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… is Northern Ireland’s only volunteer led research and support charity for those a ected by brain tumours.

Brainwaves NI gives those going through their journey and their carers the opportunity to come together, support each other and cut through the isolation of a diagnosis.

Morepeople More people under 40 dieof die of abraintumour a brain tumour thanfromany than from any otherformof ther form of cancer

Braintumour Brain tumour researchreceives research receives less than1%of than 1% of nationalresearch national research spendinginthe ng in t UK

We provide vital research funding to the Patrick G. Johnston Centre for Cancer Research, Queen’s University. Over the last five years our fundraising has enabled us to provide more than £500,000 of funding.

Call: 07710 556 424 or email: info@brainwaves-ni.org

Find us on www.brainwaves-ni.org

Registered Charity No: NIC103464

Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland

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