GCSE GEOGRAPHY Revision Questions Paper Two Challenges in the Human Environment SECTION B | The Changing Economic World DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE IN NICs
Note: questions get progressively more demanding as you move through. Mark schemes for each question can be found at the back of the booklet.
Q1. Many call centres have moved from the UK to India. (a)
Which word best describes the sector of the economy that includes call centres? Circle the correct answer from the following list. secondary
services (1)
The following table shows some statements about why call centres have developed in India. Write next to each statement whether the reason is Social / Economic / Political.Each answer may be used once, more than once or not at all. One has been done for you. Statement 1
Salaries are much lower, e.g. as little as 10% of UK salaries.
The Indian government does not tax goods imported to build and run call centres.
There are approximately 100 million English speakers in India.
India has a stable democratic government.
Political (3)
Choose one of the statements listed in (b) and outline how it has led to the growth of call centres in India. Statement number ___________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (2)
Explain how developments in ICT have encouraged globalisation. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Extra space _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (4) (Total 10 marks)
Q2. (i)
Describe the benefits of industrial growth in an economically developing area you have studied. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Extra space _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (4)
Explain the disadvantages of the growth of transnational corporations (TNCs). Use an example(s) that you have studied. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Extra space _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (4) (Total 8 marks)
Q3. Different types of aid have advantages and disadvantages. (a)
Draw a line to link each feature of charitable (voluntary) aid to the correct advantage. One has been done for you.
Suggest one disadvantage of charitable (voluntary) aid. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (2) (Total 5 marks)
Q4. Industry has developed rapidly in NICs. (i)
What do the letters NIC stand for? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (1)
The following factors were important for the development of industry in NICs. Low taxes and cheap loans. Long working hours. Investment by Transnational Corporations (TNCs). Workers cannot go on strike. Give one reason why each of these factors is important for the development of industry in NICs. Low taxes and cheap loans ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Long working hours __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Investment by Transnational Corporations (TNCs) ___________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Workers cannot go on strike ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (4)
Q5. (i)
Study the figure below, a field sketch of an area of heavy industry where pollution is a problem.
Complete the table below by writing the letter of the picture in the figure above (A, B, C, D or E) against the correct cause of industrial pollution. One has been done for you. Cause of industrial pollution
Abandoned mine workings. Area of heavy industry. Area of derelict land with abandoned buildings. Area where waste has been deposited. Outlets directly into the river.
A (3)
Choose two of the letters from the figure above. For each one chosen, describe what could be done to reduce the effects of industrial pollution in that area. Letter __________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
Letter __________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (4) (Total 7 marks)
Q6. The figure below shows information about a clothing factory in Bangladesh.
What is the minimum wage in the clothing industry in Bangladesh? ________________________ per month (1)
The growth of the clothing industry in countries such as Bangladesh can cause economic and social problems for workers such as Lina. Describe one economic problem and one social problem. Use the figure to help you. Economic problems __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Social problem ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (4) (Total 5 marks)
Q7. (i)
Describe how farming in LEDCs is changing. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (4)
Give two disadvantages of changes to farming in LEDCs. 1. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (2) (Total 6 marks)
Q8. The table below lists some reasons why population growth in some LEDCs is expected to fall. •
Family planning
Careers for women
Improved health care
Choose any two of these reasons. Explain why they will affect population growth. 1. _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 4 marks)
Q9. Study the cartoon about aid below.
Reprinted by kind permission of the New Internationalist. Copyright New Internationalist. www.newint.org
Name the type of aid being talked about in the cartoon. ___________________________________________________________________ (1)
Why is this type of aid an advantage to MEDCs? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (2)
Give one disadvantage of aid being given to LEDCs. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (1) (Total 4 marks)
Q10. Describe the effects of air pollution and water pollution in urban areas in poorer parts of the world. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Extra space _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (6) [SPaG 3 marks] (Total 9 marks)
Q11. Describe one or more advantages of charitable aid. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 3 marks)
Q12. Cadbury is a TNC that makes chocolate in the UK using cocoa that is grown in Ghana. Cadbury has tried to help reduce the development gap between Ghana and the UK. In the figure below, a manager outlines some actions that Cadbury has taken in Ghana.
