03 09 autumn
mb medicine
magazine of the university of manitoba faculty of medicine and the manitoba medical college foundation
Distributed Medical Education New Regenerative Medicine Program
Dean’s Edition
dean’s message “It has been said that it requires the support of an entire society to have a healthy, growing, vital Faculty of Medicine.”
Reflection upon the activities of the Faculty this year as we prepare our Annual Report has brought home to me the enormous contributions all faculty and staff have made in the last year. We are just past the mid-point of a 60% increase in our capacity to educate. We have increased enrolment and new programmes to manage while continuing to re-develop and refine on-going programmes. This means an enormous amount of creative work and project management. Under the leadership of Dr. Bruce Martin, our preparations for the upcoming Medical School accreditation in 18 months have us well placed. If we are able to call upon the same energy and creativity that has allowed the development of the projects described in this edition of Manitoba Medicine for accreditation, and apply them to preparation for accreditation, I am sure we will be completely successful. It is a rigorous process. Our efforts to put creative, functional supports in place for education have been successful. OPAL, our new curriculum management system, will be a powerful tool for students, faculty and staff alike. It allows us to think in a system-sense about our entire curriculum and its management: how it connects ; how it balances; and how we can improve it. OPAL will allow us to report concisely to the accrediting bodies about the function of our Undergraduate Medical Education Programme. The redevelopment of our Department of Medical Education is an important home for learning new and better ways to educate. The leadership of Dr. Rob Brown, Mindermar Professor of Human Simulation and the contribution of Dr. Bertram Unger, Director, Health Care Simulation Robotics working in our Department of Medical Education will develop second-to-none educational programmes in partnership with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority in the broad array of simulation.
manitoba medicine | Dean’s Edition 2009
Much of our hope for the future lies in expanding our knowledge through research that will improve our ability to deal with many conditions now untreatable. The excitement about the potential for new treatments based on regenerative medicine and stem cell research will be integral to that work. Our ability to work with the Faculty of Pharmacy by developing the fourth floor of the Apotex Centre has created a wonderful new home for our outstanding Department of Immunology and the celebration, including the New Frontiers in Immunology Educational Session, for the opening of that Centre was exciting indeed.
As the Faculty research activity becomes more focused on alignment with all of our research partners in Manitoba and we develop co-ordinated programmes, our ability to compete nationally will continue to improve. The activity of our student body, its participation in all affairs of the Faculty has been strengthened by our Professionalism programme led by Dr. Samia Barakat, by the new location of our student affairs office led by Dr. Kristel van Ineveld; and the continued strength of the community activities of our students in such activities as the Arts & Health Programme and the student-organized WISH Clinic which also support our growing collaboration with other health faculties. The way in which we support, recruit and develop academic clinicians is undergoing complete review, renewal and improvement through our joint work with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority to create our Joint Operating Division. We will have outstanding protection for academic freedom and clarification of all aspects of reciprocal commitments between us and our academic clinicians to allow the best possible environment for education and research in addition to clinical care; and, provide the most effective employment relationship possible. We continue to improve our Distributed Education program in collaboration with RHAs across Manitoba, and look forward to the appointment of an Assistant Dean, Distributed Medical Education to lead the program. It has been said that to have a healthy, growing, vital Faculty of Medicine requires the supports of an entire society. We, in Manitoba, have been particularly fortunate because Manitoba Health, the Council on Post-Secondary Education, the Regional Health Authorities, the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Manitoba, Doctors Manitoba and the University of Manitoba and Alumni and donors have all come together for a common purpose. It is with great pride I review the accomplishments ofour Faculty and Staff in this issue of Manitoba Medicine. MbM J. Dean Sandham, MD FRCPC FACP Dean of Medicine
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
editor’s message The Faculty of Medicine is engaged in a wide range of pursuits in support of our mission of education, research and community service as you will read about in this Dean’s Edition of Manitoba Medicine magazine: from research innovation to learning simulation, from our new curriculum management system OPAL to new advancements in distributed medical education.
And while we like to tell you about our recent achievements, we also want to show you. Each year, we welcome back our alumni to Bannatyne campus to celebrate milestone class reunions, reconnect with one another and their alma mater. This year, nine University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine reunions took place during Homecoming weekend –and two earlier in the year- bringing together Medicine classes of 1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1983, 1984, 1989 and 1999. In total, nearly 300 medicine grads celebrated their class reunions in 2009! A special thanks to all of the class leaders who contributed their time and efforts to ensuring a memorable reunion.
Dean’s Message
Editor’s Message
4 MMCF Message 5 UGME Accreditation
The Class of 1949, celebrating its 60th reunion, looked back as well as forward when members met a student scholarship recipient who had benefitted from the MD 49 Class Reunion Fund established in 1999 “as a way of saying thank you to our Alma Mater for the teaching that we received during our undergraduate years in the Faculty of Medicine.” Alumni continue to support the fund earmarked for an annual travel bursary to a B.Sc. (Med.) student – and thoroughly enjoyed meeting an appreciative medical student.
6 OPAL Launched
At the Dean’s Homecoming Breakfast September 12, 2009 more than 275 people packed Brodie Centre Atrium creating an aura of optimism and excitement about the faculty’s future.
13 Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cell Research
The Dean’s Homecoming Breakfast concluded with tours of the medical school campus – highlighted by the Clinical Learning & Simulation Facility. Concurent demonstrations showcased state-of-the-art technology and simulation learning/teaching opportunities in the CLSF. Alumni also had an opportunity to try haptic simulation equipment participating in cardiac arrests, baby deliveries and colonoscopies.
manitoba medicine | Dean’s Edition 2009
If you have a milestone reunion coming up next year in 2010, consider serving as a class leader to help organize and mark your calendars to attend . (Please see next year’s Homecoming dates and contact information for our faculty’s alumni officer on back cover.) One way to easily communicate with your classmates is the Faculty of Medicine’s Alumni Online Community (OLC). This password protected, social networking site is ideal for connecting with fellow classmates, presenting ideas, receiving feedback and organizing your class reunion. To sign up, please visit http://umanitoba.ca/medicine/olc.html. MbM Ilana Simon simoni@cc.umanitoba.ca
7 Convocation 2009 & Special Convocation Ceremony 8 Student Research Celebrated 9 Rural Responsibility: Distributed Medical Education 12
Mindermar Professor
15 Medical Art Show & Mini Medical School 16 New Immunology Dept. Opening & BCS Research Breakthrough 17
Bingham Chair & Frederic Gaspard Theatre
18 Donor Honour Roll 20 Donor News 21 Finance Report 22 Faculty Awards & Honours 23 Check up on Alumni 24 Obituaries
Editor: Ilana Simon, Director of Communications & Marketing, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba Tel: (204) 789-3427 E-mail: simoni@cc.umanitoba.ca Design: Guppy Graphic Design Cover Photo: Grajewski Fotograph INC. Printing: The Prolific Group
Looking to the Future
MANITOBA MEDICAL COLLEGE FOUNDATION REPORT by: Dr. Diane Biehl, MMCF President As this is my first report as incoming president of the Board of the Manitoba Medical College Foundation (MMCF), I should first like to thank my predecessor, Dr. Douglas Craig for all the hard work he has done for our organization during his many years as president of the board. His organization of our financial affairs has put MMCF on a very stable base and we should be able to continue our grants and awards for several years.
First and foremost among these initiatives will be encouraging medical students, particularly those in fourth year, to join MMCF. As students, they will receive complementary membership. As they advance along their career, we hope that they will become paying members to support the students coming after them. Many students will elect to do their residency training elsewhere but we hope that they will remember their medical school and continue to support it. They can, for $500, become lifetime members and for young physicians this represents an excellent opportunity to contribute to our endowments. All contributions from life-time memberships go directly into our endowment funds which support a large number of activities. To acknowledge all life members, we have posted a list on our website in recognition of their contributions at www.umanitoba.ca/medicine/mmcf. On our website, we also list the bursaries and awards available for medical students, residents and graduate students.
The board has also established a new “corresponding member” category on the board for physicians throughout Manitoba. By e-mail, they will receive minutes and agendas for board meetings and will be able to contact us with suggestions and ideas without having to attend all board meetings. We hope to give doctors throughout the province a voice in MMCF board affairs. As Dr. Craig reported in last issue, we have become much more closely linked with the alumni and external relations area of the Medical Faculty. I want to emphasize that membership in MMCF is not limited to alumni but is open to all physicians and surgeons practicing in our province. We hope that they will take an interest in MMCF and supply us with ideas and comments. As our organization looks toward the future, we will certainly continue – and hopefully expand – our support for medical and graduate students of our faculty. Our school has just finished celebrating 125 years of teaching students. We hope that MMCF will contribute to our faculty’s efforts for many years to come. MbM
Yes! I want to help the Manitoba Medical College Foundation achieve its goal of supporting students and research activities at the Faculty of Medicine. Please accept my gift of: $250
Name: $1,000
I wish to designate my gift this year to:
$50 MMCF member (one year)
$500 MMCF lifetime member
Clinical Learning and Simulation Facility
Scholarships and Bursaries
Cheques payable to: the Manitoba Medical College Foundation. Credit Card: Card #
Postal/Zip: Fax:
Manitoba Medical College Foundation Inc.
260-727 McDermot Avenue Winnipeg, MB, R3E 3P5 Tel: (204) 789-3737 Fax: (204) 977-5690 email: mmcf@umanitoba.ca
Expiry: Registered Charity Number: 11903 0500 RR0001
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
In addition to the finances, Dr. Craig also set up a special membership committee two years ago to examine new ways to attract more members. This committee was ably chaired by Dr. Eric Sigurdson. Many of their suggestions are now in the process of being implemented by the board.
Accreditation 2011
Engage, Act,
Succeed Together by: Dr. Bruce Martin, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education In 2011, the University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine will be accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME). The LCME is the nationally recognized accrediting authority for medical education programs leading to MD degrees in U.S. and Canadian medical schools. Accreditation of Canadian programs is undertaken in co-operation with the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CACMS). The purpose of LCME Accreditation is to certify that a medical education program meets prescribed standards and to promote institutional self-evaluation and improvement. Everything we do in the Faculty of Medicine can be linked back to meeting and supporting accreditation standards. We each have a responsibility to understand how these standards are incorporated into our activities and job responsibilities. Please review the Faculty of Medicine website and the Accreditation link (www.umanitoba.ca/medicine/accreditation). Questions about UGME accreditation can be directed to: Dr. Diane Biehl, Faculty Lead, UGME Accreditation or to myself.
Rigorous Standards LCME standards for Canadian medical education programs are available at www.lcme.org. There are a total of 126 individual standard statements with associated database under five categories: 1. Institutional Setting 2. Educational Program for the M.D. Degree (includes Required Courses & Clerkship Forms)
manitoba medicine | Dean’s Edition 2009
3. Medical Students 4. Faculty 5. Educational Resources
Self-Study Process & Task Force Completion of a “self-study” is central to the accreditation process and is directly linked to the standards for accreditation. To that end, a Faculty of Medicine, “LCME Accreditation Task Force” was established in July 2009 to oversee and lead the accreditation process and ensure appropriate follow up and ongoing, continuous quality improvement. A Core Group of this Task Force will continue after the survey is completed and become a permanent accreditation reporting, educating and co-ordinating group reporting to Faculty Executive Council (FEC).
