Volume 88 issue 12

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Lady Warhawks Dance dept. impress in annual dominate Lions in 87-77 win P 12 Fall Fusion P 9 THE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA AT MONROE




November 18, 2013

Key steps to ending semester on high note P 6-7

s l a in


survival kit Illustration by Megan Dew

photo courtesy of Terrance Armstard

86 honored at Veteran’s Ceremony P 8 Faculty Senate celebrates 40 years P 8



November 18, 2013


Monday 11-18 ULM Percussion Ensembles in Brown Auditorium at 7:30 - 9 p.m.

Thursday 11-21 Jazz Ensemble Concert in Brown Auditorium at 7:30 - 9 p.m.

Friday 11-22 Art with a Bayou View at the University Conference Center on the 7th floor at 6 - 9 p.m.

Saturday 11- 23 ULM Football vs South Alabama at Mobile, Al., at 6 p.m.


Comm. professor’s photos displayed in Pa. art gallery Bette Kauffman recently traveled to the University of Pennylvania, her alma mater, to attend an exhibit where her post-Katrina photography is displayed in the Burrison Gallery. Kauffman, an association professor of communication, took the photographs throughout New Orleans between April 1 and June 10, 2006. The project is called WATERLINE and Kauffman said she began photographing the waterline in New Orleans because it spoke powerfully to her about the city. Individually framed sequences of 3 or 5 of the photos can be purchased at katrinawaterline.com.

College of Business wins national award The College of Business has received the University Entrepreneurship Advocacy Award from the Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. The ASBE gives the award to the universities who have been most supportive of entrepreneurship and has created an environment for advancing free enterprise and small business. Ron Berry, dean of the College of Business said that they sincerely appreciate the efforts of the faculty who made the contributions to the field of entrepreneurship and earned this recognition for the university. The ASBE is located in the University of South Florida St. Petersburg.




China to ease Facebook’s one child policy private policy as part of reform causes stir

New Orleans eastern hospital to open in spring

(MCT) — China announced Friday that it would ease its deeply unpopular one-child policy, a high-profile move by new leaders to limit a program that has prevented millions of births but helped create an aging population that could constrict economic growth. The decision to allow couples to have a second baby is part of a reform package that includes abolishing the much-criticized “re-education through labor” program, which allows people to be sent to labor camps for up to four years without trial.

(nola.com) — Louisiana Children’s Medical Center has agreed to run the publicly owned eastern New Orleans hospital, which is scheduled to open in the spring. If the deal moves forward, Children’s would replace Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System, which signed on in January 2011 to operate the as-yet unnamed hospital. The Franciscan system will continue to work with Orleans Parish Hospital Service District A until the hospital opens.

(MCT) — Facebook moved forward with updates to its privacy policy on Friday but deleted a controversial sentence that claimed any teen using the service was assumed to have gotten permission from a parent or guardian for his or her name, image and information to be used in advertising on the service. The giant social network insisted that it was not changing its policies, merely clarifying language in them, and that it already has permission from its users –- including teens –- to use their personal data in ads.

Hawkeye seniors say goodbye


“Classic - a book which people praise and don’t read.” Mark Twain, American author


Nov. 18 401: The Visigoths cross the Alps and invade northern Italy 1865: Mark Twain’s short story, “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” is published in the New York Saturday Press

Jaclyn Jones Editor in Chief

Shelby DeSoto Former Online-Multimedia Editor

Kylie Stracener Online-Multimedia Editor

Jones will graduate with a degree in mass communications with a concentration in journalism this December. She has worked for The Hawkeye since fall 2010. She was the opinion editor in the spring of 2013 and became the editor in chief in the fall of 2013. She currently works at KNOETV8 News in production She eventually plans to move back to Dallas, where her family resides.

DeSoto graduated over the summer with a degree in mass communications and will participate in the commencement exercises this December. She began writing for The Hawkeye in the fall of 2011 and became onlinemultimedia editor in the spring of 2013. DesSoto won third place for Best Personal Column in April at the APME College Contest. She plans to move to Florida to pursue writing, scriptwriting and editing.

Stracener will graduate with a degree in mass communications with a concentration in public relations. She has worked for The Hawkeye since August of 2013 when she received the position as online-multimedia editor. Stracener currently works full time for DeltaStyle magazine as an advertising sales executive. She would eventually like to branch out and move out of state to pursue PR, marketing or event management.

Dancing queens!

Left to right: Kelseia Ellison and McKenna Giovingo took part in Fall Fusion on Friday.

1963: The first push-button telephone goes into service 1988: Ronald Reagan signs a bill into law allowing the death penalty for drug taffickers Birth: Kirk Hammett of Metallica, an American guitarist and songwriter, is born in 1962 Death: William Jessop, an English engineer known for his work on canals, harbors and early railways, dies in 1814 from a form of paralysis

photo by Robert Brown photos courtesy of Wikipedia



November 18, 2013


Juvenile allegedly admits to stealing university vehicle

photo by Daniel Russell

Left to right: Ashley Aulds and Monohn Prud’homme converse at the SGA meeting.