What is meant by ‘fair trade’? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (2)
Explain how the actions taken by Cadbury could help to improve the standard of living for people in Ghana. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Extra space _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (6) (Total 8 marks)
Q13. Describe the features of a named TNC. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Extra space _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 6 marks)
Q14. Study the figure below which shows how the share of world manufacturing production has changed between 1970 and 2010.
Year (a)
What percentage of the world’s manufacturing production did the rich world produce in 1970? __________________________ % (1)
What was the increase in East Asia’s share of world manufacturing production between 1970 and 2010? __________________________ % (1)
The growth of manufacturing industry in East Asia is because of several factors, including: •
government legislation
long working hours
health and safety regulations
prohibition of strikes.
Explain how one or more of these factors was important for the growth of manufacturing industry in parts of the poor world such as East Asia. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Extra space _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (4)
China is a major growth area in East Asia. Draw a line to link each of the statements to show why industry has grown so quickly in China. One has been done for you.
(4) (Total 10 marks)
Q15. Explain why manufacturing industry developed rapidly in China. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Extra space _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 6 marks)
Q16. Intel is planning to build a new chip assembly and testing factory in China. (i)
‘China is a good place for a TNC to build a new factory.’ Suggest two reasons why. 1. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (2)
A new factory might benefit the area in which it is built. Describe some of the benefits. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Extra space _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (6) (Total 8 marks)
Q17. Study the figure below. It shows information about a clothing factory in Bangladesh.
The growth of industry can cause problems for workers such as Lina. Describe some of the economic and social problems. Use the figure to help you. Economic problems ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Social problems _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 4 marks)
Study the photograph above of pollution in rapidly urbanising countries. Using the photograph and your own knowledge, explain how rapid urbanisation and industrialisation in poorer parts of the world lead to pollution in urban areas. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Extra space _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (8) [SPaG 3 marks] (Total 11 marks)
Q19. (a)
Explain how developments in ICT have encouraged globalisation. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (4)
Apart from developments in ICT, outline one or more economic reasons for the growth of call centres abroad. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (3) (Total 7 marks)
Q20. 'Transnational corporations (TNCs) only bring advantages to the host country.' Do you agree with this statement?
Justify your decision. (Total 9 marks)
Q21. (i)
What is the meaning of the letters ‘TNC’? ___________________________________________________________________ (1)
Use a case study to describe the advantages and disadvantages of the development of a TNC. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Extra space _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (8) (Total 9 marks)
Q22. Study Figure 1 which shows how the share of world manufacturing production changed between 1970 and 2010. Figure 1
Year (a)
Describe the changes that have happened between 1970 and 2010. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (3)
Study Figure 2 which shows recent industrial growth in China. Figure 2
Use Figure 2 and your own knowledge to explain the growth of industry in modern China. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Extra space _________________________________________________________ (4) (Total 7 marks)
Q23. Explain why manufacturing industry developed rapidly in China. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Extra space _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 8 marks)
Q24. Localised industrial regions with global connections have developed in many countries. Describe the features of a localised industrial region with global connections. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Extra space _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 4 marks)
Q25. (i)
Study the table below which gives information about three countries in the world. Percentage employed in Country
Primary industry
Secondary industry
Tertiary industry
Type of country
Complete the table to show which of the following types of country the figures refer to. LEDC
MEDC (2)
Give two factors encouraging the development of industry in NICs. 1. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (2) (Total 4 marks)
Mark schemes Q1. (a)
services AO1 – 1 1
1 correct = 1 mark, 2 correct = 2 marks, 3 correct = 3 marks Statement
Salaries are much lower, e.g. as little as 10% of UK salaries.
The Indian government does not tax goods imported to build and run call centres.
There are approximately 100 million English speakers in India.
India has a stable democratic government.
