Unit 2 Guidance

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Unit 2 Assignment Guidance Remember to reference your work as you go along and keep an on-going bibliography Task 1 D1: Describe the expected holistic pattern of development for each of these age groups; 0-1 years; 1 – 2 years; 2 - 3 years; 3 - 4 years and 4 – 5 years. For each age group, write a paragraph to summarise the expected holistic development of the child. Remember that Holistic development includes physical, language, intellectual and social and emotional development A1: Discuss why it is important to understand the pattern of children’s Holistic development by discussing the following; •

Identifying & meeting individual needs/interests

Planning within the EYFS

Partnership working – within the team; with outside agencies; with parents

Include Equality & Diversity within all discussion

This is a 15 mark answer therefore needs to be much more detailed and you will gain more marks if you can back up what you are saying by a quote or reference from a book and from the internet. You must discuss why it is important to understand the patterns of development in children. Remember we must say how we identify children’s needs as well as the different way we meet the many different needs of children. Think about how we do this? Children that have special needs, how do we know if they have a need? What happens when we need help and support from other professionals? Who may they be? Why is it important to follow the interests of the child? What does the EYFS say about this? How do settings work as a team as well as with parents and other professionals? Why is this important? How do we include all children in the setting? What do we mean by equal opportunities? How are settings diverse? What types of resources do they have? Think about the different types of displays of many different types of children from many backgrounds and cultures. Think about how staff can use parents in the setting. Task 2 D2: List a range of Observation methods, e.g. narrative, checklist, event sample; •

Name 5 and give a descriptive sentence for each (1 mark for each)

D3: For each method, name one advantage and one disadvantage for each. (1 mark for each advantage & disadvantage). Could be a table; D2:






B2: Describe how Observations are used to support development; •

Why are Observations undertaken?

How they are completed within The Planning Cycle

How do Observations contribute to child-centred care and learning?

What do we learn about the children from the Observations? •

The child’s interests

The achieved Development Milestones

The child’s curriculum achievements within EYFS Development Matters

The child’s Care needs and Physical needs

Task 3/Task 5 D4: Describe the Biological and Environmental factors that affect Development; •





Lack of sleep


Separation/divorce of parents

Death of a family member or pet


Choose five, write a paragraph on each D7: Identify five different Transitions, writing a sentence for each. (1 mark for each). For example; •

Starting nursery/school

Moving rooms/school

A hospital stay

A new baby

The death of a pet

C1: Describe the possible effects of Transitions on a child’s development; •

For each of the 5 discussed in D7, write a paragraph on how a child’s Holistic development could be affected, ensuring you have covered all areas of development

Firstly look back at the transitions you have identified in D7. Thinking about the 5 transitions you discussed in D7, discuss in detail how the child’s holistic development (All areas) is affected through each transition. Look back at your work from last May about transitions.

E.G. If a child has a pet that has died, this may be the first time that a child has experienced loss. It is an opportunity to work with the child and develop their emotional skills. The child may become withdrawn and not want to join in or play with other children as they are feeling sad. This would affect their social skills. Looking at the other transitions you have identified, describe how the child’s holistic development will be affected?

B1: Describe ways the EYP can support children through the different transitions; •

Describe the Key Worker system

Describe how the Key Worker prepares a child for each of the discussed D7 transitions

Describe the key worker system. Firstly, you must describe what the key worker role is both for the child, the parent and within the setting. Why do we have key workers? What do they do in the setting? How do they support the children and parents before the child begins a new setting? Think about your family, do they have a key worker in the setting?

Task 4 D5: Complete the EYFS Activity Plan for two activities or experiences that support care needs, promote independence, well-being, health and safety Describe each of the activities, including the following; •

Objective of the Activity (what is it you want the children to know by the end of the activity?)

Planning/organisation (when will this happen, how many children will there be, how many staff and do you need extra staff?)

Resources needed (you must write down everything needed to carry out the activity including staff.)

Questions to ask the children ( think of suitable questions to ask the children to check their understanding)

Health and safety (think of all the H&S issues including a risk assessment)

D6: Describe how the activities support the well-being of children. Write a paragraph on each, linking your discussion to; •

Care needs and Well-being


Health & Safety

These boxes are part of the Activity Plan A*: Evaluate how everyday experiences can promote activities which contribute to Holistic Development; •

Firstly, evaluate how well each activity promotes Holistic Development, discussing each development area

Describe 4 routine experiences, describing and evaluating how well Holistic Development is promoted within each experience

This sounds rather complicated but it isn’t!! Think of all the activities and experiences that children are involved in everyday within the childcare setting. Everything children do helps with some sort of learning. Meal/snack time Think about the different areas of development that children are involved in when having meals or snacks. Firstly their social and emotional skills are being promoted as children are sitting down together chatting to each other and learning a life skill. They are also using their intellectual skills to remember what they like and dislike when eating foods as well as being able to make choices when choosing drinks etc. They are also promoting fine motor skills as they are learning to use a knife and folk with their fingers and hands and coordinate where the food will go. Think of the many other experiences or activities that promote and contribute to holistic development. Task 6 (is throughout whole assignment) •

At least one reference needs to be highlighted in the text

Bibliography needs to be at the end of assignment

For 4-5 marks, there needs to be more than 2 relevant references given within assignment from more than 2 sources. Bibliography needs to be clearly set out to enable checking

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