Technische Universit채t M체nchen Faculty of Architecture
Profesorship in Architecture Jacob van Rijs Winter Semester 2013/14
Impressum Technische Universität München Faculty of Architecture Professorship in Architecture Arcisstrasse 21 D 80333 München
EDITING + GRAPHIC DESIGN Ulrike Fuchs Professorship in Architecture, TUM TEXT Jacob van Rijs Ulrike Fuchs Professorship in Architecture, TUM PHOTOGRAPHY Professorship in Architecture, TUM PRINTING Grafik + Druck, München This imprinting is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the materials is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, re printing, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. For any kind of use, permission of the copyright owner must be obtained. COVER 3D printed pavillion by Shiro Studio
1. Edition // Oct2013
Technische Universit채t M체nchen Faculty of Architecture
Profesorship in Architecture Jacob van Rijs Winter Semester 2013/14
Professorship in Architecture - Jacob van Rijs Jacob van Rijs (Amsterdam, 1964) founded in 1993 together with Winy Maas and Nathalie de Vries MVRDV. Early work such as the television centre Villa VPRO and the housing estate for elderly WoZoCo, both in the Netherlands, have lead to international acclaim and established MVRDVs leading role in the international architecture. Projects of MVRDV are among others the design for the Netherlands Pavilion at the Hannover World Expo 2000, the innovative business park Flight Forum in Eindhoven, the Matsudai cultural centre and the Gyre shopping centre in Japan, the iconic Mirador building in Madrid and the Silodam building and Lloyd Hotel in Amsterdam. Current projects in development are among others the new television centre in ZĂźrich, the new Market Hall for Rotterdam, a number of housing and office projects in the Netherlands, Spain, Austria, France, England, Albania, the USA and China. Masterplans in construction are the office campus near UnterfĂśhring, Munich, the Xinjin Water City near Chengdu, China, the New Leyden masterplan in Leiden, Netherlands. MVRDV also works on the masterplan for Greater Paris. The work of MVRDV/Jacob van Rijs is published and exhibited worldwide and received many international awards. The monographic publications FARMAX (1998) and KM3 (2005) illustrate the work of the Rotterdam based office.
WS13/14 | Jacob van Rijs
Professorship in Architecture WS 2012/13 Jacob van Rijs
Professorship Emerging Technologies in Architecture
Jacob van Rijs Jacob van Rijs (Amsterdam, 1964) founded in 1993 together with Winy Maas and Nathalie de Vries MVRDV. Early work such as the television centre Villa VPRO and the housing estate for elderly WoZoCo, both in the Netherlands, have lead to international acclaim and established MVRDVs leading role in the international architecture. Projects of MVRDV are among others the design for the Netherlands Pavilion at the Hannover World Expo 2000, the innovative business park Flight Forum in Eindhoven, the Matsudai cultural centre and the Gyre shopping centre in Japan, the iconic Mirador building in Madrid and the Silodam building and Lloyd Hotel in Amsterdam. Current projects in development are among others the new television centre in ZĂźrich, the new Market Hall for Rotterdam, a number of housing and office projects in the Netherlands, Spain, Austria, France, England, Albania, the USA and China. Masterplans in construction are the office campus near UnterfĂśhring, Munich, the Xinjin Water City near Chengdu, China, the New Leyden masterplan in Leiden, Netherlands. MVRDV also works on the masterplan for Greater Paris. The work of MVRDV/Jacob van Rijs is published and exhibited worldwide and received many international awards. The monographic publications FARMAX (1998) and KM3 (2005) illustrate the work of the Rotterdam based office.