Five subcommittees, one for each standard category, were also established to ensure completion of the standards documentation, and for ongoing, continuous improvement in that area of the standards.
Student Assessment A compilation of student opinion data that includes the independent student analysis of the medical school is a required component. Part I of the student survey has been completed. The students will be running a second iteration of the survey during this academic year and using both data sets to create a final report for LCME/CACMS.
The Survey Visit and Survey Report The Survey visit is scheduled for April 3 – 6, 2011. The Faculty’s self-study summary report, along with the completed database and other documents, are submitted three months prior to the survey visit. The survey team will develop a list of strengths, areas of partial or substantial noncompliance with accreditation standards, and any “areas in transition” (i.e., activities currently in compliance with standards, but for which possible future events could affect compliance).
Outcome of Survey Accreditation is typically granted or renewed for a period of eight years. As a condition for granting or renewing accreditation, the LCME may: 1. R equire that the Dean submit one or more written status reports; 2. Schedule a limited site visit; 3. Direct its Secretariat to conduct a visit; 4. Order another full survey before the completion of the eight-year term; and 5. Decide to place the program on warning of probation or probation and it may withdraw accreditation if major problems exist which are not corrected within a reasonable period of time.
IMPORTANT DATES Consultation Visit, February/March 2010 – focused visit requested by the Dean & UGME The Dean’s Update Report to LCME, May 2010 Mock Accreditation Survey, October or November 2010 Self Study & Documentation to LCME, January 2011 Survey Visit, April 3 - 6, 2011
OPAL OPAL was successfully launched in August 2009 as a comprehensive Curriculum Management System for the class of 2013. Development of OPAL is a result of Dean Sandham’s vision and leadership along with effective collaboration by the faculty, students and administrative staff. OPAL will take our teaching, learning, evaluation and communication to a new level. It will accomplish the pedagogical, administrative and accreditation needs of the Faculty of Medicine to foster lifelong learning as medical students advance to become competent physicians. To meet the educational and accreditation needs of the Faculty of Medicine, an integrated curriculum management system was required to enhance communication, collaboration, data tracking and information sharing. The system establishes centralized information management and administration procedures and will provide faculty, staff and students with a common suite of educational technology tools.
Benefits of OPAL OPAL is a collection of tools designed to assist faculty and students in the management of all knowledge pertinent to learning outcomes defined by the curriculum. The benefits of OPAL include the following:
Enhances Learning, Teaching, Communication in Faculty of Medicine by: Dr. Sat Sharma, Medical Director, OPAL Collaboration with Online Business Systems OPAL was developed in collaboration with Online Business Systems, a software development and service company with headquarters in Winnipeg. A collaborative model of partnership between Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba and OBS was developed. Once fully implemented at the University of Manitoba, OBS will pursue commercialization of OPAL to other medical schools.
Phased Approach Phase I – Curriculum delivery and communications portal to be developed with a user-friendly interface and made available to students, faculty and staff for the academic year 2009 – 2010. Phase II – Accreditation, curriculum renewal, question bank, clinical procedure logging and undergraduate and postgraduate evaluation tools to be developed and made available for the academic year 2010 – 2011.
Implementation of OPAL Hands-on OPAL training at the computer lab for faculty and support staff began July 2009. Ongoing training programs in the NJM Library continue to facilitate Block 2 and later instructors/ support staff. The class of 2013 received a hands-on training session during Orientation Week. An example of the student interface is shown here:
• Allow educators to organize and prepare teaching material according to the student needs; • Promote collaboration among teachers, students and administrators; • Reduce the costs of delivering education while enhancing the teaching and learning experience; • Improve access to the learning resources for the students, faculty and staff; • Improve reporting on interactive curriculum evaluation and enable quality improvements; • Measure and compare the medical curriculum to the other universities; and • Provide effective curriculum tracking for faculty compensation and accreditation.
Future of OPAL We are very excited about this made-in-Manitoba initiative and look forward to the enhancement of teaching, learning, evaluation and communication within the Faculty of Medicine. We ask for feedback and input from the faculty and students as we approach Phase II to upgrade the system and add other functionality for a comprehensive curriculum management system. For more information, call the OPAL help desk at 272-3167 or visit
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
• Create a system that allows the entire faculty to be a part of a living curriculum to which they can contribute in a significant manner;
Faculty of Medicine class of 2009
Faculty of Medicine Convocation 2009 and Special 125th Anniversary Ceremony
Dr. Mark Green, Dr. J. Dean Sandham, and Dr. John Dirks at Special Convocation Ceremony
The University of Manitoba held two Convocation ceremonies on May 15, 2009. In the morning ceremony, degrees were conferred to 90 medical graduates and an Honorary Doctorate degree awarded to Dr. Martin Brotman. “It is a privilege to continue the Faculty of Medicine’s 125-year-old tradition of excellence in educating and training the majority of our province’s physicians,” said Dr. J. Dean Sandham, Dean of Medicine. Four individuals who have made outstanding contributions to medicine and medical science received Honorary Doctorate degrees at the 125th Anniversary Ceremony.
manitoba medicine | Dean’s Edition 2009
Martin Brotman B.Sc. (Med), MD/62 (Manitoba); M.Sc. (Med) (Minnesota) is a renowned gastroenterologist and internal medicine researcher, educator and practitioner who has received numerous commendations for his contribution to the field of gastroenterology.
Sr. Elizabeth Davis BA, B.Ed. (Memorial); MA (Theology) (Notre Dame); M.Hlth.Sc., ThD (Toronto); LLD (Memorial) has led a life of outstanding contribution to the public through her work as an educator, inspirational speaker and effective health care administrator in Newfoundland. Her expertise and dedication to the needs of patients and their families have been recognized locally, nationally and internationally. John Herbert Dirks CM, B.Sc. (Med) MD/57 (Manitoba); FRCPC; FRSC is a distinguished doctor, educator and scientist recognized internationally for his kidney research and academic leadership. He is president of the Gairdner Foundation in Toronto which awards major international prizes in biomedicine. During his tenure, the Gairdner Awards have become one of the top three prizes in the world in the area of medical research. Mark I. Greene, MD/72, PhD (Manitoba); FRCPSC is a pioneering scientist who has made significant contributions to cancer research and his discoveries have led to new chemotherapy and radiation therapy treatments. His contribution to our
Dr. Martin Brotman at 2009 Convocation.
understanding of human biology has also led to advances in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. David Naylor BA, B.Sc., MD (Toronto); D.Phil. (Oxford) is currently president of the University of Toronto and is an accomplished researcher and educator who played a leading role in promoting public health in Canada. He was chair of the National Advisory Committee on SARS and Public Health in 2003 which led to the creation of the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Dr. J. Dean Sandham, Sr. Elizabeth Davis, Dr. David Naylor, and Dr. Arnold Naimark at Special Convocation ceremony
student news
2009 Canadian
Student Health Research Forum
More than 200 of Canada’s top health research graduate and doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows participated in the 2009 Canadian Student Health Research Forum held June 2-4, 2009. Hosted by the University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine, the Forum provided participants with an opportunity to present and showcase their research, network with one another and be recognized for the excellence of their scientific discovery. The Canadian Student Health Research Forum, now in its 22nd year, also featured research poster days, awards of excellence, tours and social events as well as a one-day symposium on a cross-disciplinary scientific theme by
leading scientists. This year’s symposium theme, Molecular Imaging - Transforming Healthcare, focused on new approaches to visualizing intracellular events that are important to diagnosing and treating everything from Alzheimer’s to Heart Disease. “Health research at the University of Manitoba happens across disciplines and we need to connect trainees so they can learn from each other and form new collaborations,” said Dr. Ed Kroeger, Assistant Dean, Graduate Studies, Faculty of Medicine. “Through the Canadian Student Health Research Forum, students are connecting with fellow top student investigators from across the country.” MbM
New Research Days for Undergrads & Postgrads by: Dr. David Eisenstat, Director, Advanced Degrees in Medicine Program
Dr. Joshua Manusow (MD/09), co-chair of the CNMSRS, Dr. Donald Redelmeier, and Dr. David Eisenstat after the plenary address
The inaugural Canadian National Medical Student Research Symposium (CNMSRS) was held from June 2-4, 2009, in conjunction with the Canadian Student Health Research Forum (CSHRF) for local and visiting graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
Thirteen of Canada’s 17 medical schools each nominated up to four students to give platform presentations in either the MD and/or combined MD-PhD categories. The 30 visiting medical students were joined by over 50 B.Sc. (Med) undergraduate medical students from the Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Donald Redelmeier, Canada Research Chair in Medical Decision Sciences, University of Toronto gave the plenary address on How to Destroy Your Career in Academic Medicine. Dr. Francis Plummer, Scientific Director General, Public Health Agency of Canada, spoke about The Evolving Swine Influenza H1N1 Outbreak at the symposium banquet.
The CNMSRS was generously funded by the Office of the Dean of Medicine (Dr. J. Dean Sandham), the Manitoba Health Research Council, the Office of the VP (Research), University of Manitoba (P.H. Thorlakson Foundation), the Canadian Federation of Medical Students, and the Manitoba Medical Students Association. Of the seven award winners in three competitive categories, Cecilia Han from the University of Manitoba won first place in the Basic/Translational research (MD) category. Han is supervised by Dr. Davinder Jassal, Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, St. Boniface General Hospital and Research Centre. The first annual Faculty of Medicine Resident Research Day was held June 12, 2009 with funding from the Office of the Associate Dean, PGME (Dr. Ira Ripstein). Forty-seven postgraduate residents and fellows presented their research during concurrent platform and poster competitions. Dr. Edward Tredget, Director of Surgical Research, University of Alberta presented the plenary lecture addressing the question Is there any Impact of Research on Surgical Practice? Dr. Davinder Jassal, the Dr. F. W. DuVal Clinical Research Professor, spoke about The Art of Healing Broken Hearts in Breast Cancer. Herceptin and Heart Failure: an Update at the awards banquet. The best overall presentation (platform or poster) was won by Dr. Nader Elmayergi, Cardiology Fellow, Department of Internal Medicine; Dr. Elmayergi is supervised by Dr. Sat Sharma and Dr. Jassal. Next year, the Faculty of Medicine will host a formidable Resident Research Day celebrating undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate student research. MbM
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
The Advanced Degrees in Medicine Program initiated two new research days for undergraduate and postgraduate medicine trainees during the 2008-2009 academic year.
Class of 2011 during “Rural Week” in Ste. Rose.
