5. 11. —— 19. 11. 2013. Nakit za tijelo —— Body Jewellery
exhibition organized by
exhibition space
5. 11. —— 19. 11. 2013. Nakit za tijelo —— Body Jewellery
exhibition organized by
exhibition space
Nakit za tijelo —— maša štrbac
Riječ ‘nakit’ na hrvatskom jeziku upućuje na dekorativnu funkciju predmeta kojeg nosimo na svom tijelu, kao njegov ures. Njegovo je značenje naravno puno šire, i za nositelje i za oblikovatelje nakita, koji ga tretiraju kao umjetnički rad u svim njegovim suvremenim inačicama – od koncepta do društvenog komentara, od mini skulpture do produkt dizajna. Sve su opcije unutar te skale dozvoljene, pa i šire, i autori ih odabiru ovisno o svom senzibilitetu i umjetničkom opredjeljenju. Ipak, na ovoj izložbi izbor im je bio ponešto sužen. U formi kustoskog poziva, autore sam željela potaknuti da osmisle nakit kao objekt za tijelo. Naime, u većine autora, članova ULUPUH-ove Sekcije za oblikovanje plemenitih kovina i umjetničkog nakita, primijetila sam sklonost da se nakit tretira kao mala skulptura, samosvojni objekt koji ne ovisi o tijelu na kojem se nosi, ili barem tu činjenicu nastoji ignorirati kao sputavajuću. Uvjerena u onu da ‘granice potiču, a ne sputavaju kreativnost’, pozvala sam autore da učine upravo suprotno – istraže oblike nakita koji će uzeti u obzir tijelo kao njegova nositelja na svim razinama, od funkcionalne do simboličke: Poigrajte se oblikom nakita i njegovim funkcioniranjem na drugom dijelu tijela (izuzev danas uobičajenih zgloba, vrata ili uha), kao i mogućim simboličkim značenjem takvog izmještanja. Osvijestite odnos nakita s tijelom koje ga nosi – osvrnite se u prošlost i načine na koje je nekad nošen, istražite njegov novi mogući odnos s tijelom u suvremenosti, kao i značenje i funkciju koju pri tom može steći. To su samo prijedlozi – bit je da oblikujete nakit koji će svoje puno značenje i smisao dobiti tek na tijelu i sa tijelom – nakit koji neće biti ‘objekt na tijelu’, već ‘objekt za tijelo’. Postavivši zadatak dizajnerski, stavljajući funkcionalnost u prvi plan, željela sam podsjetiti na nakit kao primijenjenu umjetnost u najboljem smislu te riječi. Naravno, ideja i realizacija imaju ponekad sasvim različite tijekove, a komunikacija kustos – umjetnik nikad nije jednosmjerna.
Nakit za tijelo / Body Jewellery
Body Jewellery —— maša štrbac
The word ‘jewellery’ in the Croatian language suggests the decorative feature of an object which we wear on our body, as an adornment. Its meaning is, of course, much broader, both for those who wear it and for those who fashion jewellery , who treat it as a work of art in all of its contemporary versions – from concept to social commentary, from mini sculpture to a designed product. All options within this scale are allowed, and beyond, and the authors choose them depending on their sensibility and artistic preferences. However, for this exhibition their choice is somewhat limited. In the form of curatorial call, I wished to encourage authors to design jewellery as an object for the body. Namely, I noted that the majority of authors, members of ULUPUH’s Section for the design of precious metals and art jewellery, had a tendency to treat jewellery as if it were a small sculpture, a unique object that does not depend on the body on which it is worn, or to, at least, see the item as an endeavour at ignoring this fact as being a restraint. Convinced in the saying that ‘boundaries are motivating rather than a hindrance to creativity’, I invited artists to do just the opposite – explore forms of jewellery that would consider the body as its wearer at all levels, from the functional to the symbolic: Play with the form of jewellery and the manner in which it functions on another part of the body (aside from the usual parts, like the wrist, neck or ear) , as well as the possible symbolic meaning of such a relocation. Awaken the relationship between jewellery and the body that is wearing it – reflect upon the past and the ways in which it was once worn, explore possible new relationships with the body in a contemporary context, as well as the meaning and function that it may thereby acquire. These are only suggestions – the underlying aim is for you to fashion jewellery which will gain its full significance and import when worn on the body and in conjunction with the body – jewellery that will not be ‘an object placed on the body’, but ‘an object for the body.’