WS13/14 | Jacob van Rijs
10 Professorship in Architecture
MVRDV Profile // Design Philosophy MVRDV was founded in 1993 by Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries in Rot terdam, the Netherlands. The practice engages globally in providing solutions to contempo rary architectural and urban issues. A highly collaborative, research-based design method involves clients, stakeholders and experts from a wide range of fields from early on in the creative process. The results are exemplary, outspoken buildings, urban plans and studies, which enable our cities and landscapes to develop towards a better future. The products of this approach vary, ranging from buildings of all types and sizes, to urban designs, numerous publications, installations and exhibitions. Built projects include the Neth erlands Pavilion for the World EXPO 2000 in Hannover; ‘Flight Forum’, an innovative business park in Eindhoven; the Silodam Housing complex in Amsterdam; the Matsudai Cultural Cen tre in Japan; the Unterföhring office campus near Munich; the Lloyd Hotel in Amsterdam; the Ypenburg housing and urban plan in The Hague; the Didden Village rooftop housing extension in Rotterdam; the music centre De Effenaar in Eindhoven; the Gyre boutique shopping center in Tokyo; a public library in Spijkenisse; an international bank headquarters in Oslo, Norway; and the iconic Mirador and Celosia housing in Madrid. Current projects include various housing projects in the Netherlands, Spain, China, France, the US, India, Korea and other countries; an energy efficient office building in Paris, France; a central market hall for Rotterdam, the Netherlands; a culture plaza in Nanjing and museums in Hangzhou, China and Roskilde, Denmark. MVRDV is also working on large scale urban mas terplans in Bordeaux and Caen, France and the masterplan for an eco-city in Logroño, Spain. Larger scale visions for the future of greater Paris, greater Oslo, and the doubling in size of the Dutch new town Almere are also in development. MVRDV first published a manifesto of its work and ideas in FARMAX (1998), followed by a.o. MetaCity/Datatown (1999), Costa Iberica (2000), Regionmaker (2002), 5 Minutes City (2003), KM3 (2005), Spacefighter (2007) and Skycar City (2007), and more recently The Vertical Vil
WS13/14 | Jacob van Rijs
12 Professorship in Architecture
lage (with The Why Factory, 2012). MVRDV deals with issues ranging from global sustain ability in large scale studies such as Pig City, to small, pragmatic architectural solutions for devastated areas such as New Orleans. The work of MVRDV is exhibited and published worldwide and has received numerous in ternational awards. Seventy architects, designers and other staff develop projects in a multidisciplinary, collaborative design process which involves rigorous technical and creative in vestigation. MVRDV works with BIM and has official in-house BREEAM and LEED assessors. Together with Delft University of Technology, MVRDV runs The Why Factory, an independent think tank and research institute providing an agenda for architecture and urbanism by envi sioning the city of the future. MVRDV pursues a fascination for radical, methodical, investigative research, particularly on density, the public realms and the influence of architectural form on daily life. Through in vestigation and use of the complex amounts of data that accompany contemporary design processes, spaces are shaped methodically towards a progressive ideal for the urban future. Clients, users and specialists are intensively involved at an early stage of the design process. Reactions to the first designs are processed quickly, creating a framework of support for the design and encouraging the sort of insight into the design requirements that can lead to innovative, context-specific solutions. In this way the firm’s wide range of expertise, and innovative understanding of architecture, is linked with the specialized skill sets of the other members of the design team. MVRDV begins projects by assembling information on all conceivable factors playing a role in design and construction everything from zoning laws, building regulations, energy efficiency, environmental and technical requirements to client wishes, climatic conditions and the politi cal and legal history of the site. This procedure ensures from early stage on adoption of best practice for sustainable development. The results of this extensive approach are buildings and masterplans that strongly engage with society by questioning behavior and offering alter natives; true sustainability on a technological, social and philosophical level.
WS13/14 | Jacob van Rijs
Design Task Amsterdam Solo
16 Professorship in Architecture
Amsterdam Solo The design assignment concerns urgent issues of town planning, mixed use and housing. The studio will investigate alternative scenarios for the future of housing in the city. Overhoeks is the site of operation for this Studio. Overhoeks is the new development on the north bank of the Amsterdam IJ-waterfront, famous for the new Eye Film Institute. The crisis has made the original master plan of high-rise development and massive apartment blocks obsolete. Two new approaches have been proposed for more flexibility and a stepby-step development of a smaller scale and with more variety. Aiming for the development of residential buildings with additional programs. Overhoeks demands strong, appealing urban forms, public spaces and high densities. One of the main points of attention during the semester will be the development of hous ing for the urban singles. Like in most main western cities the average household sizes in Amsterdam are shrinking. The result: rising square meter prices and shrinking apartments sizes. Small, smaller, smallest, live in the city is more and more focused around on ‘the solo’s’, the urban singles. In this studio we will focus on this aspect and study how this trend can be integrated in new and existing buildings in the city. More than half of the households in Amsterdam are single households. This demographic trend has a big effect on the city already. Facilities in the cities are used in different ways. However most houses are not designed like that. There is a big mismatch in offer and de mand. New typologies are needed. The studio topic will be shared with a Studio Amsterdam of the TU Delft, and there will be possible exchange of ideas between Delft and Munich during the semester. In the beginning of the semester there will be a short excursion to Amsterdam.
