18 minute read
MY TOP 10 Also throughout the magazine
1. What do you love most about your job?
I honestly think I am one of the luckiest people in the world to be working with a brand I created and to be working with an amazing team that brought that dream to reality. No two days are ever the same, from working at festivals and events, working on exciting new development projects and meeting some really amazing people.
2. What has been your career highlight to date?
There have been so many since launching Jawbox Gin back in February 2016, I was extremely humbled by the amazing support I received from the hospitality and retail industries, it really was fantastic how they got behind the brand. I have also had the opportunity to meet some absolutely amazing people including the Irish President Michael D Higgins, Prince Charles, Kylie Minogue, Si King and Dave Myers (The Hairy Bikers) the late Charles Campion and Nick Knowles to name a few, but most of all I love meeting up with people that come along to the events and chatting with them, there is one thing guaranteed about the people here, they will be 100% no holds barred honest with you and let you know what they think, which is so refreshing. Other highlights have been picking up so many awards for Jawbox, the ones that stood out the most for me personally were winning ‘Best New Business Award’ at The Belfast Business Awards, Supplier/Product of the Year at the Institute of Hospitality Awards and winning the Best Gin in the UK at the Quality Food and Drink Awards in London.
3. What are your favourite hobbies/ activities outside of work?
I have a real passion for travel and good food. I have been very lucky to have travelled widely, having already visited most European cities, and also parts of South Africa, Vietnam, China, Cambodia, The Philippines, USA, Iceland and Cuba. There are still so many places left to visit on the bucket list including Japan and Argentina.
4. What is your daily routine?
During normal times there really wasn’t a routine as everyday was diff erent, you could be working late into the night at an event one evening and maybe on another day up at a ridiculous early hour to catch a fl ight for a trade show or launch. Now during the lockdowns I’m mostly working from home in a much more relaxed mode. I always maintained getting up early and starting the day with a good breakfast, but I do miss the buzz and excitement of being where it’s all happening.
5. Do you have a fi tness regime?
I have to hold my hands up and admit that I have never been to a gym in my life! Having some extra time on my hands and being locked down I have started to do some very basic exercises at home to help make up for the lack of mad running about that would have been normal.
6. Do you have any tips for staying positive during this time?
I have always been the eternal optimist, it’s just in my nature and I know I am very lucky to have been able to always try and find a positive in almost every situation, but I am also very aware that this is not the case for everyone. A few tips would be to surround yourself with as many positive thinking people as you can, ration the amount of news you watch on TV or listen to on the radio, turn off your phone and other devices when you have the opportunity, and listen to your favourite music. Go for long walks and eat well using the freshest ingredients you can find.
Founder of Jawbox Gin
7. What do you think is the best thing about living in Northern Ireland?
Without any doubt the people, the warmest, most friendly and welcoming in the world, that is why our hospitality industry shines through, also our countryside is absolutely beautiful. We really do have a lot going for us.
8. What is your mantra or favourite quote that you live by?
If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room, and always treat others the way you would wish to be treated.
9. Who has been your biggest infl uence?
No one person in particular, but being brought up in Belfast during its darkest days and watching amazing business people not only rebuild but invest, develop and grow their businesses through some of the toughest times, people like Michael Deane, Willie Jack, Niall Mckenna, Michael Stewart, Bill Wolsey, the Hastings family and all the small bar and restaurant owners who made this place a destination that people from around the world want to come back to visit time and time again. They are my heroes.
Movie: Gladiator, Green Book, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing and The Upside
Band/Musician: Moving Hearts, Alex French
Book: When All Is Said by Anne Griffi n and The Life And Loves Of A He Devil by Graham Norton
Restaurant: Any of the Deanes Restaurants, James St, Hadskis, Shu, The Barking Dog, OX and Neven Maguire’s MacNean House, Blacklion for the best tasting menu
Holiday Destination: Anywhere around southern Asia, South Africa, Ireland
Drink: Negroni (Made with Jawbox Gin of course)
Meal: A shared one, surrounded by friends and a large side of wine and laughter

Lettie and Gerald Wilson.

