GCSE GEOGRAPHY Revision Questions Paper Two Challenges in the Human Environment SECTION B | The Changing Economic World CHANGING UK ECONOMY
Note: questions get progressively more demanding as you move through. Mark schemes for each question can be found at the back of the booklet.
Q1. Give two reasons why there has been a growth in the number of science parks in the UK. Reason 1: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Reason 2: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 2 marks)
Q2. The figure below shows a mobile phone sold in the UK.
Complete the sentences below. Circle the correct answer in each set of brackets. (i)
The mobile phone is a UK [product / import / export]. (1)
The mobile phone was made by a transnational corporation (TNC). A TNC is a company that operates [in one country / in many countries / only in Europe]. (1) (Total 2 marks)
Q3. Give two advantages to a local area of the development of a Science Park. 1. _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 2 marks)
Q4. Some rural areas have experienced decline rather than growth. Use a named example to describe the effects of decline in remote rural areas. Example _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Extra space _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (6) (SPaG: 3) (Total 9 marks)
Q5. (a)
Give two ways in which the rural environment is protected from development. 1. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (2)
Study the figure below, showing some developments in rural areas.
Use the figure above and your own knowledge to explain how the needs of the rural population can be supported. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
Extra space _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (4) (Total 6 marks)
Q6. (i)
What is meant by ‘sustainability’? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (2)
Describe two ways in which industrial development is managed sustainably. 1. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (4) (Total 6 marks)
Q7. The figure below shows a mobile phone sold in the UK.
Complete the sentence below. Circle the correct answer in the brackets. The mobile phone is a UK [product / import / export]. (1)
What evidence in the figure above suggests that a transnational corporation (TNC) made the mobile phone? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (1) (Total 2 marks)
Q8. Modern industries are often found in science and research parks. (i)
Give two examples of industries that locate on science or research parks. 1. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (2)
Explain why there has been a growth in the number of science and research parks in more developed countries. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Extra space _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (4) (Total 6 marks)
Q9. Use a case study to explain the social and economic changes caused by rural depopulation. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
Extra space _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (8) (SPaG: 3) (Total 11 marks)
Q10. (a)
Explain two ways in which the government protects the environment in rural areas. 1. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Extra space _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (4)
Study the figure below, showing some developments in rural areas.
Describe one or more government initiative(s) that support the economy of rural areas. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Extra space _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (4) (Total 8 marks)
Q11. Explain how industrial development can be managed sustainably. Use an example(s) that you have studied. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Extra space _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 6 marks)
Q12. Modern industries are often found in science and research parks. Explain why there has been a growth in the number of science and research parks in more developed countries. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Extra space _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Total 6 marks)
Q13. (i)
Give two features of a ‘Science Park’? 1. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (2)
Why is there pressure from developers to build Science Parks in the rural–urban fringes of settlements? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (4) (Total 6 marks)
Q14. Study the figure below, which shows the location of steel-making, a secondary industry, in Great Britain in 2005.
What is the meaning of the term ‘secondary industry’? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (1)
Explain the factors that have led to the decline of steel-making or another secondary industry in an MEDC that you have studied. Type of secondary industry (if not steel-making) ____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (4)
Mark schemes Q1. Two reasons should be given, e.g. • • • •
they help to support new and growing businesses through research and new ideas (1) many of the firms located in science parks are connected with information, hightechnology and electronic industries (1) the growth in demand for new products such as mobile phones means that new technology needs to be developed, which builds on research in science parks (1) they have grown in the UK because of the high reputation of some university science research departments (1).