WS13/14 | Jacob van Rijs
18 Professorship in Architecture
ONTWIKKELSTRATEGIE Gevraagd: een ontwikkelstrategie die kansen biedt in deze tijd. Dat Overhoeks een fantas tische plek is en blijft, daar zijn wij het allemaal wel over eens. Maar misschien is er ruimte voor meer variatie in programma en opdrachtgeverschap. Juist omdat wij met een frisse blik opnieuw naar de plek en de opgave kijken, zou de Strip een nog betere plek kunnen worden dan tot dusver is gedacht. Bijvoorbeeld door een kleinere verkaveling voor te stel len. Think Big, Act Small. Stel je een invulling voor die meer recht doet aan de diversiteit van de stad. Wensen en ambities uit de samenleving faciliteren. Van eenling tot Collectief Particulier Opdrachtgeverschap. Van vrijgevochten apps- en gaming developers tot juristen in de plooi en opnieuw samengestelde gezinnen. Van Student Hotel tot sportschool, van kaasboer tot fysiotherapeut. Misschien wil Marqt hier een winkel vestigen. Het onderscheid tussen wonen, werken en recreëren laten vervagen. Dat is het idee. Hier kan diversiteit nieuwe lading krijgen. In grootte, in functies, in doelgroepen. De massa zal voortaan uit de breedte komen. Hoe meer diversiteit in programma en opdrachtgeverschap, des te beter het is. First things first Een ontwikkelstrategie dus. Het belang van een goede strategie boven het zoveelste ontwerp van de zoveelste toren en het zoveelste gebouw. Laten wij heel sec beginnen met het minimale aantal vierkante meters. Het ‘oude’ Stedenbouwkundig Plan uit 2004 ging uit van 179.000 m2. ING Real Estate dacht in 2010 nog 195.000 m2 te kunnen realiseren maar elke ketting is zo sterk als de zwakste schakel. Alleen al het aantal vierkante meters kantoorruimte en een grote parkeergarage voor 1800 parkeerplaatsen bleken niet te nemen hordes. Dus is de vraag wat er vanaf vandaag en morgen wél mogelijk is? De ontwikkelstrategie die nu voor u ligt gaat uit van een bandbreedte tussen de 139.000 en
WS13/14 | Jacob van Rijs
20 Professorship in Architecture
205.000 m2 waarvan het programma en het opdrachtgeverschap het liefst zo divers en zo flexibel mogelijk kan worden ingevuld. In de praktijk zal het iets meer en iets minder kunnen zijn. De Tender voor Toren Overhoeks heeft aangetoond dat er ook in deze tijd veel interesse is voor deze plek. Nieuwe opdrachtgevers en nieuwe bestemmingen komen in beeld. Natu urlijk alleen al vanwege de prominente ligging aan de IJ. Zo dichtbij de binnenstad en het Centraal Station en toch zoveel lucht, ruimte en vrijheid. Ook voor het daarachter gelegen Groot Lab is nu al veel belangstelling. Codum zal hier de komende jaren werkruimten voor creatieve ondernemers verhuren. Misschien vindt de Goudfazant of andere ondernemer hier onderdak met een nieuw hotelconcept en zal Hyperion hier in de toekomst haar gym nasium openen. De Strip wordt in deze ontwikkelstrategie los geknipt. Het gebied tussen het Groot Lab en de Van der Pekbrug wordt in 7 kavels verdeeld. Kavels die los van elkaar én gefaseerd kunnen worden ontwikkeld doorverschillende opdrachtgevers met verschillende wensen. De vijf torens zijn gebleven, precies op de plekken waar het bestemmingsplan dit toelaat. Het is aan de markt om de precieze omvang van de toren te bepalen. Kleinere en dunnere torens zijn toegestaan. Wij geven daarom een bandbreedte aan met een minimaal en een maximaal aantal vierkante meters. Door alleen de torens te fixeren, ontstaat ruimte voor nieuwe initiatieven en nieuwe opdrachtgevers die wij nu nog niet kennen. De spelregels zijn helder. Er moet in de rooilijn worden gebouwd. De minimale en maximale bouwhoogte ligt vast. Parkeren wordt op eigen erf opgelost. De begane grond is minimaal 4,5 meter hoog en transparant.
