01 08 spring
mb medicine
magazine of the university of manitoba faculty of medicine and the manitoba medical college foundation
Simulation Centre Opening
125th anniversary celebrations
New Physician Assistant Education Program
editor’s message Welcome to the newly redesigned Manitoba Medicine. I want to introduce myself as the new editor of Manitoba Medicine and the Faculty of Medicine’s Director of Communications and Marketing. I invite you to comment on Manitoba Medicine’s new format, content or anything else that moves you! Manitoba Medicine has evolved over the years from a
Joe Doupe Lecture on Wednesday, September 3, 2008
newsletter to a full-fledged magazine. With your input,
at Noon in Theatre A, Basic Medical Sciences Building,
we can make it the most relevant and informative
featuring a lecture by Dr. Smith on Do We Know What
magazine for Faculty of Medicine alumni, friends,
We Know?
supporters and students.
opportunity to look back at our rich history and proud
that provides pertinent information and is also enjoyable
traditions—and also to survey the present and look
to read. I plan to feature more news about our Faculty of
ahead. This issue, we celebrate the opening of the new
Medicine alumni through a new regular section highlighting
Clinical Learning and Simulation Centre, launch of the
alumni news. Please e-mail me about what’s new in your
Alan Klass Memorial Program in Health Equity and the
life on the career and personal fronts. We’d love to hear
largest medical school class in decades starting in
about any new books you’ve authored, interesting travels,
September 2008. We also look ahead to a new northern
professional accomplishments and community achievements.
and remote family medicine residency program, new
At our recent Faculty of Medicine convocation in the Brodie Centre – where 86 graduates were conferred with
Physician Assistant Education Program and enhanced new Immunology Department space in the Apotex Centre.
their MD degrees – we were fortunate to hear the wise
To honour our faculty’s 125th anniversary, we have
words of our Honorary Doctorate of Science recipient
planned a gala dinner to take place November 1, 2008.
Dr. Hugh Smith (MD/65), a renowned cardiovascular
Please see details below and join us in celebrating this
researcher and former CEO of the Mayo Clinic. You can
momentous anniversary at a night to remember.
read about him and his great life accomplishments in this issue. Also, you will want to mark your calendars for the COVER PHOTO: Wayne Foster
manitoba medicine | spring 2008
As we mark our 125th anniversary this year, it offers an
Our vision is to create a magazine you can relate to – one
Ilana Simon simoni@cc.umanitoba.ca
dean’s message
It was my privilege to serve as a civilian physician working
We functioned primarily as a resuscitation and stabilization
in the Canadian-operated, Role 3 ICU at Kandahar airbase
unit to deal with multiple trauma. Once major injuries were
(KAF), Afghanistan for five weeks through the Christmas
surgically treated and the patients were stable, members
Season this past year.
of NATO Forces were transferred back home via Landstuhl,
previously, proposed this opportunity and I was pleased
Germany. We also cared for a large number of the Afghan National Forces as well as a number of Taliban casualties.
to take part in the program. The experience included a
The hospital performed approximately 900 procedures
three-day orientation in April 2007, and in November,
in 2007 and admitted approximately 1300 individuals.
travel on Forces aircraft via Frankfurt to Camp Mirage
Ninety-eight per cent of the casualties treated in 2007,
in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. From there, we travelled
who reached the Role 3 Unit, survived their injuries In
by Hercules aircraft to KAF with the soldiers in “full kit”.
addition, we saw outpatient consultations in the ambulatory
En route, I met the team that I worked with including Dr. Homer Chin-Nan Tien (Captain), Trauma Surgeon; Dr. John MacDonald (Lieut. Commander), Anaesthetist; Dr. Jean Cournoyer (Captain), Orthopedic Surgeon; and Dr. Gilles Guimon (Captain), Orofacial Surgeon. Dr. Randy
clinic next door, including a spectrum of medical disorders such as hypertension, diabetes and tuberculosis. One patient, who arrived with severe falciparum malaria, provided a considerable challenge, although the patient did well.
Boddam (Colonel), Psychiatry and Dr. Terry Ratkowski
This was a fantastic opportunity to learn, not only
(Colonel), Orofacial Surgeon joined us at Camp. Working
about the practice of medicine in that area, but how
with such a great team made the experience an excellent
proud we can be of the function of all aspects of our
learning opportunity and, despite what we were faced
Canadian Forces. Canadian Military physicians and
with on a daily basis, fun.
nurses do an outstanding job and have very exciting,
A second team provided by the Danish Forces included
widely varied careers.
a trauma surgeon, an anaesthetist and an orthopod.
Civilian physicians working in the ICU in Kandahar
Approximately 45 nurses worked there including those
supplement the Military physicians and do so on contract.
from the Canadian, Dutch and Danish military and
To maintain my volunteer status, and as an employee of
Canadian civilians.
the University, proceeds from my Afghanistan assignment
The ICU in KAF is situated in the Role 3 hospital located just off the taxiway for the major runway, and was well equipped with 10 resuscitation bays, two ORs, two CAT Scans, digital radiography, and a small 14-bed hospital.
will be dedicated to an endowment at the University of Manitoba.
Dr. J. Dean Sandham Dean of Medicine
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
Dr. Kevin Patterson, one of our alumni who worked there
The MMCF Membership Committee welcomes you ! by: Eric Sigurdson Here is your opportunity to join the Manitoba Medical College Foundation (MMCF) in supporting Faculty of Medicine students, the Library and other Faculty of Medicine programs. As summarized in the graph below, the majority of MMCF funds support our students. During the past four years, the Foundation provided about 200 awards to students, with a total value of approximately $225,000. The MMCF is a direct channel for support of the Faculty of Medicine at the University
MMCF Fund allocations
of Manitoba. The MMCF Board oversees the administration of more than $4 million in assets, with the assistance of professional investment managers. MMCF distributes about $100,000 annually to students in the form of scholarships, grants and bursaries, to the Library and to Medical School campaigns in the form of donations. Become a member: Membership fees maximize our ability to support students by defraying the administrative costs of running the Foundation. • Annual Membership fees ($50.00) go directly towards operating costs. • Lifetime Membership fees ($500.00) work in perpetuity, because these donations are added to an endowment fund. Investment income from the fund is available each year for the area of greatest need. Make a donation: Every dollar you donate goes directly to support health-care students, research, and campaigns directly associated with the Faculty of Medicine. We can accept donations of securities. Visit our website for details: www.umanitoba.ca/ faculties/medicine/mmcf . You are able to designate where you wish your donation or bequest to be directed: student support; Library; research; capital campaigns; memoriam for a specific individual. Tax receipts are issued for all donations and membership fee payments. We invite you to become a member of a very worthy charitable organization and perhaps take a role as a Board Member of the Foundation in the future. Together we can ensure the legacy of caring and compassion established over the generations by physicians, practitioners and researchers. MMCF Membership Committee: Dr. Eric Sigurdson (MD/74), Dr. Neil Margolis (MD/60), Dr. Hardy Bock (MD/80).