Political AO1 – 1 AO2 – 2 3
1+1 If no statement number, credit description if clear. Must be an item from the table in (b) but no credit for mere repetition. Candidates may comment on any way in which this has led to growth. Expect comment on: cost savings allow industry to grow (1) through either generous tax regime or lower wage costs (1); largest supply of English speakers in any country where it isn’t first language (1) and so international business language easily available (1); and thetherefore the ease with which a number of markets can be serviced (1). AO1 – 2 2
Must be ICT only. Candidates are asked to link the ICT to development so they should do more than just describe features. There is no requirement for a case study or examples but these are likely to add clarity. Likely examples are Motorsport Valley; Silicon Glen; Bangalore Technology Park. Expect comment on the ease / speed with which companies can communicate with other parts of the world through internet and cable systems; satellite communications; video conferencing can replace face to face; reduced costs of all of these negate the need for proximity. Level 1 (Basic) (1 – 2 marks) Simple statements with no development. Listed points. No attempt to link. Industry can be in one place but still get in touch with the rest of the world easily. The internet is really useful and phone calls are muchcheaper than they used to be. Level 2 (Clear) (3 – 4 marks) Linked statements showing a connection between ICT and growth. The internet means you can send lots of data easily. This has allowed Motorsport Valley to develop because they can do research anywhere in the world and bring it together in one place. You can have areas which specialise
in call centres and the facilities they need anywhere in the world. This is because web based communication is faster and cheaper than phones. There is no loss of time. AO1 – 2 AO2 – 2 4
Q2. (i)
Industrial growth benefits economically developing areas by providing employment and prosperity through the multiplier effect. Infrastructural improvements are likely encouraging still further growth and prosperity, as might the raised profile of the area. Environmental and social improvements may also follow. Level 1 Basic (1–2 marks) Simple statements of benefit/s are made. Example response More jobs. Roads may be improved. Level 2 Clear (3–4 marks) Clear description of how industrial growth can benefit the economically developing area. Credit may be given for use of examples. Example response Industrial growth has brought more jobs, not just in factories but in other businesses like shops and restaurants. Money from taxes industry pays the government has been spent on new roads, schools and hospitals. 4
TNC disadvantages: changing traditional culture, risk of pulling the plug causing job loss and sudden economic decline, too powerful for governments of poorer countries to regulate, profits going/decisions elsewhere for TNC rather than local benefit. Accept other correct disadvantages. Level 1 Basic (1–2 marks) Simple statements of disadvantage/s. Example response Because they damage traditional culture. They sometimes just take jobs away again. Level 2 Clear (3–4 marks) Clear explanation of why transnational corporations disadvantages. Credit example(s). Example response Some people think a TNC disadvantage is that they can bring western culture to traditional societies and make young people consumerist, which some older people don’t like. TNCs sometimes just change their mind about locating somewhere and go away, causing unemployment. 4
Q3. (a)
1 correct = 1 mark, 2 correct = 2 marks, 3 or 4 correct = 3 marks AO1 – 1 AO2 – 1 AO3 – 1 3
1 × 2, 1 for the disadvantage and second mark for developing the point. Any reasoned disadvantage provided it relates to charitable aid, e.g. Charities can sometimes raise only small amounts (1) which limits the amount of help they can provide (1). Charities do not have the power of governments (1) so they cannot always act (1). They are dependent on donations (1) so may not always have the money they need (1). AO1 – 2 2
Q4. (i)
Newly Industrialising Country (At least 2 words correct of which one must be ‘industrialising’/industrial). 1
4 × 1. Low taxes and cheap loans. Make it easier and cheaper for foreign companies to set up in the country / Helps pay for setup costs. Long working hours. Reduces the cost of production/labour costs are cheaper because they work for longer for the same money. Investment for TNCs / TNCs can produce their goods more cheaply and so TNCs are encouraged to move to the NIC. Workers cannot go on strike. Continuous production / Do not lose money due to stoppages. 4
Q5. (i)
Abandoned mine workings.
Area of heavy industry.
Area of derelict land with abandoned buildings.
Area where waste has been deposited.