SGA makes plans for Zombie Outrun funds by Kaitlyn Huff

Workshop urges students to take initiative in workplace by Tejal Patel

Career Connections provided students with 13 steps on how to become an outstanding employee in “The Baker’s Dozen to an Exceptional Employee” workshop. Roslynn Pogue, career connections director, highlighted areas like communication, business attire and decision making to help give students an idea about what their future employers would find important. “When it comes to communication, they look for someone that is a good listener that can understand the message,” said Pogue. “When you speak, you want to make sure you are understood in a clear and concise message.” Pogue also urged students to take initiative in the workplace. “You want to show the company what you can do for them, not what

they can do for you,” she said. Krunali Bhagat, a freshman prepharmacy major, believes she picked up some useful tips at the workshop. “The few points I thought were the most important were Bhagat problem solving, basic computer knowledge and appropriate dress attire,” Bhagat said. Pogue said to expect to have off days, but to have a positive outlook and image. “It is easy to be an exceptional employee,” said Pogue. “But the main thing you have to remember is that it takes you to do it.” contact Tejal Patel at pateltn@warhawks.ulm.edu

SGA is looking forward to a more open spring semester and opportunities to do more projects now that Mardi Gras is all that is in sight. They have also been making plans for the commuter lounge and the Zombie Outrun 5k funds. Vice President Jameshia Below is excited to hear what the senators want to do. “Next semester we are looking into doing more projects and taking up projects that had to be pushed aside,” Below said. All senators are to brainstorm over the winter break. When the new semester begins, they plan to address common campus problems such as limited space in bike racks. The fate of the commuter lounge is another hot topic. SGA wants to move forward in their plans to turn it into an additional dining space and possibly another dining option. “Twenty-four out of the 26 people I asked were in favor of the change,” said Macey Scott, a freshman kinesiology major. Results from the Zombie Outrun 5k totaled to $1686.32. The suggested charging stations, each holding various chargers for different phone models, would cost $1,045 for five stations. SGA advisor Laura Knotts was un-

Ciroc half gallon for $49.99

clear on what instillation would cost. But some senators expressed interest in options for spending the money. “It has to benefit the campus, but if anyone else has a different idea we’d be Robinson more than happy to hear it,” SGA President Jana Robinson said. The senators unanimously passed a motion to grant the pharmacy fraternity, Phi Delta Chi, an RSO scholarship of $300. A decision was also made to invest in the Up ‘til Dawn Christmas fundraiser, possibly paying $500 for a spot on the event T-shirt. Next semester will see a rollover of four RSO scholarships, granting SGA to give out more scholarships to campus organizations. “I’m always excited to do new things with the SGA, because we are students serving students and so the more we do the more we are completing our purpose here on campus,” Below said. According to Below, next semester will be geared more towards projects with a physical yield. They want to do something that students can see. contact Kaitlyn Huff at huffka@warhawks.ulm.edu

A local juvenile has been booked into the Green Oaks Detention Facility on two counts of felony theft. The suspect stole a Club Car from the maintenance building on Nov. 6 and a John Deere Gator on Nov. 8. Bond was set at $20,000. A maintenance worker reported a golf cart stolen from the residential maintenance building. The cart had reportedly gone missing between 12:45 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. on Nov. 6. According to video surveillance, a black male was driving the golf cart down Bon Aire Drive at 1:09 p.m. on Nov 6. The suspect could not be identified by the video because he was wearing a hooded sweatshirt. According to Steven Mahon, officer in charge of ULM Police, during a patrol on Nov. 8, a ULM police officer spotted the suspect driving a John Deere Gator on Bon Aire Drive. The vehicle was identified as belonging to ULM Athletics. When the officer pursued, the suspect allegedly abandoned the vehicle and fled on foot. He was apprehended after a short chase. The suspect allegedly admitted to stealing the Club Cart earlier that week and to stealing the Gator from the ULM Stadium during questioning. The missing golf cart was found at Barrington Place in Monroe. According Mahon, the juvenile lives in the area but is not a student at ULM. The suspect allegedly had a John Deere Gator key in his possession when arrested, but police are unsure about how he obtained the key. But the vehicle uses a universal key, and any John Deere Gator key would have started the vehicle. The golf cart allegedly had a stripped ignition prior to being stolen. It is unknown whether the suspect knew that the ignition on that particular cart was stripped before stealing it.



November 18, 2013


Better days to come after surviving rough semester Congrats to all for surviving the semester. The Hawkeye offers its condolences to any students whose major was cut. Hopefully you can find a replacement major that suits your skills and taste. For some majors, like medical labatory science, that will be tough, if not impossible. Best wishes as well as to any faculty and staff who will not be returning. There aren’t too many things worse than being fired for reasons unrelated to your performance. Great teachers are a rare commodity and it’s a shame to lose them due to financial issues. It’s unfortunate that a lack of state funding forced us into the position of such drastic budget cuts, but hopefully this endless cycle of cuts does end before the university finds itself cut into pieces. Hopefully you haven’t let that, or anything else negative that may have happened this semester, ruin your holiday spirit. There is no point in dwelling on the negative. It already happened and there is nothing that can be done about it. Once you accept that, it will be much easier to move past it and enjoy your holiday, at least until the calendar hits December and the dreaded finals arrive. But then it’s back to the holidays with over five glorious weeks of Christmas break Also, the Hawkeye would like to thank all of our readers. We wouldn’t be here without your support. If there’s something that you don’t like then feel free to give us feedback. If you think you can do better, our office is open for anyone who’d like to write for us. Enjoy the holidays.

