Haiti 3rd Year Progress Report

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Paul Jeffrey

Haiti Progre ss Rep or t • Thre e Ye ars L ater


UMCOR MISSION STATEMENT Compelled by Christ to be a voice of conscience on behalf of the people called Methodist, UMCOR works globally to alleviate human suffering and advance hope and healing.

From Emergency Response to Long-term Development:

Turning a Corner in Haiti


hree years after a historic earthquake, the devastated streets of Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital, are largely cleared of rubble. Seventy-five percent of the 1.5 million people the quake left homeless have been rehoused. Have all of the needs generated by the disaster been resolved? No. But enough of them have been met to allow Haitians to reclaim their focus on the long-term development of their country. The interruption of that focus on January 12, 2010 was a huge—and unspoken—casualty of the quake. In the aftermath of the disaster, efforts had to be refocused on getting people to safety. The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) worked with the Haitian people and with local and international partner organizations to reach that goal. Today, Haiti is ready to turn the corner from emergency response to long-term development. When they do turn that corner, they meet the same precarious conditions that existed before the quake and that continue to leave them vulnerable. Food security and nutrition, education and livelihoods, health coverage, and homes that can withstand Haiti’s severe tropical weather remain elusive to many. As Haitians transition to the post-earthquake development of their country, UMCOR will still be there. In 2012, we crafted a strategic plan to shape our work in Haiti through 2017. We will continue to make strides in the five sectors in which UMCOR has been involved over the past three years. They are: • • • • •

Shelter and reconstruction Livelihoods Health and hygiene Education Capacity strengthening for sustainable development.

We will base our work on three key strategic directions: • Strengthen partnerships • Engage communities in an integrated development approach • Strengthen organizational capacity.

Together, these key strategic directions form the blueprint for UMCOR’s work in Haiti for the next five years. UMCOR will continue to build partnerships with local and international organizations, including church networks, by bolstering communication; strengthening protocols for grants management; participating in working groups; and convening roundtables and other meetings in Haiti and the United States. Community engagement and the integrated development approach will be the key to guaranteeing that the projects UMCOR undertakes are projects a community needs and that they are completed with ongoing input, evaluation, support, and ownership from the community. It won’t be enough, for instance, to build or repair homes; we also will work with communities to provide the support services, livelihoods, and education opportunities they define as crucial to their long-term recovery and development. Finally, strengthening the organizational capacity of UMCOR staff and local partners will mean addressing project implementation and management and the ability to prepare for, respond to, or impede future disasters. Disaster risk reduction will be an important element of all UMCOR’s work. This report will give you an idea of the progress that the work of UMCOR—together with our partners and the people of Haiti— has made over the past three years, as well as a sense of where we expect this strategy to lead. You also will find a record of our stewardship of the funds that have been so generously donated to this work. We hope you will continue to accompany us. Not long before this report went to press Haiti was struck by Hurricane Sandy, and just months before that by Hurricane Isaac. Both events revealed how gingerly Haiti is turning that corner toward development, amid continuous humanitarian emergencies and serious challenges—gingerly, but with determination.

Paul Jeffrey

UMCOR will be there.

Paul Jeffrey


Shelter and Reconstruction n the aftermath of the earthquake, UMCOR provided immediate, temporary shelter solutions to survivors, moving swiftly, with support from key partners, to repair or build transitional and permanent homes. We also repaired or rebuilt schools (including related school kitchens and water and sanitation facilities), and repaired or rebuilt places of worship. We did all this throughout the West Department and in Eglise Méthodiste d’Haïti (EMH) communities. UMCOR also provided training to improve the quality of construction in Haiti and ensure that rebuilt structures would be safer and more resilient to natural disasters. In Port-au-Prince specifically, UMCOR supported the Haitian government-driven 16/6 Neighborhood


Renewal Program to rehabilitate 16 neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince and secure the return of internally displaced persons from six targeted camps to their neighborhoods of origin. In the Bristout-Bobin community, UMCOR is helping residents and returnees improve their living conditions through better access to services and income-generating activities. In 2013 and beyond, UMCOR will continue to systematically engage this integrated communitydevelopment approach, which ensures collaboration of local communities to address their critical needs and support efforts to holistically address development challenges in the sectors of education; livelihoods; and water, sanitation, and hygiene in reestablished communities or new settlements.

