序 Preface 「雨傘運動」為香港過去 一貫爭取民主的形式打開了 嶄新的局面。這個全民參與的 佔領運動,清場過後的佔領區 ,面貌雖然不再依舊,但佔領者 爭取民主的心情又豈能隨之得以平 復? 姑勿論你義無反顧投身其中,抑或忍無 可忍,《雨傘節》藉著結集不同藝術單位 凝聚文化拼圖,透過各種藝術形式,呈現「 雨傘運動」的另一個面貌,讓參加者從節目中 反思佔領街道的79天,然後整頓步履,繼續前 行。 Umbrella Movement is a spontaneous movement initiated by our Hong Kong people which has turned a new page in the history of fighting for democracy. Witnessing that the once occupied streets no longer remain the same after the clearance, could the occupiers ever recompose their emotion in pursuing their democratic goals? No matter if you feel deliberately determined or furiously intolerable on the movement, The Umbrella Festival gathers different artist groups to present the cultural side of the Umbrella Movement. By showcasing a variety of art forms in the Festival, the public will be able to reflect upon the 79 days of occupation, and thus, moving forward.
前言 Foreword 《雨傘節》是一個跨媒介的藝術節,回應去年的雨傘運動,為我 們香港的未來帶來種種不能磨滅的影響,並關注香港當下的社會 問題,透過多種的藝術表達方式,重新展示及思考香港的社會及 政治議題。 參與這次《雨傘節》的藝術家,期望透過視覺藝術、舞蹈、行為 藝術、錄像、獨立電影、戲劇,以及一系列的工作坊和研討會, 鼓勵公眾對「雨傘運動」發表看法並給予回應。同時,此藝術節 亦為其他熱衷參與表演的公眾,開放一個自由交流的藝術平台, 啟發公眾以新穎的角度,重新審視及討論香港的社會生態。 《雨傘節》由香港中文大學文化與宗教研究系文化研究學部碩士 課程主辦,此藝術節將於5月17日至31日於賽馬會創意藝術中心 舉行。 The Umbrella Festival is a multidisciplinary art festival which actively responds to Hong Kong’s current societal concerns, and explores how the sociopolitical circumstances have been posing an ineffaceable effect on individuals in Hong Kong and in our future. With a dedication to local artists, the Umbrella Festival presents diversified works to reenact and rethink about the issues concerned and hopes to provoke critical thinking and discussion, including visual art exhibitions, film and video screening, performance art, dramas, dance and many more. Proudly presented by the MA Programmes in the Cultural Studies Division of the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong, the festival will take place from the 17th to 31st May at the Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC).
Oscar, HO Hing Kay
Programme Director, MA in Cultural Management
正值雨傘運動邁進爭取「真普選」的第二階段,《雨傘節》結聚 和收集了運動第一階段的回憶和創意作品,加上新近的創作,正 展露那股表勢不可擋的潮流。《雨傘節》希望標誌著走出「佔領 區」後,遍地開花的新景象,告知那些冷漠的、說服那些未為說 服的,和連結那些支持我們的人。 相對於雨傘運動,那驚天動地泣鬼神、令香港不再一樣的運動, 《雨傘節》實在微不足道。它亦未能全面展示雨傘運動的澎湃精 神,但倒希望透過展覽和表演等種種形式,讓市民理解參與運動 者的犧牲和貢獻,以及從較人性、親密的角度,聽聽她/他們背後 的故事。《雨傘節》亦是要向那些為我們和我們下一代做了那麼 多事情的人致敬。 我們要告知香港人,以至全世界相信民主自由的人,雨傘運動所 追求的理想和意義,並讓民主之花開遍大地。 As the Umbrella Movement enters its second phase in its pursuit for ‘Real Election’, the Festival brings together the memories and creative expressions collected and evolved from the first phase of Movement, to reflect upon its achievement, and show an unstoppable spirit that is still moving on. It signifies a move beyond the ‘Occupied Zones’ to every corner of Hong Kong, to inform the indifferent, convince the unconvinced, to build solidarity with those who are sympathetic. This Festival is only a small part of the overwhelming wave of a movement that has and would continue to change our city. Hopefully through the Festival we could appreciate more of the people who contribute so much for us, and the very human side of the stories behind. Let there be blossoms of democracy everywhere, telling the world the spirit and the meaning of the Movement, and to anyone who believes in and is seeking for liberty and democracy.