Rural Responsibility Faculty of Medicine to launch Distributed Medical Education Dr. J. Dean Sandham, Dean of Medicine, launched the Optimization of Health Sciences Education in Manitoba (OHSE in MB) task force earlier this year to create clinical teaching units in rural regions in collaboration with Regional Health Authorities. The goal is to deliver high quality distributed physician and other health professional education to a cross-section of locations where care is delivered. This was one of the messages derived from the Faculty’s of Medicine’s health forum Our Medical School: Imagine its Potential which brought together 120 participants in May 2008 from all sectors of the province representing business, governments, regional health authorities, and members of the Faculty.
manitoba medicine | Dean’s Edition 2009
The University of Manitoba has been invovled in distributed medical education for nearly 20 years in Dauphin. The Parkland Family Medicine Residency Unit, Department of Family Medicine, The University of Manitoba is a tremendous success and serves as a site for Physician Assistant trainees; Family Medicine Clerkships, Internal Medicine residency, Surgery residency, Family Medicine electives (including international), as well as early exposure (often IMG), or high school students (job shadowing). “Our Residents say that ‘Dauphin is the place where you can do it all- from cradle to grave. One minute you’re up on the Labour Floor delivering a baby; later that day; you’re at the Palliative
Care rooms with a dying patient,’”said Dr. Jamie Boyd, Head, Department of Family Medicine. Since 1991, the University of Manitoba has graduated 98 family medicine Residents through the Parkland Family Medicine Residency Unit. Seven Residents will graduate in June 2010. “The unit strives toward a rigorous academic environment that meets educational objectives, provides adequate examination preparation, is flexible to meet individual Resident needs and, in the end, provides a seamless transition of the Residents to independent rural family practice,” said Dr. Boyd, adding Parkland can serve as a model for other Regional Health Authorities setting up clinical teaching units at their sites. The clinical teaching unit (CTU) must be a principal setting for clinical education. The purpose of the CTU is to provide a convenient method of designating patients who are educationally appropriate for assignment to house staff; to promote patient care as a team responsibility; and to provide senior Residents with an opportunity to supervise their more junior colleagues. Distributed medical education will change the way medical education is delivered in the province, and the hope is that exposure to various milieus for students and Residents will encourage and entice graduate physicians to consider rural practice.
Following is a sampling of the reaction of rural and northern RHAs to this important initiative:
View from Burntwood Regional Health Authority
View from Brandon Regional Health Authority
By Dr. Hussam M. Azzam , Vice President for Medical Services & Chief of Medical Staff , Burntwood Regional Health Authority
By Carmel Olson, Chief Executive Oficcer , Brandon Regional Health Authority
The Brandon Regional Health Authority is an eager participant in the Optimization of Health Sciences Education in Manitoba strategy and commends the Faculty of Medicine for this initiative. Early inclusion of rural regional health authorities in the planning process signifies commitment to expand the capacity and distribution of medical education in our Province. The physicians in Brandon have demonstrated support for medical education for many decades through clinical teaching and supervision of medical students, Residents, and international medical graduates participating in the assessment program. Their vision for expanded medical education is consistent with the Faculty of Medicine: • focus on excellence in teaching; • one-on-one teaching and clinical experience with preceptors; • non-tertiary hospital and teaching environment; and • community-based specialist and family medicine preceptors. All undertakings of this magnitude have challenges and OHSE will not be immune. The Faculty of Medicine will have to develop mechanisms to ensure clear communication regarding curriculum and core teaching, standardization of student and program evaluation, and to provide support to clinical teachers in several sites. Where there are challenges there are opportunities and OHSE is presenting many, for students, physicians, and communities including: enhanced learning, faculty development, training in sites outside of tertiary centres, and, of course, learner exposure to the benefits of rural and northern lifestyles.
The Burntwood Regional Health Authority (BRHA) appreciates the value of education and is privileged to participate in the Optimization of Heath Sciences Education in Manitoba. The Board of Directors, staff of the BRHA, and members of the community are excited to welcome learners to the region to experience living and practicing in a rural setting. Learners will be exposed to the complexity of health issues faced by a northern population and have the opportunity to advance their clinical skills in a supervised setting. This program may encourage learners to choose to practice outside of a major urban centre and increase the awareness of professional opportunities in the BRHA after completion of a residency program. The BRHA is working towards becoming a clinical teaching unit centre for the Faculty of Medicine at The University of Manitoba before the 2010 rotations begin. As a site chosen by the Faculty of Medicine, the BRHA medical staff will gain experience as educators. We believe this opportunity will provide an additional incentive to retain medical staff in the community. A higher rate of retention of physicians directly correlates with increased continuity of care for our patients. Learners will benefit from the support of dedicated medical professionals who have experience working with patients from a demographically diverse region. Approximately 70% of patients in the Burntwood region are of Aboriginal descent. The acuity of patients coupled with chronic care issues greatly differ from that of an urban centre. In partnership with the University of Manitoba, physicians will incorporate the most current evidence in medicine into their teaching program which ultimately will benefit patients of the region.
Community members can also contribute to the success of the initiative by welcoming medical students and Residents as part of the care team in clinic, hospital, and other sites in the health care system. They can also volunteer to introduce students to the activities and events available in the city. We are monitoring the progress of the Optimization of Health Sciences Education in Manitoba strategy and look forward to continued participation.
First year medical students experience rural/northern medicine and life in 40+ Manitoba communities.
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
The Brandon RHA provides a wide range of programs and services, with capacity to host expanded medical education; hence, OHSE presents an opportunity for the Region to develop a “model of excellence” for training.
education/service INCREASING EDUCATIONAL CAPACITY One of the challenges the BRHA faces in order to increase the educational capacity of the region is the demand for additional space within our facilities. While the BRHA is currently working to increase capacity, there is a need to expand our Northern Consultation Centre which provides office and patient rooms for all specialists in the region. With the distance from urban centres, educators will be challenged to effectively meet with other members of the faculty to discuss educational approaches and implementation methods. However, many innovative technologies can be used to overcome the distance such as the utilization of Telehealth and the internet. The BRHA has worked to ensure that all health-care providers and learners who come into the community are provided with suitable accommodations which offer all of the amenities desired. Accommodations are centrally located so learners will be able to socialize outside of the learning environment with each other and with other medical staff visiting the community. The BRHA also has a library that is staffed by a qualified librarian. Our library links with the Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library at the University of Manitoba, providing learners with access to any of the services and collections found on-campus. In addition, all staff and learners have access to the UpToDate data base from anywhere within the BRHA facilities. The process of distributing health education in Manitoba will provide educational opportunities for learners and physicians currently practicing in the Burntwood region. In addition to assisting with increased recruitment and retention, the experience will demonstrate the numerous benefits that northern and rural areas offer. In partnership with the University of Manitoba, we are excited to embrace the opportunity to increase the teaching capacity within the Burntwood region.
View from Central Manitoba: Optimization of Health Sciences Education in Manitoba By Kathy J. McPhail , RN, BScN, MHA, Chief Executive Oficer Regional Health Authority - Central Manitoba Inc.
manitoba medicine | Dean’s Edition 2009
Our Region is currently involved in some medical student and Resident training opportunities but we believe we have capacity to expand those learning opportunities thorough the Optimization of Health Sciences Education in Manitoba program. Two Regional Centres offer a wide range of clinical services including general and orthopedic surgical programs, full range of diagnostics (MRI, CT, US, etc.), Palliative Care, Medical, Rehabilitation, Obstetrical programs (about 1300 births annually) plus community and public health. We also have a number of moderate-sized hospitals as well as small rural active sites which offer a variety of experiences in rural medicine. We have a multi-cultural mix of residents within our 104,689 residents of Central region with primary cultural groups being of Aboriginal, French, Mennonite, German, and Anglo-Saxon backgrounds.
DISTRIBUTED HEALTH EDUCATION We believe there is great benefit of distributed health education as it provides the student with a fuller perspective of the rural fabric of the residents of Manitoba. There are many medical opportunities for learning, with supervised independence, in our various-sized sites from Regional Centres to small rural health facilities and clinics. The Central Region is a great place to experience family medicine, specialty streams and as a member of the rural health-care team of care providers. We also believe that students who have an opportunity to experience the variety and excitement of a rural setting will want to return to rural practice in the future; hence it is part of our regional recruitment strategy as well. Municipal and community members play a role in supporting these programs and welcoming the students for their learning experiences including accepting them at the bedside or in the physician office.
RURAL PRACTICE EXPERIENCE Manitobans will benefit from a well-qualified physician who has experienced practice in a variety of setting and who is comfortable and prepared for rural practice. While there are logistical challenges to commence a distributed health education program, Manitoba already has the framework for this type of program in place in some areas of the province and it will require enhancement and extension of those programs into the revised model. This will require both academic and fiscal resources. We have waited a number of years in rural Manitoba to become a bigger part of medical education. We feel we have teachings to offer the future physicians of tomorrow that will better equip them to face all the challenges of a practice. As well, there is opportunity for rural physicians who desire to teach and mentor and who may wish an academic affiliation to do so. This often proves to be a key element for retention of physicians in rural Manitoba and OHSE will offer that opportunity for rural professorship. MbM
Dr. David O’Hagan and students perform an excision biopsy in Ste. Rose.
Mindermar Professor
LIFE by: Lisa Thomson Stifora
Medical students will be better prepared than ever for the high-pressure situations they face as doctors with the appointment of Dr. Robert A. Brown (B.Sc./83, MD/87) to the Faculty of Medicine’s Mindermar Professorship in Human Simulation.
Dr. Rob Brown, Mindermar Professor in Human Simulation
Established through a $1-million dollar gift from the Rady Family Foundation, Mindel Olenick and Marjorie and Morley Blankstein, the Mindermar Professorship in Human Simulation will play an important role in creating top calibre doctors. “Medicine and health care are evolving into a much more interdisciplinary team-oriented model,” says Dr. Brown. “The development of new physicians as team members and leaders is fundamental to this evolution, and the simulation environment is ideal for instilling these skills.” Dr. Brown brings a wealth of experience to the Mindermar Professorship. He has been a member of the Anaesthesia Department at the Health Sciences Centre and the Faculty of Medicine at the University of
“The opportunity to lead the Simulation program represents the perfect evolution for me at this point,” Dr. Brown says of his new role. “It is a rapidly evolving area with enormous growth and scope, which is exciting and challenging. It also allows me to participate in the broader context of medical education, particularly into the foundational phase in early undergrad … and still maintain hands-on involvement with students, which I find to be very personally rewarding and enriching.” In his role, Dr. Brown is tasked with the development, evaluation and research of educational programs utilizing human simulators and standardized patients. “My plan is to have the Clinical Learning & Simulation Facility (CLSF) functioning on a level with any other centre in North America,” he says.
In the shorter term, he plans to have simulation fully implemented in the educational curricula of the undergraduate and postgraduate programs, including interdisciplinary collaborative educational exposures across medical specialties and paramedical disciplines. Once these goals are met, Dr. Brown will lead the centre in the creation of knowledge about simulation. There is “a huge amount of work to be done in defining how and when to use simulation to best advantage,” he says. This includes how it interacts with traditional clinical teaching and how it can be used to better understand the human factors that impact clinical performance in the first place. Dr. Brown would also like to see the creation of collaborative work with other universities and simulation centres in order to expand the scope and type of research that can be done. What this means to patients is a safer, higher quality level of care. Medical students will be able to practice high risk events in an environment that does not incur risk to actual patients, and will be prepared when they encounter them in real environments.
