Success Summer Edition 2012

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HEADTEACHER ’ S WELCOME Despite the unseasonal weather, this has certainly been another very busy Summer Term. There have been successes galore on the sporting front, including our Year 10 footballers winning the City Cup, a 2nd place for our Cheerleaders in the National Championships, a tour to Spain for our netballers and footballers and the arrival on the school site of the Olympic Flame. The Art Department, in its annual exhibition, showed as usual their tremendous success with so much outstanding and varied work on show. Our school racing car was placed 2nd out of all the newcomers to Green Power in racing in the North East and in the annual Rock Challenge event on 4th May the school won awards for staging, choreography, video production and drama skills and was selected to take part in the North of England finals in Grimsby. A small sample of what has been an excellent term. We finish the year, of course, looking forward to the results days in August when we confidently expect UCC to stride forward even more with further increases in the headline figures for GCSE and A-level success. We wish you all a very good summer break. Mr Pattinson



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w h d tr m UCC pic Torc e 170-s clists an adjust he cene y h m c T m ht d r i y Ol mer. ce moto l for a ‘t throug e hoste m u s this ed poli scho o orch ran no on, w n this e o d T r inclu ed at th ore the the afte earers B f p e n e stop ’ just b arlier i e Torch on th ed k E h . t a C h r e t r ri fo b UC io, film y. f Pen sion urne ir at tre o fing ses rch’s jo in the a the rad e local o ie n a br of the T al buzz selves o ed for th lucky e n r e r stag was a und ou nterview ere eve with the i fo e Ther nd we ws and pupils w h taken to be a e p d d day cal TV n staff an hotogra day ha flanked , p o for l rs. Some e their ht of the ol drive ho ol’s v c g e o i l a pap gh to h e high the sch by the s and h ff enou (unlit!). T h ran up gre eted pils, sta an truth u c c torch the Tor e, to be wd of p d UCC ce of o n g n e r whe entoura and a c ic day a d in a pi oper o t s by it rleaders A fantas n involve Anne C . che e friends ave be e r h othe laim to c fully y. r histo

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A fantastic group of GCSE students ha themselves this year by producing high-qu designs which they have developed in beautifully made

The garments have been described as “sim elegant”, “bright and bold” and “with subtle use of that are injected wit

The students were influenced by famous fashion design such as Vera Wang, John Paul Gaultier and Vivien Westwood as well as various cultural influence It has been a very exciting year and it has been a pleasure to work with all students involved in DT Textiles Technology - well done to you all! Hayley Forknall Teacher of Textile Technology



Featuring work by Helen Dixon, Wendy Cliffin, Kirsty Stephenson, Emily Beaty and Crystal Coates. Thank you to all our models.

ave surpassed uality creative nto bold and e garments.

mple and colours th life�.

ners nne es.


ISLAMIC ARTIST VISIT Razwan-ul-Hay, an Islamic artist who fuses Arabic calligraphy with Celtic art – visited school on May 1st and led two workshops with Year 7 pupils. He shared his knowledge and philosophical thoughts on Islam and life, inspiring pupils to create their own art. The word‘Allah’ (pbuh) was used as the inspiration for their reflective work, which led to a vast array of colour and design. Music, dance and rhythm were also explored, as were the ideas behind what it means to live your life as a Muslim. Lynda Hepburn

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CENTRE STAGE! DANCE SHOW The second UCC dance show – Centre Stage – was held on 27 and 28 March. Over 150 dancers from Years 7 to 11 took part. The first half of the show included a mixture of styles of dance: ballet, contemporary, street, pop and a gymnastics display. The second half took the audience through the eras of dance, starting with the 1920s Charleston and moving through the 1940s Singing in the Rain, 1950s Jail-house Rock, 1970s Boogie Nights, 1990s post-modern dance, 2002 street mix followed by the U.Dance piece 2012. The show was a huge success – both nights were completely sold out! Congratulations to everyone who took part.


