Ultra VW Feature (April 2013 issue)

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This SO42 Westfalia has a colourful history, having originally toured Europe before being shipped to the USA and then, more recently, back to the UK Words & Photos: Paul Knight

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ere at Ultra VW we’re used to seeing fully restored and 100 per cent faultless Buses at shows and, of course, in front of the lens as we photograph them for future features. However, much as we love to see perfection, sometimes it can feel a little soulless and cold. After all, these vehicles have almost all seen a lot of the world over the years, and so much of that history is often lost as the vehicles change hands, and years of character are stripped away to be replaced with fresh paint and trim. If only they could talk, I’m sure most would have some great tales to tell! But every now and then we stumble

across a car with history and real character. And that’s exactly what we have here, a 1967 SO42 Westfalia with a fabulous history file and a great tale to tell. Working alongside his friend, Peter, VW Camper Vans UK’s Tony Bolt has seen his fair share of Campers in recent years. However, when he stumbled across this gem, he instantly fell for its charm, and decided to keep this back for himself. He told us, ‘I originally imported this one from the USA back in 2006 and while I knew it was largely original, I was pleasantly surprised by just how good it really was when it finally arrived’. While the body has had a couple of small repairs over the years, more than 80 per cent

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“Everything is where it should be inside the van, too. Nothing has been tampered with and it feels as fresh as the day it was made”

The curtains and interior trim are all original Far right: Inside the cooler you’ll find the original egg holder and tray – quite a rarity

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of the vehicle is still wearing the same coat of L87 Pearl White paint it left the factory with. Sure, there are a few very minor blemishes here and there, but that’s what makes this stand out, as every little chip tells a tale and adds to the character! There’s nothing hidden here, it’s as honest as they come, and it’s clear that this Westy has been loved and cherished for more than 45 years. Everything is where it should be inside the van, too. Nothing has been tampered with and it feels as fresh as the day it was made. The Safari windows are originals, as is the Westfalia roof rack (still with its original badges). Tony commented, ‘I’ve been asked to sell the roofrack many times, and people ask why haven’t I stripped it back, repainted it and replaced the wooden slats, but that would be a crime, as that original patina is

far cooler than a fresh coat of paint’. Also original is the pop top canvas, the Westy curtains and the factory-supplied awning, too. Tony said, ‘It came complete and ready to go with every camping extra you’d need except for some tins of beans and bedding!’. Opening the original cooler, we were pleased to see that even the original egg holder and tray were still in place (as they so rarely are!). However, don’t for one minute think that this van is a super low-mileage vehicle, which has been tucked away and rarely used. Far from it – this van has seen many road trips across Europe and the USA, and its fabulous condition is more due to the love and care of a fastidious owner. Since owning the Camper, Tony has undertaken a few mechanical tasks, including a couple of updates, which have

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“Tony has taken his family camping in the Westy many times, and is proud to be continuing the tradition started with the previous owner, Mr. Orwig from Berea, Kentucky, USA”

made it a little easier to live with in modern traffic (and nothing that couldn’t be undone). The original 1500 single-port engine was still pulling strong – however, with the whining reduction boxes and original transmission, Tony felt he was pushing the old mechanicals too hard out on the motorway. Therefore, he’s had the rear converted with a straight-axle kit, which has done away with the troublesome reduction boxes and also increased the final drive for more relaxed high-speed cruising. And, with the original motor safely stashed away in the workshop, he took the opportunity to slot in a later, 1641cc twin-port motor with a Weber carb and Bosch 009 distributor. To improve stability and to level the ride height, Tony then had the front gently lowered, and he has had the entire braking

system overhauled, too. The only other changes he’s made are to add a leisure battery and electrical hook-up connector in the engine bay (you have to have some way of powering laptops, DVD players and mobile phones these days, of course!). There are a handful of rubber seals which have been replaced (doors, pop-top, tailgate) as the originals had perished over the years, and were letting in water thanks to our beautiful British weather! Since completing the updates, Tony has taken his family camping in the Westy many times, and is proud to be continuing the tradition started with the previous (and only other) owner, Mr Orwig from Berea, Kentucky, USA. Not only did Mr Orwig keep the Camper in such great condition for so many years, he

also maintained one of the most comprehensive history files we’ve ever seen. When Tony told us the folder was a foot thick, we thought he was exaggerating, but soon realised that he was right! There are fuel and mileage records, and a complete service history from day one in the file, and as we flicked through, the history of

holiday was complete, you could deliver the vehicle to almost any European port to be shipped to the USA! And this is exactly what Mr Orwig did, collecting his SO42 from Luxembourg on 15th June 1967. With the family in tow, Mr Orwig went on to tour all around Europe, before eventually delivering it to Continental