Contact us at 260 Brodie Centre, 727 McDermot Ave., Winnipeg, R3E 3P5. mmcf@umanitoba.ca (204) 787-3737. The MMCF response form can be found on page 12 in this issue.
manitoba medicine | spring 2008
External Relations on Bannatyne Medicine Staff (left to right): Barbara Becker, Director of Development & Alumni Affairs, Bannatyne Campus; Alexis Jones, Stewardship & Communications Officer; Rossana Tillberg, Development Assistant; Blair Nicholls, Development Officer; and Ilana Simon, Director of Communications & Marketing, Faculty of Medicine. Call External Relations on Bannatyne at (204) 997-5615 or email: ext_rel_bannatyne@umanitoba.ca
HD Hugh Smith Tells Grads:
Patients will Teach you Benefits of Caring by: Leah Janzen
University of Manitoba Chancellor William Norrie confers an Honorary Doctor of Science on Dr. Hugh Smith as President Emoke Szathmáry looks on.
Dr. Hugh C. Smith, B.Sc. (Med.), MD (Manitoba) was awarded
as the chair of the Division of Cardiovascular Diseases,
an Honorary Doctor of Science at the University of
vice-president of the Mayo Foundation and has been a
Manitoba’s Faculty of Medicine convocation May 16 for his
member of the Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees.
leadership and his academic achievements.
physicians and researchers at the Mayo Clinic is within
Dr. Smith is a renowned cardiovascular researcher,
reach of as many patients as possible by helping found the
educator and practitioner who has played a leading role in
Mayo Health System, the Mayo Clinic’s regional system of
the growth and development of the prestigious Mayo Clinic
clinics and hospitals in 64 communities in Wisconsin, Iowa
in Rochester, Minnesota. Through diligent pursuit of
and Minnesota. Dr. Smith also established the Mayo Clinic’s
excellence and dedication to his field, Dr. Smith has also
first international practice site, the Mayo Cardiology Clinic
helped improve the lives of countless patients and
in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
students in the areas of internal medicine and cardiology.
Prompted by a desire to improve the quality and safety
Graduating with his MD from the University of Manitoba in
of health care through standardized care and reporting,
1965, Dr. Smith moved on to the University of Washington
Dr. Smith helped found two Minnesota organizations: the
and the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine to undertake
Institute of Clinical Systems Integration and Safest in
cardiovascular research and clinical training. Today, he is
America, involving 10 Twin Cities and Rochester hospital
board certified in both internal medicine and cardiology
systems. Dr. Smith also leads a number of health care and
and is professor of internal medicine and cardiology at
community organizations.
the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine. Eighty-six graduates in the Medicine Class of 2008 received their medical degrees at Convocation on May 16 at the U of M Brodie Centre.
Dr. Smith was instrumental in ensuring the expertise of
Dr. Smith was elected a Fellow of the International
Dr. Smith joined the Mayo Clinic, one of the world’s most
Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences in 2002. He credits
influential medical organizations, in 1970. There he has
his education at the University of Manitoba for instilling
held a series of positions, most notably Chair of the Mayo
in him an appreciation for hard work and critical thinking.
Clinic Rochester Board of Governors, serving as Chief
“U of M was an exciting institution during my years here.
Executive Officer from 1999 to 2005. He has also served
I had outstanding mentors in Drs. Joe Doupe, Rueben Cherniak, Ted Cuddy, Arnold Naimark and Lyonel Israels. They taught me the art and science of medicine,” Dr. Smith said in his convocation address. “I took my residency training in the US and was well prepared to compete with students from Harvard and Yale.” Smith recounted the story of a patient that inspired him and shared with the Medical School graduates how exhilarating it is to take on new challenges and learn new procedures and skills and succeed. He encouraged the new physicians to “Continue with lifelong learning and enjoying medicine as much as I. Patients will help you fully realize the rewards and benefits of caring for others.”
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
dedication to patient care and service, his professional
faculty news
Is There a Doctor in the House? Largest Med School Class in Decades by: Ilana Simon The number of students entering the
Since 1999, the medical school
continuing commitment to improving
University of Manitoba Faculty of
has grown from 70 to 110 seats,
the quality and access to our health-
Medicine will jump from 100 to 110
representing a 57 per cent increase
care system for all Manitobans.”
this fall, the University and Province
in the number of students admitted
announced February 5, 2008.
to the faculty.
“My department of Advanced
“This announcement reflects our
proud to partner with the Province of
Education and Literacy has committed
strong commitment to the health-
Manitoba to enhance medical training
$3 million to this 10 seat expansion
care needs of Manitobans. With these
and education in this province. “It’s
that will ensure the health of our
additional 10 seats, we are continuing
wonderful news and the additional
people and create educational
to add to the growing number of
spaces address the challenges of
opportunities for Manitobans,” said
physicians practicing in Manitoba.”
today’s health-care system and will
Advanced Education and Literacy
said Health Minister Theresa Oswald.
positively impact patient care in
Minister Diane McGifford.
“Investing in front-line health-care
Manitoba,” he said.
Dr. J. Dean Sandham, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, said his faculty is
professionals is part of our
Buzz on Bannatyne: Oldest Immunology Department in Canada Moves to New Digs by: Ilana Simon The Faculty of Medicine’s Immunology Department will be
endeavours and collaborations and attracting, retaining
expanded and enhanced thanks to a $1.6-million contribution
and training the best and the brightest research and
through the Winnipeg Partnership Agreement announced
medical professionals to support the burgeoning
Feb. 29, 2008.
immunology and infectious disease research cluster
All three levels of government supported the new research laboratory and teaching facility to open this fall on the fourth floor of the new Apotex Centre, located on the Bannatyne Campus. “This new facility will encourage greater co-operation with the University and the life sciences community including the National Microbiology Lab, Cangene Corporation, Manitoba Institute of Child Health and Manitoba Institute manitoba medicine | spring 2008
of Cell Biology. And this will lead to new technological advancements and commercially viable products,” said theHonourable Vic Toews, President of the Treasury Board. “The Government of Canada is proud to partner with colleges and universities, industry and other governments to find new ways to promote technologies and train tomorrow’s workforce.”
in Manitoba,” said Dr. Patrick Choy, Acting Head of Immunology and Associate Dean Research, Faculty of Medicine. He also acknowledged the vast contributions of Dr. Kent HayGlass, who recently stepped down after 10 years as department head and was instrumental in developing thedepartment as a national and international leader in research and seeing the new space become a reality. Established in 1969, the Department of Immunology is credited as the first immunology department in Canada. Since then the U of M has served as a leader in this field on a national and global scale. A centre of academic excellence, department faculty hold two prestigious Canada research chair appointments and other direct personnel awards from national and provincial sources. Support for research in the department from Canada’s research granting agencies and
The Immunology Department has outgrown its current
other sources is over six million dollars.
location in the Basic Medical Sciences Building.