No credit for vague statements such as growing demand for products, highly skilled labour supply, close to universities, money to develop parks, etc. AO1 = 2
Q2. (i)
Import clearly and solely circled. 1
In many countries clearly and solely circled. 1
Q3. 2×1 Advantages – brought new jobs to the area / brought prosperity / the multiplier effect / non polluting industrial area / led to innovation / increase in house prices. [2]
Q4. Responses will depend on case study selected. Likely examples are Snowdonia and Cornwall. Need not be in the UK. Shops, post offices and pubs close leaving areas without services. Public transport is limited. Communities become isolated with an increasing elderly population and few newcomers except retirees. Rural depopulation, especially of the young. Housing can be poor quality and un-modernised in less desirable areas. Substantial numbers converted into second homes and holiday lets in the attractive areas, with associated increases in house prices, often out of the reach of locals. Unemployment can be high. Jobs are often low paid and seasonal in agriculture and/or tourism. Level 1 (Basic) (1–4 marks) Simple statements, with no real development and no named example. People are leaving villages. The shops / pub / PO have shut. Rural areas have only old people left. Locals cannot afford to buy houses in the countryside. There are lots of second homes. There are no good jobs for people. Level 2 (Clear) (5–6 marks) Linked statements with some clarity of effect and at least a named example. The shops / pub / PO in lots of villages in Cornwall have shut. So people leave
villages because there are no services. Places like Snowdonia are attractive for holidays so people buy up houses to use for second homes. Young people then cannot afford to buy houses so they leave. Lots of the young people have left so the villages are mainly full of elderly residents. AO1 – 4 AO2 – 2 6
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Threshold performance Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with reasonable accuracy in the context of the demands of the question. Any errors do not hinder meaning in the response. Where required, they use a limited range of specialist terms appropriately. 1
Intermediate performance Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with considerable accuracy and general control of meaning in the context of the demands of the question. Where required, they use a good range of specialist terms with facility. 2
High performance Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with consistent accuracy and effective control of meaning in the context of the demands of the question. Where required, they use a wide range of specialist terms adeptly and with precision. 3
Q5. (a)
2×1 AONB / National Parks / Green Belts / SSSIs / Restricting planning permission or appropriate descriptive statement. AO1 – 2 2
Skills and knowledge required to proceed beyond Level 1 – need not cover all the developments shown on the figure but there must be evidence of some use of the stimulus material. Level 1 (Basic) 1–2 marks Simple statements that are based entirely on the stimulus material and little attempt to show how the developments support the needs of the rural population. They put on bus service. They develop rural industries. They do up village halls. Maintaining village shops and post offices. Diversification of farming. Annotation •
L1 Simple statements
L1 Straight lifts
Level 2 (Clear) 3–4 marks Must be evidence of some use of stimulus material for Level 2. Linked statements that show use of both the stimulus material and own knowledge and attempt to show how the developments support the needs of the rural population.
Improved rural bus services means the population in the countryside is less isolated and get into the nearest town for services not available locally. The renovation of village halls means that there is a centre for the community and facilities for the population to use. Rural industries provide employment which means that the rural population do not have to commute into town for work. Annotation •
L2 Evidence of going beyond stimulus
L2 Evidence of own knowledge
L2 Clear link to needs of rural population AO1 – 3 AO2 – 1 4
Q6. (i)
Sustainability is the possibility of development today that does not damage the environment (including resource availability) and people’s ways of life in the future. Point mark. 1 mark for a basic definition, 2nd mark for some development/elaboration/exemplification. Example response Sustainability means doing things that don’t harm the environment (1) and people’s lives in the future (2). 2
‘Green factory’ schemes such as those of BASF, Honda, VW and Sharp manage impacts of development in various ways. Recycled materials are used in low emission factories (BASF plans to reduce emission by 25% by 2020) to manufacture products that are themselves less consuming of finite resources and are made of recyclable materials. Large sums of money are being invested in researching green options such as alternative materials and increased use of non-fossil fuel energy sources. Point mark. 1 mark each for identifying two examples of ways in which the impacts of industrial development are sustainably managed. Credit description of their sustainability for further marks. Example response 1. BASF has a green factories scheme to reduce its factories’ greenhouse gas emissions (1) by 25% by 2020 (1). BASF makes environmentally-friendly products for other companies to use in their manufacturing (1). These include light plastics for making cars that use less resources by cutting future fuel consumption (1). 4
Q7. (i)
Import clearly and solely circled 1
Made in several countries. Accept different/various/three etc countries but not different places.