ULUPUH / Gallery meno niša
Dio se autora, članova Sekcije, odazvao ovom pozivu (njih otprilike pola), dio nije. Oni koji pak jesu, protumačili su ‘zadatak’ prema vlastitim sklonostima, kroz prilagođavanje koncepciji ipak nastojeći realizirati vlastite umjetničke interese. Neki su u postavljenom zadatku otkrili vlastite nove mogućnosti. Rezultat je ova izložba. Ona odslikava napetosti između jedne (kustoske) ideje i umjetničkih osobnosti koju su na nju odlučile odgovoriti. Dio je autora (Rea Boschi Razić, Zlatko Odrčić, Sabina Kolonić) oblikovanjem zašao u područje accessoiresa, slobodnijim tretmanom perika, okvira za naočale, kopči za kosu, naramenica… pokazujući kako je uobičajeno poimanje nakita beskrajno proširivo. Ljiljana Fabijanić, Mario Beusan i Eva Lumezi svojim su broševima i ogrlicama pronašli drugo mjesto na tijelu – izazovnije i zaigranije. Srebrni leptiri Stjepana Balje lepršaju oko tijela, povezani tek tankom žicom preko ramena, vibrirajući u nestalnoj, labilnoj ravnoteži. Petra Podnarčuk oblikuje magične, zagonetne predmete, slušalice i spremnike za zabilješke nadahnute sjećanjima i uspomenama, koji ne sugeriraju način nošenja i ostavljaju prostor za igru. Dina Grgurić dijeli istu fascinaciju predmetnim svijetom – onim svakodnevice, pa tako ‘kutiju šibica’ smješta na prst, da bude uvijek pri ruci. Nakit kao proteza nadahnuo je Davora Šuka za ‘rukavicu’ koja može služiti kao ures ruke ili pak kao stilizirano ortopedsko pomagalo kod prijeloma prstiju. Marko Horvat HOX složenom strukturom u obliku kralježaka ljudske kičme izražava svoje viđenje međuljudskih odnosa na privatnoj, ali i političkoj razini (odnosi među zemljama članicama Europske unije). Lazer Lumezi nije izradio nakit za tijelo, već nakit kao dio tijela – svoje ‘treće oko’ postavivši namjesto jednog od dva postojeća, s neminovnim implikacijama koje to ima na naš način gledanja na svijet.
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Nakit Smiljke Franjić mišljen je da bude viđen tek djelomice, oko dekoltea, dok ostatak doživljava samo nositelj, taktilnim putem, osjećajući sakriveni dio nakitne konstrukcije kao potporanj, funkcionalni i simbolički, za samopouzdano držanje i stav. Priča o nakitu tako je neminovno i priča o tijelu, o povezanosti tjelesne i duhovne dimenzije našeg postojanja. Povod ovoj izložbi je gostovanje ULUPUH-a u litvanskom gradu Vilniusu, no ona nije zamišljena kao predstavljanje hrvatske umjetnosti nakita u inozemstvu. Ne u onom smislu u kojem se ono specifično ‘hrvatsko’ u umjetnosti, bilo kojoj, pokušava definirati kada se nastupa pred drugima. Identitet ionako nije neki unaprijed zacrtani projekt, nego polje otvorenih granica koje se stalno mijenja u dijalektičkom odnošenju s drugima. U tom smislu ova izložba je tek poziv, pitanje upućeno promatraču, koji će sam pronaći svoj odgovor.
/ Maša Štrbac
Nakit za tijelo / Body Jewellery
In setting the task as one based on design, and in placing functionality at the forefront, the aim was for it to serve as a reminder that jewellery is basically an applied art but in the best sense. Of course, an idea and its implementation often take quite different paths and communication between curator and artist is never in one direction. Some of the authors, members of the Section, responded to this call (around half of them); some not. Those who did interpreted the ‘task’ according to their own preferences, by adapting the concept to suit their own artistic interests. Some even discovered new possibilities in their own art through the task set. The result is this exhibition. It reflects the tension between an idea (the curator’s) and artistic individuality responding to this idea. Some of the authors (Rea Boschi Razić, Zlatko Odrčić, Sabina Kolonić) took design into the realm of accessories, with a more liberal treatment of wigs, frames for glasses, hair clips, shoulder straps… revealing that the standard notion of jewellery is infinitely expandable. Ljiljana Fabijanić, Mario Beusan and Eva Lumezi have revealed other – more challenging and playful – parts of the body for their brooches and necklaces. Stjepan Balja’s silver butterflies flutter around the body, connected by only a thin wire over the shoulder, vibrating in an impermanent, unstable balance. Petra Podnarčuk shapes magical, mysterious objects, headphones and note containers inspired by memories and mementoes, which do not suggest a way in which these objects should be worn and so provide space for playfulness. Dina Grgurić shares this fascination with the world of objects – everyday objects, and so she places her ‘matchbox’ on the finger, so that is may always be to hand. Jewellery as a prosthesis inspired Davor Šuk to design a ‘glove’ that has a decorative function, but may also function as a stylized orthopaedic prosthesis for fractured fingers.
Marko Horvat HOX’s complex structure in the shape of the vertebrae of the human spine expresses his views on human relationships at a private, but also at a political level (relations among member countries of the European Union). Lazer Lumezi has not made body jewellery, but jewellery as part of the body – a ‘third eye’ setting it instead of one of the two existing ones, with the inevitable implications that this bears on the manner in which we see the world. The jewellery of Smiljka Franjić is meant to be seen only partially, around the neckline, while the rest of it is only experienced by the person wearing it, in a tactile manner, so that the concealed part of the construction is felt as a form of support, functional and symbolic, for inspiring confidence, augmenting posture and attitude. The story of jewellery is inevitably also a story about the body, about the inter-connectedness between the physical and spiritual dimensions of our existence. The motive for this exhibition is ULUPUH’s visit to the Lithuanian city of Vilnius, but it is not meant as a representation of Croatian art jewellery overseas. Not in the sense that it is specifically ‘Croatian’ art by definition being presented as such before others. Its identity is not delineated by the preconceived project; on the contrary, it is a field of open borders that change constantly in a dialectical dialogue with others. In this sense, this exhibition is but an invitation, a question posed to the informed observer, who will find his own answers.
