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SisterlyReminders SisterlyReminders
Meeting Attire:
The attire for our monthly Chapter meetings is Business Sorors, please do not wear casual clothing.
Please do not park on the grass or park in the back lot if you are not staying for the duration of the meeting.
Frequently check your email for AKA and AGO correspondence.
Chapter Directory: Please do not share our chapter directory or chapter contact information with anyone outside of the sorority.
Newsletter Submission:
The deadline to submit items for The Ivy Vine newsletter is the 15th of each month with the exception of January.
The January submission deadline is the 23rd.
Send submissions to Soror Cheryl Lynn Mason, Basileus at sororcherylmasonago1927@gmail.com.
E-blast Requests:
To request an E-blast, please send a prepared message/flyer to sororcherylmasonago1927@gmail.com. Copy
Soror Carmecia Carson-Glover, Epistoleus at epistoleus@akaago1927.com
Title your email: E-blast Request
Meeting Calendar: Committee Chairmen should contact Member-at-Large
Soror Gloria Wilkerson, to provide her with your planned meeting dates. Contact Soror Gloria at rosyfloglo15@att.net or (323) 829-7615.
Clear dates prior to sending meeting notices to committee members. Copy the Basileus and First Anti-Basileus on all meeting notices.
Meeting Attendance and Sign-In: Remember to sign-in at each monthly chapter meeting. You can do this by scanning the QR Code at the meeting and/or contacting the Anti-Grammateus, Soror Alvina Heard at antigrammateus@akaago1927.com. Your attendance is very important.