It was a hard decision for a now elderly Mr Orwig to come to, but by 2006 he came to the conclusion that it was perhaps the turn of a new owner to keep his precious ’67 safe. And who would ever have thought that the van would cross the Atlantic yet again, and go on to roll on the same UK roads as it did some 45 years ago!

this vehicle just got better and better. Back in 1967, US residents could purchase a brand new Westy at their local VW dealership and have it delivered to a European dealership of their choice for collection. The idea behind this was that you could fly to Europe and collect the vehicle, then go on to enjoy a European tour. The package included dealership backup and servicing across Europe, but more impressive was the fact that, once your

Car Shipping in London on 1st September. The Camper arrived safely in New York on the 18th September and, with his purchase and ownership documents in hand, Mr Orwig was able to collect it just a few days later. Of course, the adventure didn’t stop there, as the family continued to use their Camper for many more years, travelling all around the USA and documenting every trip and expenditure along the way.

Tony lamented, ‘It breaks my heart to say it, but I’m thinking of letting this one go, but only to the right buyer who can continue to keep it in good, original condition and enjoy as I have’. So, if you’d like to be the next proud keeper of this piece of history, and can continue the upkeep of the history files, log on to www.vwcampervansuk.com where you’ll find contact details and further information on this wonderful Westy. UVW

“And who would ever have thought that the van would cross the Atlantic yet again, and go on to roll on the same UK roads as it did some 45 years ago!

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ROADTRIPPIN’ Before we leave the tale of this amazing Westy survivor, we thought it might be nice to share just a few of the highlights from the history files...


ucked within the wallet(s) of information that came with this Camper were enough clues for Tony Bolt to be able to track down the original owner, Mr Orwig. Tony commented, ‘I first made contact with one of his daughters via email, who was pleased to hear that the van was in safe hands after so many years as part of her

while the children would stay in the tent, alongside. The three month European tour covered several thousand miles, and even prior to the arrival of the holiday snaps, it was possible to track the route via the service records and receipts and bills in the files! Germany, Italy, Greece, France and finally England, where the Bus was driven

because of the lively springs under the seats which make the passengers bounce up and down on rough roads as if they were on pogo sticks. Incidentally, Pogo has not been in any accidents and Dad kept track of all routine repairs and maintenance and that was with the van when it was sold’. What a nice touch! We spent several hours poring over the files that came with Tony’s Bus,

“It is called "Pogo" because of the lively springs under the seats which make the passengers bounce up and down on rough roads as if they were on pogo sticks”

family’. Many emails were exchanged over a period of months, and the Orwig family went as far as sending over some keepsakes, including the original German registration plates and a collection of photographs. The now grown-up daughter explained how her parents slept inside the van,

from Dover to London, then West to Glastonbury and as far north as Edinburgh (then back to the docks at London before being packed off for New York). One of the letters reads, ‘I am delighted that the Pogomobile is back in England and is being well cared for. It is called "Pogo"

and it made for great reading. Even if you have no previous history with your VW, perhaps you should consider keeping a similarly detailed file with it for the benefit of future keepers? It’s certainly a very important part of this vehicle, and adds character and provenance to the tale! UVW

Top: This shot was taken in Berlin, Germany.

Top: Happy memories of an evening meal on a

Note the Beetle just out of shot!

campsite in Southern Germany

Above: Still in Germany, this candid shot shows

Above: The tour travelled as far afield as

Mr Orwig erecting the tent for his daughters!

Greece... it truly was a Europe-wide holiday!

Below: Mr Orwig took this shot of his precious

Below: This is a busier campsite, in Italy this

VW whilst hiking in the Yugoslavian hills!

time. Note another Beetle behind the tent!

Bottom: This shot is from a trip to Lake Superior

Bottom: Moving into northern Italy, the Camper

following the Camper’s arrival in the USA

was now on the return leg of the Euro roadtrip

The Westy was just days old when this photograph was taken in Germany

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