/ Maša Štrbac
ULUPUH / Gallery meno niša
stjepan balja mario beusan rea boschi razić ljiljana fabijanić smiljka franjić dina grgurić marko horvat hox sabina kolonić lazer lumezi eva lumezi šimatović zlatko odrčić petra podnarčuk davor šuk
stjepan balja
Bez naziva; srebro, legura; vlastita tehnika No name; silver, alloy; personal technique
ULUPUH / Gallery meno niša
mario beusan
Nakit za leđa; transparentni email mozaik na bakru, ljepljiva poleđina Back jewellery; transparent enamel mosaic on copper; sticky reverse surface
Nakit za tijelo / Body Jewellery
rea boschi razić
‘Perika’, paljena željezna žica; kombinirana tehnika ‘Wig’, fired iron wire; combined technique
ULUPUH / Gallery meno niša
ljiljana fabijanić
‘Cvijet’, 9 broševa, cvjetovi sa četiri latice; srebro, shibuichi, jantar; tehnika: rezanje, lotanje. Mogu se staviti bilo gdje na odjeći. ‘Flower’, 9 brooches, flowers with four petals; silver, shibuichi, amber; technique: cutting, soldering. May be worn anywhere on clothing.
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Nakit za tijelo / Body Jewellery
smiljka franjić
Bez naziva; mesing, fosilni hrast starosti 5 900 godina; tehnika: lotanje, patiniranje, stolarski pristup spajanju materijala (Za ovaj komad nakita može se reći da je autoerotski. Osobi koja ga nosi ispod odjeće daje sigurnost, potiče ju da se pravilno drži i hrabrije ophodi. Ostalima je vidljiv tek privjesak koji usmjeren od srca prema gore proviruje iz dekoltea.) No name; brass, 5900-year-old fossil oak; technique: soldering, patinated, joined materials (This piece of jewellery may be termed as being autoerotic. It lends security to the person wearing it under her clothes; it motivates the person to stand up straight and to be more self-assured. To others it is only visible as a pendant running from the heart and upwards as far as the décolleté.)
ULUPUH / Gallery meno niša
dina grgurić
‘Kutija šibica’, srebro, gravirano srebro, šibice, dio kutije šibica; tehnika: presanje s uzorkom, lotanje, fasanje kamena - Predmet iz svakodnevne upotrebe, koji se često ‘gubi’ po džepovima i torbicama, izrađen je ovaj puta u plemenitoj kovini i uvijek ‘dostupan’ na prstu. ‘Matchbox’, silver, engraved silver, matches, part of a matchbox; technique: pressing with pattern, soldering, stone fitting - A daily object, easily ‘lost’ in pockets and handbags, made of precious metals and always ‘to hand’ on your finger.
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Nakit za tijelo / Body Jewellery
marko horvat hox
‘silver spine - silver bridge’, srebro 925, konac; tehnika: mehanički obrađeno srebro, polirano i spojeno koncem - Kralježnica kao most unutar čovjeka, most kao kralježnica čovječanstva koji spaja države, gradove, ljude bez obzira na nacionalnu, vjersku ili jezičnu pripadnost, kako je to upisano u strategije Europske Unije. Tri segmenta predstavljaju Europu kao sjever, srednji dio i jug. Svaki rad ima 28 rupica - zvjezdica koje predstavljaju broj članica EU tj. njihove glavne gradove i njihovu međusobnu povezanost. Plava boja konca boja je zastave EU i govori da je za svako zajedništvo potreban golem trud te da spoj koji se čini čvrst lako može popustiti i puknuti, kao i odnosi među ljudima koji se dugo grade a u trenu se mogu urušiti. ‘silver spine - silver bridge’, silver 925, thread; technique: mechanical workmanship of silver, polishing and joining with thread - The spine as a bridge within the human body, a bridge as the spine of humankind which joins countries, cities, people irrespective of nationality, faith or language, as noted in the strategy of the European Union. The three segments represent north, central and south Europe. Each piece has 28 holes – stars representing the number of EU members, that is, their capitals and their interrelatedness. The bluecoloured thread is the colour of the EU flag and states that a lot of effort must be invested for a community to function and that this link which seems strong may easily vacillate or break, just as can the links among people which are built up over a long period which may crumble within an instant. ULUPUH / Gallery meno niša
sabina kolonić
Ukras za uho i kosu iz serije ‘Jaje’; papir, srebro, drvo; tehnika: kaširanje papira, obrada metala - Transmutacija prostora, vremena i spola. Ear and hair ornament from the series ‘Egg’; paper, silver, wood; technique: paper mache, fashioned metal - Transmutation of space, time and sex.