Tell us your thoughts at www.ulmhawkeyeonline.com or email us at ulmhawkeye@gmail.com

Resolve to improve instead of change yourself on New Year’s

Tejal Patel Everyone is looking for a clean slate. Even if you’re not the type that has made the kind of mistakes that lead you to wake up in a trailer park in Creep County, face down in a kiddie pool and sporting a hotdog costume, you’ve done or experienced something that has made you ready to call it quits and bury 2013. Preferably in a body bag at the bottom of the bayou where no one can find those embarrassing pictures of you from the Christmas party. Who would have thought the cops wouldn’t find your live reenactment of the Grinch as amusing as your friends did when they caught you stealing your neighbors Christmas tree, Who-pudding and rare Whoroast-beast? A clean slate is definitely a must. However, many people confuse a fresh start with trying to change who they are. For example, last year I made the resolution to party more and make more friends. Not because I actually

wanted to, but because I felt like that was what I should be doing as a college student. After a few attempts to spend an evening that turned in to early morning at clubs and bars, I realized that wasn’t who I was. I’m far too cynical and nerdy to be interested in table top dancing, and it took a few strange nightlife experiences for me to realize I was trying to be something I wasn’t. New Year isn’t for changing who you are. It’s for putting your wrongs and mistakes behind you and becoming a better you that won’t make those wrongs and mistakes again. Even if you are one of those “third time’s the charm” kind of people. That’s not to say setting weight loss goals or trying to quit smoking are bad resolutions to make. Considering you’re about three puffs away from being the star of one of those Center for Disease Control and Prevention commercials, it’s actually rather necessary. Those kinds of resolutions are healthy changes that are a step toward becoming a better you. But, that is the key. You can make any change or improvement you choose, but it means nothing if it isn’t for you. Sure, quitting smoking is better for your kids and losing weight would make your family proud, but at the end of the day it all has to be for you. Regardless of the date on the

calendar, changes are only as sustainable as you are motivated. Your life improvements are no one’s priority but yours. Relying on others, no matter who they are, to care enough to push you because you’re not willing to push yourself isn’t exactly the best way to start making life-altering changes, No, I’m not saying your mother doesn’t care if you’re fat or that your wife won’t help you put the bottle down. I’m saying your mother has diabetes and your wife has a time management problem in the workplace. They have their own challenges to prioritize and work through, so if you aren’t taking the time and effort to put yourself first, who is? And what procrastination champ decided people should wait until the first of the year to do something for themselves anyway? As far as I can tell, making a resolution on the first of the year doesn’t solidify your chances of success any more than making the same resolution on the last of the year. Take responsibility for yourself on any day, not necessarily to change who you are, but to become a better person. Sure, a clean slate is nice and a new year feels like a new beginning, but there are some things that really can’t wait. contact Tejal Patel at pateln@warhawks.ulm.edu

Previous Online Poll You dropped your smartphone in a stinky toilet. What do you do? Fish it out and hope for the best.


Get someone else to fish if out, and pretend it isn’t yours.


Flush it. There will be a new iPhone out soon enough anyway.


Vote on our poll at www.ulmhawkeyeonline.com

illustration courtesy of MCT Campus

November 18, 2013




Alzheimer’s inflicts underrated pain

Can you imagine your grandfather not remembering who you are? Your father asking how you’ve been over the years, when he just saw you yesterday? It’s painful, almost to the point of being unbearable. Unfortunately, nine times out of 10 my grandfather does not remember my name. He doesn’t remember anything about me. Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease with terrible consequences, and yet it has taken almost a back seat to other diseases. When you explain to someone that a relative suffers from Alzheimer’s they don’t really know how to respond. They give you what may be a sympathetic pat on the shoulder and tell you how sorry they are. But when dealing with someone who is an Alzheimer’s patient, most people have no idea how to deal with

them. This past summer, my family and I vacationed in Washington D.C. and visited many of the city’s museums. Of course there was security at the entrance of every single one, but the guards were patient and understanding when my grandmother explained my grandfather’s situation. But there is always one bad egg that seems to ruin the basket. While visiting the Senate offices, we passed through security like every other building. My grandfather swept through in an almost whimsical manner, obviously oblivious to his surroundings. The alarm of the metal detector went off, clearly alerted by his heavy metal belt buckle. The guard descended on him, ordering him to go back through and take off the belt in a harsh manner. My grandfather laughed and ignored him, unaware of the situation at hand. My grandmother tried to explain that my grandfather couldn’t understand what exactly the guard wanted, but the man ignored her and continued to berate my grandfather. Though the situation was resolved, it still bothers me to this day. The fact that the general public seem to think they understand the disease when they so clearly don’t.

Alzheimer’s is thought to be a disease that takes away memories. It does, but it takes much more than that. It takes one’s capability to comprehend the world around them. It takes away their wisdom and experiences in life. It turns grown men and women back into children who have difficulty taking care of themselves. People understand cancer, or at least what it is capable of. But they are usually shocked by what Alzheimer’s really does to someone. It takes everything away from you slowly, painfully, in the worst way imaginable. It takes your independence, your understanding and the ones that you love. And it leaves behind the shell of someone you once were. Getting educated and raising awareness for a disease is not a foreign concept. We have cancer awareness months, and Alzheimer’s awareness month exists as well. November is the official Alzheimer’s awareness month and you can go purple for a purpose. Nearly 5.2 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Support awareness locally and nationally with walks and donations. Research for a cure is advancing every year with new finds and

more promising results. Advances in technology are making it less of a struggle to find a way to cure Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. The easiest way to fight the disease is to know it. Familiarize yourself with the ten warning signs, and if you have suspicions always go in for professional diagnosis. Catching the disease early can save you and your loved ones years of agonizing pain. Support research, support a cure and know what to look for— maybe one day Alzheimer’s can be a disease of the past. contact Kaitlyn Huff at huffka@warhawks.ulm.edu