Ken Clements and Anne Macdougall.

Families escaped lockdown to get out and enjoy the open air and sunshine at the small seaside town of Whitehead on the County Antrim coast. Blackhead cliff path, established in 1888 starts at Whitehead Boat Club and climbs to Blackhead Lighthouse perched on the edge of the cliff. The Lighthouse, built in 1902, offers wild, windswept views of Belfast Lough, County Down and the Isle of Man and Scotland.
The Penrose family Emily Grace, Nicole, Diane and Georgia
. Norma and Steven Granet.

Lucinda, Jason and Charlie with Eliza the dog. Audrey and Ken Simpson. Charmaine Marks and Lorna McConaghie.

Paula, Arlo and Tyson Gray.

Whitehead residents Ruth and Fergus Leckie. Hazel and Jack Blair. Sarah McReynolds with Savannah and Lucia.

Fionnuala, Ciara, Jenny, Kain and Susan Murray.

Whitehead resident Joyce Hall who visits her friend Rene the robin on her daily cliff walk.
.Jordan Robinson and Niall Brannigan
with miniature Dachshund Zara.

Dad and daughter, Desmond Wright and Carol Wilson. Craig, Landon, Carter and Ruth Heggen. Laura, Matthew, Rachel, Trisha and Rhod Evans with Llewellin setters Dulce and Bertie.


National Director, Northern Ireland at Action for Children
1. What do you love most about your job?
I love that I get to work with an incredibly talented and dynamic leadership team, and that together with our passionate and dedicated staff across our services we can change the lives of children in Northern Ireland for the better. Children are at the heart of everything we do at Action for Children and we believe that when children have a good start in life, and when we listen to their voices, they will have better overall health and emotional wellbeing, which will strengthen our community and bring about a brighter future for all of us. Throughout my career, I have been an advocate for mental health, wellbeing, equality and diversity and I love that these are core themes of our work.
2. What has been your career highlight to date?
The highlight of my career to date has defi nitely been coming back home from the USA to Northern Ireland to take up my current post. As a social worker you have to wear many diff erent hats and fi nd creative ways to support people in realising their potential. I feel privileged to have worked with people from many diff erent backgrounds and communities, directly in services and indirectly through advocacy for social change. I’m honoured to be able to bring my experience to this role and support our children, who are our future.
3. What are your favourite hobbies/ activities outside of work?
I grew up Irish dancing and taught for years after I stopped competing, then I fell in love with American tap and its rich history when I lived in the USA. I still love to dance and have a mini studio set up in my garage where I have found myself merging the dance styles and tapping along to a range of music genres. It feels out of the box and very liberating, while also providing great exercise. I also love to cook and often wind down in the kitchen at the end of a busy day. I fi nd chopping and prepping very meditative and I love experimenting with new ingredients and combinations.
4. What is your daily routine?
I like waking up early and hanging out with my cats with a cup of tea before the day starts. I have three kids, so mornings can be hectic, but with lockdown, home schooling and working from home, the transition into the day is a bit smoother. My schedule is usually really packed and I spend most of my day on video calls with our NI team, our many community partners and Action for Children colleagues across the UK. I’m lucky that my husband is working on US time and works a bit later in the day, so he does most of the home schooling with our nine year old in the morning. After work I squeeze in a run and I always look forward to dinner, which is family time for us.
5. Do you have a fi tness regime?
I make sure I get exercise every day, either with a run on my elliptical trainer or a walk on the beach. I add in some core exercises a few times a week, and I dance when I can fi nd the time.
6. Do you have any tips for staying positive during this time?
I would say make time to do the things you love. I know that can be challenging with all the competing priorities and restrictions we are facing right now, and a lot of people feel uncomfortable putting themselves fi rst, even for a short time. I think we have to remind ourselves that it is essential to recharge our batteries, and that we deserve it.
7. What do you think is the best thing about living in Northern Ireland?
I love the people, their kindness and generosity of spirit and the sense of community and support for each other. In my view you can’t fi nd scenery more stunning anywhere in the world than we have here and I love living by the sea on the beautiful Antrim coast. Also, we have dulse and Tayto!
8. What is your mantra or favourite quote that you live by?
My favourite quote is by Martin Luther King and is engraved on the south wall of the MLK memorial in Washington DC. “Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a fi ner world to live in.” The words resonate with me personally as well as professionally as a social worker.
9. Who has been your biggest infl uence?
I am lucky to have had a lot of amazing people in my life who have supported me and helped me on my journey. The person whose infl uence I have appreciated the most in a professional sense is Tom Young, one of my social work professors at Widener University in Pennsylvania, USA. In Tom’s class I began to understand the importance of truly listening and engaging with people and drawing on their strengths. Another person who made a huge diff erence in my life was my Irish dance teacher, Marjorie Gardiner. Mrs. Gardiner and her peers were really trailblazers of crossculture relations. Back in the seventies and eighties when our community was mostly segregated, kids from both backgrounds danced together in halls and living rooms and we all belonged. Mrs. Gardiner was a tough lady and we were all a bit scared of her when a festival was coming up, but she made me love Irish dance with a passion. In her classes I learned to work hard and to persist. I learned about teamwork, how to win and how to lose. I’ll never forget her smile.
Action for Children protects and supports vulnerable children and young people by providing practical and emotional care and support, ensuring their voices are heard and campaigning to bring lasting improvements to their lives. Visit actionforchildren.org.uk for more info and follow along with us on Facebook and Twitter @Actn4ChildrenNI
Movie: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (fi rst date with husband)
Band/Musician: Nick Cave
Book: Pride and Prejudice Restaurant: Mattie’s Meeting House Holiday Destination: Alaska Drink: Kombucha