Erin Dixon

of rget – one a t e h a Afric ll Year n i n a e gave mpty, y e e h nce ube held o , t t nd ha Each we ets a ly . e g an f the s ssemb a o cost ning an ito nets n ru squ l as e of mo sented re t nc orta pupils p tition a e ll e p of th ion com s-up. We at ner ng N the run son re odg H a y we cc Rebe

E Bronze G N LLE ver and

HhAe Gold, Slliel nge. nie C Sns to all t aths Cha uchterlo H T MoAngratulattihoe 2012 M Louise A f C ers o n n i w



he lisle r a p the C rawing n i t r d o pa d, to ok ly base , UCC w p s p po ll ols rou ar g s Mono ry scho ur overa e e y l a n al da O rom event w g secon a skills. sby in Ju f s l i s ’ rim ere ar ram pup etin , 90 or this ye ht comp e and d nals in G nd we w y a f M Fi a ig nc y4 eme ut of e rforma Open strong a h t d i r e e n y O F On enge. Th al crisis. video p Norther was ver , l i l y c n e Cha nt finan ograph e in th petitio t. c r m curre g, chore us a pla . The co to ok pa in ls stag earned the fina all who r h t whic ience a rience fo r expe stic expe fanta n ardo e R Jane




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Rock h the f o t ea els wit ll best para rds for ond, ec wa on a n was s irst f tio posi was our it was a ut is e. Th laced b tp e no

kills O eir s yle h E t D Donstratedr UCC. K R I A V AW NINGmmers demawards forformancelder o eo Su pe Kyle thre e vid r video eats. His ing the d n WrdIaN fo sby h n a inning rat red lace onst im

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2012 ART EXHIBITION This year’s A-level Fine Art and Art Textiles Exhibition in the Pig Pen contains our widest ever range of pieces; including painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, video installation, kinetic sculpture and a whole host of textile techniques. The exhibition beautifully illustrates the maturity, range and depth of exploration that pupils achieve during their studies here at Ullswater and serves to act as inspiration for those upand-coming artists within the school. Many of the pupils exhibiting are continuing their art education beyond sixth form, either at degree or foundation level. Owen Smith



Our 2012 Branch Out with Books competition saw UCC working in collaboration with the Alhambra Cinema in Penrith. Darren Horne, who manages the cinema, donated 20 tickets for this year’s competition. The LRC was also fortunate to gain funding from the Ullswater Community Association towards prizes such as the Kindle for the Grand Prize, Cadbury gift boxes and Ti unes vouchers. There were over 240 entries into Branch Out from across the year groups with many excellent reviews and illustrations. Congratulations to all who branched out with books this year! Ruth Molloy


UCC YOUNG FIRE FIG , E ston G l u o N

LEHeather L A CH yke, hloe

C , ford w a r C ther a e r w P g , C he emin t Sam Hume raved t e s , k A n b as wba , William atson llenge. t the l n E m a ha tio nW all Ada Verr nd Odi ear’s C hange termina by e Chlo Allen a in this y team c upils’ de ssisted m id p a Dav ke part ch saw by the ork. A , the te n. i o w to ta ck, wh vercome t team Whittam y Staint p a a b ku set-b e, was o nd gre Gemma place n Pic e l e a t H minu cce ed mel and second t u r s o t a in C to lsea beaten e h C just was



Nine Year 9 pupils have been taking part in a pilot Young Fi activities as well as basic fire service training and it is hope area. This was an interesting and effective opportunity for

The course culminated in a‘passing-out’ parade on 22 M in the various activities, demonstrated their drill techn people, their guests, the instructors and all involved John Sanders

ERisure S I A DR r 13 Le nt’.

