Pupil premium spending for 2015

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Pupil Premium Spending for 2014/15 Financial Year Income 2014/15 158 pupils @£935 per pupil = £147730 Use of the pupil premium The school has followed the guidance provided to ensure that this funding has been used most effectively to improve curriculum engagement and academic achievement for our pupils. Expenditure Additional Staffing for years 7, 8 & 9. 10 pupil periods per fortnight per subject in both English and Maths Study Plus groups for year 11 in English and Maths; 8 groups at 2 periods per week and 7 groups at 2 periods per week respectively Proportion of Vocational Curriculum costs delivered on site Hair And Beauty Construction Motor Vehicle Small Animal Care ELBS Engineering




Alternative provision costs( including transport) for students educated offsite in part


Personalised Curriculum Coordinator and HLTA delivering offsite provision onsite


Proportion of Attendance Team (proportion of 2.46 FTE admin posts)


Incentive schemes; Rewards and Attendance - “Wise up”


KS4 Learning Mentor (HHa)


Teaching salaries for out of hours intervention and revision sessions


Proportion of Pastoral Team costs ( Assistant Head, Pastoral and HoY Team)


Proportion of Data Team (Assistant head, School performance and Data Team) – tracking of Pupil Premium students’ performance and attainment Direct SMT in-class support in Maths and English targeted at Pupil Premium students ( 25 periods per fortnight for 15 weeks)



Proportion of KS4 Intervention Manager costs in Maths and English


SMT 1-2-1 mentoring for year 11 Pupil Premium students latter half of AY 14/15 for 1 period per week per student ( 20 students)


Free School Meal costs for the year


Total ÂŁ383,652

Additional Staffing for Improve the achievements of Progress measures for students years 7, 8 & 9. 10 pupil pupils who entered the eligible for Pupil Premium periods per fortnight school with less than Level 4 funding show accelerated per subject in both for maths and English. achievement and measures at English and Maths Intervention takes the form GCSE show at least 3 levels of of 1:1 or small group work. progress across KS3 & 4. English progress measures show that PP students achieve well against National standards. English PP 3+ levels of progress was 83% against 87.4% for whole cohort. Progress by entry was L5 100% 78% nationally L4 81% 72% nationally L3 100% 61% nationally L2 33% 50% nationally L1 100% 31% nationally Maths progress measures also show good levels for PP students with 51.7% of pp pupils making 3+ levels of progress against a cohort figure of 72%. Progress by entry was L5 0% 78% nationally L4 65% 69% nationally L3 50% 41% nationally L2 0% 15% nationally Study Plus groups for years 10 and 11 in English and Maths; 8 groups at 2 periods per week and 7 groups at 2 periods per week respectively

Students in Years 10 and 11 A*-C in English for whole are guided towards cohort was 82.9% with PP additional English or scoring 69%. Progress mathematics lessons as part measures for students eligible of their options choices. This for Pupil Premium funding strategy is intended to ensure show accelerated achievement that those students involved and measures at GCSE show at achieve at least a C grade at least 3 levels of progress across


KS3 & 4. English progress measures show that PP students achieve well against National standards. English PP 3+ levels of progress was 83% against 87.4% for whole cohort. (This figure was 64% in 2014) Progress by entry was L5 100% 78% nationally L4 81% 72% nationally L3 100% 61% nationally L2 33% 50% nationally L1 100% 31% nationally A*-C in maths for whole cohort was 72% with PP students scoring 52%. Maths progress measures also show good levels for PP students with 51.7% of pp pupils making 3+ levels of progress against a cohort figure of 73%. This was 48% in 2014. Progress by entry was L5 0% 78% nationally L4 65% 69% nationally L3 50% 41% nationally L2 0% 15% nationally

Proportion of Vocational Curriculum costs delivered on site Hair And Beauty Construction Motor Vehicle ELBS

Curriculum provision across KS4 meets the needs of all pupils through the provision of high quality Vocational courses.

GCSE results show strong performance for students funded through Pupil Premium. Hair & Beauty results for PP students was 100% at expected outcomes. In Motor Vehicle Engineering 100% achieved at expected grade and in construction 50% of PP achieved at expected levels.

Personalised Curriculum Coordinator and HLTA delivering offsite provision onsite

Vulnerable pupils at Key Stage 4 are offered a personalised and well supported provision within a small group to achieve

Outcomes for the most vulnerable students are still an issue to us. This year there were 3 pupils who studied in the LSC rather than mainstream classes.

optimal success at GCSE.