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
Manitoba for 16 years. At the university he played a key developmental role in both the undergraduate and postgraduate anaesthesia programs. Dr. Brown has also been honoured with several teaching awards, including the Y.K. Poon University of Manitoba Resident Teacher of the Year Award in both 2002 and 2007.
research news
Getting to the Root of
Dr Monroe Chan shows the Honourable Steven Fletcher the Mo-Flo Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorter in the Faculty of Medicine’s Flow Cytometry Centre.
Stem Cell Research
manitoba medicine | Dean’s Edition 2009
by: Dr. Patrick Choy,
Associate Dean (Development) and Dr. Geoff Hicks, Director, Regenerative Medicine Program
Regenerative medicine is a powerful, emerging field of medicine focused on repairing and replacing damaged cells and tissues. Often, this involves harnessing the power of stem cells which can renew themselves and differentiate into many other cell types. Some regenerative therapies are already being used in clinics today, and as our understanding of stem cells advances, it is becoming clear that this exciting field of research has the potential to transform medicine and provide treatments for some of the world’s most devastating diseases. Under the leadership of Dr. J. Dean Sandham, Dean of Medicine, a faculty-wide consultation on the development of a Regenerative Medicine program was carried out in early 2007. The Program gained the support of the entire Faculty as well as all the hospital-affiliated institutes. Dr. Patrick Choy, former Associate Dean, Research was asked to take the lead to develop the program. The goal of the Faculty is to place the University of Manitoba among the top three regenerative medicine programs in Canadian universities within the next two years.
Currently, the Regenerative Medicine Program at the U of M is the only well-defined structured program available in the prairie provinces. Since January 2008, the Faculty has conducted a very aggressive recruitment of the Director and other scientists for the Program. In the fall of 2008, Dr. Geoff Hicks was appointed Director of Regenerative Medicine, and three other scientists have been appointed at the Assistant Professor level. The Faculty has allocated $1 million to the Director as start-up funds to jump start research programs of these scientists.
Government Support for Regenerative Medicine The University’s Regenerative Medicine program was awarded $1.7 million earlier this year by the Western Economic Diversification Fund for the purchase of cutting-edge equipment, including a new fluorescence activated cell sorter and a confocal microscope. Recently, regenerative medicine was identified as a top priority by the Federal Government in the Health and Related Life Sciences and Technologies Category of the Knowledge Infrastructure Program. In June, the Regenerative Medicine Program was awarded a $5 million
research news
Healthy Cells One key approach to studying regenerative medicine is to develop the ability of using healthy cells to replace damaged cells in adult organisms. Stem cells are the only cell type which can be employed for such purpose. Under appropriate physiologic or experimental conditions, they can be induced to become cells with special functions such as the beating cells of the heart muscle or the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. Scientists primarily work with two kinds of stem cells from animals and humans: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells, which have different functions and characteristics. The use of embryonic stem cells for research has been under intense debate, but the use of adult stem cells, e.g. stem cells from bone marrow, has been generally accepted by the public. Recently, it was demonstrated that the characteristics of the embryonic stem cell can be restored from the adult stem cell, thus removing some of the ethical concerns of carrying out stem cell research and opening the possibility of deriving one’s own pluripotent stem cells for therapeutic applications.
Dr. Geoff Hicks, MP Rod Bruinooge, MLA Jim Rondeau and Dr. Patrick Choy look at plans for the new Regenerative Medicine lab
Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease An example of stem cell research is for the future treatment of Parkinson’s Disease (PD). PD is a very common neurodegenerative disorder that affects more than 2% of the population over 65 years of age. It is caused by a progressive degeneration and loss of dopamine-producing neurons, which leads to tremor, rigidity and hypokinesia (abnormally decreased mobility). Hence, the replacement of dysfunctional neurons with new ones would provide a direct form of therapy for PD patients. Scientists are now developing a number of strategies for producing dopamine neurons from human stem cells in the laboratory for transplantation into PD patients, and clinical studies for the transplantation are taking place in several centres. The stem cell research conducted here at the University of Manitoba will provide the basis for the development of new medical procedures for the regeneration of muscles, heart tissues, nerve tissues and brain tissues in various diseases. Cancer, which can be considered a disease of the stem cell itself, will also be a major focus. This centre of excellence for regenerative medicine will position the university as a leader in this promising field. The Regenerative Medicine program will initially support seven professors, 36 graduate students, 20 new technologists and 10 new postdoctoral fellows within the first five years. MbM
Dr. Geoff Hicks and the Honourable Steven Fletcher in the Flow Cytometry Centre.
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
package ($2.5 million from the federal government’s Knowledge Infrastructure Program and $2.5 million from the Faculty and the University of Manitoba) for the completion of renovations to the 6th floor, Basic Medical Sciences Building to house the 20,000 square foot laboratories and program space. The Regenerative Medicine Program is establishing a graduate training program, and the first intake of graduate students and post-doctoral fellows has already begun.
news briefs
Iron Heart Living Soul
Medicine and Art by: Janice Labossiere
Mini Medical School in Session by: Janice Labossiere Dr. José François (right) presents Judy Leung with a “diploma”
University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine students channelled their creative sides and explored the relationship between technology and medicine at the 8th annual Medical Art Show, reflecting on the theme Iron Heart Living Soul: The Crossroads of Medicine. Featuring paintings, sketches, installations and poetry from students inspired by their experience in medicine, the Medical Art Show took place in early spring at Brodie Centre Atrium. This year’s submissions explored how medical technology, such as gene therapy, prosthetics, and antibiotics, touches practitioners and patients in ways beyond diagnosis and treatment. The Medical Art Show gives medical students a chance to examine the artistic side of their profession, inspired by the range of feelings doctors, patients and their families experience as they are touched by illness and medical technology. Compassion is an important facet of quality medical care and this year’s theme allowed students to explore the impact of technology on both the physical and emotional aspects of medical practice.
manitoba medicine | Dean’s Edition 2009
“At an ever increasing rate, technology and medicine are becoming intertwined, even in the most basic of applications. The power and scope of technology is only increasing through time,” said Arun Jagdeo, coordinator for this year’s Art Show and a Med II student in the Faculty of Medicine. “I hope to explore the dichotomy: life saved or life enslaved?” Dwight Klippenstine, a Med II student, experienced a powerful range of emotions after his mother’s cancer diagnosis. His poem, “Naturally She Will Die,” expresses the feelings he had on her last day after the decision to take her off life support. “My family looked to me, as a medical student, as if I knew more about what was happening,” Klippenstine recalled. “I was forced to look at the situation not only as a son, but as a doctor. “I’m not a poet, but writing this was a bit of a healing process for me,” said Klippenstine. “I could contrast between artificial respiration and natural death and what that meant to me, both as a son and as a medical student.” MbM
Shannon Villeneuve knows a lot about being a patient. Diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2007 at the age of 35, she spent months in treatment. Today, she happily says has been “disease free” since July 2008. When she heard that the University of Manitoba would be presenting a lecture on colorectal cancer in Mini Medical School, she decided to register and see the other side of the health care system. “I know all there is to know about colorectal cancer as a patient,” she said. “I was interested in seeing what a medical school lecture would be like. “I want to know how medical students are trained to deal with patients like me.” The Faculty of Medicine hosted its second Annual Mini Medical School March 11 - April 22, 2009. Over 180 participants, ranging from high school students looking for career insight to retirees interested in individual topics, registered for the six lecture series. Featuring respected professors and researchers, Mini Medical School gives the public an inside view on current medical issues and topics. In 2009, this included lectures on Type 2 diabetes, demonstrations of complex medical procedures performed in the Clinical Learning & Simulation Facility, cosmetic dentistry & oral health, colorectal cancer, common lab tests and their meaning, and forensic medicine & dentistry. Similar to first-year medical lectures, the lectures include power point presentations, hand outs and an interactive question and answer period. “Mini Medical School is an excellent opportunity for the public to take advantage of our university’s immense knowledge bank and learn directly from faculty members about health issues relevant to them and their families,” said Dr. José François, Associate Dean, Continuing Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine. The 2010 Mini Medical School will take place March 10 – April 21, 2010 with a different curriculum to be presented. For more information, please visit http://umanitoba.ca/medicine/units/minmed MbM
Dr. Redwan Moqbel, Naresh Redhu, Dr. David Collins, Dr. David Barnard, MLA Jim Rondeau, MP Rod Bruinooge, City Counselor Grant Nordman, and Dr J. Dean Sandham cut the ribbon at the new Immunology location
New Immunology Department Opens University of Manitoba students and faculty working at the forefront of knowledge in allergy, asthma, cancer, immunization and auto immune disease research have a new $5.6M home. The Faculty of Medicine’s Department of Immunology officially opened its new location in September 2009 as part of an international symposium on New Frontiers in Immunology. Featuring 18,000 square feet of research and teaching space, the Immunology Department is now located on the fourth floor of Apotex Centre. The space includes a state-of-the-art open-concept research laboratory with tissue culture facilities, molecular facilities to study and experimentally manipulate genes that control cell differentiation, and flow cytometry and confocal facilities to investigate the immune system at the single cell level. The new Department of Immunology was made possible thanks to $1.6M funding generously provided by the Federal, Provincial and City governments through the Winnipeg Partnership Agreement with the remaining support from the University of Manitoba, the Faculty of Medicine, Mindel and Thomas Olenick, and faculty members within the department.
“The Faculty of Medicine is a proud supporter of the wellregarded and successful Immunology research program, and of this new facility that will promote further achievement and growth in this fertile area,” said Dr. J. Dean Sandham, Dean of Medicine. “Creation of this infrastructure, some of the best in the world, provides Manitoba and the University the opportunity to build on the existing critical mass and momentum.” The department has been a leader in Immunology since it was established as Canada’s first in the 1960s. It currently has 25 faculty and more than 70 students and researchers. “Demand for top talent is exceptionally competitive internationally. Attracting—and then retaining—top awardwinning students, advanced research trainees, faculty and academic leadership requires tangible support or the opportunity is lost,” said Dr. Redwan Moqbel, Head, Department of Immunology. The Immunology Department has received international recognition for major research and is home to two Canada Research Chairs and one Manitoba Health Research Council chair. MbM
Dr. Barbara Triggs-Raine with Kenzie and Karl Kleinsasser, who lost a child to BCS.
Scientists at the University of Manitoba and Manitoba Institute of Child Health have discovered that a small change in a gene (EMG1) that is involved in cell growth is the cause of Bowen-Conradi Syndrome (BCS). Their findings were published in the American Journal of Human Genetics in June 2009. BCS is an inherited disorder that affects children, preventing them from growing and developing. Affected children typically die at birth or in early childhood. It occurs quite frequently among Hutterites of the Canadian Prairies and U.S. Great Plains. Knowing the genetic cause of this disorder provides a clear tool for diagnosing the condition and offers hope for a treatment in the future. The Manitoba-led multidisciplinary group was comprised of researchers in the University of Manitoba departments of Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, Microbiology, Pediatrics & Child Health, Physiology and the Centre for Investigation of Genetic Disease at the Manitoba Institute of Child Health.