Milestones—Shelter and Reconstruction

2011 3,000 transitional and upgradeable shelters built in Cabaret, Léogâne, and Port-au-Prince— about 15,000 beneficiaries

2010 EMH schools at Bois Gency and Hyacinthe repaired, benefiting 418 students, 15 teachers

2011 150 shelters built in Léogâne


2011 20 classrooms, 2 canteens, with water/sanitation facilities built in Corail Camp and Tabarre Issa—900 beneficiaries

2012 4,800 construction workers and community members trained in repair and self-repair; ongoing

Chris Heckert

“This house will last all our lives.” Enolia Pierre, beneficiary (along with her family of 12) of a new home in Mellier, thanks to the UMCOR-supported EMH Housing Project

2012 Integrated community approach programming begins in one Port-au-Prince neighborhood with the Footbridges and Public Space project; ongoing

2012 20 new homes in Mellier and 10 in Carrefour replace earthquake-destroyed homes, part of EMH Housing Pilot Project; ongoing

2012 90 permanent shelters built in Léogâne and Fondwa— 540 beneficiaries

2012 St. Martin Church and School complex reconstruction

2012 EMH Guesthouse Renovation Project— 9 new homes, 5 repaired homes


Livelihoods mmediately after the earthquake, UMCOR’s strategies to promote livelihoods focused primarily on cashtransfer programs (especially cash for work) and on providing support to communities in need through urgent food distributions. During the recovery phase, these efforts in urban settings have focused on providing trainings in business, financial literacy, and project planning to empower small and medium enterprises led by women to achieve greater economic self-sufficiency; help people establish or grow their own businesses; and increase individuals’ ability to make a living. In rural areas, UMCOR has supported a variety of activities that aim to increase income and food security, and build the


farming capacity of vulnerable families. These activities help develop the skills and capacity of rural Haitians to engage in successful farming and provide them with the tools they need to be successful. Through its integrated community development approach, UMCOR will continue in 2013 and beyond to empower local communities, help them build local capacity, and increase families’ food security and household income through agriculture-based programming and small and medium enterprise development. UMCOR will pursue all of this within the framework of the return of those displaced by the earthquake to their neighborhoods or to new settlements.


2011 130 women leaders trained through the EMH microcredit training program in Petit-Goâve

2010 300 earthquake-affected families receive EMH food distribution


2011 1,600 families in 78 locations received emergency agricultural assistance, including tools, seeds, and fertilizer; 6,350 farmers from 183 local organizations trained in improved farming practices

2011 400 people, residents of a camp for the deaf, receive emergency food assistance in Port-au-Prince

2011 2,500 solar kits distributed to Corail Camp residents for protection and livelihoods development

Paul Jeffrey

“I have learned a lot of good things from the business training. Now I know how to manage my business and my money. Learning how to plan helped me a lot.” Constant Pharly, age 20, vendor in Petite Place Cazeau and participant in UMCOR’s SEED (women’s business development) program

2011 “Passing on the Gift” of livestock program gave: 841 families chickens, 372 families female goats; by 2012, 102 goat offspring passed to locals

2012 500 families in in five locations benefit from an incomegeneration project that increases food security and farming capacity

2012 1,000 solar kits distributed to residents of the island of La Gonâve

2012 Integrated community-approach programming begins in one Port-au-Prince neighborhood with the FATRA (recycling) project; ongoing

2012 75 women begin smallbusiness training in SEED pilot project

2012 UMCOR provides training to EMH Sustainable Integrated Community Development program, fostering grassroots development; ongoing


Health and Hygiene UMCOR provided critical support in health, hygiene, water, and sanitation efforts to combat the cholera epidemic that hit the country months after the earthquake. In addition to responding to this urgent need, UMCOR, through its partners, has provided critical medical care to underserved communities in Port-au-Prince and the Northern Department of Haiti. UMCOR also has implemented waste-management programs, including the establishment of recycling associations and reuse of plastic projects, and provided related environmental-education training and hygiene promotion for community groups and schools.

Looking to the future, UMCOR will continue to emphasize waste management as a priority and, in its commitment to an integrated approach to community development, will seek to improve access to potable water and sanitation facilities within existing communities and new settlements. UMCOR will also work closely with EMH to support the church’s health and clinic system and ensure that the best quality of care is provided to beneficiaries through a sustainable community-based healthcare structure. Disaster risk reduction will be an integral part of the work that will continue in this sector.

Milestones—Health and Hygiene

2010 Water-purification tablets and units, water purifiers, and oralrehydration salt sachets are distributed to quake-affected communities

2010 40 community-health workers and 62 traditional birth attendants trained to identify cholera and distribute prevention supplies


2011 1,968 students trained in the importance of hand washing to protect against diarrheal diseases

2010 1,008 household waterpurification units distributed, benefiting 7,056 people

2011 Five Haitians critically injured in the earthquake and evacuated to the US receive long-term medical support

Chris Heckert

“UMCOR is committed to Haiti’s recovery and sustainable development, and we pledge to see these processes through responsibly, in collaboration with the Haitian people and our partners.” Thodleen Dessources, Haiti Program Manager, UMCOR