English residual was -2 grades. Maths residual for only 1 pupils was also -2 grades. However, the range of options available to these students at the end of KS4 is good. NEETS figures are exceptionally low <1%.

Proportion of Attendance Team (proportion of 2.46 FTE admin posts)

Pupils for whom good attendance is a challenge are supported through various attendance incentive schemes. Attendance is tracked and positive rewards offered for positive achievement

Good attendance throughout KS3 & KS4 ensures that progress measures in maths and English are good. Outcomes in all subjects are in line with national expectations. % absence for PP pupils was 10.7% compared to 4.8% for other pupils.

Incentive schemes; Rewards and Attendance - “Wise up�

Attendance rates for pupil premium students is above the national average.

Good attendance throughout KS3 & KS4 ensures that progress measures in maths and English are good. Outcomes in all subjects are in line with national expectations. % absence for PP pupils was 10.7% compared to 4.8% for other pupils.

KS4 Learning Mentor Vulnerable pupils at KS4 (Heather Hopkinson & arte supported by extremely Helen Hall) close tracking and intervention by an experienced Learning Mentor.

Outcomes for the most vulnerable students are still an issue to us. This year there were 3 pupils who studied in the LSC rather than mainstream classes. English residual was -2 grades. Maths residual for only 1 pupils was also -2 grades. However, the range of options available to these students at the end of KS4 is good. NEETS figures are exceptionally low <1%.

Teaching salaries for out of hours intervention and revision

All subjects contribute positively to the outcomes for Pupil Premium students with headline figures above national expectations. Percentages A*-C for PP students as follows; Art 100% cp 75% cohort Bus St100% cp 57%

An extensive range of additional intervention time is offered by all departments to ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to achieve good outcomes at KS3 & KS4.

Child Dev 50% cp 81% Comp Sci 50% cp 37% Dance 100% cp 100% Drama 100% cp 88% French 27% cp 53% Graphics 0% cp 36% H&SC 100% cp 81% Hist 78% cp 64% Hum 59% cp 66% ICT 41% cp 58% PE GCSE 80% cp 94% Res Mat 25% cp 44% Sci A 88% Sci Add 50% cp 59% Sci BTEC 100% cp 88% Physics 100% cp 97% Biol 100% cp 92% Chem 100% cp 97% Sport BTEC 100% cp 100% Textiles 100% cp 100% Proportion of Data Team (Assistant head, School performance and Data Team) – tracking of Pupil Premium students’ performance and attainment

All internal and external assessment data is analysed to establish the strength of progress for pupil premium students.

Direct SMT in-class support in Maths and English targeted at Pupil Premium students ( 25 periods per fortnight for 10 weeks)

SMT intervention is planned GCSE classes in English & and focussed on pupil mathematics are supported by a premium students in maths member of SMT where & English during KS4 where necessary to ensure that necessary to ensure the best outcomes are good. English outcomes at GCSE. outcomes were 69% for PP and 82.9%. (15% gap) A*-C for cohort; Maths 52% for PP and 71% A*-C for whole cohort. (19% gap)

SMT 1-2-1 mentoring Pupil Premium outcomes for year 11 Pupil show improvement on Premium students latter 2013/14 outcomes. half of 2014/15 for 1 period per week per student ( 20 students)

All Pupil Premium data is tracked and performance issues identified to ensure that KS3 & KS4 outcomes are good.

Overall the performance for 5+ A*-C E/m results for PP was 34.5% against 59.6% for cohort. (25% gap) And 37.9 5+A*-C against 64.1 for the cohort. 2014 was 33% against 62.4% for cohort 30% gap)





Cohort PP

Cohort PP


















5+ A*-C E/m 52%










Avg points/entry








Value Added 1020.5








Diff National- -9 FSMCLA (%5+A*CE/m) (Raise Online narrowing the gap report)




% Expected progress English










% expected progress maths














Cohort FSM/CLA


Total Numbers



% absence

6.52 42.7


In addition to the above, the school also runs a Paired Reading and Paired Numeracy scheme for students entering the school with levels of literacy and numeracy which are below a suggested reading or numeracy threshold. The scheme is supported by Sixth Form Students and overseen by the Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion). The average improvement in reading this year, at the end of 15 weeks work was 2years 11 months. Of the students who took part in this scheme 10 were in receipt of pupil premium funding


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