“Identifying the gene was like searching for a needle in a haystack. Although we knew approximately where to look in the haystack, the needle was camouflaged to look like the surrounding hay,” said Dr. Barbara Triggs-Raine, Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry & Medical Genetics, who led the project. “The experiments we performed to make sure that we had the needle, and not the hay, were what showed EMG1 to be the right gene.” Noted Dr. Cheryl Rockman-Greenberg, Professor & Head, Dept. of Pediatrics & Child Health, “Isolating this gene and knowing this precise abnormality allows us to now have an accurate diagnostic test to rule out this condition in Hutterite children. Now that we know that the gene is isolated, we can screen for abnormalities in children, both Hutterite and non-Hutterite, who have similar features that cannot be explained.” Start-up funding from the Manitoba Institute of Child Health and subsequent funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Winnipeg Rh Institute Foundation, together with strong cooperation from the local Hutterite community, were central to the success of the research team. MbM
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
Key to Rare Genetic Disorder Found
Dr. John Bingham, Dr. J. Dean Sandham, and Dr. Charles Bernstein unveil the Bingham Chair donor plaque.
donor news
Charles Bernstein Named Bingham Chair in Gastroenterology It’s been almost 70 years since John R. Bingham (B.Sc. (Med.), MD/40) last wandered the halls of his medical school. But the 93-year-old University of Manitoba alumnus, who gave $1 million towards the Bingham Chair in Gastroenterology, came home in April 2009 for the announcement of the research chair bearing his name. Internationally renowned and respected gastroenterology researcher Dr. Charles Bernstein (MD/85), Section Head of Gastroenterology and Director of the University of Manitoba Inflammatory Bowel Disease Clinical and Research Centre, was appointed to the Bingham Chair in Gastroenterology. “The work underway on some of these awful diseases, such as Crohn’s disease, is terribly important, and I think the scientists should be encouraged to continue with their research,” said Dr. Bingham, who practiced gastroenterology at the Toronto Western Hospital and taught at the University of Toronto following service as a naval surgeon in the Second World War. He received a standing ovation at the announcement. It was through Dr. Bingham’s generosity—combined with an impressive community campaign chaired by Martin Weinberg that raised more than $1 million in just under a year and $1 million
in support from the clinicians in the Faculty of Medicine’s Department of Internal Medicine—that the $3-million endowed research chair was realized. “Through the endowment of this prestigious chair, Dr. Charles Bernstein and his research team will be able to pursue leadingedge research in Winnipeg that will improve the health for sufferers of gastrointestinal disorders on a global scale. This is a magnificent achievement and one that our community of supporters should be justifiably proud,” said Dr. J. Dean Sandham, Dean of Medicine, University of Manitoba. Dr. Dan Roberts, Head, Department of Internal Medicine noted that the Bingham Chair in Gastroenterology will also serve to attract young investigators into gastroenterology research and serve as a magnet for recruitment of high calibre researchers and clinicians to the University of Manitoba. “The symbolic side of having a Research Chair in Gastroenterology at our university should not be underplayed,” Dr. Bernstein said at the announcement. “The Bingham Chair has brought the University of Manitoba section of Gastroenterology into the major leagues of universities committed to excellence in Gastroenterology.” MbM
Gaspard Theatre Named in Honour of Frederic Gaspard
manitoba medicine | Dean’s Edition 2009
The University of Manitoba announced in May 2009 the Renal Transplant Research Chair. It was the culmination of a generous community campaign to raise the $3-million endowment, completed by Inge Gaspard in honour of her late husband Frederic Gaspard. In January 2008, Frederic Gaspard suffered kidney failure and was evacuated from a cruise ship in South America. After Frederic was rushed to a hospital in Puerto Madryn, Argentina, Inge Gaspard called her nephew, a Winnipeg doctor, who put her in contact with Dr. David Rush, world-renowned nephrologist at the University of Manitoba and Spanish speaking thanks to his Argentinean background. “To say that he went way beyond the call would be an understatement,” Mrs. Gaspard said. “He interpreted not only the language but procedures, Fred’s condition, various doctors’ opinions, treatments—all done intelligently and in a spirit of calm. “My contribution, for me, has created a sense of hope springing from an otherwise painful occurrence,” Mrs. Gaspard said about her donation in her husband’s memory. “My gift was truly prompted by my complete respect for Dr. Rush.”
The Renal Transplant Research Chair will provide leadership, scholarship, and mentorship in kidney transplantation at the University of Manitoba. In recognition of Inge Gaspard’s generous gift, Theatre A, a 360-seat lecture theatre on the University of Manitoba’s Bannatyne Campus, was renamed as the Frederic Gaspard Theatre. Frederic Gaspard was president and CEO of Gaspard & Sons, a successful manufacturing company famous for its convocation gowns and academic regalia with a head office and factory in Winnipeg, plus branch offices in Toronto, Minneapolis, and two factories in Puerto Rico. “This research chair will enable the University of Manitoba to excel as a leader in renal transplantation and enable groundbreaking discoveries,” said Dr. J. Dean Sandham, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba. “Establishing this chair will allow us to recruit and retain a senior clinician-scientist in nephrology and provide opportunities for the chair holder to conduct advanced research and serve as a mentor for graduate and post-doctoral students.” MbM
donor news
Donor Honour Roll The Faculty of Medicine and the School of Medical Rehabilitation acknowledge the generosity and support of alumni, faculty, staff, corporate partners and friends who have generously given more than $10,000 during their lifetime as of March 31, 2009.
AstraZeneca Canada Inc. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Dr. John R. Bingham Rady Family Foundation, Mindel Olenick, Marjorie & Morley Blankstein Mrs. Marion Brodie (estate) Mr. Robert W. Cameron (estate) Section of Clinical Pharmacology Department of Internal Medicine, University of Manitoba Department of Surgery, University of Manitoba GlaxoSmithKline Inc. Husky Energy Inc. Li Ka-shing Foundation Manitoba Medical Services Foundation Merck Frosst Canada Ltd. The Dr. Paul H.T.Thorlakson Foundation Thomas Olenick & Mindel Olenick Mrs. Flora M. Ross (estate) Dr. George E. Yee & Mrs. Fay Yee
AAOW Anaesthesia Medical Corporation Leonard Asper & Susan Asper Axcan Pharma Inc. Mr. Edward J. Bennett (estate) CMA/MMA/MD Management Mr. Victor Colcleugh (estate) James R. Connacher & Mary J. Connacher Department of Family Medicine Donner Canadian Foundation Dr. Marion H. Ferguson (estate) Richard & Sheree Walder Morantz Health Sciences Centre Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences The Jewish Foundation of Manitoba The Kidney Foundation of Canada Dr. Jacque G. Mar & Mrs. Pamela Mar Manitoba Medical College Foundation The Murphy Foundation Incorporated Mr. D. R. Mussallem The Pash Family The Paterson Foundation Dr. Angus E. Reid & Mrs. Margaret A. Reid Dr. Winifred M. Ross (estate) Dr. J. Dean Sandham & Mrs. Joan Sandham Dr. Evelyn Shapiro, O.C., O.M. The Shenkarow Family Dr. Hugh C. Smith & Dr. Aynsley M. Smith Sun Life Financial Mrs. Dawn Swartz (estate) The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company Marty & Michelle Weinberg and Family Mrs. Maurine C. Wester (estate)
$500,000+ Bassett/Falk Cancer Research Foundation Dr. James W. Burns, O.C., O.M. Diabetes Foundation of Manitoba Great-West Life Assurance Company The Lupina Foundation Manitoba Paraplegia Foundation Inc. R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundation RBC Foundation Pfizer Canada Inc. The Tolkien Trust The Winnipeg Foundation The Winnipeg Rh Institute Foundation Inc.