Outlets directly into the river. 3
2 × 2. 2 × 1 + 1. 3 + 1. A. Makes laws to make it illegal to dump waste and other pollutants into water courses. B/D. Accept realistic alternatives, e.g. use the brownfield site for other purposes/regeneration/re-use/removal of eyesores, e.g. visual pollution/named re-use. C. Fit filter to factory chimneys to ensure that pollutants are not released into the atmosphere. E. Landscape waste tips so they are no longer visually unattractive. 4
Q6. (i)
£7 1
Problems need to be for individuals. Points can come from resource or from own knowledge (or both). 2 marks per point –1 for a simple point, 1 for development. Max 3 for each of economic and social problems. Economic – e.g. low wages, below poverty line/in poverty, can’t afford to buy things. Social – long working hours, poor living conditions, risk of injury, disease caused by pollution, etc. 4
Q7. (i)
Level 1 Basic (1 – 2 marks) MAX L1 for MEDC. Simple statements. Adding fertiliser/irrigating /greater use of mechanisation /different crops being grown / more being sold. Level 2 Clear (3 – 4 marks) Elaborated or linked statements. HYV of rice are being grown which need large amounts of fertiliser/ land is being irrigated so that more than one harvest can be gained each year/Cash crops such as cotton are being grown instead of food crops. 4
2 × 1 disadvantages – poor do not benefit/ cost of seeds/ soil erosion/ salinisation / costs more money / pollution (if qualified) / eutrophication of rivers / greater use of machinery so more unemployment / cash crops at expense of food crops. 2
Q8. 2 × 2 for developed points. Can be two separate statements per reason NOT 3 & 1. Must relate to “falling” / slower growth rate / reduction etc. Family planning – contraceptives are more readily available and therefore, there is less unprotected sex, so fewer children are born. Change in attitude to Family Planning. Careers for women – as more careers become available for women they put off having children until later and so there is less opportunity for them to have large families. Better education leading to jobs. Can’t look after children because at work. Improved healthcare – this reduces the infant mortality rate. People are therefore more certain that fewer children will die, and so they do not keep trying for children as an insurance to ensure some survive to look after them in old age. Contraception is made available. [4]
Q9. (i)
Tied/conditional / bi-lateral. 1
They provide expertise / equipment / make money. Straight lift from the figure. LEDCs have to buy goods and services from donor country. MEDCs get goods and services from donor country. MEDCs get goods, etc., more cheaply. Political advantages/status. Guaranteed market for MEDC goods. 2
Provides goods which cannot be used in the LEDC/ send goods that depend on the use of electricity, which the LEDC has not got. Dependent on aid/money spent on inappropriate ‘things’. The money given may have to be spent on MEDC goods, on experts’ salaries. 1
Q10. Candidates should be given credit for use of a case study if related to air and water pollution. Air and water pollution can be implicit through the description if not named. Candidates are likely to refer to the health hazards of fumes from vehicles / factories causing poor air quality and disease such as asthma. They may also refer to hazards such as smog. Water borne disease may be mentioned along with more general comments about the smell of dirty water and toxic waste in rivers and danger of poisoning. Level 1 (Basic) (1 – 4 marks) Simple statements and / or listed points with no real development and little attempt to describe effects. Air or water pollution only. Credit general answers if applicable
to urban areas. There are lots of fumes. The water is dirty. The air and water are health hazards. Level 2 (Clear) (5 – 6 marks) Linked statements with effects made clear. Both air and water pollution covered. Balance not required. Clearly relevant to poorer part of the world. There is lots of air pollution which causes smog and can make it hard for people to breathe. Being on the streets of Beijing for a day is as bad as smoking. Water that isn’t cleaned just lies stagnant and can really smell bad. Diseases like cholera happen with dirty water. AO1 – 4 AO2 – 2 6 (Spag 3 marks)
Q11. 1 × 3, or (1 + 1) + 1 Max 1 for list of advantages. Max 2 for general aid advantages with no reference to charity or clear idea of charity. Answers should relate to the source of the development money being from a charity. This may be generalised or in reference to specific examples. Relevant content would be: money donated and therefore no obligations afterward; more likely to be “bottom up” or community based and therefore reflect the needs and wishes of the communities who are being helped; money less likely to be wasted as it can be more easily monitored in smaller amounts; benefits of a scheme will be felt directly at community level; more likely to be appropriate technology. Can be advantages to any interested party. AO1 – 3 3
Q12. (i)
Fair trade is buying from poorer producers at reasonable prices that help sustain their livelihoods, (even though these prices may be above the market rate). Point mark. 1 mark for basic definition, 2nd mark for development/elaboration. Example response Fair trade is paying reasonable prices to people like poor farmers (1) to keep them going (1) financially. 2