Dr. Redwan Moqbel has accepted the appointment as the new Head of the Department of Immunology, effective October 1, 2008.
“This new research space will bolster the university’s immunology program by expanding its research
convocation Northern Exposure: New Family Medicine Residency Program Attracts Physicians A new incentive program will improv access
In return, they will be guaranteed
to physicians in northern communities while
a residency position in the specialty
boosting specialized residency training
of their choice at the University of
opportunities for new doctors, the Province
Manitoba. The initiative will cost $1.5
and Faculty of Medicine announced
million per year, funded by the province.
April 15, 2008.
“This is the quickest, most effective way
Other initiatives announced April 15 by the Province:
“There are 235 more doctors working in
to get more feet on the ground in remote
Manitoba today than when our government
and northern communities and to provide
took office and we are committed to
excellent education and service,” said
ensuring that number continues to rise,”
Dr. J. Dean Sandham, Dean of the Faculty
Health Minister Theresa Oswald said.
of Medicine. “Ultimately, this approach
“We will continue to invest in innovative
will ensure more doctors remain living
ensure more Manitoba-
strategies to ensure the number of doctors
and working in all areas of the province.”
trained medical school
Dean Sandham added that the new
graduates – up to five each
living and working in Manitoba keeps going up.”
Increased provincial support of up to $500,000 per year to
strategy will help keep more highly-skilled
year to be selected by the
Beginning this fall, the University of
doctors in the province in the context of a
faculty of medicine based on
Manitoba’s Faculty of Medicine will offer
nationwide challenge to recruit and retain
a two-year northern and remote Family
medical professionals.
Medicine-streamed residency program. Under the unique program, new physicians must return a minimum two years of service to a northern Manitoba community
criteria – will be able to
The new program will begin this fall with up to two positions, expanding to 10 positions per year starting in 2009-10.
where there is a need for their service.
the university’s acceptance
pursue a residency here at home if they do not secure a provincial residency spot through the national Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS). An additional $2 million to bring more foreign-trained
new provincial investment will increase the number of seats available in the International Medical Graduates Medical Licensure Program to 35 from 25.
Health Minister Theresa Oswald announced new Northern & Remote Family Medicine Streamed Residency Program at Brodie Centre.
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
doctors to Manitoba. The
one do
by: ilana simon | photos: wayne foster
Attending a cardiac arrest. Performing an endoscopy. Delivering a breech baby. Dealing with a shotgun victim. All in a day’s work – or study – at the new Clinical Learning and Simulation Facility where simulated patients in a hospital ward-like setting provide students and health-care practitioners an unprecedented opportunity for hands-on learning and training.
manitoba medicine | spring 2008
Opened by the University of Manitoba Faculty of
medical emergencies. Realistic simulation training will
Medicine, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and
strengthen communication and clinical skills of students
Province of Manitoba on April 11, 2008, the centre
and ensure more confident, experienced practitioners,”
is one of Canada’s most comprehensive simulation
said Dr. J. Dean Sandham, Dean of Medicine, University
teaching facilities.
of Manitoba.
Hundreds of faculty and staff, donors, friends, alumni,
Dr. Brian Postl, President and CEO of the Winnipeg
WRHA employees and supporters toured the CLSF at
Regional Health Authority said the new centre is a huge
the grand opening – seeing first-hand inter-disciplinary
step forward in terms of both education and patient
health-care teams treat a cardiac arrest on a robotic
safety. “This will allow students to practice the skills they
mannequin; trying out haptic simulation techniques
need to develop before actually using them on patients.
like performing a colonoscopy; and observing students
It is the way of the future.”
enacting realistic medical scenarios with Standardized Patients (actors.) The Faculty of Medicine, in collaboration with WRHA, will operate the new $4.6-million, 11,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility. “The Clinical Learning and Simulation Facility will transform how Manitoba’s health professions are prepared to deal with real patients and
Funding for the Clinical Learning and Simulation Facility (CLSF) included $1 million each from the WRHA, Province of Manitoba and Faculty of Medicine; and $1.6 million from donors, students and alumni. The CLSF promotes simulation education and training using life-like robotic mannequins for students and postgraduate students in Medicine, School of Medical
The CLSF is already being used for examinations, clinical
physicians and faculty members; and WRHA health
assessments, training sessions, Standardized Patient
teams and emergency medical service personnel.
medical scenarios and continuing medical education. It is
Four large examination rooms are equipped with robotic headboards and elevated observation rooms which allow
ideal for training or retraining sessions, new instruction, student exams, group exercises and evaluations.
instructors to manipulate various medical scenarios
“The CLSF provides a beautiful new home for existing
or traumas.
programs but also holds great promise for developing novel ones,” said Dr. Andrew MacDiarmid, head of the
Like a hospital, all of the CLSF’s 17 multipurpose examination rooms are equipped with a diagnostic headwall featuring blood pressure cuffs, otoscope, thermometer, medical gas columns, heart-rate monitors
Department of Medical Education. “We encourage faculty to contact us if they are interested in touring the facility or using it for new courses.”
and intravenous carts. And the “patients” populating this
Each room is also equipped with high-fidelity video
health centre – two adults, a birthing mother, an infant
cameras with real-time playback capability to facilitate
and a child — are all anatomically correct robotic
evaluations and debriefing -central to the simulation
mannequins who can breathe and have pulses and
teaching style.
reflexes. Some also talk!
For more information about booking the CLSF, please call 272-3070. continued on page 9
Teaching the Teachers by: Alexis Jones From standardized patients, task trainers
Blankstein, the Mindermar Professorship
and high-fidelity human simulators, the
in Human Simulation will provide leadership
CLSF provides new ways to teach medical
in the area of medical education through
students. It is through the newly established
human simulation.
Mindermar Professorship in Human Simulation that these teaching tools will be incorporated into educational programs. Created through a $1-million dollar gift from the Rady Family Foundation, Mindel Olenick and Marjorie and Morley
The appointee of the Mindermar Professorship will be involved in the development, evaluation and research of educational programs utilizing human simulators and standardized patients.
Mindermar Professorship was created by generous $1-million donation from the Rady Family Foundation, Morley and Marjorie Blankstein (pictured left and right) and Mindel Olenick (pictured centre.) Photo by Renée Barclay.