Stubbs 131 700 University Avenue Monroe, LA 71209 Editor in chief - Jaclyn Jones Co-managing editor news - Ashley Lyons Co-managing editor design - Breanna Harper Sports editor - Drew McCarty Freestyle editor - Jamie Arrington Photo editor - Daniel Russell Opinion editor - Landius Alexander Multimedia editor - Kylie Stracner Advertising director Megan Dew 318 342 5453 ulmhawkeyead@gmail.com Faculty adviser Dr. Christopher Mapp 318 342 5454 mapp@ulm.edu Feedback 318 342 5453 newsroom 318 342 5452 fax ulmhawkeye@gmail.com

The opinions expressed in personal columns are the opinions of the author and not necessarily the opinions of the editors, staff, adviser or the University. Unsigned editorials represent the collective opinion of The Hawkeye’s editorial board, but not necessarily the opinions of the adviser or the University. The Hawkeye (USPS #440-700) is published weekly except vacation, exam & holiday periods by The University of Louisiana at Monroe, 700 University Avenue, Monroe, LA 71209. Annual subscription price is $15.00. Periodicals Postage Paid at Monroe, LA 71203. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Hawkeye, 700 University Ave., Stubbs 131, Monroe, LA 71209-8832.

ULM Hawkeye @ulmhawkeye

Write a letter to the editor and send it to ulmhawkeye@ gmail.com illustration courtesy of MCT Campus

Words more painful than sticks, stones

The saying goes “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” I believe, however, that words can hurt people just as much as sticks or stones. In fact, words are even more dangerous than physical tools because physical wounds can be mended and healed, but the emotional wounds created by words cannot. Words leave a lasting impression. I’m sure we all have a favorite quote, words that have inspired us in some way. Some phrases have this effect on millions of people, like Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” or the words of the Declaration of Independence. Words have started ended wars. Words are a much more powerful weapon than we realize. In the right hands, words can capture the hearts of hundreds of people. Likewise in the wrong hands, words can also break the heart of one person. We’ve all experienced the power of words. We have been

brought to tears by a touching story, laughed at a funny anecdote, or been angered or hurt by someone’s criticism. When we think of bullying, we typically think of a grade school classroom, but bullying is a real problem even as adults. Emotional abuse is just as real as physical abuse. It’s something that many people encounter on a daily basis but choose to ignore. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death among people age 18-24, the same age as most college students. People who are bullied are five times more likely to have suicidal thoughts than people who are not. I think that we need to reevaluate the way we use our words. It doesn’t take much to be polite to someone,- to say hello or smile. It does, however, take effort to be mean to someone- to make rude remarks or degrade someone. It’s important to consider that everyone experiences emotions differently. Some people may not think that being bullied is a big deal, but to the person being bullied it can be a very serious problem. Everyone has a different story and a different home. We do not know the challenges of each person we meet, but we can be sure that everyone faces their own challenges. I think we need to be mindful of that in all of our interpersonal relationships. With every encounter, we have the opportunity to make someone’s day a little better or a little worse. I think there are more bullies now than ever because of social networking sites. I see people say horrible things in internet feuds. I see personal feuds made worse with status updates. I see people talk down to

each other, attack each other and pick on each other every day. Most of the Youtube comments I see are negative or derogatory, and the language is often explicit. The content is full of hate and spite. Anonymity has made people bolder. Some people will say anything knowing that no one knows who they are. People go out of their way to point out how much they do not like one thing or another. What if we exerted the same effort into being nice? What if people put in the same work to give others compliments or just smile more? Then the world might be a very different place. illustration courtesy of Megan Dew

contact Halen Doughty at doughthe@warhawks.ulm.edu



November 18, 2013


MAY FINALS WEEK BE Finals week is approaching fast! Prepare for success with a few tips from The Hawkeye staff. What’s the best energy drink on the market? What food fuels your brain? We have you covered. Rest up and study...finals week is coming for you. You ready?

Jamie Arrington, Freestyle editor

Ashley Lyons, News editor

Caffeine fix: Lime Red Bull

Caffeine fix: The blood of angry men

TV break: Modern Family Top on my playlist: “Team” by Lorde Study style: Cramming in Starbucks Snackage: Apples and peanut butter

TV break: American Horror Story: Coven Top of my playlist: E.S. Posthumus Study style: Contemplating suicide Snackage: PB and honey on bread

Drew McCarty, Sports editor

Jaclyn Jones, Editor in Chief Caffeine fix: Lipton Sweet tea

Caffeine fix: Red Bull

TV break: Criminal Minds Top of my playlist: “Let it flow” by Toni B. Study style: Too busy to study! Snackage: Icees and honey buns

TV break: The Office...That’s what she said! Top on my playlist: Mumford and Sons Study style: Crunch the night before Snackage: Haskell’s Donuts

Landius Alexander, Opinions editor

Breanna Harper, Art Director

Caffeine fix: Hot Chocolate

Caffeine fix: Starbucks latte

TV break: How I Met Your Mother Top on my playlist: Piano Study style: Isolated, last minute Snackage: Sour gummy Life Savers

TV break: E! News Top on my playlist: “Safe and Sound” Study style: 2-3 days in advance Snackage: Sour Patch Kids...Yum!

November 18, 2013




EVER IN YOUR FAVOR Boost of energy It’s midnight and you still have hours to study...what do you grab? Here are the top five caffeinated drinks that provide the best boost of energy needed to keep on truckin’.