WS13/14 | Jacob van Rijs
Organisation Visiting Professorship Courses | Design Studio | Organisation
Design Studio The design studio offers upper semester students the opportunity to improve their design skills. The unique approach in strongly combining research and teaching led to many outstanding projects, some of them built full scale. Prefered topics are habitation and mobility, microarchitecture, space architecture but projects range from housing to towers, inhabited bridges to arctic stations. Some of them are highly experimental others reach patenting status. Teaching focus is on innovation, conceptual and lateral thinking, new technologies, construction, interdisciplinary work, collaboration with industries and potential clients, multimedia presentation and model building up full scale mock-ups. Students learn the full range of skills an architects needs.
TEAM-WORK The project should be developed first in person and will be handled as a competition system where the students joun up later in bigger groups. Please work in our atelier - you will learn most while working together with other students! COACHING The assistants and professor team will help guide you and show how to optimise your design from concept to final presentation.Teaching hours are every monday and tuesday from 9:00am. Studio Emerging Technologies Room 3140B design critic
DESIGN PROCESS You are free to breake the rules and design new, fresh and innovative concepts!
WS13/14 | Jacob van Rijs
Teaching team at TU M端nchen
Jacob van Rijs Visiting Professor STUDIO 3140B INSTITUTE 4121
Dipl. - Ing. Ulrike Fuchs Teaching Assistant
CONTACT Dipl. - Ing. Moritz Mungenast Teaching Assistant
Dipl. - Ing. Robert Liedgens Visiting Teaching Assistant
Technische Universit辰t M端nchen Faculty of Architecture Professorship in Architecture Arcisstrasse 21 D 80333 M端nchen Fon: +49 (0)89.289 23 881
Timeline TIME
14.10.2013 15.10.2013
10.00 h 10.30 h
Introduction design task: Jacob v Rijs Presentation + kick off task+research topic
Room 3140B Room 3140B
21.10.2013 22.10.2013
10:00 h 10:00 h
Design Reviews all day Design Reviews all day
Room 3140B Room 3140B
10:00 h
Design Reviews all day
Room 3140B
EXCURSION: Amsterdam TU Delft: Lecture Rotterdam: MVRDV offices
presentation first design idea + research presentation
10:00 h
Design Reviews all day
Room 3140B
18.11.2013 19.11.2013
10:00 h 10:00 h
1.TESTAT Design Reviews all day
Room 3140B Room 3140B
10:00 h
Design Reviews all day
Room 3140B
02.12.2013 03.12.2013
10:00 h 10:00 h
2.TESTAT Design Reviews all day
Room 3140B Room 3140B
10:00 h
Design Reviews all day
Room 3140B
10:00 h
Design Reviews all day
Room 3140B
10:00 h
Design Reviews all day
Room 3140B
13.01.2014 14.01.2014
10:00 h 10:00 h
3.TESTAT Design Reviews all day
Room 3140B Room 3140B
10:00 h
Design Reviews all day
Room 3140B
10:00 h
Design Reviews all day
Room 3140B
10:00 h
Vorhoelzer Forum
design of unit and cluster
design with urban arrangement
WS13/14 | Jacob van Rijs
28 Professorship in Architecture
EXCURSION: Rotterdam - Delft - Amsterdam DATES 01.11. - 03.11.2013 PROGRAMM nighttrain to Amsterdam 01.11.2013 Design Workshop at TU Delf // visit MVRDV office 02.11.2013 Amsterdam 03.11.2013 Amsterdam nighttrain to München COSTS about 400€
including accommodation and travel
Housing project MVRDV
WS13/14 | Jacob van Rijs
Impressum Technische Universität München Faculty of Architecture Professorship in Architecture Arcisstrasse 21 D 80333 München
EDITING + GRAPHIC DESIGN Ulrike Fuchs Professorship in Architecture, TUM TEXT Professorship in Architecture, TUM PHOTOGRAPHY Professorship in Architecture, TUM PRINTING Grafik + Druck, München This imprinting is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the materials is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, re printing, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. For any kind of use, permission of the copyright owner must be obtained.
COVER Amserdam the Strip
1. Edition // Oct 2013
Technische Universit채t M체nchen Faculty of Architecture Chair for Emerging Technologies Arcisstrasse 21 D 80333 M체nchen