Pictured at a Clarins reception, Westbury Hotel, Dublin, Paula Carlisle and Barbara Watson from Clarins, Anderson McAuley Ltd.

The Europa Hotel, Belfast, was the venue for the annual Nurses Formal. Nurses from Lagan Valley, Belfast City and Musgrave Park Hospital, were in attendance.

Holywood Private Clinic is a brand new, purposebuilt facility based at the Culloden Hotel MediSpa. Off ering a private GP service, minor surgeries, laser/ IPL and advanced cosmetic treatments, the clinic aims to provide effi cient, friendly and professional healthcare.
Dr Andy Mottram, Medical Director has 19 years medical experience. Dr Mottram continues to provide essential NHS services locally as a GP in the urgent care out of hours and as a GP with enhanced skills for the dermatology service.
“We understand now more than ever, our incredible NHS service is stretched. This can often mean people putting their health issues, which can range from changing moles to ingrowing toenails on the backburner. It is our belief that by making private healthcare seamless and accessible, we can ensure early detection before a small issue becomes a big problem.”
“In addition to off ering a full range of high quality GP and Minor surgery services we can

Dr Andy Mottram

also off er mole checks, general health & wellness checks, ear syringing and cyst/lump removals. We have invested in a wide range of award winning treatment options for our next generation clinic..
Our talented team of doctors and nurses combined with state of the art equipment which includes laser/IPL, Dermalux LED, medical grade microdermabrasion, dermapen microneedling,
and world class plasma pen therapies means we can successfully manage troublesome acne, scarring, pigmentation, rosacea, eczema and psoriasis. Our advanced PDO 3D Cog thread face lifts and ‘soft surgery’ plasma pen 3 stage facelifts are the perfect option for someone seeking a subtle ‘tweakment’. With more exciting treatments to come in the near future, we will be at the pulse of the latest advancements in medical and cosmetic care.”
Holywood Private Clinic are pleased to be able to also off er PCR COVID-19 testing and travel certifi cates for results within 24 hours to enable essential journeys to take place. A rapid antigen test can also be carried out, allowing results within 15 minutes for peace of mind.
Directors, Simon and Peter Bryans, have used their expertise working for family business, Richmond Private Nursing Home also situated in Cultra to shape the friendly, caring and professional environment at Holywood Private Clinic.
The Culloden General Manager, Lisa Steele, added:
“The Culloden Estate and Spa are delighted to welcome the Holywood Private Clinic to the MediSpa here at the Estate. We wish all the team great success and look forward to working together.”