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
Ribbon cutting ceremony (or surgical tubing cutting ceremony, if you will) at CLSF opening event. From left: University of Manitoba President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Emoke Szathmáry; the Honourable Jim Rondeau, Manitoba Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mines; Kam Birdi, senior stick of the Manitoba Medical Students’ Association; the Honourable Theresa Oswald, Manitoba Minister of Health; President and CEO of the Winnipeg Health Region Dr. Brian Postl; and University of Manitoba Dean of Medicine Dr. J. Dean Sandham.
Rehabilitation, Pharmacy and Nursing; clinicians,
continued from page 8
CLSF and Standardized Patient staff members in the beautiful, state-of-the-art Clinical Learning & Simulation Facility, located in the basement of Brodie Centre. Front row (left to right): Standardized Patient coordinators Holly Harris, Tim Webser and Lezlie Brooks; back row (left to right): Nonato Nitafan, CLSF IT support, Kathy Harlos, Office Manager, Cathy MacDonald, office assistant, Ed Walker, CLSF IT support.
The Art of Innocence: Children in Medicine Art and medicine come together at the University of Manitoba Medical Art Show by: Ilana Simon Students in the University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine expressed the humanistic side of medicine through art at the 7th annual Medical Art Show focusing on the theme The Art of Innocence: Children in Medicine held in February 2008. The exhibit featured poetry, sculpture, painting, sketch and photography – including a powerful collage by a medical student about her own experiences as a child with an illness. “Children perceive caregivers differently… how will we as physicians demonstrate care, empathy, compassion to children and reach out as clinicians?” asked senior manitoba medicine | spring 2008
co-ordinator Laura Kravetsky, Med II student:
Medical students participating in the art show gained insight into the issues faced by pediatric patients, their families and health care professionals treating patients. Interpretations of the theme ranged from how children react to illness to how parents and families feel at time of diagnosis. Inspiration for their original art works came from learning about how the Children’s Hospital Child Life Department helps children deal with hospitalization and
The goal of the art show is to give medical students an
meeting photographer Keith Levit regarding capturing
opportunity to explore the humanistic and caring aspects
images of children in art.
of medicine, added senior co-ordinator Deanna Klassen, Med II student. “We are cognizant that our responsibility as doctors is not just about diagnosing and treating the illness or disease, but treating the patient as a whole. It’s an important part of practicing our profession.”
Future doctors and health-care professionals must demonstrate competence, compassion, and a high level of consistent quality care to children. Through art, the students were able to explore the emotional, physical and spiritual impact of illness on children.
student news Both Freedman and Drewniak acknowledge that the experience broadened their perspectives on health-care delivery and on their own medical education. “The way we are taught medicine is not universal – evidencebased medicine is very North American,” explains Drewniak. “It forces you to think outside the Western box.” Freedman says it’s important to recognize the many different ways to approach and view health-care delivery and to learn from the Chinese system. “In China, medical care operates from a more holistic approach that is patient-centred,” Drewniak notes. “You look at all parts and the interaction between the patient and his or her environment.”
Husky Energy Medical Exchange Program Opens Eyes
In addition to student exchanges, the Husky Energy
by: Ilana Simon
and Chinese universities. Last December, John C.S. Lau,
Medical Exchange Program also supports faculty and researcher exchanges between University of Manitoba President and CEO of Husky Energy announced a $1-million
What Magda Drewniak (MD/08) will remember most about
endowed gift, doubling the size of the university’s medical
her remarkable exchange program with Shantou University
student and faculty exchange program with partnering
in China last March is how east meets west in the practice
Chinese universities which was originally supported by
of medicine.
a $1-million gift from the Li Ka Shing Foundation.
“We visited a community hospital and saw how traditional
Dr. Patrick Choy, Associate Dean Research, Faculty of
medicine was integrated in the hospital and patients are
Medicine lauded Husky and its President for their generosity
treated with both traditional and western medicines. It was
and foresight. “We are building important cross-cultural
eye opening,” said Drewniak, one of four University of
connections between Manitoba and China. The Husky
Manitoba medical students who participated in this year’s
Energy Medical Exchange Program is already reaping
Husky Energy Medical Exchange Program. The global
many academic and research benefits as our students
exchange program gives four Manitoban and four Chinese
and faculty members gain exceptional global experience
students an opportunity to spend three to eight weeks
in medical education and patient care in China,” he said.
experiencing each other’s country and learning hands-on about medical and patient care.
Drewniak, about to embark on her residency program in internal medicine at Dalhousie University, values what
“We also visited a traditional Chinese medical pharmacy
she took away from the exchange program: “It’s important
and sat in on a traditional Chinese medical clinic where
to experience different cultures and different ways of
they performed cupping, moxibustion (burning of an herb
medicine so you keep an open mind when approaching
on specific acupuncture points) and massage,” she said.
patients. It was a complete honour to represent our school
Drewniak, Sarah Freedman (MD/08), Greg Reimer (MD/08) and Jolene Fisher (MD/08) completed one of their fourth-
and our university and I am very grateful for the support from Husky—it’s immeasurable.”
year electives at Shantou University Medical College located
While students had a chance during their stay to visit
in the city of Shantou, Guangdong province, China.
Beijing, the Great Wall of China and Hong Kong, living in
For Freedman, about to start her residency program in pediatrics at UBC, the experience was invaluable. “I gained
Shantou provided an opportunity to live in a part of China off the tourist track.
greater cultural awareness of traditional Chinese medicine
“It was an amazing experience and all of us are very
and respect for where different immigrant groups are
appreciative of it and thank Husky for the opportunity. We
coming from,” she said, adding, she was also exposed to
will take our experiences with us as we go off on different
different ways to treat children like treating children with
directions in our medical careers, and always remember
cerebral palsy and autism with acupuncture and massage.
what we saw and learned in China,” said Freedman.
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
left to right: Dr. Xiao, Magda Drewniak, Sarah Freedman, Jolene Fisher, Greg Reimer, Dr. Feng at a Chinese medical centre in Shantou.
East Meets West
donor news
Giving Back: Health Equity Lives on in Alan Klass Memorial Program by: Alexis Jones The life and work of Dr. Alan Klass (MD/ 32) leave a lasting legacy at the University of Manitoba with the launch of the Alan Klass Memorial Program in Health Equity April 4 and 5, 2008. The launch included a donor recognition reception as well as a day-long professional development series for students, residents and faculty. This new initiative aims to provide all graduates of the University of Manitoba’s Medical School with the capacity to ensure that access to health care is the same for all who turn to them as physicians and that the quality of services offered is the best available.
