the visitors, investment in facilities such as clinics and schools for the locals, high costs to keep visitor numbers and therefore impacts smaller, small scale operations to reduce impact, use of renewable energy and local food. Level 1 (Basic) (1–4 marks) Simple statements and/or listed points with no real development and no named example. No / limited mention of sustainable features. In the rainforest there are eco-lodges. Only a few people go to visit. Local people have jobs there. Visitors are educated about the area. Level 2 (Clear) (5–6 marks) Linked statements with the name of a place / scheme. Some understanding of sustainability shown. The Masai are paid an income for using their land. This gives them an income which allows them to stay in the area. The wildlife parks mean that the animals are safeguarded for the future and will not be poached. In the Galapagos the rules limit the number of tourists to reduce the damage. This means the environment is protected for the future. The tour boats are owned by locals which gives them an income. AO1 – 4 AO2 – 2 6
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Threshold performance Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with reasonable accuracy in the context of the demands of the question. Any errors do not hinder meaning in the response. Where required, they use a limited range of specialist terms appropriately. 1
Intermediate performance Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with considerable accuracy and general control of meaning in the context of the demands of the question. Where required, they use a good range of specialist terms with facility. 2
High performance Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with consistent accuracy and effective control of meaning in the context of the demands of the question. Where required, they use a wide range of specialist terms adeptly and with precision. 3
Q9. (a)
Any valid statement such as: People enjoy the element of risk; they want to see things before they are no longer there, e.g. ice caps; boredom with “traditional” holidays; more can now afford these sorts of holidays. AO1 – 1 1
Must be an extreme environment. If not, zero marks. Content will depend on example used. Expect reference to Antarctica, Everest base camp / Nepal, named rainforest or desert. Candidates should be able to highlight how the increasing numbers lead to issues for the location chosen. Problems need to be environmental. Comment should be on features such as the disturbance of wildlife and habitats; the depletion of local resource bases; pollution and degradation of intrinsically fragile environments. Level 1 (Basic) (1 – 4 marks) Simple statements and / or listed problems with no real development and no real example. No connection between growth and issues. For Antarctica: In Antarctica the animals are disturbed. Ships can cause pollution. For Nepal: Wood is cut for fires. More tourists cause more erosion. Level 2 (Clear) (5 – 6 marks) Linked statements with the name of a place. Some understanding of the connection between growth and problems. For Antarctica: The penguins in Antarctica are fine with small numbers of people but when a lot are onshore at once they are frightened and their breeding is interrupted. Larger cruise ships to cater for more people means bigger spills of oil and more waste which does not decompose in the cold environment. For Nepal: More and more trekkers to Everest base camp means wood is cut for fires. This leads to faster deforestation. In Nepal they have extended the trekking season to attract more visitors. This means they come closer to the monsoon and the ground is more liable to erosion when it is wet. AO1 – 4 AO2 – 2 6 (Spag 3 marks)
Q10. Level
3 (Detailed)
AO1 Demonstrates comprehensive and accurate knowledge of locations, places and processes in relation to a hot desert / cold environment. AO2 Shows thorough geographical understanding of the interrelationships between places, environments and processes in the context of a hot desert / cold environment. AO3 Demonstrates thorough application of knowledge and understanding in evaluating the extent to which a hot desert/cold environment provides opportunities and challenges for development.
2 (Clear)
AO1 Demonstrates clear knowledge of locations, places and processes in relation to a hot desert / cold environment. AO2 Shows some geographical
understanding of the interrelationships between places, environments and processes in the context of a hot desert / cold environment. AO3 Demonstrates reasonable application of knowledge and understanding in evaluating the extent to which a hot desert/cold environment provides opportunities and challenges for development. 1 (Basic)
AO1 Demonstrates limited knowledge of locations, places and processes in relation to a hot desert/cold environment. AO2 Shows slight geographical understanding of the interrelationships between places, environments and processes in the context of a hot desert / cold environment. AO3 Demonstrates limited application of knowledge and understanding in evaluating the extent to which a hot desert / cold environment provides opportunities and challenges for development.
No relevant content.