Q8. (i)
2 x 1 mark Examples such as computing, pharmaceuticals, scientific equipment, electronics, etc. 2
Level 1 Basic (1–2 marks) Simple points lacking development. For example, growing demand for products, high skilled labour supply, close to research facilities, universities, money to develop parks, etc. There is little evidence of structure in terms of correct use of sentences. There are frequent spelling and punctuation errors, and little appropriate use of technical vocabulary. Level 2 Clear (3–4 marks) Clear answer with some development, for example, “universities in developed countries have set up science parks close to their sites so that they can develop products”, “a large number of highly skilled workers are available from universities”, “there is a growing demand for high tech products which need to be developed somewhere close to where they are being researched”. There is some structure with appropriate use of sentences. There are some spelling and punctuation errors, and some appropriate use of technical vocabulary. 4
Q9. Responses will depend on case study selected. Likely examples are Snowdonia and Cornwall, though it need not be from the UK. Can be at any level of development. Can be effects / changes on receiving area. The focus should be on the social and economic problems. Shops, post offices and pubs close, leaving areas without services. Public transport is limited. Communities become isolated with an increasing elderly population and few newcomers, except retirees. Rural depopulation, especially of the young. Substantial numbers converted into second homes and holiday lets in the attractive areas, with associated increases in house prices, often out of the reach of locals. Unemployment can be high. Jobs are often low paid and seasonal in agriculture and/or tourism. Level 1 (Basic) (1–4 marks) Simple statements and/or listed points with no real explanation and no named area. The shops / pub / PO have shut. Large parts of rural areas have only old people left. Locals can’t afford to buy houses in the countryside. There are lots of second homes. There are no good jobs for people. Level 2 (Clear) (5–6 marks) Linked statements with some explanation and at least the name of an area. Largely generic in content. Will probably only address social or economic problems. Lots of the young people have left so the villages are mainly full of elderly residents. You have to own a car even if you can’t afford it because there is not enough custom for the bus routes, so it costs more to live in the countryside.
Level 3 (Detailed) (7–8 marks) Detailed case study information with good development of explanation. Could access bottom of the level through detailed explanation of just social or economic problems. Must have both top L3, may be imbalanced. Services such as pubs and post offices have shut in more remote rural areas because they lack customers. The young, who are attracted to the facilities of cities move away. This means that many remote rural areas have more elderly people. Depopulation creates a supply of vacant proprieties which are then bought as second homes which locals cannot afford. Only wealthy retirees can afford the properties altering the balance of rural areas. The sense of community may suffer. AO1 – 6 AO2 – 2 8
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Threshold performance Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with reasonable accuracy in the context of the demands of the question. Any errors do not hinder meaning in the response. Where required, they use a limited range of specialist terms appropriately. 1
Intermediate performance Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with considerable accuracy and general control of meaning in the context of the demands of the question. Where required, they use a good range of specialist terms with facility. 2
High performance Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with consistent accuracy and effective control of meaning in the context of the demands of the question. Where required, they use a wide range of specialist terms adeptly and with precision. 3
Q10. (a)
2×2 or 1×3 + 1×1 Not restricted to the UK. Accept reference to Rural/Urban Fringe. Max 2 marks for specific names of schemes. Environmental Stewardship Schemes provide money to make farming profitable without destroying the environment and increasing wildlife habitats which allows the recovery of farmland birds. English Woodland Grant Scheme is run by the Forestry Commission, which aims at replanting trees and replacing those that have been felled in the past. Restricting quarrying in areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. SSSI, National Parks, Green Belts. AO1 – 2 AO2 – 2
These can be general government actions but reference to specific government initiative(s) is likely to be necessary to get the necessary clarity required for Level 2. List = L1 Accept reference to Rural/Urban Fringe. Government can be local, national, EU, accept non UK
Level 1 (Basic) 1–2 marks Simple statements that are based entirely on the stimulus material and little attempt to show how the developments support the needs of the rural population. They put on bus service. They develop rural industries. They do up village halls. Diversification and development of tourist facilities e.g campsites on farms. Annotation •
L1 Simple statements