Dr. Daniel Klass spoke at the launch of the Alan Klass Memorial Program for Health Equity.
“My dad was a strong example and proponent of medical
“The program is designed to provide students with direct
professionalism, putting the interests of the patient first and being socially accountable”, says Dr. Daniel Klass (BA/63, B.Sc.Med and MD/67), of his father Alan Klass. The program was established by the family of Alan Klass. Daniel and his sister Baillie Jean Tolkien (BA/62) took the cause to the Tolkien Trust, a charitable foundation
way or another,” Klass explains. The generosity of the Klass family and the Tolkien Trust follows in the footsteps of Dr. Alan Klass, who gave back to his alma mater and to his community throughout his life.
established by the family of the late JRR Tolkien.
“He came from a large immigrant family that was not well
“I am very proud and delighted in the program coming
of a supportive family and community. He felt an obligation
together. I have to thank the Tolkien Trust for contributing to the program and the University for being so open to it,”
off by any means,” Klass says. “He experienced the benefits to give back.”
says Klass.
And just as Dr. Alan Klass will be remembered for his
The undergraduate medical education program will focus
and passion for providing medical care to all will also be
on several targeted areas: Aboriginal health, disability health, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender health, inner-city health, international health, refugee/immigrant health, and women’s health. Students will learn about the sociological and biological factors that contribute to disparities manitoba medicine | spring 2008
experiences in helping those who are stigmatized in one
in health care.
outstanding work as a surgeon and teacher, his advocacy remembered through the Alan Klass Memorial Program in Health Equity.
Grad to Donate Family Farm to Medicine Students An innovative gift of real estate will see a farm in Saskatchewan help fund future doctors.
Dr. John Downey bequeathed family farm to support Aboriginal medical students.
by: Beth Proven, Advancement Services Dr. John A. Downey (MD/54) who grew up on a farm
Entrance Scholarship in Medicine very important. This
near Nokomis, Saskatchewan, has left his family’s farm
award adds to the university’s ability to provide Aboriginal
to his medical school in his will as a way of showing his
students with programs to support them in their success.
gratitude for the medical education he received at
The gift is symbolic as well. “My roots are on that farm, and
the University of Manitoba.
by giving this gift I’m sort of transferring that over to the
This gift, once realized, will add to a $50,000 endowment
University of Manitoba which will then transfer it to the
fund – set up by Dr. Downey with contributions from family
students,” says Dr. Downey.
and friends – that supports the Victoria & J. Stuart Downey Entrance Scholarship in Medicine in honour of his parents.
Now a doctor in New York City, Dr. Downey graduated from the University of Manitoba with his MD and B.Sc. (Med) in
The scholarship will support Aboriginal students entering
1954. He interned at the University of British Columbia and
the Faculty of Medicine.
at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York in the area
“Coming from a rural area, I know the challenges one faces
of Rehabilitation Medicine. He spent two years in Internal
when going to university,” says Dr. Downey. “This scholarship
Medicine at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital at Harvard
will help encourage Aboriginal students who may face
University and completed his D.Phil. at Christ Church
similar challenges as they pursue their medical education.”
Oxford. Ultimately Dr. Downey became the Simon Baruch
Canada’s Aboriginal population is growing at a rate faster than the general population, which makes access to education provided by the Victoria & J. Stuart Downey
Professor and Chairman of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Centre in New York, where he is Professor Emeritus.
Please accept my gift of: $250
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the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
Yes! I want to help the Manitoba Medical College Foundation achieve its goal of supporting students and research activities at the Faculty of Medicine.
news briefs
School’s in
Faculty’s Mini Medical School Demystifies Health Issues by: Ilana Simon More than 100 “med students” of all ages had a chance to learn first-hand about today’s hottest health issues from Faculty of Medicine professors and researchers at the innovative Mini Medical School held in March and April. The University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine joined numerous medical schools across the country with its launch of Mini Medical School, a series of lectures aimed at increasing awareness and understanding among the public of the scientific principles behind many of today’s emerging medical issues. While no prior scientific or medical background was required, the level of information presented on topics such as allergies, depression, obesity and heart health was similar to introductory medical school classes. Two lectures were presented each evening followed by a question and answer session. Lecture notes were also provided. “Mini Medical School gave members of the public an inside view of medical
School of Medical Rehabilitation student referendum group leaders at a reception in March. Pictured (left to right): Jenneth Swinamer, Physical Therapy Department Head; University of Manitoba President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Emoke Szathmáry; Kristine Christoph, Respiratory Therapy Year 3 student; Diane McGifford, Minister of Advanced Education and Literacy; Dr. Emily Etcheverry, Director, School of Medical Rehabilitation; Donna Collins, Occupational Therapy Department Head; Jenna Faurschou, Occupational Therapy Year 2 student; and Jesse Dziad, Occupational Therapy Year 1 student
issues that went beyond your average public lecture,” said Dr. Giselle Bourgeouis-Law, Associate Dean, Continuing Medical Education. “Participants became very engaged and were excited by the level of learning offered through Mini Med School.” Feedback, collected at the end of each lecture, was extremely positive with participants stating that they gained an understanding of complex health issues and enjoyed student-professor interaction. On the final evening, students received a “diploma” signed by Dr. J. Dean Sandham, Dean of Medicine attesting to their completion of Mini Medical School. Cost for the six evenings was $125.00 with a special rate of $75 for students and seniors over 65; and a fee of $30 to attend a single lecture. manitoba medicine | spring 2008
“Mini Medical Schools are one way universities and faculties of medicine are reaching out to the wider community,” said Dr. Bourgeious-Law. “Perhaps just as importantly, they have been shown to be fun, informative and memorable for all involved.”
The Faculty will present another Mini Medical March 11 – April 22, 2008 – with different “curriculum” to be presented. For more information, check the Mini Med School website at http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/medicine/units/minimed/.
The School of Medical Rehabilitation will hold a Homecoming reception for the SMR classes of ’63, ’68, ‘73, ‘78, ‘83, ‘88, ‘93, ‘98 and ‘03 on Friday, September 12 at 7:00 pm in the Brodie Centre atrium.
University of Manitoba Leader: New Physician Assistant Education Program Meets Health-care Needs by: Ilana Simon The University of Manitoba faculties of Medicine and
Physician Assistants are highly skilled health-care
Graduate Studies will launch Canada’s first university-
professionals who work under the supervision of
based Physician Assistant Education Program (PAEP)
a physician in a variety of health-care setting from
in September 2008, a graduate-level education program
emergency to primary care to sub-specialty sites. As part of an inter-professional health team, PAs
The innovative education program for physician assistants
can perform a spectrum of duties including conducting
is supported by the Province of Manitoba. Until now,
physical examinations, ordering diagnostic tests,
the only Canadian Medical Association-accredited
providing therapeutic procedures, and prescribing
physician assistant training program has been through
medications when indicated.
the Canadian Forces.