Tips for success: Remember everyone is stressed Remember to be patient when waiting in line at Starbucks. Don’t let the stress get in the way of making “T,” don’t leave anything out. The more you plan the less you will stress.

Brain food Let’s fuel our bodies with brain food...if just for one week. We aren’t saying a late night run to Raising Cane’s isn’t going to happen, but here are a few things that can be added to our shopping lists. Dark Chocolate A researcher in India found dark chocolate to be a great stress reliever. Don’t go overboard with this chocolate fix, but a bar every now and then may relieve your stress from exams all while tasting delicious. We suggest Hershey’s Sepecial Dark Chocolate. Peanut butter Proteins and essential oils make peanut butter a great brain boosting food. It is also one of the most convenient foods for college students. This power food will leave you full during exams. We suggest Crunch Peanut Butter Cliff Bars that can be thrown in a backpack or purse. Water Don’t forget to hydrate. Studies show water helps with short-term memory and thinking outside of the box. Both of these things we do during finals week. Make water convenient to yourself. Keep a bottle of water on you at all times and if water doesn’t do it for you add flavoring to it, like MiO water enhancer.

Don’t get cocky-lose the ego Don’t walk into finals week with a big ego. Having A’s all semester long doesn’t mean an easy A on finals. When most finals are cumulative tests, studying is mandatory for a good grade. Leave the big ego on a coat rack until it is time to celebrate all the great grades.

Catch some Zzz’s Sleep is a very important part of finals week. Sounds crazy right? We tend to cram all night long for our 8 a.m. tests, but sleeping actually helps your brain out more than you may think. The main three things to get us through finals week are sleep, exercise and a good diet. But when time is limited sleep beats out the other two in importance. Take a nap for 20 minutes everyday to boost alertness and stamina. Don’t study in bed. Keep a sleeping routine throughout the week with a specific bedtime and wake time. Remember our bodies will work for us as long as we are good to them. Keep caffeine to a minimum and wait until after finals for those margaritas.

Rule of thumb •

When studying don’t forget the breaks. For every 45-50 minutes of studying there needs to be a 10-15 minute break. Fake it ‘till you make it when studying. We know not every class is fun or interesting, but study for the final like it’s your favorite class you have ever taken. The more you make yourself enjoy it, the better you will remember it.

Divide and conquer Studying for 15+ hours of classes can be overwhelming. Almost so overwhelming that going in blind seems like the best option. Make a studying study for them accordingly. This way you aren’t studying Spanish, algebra, history and world lit all in the same day.

Illustrations by Brenna Harper, Images courtesy of Google



November 18, 2013


photo by Breanna Harper

Faculty Senate President John Anderson spoke at the senate’s 40th anniversary event on Monday.

Faculty Senate celebrates 40th anniversary

Representatives makes future plans to work with Interfaith by Benjamin Martin

The Faculty Senate celebrated their 40 years of service to ULM on Monday and began to make plans to work on future projects with Interfaith in the future. Karen Niemla, a faculty representative of the library for the past three years, is a part of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee. While reviewing old bylaws, Niemla noticed that senate was created in 1973. Niemla said that this gave her the idea to create the anniversary event. “The turnout was not as much as I would have liked but we did have some people, enough people, who used to serve on the faculty senate who were retirees…I sent invitations to past presidents and some of them actually came,” said Niemla, The Faculty Senate is an elected representation of each professional aspect of the university. Senator numbers are based on population of colleges and staff members. The Faculty Senate is the voice of the faculty and staff when communicating with the administration. The senate hopes to take on future projects concerning primary education in the future in partnership with a local circuit of churches titled Interfaith. Interfaith is a non-profit organization that wants to unite all people and to make changes to the community.

“We want to deal with issues such as education for kindergarten through twelve and higher education. Louisiana has one of the highest incarceration rates and that is saying something,” said John Anderson, president of the Faculty Senate. We believe developing a higher education for grade school will help lower that rate in Louisiana.” According Anderson, as ULM is beginning to consolidate, keeping unrelated colleges separate is also primary goal of the senate.

photo courtesy of Terrance Armstard

Left to right: President Nick Bruno shakes hands with senior Cody Parker at the Veteran’s Ceremony on Wednesday.

Veteran’s Appreciation Ceremony honors students University recognizes 86 veterans currently enrolled, working by Halen Doughty

“Louisiana has one of the highest incarceration rates...We believe developing a higher education for grade school will help lower that rate in Louisiana.” John Anderson, Faculty Senate President

“We recommended Graduate College to the ULM administration be a separate entity and they listened,” Anderson said. Chet Parks, a sophomore construction management major, believes that the Faculty Senate working with Interfaith is great move. “I feel that God should be part of our educational programs. So it impresses me to know that the staff does ask and work with [Interfaith] to improve our children’s lives,” Parks said. contact Benjamin Martin at martinbl@warhawks.ulm.edu

ULM hosted a Veteran’s Appreciation Ceremony on Wednesday to honor the university’s military veterans and their families. Wayne Brumfield, vice president of student affairs, recognized the 86 military veterans currently enrolled or working at ULM. Red, white and blue ribbons were presented to the 34 veterans present at the ceremony. Those not present were honored with a moment of silence. The Ouachita Parish High School Color Guard presented the colors, and Master Sergeant Brian Sivils sang the National Anthem. President Nick Bruno introduced Major General Glenn Curtis of the Louisiana Army National Guard, who gave the address. Curtis recognized the men and women at the ceremony who served in World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, Grenada Invasion, Gulf War and the Global War on Terror, as well as the families of the veterans. According to Kyle O’Neal, coordinator of academic internships

and chair of the Veteran’s Appreciation Committee, this was ULM’s second veteran’s appreciation ceremony. “I’m so appreciative of veterans. I just want to make sure they’re paid the respect they really do deserve,” O’Neal said. O’Neal said that the committee will continue to build on the foundation of this ceremony in the years to come. According to O’Neal, next year’s ceremony might include dedicating something on campus to veterans.