Katrien Jacobs
Programme Director, MA in Visual Culture Studies
我們的《雨傘節》將會推出一系列展覽和表演活動,希望能夠捕 捉當下香港社會對於藝術和社交媒體的新狀況,這當然和不久前 轟轟烈烈的雨傘運動中青年人追求民主、實踐公民抗命的抗爭活 動息息相關。在整個香港處處開花的佔領活動中,創造出一個過 渡的空間。在那裡,人們在黑暗的政治危機和對於改變的渴望驅 動下探索各種可能。 《雨傘節》則力求展現這些探索,並將其影響發散到街頭之外的 更廣闊時空。《雨傘節》並非是用藝術來記錄過去的事件,也不 是在收集什麼了不起的珍藏品,而是通過藝術來吸引觀眾去發現 一種新生活的方式和批判的思維角度。 希望你們能夠在《雨傘節》裡邂逅有趣的人,感受到不一樣的氣 氛——就如你們曾在佔領街頭,體驗到的那樣:多元對話空間、 善意和友情、幽默以及對於低俗的包容、坦率的政治表達、女性 和性小眾的積極參與、在社區空間重建教育機構的嘗試,等等等 等。 The Umbrella Festival and its varied exhibitions and performances hopes to capture a new attitude towards art and social media in Hong Kong that is closely intertwined with a youthful democracy movement, acts of civil disobedience and an iconography of resistance. The city-wide occupation created liminal spaces in which people transgressed into novel sensibilities to reflect on dark political crisis and aspirations towards change. The challenge of this festival will be to present and radiate these sensibilities beyond the occupied streets of Hong Kong in Fall 2014. It is not about art as documentation of past events, nor about a collection of honorable objects, but about a way of life and critical intelligence that needs art to seduce its audiences. I hope that you will encounter the good atmosphere and sexy people that you may have met during the Umbrella Movement - a peculiar kind of multi-citizen dialogue and friendliness, humor and embrace of profanity, frank commentary on political clampdown, a stirring of umbrella feminism and queerness, and finally, a chance to rebuild the university itself in different kinds of locations.
Angela, WONG Wai Ching
Programme Director, MA in Intercultural Studies
The academic year of 2014/2015 has been an exciting one for the exercise of cultural creativity in Hong Kong. The most amazing part of it is its being almost entirely self-initiated throughout. People from all corners of the city: old and young, women and men and beyond, sophisticated or MK stylists, students, teachers and parents, those of well off class or grassroots have all been part of it. Instead of millions of dollars spent annually by the government on borrowed items (from overseas) attracting only a hundredfold of habitual audience in the theatre houses and concert halls, 2014 showed that all creativity needs is a free open space in the city with people motivated to express something of their deep conviction, and that people are allowed to dream! For so many years creative culture in Hong Kong has been battling uphill against the development driven economy for a space of free expression. 2014 has demonstrated how the city’s creativity can actually blossom and touch the world when the space of an ordinary street is reclaimed. The Umbrella Festival is a continuation of this magic of extending the time and space for the free exploration of ideas and mind-mining. Let our festival be the carrier of many more dreams for Hong Kong!
目錄 Contents
免費入場 Free Admission
開幕禮 Opening Ceremony
頁數 Page 5
展覽 Exhibitions
電影 Film Screening 獨立電影 Independent Films
我們的「黃金時代」 Our 'Golden Era'
表演 Performance 雨傘下的身體步道 Re-trailing the Landscapes of the Body behind Umbrella Movement
警犬自白 A Shaggy Dog Story
一個普通女子的離奇移民事件 The Immigration Lottery
其他 Others 行為藝術:外勢力 Performance Art: Foreign Forces
雨傘是怎樣摺成? How to fold origami umbrella?