$250,000+ Archer Daniels Midland Foundation The Arthritis Society Astellas Pharma Canada Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Caroline A. Cope (estate) Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences Mrs. Lois Y. Erickson (estate) Health Sciences Centre Department of Nephrology Hoffmann-La Roche Limited Dr. George W. Leroux & Mrs. Georgia M. Leroux (estate) London Life Insurance Company Mr. H. H. McCain (estate) Nycomed Canada University Medical Group Vale Inco
$50,000+ Bert & Lee Friesen Foundation Dr. Diane R. Biehl Dr. Edna Becker BMO Financial Group Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd. Prof. H. G. Bohnet Dr. E.H. Botterell & Mrs. Margaret T. Botterell (estate) Mrs. Gloria Brown Ms. Mary A. Dobush (estate) Dr. Alfred E. Deacon Medical Research Foundation Inc. Thelma J. Fast Flynn Canada Ltd. Dr. Brian Hennen & Mrs. Margaret Hennen Hudson’s Bay Company /HBC Foundation Dr. John S. Hunkin & Ms. Susan Crocker Ms. Margaret L. Hutton & Mr. Frank E. Hutton (estate)
Ms. Marguerit C. G. Jerome (estate) Dr. Ellen R. Judd Manulife Financial McLean Budden Limited Mr. Robert W. McRae Mr. James R. Morden Dr. Arnold Naimark & Dr. Barbara Naimark Miss Betty A. Nicks (estate) Procter & Gamble Inc. (Canada) Rick Hansen Institute Dr. Arnold G. Rogers & Erica Rogers (estate) Miss Betty A. Nicks (estate) Scotiabank TD Bank Financial Group Princess Auto Ltd. Mrs. Ruth M. Thomas Mrs. Elizabeth A. Walton Ms. Anna Widiner (estate) Dr. Young C. Woo
$25,000+ AMI Partners Inc. Anda Toporeck Medical Research Foundation Dr. David S. Bloom & Mrs. Rosalind Bloom Dr. Martin Brotman & Mrs. Farron Brotman Dr. Gail S. Asper & Dr. Michael J. Paterson Associated Medical Services Incorporated Dr. Robert E. Beamish & Mrs. Mary K. Beamish Dr. Marcel C. Blanchaer & Prof. Audrey M. Kerr Dr. Frances Booth Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Inc. Dr. Kenneth H. Brookler & Mrs. Marcia Brookler Phyllis G. Brown Canada Life Assurance Company Dr. John A. Downey & Mrs. Janis E. Downey F. K. Morrow Foundation Dr. Gordon P. Fahrni (estate) Mr. Thomas G. Frohlinger & Ms. Heather R. Pullan Mr. Gerry Gray Dr. Monty Hall & Mrs. Marilyn Hall Investors Group Mrs. Peggy Iverach (estate) J.R. Senecal & Associates Mr. George Keates (estate) Knight Bain Seath & Holbrook Capital Management Dr. Robert (Robin) G. Krause & Ms. Enid Krause CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
Donor Honour Roll CONTINUED Dr. Shung Lock & Mrs. Yet Leung Law Dr. William Locke Dr. Sharon M. Macdonald Dr. I.J. Matas & Mrs. Renee Matas (estate) Dr. Phyllis J. McAlpine (estate) McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Limited Mr. Clarence W. McLean & Mrs. Moira McLean (estate) Ms. Gretna M. Purvis (estate) Dr. J. Larry Reynolds The Rockefeller Foundation Schwartz Family Foundation Ms. Donna M. Shaw (estate) Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sher Mrs. Phoeme Simkin (estate) Miss Helen S. Smith (estate) Speyer Family Foundation, Inc. St. Boniface General Hospital Tembec Paper Group-Pine Falls Operations The Vidda Foundation Mr. Ulysses S. Wagner (estate) Mr. William W. West & Mrs. Marlene West Winnipeg Free Press
manitoba medicine | Dean’s Edition 2009
Dr. John K. Agostino Mr. A. Robert Antenbring & Mrs. C. Joy Antenbring Dr. Fred Aoki & Mrs. Grace Aoki Dr. Dawna L. Armstrong & Dr. Richard M. Armstrong Earl Barish & Cheryl Barish Dr. Gary Beazley & Mrs. Elizabeth Beazley Dr. Allan Becker & Mrs. Lynne Becker Dr. James E. Beckstead & Mrs. Doreen G. Beckstead Dr. Dean Bell & Dr. Sandra Marles Ben Moss Jewellers Ms. Annie W. Beynon (estate) Bingo Palace BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. Dr. Gordon P. Boroditsky Dr. W. Paul Bowman & Mrs. Lois A. Bowman Ms. Dora M. Brown (estate) Mrs. Catherine E. Brown Mrs. Helen G. Bruce (estate) Mr. Daniel A. Bubis & Ms. Jennifer E. Blumenthal Dr. Robert F. Burns & Mrs. Claire M. Burns Mr. Henry M. Cheng Mr. Mark Chipman Dr. W. Gordon Chipperfield (estate) Dr. Douglas Craig & Mrs. Carole Craig Mr. Kenneth W. Crowshaw CryoLife Inc. Mr. Steve Dawyduk (estate) Department of Psychiatry Health Sciences Centre Don Mazankowski Scholarship Foundation
Mr. Edward L. Drewry (estate) Dr. Donald L. Dunlop (estate) Dr. Richard B. Edwards (estate) Dr. Carl J. T. Eisener Eli Lilly Canada Inc. Dr. Alvin J. Elliot & Mrs. Phyllis Elliot Federated Insurance Companies of Canada Dr. John P. Foerster Friesen Tokar Architects Friesens Corporation Dr. Alison B. Froese Dr. Frederick W. Orr & Dr. Lorna J. Grant Dr. Clair W. Hall & Mrs. Isabelle M. Hall (estate) Dr. Robert J. Hoeschen & Mrs. M. Hoeschen Dr. Charles H. Hollenberg, O.C. (estate) The ILLAHIE Foundation Industrial Alliance Insurance & Financial Services Inc. Dr. Esther D. Israels Dr. Michael T. Janusz Inc. Dr. Thomas A. Joas Dr. Alfred E. Jones & Mrs. Susan K. Jones Dr. Kwan C. Kao Dr. Shirley Katz Khartum Ladies Auxiliary Dr. Alan A. Klass (estate) Mrs. Serena H. Kraayeveld Dr. Robert W. Langdon Dr. Leonard A. LeBoldus & Mrs. Pamela LeBoldus Dr. Albert Lecot Dr. David C. K. Lee & Mrs. Linda T.L. Lee Dr. Clifford S. Yaffe & Dr. Heather A. Levin Dr. Phillippe R. L’Heureux Lupus Society of Manitoba Inc. Dr. Edward (Ted) A. Lyons & Mrs. Harriet F. Lyons Dr. Andrew L. MacDiarmid Mr. Donald G. MacDiarmid Dr. Alan K. Macklem & Ms. Penny Macklem Dr. Neil B. Maclean (estate) Mrs. Catherine Maclean (estate) Manitoba Health The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Manitoba X-Ray Clinic Medical Corporation Dr. Neil Margolis & Mrs. Elaine Margolis Mason Steele Partnership Dr. C. Jean McFarlane (estate) Mrs. Muriel A. McKenty Mr. E. Alan McLaughlin & Mrs. Erica J. McLaughlin Dr. Donald R. McLean MDS Inc. Keith L. Meloff Murray Miller & Susy Miller
Dr. Michael E. K. Moffatt & Mrs. Sharon Moffatt Monarch Industries Limited Dr. Philip D. Murray & Mrs. Lynda Murray National Trust Co. Mr. Michael J. Nozick & Ms. Cheryl E. Ashley Organon Canada Ltd. Dr. Brian Ostrow Dr. Richard J. Palahniuk & Mrs. Patricia J. Palahniuk Mr. Murray S. Palay & Ms. Ivy F. Kopstein Dr. Erwin H. Penner & Mrs. Anna Penner Pfizer Global Pharmaceuticals The Pollard Family Foundation Dr. Bill Pope & Dr. Elizabeth Tippett-Pope Dr. John P. Potoski & Mrs. Marilyn Potoski Dr. Alexander F. Pue Dr. Ton L. Quong (estate) Dr. Robert C. Ramsay & Dr. Norma K. C. Ramsay RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Mrs. Marnie L. Reynolds Dr. George T. Richardson & Mrs. Tannis M. Richardson Ms. Alice L. Robertson (estate) Dr. Allan R. Ronald & Mrs. Myrna Ronald Dr. James F. Ross & Mrs. Joyce Ross The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Sanofi-Aventis Canada Inc. Marlis Schroeder Fanny Shore & Charles Shore Mr. Robert I. Silver Miss Hilda E. Simmons (estate) Sobeys Inc. Mr. Alex Sommer & Mrs. Elaine Sommer Dr. John B. Sutherland & Mrs. Eva Sutherland Terry Gray Agencies Ltd. Dr. Wilfred H. Thorleifson (estate) Dr. Conrad R. Toni Dr. G. Les Ullyot Vancouver Foundation Dr. Sybella M. Wahl Ms. Doris Waite Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation Dr. C. Peter W. Warren & Mrs. F. P. Warren Michael West & Lydia West Dr. Reginald W. Whetter (estate) Dr. Cornelius W. Wiens & Mrs. Betty A. Wiens Dr. John R. Wright Dr. Gerald Y. Yu
We make every effort to ensure that donors are properly recognized. Please contact Lisa Thomson Stifora at (204) 789-3984 or lisa_thomson@umanitoba.ca regarding any errors or omissions.
donor news
Message from Development This fall we welcomed another 110 students to our medical school. The Dean has started a new tradition by inviting our first year medical students on the Prairie Dog steam train—it’s a great evening and we all enjoy hearing their stories and their passions as they look towards the next four years of medical school. Every one of these students has established clear goals and is passionate about becoming the medical doctors of tomorrow—it is truly inspiring. Helping students go through their medical education is one of our top priorities. Providing them with the mentorship they need and a first class education will equip them for their future. A large part of our role is providing students with the financial support to allow them to focus full time on their studies. A special thank you to Martin and Farron Brotman for establishing the Farron and Martin Brotman, M.D. Bursary in Medicine. Brotman (MD/62) and his wife, Farron, have established this bursary to help future students, just as they were helped many years ago by receiving the Isbister Scholarship. Increasing the number of students we graduate to be the medical doctors of tomorrow is important. However, every one of these students deserves to be supported both
by: Barbara Becker professionally and financially. If you have ever considered establishing your own award to help medical students we would be pleased to talk to you about your wishes. You can establish your award today and see students benefit for years to come or establish an award through plans in your estate. There are many ways to help. Please call our office of External Relations at (204) 977-5615 to find out how you can make a difference in the life of a student.
ALUMNI 42% (3.6M)
Chairs, Professorships, and Research 24% (7.1M)
FRIENDS 3% (0.2M)
Leaving a Legacy Ms Joyce Aitken Dr. Judith Barefoot Dr. Robert Beamish & Mary Beamish Dr. Edna J. Becker Dr. Norman Bell Dr. Diane R. Biehl Dr. John R. Bingham Dr. David S. Bloom Dr. Gisele A. M. Bourgeois-Law & Dr. Randall S.H. Law Mr. James W. Breakley Dr. Jennifer Burton Dr. William G.L. Carr Dr. Juliette Cooper Dr. John A. Downey Mr. William F. Falk
Dr. John L. Fumerton Dr. Paul A. Galbraith Family Sandra Goodwin & David Goodwin Dr. Theodore A. Harris Dr. Neil Kippen Dr. Daniel J. Klass Dr. Richard E. Larson Dr. John A. MacDonell & Dr. Josefina Asa MacDonell Dr. Douglas W. MacEwan Dr. Jacque G Mar & Mrs. Pamela Mar Dr. R. Donald McBane & Mrs. Isabel L. McBane Dr. H. Keith Merrick
Dr. Mischa D. Newman & Mrs. Gutie Newman Dr. Hiro Nishioka Dr. Bill Pope & Dr. Elizabeth Tippett-Pope Alex Pue M.D. Dr. Kenneth E. Robinson Dr. R.T. Ross Dr. Kenneth L. Schellenberg Dr. I. Kenneth Thorlakson & Mrs. Lorna Thorlakson Craig Troop & Rozlyn Troop Dr. James A. Turner Mrs. Pearl Yaffe
We make every effort to ensure that donors are properly recognized. Please contact Lisa Thomson Stifora at (204) 789-3984 or lisa_thomson@umanitoba.ca regarding any errors or omissions.
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
The Faculty of Medicine gratefully acknowledges the medicine graduates, faculty and friends who have made a provision for the university either in their will or through life insurance, annuity or other planned gift.
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financial report
Finance Report by:Keith McConnell, Director of Operations Thank you to all of the staff and faculty for the dedicated hard work in 2008/2009 to help the faculty achieve many goals. The Faculty of Medicine has grown significantly due to new programs and increased class sizes. Our growth requires us to complete a significant number of projects to help us fulfill our mission and vision and maintain accreditation in all areas. In addition to the faculty support, we have received tremendous support from our University of Manitoba central administration, WRHA and the provincial government to help complete these numerous projects. The key to our success is our human resources and this year we continued to hire adequate staffing levels and appropriate skill sets to meet increased enrollment demands. This process is important to our short and long term goals and we are required to produce statements of adequate staffing levels to our accrediting bodies. The Information Technology support for the faculty is a key core tool and has been reorganized to meet the end user needs. The team has expanded to meet the increased demand of core systems including the analysis, review and redevelopment of a curriculum management system (OPAL) for 2009 implementation. The faculty support team was expanded to meet the Clinical Learning and Simulation Facility with dedicated support for audio visual and server support.
manitoba medicine | Dean’s Edition 2009
The Faculty recognizes the need to improve our communication and profile in the community and we have reorganized the portfolio of communications, marketing and alumni affairs under Director of Communicatons & Marketing Ilana Simon to meet this need. We welcomed Ms. Darcy Routledge as Alumni Affairs & Events Officer and Ms. Janice Labossiere as Communications Officer/Web Co-ordinator. These positions are critical to maintain our communication both internally, with our alumni and to the community. The area of Finance in the faculty has continued to improve and adjust to the new reporting requirements by national granting agencies and foundations. We continue to strive to provide more detailed reporting and real time access for adjustments to departments and staff. This change, in conjunction with our increased enrollment, led us to introduce a new quarterly reporting tool and format.