“I’m so appreciative of veterans. I just want to make sure they’re paid the respect they really do deserve.” Kyle O’Neal, coordinator of academic interships Staff Sergeant Morgan Sneed, a senior psychology major, was one of the veterans present at the ceremony. Sneed served 10 years in the U.S. Air Force Special Forces, which included four deployments overseas. Sneed said that he was glad ULM decided to honor the veterans. Whitney Sivils, an advisor in the College of Education and daughter

of Master Sergeant Brian Sivils, appreciated the ceremony. “I’m glad they highlighted the family contribution. It takes a whole family to support a service member,” Sivils said. K e v i n Bradford, a Bradford senior majoring in education, also attended the ceremony. “I wanted to support the veterans of this community and this school… It’s good to see this university pausing to thank our veterans,” Bradford said. A reception was offered after the ceremony for the veterans and special guests. The special guests at the ceremony include Representative Candidate Neil Riser, Brigadier General Joanne Sheridan, Senator Mike Walsworth, John Nolan of the Wounded Warrior Project and Billy Varner of the Wellspring Alliance. The reception was sponsored by Centric Federal Credit Union, Regions Bank and Community Trust Bank. Sponsors were presented with plaques as thanks for their contributions. contact Halen Doughty at doughthe@warhawks.ulm.edu


November 18, 2013



photo by Robert Brown

Left to right: Moderator Sue Nicholson, SGA president Jana Robinson, Bon Lenox from KEDM Public Radio, Greg Hilburn from The News-Star and Heather Parker from KTVE/KARD ask questions to the candidates on Thursday.

5th congressional candidates debate it out on campus SGA sponsors forum between McAllister, Riser for elections by Kaitlyn Huff

With only 48 hours remaining in the election, candidates Neil Riser and Vance McAllister came to the university for the final debate of the race. Sue Nicholson, president of the Monroe Chamber of Commerce, served as moderator for the event. A panel of local figures, including SGA President Jana Robinson, asked questions. “We came up with the questions as a panel, and quite a few asked were my own,” Robinson said.

Questions covered a wide variety of topics, including the Affordable Health Care Act and higher education funding. Candidates were given 90 seconds to answer and a chance to rebuttal. “The most important issue in my opinion is balancing the budget, which is why it was a big question,” Robinson said. Students attended the event to learn more about the candidates before making their final decision when voting. Rose Nicolas Rose, a freshman political science major, believes that Vance

McAllister won the debate. “I think they’re both great candidates, but I agree more with McAllister. Unlike Riser he doesn’t have a strong conservative stance. He seems like he is more willing to communicate with the other party,” Rose said. Rose was glad to see SGA sponsor such an important event on campus. Rose hopes to see more involvement from the university and student body when concerning political debates and forums. Amanda Reed, a junior political science major, found the debate interesting and was happy with many of the topics covered. Reed enjoyed hearing the candidates’ stances on energy, the NSA and national security.

“Overall it was very good. I can’t say who won because they agreed on a lot, but it was very interesting. I liked McAllister, not because he had different views, but because he seemed more honest,” Reed said Reed was impressed with McAllister’s attitude towards his opponent. According to Reed he complimented Riser and acknowledgedhis good ideas. “I liked that Reed when they talked about raising the debt ceiling, McAllister admitted that he couldn’t promise anything. That honesty is very important,” Reed said.

Both candidates expressed thanks to the students and other audience members, encouraging the younger attendees to vote. “It’s great to see a lot of young people here, being involved. That’s something you don’t see a lot of anymore, young people being interested in politics and getting involved,” Riser said. Robinson hoped that this event would help students make a well informed choice when visiting the polls. “It’s important as SGA to give students a chance to see the candidates and really get to know them.” Robinson said. The voting took place on Saturday.

contact Kaitlyn Huff at huffka@warhawks.ulm.edu

Fall Fusion pays tribute to Nabors by Stacy Reppond

photo by Robert Brown

Emma Braddock performed in Fall Fusion on Friday.

The ULM Dance Department featured students from the Dance Repertory Ensemble and a folk dance class at its annual Fall Fusion Dance Concert. Fall Fusion included several different styles of dance such as AfroCaribbean, jazz, modern dance and musical theater. The students performed faculty works by ULM Dance Program director Robin Stephens, associate professor of theatre and dance Tina Mullone and instructor of theatre and dance Gretchen Jones. Part of the concert was dedicated to the late music professor Louis Nabors. He taught at ULM for about 40 years and was a close friend of Mullone.