Level 2 (Clear) 3–4 marks Linked statements, which are clear descriptions of the initiative and/or relates the initiative to the needs of the rural population. Credit at Level 2 even if the initiative is not named but there is clarity on the answer. Broadband internet has been set up to reduce the problems of rural isolation. Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) designate rural areas in need of assistance. These areas are given grants to support the development of rural industries so as to reduce unemployment and cut down on the need for commuting. The Rural Development Programme has given grants to allow the diversification of farming and the development of non-farming activities such as tourism and recreation and so provide another source of income for rural areas. Encouraging businesses by improving Broadband. Annotation •
L2 Clear link between initiative and how it serves need of population AO1 – 2 AO3 – 2
Q11. Examples of schemes that attempt to manage the impacts of industrial development include “green factory” schemes such as those of BASF, Honda, VW and Sharp. Recycled materials are used in low emission factories (BASF plans to reduced emissions by 25% by 2020) to manufacture products that are themselves less consuming of finite resources and are made of recyclable materials. Large sums of money are being invested in researching green options such as alternative materials and increased use of non-fossil fuel energy sources. Level 1 Basic (1–2 marks) Simple statements about how industrial development impacts are/could be managed sustainably. Credit any case study knowledge, which is likely to be simply stated. Lacking link to sustainability. Example response Green factories schemes are ways to manage industrial impacts sustainably. Using less fossil fuel. Level 2 Clear (3–4 marks) Clear explanation of how an example(s) management scheme is (are) sustainable. Shows some clear factual knowledge of the chosen example(s). Example response BASF has a green factories scheme. It has to cut its factories’s greenhouse gas emissions to cut pollution and make environmentally friendly products. For example, making heat insulating materials and light plastics for car makers.
Level 3 Detailed (5–6 marks) Either Detailed explanation of how example(s) of industrial development management is (are) sustainable. Or
Detailed case study knowledge shows broader understanding.
Example response BASF has a green factories scheme. It has begun to cut its factories’ greenhouse gas emissions and plans to reduce them by 25% by 2020 by making environmentally-friendly products for other companies to use in their manufacturing. For example, making heat insulating materials and light plastics for car makers saves three times the amount of pollution caused by their manufacture. [6]
Q12. Level 1 Basic (1–2 marks) Simple points lacking development. For example, growing demand for products, high skilled labour supply, close to research facilities, universities, money to develop parks, etc. There is little evidence of structure in terms of correct use of sentences. There are frequent spelling and punctuation errors, and little appropriate use of technical vocabulary. Level 2 Clear (3–4 marks) Clear answer with some development, for example, “universities in developed countries have set up science parks close to their sites so that they can develop products”, “a large number of highly skilled workers are available from universities”, “there is a growing demand for high tech products which need to be developed somewhere close to where they are being researched”. There is some structure with appropriate use of sentences. There are some spelling and punctuation errors, and some appropriate use of technical vocabulary. Level 3 Detailed (5–6 marks) Development for a more detailed answer or use of case study(ies) for a broader locational understanding. “The growth in demand for new products such a mobile phones means that new technology needs to be developed. This builds on research so science parks have been developed to take ideas from research and develop them”. The answer is well structured with effective use of sentences and/or paragraphs. There are few spelling and punctuation errors, and technical vocabulary is used appropriately. [6]
Q13. (i)
2 × 1. An industrial estate of high-tech industries (1) / developed by or near to a university. (1) / in the rural urban fringe. Accept features of the buildings and environment. 2
Level Marking Level 1 (Basic) 1-2 marks Simple statements. The land is cheaper. There will be good road connections. It has a
pleasant environment. No room in city centre. Level 2 (Clear) 3-4 marks Linked statements. They need to be in a pleasant area with low levels of pollution because of the need for the air to be clean when making electronics. They rely on road transport and so need good access to road rather than rail. The land is cheaper and easier to develop than older industrial sites nearer the centre of the city. 4
Q14. (i)
Manufacturing industry / an industry that turns raw materials into finished products / they make something / assembling / processing 1
Can relate to any secondary industry. No credit for primary or tertiary industry. Level marking Level 1 Basic (1-2 marks) Simple statements with no attempt to relate to decline. Raw materials run out / Foreign competition / use of fewer materials. Level 2 Clear (3-4 marks) At least 2 factors explained for Level 2 Linked statement relating factor to decline of a particular industry. If not named, assume it is the steel industry. Industry has declined because of competition from abroad where they can produce the goods more cheaply. Local raw materials have run out so they have to be imported making them more expensive. Plastics and other materials have replaced the products of heavy industry. 4