Many areas are looking at physical infrastructure to meet the changing technologies and systems required to reach our goals. The Faculty has worked hard with Physical Plant to redevelop and construct adequate space to meet Faculty needs. The Faculty has over 30,000 sq feet of space under construction this year. The primary focus is on teaching and research space with the construction of the Physician Assistant Education Program office, Immunology Department relocation to Apotex Centre, Student Affairs relocation, Centre for Global Public Health, VP research relocation, theatre upgrades B and C to name a few. The Faculty will continue to address physical plant challenges including an exciting addition to the Basic Medical Sciences Building in 2009/2010.
Total Budget: $197,594,598 RESEARCH 68% ($135,132,804) CORE OPERATING/COPSE 19% ($37,199,286) SALES & SERVICE REVENUE 7% ($14,702,093) CAPITAL 3% ($5,094,639) TRUST & ENDOWMNET INVESTMENT INCOME 3% ($5,094,639)
faculty awards and honours
Dr. Charles Bernstein, Section Head of Gastroenterology and Director of the University of Manitoba Inflammatory Bowel Disease Clinical and Research Centre was awarded $1,505,000 by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Manitoba Health Research council Regional Partnership Program (2008-2013) for “Understanding the biological, clinical, and psychosocial determinants of health outcomes in inflammatory bowel disease.” Dr. Jim Davie, Acting Associate Director, Manitoba Institute of Cell Biology, Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, has been re-appointed as Editor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology for another five-year term ending 31 August 2014. Ada Ducas, head of the Health Sciences Libraries, was presented with the Health Administration Award at the 2009 Doctors Manitoba Awards Dinner and Installation Ceremony. Ducas was honoured for her leadership in the field of health sciences librarianship in Canada. Dr. Hani El-Gabalawy, Professor of Medicine and Immunology, Rheumatology Research, Chair and Director of the Arthritis Centre at the University of Manitoba was awarded $936,141 by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research for “Early identification of rheumatoid arthritis in First Nations.” Dr. John Embil, Section of Infectious Diseases, was chosen as the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons 2008 Mentor of the Year Award recipient for the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Region.
Dr. Rachel Eni, Assistant Professor, Community Health Sciences, was awarded the Gerry McDole Professorship in Improved Healthcare Delivery to Rural, Remote and Underserviced Populations of Manitoba, July 1, 2008-March 31, 2009. Dr. Paul Fernyhough, Director of the Division of Neurodegenerative Disorders, and Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University of Manitoba, recently received a $110,000 (USD) project grant from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (USA). Fernyhough was also named co-Principal Investigator of a $477,000 (USD) JDRF grant to study Diabetic Neuropathy, Neuronal Insulin and Its Interaction with AGE-RAGE. Fernyhough will be working together with University of Calgary’s Douglas Zochodne and Cory Toth. Dr. John Gartner, Professor and Head, Department of Pathology, was recipient of the 2009 . Scholastic Award at the Annual General Meeting of Doctors Manitoba on May 13, 2009.
Dr. Denis Hosking, Section Head of Urology, received the Canadian Urological Association Award at the annual meeting of the Association in Edmonton. Dr. Elissavet Kardami, Professor in Human Anatomy and Cell Science, and Principal Investigator at the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, St. Boniface General Hospital Research Centre, was the recipient of the 33rd Annual YMCA-YWCA Women of Distinction Awards Research and Innovation award. The award recognizes achievement in discovery and/or development in all fields of research, science, technology and/or environment. Margaret Lavallee, Elder in Residence for the Centre for Aboriginal Health Education, Faculty of Medicine, was honoured at the 8th Annual “Keeping the Fires Burning” ceremony Honouring Women’s Teachings to Protect Our Sacred Gift: WATER by Ka Ni Kanichihk Inc. Dr. Ruth Ann Marrie, Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine (Neurology), received the Dr. Aubie Angel Young Investigator Award on June 4, 2009. Dr. Ruth Anne Marrie was the 2008 recipient of the University of Manitoba Rudy Falk Clinician Scientist Award.
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
Dr. Francis Amara, Associate Professor, Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, has been voted as one of the “Top 25 Canadian Immigrants for 2009.” This is the first Canadian national awards program for immigrants—a people’s choice award that recognizes people who’ve made a difference since they arrived in Canada.
faculty awards and honours obituaries
Dr. Bruce Martin, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education; Director, J. A. Hildes Northern Medical Unit; Coordinator, Clinical Skills Programme has been named the 2009 John Arthur Hildes Circumpolar Health Award medal winner. Dr. Redwan Moqbel, Professor and Head, Department of Immunology, has been named as the 2009 recipient of the Paul Ehrlich Lectureship by the International Eosinophil Society for his outstanding contributions to the understanding ofeosinophil cell biology, immunobiology and mechanisms of eosinophil secretion. Dr. Noralou Roos, Professor in Community Health Sciences, was elected to the Royal Society of Canada , the country’s most prestigious association of scholars and scientists.
Dr. Stephen Moses, Professor, Medical Microbiology and Community Health Sciences HIV/AIDS research was named ‘Top Canadian Achievements in Health Research’ by Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) declared these findings one of the Top Canadian Achievements in Health Research. Dr. Guillermo Quinonez, Professor, Department of Pathology, was the recipient of the 2009 CAP Distinguished Service Award. This is the highest award that the CAP confers on one of its members for exemplary service and for dedication to, as well as promotion of, the mission of the Canadian Association of Pathologists.
manitoba medicine | Dean’s Edition 2009
Jacquie Ripat, Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Medical Rehabilitation, received a 2008 Award of Merit from the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT) for her work as the CAOT Conference Scientific Program Committee Chair (2005-2007).
Dr. Molly Seshia, is the 2009 winner of the Distinguished Neonatologist Award from the Canadian Paediatric Society. She was the section head of neonatology in the department of pediatrics and child health in the Faculty of Medicine for over 25 years. Dr. Shahin Shooshtari, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Health Sciences, received 2008 Young Researcher Fellowship Award from the International Association for Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability, Special Research Interest Group of Aging with Intellectual Disability. Dr. Pawan Singal, Professor in the Department of Physiology, Director of the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, was awarded the International Prize of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for outstanding work in the field of natural sciences. Dr. Singal also was the recipient of the of Ronald Duhamel Innovation Award 2009. Dr. Robert Tate, Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences, was awarded a $344,666 two-year national/provincial CIHR/MHRC grant for “Successful Aging of Older Canadian Males: The Manitoba Follow-up Study”. Pam Wener, Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Medical Rehabilitation, received the 2009 Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists Outstanding Occupational Therapist award for her contributions to the profession.
Check Upobituaries on Alumni
John Stratton (MD/49) worked in family practice in Morden (1 year); Killarney (17 years); Victoria, BC (29 years) Ihor I. Mayba (BSc/52, MD/57, Dip. Surgery/62) is a volunteer writer for the Winnipeg Sun and writes about Ukrainian culture, history and about the lives of Kozaks, poets, artists, novelists, and inventors and Genocide – Holodomor in Ukraine. Jaroslaw Barwinsky (MD/55) Professor Emeritus – Dept. of Surgery – Cardiac Surgery. Published History of Cardiac Surgery in Winnipeg (MB) in History of Cardiac Surgery in Canada, Second Edition, 2009. Ian R. Burgess (BA, MD/59) retired from Board of Directors and as Chair of Medical Advisory Committee of Lifeline Malawi in Nov 2009 after six years. (lifelinemalawi.com) Dr. Allan Ronald (MD/61) was awarded the Hamao Umezawa Memorial Award for lifetime achievement in Antimicrobial Therapy. The award was given in Toronto by the International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy on June 26, 2009. Edward R. Jorundson (MD/69) worked as GP in Gimli and Stonewall, psychiatry in Selkirk and did Occupational Medicine in Chicago from 1982-84 and worked at Health Canada in Ottawa, Regina and Edmonton from 1989-2003. He is semiretired doing counseling and exams for Health Canada and has two children and two grandchildren. Ron Charach (MD/77) is a Toronto-resident psychiatrist and is the author of his first non-fiction collection “Cowboys & Bleeding Hearts.” He’s also the author of seven poetry collections, a prolific newspaper contributor and a columnist with the Medical Post magazine. Dr. Dieter Bueddefeld (MD/81) was thrilled to receive an Award of Excellence from the College of Family Physicians of Canada recently for his 25 years of service to the Town of Altona. Dr. Peter MacDonald (MD/83) was named Editor of the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery and is the treasurer of Canadian Orthopaedic Association.
Russ Albak (MD/84) practices Family Medicine with the Assiniboine Clinic in Winnipeg. His primary clinic is at the Deer Lodge Centre, in Geriatric Medicine. He also is Regional Physician for the Canadian Pacific Railway. Nancy Krywonis (MD/84) is working in private practice dermatology in Denver, CO. Donna Henrikson (MD/85) works in general practice in central Toronto, punctuated by running, biking, back-country canoeing and an annual stint in back-country medicine in rural Guatemala. The three children produced while in Medical School are grown. Mom’s free to travel … and work more. Dr. Michael Raabe (MD/89) became a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology. Dr. Davinder Jassal (MD/98) was awarded the prestigious Department of Internal Medicine Liam J. Murphy Young Investigator Award for 2008. Since joining the Section of Cardiology in August 2006, Dr. Jassal has received grant support in the amount of $1.7 million from 19 separate grants, had 83 publications published in high impact journals, was awarded a number of national young investigators awards including the 2008 Heart and Stroke Foundation New Investigator Award, and was invited to present at 79 local, national and international events.