She choreographed and performed “Basso Profundo Grief” and choreographed “Comfort” in memory of him. The first piece of the night, “Future to the Past” showcased techniques of Afro-Caribbean, African and Cuban dancing. “Tonight, we celebrate the dancer,” Stephens said. The next piece, “It Don’t Mean a Thing If You Ain’t Got That Swing,” was a jazz selection modernized by strobe lights and other techniques. Three selections from West Side Story including “Dance in the Gym” and “America” and “Cool” were performed and briefly captured the forbidden romance between the main characters, Tony and Maria. “My favorite part of being a part of Fall Fusion is just being able to per-

form onstage. This Fall Fusion is even more special than past ones because we did a piece in honor of Dr. Louis Nabors,” said Melissa Snelling, a sophomore kinesiology major. Harville K a i t l y n Harville, a sophomore secondary education major said that she loved the diversity of the show. She loved the pieces from “West Side Story.” Her favorite performance was “America” from “West Side Story.” “But I didn’t like the strobe light during one dance because I couldn’t focus on the dancers,” Harville said. contact Stacy Reppond at reppondsm@warhawks.ulm.edu



November 18, 2013




Cranberry Pumpkin Dip


Across 1 “Drat!” 5 On the agenda 11 __-at-ease 14 Melville’s “Typee” sequel 15 Writer de Beauvoir 16 Mop & __: cleaning brand 17 *Fluffy carnival treat 19 Restroom, briefly 20 “Attack, Rover!” 21 Sworn __: given the oath of office for 22 First-class 23 *”West Side Story” film actress 26 Free of charge 30 “Tut!” kin 31 Puerto __ 32 Slanted print: Abbr. 36 Mark who created Tom Sawyer 40 *”You first,” facetiously 43 ‘70s-’80s Egyptian president Anwar 44 Mideast ruler 45 38-Down and others: Abbr. 46 “Proud Mary” band, for short 48 Has had enough 50 *Favorite in the classroom 56 Wartime honoree 57 Spanish painter Francisco 58 First Greek letter 63 Tax-collecting agcy. 64 Discussing the job with colleagues, and what the last words of the answers to starred clues seem to be doing 66 __ de Janeiro 67 Claim without proof 68 Floor square 69 Room for a TV 70 Ruined, with “up” 71 Go in snow Down 1 Medical pros

2 Mine, to Marcel 3 Campus military org. 4 Promissory __ 5 Taxpayer ID 6 On the up and up 7 Appliance brand 8 Melodious 9 Breaks up with a lover 10 Susan of “The Partridge Family” 11 Domed Arctic home 12 Southwestern grassy plain 13 Thought the world of 18 Prefix with present 22 Singsongy “This is an uncomfortable moment” 24 “Yeah, right!” 25 Direction in which el sol rises 26 Mardi __ 27 Capital of Latvia 28 Scored 100 on 29 Cash crop for the southern American colonies 33 From head to __ 34 Elbow’s locale 35 Flower necklace 37 Car 38 Fla.-to-Cal. highway 39 Wall St. index 41 Engrave on glass, say 42 Soft cheese 47 Entertain lavishly 49 Guys-only party 50 Word with party or degree 51 Willies-inducing 52 Pyromaniac’s crime 53 Diner basketful 54 Comedian Wanda 55 Baseball Hall of Famer Satchel 59 D-Day transports 60 Talk show pioneer Donahue 61 Golfer’s target 62 Copied 64 Scottish hat 65 Beatty of film

8 ounces cream cheese 1 cup dried cranberries, 3/4 cup toasted walnut/pecan 1/2 cup pumpkin puree 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg Pinch salt Break the cream cheese up into chunks and drop into a food processor. Sprinkle with the cranberries and nuts. Spoon in the pumpkin puree and sprinkle with the spices and salt. Pulse until almost smooth, stopping to scrape the sides of the bowl down once. Transfer to a bowl and garnish with extra cranberries. recipe courtesy of Pinterest

New diner calls in fans with authentic southern dishes

GWENDOLYN DUCRE Willie Duck’s Diner has been booming with business ever since its grand opening on Oct. 25. I was able to feed into the publicity hype and actually dine-in at the restaurant in West Monroe. I must admit, I was secretly hoping to spot a Duck Dynasty cast member. When first hearing about the diner I imagined it being a mixture of Waffle House and a watered down Cracker Barrel. But boy was I proven wrong. The venue was surprisingly nice; I suppose being a diner has nothing to do with the actual atmosphere of the restaurant. The décor of the diner was classic, but had a southern hospitality vibe. Each section was designed as though you were in the home of the Robertson’s. After being greeted, my party and I were seated promptly. I usual-

ly determine whether or not I would return to a restaurant by the time in which I am serviced. The restaurant was so packed I worried the wait would be extremely long. But yet again, I was proven wrong. Our waitress came within five minutes to get our drink orders. Not only did she come with a lot of energy, she brought complimentary biscuits, cornbread and hush puppies. The diner serves unlimited amounts of lagniappe throughout the course. Now, let’s talk business-food business that is. Being from Southern Louisiana I feel it is safe to say I was reared to be a seafood cuisine critic. And believe me, my taste buds were pleased. It was refreshing to have seafood actually taste like seafood. I ordered crawfish meat pies, jambalaya, with duck and sausage gumbo. I ordered these dishes because these meals are so easy to make but can easily be cooked horribly. The spices were flavorful and definitely reminded me of a restaurant back in New Orleans. There was no need for hot sauce, or as some people like to do, dilute the entrees with Tony Chachere’s. The menu was filled with Cajun

image courtesy of Willie’s Duck Diner

Willie’s Duck Diner opened at the end of October and has been full of patrons ever since.

dishes that can only be found in Louisiana. Entrees ranged from meatloaf to fried alligator. I joked to my friends that there would be things like duck beak on a stick and pure countrified handcaught meals. There were items like duck and frog legs, but nothing too extreme. The prices were fair considering the food that was offered. Nothing on the menu exceeded $13. The portion size makes you forget about the price because you actually get what you pay for. All in all, I felt like family and left satisfied and full. contact Gwendolyn Ducre at ducregk@warhawks.ulm.edu