雨傘運動紀錄論壇 – 紀錄、敍事、記憶 Forum on Documenting Umbrella Movement – Records, Narratives, Memories
漫步又一城 Take a Festival Walk
開放平台 Open Platform 節目表 Programme Calendar
7- 8
特別鳴謝 Special Thanks
訂票指南 Booking Guide
一般資料 General Information
Opening Ceremony
日期 Date 場地 Venue
17.5 3:00pm 中央庭園 Central Courtyard
在「雨傘運動」流動的過程當中,散落著零 星小插曲,伴隨觸起了大大小小的創作。在 開幕禮短短數小時的活動中,只能帶來眾多 故事的小部份:很多晚在金鐘佔領區自彈自 唱,為留守者打氣的「香蕉奶」;聆聽 (反)佔領者故事,即時創作又喊又笑歌曲 的「革命中的廿四小時」;於《雨傘節》演 出,透過不同的舞蹈形式訴說故事的 「CHAPTER: 9.28」;還有前線攝影記者與 網民(包括hongwrong.com 的Tom Grundy) 關於攝影在社交媒體扮演角色的交流與短 講。留意我們 facebook.com/umbrellafest 面書專頁,我們將嘗試找來更多在相關的創 作與故事,讓我們藉著開幕禮帶出運動的各 種面貌,以此作為《雨傘節》的開始。
In the evolving Umbrella Movement has already seized us before we know it. To mark the beginning of the Umbrella Festival, we will bring together a number of performance from some of the bits and pieces created for or out of the movement: the musician “bananaooyoo” who performed many night at Admiralty occupied area; “24 Hours in the Revolution”, through their music, documented the stories of the people even those who are against the movement; participating in our festival too – “Chapter: 9.28” will be doing storytelling in different dance style; there will also be several short talks and statements about the role of photography and social media in the Umbrella movement. Guest speakers will include frontline photo-journalists and netizens including Tom Grundy from hongwrong.com. More to come, please keep an eye on our facebook.com/umbrellafest
日期 Date 場地 Venue
Open Platform
31.5 3:00pm - 6:00pm L205 - 208 社區文化發展中心 CCCD
我們愛發聲,有想法,所以..理應勇於表達。 《雨傘節》特設開放的平台,分享你我對雨 傘運動的想法。 演說也好,楝篤笑也好,唱唱歌演演戲都是 獨特的發聲方式。 在這裡,分享就是開放,表達就是精神 所在。 *《雨傘節》現正招募演出者 (不限經驗) , 請瀏覽FACEBOOK主頁及網站參閱更多 資訊
We love to speak, we have opinions, so we should also love to express. The Open Platform of the Umbrella Festival is a free stage for anyone who wishes to tell your experiences and thoughts on the Umbrella Movement. It doesn’t matter if you have experiences in performing or not. We accept all sorts of performances such as public speaking, stand-up comedy, music performances, theatrical performances… or any other of your talents. Take the chance and join the Umbrella Festival. *The Umbrella Festival is now calling for performers! Please visit our official Facebook page and website for more details. (All experiences welcomed)
展覽 Exhibitions 遍地開花 Blossoms Everywhere 何慶基 Oscar Ho 日期 Date 17.5 - 31.5 場地 Venue L2 Blue Wall, L3 Common Spaces, L4 Blue Wall L5 Blue Wall, L5 Common Spaces (A) L5 Common Spaces (B), L522 私畫廊 Gallery Z L6 Common Spaces, L7 Green Space 《遍地開花》包括一系列展覽,從新聞攝影 、個人圖文紀錄、粉筆牆、連儂牆等,包括 佔領期間也有其後的作品,不單展示「雨傘 運動」的持續生命力,也希望帶出在追求理 想的過程時,當中夾雜著的親密動人故事。 此系列展覽由文化管理碩士課程 「展覽策劃」及「展覽設計」課堂的同學共 同設計及籌劃。
Blossoms Everywhere consists of a series of exhibitions, ranging photo-documentation, personal recollection, the ‘Chalk Wall’ and the Lennon Wall, as well as works produced after the occupation, to demonstrate the continuous dynamic of the Movement, and the many intimate stories behind a monumental struggle for a noble ideal. The series of exhibition is organized and designed by students from the ‘Curatorship’ and ‘Exhibition Design’ classes of the MA in Cultural Management Programme
嗚謝 Credit: 蘋果日報 Apple Daily