Clinic Directors Simon Bryans, Dr Andy Mottram and Peter Bryans with Culloden Hotel General Manager Lisa Steele.

You do not need to register with the clinic to attend, simply book an appointment online at www.holywoodprivateclinic.com

Hair Transplant surgeon.
1. What do you love most about your job?
I like most aspects of my job.However I prefer the surgical procedures the most. Assessing, planning and following through on surgical cases is what it is all about.
2. What has been your career highlight to date?
Getting a degree of independence as a surgeon, I have learned a lot from all the jobs( predominantly surgical )that I have done. It is great to make decisions about what you think should or should not be done surgically.
3. What are your favourite hobbies/ activities outside of work?
Life pretty much revolves around activities and family.I mostly spend my free time on tennis/reading/cycling/walking or playing with the kids.
4. What is your daily routine?
We start surgical cases early – we see consultations and do some administartive work later. Home in the evening for tennis or taking in some sport activity. Also spending time with my family in the evenings.
5. Do you have a fi tness regime?
I play tennis, go cycling and do the TRX a few times a week. I also go hiking with my wife at weekends.
6. Do you have any tips for staying positive during this time?
Have a realistic outlook on life, accept your sucesses and your failures equally.
7. What do you think is the best thing about living in Ireland?
Temperate climate, beautiful scenery and friendly people.
8. What is your mantra or favourite quote that you live by?
An Te nach bhfuil laidir ,ni folair do bheith glic..( If you are not strong ,you have to be smart..make the best of things!).
9. Who has been your biggest infl uence?
Bob Geldof – without regard for himself he tries to help.
Movie: Blues brothers…..”We’re on a mission from God”.
Band/Musician: Radiohead/The Cure/ Elizabeth Fraser.
Book: This has to be ‘Sapiens’. This is a fascinating book by Juval Noah Harrari.. it may change your outlook on life.
Restaurant: Doghouse in Howth, Dublin.. Worth a visit!
Holiday Destination: New York. This is a wanderer’s paradise . You just keep walking and looking around at all the sights/buildings/museums. There is so much to see.
Drink: Bailey’s.
Meal: Anything with seafood in it.

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Grange Clinic, Grange Road, Donaghmede, Dublin 13 01 832 4283 / 086 875 5979 • State-of-the-art facilities • A ordable packages Owned and lead by an Irish Surgeon Professional sta State-of-the-art facilities A ordable packages • Safe and evidence based approach Safe and evidence based approach Natural looking results • Natural looking results Free consultation • Free consultation

E: info@tirnanogclinic.com
@tirnanogclinic Testimonial Grange Clinic, Grange Road, Donaghmede, Dublin 13 Being able to stay in Dublin and get a high quality hair transplant for an a ordable price for me was “ Before 01 832 4283 / 086 875 5979fantastic. Professional, friendly and after care service you just can’t get when travelling abroad. Tir Na Nog was the answer to my hair loss problem. I did my
“research before going ahead and surgeon Kevin Mc Donald came highly recommended.


Grange Clinic, Grange Road, Donaghmede, Dublin 13 00353 1 848 9159 / 00353 86 875 5979 E: info@tirnanogclinic.com W: www.tirnanogclinic.com @tirnanogclinic