November 18, 2013




One-and-done rule no good for anyone

College basketball is lacking something that it has had in the past. There really are no players that you can associate with a school over a period of time. In order to make it to the NBA, players are forced to go through one year of college, which takes a lot away from the game. The rule itself is not a bad one. The NBA wants their players to be ready

physically and mentally when they make it to the association. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting the new crop of players to be prepared. However, forcing the players to go to school really does nothing for them. Every year there are players in college basketball that look like men amongst boys on the court. Those are the type of players that this rule should be lifted for. Could you imagine if LeBron James would have had to go to college? Andrew Wiggins has been heralded as the next big thing in the NBA. Unfortunately for him, he has to sleepwalk through one year of college first. He has already said he was going to the league after this year. What’s the point in forcing a player to go to

school if he gets nothing out of it? Gone are the days where players stuck around and built powerhouses. Today, programs such as Kentucky live off of those players that choose to go the one and done route. There is not a player you can root for three or four years because he’ll be gone after one. Teams don’t have time to build around a player, they just throw the five best players they can put on the floor and go with it. The one and done rule only hurts both the NBA and college basketball. The NBA doesn’t get to cash in on the excitement of that brand new star, and college basketball has to deal with flash in the pan players. the game as a whole suffers. contact Dakota Ratley at ratleydl@warhawks.ulm.edu

Anthony Davis

photo courtesy of ESPN

Anthony Davis played center for Calipari’s team in 2011, leading the Wildcats to the Final Four then eventually a national title. Davis was selected first overall by the New Orleans Hornets.



November 18, 2013


Lions tamed in 87-77 loss Brooks’career high 22 points led all scorers by Dakota Ratley

The women’s basketball team scored a home victory over Southeastern Louisiana Friday by a score of 87-77. ULM utilized a total team effort, dominating the Lady Lions in assists, points in the paint and shooting percentage. Despite a number of fouls that helped bolster a late Southeastern rally, ULM put down the comeback by sinking free throws down the stretch. “We’ve got to quit the fouling, and we’ll be okay,” said head coach Mona Martin.”But we didn’t quit the fouling. It was just fortunate for us that we came down and made some shots.” Sharnice Brooks had a career night, scoring a career-high 22 points and adding on nine rebounds. Fellow post player Ashleigh Simmons spoke very highly of her teammate. “Super proud of Sharnice. Keeping it high, finishing, she did everything tonight,” said Simmons. “All of her

minutes were good minutes tonight. She was playing good defense, helping when she needed to.” ULM’s inside game was the key factor in the game. ULM outscored the Lady Lions 46-20 in the paint. The team looks to use this win as a stepping-stone as Martin thinks that more consistently smart play would help her team. “I thought we played really smart in spurts, but we’ve got to play smart for 40 minutes and we didn’t do that,”said Martin. “Because I think if we played smart for 40 minutes it wouldn’t have been that close. I thought when the game got close we didn’t get rattled, and I was really proud of them for that.” The win pushes ULM to 2-1. They will now turn their attention to Central Arkansas, where they will travel to Conway for next Saturday’s matchup with the Bears. Simmons is confident with the way the team is shaping up. “Coming back, knowing that we wanted the play hard, knowing that we wanted to practice hard, knowing that we wanted to win, gave us the confidence to keep winning and keep winning and I think we’re going to keep doing that when we go to Central Arkansas.” contact Dakota Ratley at ratleydl@warhawks.ulm.edu

Game Notes

1st Half ULM - 16-35, 45.7%

3FG: 3-10, 30% FT: 5-7

SELA - 14-29, 48.3% 3FG: 2-6, 33.3% FT: 3-4

2nd Half ULM


16-30, 53.3% 3FG: 2-5. 40% FT: 13-15

SELA - 9-33, 27.3% 3FG: 1-10, 10% FT: 25-31

Final Score ULM 87 SELA 77 photo courtesy of ulmwarhawks.com

Attendance 922

Sharnice Brooks had the best game of her ULM career Friday night in Monroe.

Warhawks slip to Arkansas State in straight sets

photo by Daniel Russell

Kaitlyn Shearer eyes the in preparation for a spike attempt on Nov. 6 against rival UL-Lafayette. The Warhawks fought hard but lost the match in straight sets 3-0. The team finished the season Saturday night against UT Arlington in Monroe.

ULM fell to 2-15 in Sun Belt Conference play after a 3-0 loss Friday night to Arkansas State in the ULM activity center. Freshman, Kaitlyn Shearer had a night to remember totaling 11 kills and five block assists. Shearer’s career best in kills is 12 and her career high in blocks is six. Despite an early 15-6 lead in the third set, the Red Wolves somehow managed to find a way back into the match. The final score of the third set went on to be 27-25 in favor of Arkansas State. Kendal Davis led the way for the away time with her 15 kills, most of which came in the first two sets of the match. Arkansas State won the first set convincingly, 25-17 and won the second set 25-20. They are now 8-9 in Sun Belt Conference play. The Warhawks wrapped up their season Saturday night in Fant-Ewing Coliseum against UT Arlington.

This week in sports Men’s Basketball: Samford Nov. 18 Monroe, La

Northwestern St Nov. 21 Natchitoches, LA Women’s Basketball: UCA - Nov. 23 Conway, AR


South Alabama Nov. 23 Mobile, AL

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