Up to 12 candidates will be accepted each year for
The Faculty of Medicine’s new Office of Physician
entrance in to the two-year full-time program. Criteria
Assistant Studies has been inundated with inquires by
for applicants include a four-year undergraduate degree,
hundreds of prospective applicants since the program
a background in the health sciences and a minimum
was officially announced this spring.
of one year (2000 hours) of direct patient contact
“The U of M is proud to be Canadian leaders in the
in a health-care field.
education of physician assistants,” said Dr. Wil Fleisher,
During the first year, students will engage in a formal
Associate Dean, Office of Medical Education. “The
didactic/seminar-based learning process, while year
collaboration of physician assistants with members of
two will focus on clinical-based training.
an inter-disciplinary health team will result in increased patient satisfaction and patient care, and be part of a comprehensive approach to address our province’s growing medical and health-care needs for the future.”
The PAEP application deadline for the inaugural September 2008 beginning of this graduate program was June 1, 2008. For more information about the program, contact the Office of Physician Assistant Studies at: paep@cc.umanitoba.ca or telephone (204) 272-3065.
Physician Assistants in Manitoba are hiighly-skilled health-care professionals
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
leading to a Master of Physician Assistant Studies.
faculty awards
Dr. Francis Plummer, OC, MD, LLD,
Dr. Estelle Simons received the World
FRCPC, FRSC one of the world’s
Allergy Organization’s scientific
foremost HIV/AIDS researchers, was
achievement award “in recognition of
named Canada’s Health Researcher of
outstanding scientific contributions in
the Year in the field of Biomedical and
allergy and immunology which have
Clinical Research. The University of
aided clinicians around the world to
Manitoba researcher received the prestigious Michael
treat patients more effectively.” Dr. Simons is a professor
Smith Prize in Health Research at an awards banquet in
in the department of pediatrics and child health and
Ottawa last November.
in the department of immunology at the University
Dr. Plummer is a University of Manitoba Distinguished Professor of medical microbiology and Canada Research
Dr. Daniel S. Sitar has been appointed
Chair in Resistance and Susceptibility to Infections. He is
the first Canadian Editor of the Journal
also the Senior Scientific Advisor of the Public Health
of Clinical Pharmacology. The appoint-
Agency of Canada, Director General of the Centre for
ment was recently announced by the
Infectious Disease Prevention and Control in Ottawa, and
American College of Clinical
Scientific Director General of the National Microbiology
Pharmacology. Dr. Sitar will also
Laboratory in Winnipeg.
become the publication’s first non-physician editor.
Additionally, the Winnipeg Chapter of the Canadian
Dr. Sitar is professor and head of the Department of
Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem presented
Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Concurrently, he is
the prestigious Scopus Award to Dr. Plummer at its
professor in the Department of Internal Medicine, Clinical
Celebration of Global Research gala dinner on May 14,
Pharmacology section; the Department of Pediatrics and
2008 at the Winnipeg Convention Centre.
Child Health in the faculty of pharmacy. He also is
The Scopus Award is the highest honour conferred by the Friends on behalf of the Hebrew University. The Friends and the University recognized Dr. Plummer as an outstanding community leader for his active involvement in humanitarian causes of local, national, and international scale. Dr. Evelyn Shapiro was named to the Order of Manitoba for her instrumental role in the development of Canada’s first province-wide homecare program. With demographics showing a particularly large number of people joining the ranks of the elderly over the next few years, Dr. Shapiro’s research manitoba medicine | spring 2008
of Manitoba.
into the need for cost-effective, patient-centred care will continue to be an invaluable tool for policy makers. Many U of M students have benefited from Dr. Shapiro’s work as a senior scholar and professor.
research affiliate with the university’s Centre on Aging. Mr. Dallas J. Legare, Department of Pharmacology, was presented with the President’s Award of Excellence at Medicine Convocation. The President’s Award celebrates the exceptional contributions of support staff during their careers at the University of Manitoba. Mr. Legare joined the University of Manitoba in July 1984 as head research technologist with the newly formed Hepatorenal Research Unit. Over the past 23 years, he has been an active mentor and support to junior technologists, graduate students and visiting scientists.
alumni news
An Acute Case of Class Spirit by: Renée Barclay, Advancement Services With its class spirit alive
longstanding supporter of
and well, the Medicine class
the university, contributing
of 1967 has established a
to various projects over
campaign to raise $100,000
the years.
support bursaries for future medical students. “We have had a few really strong class reunions and many of us reflected fondly on our time at the University of Manitoba,” says Edna Becker (MD/67), chair of the fundraising committee. “People felt that the U of M had given them a good start in the world and we should pay it back if we can,” says Becker, who herself is a
The Medicine class of 67 campaign committee – Paul Mitenko (MD/67), Norm Bell (MD/67), Joe Bocklage (MD/67) and Merv Kroeker (MD/67) – has had an excellent response from their classmates and to date has raised $70,000 toward its goal. “I think many of the class felt that the amount of money we could raise would make a difference to students, recognizing the
The Faculty of Medicine class of 1967 celebrated its 40th reunion last year in British Columbia and is well on its way towards raising $100,000 for bursaries.
financial challenge that
role their alma mater
many students face in
has played in their lives.
medicine,” says Becker.
“Establishing a class gift
Barbara Becker, Director of Development & Alumni Affairs, Bannatyne Campus, notes that class gifts offer an ideal opportunity for alumni to recognize the
at a reunion is a way for alumni to give back to the university that has shaped their careers, and help future medical students,” she says.
Alumnus Receives Top AGA Award The 2008 Julius Friedenwald Medal,
American Board of Internal Medicine. In all,
the American Gastroenterological
Dr. Brotman has been recognized with
Association’s (AGA) highest honour, was
nearly 20 achievement awards.
presented to Martin Brotman, MD, AGAF, president and chief executive officer of California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. This award, presented annually since 1941, recognizes a physician for lifelong contributions to the field of gastroenterology.
Since 1967, his medical career has taken root in San Francisco, and he has served as president and chief executive officer of California Pacific Medical Center since 1995. He has devoted himself to his organization in many capacities, including as chairman of the department of medicine,
Dr. Brotman (MD/62) has provided his
director of medical services for the
expertise to several medical organizations,
inflammatory disease center, director of
including service as president and numerous
the division of education and chief of the
other appointments for the AGA and AGA
division of gastroenterology.
Institute, founding chairman of The Foundation for Digestive Health and Nutrition, and chair of the Subspecialty Board on Gastroenterology for the
Dr. Brotman has also served the University of California, San Francisco, Medical Center for 41 years, currently as a clinical professor of medicine.