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Nakit za tijelo / Body Jewellery
lazer lumezi
‘Treće oko’, srebro i tekstil - Da bismo ga koristili treba ugasiti bar jedno. ‘Third eye’, silver and textile - To use it we need to switch off at least one eye.
ULUPUH / Gallery meno niša
eva lumezi šimatović
‘Kava’, srebro, zrna kave; kombinirana tehnika - Zrno kave je prilično banalan materijal za ukrašavanje. Zato je savršen poticaj za preobrazbu. Ova zrna nitko nikada neće samljeti i popiti. Ona će glumiti cvijeće koje šeće. ‘Coffee’, silver, beans of coffee; combined technique - A coffee bean is a relatively banal material for ornamentation. This is why it is ideal as a form of motivation for transformation. These beans will never be ground and drunk. They will embody flowers that walk.
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Nakit za tijelo / Body Jewellery
zlatko odrčić
‘Klizni prozori’, mjed, patina; pektoral-klizni nakit koji se nosi oko tijela; tehnika: piljenje, lotanje, kovanje i patiniranje ‘Sliding windows’, brass, patina; pectoral-sliding jewellery to be worn around the body; technique: sawing, soldering, forging and patinating
ULUPUH / Gallery meno niša
petra podnarčuk
‘Mali podsjetnik na velike stvari’, broš; srebro, pluto, olovka, karton, papir, konac; tehnika: lotanje, spajanje, farbanje - Broš je ovdje da nas podsjeća na lijepe stvari namijenjene nama samima. Naglasak je na želji, lijepoj uspomeni koje u ovom ubrzanom ritmu olako iščezavaju. Napisana na papir, uz pomoć olovke, ona postaje vidljivi status nositelja kao poruka svijetu ili osobni podsjetnik. ‘A small reminder of greater things’, brooch; silver, cork, pencil, cardboard, paper, thread; technique: soldering, joining, painting - This brooch is here to remind us of beautiful things intended for ourselves. The stress is on desire, a beautiful memento which all too soon disappears in this frenzied rhythm. Written on paper with the aid of a pencil, it becomes a visible status of the wearer as a message to the world or a personal reminder.
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Nakit za tijelo / Body Jewellery
davor šuk
‘Rukavica’, patinirani bakar; tehnika: kovanje, pletenje - Rukavica sa pomičnim zglobovima na pregibima ruke. Može služiti kao ures ruke ili stilizirano ortopedsko pomagalo kod prijeloma prstiju. Po želji i potrebi. ‘Glove’, patinated copper; technique: forging, plaiting - A glove with mobile joints at the joints of the hand. It may serve as ornamentation or as a stylised orthopaedic aid for broken fingers. Depending on the person’s desire and need.
ULUPUH / Gallery meno niša
Stjepan Balja Rođen je u 1940. godine u Zaprešiću. Vodi vlastitu ‘Radionicu za izradu i oblikovanje nakita od plemenitih kovina’ koja je otvorena 1966. godine, a danas nosi naziv ‘Umjetnički atelier Stjepan Balja - slobodni likovni umjetnik’. Kontinuirano izlaže na skupnim i samostalnim izložbama od 1968. godine te priređuje revije nakita. Do sada je izlagao na više od 110 izložbi vlastitih umjetničkih djela u Hrvatskoj, Europi i Australiji. Kontakt ++ 385 98 1383 810 Mario Beusan Rođen je 1944. godine u Zagrebu. Po obrazovanju arhitekt, red. prof. Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Od 1973. godine bavi se oblikovanjem izložba i stalnih postava muzeja u Hrvatskoj (realizirao 207 izložba i 25 stalnih postava muzeja). Nakon studijskog boravka u Parizu 1968., bavi se umjetničkim oblikovanjem nakita u emajlu. Kao član ULUPUH-a izlaže na brojnim izložbama u Hrvatskoj i u svijetu. Svoj opus u emajlu prezentirao je 2005. na retrospektivnoj izložbi u Galeriji ULUPUH. Godine 2008. objavljuje monografiju ‘Suvremeni umjetnički nakit u Hrvatskoj’. Nagrade i priznanja: 1982. Prestižna nagrada u Limogesu (VI. Biennale Internationale de l'Emaill). 1998. Državno odlikovanje za osobite zasluge u kulturi ‘RED DANICE HRVATSKE S LIKOM MARKA MARULIĆA’ 2005. ‘Velika nagrada za životno djelo ULUPUH-a’ pod pokroviteljstvom Skupštine grada Zagreba, za realizaciju projekta ‘Hrvatski suvremeni umjetnički nakit’ 2007. nagrada ‘BERNARDO BERNARDI’ za oblikovanje izložbe ‘Dalmatinska zagora Nepoznata zemlja’ Kontakt ++ 385 98 1383 810 mbeusan @ arhitekt.hr