Level 1 Basic (1–4 marks) Simple ideas as to why Cadbury’s action/s such as shown in the figure may improve social/economic conditions. Likely to show limited development from the figure. Example response Free newsletter to tell 75 000 farmers how to produce more cocoa makes them be better off. Level 2 Clear (5–6 marks) Some clear explanation of why Cadbury action/s may improve social/economic conditions in Ghana. Likely to clearly develop points from the figure. Example response
The newsletter telling 75 000 farmers how to produce more cocoa should also help because they will have more cocoa to sell and so increase earnings. 6
Q13. At least a named example is required to get into Level 2. Answer may focus on distribution but can include other general features such as inputs, outputs, physical and human factors, processes and impacts. Advantages and disadvantages. Level 1 (Basic) 1–4 marks Largely generic description of a TNC and no indication of a named example. TNCs have their headquarters in the west and have branches. In many other countries. Administration, research and development is done in rich countries and the manufacturing takes place in poor countries. Annotation •
L1 Simple generalised non-specific facts
Level 2 (Clear) 5–6 marks Linked statements which although still largely generic will be relevant to the named example. The headquarters of Pepsi Cola is in the USA. There are manufacturing plants in Brazil and India. The manufacture of Adidas sports shoes is done in poor countries like Thailand and Indonesia but the headquarters are in Germany. Annotation •
L2 Named TNC
L2 Clear description of location
L2 Clear description of features of TNC AO1 – 4 AO2 – 2
Q14. (a)
88 AO3 – 1 1
16 AO3 – 1 1
The candidate must make use of the information and relate to the rise of the NICs. The factors given must be elaborated to show how they have been important in the growth of industry. Candidates are not required to show knowledge of East Asia but any detail from their study of China should be credited. Level 1 (Basic) 1–2 marks Simple statements developing one or more of the factors listed but not relating them to the growth of industry. Government legislation has been passed that encourages the growth of the
industry. The long working hours mean that the workers produce more while they are at work. Health and Safety regulations are not as strict so firms are willing to set up industry there. Annotation •
L1 Simple development of factor(s)
Level 2 (Clear) 3–4 marks Linked statements showing the importance of the factor to the development of industry. Government have passed laws which have set up areas where new industries do not have to pay taxes. The long working hours plus low wages means that it is profitable for industry to be set up there. Lax health and safety laws mean that firms have to spend so much money on this as they would in other countries and so their costs are lower making them more profitable. Annotation •
L2 Clear link to how factor impacts on growth of industry AO2 – 4 4
4 marks if 4 or 5 correct 3 marks if 3 correct 2 marks if 2 correct 1 mark if 1 correct AO1 – 4 4
Candidates should show how the advantages of cheaper wages, large towns and reduced health and safety regulations have led to the development of industry in China. These basic advantages need to be developed in order to show how they encouraged the growth of industry. The importance of government legislation in China could be referred to, as well as the influence of TNCs. The influence of special enterprise zones, tax relief, no strike legislation are other areas that would be relevant. Level 1 (Basic) (1-4 marks) Simple statements with no explanation or reasons for decline in some parts. Cheaper wages. Longer hours. Less health and safety. TICs. Level 2 (Clear) (5-6 marks) Linked statements showing an explanation for the growth of industry. The workers are paid lower wages so there is more profit for the industry. The workers work longer hours so there is greater productivity and output. The government of China is investing heavily in manufacturing industries. The government is encouraging TNCs to invest in China. The government is giving tax relief and cheap loans to industries which set up in China. 6 AO1 – 3 AO2 – 3
Q16. (i)
2 x 1 mark Ideas such as cheap labour supply, growing market, government trying to attract, new businesses, lenient environmental laws, close to where computers often made, etc. 2
Level 1 Basic (1–4 marks) Simple points lacking development and offering basic benefits, e.g. more jobs, money for government, raises profile, idea of infrastructure developments, improvement in quality of life, low polluting industry, etc. Jobs and money max 2. Attempted but unclear development of benefit. There is little evidence of structure in terms of correct use of sentences. There are frequent spelling and punctuation errors, and little appropriate use of technical vocabulary. Level 2 Clear (5–6 marks) Clear answer with some development of benefits to expand the basic points, e.g. “more jobs lead to a multiplier effect as people are wealthier so spend money in local shops which means they expand and employ more people”. There is some structure with appropriate use of sentences. There are some spelling and punctuation errors, and some appropriate use of technical vocabulary. 6