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
for an endowment fund to
obituaries We extend our condolences to all family and friends of our University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine alumni and colleagues who have recently passed away. Dr. Daniel Egil Bergsagel, CM, MD, D.Phil. (April 25, 1925 – October 20, 2007) Dr. Daniel E. Bergsagel attended Outlook College and Camrose Lutheran College before obtaining his medical degree from the University of Manitoba in 1949. After pursuing his training in internal medicine and hematology under Dr. Max Wintrobe at the University of Utah, he completed his D.Phil. at Oxford University. He began his career in hematology at the M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston, becoming a pioneer in medical oncology, and world renowned for developing the first effective treatment for multiple myeloma. He was physician-in-chief at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto from 1964 to 1991. He remained active in myeloma research even in retirement. He was an Emeritus Professor of the University of Toronto and Member of the Order of Canada. Danny loved his work but was also a ‘bon vivant’ and equally loved to entertain, sing, travel and visit family and friends. All memorial gifts in Danny’s name were directed to the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation. Images of his life can be seen, and notes and comments shared at www.daniel_bergsagel. legacy.com
Dr. Lawrence Redmond Coke, MD, FRCPC, FCCP, FACP (June 12, 1913 - February 9, 2008) From his early years, Dr. Laurie R. Coke’s goal in life was to be a doctor, like his father, caring for Manitobans, and to have a family. He prevailed in this endeavour and received his MD degree with honours from the University of Manitoba Medical College at age 21 and after a year of internship, graduated in 1936. He studied Cardiology under the supervision of Sir John Parkinson at The London Hospital. His studies were interrupted by the outbreak of war in 1939. He enlisted in the Royal Army Medical Corps and served as medical officer with the Suffolk Regiment before becoming an officer with Number 6 Commando Unit. Laurie served with distinction and received special mention in the official history of the British Commandos, The Green Beret.
manitoba medicine | spring 2008
At the end of the war, he returned to Winnipeg to join the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba as an Associate Professor. After completing additional training in Cardiology at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Laurie began work as an attending physician at St Boniface Hospital, acting as Director of Outpatient Services and helped create its first Heart Clinic. He participated actively in local medical associations, the American College of Physicians, held a life membership as a Fellow Emeritus in the American College of Chest Physicians, was a member of the Medical Council of Canada and was a founding member of the Manitoba Heart Foundation. Throughout his life, Laurie maintained a busy private practice at the Medical Arts Building until he retired at age 82. He
respected his colleagues and all who devoted their skills and expertise to the care of the ill, both in hospital and at home. He enjoyed the many successes of his students. He freely gave his patients and their families his care and support in any way possible to alleviate their illness and improve their lives. Memorial gifts were directed to the Deer Lodge Hospital or a charity of choice.
Dr. Duncan Eben Govan, MD, PhD (1923 – November 30, 2007) Dr. Duncan Govan was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada in 1923. His university career began in 1941 at the University of Manitoba and eventuated with his MD in 1948, following a required year of internship. He spent three additional years at the University of Manitoba, two in general surgery and one in Gynecology. He entered the urology residency program at the University of Chicago (1951-54). Duncan joined Dr. Thomas Stamey and the new Stanford University School of Medicine in 1961. Duncan took on pediatric urology, neurogenic bladder problems, general urology and most of the cancer problems. Neurogenic bladder dysfunction in adults and children was an area of great interest to Dr. Govan and led to some of the earliest literature on urodynamics in adults and children. Duncan was always heavily involved with medical student teaching and he originated several programs of importance to the School, the Division and to the residency programs at UCSF, UC Davis and in addition to the Army and Navy urology programs. He received several Kaiser Awards for teaching and he was the recipient of the Alvin C. Rambar Award for Excellence in Patient Care (1993). Duncan became Professor Emeritus in 1988 at Stanford University, but continued with patient care until 1993. While Duncan was Deputy Chief of Staff in 1992, he helped organize a Free Medical Clinic in East Palo Alto sponsored by local Rotary Clubs. He was Medical Director of this clinic which serves people who have no access to medical care. It is run entirely by volunteer physicians and nurses in addition to a host of Stanford undergraduate students.
Dr. Max Minuck, MD (May 5, 1921 – November 7, 2007) Dr. Max Minuck graduated from the University of Manitoba Medical School in 1946. For the next three and one half years he practiced general medicine in Lafleche, Saskatchewan. Upon his return to Winnipeg, in January 1951, he took up residency in Anesthesia at the St. Boniface General Hospital. He remained as Head of the Section of Anesthesia until 1976. During this time he led a successful campaign to have Anesthesia become a separate and independent department both at the University of Manitoba Medical School and at the Hospital. In 1973, Max became a full-time, tenured Professor of Anesthesia with the University of Manitoba which enabled him to fulfill his desire to pass on his extensive knowledge to future
In 1976 Max moved to Phoenix, Arizona, where he continued to practice anesthesia until his retirement in 1991. Memorial gifts in Max’s memory were directed to the University of Manitoba; to The Max Minuck MD Family Trust Fund at the Health Sciences Library, 770 Bannatyne Avenue, Winnipeg, or to a charity of choice.
Dr. Carl Pinksy, PhD Professor Emeritus, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University of Manitoba (1928 - May 29, 2008) Dr. Carl Pinsky died on May 29, 2008 after several years of failing health. He was 80 years old. Carl came to Manitoba as a Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. George Frank, for five years was supported by an MRC Scholarship, and was appointed Assistant Professor in 1962 during the headship of Dr. Mark Nickerson. This was a period in which Carl was privileged to participate in the development of a centre of pharmacology that became highly regarded for both its research and scholastic excellence. He achieved the academic rank of Professor in 1978. Carl’s beginnings were in the field of biomedical engineering. His undergraduate specialties were physics and mathematics. He became a research assistant for Dr. B.D. Burns, a neurophysiologist at McGill University, in an era when evolution of electronic equipment for neurological research was in its infancy. Most of the equipment required for those studies had to be built from scratch, calibrated, maintained, and in perfect operating condition during the experiments. While at the University of Manitoba, his attention to detail in the preparation and use of instrumentation for his brain-neuron studies is legendary. Recognizing Carl’s sense of responsibility and constant aim for perfection in his instrumentation, one can only imagine the time and pains he took , on a daily basis, to meet the needs of Dr. Burns’ research program. Carl obtained his M.Sc. and PhD in Physiology at McGill University. Carl was Founding President, Montreal Chapter on Biomedical Instrumentation, of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in 1960, a technological consultant in medical electronic instrumentation to biomedical investigators in the Montreal area and advisor on instrumentation technology during construction of the MacIntyre Medical Sciences Building at McGill University. His teaching duties have included major responsibilities in laboratory and didactic instruction on biomedical instrumentation and medical electronics, both at McGill University and the University of Manitoba. Carl was a gentle man with calm demeanor and was perpetually optimistic. He was never heard to say a harsh word about anyone. He could never say no and often found himself immersed in administrative and teaching duties above and beyond what was normally expected. He had a passion for science and learning and for encouraging others, particularly students, to enjoy the journey.