Rea Boschi Razić Rođena je u Zagrebu. Maturirala je na Klasičnoj gimnaziji u Zagrebu 1986., a diplomirala 1993. godine na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, nastavnički odjel, smjer kiparstvo, u klasi prof. Josipa Poljana. Završila je poslijediplomski studij za konzervaciju i restauraciju povijesnih tekstila u Fondaciji Abegg u Švicarskoj 1992 - 1996. g. te stekla zvanje konzervatora i restauratora tekstila. Studijski je boravila u Njemačkoj, Francuskoj, Italiji, Španjolskoj, Austriji, Švicarskoj, Sloveniji, Grčkoj i SAD. Uz izlagačku djelatnost, sudjelovala je na više stručnih kongresa i simpozija u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu na temu restauracije tekstila. Od 1996. godine u Zagrebu vodi vlastiti Atelier Boschi za izradu umjetničkih predmeta (skulptura, slika, crteža, grafika, unikatnog nakita i modnog pribora), te konzervaciju i restrauraciju umjetnina. Nominirana je za Dizajnera godine 2002, od Udruženja nakitara Amerike. Članica je HDLU-a, ULUPUH-a, ZUH-a, LIKUM-a i CIETA-e, JWA-a, AIC-a. Kontakt ++ 385 91 5108 364 AtelierBoschi @ hi.t-com.hr www.ReaBoschiGogolja.com www.JewelryBoschi.8k.com
Nakit za tijelo / Body Jewellery
Stjepan Balja Born in 1940 in Zaprešić, He runs his own ‘Workshop for the crafting and fashioning jewellery made of precious metals’ which was opened in 1966 and which is today known as the ‘Artist Atelier Stjepan Balja - freelance artist’. He has continuously exhibited his works at group and solo exhibitions since 1968, as well as organising jewellery reviews. To date, he has exhibited his unique art work at over 110 exhibitions in Croatia, Europe and Australia. Contact ++ 385 98 1383 810 Mario Beusan Born in 1944 in Zagreb, he is and architect by profession and regular professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb. Since 1973 he has designed and laid out exhibitions and permanent exhibitions at museums in Croatia (he has realised 207 exhibitions and 25 permanent museum exhibitions). After a study year in Paris in 1968, he began to fashion jewellery in enamel. As a member of ULUPUH, he has exhibited at numerous exhibitions in Croatia and abroad. He presented his opus of work in 2005 at a retrospective exhibition at the ULUPUH Gallery. He published his monograph ‘Contemporary Art Jewellery in Croatia’ in 2008. Awards and acclaim: 1982 - prestigious award in Limoges (VI Biennale Internationale de l'Emaill). 1998 - medal awarded by the state for contributions in culture – the ‘RED DANICE HRVATSKE MEDAL WITH THE FACE OF MARKO MARULIĆ’ 2005 - ‘The ULUPUH Grand Award for Life Achievement under the auspices of the Zagreb City Council for the project “Croatian Contemporary Art Jewellery”’ 2007 -the ‘BERNARDO BERNARDI’ Award for exhibition design of ‘Dalmatinska zagora - Nepoznata zemlja’ (The Dalmatian Hinterland An Unknown Land) Contact ++ 385 98 1383 810, mbeusan @ arhitekt.hr
Rea Boschi Razić Born in Zagreb, she completed the Classical Grammar School in Zagreb in 1986 and graduated sculpting in the class of Prof Josip Poljan at the Academy of Art in Zagreb in 1993. She completed her post-graduate studies in conservation and restoration of historic textiles at the Abegg Foundation in Switzerland (1992 - 1996) and so earned the title of textile conservator and restorer. She spent study years in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Greece and the USA. Aside from exhibiting, she has also taken part at a number of conventions and symposiums on textile restoration in Croatia and abroad. Since 1996 she runs her own atelier - the Atelier Boschi for the fashioning of art work (sculptures, paintings, drawings, graphic art, unique jewellery and fashion accessories) and the conservation and restoration of works of art. In 2002 she was short-listed for the Designer of the Year by the American Jeweler’s Association. She is a member of HDLU, ULUPUH, ZUH, LIKUM and CIETA, JWA, AIC. Contact ++ 385 91 5108 364 AtelierBoschi @ hi.t-com.hr www.ReaBoschiGogolja.com www.JewelryBoschi.8k.com
ULUPUH / Gallery meno niša
Ljiljana Fabijanić Rođena je 1951. godine u Daruvaru gdje završava gimnaziju. Nastavlja obrazovanje na Višoj grafičkoj školi u Zagrebu, zatim Medicinskom fakultetu. Umjetnički se usavršava u Italiji, na Scuola libera del nudo na Accademia di belle arti, Firenca (Italia); Trattamento Artistico Metali - TAM, Pietrarubbia (Italia) te na AlchimiaContemporary Jewelry School, Firenca (Italia). Dizajnira i izrađuje nakit, izrađuje skulptura, slika, crta. Izlagala je svoje radove u Hrvatskoj i Italiji. Kontakt ++ 385 91 8808 056 sedmimrak @ yahoo.com Smiljka Franjić Rođena je 1963. godine u Zagrebu. 1984. upisuje Filozofski fakultet sveučilišta u Zagrebu - pedagogijske znanosti - učitelj razredne nastave. 2001. pohađa Autorsku školu slikanja ‘Agora’ pod vodstvom akademskog slikara Zoltana Novaka. 2007. pohađa tečaj oblikovanja srebra u Otvorenom ateljeu Lumezi. Sudjelovala je na nekoliko samostalnih i skupnih izložbi u zemlji i inozemstvu. Kontakt Samoborska cesta 97 c 10 090 Zagreb miki_franjic@hotmail.com Dina Grgurić Rođena je 1971. godine u Zagrebu. Maturirala na Pedagoško obrazovnom centru ‘Bogdan Ogrizović’ u Zagrebu. Godine 2006. završila tečaj izrade umjetničkog nakita kod Lazera Lumezija, od kada je stalni suradnik u Otvorenom atelieru Lumezi. Izlagala na više skupnih izložbi u Zagrebu. Kontakt Dina Grgurić - Otvoreni atelier Lumezi Tkalčićeva 53, Zagreb atelierlumezi@gmail.com dinagrg @ yahoo.com ++ 385 91 5433 108