Indicative content for hot deserts • The question requires consideration of the extent to which a hot desert area provides both opportunities and challenges. • Answers may focus on the nature of economic opportunities, the scale of development and control over the inhospitable conditions. • Opportunities include resource exploitation relating to agriculture, recreation and tourism. Economic benefits include employment, spending in the local economy, multiplier effect, and improved infrastructure. Many hot desert environments are increasingly important economically. • Challenges include environmental constraints, costs/remoteness, and conflicts with indigenous populations. • Relationships exist between the nature of the challenges and the desire / ability to overcome them in order for development to take place. This might reflect, for example, the value of resources and the technological advances enabling their exploitation. • Support for answers may be based in poorer or richer parts of the world. In HICs, south west US may be used. Economic activity may focus on water supply and how it is managed, provision for commercial farming, mining activity, supplying water, possible provision of a power source to facilitate development, development of tourism on a large scale, building areas for retirement. • In LICs, areas such as the Thar Desert may be cited. Economic activities include subsistence farming, including nomadic pastoralism, and hunter-gathering. Commercial farming supported by irrigation may be emphasised. Resources such as limestone and gypsum are found in this desert, valuable for the building industry. Hydroelectric power is supplied. Tourism is a growing industry. No credit for management of hot desert environments. Indicative content for cold environments • The question requires consideration of the extent to which a cold environment
• •
provides both opportunities and challenges. Answers may focus on the nature of economic opportunities, the scale of development and control over the inhospitable conditions. Opportunities include resource exploitation, including agriculture, recreation and tourism. Economic benefits include employment, spending in the local economy, multiplier effect, and improved infrastructure. Many cold environments are increasingly important economically. Challenges include environmental constraints, costs / remoteness, and conflicts with indigenous populations, extreme low temperatures, low precipitation, variable daylight hours, permafrost / active layer, fragile ecosystems, and relief barriers. Construction disrupts and melts the permafrost, creating unstable ground. Exposure to extreme cold can injure and kill, and healthcare may be many miles away. Restricted employment opportunities are a real problem for people living in remote areas, and there is a lack of services due to low population density. Climate change may lead to widespread and rapid changes which are difficult to adapt. Relationships exist between the nature of the challenges and the desire/ability to overcome them in order for development to take place. This might reflect, for example, the value of resources and the technological advances enabling their exploitation. Credit answers that focus on Arctic or Antarctic regions. Allow reference to tundra as well as polar areas. Support for answers may be based on Northern Canada and/or Alaska. Drilling and mining activities occur, there is considerable hydroelectric power potential, large parts of the coastline offer wind and geothermal energy potential and the region has a large seafood fishing industry.
No credit for management of cold environments. AO1 = 3 AO2 = 3 AO3 = 3
Q11. Must be an extreme environment if not 0 marks. Content will depend on example used. Expect reference to Antarctica, Everest base camp / Nepal, named rainforest or desert. The command is “discuss” so candidates should be able to give positive and negative comments about coping with tourists. Comments can be social, economic and environmental and may cover things such as: Positives: Management organisations such as IAATO; move to limit tourist numbers to minimise damage; growth of “responsible tourism” and greater public awareness; levies on tourists that are used for environmental protection. Negatives: Erosion still taking place, especially in these most fragile environments; arguments that these should be undisturbed if true “wilderness” areas; disturbance of animal breeding patterns still in evidence (penguins); people in poorer areas abandoning e.g. traditional farming in favour of tourist employment; exploitation of cheap labour e.g. porters and guides. Level 1 (Basic) (1 – 4 marks) Simple statements and / or listed points with no real development and no attempt to discuss. For Antarctica: Tour companies have to join IAATO. Tourists have to pay towards the environment. For Nepal: In Nepal they have regulated the number of tourists allowed on the Everest trail. The Nepalese government has a levy so that all tourists pay to help the environment. Level 2 (Clear) (5 – 6 marks) Developed statements with some attempt to discuss. Positives or negatives only.