2011 437 students and 20 teachers receive training in healthy hygiene practices

2012 EMH health coordinator hired; provides hygiene and nutrition training to EMH Hot Lunch Program staff at five schools; conducts survey of EMH clinics

2012 800 new tuberculosis patients and 1,500 former patients receive care over a one-year period

2012 About 23,000 health kits distributed by EMH across all EMH circuits

2012 Nearly 15,000 patients, rural poor of the Northern Department, receive care from five medical volunteer teams at Tovar Methodist Clinic, stocked with medicines, supplies, equipment, nutritional supplements, and vitamins


Education ne of the most immediate needs UMCOR addressed following the earthquake was that of providing affected children with opportunities to recover a sense of normalcy. This was supported through the repair and reconstruction of schools in the West Department, which allowed children to return to classes. UMCOR also has supported students through scholarships, salary support to teachers, and the distribution of school kits. In 2012, attention has been given to providing nutrition and hygiene education to school kitchen staff and to emphasizing the importance of vegetables


in the diet. The school garden program is now targeting six EMH schools to teach children about the importance of vegetables and engage them in a hands-on experience growing their own food. UMCOR’s efforts in health and hygiene, shelter and reconstruction, and capacity strengthening have all intersected with our work in education and will continue to do so in the future. UMCOR has and will continue to support EMH in the development and implementation of its long-term strategy for education.


2010 45 children, 15 young women receive psychosocial support, and 60–120 parents learn how to be supportive following earthquake

2011 33 students receive scholarships to attend university for three years


2011 25,000 students benefit from UMCOR-funded assessment of EMH school system for a long-term education strategy 2011 12 Haitian students receive two-year scholarships for strategic leadership development

2011 Teacher salary arrears covered in 120 EMH schools, through 2012

Melissa Hinnen

“Thank you very much, UMCOR, for paying for my scholarship and for my new skills. Now, I can help young people who cannot finish their studies learn the same technical skills I learned at ARI.� Gontran Delgrace, EMH Interdisciplinary Team, recipient of an UMCOR scholarship to study sustainable agriculture in Japan

2011 UMCOR Haiti distributes 3,499 school kits to children in Port-au-Prince schools 2011 EMH Education Roundtable discusses results of education audit and develops five-year strategy

2012 22,000 students receive three meals a week as long-running support for Haiti Hot Lunch Program is renewed; ongoing 2011 An EMH employee receives agricultural training at Asia Rural Institute in Japan


Capacity Strengthening for Sustainable Development he Methodist Church of Haiti, Eglise Méthodiste d’Haïti (EMH), is one of UMCOR’s main partners. This partnership has enabled UMCOR to identify and serve communities of greatest need and to actively engage in vital recovery efforts in many sectors. UMCOR has supported the physical and human capacity of EMH by assisting in the establishment of and providing financial resources for the church’s Relief and Development Office and its Interdisciplinary Team, both created since the earthquake. These offices are responsible, respectively, for the management of funds and the implementation of all development efforts of EMH, including health, agriculture, microcredit, literacy, and school/

community garden programs. UMCOR also has supported capacity strengthening of the EMH education system by funding teacher salaries and by underwriting an evaluation that led to the development of a long-term education strategy. Collaboration among UMCOR, EMH, and other partners has provided a unique opportunity for symbiotic capacity development and skills transfer that will increase local knowledge and leadership abilities for serving Haitian communities well into the future. In 2013 and beyond, UMCOR will seek to increase the capacity of partners and collaborators to maintain and expand the delivery of services, training, and programming for targeted local communities and individuals.



Capacity Strengthening for Sustainable Development

2012 Fifth roundtable with partners is held

2010 EMH Relief and Development Office established

2011 Salaries and operational support for EMH Relief and Development Office


2011 Internet technology network designed to address needs in five EMH locations; five-year grant

2011 EMH Hot Lunch program coordinator hired

Paul Jeffrey

2012 Vulnerable communities implement disaster risk-reduction activities

2012 UMCOR supports post of ACT Alliance coordinator in Haiti

2012 EMH Interdisciplinary Team trained in program management, hygiene promotion, and small/medium enterprise development of financial literacy skills

2012 UMCOR completes strategic plan to guide its work in Haiti through 2017 for maximum impact in sustainable development


Disbursements and Allocations Contributions to Haiti Emergency Advance #418325: $45,731,308.17 Total Used or Allocated: $24,856,172.71 Balance Available for UMCOR Haiti Strategic Plan: $20,875,135.46

Percentage of Funds Used/Allocated by Area

Capacity Strengthening for Sustainable Development: 24.7%

Livelihoods: 8.7%

Health and Hygiene: 7.4%

Shelter and Reconstruction: 56.1% This chart reflects the total disbursement/allocation of funds UMCOR received through the Haiti Emergency Advance as of December 31, 2012. All figures are adjusted and current as of that date. In the first three years since the earthquake, UMCOR spent or allocated 54 percent of all funds received, with the largest percentage going to shelter and reconstruction projects. The remaining 46 percent of the funds will be allocated in support of the strategic plan, which UMCOR elaborated in 2012 to guide its work in Haiti through 2017. The plan will build on partnerships, community engagement, and the integrated approach to development that is critical to advancing recovery in Haiti. *Funds spent on school repairs and construction are accounted for within the Shelter and Reconstruction sector, not in Education.