Marko Horvat - HOX Rođen je 1984. godine u Zagrebu. Godine 2002. maturirao je na srednjoj Školi za primijenjenu umjetnost i dizajn u Zagrebu, na odsjeku za dizajn metala u klasi prof. Hrvoja Ljubića. Magistrirao je restauriranje i konzerviranje umjetnina smjer - kiparstvo 2011. godine u Zagrebu. Iste godine upisuje sveučilišni poslijediplomski specijalistički studij na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Trenutno je student druge godine Medaljerstva i male plastike u klasi red. prof. Damira Mataušića. Izlagao je na 12 skupnih izložbi, od toga na dvije humanitarne. Javni rad: ‘baby blue’, 2011., Park skulptura Plemenitaš. Kontakt Svetice 24, 10000 Zagreb marko.horvat.hox @ gmail.com Sabina Kolonić Rođena je 1978. godine u Zagrebu. Dizajnira i izrađuje nakit od 2001. godine. Godine 2008. završava Program za oblikovatelja suvremenog nakita (obrada metala i emajl), POU Zagreb (Davor Šuk). Godine 2010. završava tečaj Hrvatskog etno nakita Narodnog sveučilišta Dubrava, Zagreb. Godine 2011. završava intenzivni tečaj ručnog graviranja u ‘Alchimia’ školi suvremenog nakita u Firenci (Italija). Sudjeluje na 12 skupnih izložbi. Samostalno se predstavlja 2010. izložbom ‘4 prstena’ u Galeriji Bačva Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika u Zagrebu. Kontakt www.anibas.net
Nakit za tijelo / Body Jewellery
Ljiljana Fabijanić Born in 1951 in Daruvar, where she completed grammar school, she went on to study at the post-secondary School of Graphic Arts in Zagreb, and then Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine. She has honed her art in Italy, at the Scuola libera del nudo na Accademia di belle arti, in Florence (Italy); at the Trattamento Artistico MetaliTAM, Pietrarubbia (Italy) and at the AlchimiaContemporary Jewelry School, Florence (Italy). She designs and creates jewellery, she sculpts, paints, draws. She has exhibited her works in Croatia and Italy. Contact ++ 385 91 8808 056 sedmimrak @ yahoo.com Smiljka Franjić Born in 1963 in Zagreb, in 1984 she enrolled at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in Zagreb pedagogical sciences, form teaching. In 2001 she attended the Autorska škola slikanja ‘Agora’ run by the academic painter Zoltan Novak. In 2007 she attended a course in the fashioning of silver at the Otvoreni Atelier Lumezi. She has had a number of solo exhibitions and taken part at several group exhibitions at home and abroad. Contact Samoborska cesta 97 c, 10 090 Zagreb miki_franjic@hotmail.com Dina Grgurić Born in 1971 in Zagreb, she completed her secondary school education at the Pedagogical Education Centre ‘Bogdan Ogrizović’ in Zagreb. In 2006 she completed a course in the fashioning of art jewellery at Lazer Lumezi’s atelier, and has continued to be a permanent associate of the Otvoreni Atelier Lumezi. She has exhibited her works at a number of group exhibitions in Zagreb. Contact Dina Grgurić - Otvoreni atelier Lumezi Tkalčićeva 53, Zagreb atelierlumezi@gmail.com, dinagrg @ yahoo.com ++ 385 91 5433 108
Marko Horvat - HOX Born in 1984 in Zagreb, he completed his secondary school education in 2002 at the School of Applied Arts and Design in Zagreb at the department of metal design in the class of Prof Hrvoje Ljubić. He received a master’s degree in restoration and conservation of antiques – sculptures in 2011 in Zagreb. In the same year he enrolled post-graduate specialist studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. At the moment he is a second-year student of medal design and small plastics in the class of Prof Damir Mataušić. He has exhibited his works at 12 group exhibitions, among them two humanitarian. Public work: ‘Baby Blue’, 2011, Sculpture Park Plemenitaš. Contact Svetice 24, 10000 Zagreb marko.horvat.hox @ gmail.com Sabina Kolonić Born in 1978 Zagreb, she has been designing jewellery since 2001. In 2008 she completed the Programme for fashioning contemporary jewellery (metal and enamel design), POU Zagreb (Davor Šuk). In 2010 she completed a course in Croatian ethno jewellery at the Narodno sveučilišta Dubrava, Zagreb and in 2011 she completed an intensive course in hand engraving at the ‘Alchimia’ School of Contemporary Jewellery in Florence (Italy). She has taken part at 12 group exhibitions. She held her first solo exhibition - ‘4 rings’ in 2010 at the HDLU Bačva Gallery in Zagreb. Contact www.anibas.net