Dr. Stephen S. Toni MD/36 – February 2, 2008 at Winnipeg, MB
Dr. Peter Oswald Lehmann MD/37 – July 19, 2007 at Vancouver, BC
Dr. Charles Rennie MD/40 – August 17, 2007 Dr. W. H. Sparling East MD/41 – June 23, 2007 at Fernie, BC Dr. Margaret C. Chambers MD/43 – November 11, 2007 Dr. George D. Barnett MD/44 – December 28, 2007 Dr. John D. Stevenson MD/45 – August 31, 2007 at West Vancouver, BC
Dr. Michael Paul Barry MD/48 – August 22, 2007 at Montreal, QC
Dr. J.K. Clokie MD/48 – May 22, 2007 at West Vancouver, BC Dr. James Peter Enns MD/48 – January 19, 2008 Dr. Nancy Gemmell MD/48 – January 12, 2008 at Courteray, BC
Dr. Hugh R. MacPhail MD/48 – December 20, 2007 Dr. Leslie J. Cera MD/49 – January 18, 2008 at Toronto, ON Dr. Peter James Shelton MD/50 – September 18, 2007 at Winnipeg, MB
Dr. Clara Jean McFarlane MD/51 – December 16, 2007 at Winnipeg, MB
Dr. Edward H. Waugh MD/51 – April 18, 2007 at Sarnia, ON Dr. William C. Meredith MD/55 – October 18, 2007 at Grand Forks, ND
Dr. Henry D. Hildebrand MD/56 – February 13, 2008 at Vancouver, BC
Dr. Walter Knickerbocker MD/57 – October 26, 2007 at Vancouver, BC
Dr. Katrina P. Nagy MD/59 – November 23, 2007 at Winnipeg, MB
Dr. Lawrence F. Werboski MD/78 – July 17, 2007 at Burlington, ON
Dr. Jennifer Gwen Siemens MD/93 – May 2, 2008 at Winnipeg, MB
the university of manitoba faculty of medicine
Anesthesiologists. He published many professional articles mostly relating to the use of drugs in the management of cardiac arrest. Throughout his career he was active in anesthesia politics and became President of the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society in 1968.
08 homecoming
Calling all Faculty of Medicine Alumni! Reconnect with fellow classmates, old friends and your alma mater at a Medicine class reunion. Many Faculty of Medicine class reunions will take place over the University of Manitoba Homecoming Weekend September 10-14, 2008. All Faculty of Medicine alumni are invited to join us for the Medicine Homecoming Breakfast and Tours at Brodie Atrium, 727 McDermot Ave. The breakfast begins at 8:30 a.m. with tours starting at 10:00 a.m. The new Clinical Learning & Simulation Facility, located on the lower level of the Brodie Centre, will be a highlight of the tour. For more information about participating in any of the 2008 Medicine reunions, the Homecoming breakfast or becoming involved in organizing your own class reunion, please contact the alumni office at (204) 977-5650.
Class of 1953 – 55th Reunion September 10-14, 2008 Winnipeg Sept. 12 – Welcome Reception at private home Sept. 13 – Faculty of Medicine Homecoming Breakfast, Brodie Atrium Sept. 13 – Lunch at Hotel Fort Garry, Palm Room Class Leader: Dr. Donna Semelka Class of 1958 – 50th Reunion Sept. 10-14, 2008 Winnipeg Sept. 12 – Welcome Reception at I.H. Asper Clinical Research Institute (Mezzanine), St. Boniface General Hospital Sept. 13 – Faculty of Medicine Homecoming Breakfast, Brodie Atrium Sept. 13 – Cocktails and Dinner at The Gates on Roblin September. 14 – Brunch at Hotel Fort Garry, Gateway Room Class Leaders: Dr. Earl Hirshfeld, Dr. Henry Friesen, Dr. Helmet Huebert, Dr. Henry Krahn, Dr. Harold Standing Class of 1965 – 43rd Reunion Sept. 22 - 25, 2008 Vancouver (Princess Cruise to LA) Class Leaders: Dr. Howard Book, Dr. Richard Mark, Dr. Brent Schacter Class of 1968 – 40th Reunion Sept. 10-14, 2008 Winnipeg Sept. 12 – Welcome Reception at St. Charles Country Club Sept. 13 – Faculty of Medicine Homecoming Breakfast, Brodie Atrium What Have You Been Up to the Last 40 Years? Session – Theatre C
Publications Mail Agreement Number: 40063171
Return undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine Office of the Dean 260 Brodie Centre, 727 McDermot Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Contact us:
Editor: Ilana Simon Phone: (204)789-3427 E-mail: simoni@cc.umanitoba.ca Web address: umanitoba.ca/medicine
Sept. 13 – Cocktails and Dinner at Hotel Fort Garry, LaVerendrye Room Sept. 14 – Brunch at Hotel Fort Garry, LaVerendrye Room Class Leaders: Dr. Ron Devere, Dr. Ted Lyons, Dr. Bob Ramsay, Dr. Bill Rennie Class of 1973 – 35th Reunion Date to be determined. California Class Leaders: Dr. Ed Banman, Dr. Larry Reynolds (Wpg.) Class of 1978 – 30th Reunion Sept. 10-14, 2008 Winnipeg Sept. 12 – Welcome Reception at University Women’s Club, 54 Westgate Sept. 13 – Faculty of Medicine Homecoming Breakfast, Brodie Atrium What Have You Been Up to the Last 30 Years? Session – Theatre B Sept. 13 – Cocktails and Dinner at Hotel Fort Gary, Gateway Room Sept. 14 – Brunch at Hotel Fort Garry, Club Room Class Leaders: Dr. Murray Kopelow, Dr. Blake McClarty Class of 1988 – 20th Reunion Class Leader: Dr. Nobby Woo Details TBA Class of 1993 – 15th Reunion Sept. 12-14, 2008 Winnipeg Details TBA Class Leader: Dr. Andrew MacDiarmid Class of 1998 – 10th Reunion Sept. 12-14, 2008 Winnipeg Details TBA Class Leaders: Dr. Sherry Gard, Dr. Dave Dillon, Dr. Leroy Storsley, Dr. Shelley Zieroth