嗚謝 Credit: 譚志榮 Tan Chi Wing
嗚謝 Credit: 高志強 Alfred Ko
Programme Calendar
開幕禮 Opening Ceremony (p.5)
CHAPTER: 9.28 (p.12) 我們的「黃金時代」Our 'Golden Era' (p.10) 警犬自白 A Shaggy Dog Story (p.11) 雨傘是怎樣摺成? How to fold origami umbrella? (p.14) 行為藝術:外勢力 Performance Art: Foreign Forces (p.13)
警犬自白 A Shaggy Dog Story (p.11) 一個普通女子的離奇移民事件 The Immigration Lottery (p.13)
開放平台 Open Platform (p.5)
31 更多的精彩節目,將於《雨傘節》面書專頁公佈。 Additional programmes to be announced on the official Facebook: facebook.com/umbrellafest
雨傘下的身體步道 Re-trailing the Landscapes of the Body behind Umbrella Movement (p.11) CHAPTER: 9.28 (p.12) 行為藝術:外勢力 Performance Art: Foreign Forces (p.13)
Independent Films 獨立電影 (p.10) 一個普通女子的離奇移民事件 The Immigration Lottery (p.13) CHAPTER: 9.28 (p.12) 雨傘運動紀錄論壇 – 紀錄、敍事、記憶 Forum on Documenting Umbrella Movement – Records, Narratives, Memories (p.14) 漫步又一城 Take a Festival Walk (p.15)
佔中的愛與爭 Love and Combat in the Occupied Streets 楊宜瑄 Rochelle Yang 日期 Date 場地 Venue 「佔中的愛與爭」攝影展覽致力為您提供一 個獨特的平台,分享您對佔中運動的想法和 情感 —— 此展覽由香港中文大學文化及宗教研究 系發起 *17.5 下午5:30-6:30 開幕座談會設於 L205-208 社區文化發展中心
The photography exhibition “Love and Combat in Occupied Zones Exhibition” endeavors to provide an open platform by expressing your aspirations, and pouring out your emotions. The exhibition is a part of the Umbrella Festival organized by MA in Visual Culture Studies and MA in Cultural Management students of the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK. *17.5 5:30-6:30pm Opening Talk @ L205-208 CCCD
電影 Film Screening 獨立電影 Independent Films 何慶基 Oscar Ho、趙嘉薇 Edith Chiu 日期 Date 場地 Venue
7:00pm / *30.5.2015 2:00pm L205 - 208 社區文化發展中心 CCCD
去年台灣的太陽花學運獲提名台新藝術獎, 思考了很多藝術、政治運動、民主及抗爭中 千絲萬縷的關連;藝術是事後的反省檢討, 還是藝術一早已在抗爭現場開花結果?而雨 傘運動本身就是一場藝術表演? 大家暫且把傘收起來,然後思想起的不只是 前因後果,而是連番詰問,藉傘下的影影綽 綽,用鳥瞰鏡頭製造距離,以縮時攝影鑄成 時間和速度,訪談中力撐雨傘的學生和藝術 家鏗鏘有力的頓號及感歎號,以至支持運動 的聾人無聲的問號。 *放映後設導演 / 製作人對談
The Sunflower Student Movement, which was staged in Taipei last year, has been nominated the Taishin Arts Award, provoking thoughts of interweaving relationships among art, political movement, democracy and resistance. Art in fact facilitates reflections and contemplations after the Umbrella Movement. Or has Art already blossomed at the Movement site? Is the Umbrella Movement itself actually a dramatic performance? The Umbrella Movement has already finished, what it ignited is the overwhelming sentiments of love and hate. We not only chronicle bits and pieces of the Movement, but also raised plenty of questions through extraordinary moving images. *Post-screening discussion with directors and producers
我們的「黃金時代」 Our 'Golden Era' 李鐵成 Li Tiecheng 日期 Date 場地 Venue
25.5 2:00pm L205 - 208 社區文化發展中心 CCCD Hong Kong experienced an unprecedented wave of civil disobedience in the last quarter of 2014. People took to the streets, in an attempt to make history through their actions. In this movement, we saw order and rationality, we experienced happiness and sadness, and we also encountered zaniness. Our lives are similar to that of great movies with strong dramatic tensions. Perhaps this is our ‘Golden Era’, filled with unforgettable oppressions on one hand, and great happiness on the other. *Post-screening discussion with Film Director, moderated by Filmmaker Mr. Shu Kei.