ULUPUH / Gallery meno niša
Lazer Rok Lumezi Rođen je 1945. godine u Skadru. Osim mnogobrojnih izložbi, rado se bavi širenjem kruga zainteresiranih za umjetničko oblikovanje nakita i objekata te u tom smislu organizira izložbe drugih umjetnika na tom polju kreativne djelatnosti. Kontakt atelierlumezi @ gmail.com ++ 385 98 9397 136 Eva Lumezi Šimatović Rođena je 1976. godine u Zagrebu. Apsolventica je Sociologije na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Od 1996. godine izrađuje nakit u Otvorenom atelieru Lumezi. Članica je Hrvatske zajednice samostalnih umjetnika. Izlagala je na 30 grupnih i 3 samostalne izložbe nakita. Kontakt Facebook Nakit Eva Lumezi ŠŠŠŠ Otvoreni atelier Lumezi, Tkalčićeva 53, Zagreb ++ 385 98 1782 855
Petra Podnarčuk Rođena je 1976. godine. Diplomirala je na Grafičkom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Od 2010. godine posvećuje se izradi suvremenog unikatnog nakita. Sudjelovala je na 2 samostalne i 15 skupnih izložbi, najvećim dijelom u Zagrebu. Kontakt http://notajewelry.com Davor Šuk Rođen je 1963. godine u Zagrebu. Godine 1982. završio je svoje školovanje na Školi primijenjenih umjetnosti u Zagrebu na odijelu za obradu kovina. Od tada kreira unikatni nakit i predmete od plemenitih kovina, prvo u radionici gospođe Aranke Njirić- Varga, a nakon dvije godine organizira samostalnu radionicu. Do danas je izlagao na 6 samostalnih i 28 skupnih izložbi u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Kontakt Davor Šuk Drinska 24, 10 000 Zagreb davorsuk1@gmail.com +385 91 5265 312
Zlatko Odrčić Rođen je 1951. godine u Velikoj Gorici. Završio je Školu primijenjenih umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Izlagao na 14 samostalnih i 53 skupne izložbe. Nagrađen sa 8 nagrada, od toga su najznačajnije Godišnja nagrada grada Velike Gorice i Godišnja nagrada Hrvatske Turističke Zajednice. Izlagao u Hrvatskoj u Velikoj Gorici, Zagrebu, Varaždinu, Umagu, Zaprešiću, Županji, te u Slovačkoj, Finskoj, Austriji, Italiji, Sloveniji, Srbiji, Mađarskoj, Kini i Irskoj. Kontakt Adresa: E.Kumičića 25, Vel.Gorica Tel. 01/6218 067, Mob. 091/762 5640 E.mail: zlatko.odrcic@gmail.com www.zlatkoodrcic.com
Nakit za tijelo / Body Jewellery
Lazer Rok Lumezi Born in 1945 in Skadar. Aside from holding numerous exhibitions, he has also invested efforts into extending the circle of those interested in the artistic fashioning of jewellery and objects and so organises exhibitions for other artists working within this creative field of art. Contact atelierlumezi @ gmail.com ++ 385 98 9397 136 Eva Lumezi Šimatović Born in 1976 in Zagreb, she is a graduate student of Sociology at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in Zagreb. She has been fashioning jewellery at the Otvoreni atelier Lumezi since 1996. She is a member of HZSU and has exhibited her work at 30 group and 3 solo exhibitions of jewellery. Contact Facebook Nakit Eva Lumezi ŠŠŠŠ Otvoreni atelier Lumezi, Tkalčićeva 53, Zagreb ++ 385 98 1782 855 Zlatko Odrčić Born in 1951 in Velika Gorica, he completed the School of Applied Arts in Zagreb. He has had 14 solo exhibitions and exhibited at 53 group exhibitions. He has received 8 awards, the most significant of which is the Annual Award of the City of Velika Gorica and the Annual Zagreb Tourist Board Award. He has exhibited in Croatia in Velika Gorica, Zagreb, Varaždin, Umag, Zaprešić, Županja, and in the Slovak Republic, Finland, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Serbia, Hungary, China and Ireland. Contact Adresa: E.Kumičića 25, Vel.Gorica Tel. 01/6218 067, Mob. 091/762 5640 E.mail: zlatko.odrcic@gmail.com www.zlatkoodrcic.com
Petra Podnarčuk Born in 1976, she graduated at the Faculty of Graphic Design in Zagreb. Since 2010 she has dedicated herself to designing unique contemporary jewellery. She has had 2 solo exhibitions and taken part at 15 group exhibitions, held mostly in Zagreb. Contact http://notajewelry.com Davor Šuk Born in 1963 in Zagreb, in 1982 he completed his secondary education at the School of Applied Arts in Zagreb at the department for metal work. Since then he has created unique jewellery and objects made of precious metals, first at the workshop run by Ms Aranka Njirić- Varga, after which he organised his own independent workshop. To date, he has had 6 solo exhibitions and taken part at 28 group exhibitions in Croatia and abroad. Contact Davor Šuk Drinska 24, 10 000 Zagreb davorsuk1@gmail.com +385 91 5265 312