Must have named example. For Antarctica: In Antarctica they limit the number of people allowed onshore so the penguins aren’t disturbed. They can still be frightened though so all tour operators have to join IAATO so they sign to be more responsible. For Nepal: More and more trekkers to Everest base camp means more wood is cut for fires. This could lead to faster deforestation which is not good so they are trying to use solar cookers instead. This will mean they cope better. Level 3 (Detailed) (7 – 8 marks) Stronger attempt to discuss with two sides clearly stated and some attempt to balance. For Antarctica: Antarctica is coping well with tourism in some ways. This is because they have an organisation IAATO (International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators) to regulate activity. Controls such as limiting numbers to 500 on a ship mean pollution is reduced. Also lower numbers mean that animals aren’t disturbed as much. On the other hand, some disruption of the penguins still happens so the problem is still there. Spillages from boats are inevitable and thus pollution still happens. It will also take a long time to decompose so maybe they aren’t coping so well after all. AO1 – 6 AO2 – 2 [Spag 3 marks]
Q12. Content will depend on example used. Expect reference to Galapagos, rainforests and Masai / Safaris. Candidates should be able to highlight the features of the tourism and make the link to their contribution to sustainable development such as local employment, education programmes for the visitors, investment in facilities such as clinics and schools for the locals, high costs to keep visitor numbers and therefore impacts smaller, use of renewable energy and local food. No marks if case study is not ecotourism but if comments could relate to ecotourism, max L1. Level 1 (Basic) (1–4 marks) Simple statements and/or listed points with no real development and no named example. More concerned with description. General generic tourism in management = L1. Eco-lodges in places like the Amazon gives the local jobs. Most eco-tourism uses renewable energy. Level 2 (Clear) (5–6 marks) Linked statements with the name of a place / scheme. Some explanation and understanding of how the tourism form contributes to sustainable development. There is an eco-lodge in Brazil which is owned by locals. The local people receive the profits and can choose how to spend them. It has been built from local materials which means there is something for the future. The lodge uses local food so the money for it goes straight to the locals. Level 3 (Detailed) (7–8 marks) Detailed case study information with good development of explanation showing more explicitly the link between ecotourism and sustainable development. The Tataquara lodge in Brazil is owned as a co-op by the local tribes. This helps them develop sustainably because the money goes straight into the local economy and there is no leakage to foreign tour companies. It also means they can spend profits on things like education and health clinics to improve their prospects for the future and their quality of life. They sell traditional crafts which helps to preserve their culture for the future generations. This is more sustainable development because it doesn’t damage the environment which means it should last for a long time and be more secure for the future.
AO1 – 6 AO2 – 2
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Threshold performance Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with reasonable accuracy in the context of the demands of the question. Any errors do not hinder meaning in the response. Where required, they use a limited range of specialist terms appropriately. 1
Intermediate performance Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with considerable accuracy and general control of meaning in the context of the demands of the question. Where required, they use a good range of specialist terms with facility. 2
High performance Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with consistent accuracy and effective control of meaning in the context of the demands of the question. Where required, they use a wide range of specialist terms adeptly and with precision. 3
Q13. Level 1 Basic (1–2 marks) Simple statements without development of ideas. Gives scheme or method. E.g. An International Agreement protects Antarctica. Antarctic Special Protected Areas have been set up. Strict regulations on waste from scientific bases. Mining will not be allowed. Seal hunting is strictly controlled. Fishing boats have to limit and report their catch. Quotas on the number of tourists. Etc. Knowledge of basic information. Simple understanding. Few links; limited detail; uses a limited range of specialist terms. Limited evidence of sentence structure. Frequent spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Level 2 Clear (3–4 marks) Develops the idea to show how the scheme or method works. E.g. An International Agreement protects Antarctica. The Antarctic Treaty laid down rules governing human activity, which became law in 1998. Antarctic Special Protected Areas have been set up. Areas with great scientific value have a very strict management plan. A permit is needed to enter. Strict regulations on waste from scientific bases. Most waste is now taken away from the Antarctic. Mining will not be allowed for at least the next 50 years due to campaigns by pressure groups. Seal hunting is strictly controlled. Some species are given special protection. Fishing boats have to limit and report their catch so that the impact on the whole ecosystem can be assessed. Quotas on the number of tourists and visiting boats must be small. Etc. Knowledge of accurate information. Clear understanding.
Answers have some linkages; occasional detail/exemplar; uses some specialist terms where appropriate. Clear evidence of sentence structure. Some spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Level 3 Detailed (5–6 marks) Continued development of the idea to show in detail, how the scheme or method works. E.g. An International Agreement protects Antarctica. The Antarctic Treaty laid down rules governing human activity, which became law in 1998 and 46 countries which contain about 80% of the world’s population are members. Antarctic Special Protected Areas have been set up. Areas with great scientific value have a very strict management plan. A permit is needed to enter. In other areas, activities are closely monitored and co-ordinated and historic Sites are preserved for the future. Strict regulations on waste from scientific bases. Most waste is now taken away from the Antarctic but some is biologically treated and put in an incinerator. Mining will not be allowed for at least the next 50 years due to campaigns by pressure groups such as Greenpeace. Seal hunting is strictly controlled. Some species, such as Ross seals are given special protection. Fishing boats have to limit and report their catch so that the impact on the whole ecosystem can be assessed to find out its effects on the food chain. Quotas on the number of tourists and all tours must be guided and not enter environmentally sensitive areas. Visiting boats must be small. Etc. Knowledge of accurate information appropriately contextualised and/or at correct scale. Detailed understanding supported by relevant evidence and exemplars. Well organised, demonstrating detailed linkages and the interrelationships between factors. Range of ideas in a logical form; uses a range of specialist terms where appropriate. Well structured response with effective use of sentences. Few spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Level 3 does not always equate to full marks, a perfect answer is not usually expected, even for full marks. [6]