CHAPTER: 9.28 楊晞忻 Harriet Yeung@MizzyCrayon、 張曉晴 Sheila Cheung@MizzyCrayon 23.5 8:00pm 24.5 2:00pm, 8:00pm 29.5 8:00pm L205 - 208 社區文化發展中心 CCCD $1 1 0 (網上購票 Online Ticketing) $120 (即日門票 At the Door) CHAPTER: 9.28是「雨傘運動」的舞蹈展現 。當中的舞蹈編排,揭示了參與者當時的思 緒與掙扎。表演名稱中的數字 ─「9.28」, 實為「雨傘運動」的首日,至於標題中的 「CHAPTER」,亦象徵著香港因這場運 動,而踏入了一個全新文化時代,並為香港 歷史翻開新一頁。這個表演透過不同的舞蹈 形式,傳達有關人性的各種故事,同時也是 一個平台,讓懷著雄心與激情的舞者和編舞 者,切磋交流,惺惺相惜。 *不設劃位
CHAPTER: 9.28 is a dance production of showing the scenes of the Umbrella Movement by addressing the inner struggles and thoughts of individuals through dancing and choreography. The figure 9.28 symbolizes the first day of the Umbrella Movement, and the title corresponds to the initiation of stepping into the new era of Hong Kong culture thus creating a new chapter in Hong Kong history. The production aims to deliver stories of the humanities through interpreting different dance styles, as a dance platform for choreographers and dancers to come together for the same ambition and passions. *Free seating
一個普通女子的離奇移民事件 The Immigration Lottery 三木劇作 ThreeWoods Playwright www.aboutthreewoods.com/
30.5 8:00pm #31.5 2:00pm L205 - 208 社區文化發展中心 CCCD 英語,少量福建話 English (with few Fujianese) ^票價以捐款形式,不接受現金捐款 By Donation, Cash is not accepted 首演於2014年蘇格蘭愛丁堡藝穗節 一名香港女子無端端參加了合皮亞剎那共和 國 (United Nation of Hap AsALA) 的移民樂 透。 以為只是騙局一則,卻離奇地讓她中獎了。 離開香港前夕,與合皮亞剎那共和國的移民 官見面,無端家事私事心事盡訴,慨嘆 一句:「到底我走得未架?」
Premiered in 2014 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, a Chinese lady who randomly won the immigration lottery. It is a story about her hilarious day at the immigration office, where she shows she is determined and driven to have this random new identity. Hoping the god of approval has landed on her, starting a so called good new dream.
# 演出後設藝人談 Post-performance discussion with artists ^只接受飯券,超市現金券,餅卡或可長期 存放之乾糧如米,餅乾或罐頭 (最高捐款金額為港幣二佰元正) Only supermarket coupon, bakery coupon or preserved food (e.g. biscuits, rice and canned food are accepted (max. HKD 200)
行為藝術:外勢力 Performance Art: Foreign Forces
林國偉 Benny Lim 日期 Date 場地 Venue
23.5 - 24.5 1:00pm L7 Green Space
我們是「所謂」的外勢力。 1. 因為我們並非生於香港。 2. 因為我們現居香港。 3. 因為我們有腦。 4. 因為我們有反應。 5. 因為我們看得見也聽得見。 6. 因為我們可以感知。 6.89. 因為我們不是白癡。 7. 因為生日快樂。
We are the “so-called” foreign influences because 1. We are not born in Hong Kong. 2. We are currently living in Hong Kong. 3. We have brains. 4. We have reactions. 5. We can see and hear. 6. We can feel and touch. 6.89. We are not stupid. 7. Happy Birthday.
工作坊:雨傘是怎樣摺成? Workshop: How to fold origami umbrella? 日期 Date 場地 Venue
25.5 3:00pm L205 - 208 社區文化發展中心 CCCD
我們一個摺一個 我們一個接一個 我們一個摺一個 將會摺出 很多個故事
“How to fold a paper umbrella” is an interesting workshop that allows everyone to take part in and teaches them how to turn a piece of paper into a beautiful umbrella.