Faculty of Medicine – Teaching Awards The Undergraduate students recognized several Alumni during the Department of Internal Medicine’s annual awards ceremony in November 2008. Medicine I – Teaching Excellence: Dr. Anita Soni (Section of Cardiology ) (MD/98) Medicine II – Teaching Excellence: Dr. Keevin Bernstein (Section of Nephrology) (MD/78) Most Outstanding Course: Kidney
Clerkship – Most Outstanding Clinicians: Dr. Jonathan Bellas (Section of General Internal Medicine) (MD/03)
Do you have news regarding your career, retirement, published work, travel and family for publication in the alumni news section of MB Medicine? Mail to: Ilana Simon, Editor, MB Medicine Magazine Room 290 Brodie Centre, 727 McDermot Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Fax to 204.977-5690 E-mail to simoni@cc.umanitoba.ca
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
J.C. Menzies (MD/49) practiced Family Medicine in Morden, MB for 46 years. Practice taken over by son, Bob.
obituaries We extend our condolences to all family and friends of our University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine alumni and colleagues who have recently passed away. ALAN (ARI) HARVEY LIPSON, MD June 27, 1957 - June 25, 2009 Surrounded by his loving family, Dr. Alan (Ari) Harvey Lipson passed away suddenly on Thursday, June 25, 2009, two days before his 52nd birthday. Alan was born June 27, 1957 and grew up in Winnipeg. After graduating from Joseph Wolinsky Collegiate, Alan continued his education at the University of Manitoba, graduating from the Faculty of Medicine in 1981. Alan practiced internal medicine, with a special interest in cardiology, first at the Mall Medical Clinic and then at the Winnipeg Clinic. He worked in intensive care units across the city at St. Boniface Hospital, Misericordia Hospital, the Grace Hospital, and Victoria General Hospital. Alan also held administrative roles throughout his career, as Medical Director at the Misericordia Hospital, and recently the Program Manager of the Internal Medicine Department and Intensive Care unit at the Victoria General Hospital, as well as Medical Director at the Reh-Fit Centre. Alan was respected by colleagues and patients alike. For Alan, being a doctor was not a job, or a vocation, it was his love and passion as much as his family. Ari loved to spend time with his wife and boys, sitting around the kitchen table, enjoying live music, relaxing at the lake, playing golf, and watching his boys at all their sports and activities. Ari was a talented musician, who played guitar by ear. He was also an athlete, who loved to play hockey, ski, and in the last few years learned to snowboard as well. To honour the memory of Alan, his wife Avis Raber, and his sons, Mark, Daniel, Jonathan, and Benjamin Lipson have created the Dr. Alan H. Lipson Memorial Award in Medicine, to be awarded each year by the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine to an undergraduate medical student. In lieu of flowers or cards, please direct donations to the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba (477-7525), who will be working in partnership with the University of Manitoba to establish and maintain this award. JOHN EDGAR MCGOEY, MD, FRCSC September 9, 1917 - September 11, 2009
manitoba medicine | Dean’s Edition 2009
Dr. John McGoey was born on September 9, 1917 at Grey Nun’s Hospital in Regina and died September 11, 2009 in his 93rd year at the Grace Hospital in Winnipeg. In between he led a life of dedication to hard work and commitment to excellence. He skipped grades 1, 8 and 11 in his early school years, graduated from the University of Manitoba with his BA in 1937 and commenced working for the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act (PFRA) running a survey crew. He drove the crew hard and they completed five years work in three. As his survey work wound down, at the urging of his younger brother and mentor, Jim, he gave thought to a career in medicine. Having a BA, he had no science credits and at the time only the University of Michigan and University of Manitoba would allow a student to take 1st and 2nd year pre-med chemistry and physics in one year. He subsequently enrolled, excelled and graduated from
the University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine in 1948. After practicing in Outlook, SK for two years, and again at the urging of his brother Jim, he enrolled in the ear, nose and throat program at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. He and his family moved back to Winnipeg in 1955 and he commenced his practice of medicine at the Manitoba Clinic and the General, Children’s and Deer Lodge Hospitals. Over his career he was the original chief medical officer for the Winnipeg Jets of the WHA and was a director and on the medical staff of the Blue Bombers for many years. He attended Bomber games for over 30 years. He along with several of his doctor friends (Dector, Strawbridge, Merkley, to name a few) were the original funders of the indoor hockey arena at River Heights Community Club. He retired from surgery at the age of 65 and from practice at age 80. Over his many years of practice, he along with his brother Jim, strove to serve their patients with utmost devotion and to share their knowledge and experiences with young interns and residents to ensure that the people of Manitoba received the highest standard of medical care available. ALFRED JOHN WALLIS ALCOCK, MD December 6, 1920 - May 6, 2009 Dr. Alfred John Wallis Alcock was born in Winnipeg, on December 6, 1920 and in 1940, he enrolled in the University of Manitoba Medical School. Two years into his medical training, he enlisted in the Army as a private and was rewarded for his efforts with two hours of marching practice every week. He interned for six months at the Winnipeg General Hospital and completed his internship at Fort Osborne Military Hospital graduating in 1945 as a General Practitioner specializing in Internal Medicine. In 1945 he was sent to Brockville for Officer Training, attaining the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. He completed his Military Training at Camp Borden just as the war in Europe ended. He was subsequently assigned to the Southampton Military Camp in the south of England to assist in the recovery of the Canadian wounded. He returned to Canada in January 1946 being assigned again to Fort Osborne. It was on the wards at Fort Osborne Military Hospital where he met his future wife Sheila. He left the Army in late 1946, returning to Liverpool, England with his wife to complete three years of Graduate Studies. On his return to Canada in December 1949, he accepted a job at Deer Lodge Hospital where he worked through the 1950 flood. A lot of his time was spent tending to all of the evacuated patients from the flooded Municipal Hospitals. In September 1952 he was appointed Assistant Medical Director under Dr. Hildes, just in time for the ensuing Polio Epidemic. He spent the rest of his career working with and caring for the Polio patients. In 1955 he was appointed Medical Director of the Municipal Hospitals, a position he held until his retirement in 1990. During his time as Medical Director he was instrumental in helping
KENNETH OWEN WYLIE, MD December 6, 1920 - June 8, 2009 Dr. Kenneth Wylie, beloved husband of Helen Kelly Wylie, passed away at Misericordia Place at the age of 88 years. He belonged to the Southwood Golf Course and was involved in many activities but medicine was always a part of his life. He pursued Paediatrics and had a keen interest in promoting and advancing the practice of medicine at both the Provincial and Federal levels. He practiced Paediatrics and was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Paediatrics at the University of Manitoba from 1957 to 1982. He was certified as a Specialist Paediatrics and received his CRCPS Royal College of Physicians Surgeons of Canada in 1957. He was an Emeritus Fellow of the Canadian Paediatrics Society since 1969. He also flew to Northern Manitoba to provide medical services to some of those remote communities and received the QUEEN’S MEDAL twice for his dedicated service to Canada. He was active in medical associations and served as President of the Canadian Paediatrics Society; Manitoba Medical Association; Canadian Medical Association. He was the Medical Director of the St. Amant Centre from 1964 to 1972 and was an active staff member at St. Amant (then Honorary Medical Staff); from 1952 to 1991. He also worked at the St. Boniface Hospital, Winnipeg Children’s Hospital, and for the Workers’ Compensation Board as the Medical Director. Donations in Ken’s memory to the Alzheimer Society would be greatly appreciated. CHARLES (CHUCK) GORDON ROLAND, MD January 25, 1933 - June 9, 2009 Chuck Roland was born on Jan. 25, 1933, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He died June 9, 2009, at The Carpenter Hospice in Burlington, Ont., of cancer. He was 76. A prolific writer and editor, he authored or edited 33 books, and wrote nearly 500 articles, editorials and reviews. Many of his books are profiles of important scientists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Two of his more notable books, both based on interviews with survivors and research material, are groundbreaking studies of medicine during World War II. Dr. Roland helped found the American Osler Society. A great admirer of William Osler, considered the father of modern medicine, Dr. Roland wrote or edited 11 books of his writings, including three volumes of his essays. After graduation from the University of Toronto, he entered the University of Manitoba medical school. He earned university tuition by working as a bellhop at Chateau Lake Louise in Alberta where he
became a mountain climber. His proficiency came in handy one year when he rescued three tourists stuck on a glacier after four of their friends fell to their death. With a new medical degree in hand and a family to support, he took a job with a doctor in Tillsonburg, Ont., in 1958. A year later, he accepted a better paying position in Grimsby Ont., where he practised for five years. Looking for other avenues of work in the medical field, in 1964 he took a job as senior editor at the Journal of the American Medical Association, based in Chicago. He also taught the history of medicine at Northwestern University. In 1969, his reputation as teacher and scholar brought him to the attention of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, which lured him away to helped start a medical school. That was not an easy task as there was opposition from the University of Minnesota which already had a medical school. At the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Roland also taught medical history, overhauled the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, and chaired the newly created Department of Biomedical Communications. In 1977, McMaster University recruited him as its inaugural Hannah Professor of the History of Medicine at its new medical school. His awards and honours include an honorary doctorate from the University of Manitoba and the prestigious John McGovern Medal from Oxford University.
Dr. George Peter Powles MD/40 - May 21, 2009 at Prince Albert, SK Dr. Richard H. Parker MD/48 - June 30, 2009 at Brandon, MB Dr. James S. Brown MD/49 - May 1, 2009 at Calgary, AB Dr. Frank Bennett Pearson MD/50 - March 28, 2009 at Winnipeg, MB Dr. Issie Schwartz MD/50 - February 25, 2009 at Winnipeg, MB Dr. Michael Kevin Grace MD/52 - April 22, 2009 at Winnipeg, MB Dr. Sidney Kalb MD/52- May 2, 2009 at London, ON Dr. Raymond Charles Selby MD/52 - June 20, 2009 at Calgary, AB Dr. William Russel Grayson MD/55 - November 28, 2008 at Atikokan, ON Dr. Hjalmar W. Johnson MD/56 - May 13, 2009 at Vancouver, BC Dr. Glenn C. Szalay MD/56 - May 5, 2009 in Bellingham, WA Dr. Paul H. Good MD/57 - May 7, 2009 at Regina, SK Dr. Sydney St. George Stubb MD/65 - September 5, 2009 at Winnipeg, MB Dr. Richard Reid Kaprowy MD/69 - June 30, 2009 at Winnipeg, MB Dr. Michael Douglas Dick McNeely MD/69 - August 20, 2009 at Victoria, BC Dr. Ronald Eger MD/69 - July 19, 2009 at Beaumont, TX Dr. Edward Klein MD/71 - July 6, 2009 at Santa Monica, CA Dr. Richard Carl Hamm MD/91 - August 11, 2009 at Winnipeg, MB
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
develop a home care program for respirator patients, setting the direction for the Municipal Hospitals, and lobbying the Government for the construction of the Riverview Facility to replace the aging King George and King Edward Hospitals. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to a charity of one’s choice.
Faculty of Medicine 2009 Class Reunions
Approximately 275 Medicine alumni attended the Dean’s Breakfast on Saturday, September 12th, 2009.
09 homecoming
2010 University of Manitoba Homecoming Reconnect with fellow classmates, old friends and your alma mater at a Medicine class reunion. Many Faculty of Medicine milestone class reunions will take place over the University of Manitoba Homecoming weekend September 24-26, 2010.
Alumni from the Class of 1964 reconnect at the Dean’s Breakfast.
School of Medical Rehabilitation alumni celebrate Homecoming.
Publications Mail Agreement Number: 40063171
Return undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine Office of the Dean 260 Brodie Centre, 727 McDermot Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Contact us:
Editor: Ilana Simon Phone: (204)789-3427 E-mail: simoni@cc.umanitoba.ca Web address: umanitoba.ca/medicine
For more information about participating in any of the 2010 Medicine reunions, Dean’s Homecoming Breakfast or becoming involved in organizing your own class reunion in 2010, please contact Darcy Routledge, Alumni Affairs & Events Officer at (204) 977-5650 or routledd@cc.umanitoba.ca.