Education*: 3.1% Photo: Paul Jeffrey

Photo Captions Front Cover: A man constructs a school in Tabarre Issa, Haiti, a project supported by UMCOR to assist Haitians affected by the 2010 earthquake. Page 3, top: A woman walks through Camp Corail, a resettlement of earthquake survivors north of Port-au-Prince. Page 3, bottom: A boy rides a bicycle in Camp Corail, where thousands of families were relocated from flood-prone areas of the capital in 2010. Page 5: With support from key partners, UMCOR collaborated with local Haitian communities to repair and build transitional and permanent homes after the 2010 earthquake. Page 7: Noline Jean harvests spinach in La Tremblay, Haiti, where UMCOR is working with earthquake survivors to improve their agricultural production. Page 9: A young girl happily collects fresh water for her family. Part of UMCOR’s integrated community development approach in Haiti is to improve access to potable water and sanitation facilities. Page 11: School is in session thanks to support from UMCOR Haiti, which distributed 3,499 school kits to children in Port-au-Prince schools. Page 13: A girl sweeps the step in front of her family’s new home in Camp Corail, a controversial resettlement where the promises of jobs that lured families there failed to materialize. Page 14: A man walks down a road in La Tremblay, a Haitian village where UMCOR is helping increase residents agricultural yields by providing them with goats, seeds, tools, and technical advice. Back Cover: Audre Pierre stands in the window of her earthquake-damaged house in Mellier, Haiti. The dwelling will soon be replaced with a new house provided by UMCOR. Illustrations by Lisa Katzenstein


Partners in Rebuilding January 2010—Present UMCOR partners with a multitude of organizations with particular areas of expertise to support the Haitian people on their long road to recovery. The following is a list of partners with whom UMCOR has collaborated since the earthquake on January 12, 2010. ACT Alliance Association Suisse des Amis d’Haiti (ASAH) Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) Christian Aid Church of the Resurrection, Kansas City, Kansas Church World Service (CWS) Civil Design & Construction Echo Construction Eglise Méthodiste d’Haïti (EMH) L’Entraide Protestante Suisse (EPER) Florida Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church Foundry United Methodist Church, Washington, DC General Board of Global Ministries Global Health Action (GHA) GlobalMedic Grace Children’s Hospital/ICC Habitat for Humanity Haitian Artisans for Peace International (HAPI) Homes for Haitians L’Hôpital de l’Université d’Etat d’Haïti (HUEH) Tuberculosis Clinic Iglesia Evangélica Domninicana IMA World Health International Child Care (ICC) International Relief and Development (IRD) Kansas East Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church Making Cents International Methodist Relief Development Fund Michigan Area Haiti Task Force Mission Hearts

Miyamoto International Mothering Across Continents Mountains of Hope Muslim Aid Productive Cooperatives Haiti (PCH) Promise for Haiti Pyramid Construction Company QIFD Management Group Refugee Resettlement & Immigration Services of Atlanta (RRISA) Réseau d’Enseignement Professionnel Et d’Interventions Écologiques (REPIE) Reynoldsburg United Methodist Church, Reynoldsburg, OH Service Chrétien d’Haïti South Florida Urban Ministries (SFLUM) Tennessee Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church The 410 Bridge The Haiti Mission The Haiti Partnership The Methodist Church in Britain The Methodist Church in Ireland The United Church of Canada Ti Kay, LLC United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) United Methodist Volunteers in Mission, South Carolina United Methodist Women United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Universal Construction Company (UNICOSA) US Army Corps of Engineers West Michigan Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church World Food Programme (WFP) World Hands Alliance (WHA) YWCA Haiti

Paul Jeffrey

As we mark three years since a 7.0-magnitude earthquake devastated the nation of Haiti on January 12, 2010, United Methodists and friends everywhere are encouraged to continue their prayers for and solidarity with the Haitian people. The long road to recovery and development continues. Please give to support UMCOR’s ongoing work in Haiti. Your gifts to Haiti Response (formerly Haiti Emergency), UMCOR Advance #418325, help Haiti to rebuild. www.umcor.org To order additional copies: Website: www.umcmission.org/store Telephone: 1-888-346-3862

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