我們一個傳一個 我們一個存一個 我們一個傳一個 將會存下 很多種感情
In this workshop, people can learn something in a very peaceful atmosphere and get down to do things with all their hearts. The core value of folding umbrellas is to tell stories, to save emotions and to synergize.
雨傘是怎樣摺成? 雨傘是怎樣傳承? 一個你 跟 一個我
雨傘運動紀錄論壇 – 紀錄、敍事、記憶 Forum on Documenting Umbrella Movement – Records, Narratives, Memories 香港中文大學文化研究中心 Centre for Cultural Studies, CUHK 日期 Date 場地 Venue
30.5 4:00pm L205 - 208 社區文化發展中心 CCCD
如何紀錄雨傘運動?雨傘運動是一場涉及眾 多故事、強烈情感與巨大能量的社會運動, 無數關於雨傘運動的視覺、聲音與文字紀錄 已發佈並流傳甚廣。 現在,正是時候審視紀錄雨傘運動的種種形 式,探討收集、分類與呈現等議題。作家及 文獻庫成員將出席論壇,分享他們的作品/ 計劃,一同反思敍事、記憶與紀錄的關係。
How to document the Umbrella Movement? As a social movement with numerous stories, strong feelings and huge energy, countless visual, audio and written records of the movement have been produced and circulated. Now, it is the right time to examine the ways of documenting umbrella movement, explore the issues of collecting, classifying and presenting these materials. Writers and the archivists are invited to share their works/projects and to reflect upon the relation between narratives, memories and records.
漫步又一城 Take a Festival Walk Katrien Jacobs、楊靜 Yang Jing 日期 Date 集合地點 Meeting Place 目的地 Destination
30.5 2:00pm 歌和老街公園(東鐵線九龍塘H出口) Cornwall Street Park (East Railway Kowloon Tong Station Exit H) 又一城 The Festival Walk
作為香港人,我們整日穿梭在各式彩色商場 裡,商場已然是我們生活不可分割的一部 分,但是我們真的認識我們所熟悉的商場 麼?來吧,帶著你的疑慮與認識,和我們的 學者、藝術家一起漫步於這資本驅動的城市 裡最不浪漫的地方,用我們的思想和腳步解 構和重建它! *30分鐘簡述
As typical Hong Kongers, we eat in the mall, work in the mall, shop in the mall, go on dates in the mall, go on dates in the mall, wander alone in the mall, Basically, a large part of our life is spent in the mall. But do we really know these malls? Come on, bring your thought and doubt, join us, be us; let us wander in the least romantic place in the capital-driven city, and deconstruct it, and remake it with our minds and feet! *Meeting place for 30-minute briefing
Special Thanks 統籌 Coordinated by 林國偉博士 及 文化管理碩士課程「文化節籌劃及管理」課堂的同學 Dr. Benny Lim and students from the 'Curating and Managing Cultural Festivals' class of the MA in Cultural Management Programme 與With 文化管理碩士課程 視覺文化研究文學碩士課程 和文化研究文學碩士課程學生 Students of MA Programmes in Cultural Management, Visual Culture Studies and Intercultural Studies 《雨傘節》謹此感謝所有參與的藝術家和團體慷慨的支持 The Umbrella Festival would like to thank all the participating artists and individuals who generously participate in and give support to the Festival
Booking Guide 門票於 Ticketflap 網上發售 Tickets are available on:
票務查詢 (852) 2725 4522 辦公時間:星期一至五(上午九時至下午六時,公眾假期除外) Ticket Enquiries (852) 2725 4522 Service hours: Mondays to Fridays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (except Hong Kong public holidays)
General Information
節目查詢 Programme Enquires: info@umbrellafest.com
主辦單位有權更改節目資料及時間表。 詳情請瀏覽 雨傘節網頁 umbrellafest.com 或 電郵到 info@umbrellafest.com 查詢。 Programme information and schedule are subjected to change without notice. For enquiry, please email to info@umbrellafest.com or go to Umbrella Festival website umbrellafest.com