Q17. Any reasonable problems which can be taken from resource or from own knowledge. These can be four simple points, e.g. “long working hours”, or one or more developed points which may refer to examples, e.g. “long working hours may mean workers are tired and more likely to become ill which might lead to them not being able to work and so reduce their income”. Max 3 each for economic and social problems. Economic, e.g. low wages, economic insecurity, low purchasing power, etc. Social – long working hours, poor living conditions, risk of injury, disease caused by pollution, etc. [4]
Q18. There should be evidence of use of the photograph, though as with reference to air and water pollution this can be implicit through the description if not named. Own knowledge may be evidenced through case study exemplar material or through detailed elaboration of the link between cause and effect. Candidates will probably refer to the uncontrolled growth of shanty towns leading to inadequate infrastructure to support them. Old cars and chaotic traffic may feature. Similarly the poor regulation of factories and lack of technology leading to fumes and toxic waste in rivers and danger of poisoning such as Bhopal. Expect reference to e-waste and the transfer of waste from richer countries. Reference to air pollution and water pollution will suffice for “1 / 2”. Level 1 (Basic) (1 – 4 marks) Simple statements and / or listed points with no real development and little attempt to explain the link. Probably resource or own knowledge only. There are lots of fumes. The water is polluted. The city grows too fast. The factories have old technology. Level 2 (Clear) (5 – 6 marks) Developed statements with link between growth and pollution made clear. At least one resource and own knowledge used. The waste from the shanty towns pollutes the water. The factories are not controlled so they create a lot of air pollution. The same with traffic where there is no enforcement of emissions and so there is heavy air pollution. More new factories dump waste into rivers because it is the easiest option. Level 3 (Detailed) (7 – 8 marks) Strong connection between rapidity of growth and pollution. Use of both resources and own knowledge apparent. One photo appears to show a shanty town in an Asian country where the water looks polluted. This happens because rapid rural-urban migration means the city grows too fast to build facilities to cope and so sewage is untreated. 800 million litres of sewage go into the river in Mumbai every day. Also the factories are trying to grow quickly and catch up with the richer world so they do not worry about the pollution they cause. AO1 – 4 AO2 – 2 AO3 – 2 [Spag 3 marks]
Q19. (a)
Must be ICT only.
Candidates are asked to link the ICT to development so they should do more than just describe features. There is no requirement for a case study or examples but these are likely to add clarity. Likely examples are Motorsport Valley; Silicon Glen; Bangalore Technology Park. Expect comment on the ease / speed with which companies can communicate with other parts of the world through internet and cable systems; satellite communications; video conferencing can replace face to face; reduced costs of all these negate the need for proximity. Level 1 (Basic) (1 – 2 marks) Simple statements with no development. Listed points. No attempt to link. Industry can be in one place but still get in touch with the rest of the world easily. The internet is really useful and phone calls are much cheaper than they used to be. Level 2 (Clear) (3 – 4 marks) Linked statements showing a connection between ICT and growth. The internet means you can send lots of data easily. This has allowed Motorsport Valley to develop because they can do research anywhere in the world and bring it together in one place. You can have areas which specialise in call centres and the facilities they need anywhere in the world. This is because web based communication is faster and cheaper than phones. There is no loss of time. AO1 – 4 4
1 × 3 or (1 + 1) +1 Max 1 for just list or nothing more than statements. Max 2 for statements not clearly connected to growth. Answers must focus on the economic factors only. No requirement for place knowledge but credit should be given where it is used as it will likely add clarity. Expect answers to cover: Low wage costs e.g. £12,000 UK vs £1,200 India for call centre worker, tax incentives whereby the Indian government doesn’t tax capital goods used to set up call centres, purpose built centres such as Hitec City in Hyderabad or Bangalore Technology Park reduce set up costs; internet / cables have reduced costs of calls so no need for proximity. Can answer from negative point e.g. too expensive in the UK. AO1 – 1 AO2 – 2 3
Q20. Level
3 (Detailed)
Description AO1 Demonstrates comprehensive and specific knowledge of the characteristics of one or more TNCs. AO2 Shows thorough and accurate geographical understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of TNCs for host countries. AO3 Demonstrates effective application of knowledge and understanding in making a judgement about the issues and reaching a substantiated conclusion. Justification is detailed and balanced.
