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Cormac McKervey

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Jim Fitzpatrick

Jim Fitzpatrick


There is much excitement in the air about the return to a full-scale Balmoral Show with Ulster Bank. Thankfully most restrictions have been lifted and while the reduced event in September 2021 was a success, it feels extra special that this year’s event will be much closer to the Balmoral Show we are all familiar with.

This will be Ulster Bank’s 13th show as principal sponsor and while 13 may be unlucky for some, everyone at Ulster Bank feels honoured to be a proud partner of what is now a truly world-class event.

At its heart, the Balmoral Show is a celebration of our local agriculture sector which, thanks to the talented growers and producers working in this industry, has put Northern Ireland on the map and cemented its reputation as a leading food destination on the world stage.

The reality is, however, that some in the industry may not feel like celebrating this year. Farmers here are operating through very challenging times with input costs rising at an almost unprecedented scale and margins for produce remaining static.

Confl ict in Ukraine, disruption to supply chains, and Brexit implications are just some of the issues weighing heavy on the sector and while profi tability has yet to dip, certain sub-sectors of the industry are being exposed to greater risks than others.

With all of this going on in the background, our message to farmers and businesses attending the Balmoral Show is that we understand your concerns and we are ready to offer you support, both through the funds we have available to lend and through the expertise of our teams. We are also encouraging farmers to try and look for new opportunities, in particular when it comes to transitioning to cleaner business practices.

Given the very real problems associated with climate change it is crucial that farmers are considered as part of the solution to tackling this issue. We want to work in partnership with the sector in this area and can provide the tools and expertise agribusinesses need to fulfi l their green ambitions. We have recently launched two new green propositions including green loans and green asset fi nance options and all of our business managers now undergo specialist climate training.

The Balmoral Show remains the standout event in the local agri-food calendar and for good reason. It is a chance to come together as a sector, bring ideas to market and tap into the strong sense of pride that unites us all. Whether you are there for the livestock competitions, exhibiting your produce or simply taking the opportunity to catch up with old friends, I wish you an enjoyable visit to the show and look forward to welcoming you throughout the four days of the event.

By Cormac McKervey, Senior Agricultural Manager, Ulster Bank


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