Nts, the Yeaun an ‘eveday U F r i Y d un ise and n-uniform was T e I s s Rheir asse to organ and no e school ition A H Cs one of t up chose Spring Fairy. The entirss compestmack

‘ ro A re a rit ies g ded on for cha fancy d Hall to others. d u t S s deci ong oney eir in a port They o raise m ticipate in the S e ets’,am 3s at th as t 1 r w and d to pa e stalls many s e Year , which h rs h e h t e w invit to visit uess ho l to ok t 1067.38 espond R £ and t’ and ‘g e scho o ed was nity First a h s u r i t ey the est of total ra Comm lub. ackn H r e C e The and the e en Th ’ Lunch Carolin s tw word split be r Citizen n o i be e he Sen t and



ire Fighters course at Penrith Fire Station. The course included some fantastic ed that it will lead the way for future courses involving young people in the Eden r the pupils to demonstrate their personal skills and qualities.

May 2012, at which the Young Fire Fighters demonstrated their achievements nique and were presented with certificates. This was a proud day for the young from the Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service.


DEFIBRILLATOR WON FOR UCC UCC is delighted to have won £2000 of life-saving medical equipment and training. On a recent first aid course, Cover Supervisor Richard Scoffham entered the school in a competition being held by the Hands on Heart charity. Richard’s entry was successful, winning first aid equipment – including a defibrillator and CPR dummies – and a training course for six members of staff and a Year 9 Science group on how to use the equipment.



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In March, 44 Year 7 and 8 pupils embarked on a 3-day rugby tour of the North-East. After starting the tour with a 7s tournament on the beach at Tynemouth, they enjoyed an evening watching the Newcastle Falcons play the London Wasps. The next morning, both teams were narrowly defeated by Harton College in South Shields; morale was lifted by an afternoon of paintballing and 10-pin bowling. After a trip to Wet and Wild on Sunday, the pupils returned home, having been a credit to the school throughout the weekend. Jonny Greenwood

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Two netball teams and a football squad travelled to Spain for a week of sport, swimming, sun and fun! The pupils took part in coaching and a tournament over 2 days. The netball team had a number of victories and finished 2nd in the U13 cup. The footballers played some tough opposition but managed to win their final game 3 –0. All the players displayed superb attitude and desire, working very hard in the heat! We also visited one of Spain’s largest water parks and had a tour of the Nou Camp in Barcelona; both fantastic experiences! Sophie Mead


T N E M A N TOUR chool at this

L epresented the s opshire, a L A B T E N -one pupils r ament in Shr ols from

urn cho Twenty etball To involving eight s d solely N A C J use ent year’s tournam kend wasn’t foc various e iv it t e we e art in comp UK. The pils also to ok p ourite had e h t s s o r u v ac d the p . The fa ises to n s a ie ll it a iv b t t c bru or a on ne us outdo and we had the ilent disco, o r u t n e v ad sas bing’ ody zor vening there wa to be ‘b . ee r it! In th e and tunnelling phie Mead show fo z a So , lazerm e r fi p m a c

After defeating Caldew in the semi final back in December the biggest game of the season was finally upon us. The conditions were extremely wet; the rain was relentless from the warm up to the final whistle. UCC started the game very confidently, passing the ball around looking to out-manoeuvre their opponents. The first goal came in the second half: Murray outwitted the whole defence and reversed the ball back to Cham who finished it 1-0 UCC. UCC stood firm against waves of attacks, however RRCA equalised. The last 5 minutes were extremely intense but UCC were victorious, scoring again, 2-1. The boys were delighted and extremely proud of their effort and achievement! A superb team performance! Grey Key

ICinSclusive T E L H T fully CsaA I P first ever thletes from M e h Y t L w O mpic year ur a area. Fo on

s This Oly ent in the Eden din Wat s O : t r a p v e a e athletics selected to tak loe Crawford w re Ch d UCC we in the shot-put, eters, an m 0 0 1 d in the came 2n hot-put and the yers competed es lB 3rd in th ilson and Rache espectively. od ,r W ng-jump onny Gre enwo Megan lo e h t J and shot-put


Ullswater Community College Wetheriggs Lane, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 8NG Telephone: 01768 242160 Website:

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