2 (Clear)
AO1 Demonstrates reasonable knowledge of the characteristics of one or more TNCs. AO2 Shows clear geographical understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of TNCs for host countries. AO3 Includes reasonable application of knowledge and understanding in making a judgement about the issues and reaching a conclusion. Justification is clear and well supported.
1 (Basic)
AO1 Demonstrates limited knowledge of the characteristics of one or more TNCs. Answers may be largely generic. AO2 Shows some geographical understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of TNCs for host countries. AO3 May either include limited application of knowledge and understanding in making a judgement about the issues and/or reach a conclusion. Justification is limited to one or more simple points.
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Responses will apply knowledge and understanding of the issues associated with TNCs and their effects, making a judgement based on relative advantages and disadvantages. The command word is ‘justify’, so answers should reach a conclusion and substantiate the choice made. Credit responses which highlight one side of the argument, as well as those which take a more balanced approach before reaching a conclusion. Advantages to the host country might include improvements to education and work skills, development of mineral wealth and energy production, better roads and airports, improved services, provision of employment and money trickling into the local economy. Disadvantages include poor wages/exploitation of labour, little development of industry as raw materials are exported, limited development of skills for local people, most profits go abroad, unpredictability of TNCs suddenly pulling out, lack of attention given to health and safety, environmental problems caused by air and water pollution. Expect specific discussion of issues in relation to named countries and/or companies. E.g. Coca-Cola in India, drop in level of water table due to considerable extraction for manufacturing process, with knock-on effects for local people, who now have to walk long distances to fetch water. However, there are some economic benefits to India. Coca-Cola offers training and education to those who have received little already. The company runs some community schemes and has invested large amounts of money in the economy; this includes the construction of manufacturing plants and improving the local infrastructure. Many of the bottling firms are local companies, so much of the profit stays in the host country.
No credit if impacts on source country are discussed. AO1 = 3 AO2 = 3 AO3 = 3
Q21. (i)
Transnational corporation (at least Transnational correct) 1 AO1 – 1
The advantages and disadvantages can be for the TNC, the country where the TNC has its HQ or countries where the TNC has its branches/factories. A case study is required so the Level 3 answer is likely to show the use of one. Maximum Level 2 if no evidence of a case study. Level 1 (Basic) 1-4 marks Simple statements which may concentrate on either advantages or disadvantages or do not specify whether it is an advantage or disadvantage and to whom. People earn money. TNCs provide jobs. Can use cheap labour. Fewer pollution laws. Example of CMI annotations •
L1 Simple statements
L1 No indication of to whom these are advantages and disadvantages
Level 2 (Clear) 5-6 marks Limited statements showing advantages and/or disadvantages but show to whom. TNCs will provide jobs and so people earn money. People will learn some skills which are transferable. The TNCs can use cheap labour and so make larger profit. Example of CMI annotations •
L2 Evidence of who is affected by TNC
Level 3 (Detailed) 7-8 marks Linked statements, using a case study to show a balance between advantages and disadvantages. Can be a country, TNC or industry. TNCs provide jobs in factories. This gives people in a poor country an income that benefits the economy through a multiplier effect, because they spend money in shops and other businesses. If there are global economic problems the branches in the poor countries are likely to be the first to close down. Union Carbide’s chemical factory was in India, but because of the less strict pollution controls, health and safety was much less and the chemical explosion led to many deaths and birth defects. Max 8 marks can only be achieved if advantages/ disadvantages with respect to the case study are both covered. Example of CMI annotations
L3 Case study exemplification
L3 Covers both advantages and disadvantages 8 AO1 – 2 AO2 – 6
Q22. (a)
3 × 1 or 1 × 2 + 1 × 1 Must have more than 1 There has been an increase in the proportion of manufacturing in the poor world compared to the rich world. In 1970 it was 12% and by 2010 it had risen to 32%. The growth in the East Asia’s share of the total has increased by more than the rest of the Poor World. East Asia’s share increased the most between 1990 and 2010. AO3 – 3 3