ULUPUH / Gallery meno niša
O sekciji za oblikovanje plemenitih kovina i umjetničkog nakita —— lazer rok lumezi, predsjednik sekcije
Sekcija danas okuplja tridesetak aktivnih umjetnika koji se izražavaju većim djelom u nakitu iako nije rijetkost da se umjetnici izraze i u drugoj, utilitarnoj i neutilitarnoj formi. Sekcija je agregat po edukaciji i pristupu dobro raspoređenih skupina u smislu da nema izrazite dominacije jedne izvorne cjeline. Dobro strukturirana, sekcija često nastupa zajednički i može se reći da imponira raznolikošću pristupa i metiera a da ta raznolikost ne rađa razjedinjenost u nastupima. Po ‘gustoći’ jakih autorskih osobnosti spada u sam vrh kvalitete ULUPUH-a pogotovo uzme li se u obzir relativna malobrojnost. Sekcija je nastala sredinom sedamdesetih prošlog stoljeća, odvajanjem jedne skupine autora iz kiparske sekcije koji su bili vezani uz plemenite kovine (srebro, bakar, mjed, emajl). Često kipari posežu za malom utilitarnom formom, i naši najpoznatiji kipari iskušavali su se nerijetko u nakitu. posebna opaska: ova je disciplina vrlo zahtjevna po pitanju opreme, potrošnih materijala, potrebnih vještina, načina izlaganja itd. i to može objasniti relativnu malobrojnost ove sekcije.
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Nakit za tijelo / Body Jewellery
The Section for the design of precious metals and the art of jewellery —— lazer rok lumezi, Section Chairman
The section today has thirty active artists who express themselves primarily through the medium of jewellery, although it is not uncommon for artists to express themselves in another, utilitarian and non-utilitarian form. The section is, as far as education and approach are concerned, an aggregate of wellarranged groups in the sense that there is no express dominance of one original unit. Well structured, the section often exhibits together and one might say that it flatters through the diversity of its approaches and metier, whilst this diversity does not produce disunity. In view of the ‘density’ of the powerful personalities included, it ranks among the best ULUPUH has to offer, especially if one takes into account its relative paucity in members. The section was formed in the mid-1970s through the separation of one group of authors belonging to the sculpture section who worked in precious metals (silver, copper, brass, enamel). Sculptors often turn to small utilitarian forms, and our most famous sculptors also often produced jewellery. special note: this is a discipline which is very demanding in terms of equipment, supplies, skills required, mode of presentation, etc. which may explain the relative paucity of the section.
ULUPUH / Gallery meno niša
Nakit za tijelo / Body Jewellery nakladnik / publisher
a w za nakladnika / for the publisher urednica / editor predgovor / introduction prijevod na engleski / english translation by fotografije / photographs dizajn / design tisak / print naklada / edition koncepcija izložbe i selekcija radova / exhibition concept and selection of works likovni postav / installation izložba je realizirana uz financijsku potporu / exhibition has been put on with the support of
partner / exhibition partner a e w
ULUPUH - Hrvatska udruga likovnih umjetnika primijenjenih umjetnosti, Preradovićeva 44 / i, Zagreb 10000, Hrvatska / ULUPUH - Croatian Association of Artists of Applied Arts, Preradovićeva 44 / i, Zagreb 10000, Hrvatska http://ulupuh.wix.com/appliedartsanddesign Ivana Bakal, predsjednica ULUPUH-a / ULUPUH president Maša Štrbac Maša Štrbac Tamara Budimir Tomislav Marić Ivan Klis Printera Grupa, Zagreb, 2013 300 Maša Štrbac Rea Boschi Razić Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske / Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia Gradski ured za obrazovanje, kulturu i šport Grada Zagreba / Zagreb City Council for Culture
Meno Niša Gallery J. Basanavičiaus str. 1/13, LT-01118 Vilnius, Lithuania info @ menonisa.lt www.menonisa.lt CIP zapis dostupan u računalnom katalogu Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu. / A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the National and University Library in Zagreb.
978 - 953- 327 - 057 - 9 Zagreb / Vilnius, 2013.
exhibition organized by
exhibition space
Gallery MENO NIĹ A