The specification requires knowledge of China as a case study, so expect specific information about the country’s growth for Level 2. Straight lifts from the stimulus material without any development or no use of Figure 2 will leave the answer in Level 1. Level 1 (Basic) 1–2 marks Simple statements, which are largely generic with no specific reference to China. There is lots of cheap labour. There are less health and safety regulations. There is lots of government investment. They have set up special enterprise zones. Industry development is concentrated in economic growth regions. Annotation •
L1 Simple generic statements
L1 Straight lifts
Level 2 (Clear) 3–4 marks Linked statements with reference to the situation in China using Figure 2 and own knowledge. The Chinese government has invested a great deal of money in industry and allowed foreign investment from abroad. With the rapidly increasing population in China there is always a ready supply of cheap labour so manufacturing costs are kept down. They have encouraged industry to develop in open cities and economic growth regions by reducing restrictions. In the Special Enterprise Zones lower tax rates are enforced. Annotation •
L2 Use of stimulus material
L2 Specific reference to China AO1 – 4 4
Q23. Candidates should show how the advantages of cheaper wages, large towns and reduced health and safety regulations have led
to the development of industry in China. These basic advantages need to be developed in order to show how they encouraged the growth of industry. The importance of government legislation in China could be referred to, as well as the influence of TNCs. The influence of special enterprise zones, tax relief, no strike legislation are other areas that would be relevant. Olympic effect. Level 1 (Basic) (1-4 marks) Simple statements with no explanation or reasons for decline in some parts. Cheaper wages. Longer hours. Less health and safety TICs Level 2 (Clear) (5-6 marks) Linked statements showing an explanation for the growth of industry. The workers are paid lower wages so there is more profit for the industry. The workers work longer hours so there is greater productivity and output. The government of China is investing heavily in manufacturing industries. The government is encouraging TNCs to invest in China. The government is giving tax relief and cheap loans to industries, which set up in the country. Level 3 (Detailed) (7-8 marks) Detailed case study information. Overseas investment was allowed in 14 coastal cities which meant that Chinese industries were encouraged to serve both the foreign as well as the home market. People in China were getter richer and could afford to buy more products of Chinese industry. Special Economic Zones like Shenzhen were set up. These gave foreign investors more favourable rates and reduced the amount of bureaucracy necessary. 8 AO1 – 5 AO2 – 3
Q24. Responses will depend on the localised industrial region chosen. Likely examples are Motorsport valley, Silicon Glen and Silicon Valley in California. Candidates should emphasise the development of global communications via the internet and undersea cable communications. These global links mean there are internet connections globally allowing production to be concentrated in a relatively localised area. Research into new technologies can instantly be accessed and made use of in the production line. Also accept referring to outsourcing to different parts of the world, allowing companies to make use of favourable pricing and expertise. Level 1 (Basic) (1-2 marks) Simple statements that are generic and there is no indication of a specific location. The industry is in one place but people can travel to different parts of the world easily. Discussions can also take place with other parts of the world because of good internet links. Level 2 (Clear) (3-4 marks) Linked statements with at least the name of a localised industrial zone.
Many Formula 1 firms have their works in Northamptonshire and Oxfordshire in what is know as Motorsport Alley. They are near a testing track at Silverstone and the drivers can fly in easily by plane. The ease of communications by internet means that research into different parts of the car can take place in different parts of the world. 4 AO1 – 3 AO2 – 1
Q25. (i) Percentage employed in Country
Primary Industry
Secondary Industry
Tertiary Industry
Type of Country
2 × 1. Government encouragement of development of manufacturing/protection from foreign imports/Foreign aid and technical assistance/working long hours/lower wages or cheaper labour/highly educated work force/high investment in research and development/laws or no unions outlawing strikes/investment by TNCs/less strict laws on pollution/less strict laws on health and safety/increased local demand/lower taxes. 2