This Christmas, the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), Rethink Church, Imagine No Malaria and the United Methodist Publishing House are teaming up to reclaim Christmas and provide an alternative means to celebrate the joy of relational giving this season.
This Christmas, cut through the hype that leaves you exhausted at the end of the year and give the best gift you can give: service to others through your time, talents and resources. This Christmas, live simply so others may simply live.
tionally a n r e t n I sponse isaster strikes outsidnenel e R r e t dd cha Disas n-cause primary or huma COR s as the
M rve natural t term, U MCOR se U , When a s te the shor rm, we work ta In S . d e e c it n n ta te of the U dist assis ring. In the long ity d Metho e e ff d capac it u r n s a U n w r a to fo m s u r h e e tn to eas local par steps in ent with Reduction. im n a p m in acco aiti ster Risk dent in H and Disa tu g s in a d r il u fo b it school k the US ase one n h i c r u e p s n us rs • $11 ca espon a nutritio neighbo hool. R e r c v s u r fi o f to e f o o t g e s s in return Disa er the ag the need ted by child und n of Africa. onding to ave been affec a p s d e e r fe is n s, Hor oh tainable UMCOR • $25 ca ys in the tates wh ricanes, wildfire rning sus a a S d le d 5 e 1 ts it n r n e r meal fo in the U y for stud tute in Japan. oods, hu d” mone torms, fl e s e s e r “ l Insti e e v b e s for asks 0 can ian Rura . 5 s m s $ t A e s • o e u d training d th a n t n d o r a n ti l a to c a s r u d e u d n v lt a learn Re glo agricu munity to ster Risk otective a m trikes. r o s p is c r D e e s te e n a s id o h a er dis n purc an prov aster-pr y • $25 ca who clean up aft • $100 c g in a dis ter risks. r a famil in fo v t li e k n c o e s u s r gb siness disas for tho one pe e cleanin their home after n in a bu e future n o c o ti u a e d s ip e a r c h g up n purc how to an’s parti • $55 ca na who is cleanin rt a wom o p p u s ia n a in Louis enter • $300 c ession. e from e Isaac. r Relief C t s ct a hom te g te s o in a r p in is a D Hurrican to tr p ku por ase a tar by a storm. the Toho re to sup h t u c is it r s n u r s p a fu n n a d a • $100 c l damage caused ment an efforts. ets, • $500 c a ing equip ef and recovery , swing s s lost s id v le o c r y p ic addition in ters ilie reli eb million li . r-driven purchas dren whose fam here a e lf lp te a e n h h lu n n o a v a th w eed • $200 c clothing for chil a or else ide more ommunities in n v n o r ta p n o n a w M c c and ne fires of pines. water to • $ 1,500 g in the the Philip , potable s n e in a c e le n c m a f o li everythin t/Midwest. o h p n entire hool other ap es n build a rator or ted by s, and sc gee a in the W e d c r ig a 0 0 fr o b e ,5 r 2 lk • $ nda ce a sks, cha ol in refu was inu e an repla n buy de ing scho a d c n • $500 c ily whose home sissippi becaus 0 e 0 tt a ,5 2 ts • $ 1 r studen for a fam Louisiana or Mis terials fo pia. a m in g Ethio floodin c. 82450 camps in ane Isaa vance #9 d A , e s n of Hurric 0 o 7 ter Resp ce #9016 al Disas e, Advan n s o n ti o a p n s r e Inte ster R US Disa
Each item listed here is an example of what your gift can accomplish in each program. One hundred percent of all gifts will go to the listed Advance project.
Global Hea lth and De velopment UMCOR Glob al
Health progra with more th ms work inte an 300 Unite rnationally d Methodist clinics. Each hospitals an hospital or c d linic serves a operation fo s a base of r many comm unity health are trained in workers who first aid, san itation, and p By educating reventive ca their neighbo re. rs, UMCOR’s health worke community rs can lower rates of maln maternal and utrition, child mortalit y, HIV/AIDS, and malaria. • $ 10 covers the cost of c ommunity he salary for on alth worker’s e day in Zimb abwe. • $150 can h elp one farm er part to learn new agriculture te icipate in training chniques an food security d improve . • $2,000 con tributes to a Maternal an campaign in d Child Healt Sierra Leone h , which inclu de-worming des vaccine medicine, Vit s, amin A and m • $ 5,000 sup osquito nets ports the con . struction of a Child Health Maternity an Unit at Kissy d United Meth in Sierra Leo odist Hospita ne. l • $ 10,000 ca n support the cost for a he training in pla alth board ces like Uga nda. Global Healt h an UMCOR Adva d Development, nce #3021770
Imagine N o Malaria UM
COR Health w orks through church’s Ima the United M gine No Mala ethodist ria campaign major health to combat issues such as malnutritio child mortalit n, maternal a y, HIV/AIDS, nd and malaria Health impro in Africa. UM ves standard C OR s of care thro based health ugh commun boards that p it y rovide educa medication, tion, training and preventi , ve measures. • $4 support s the cost of one round of medicine in anti-malaria DR Congo. • $200 can su pport the sala ry of one com worker in Afr munity healt ica for one m h onth. • $250 can su pport the fig ht against HIV stop the tran and AIDS an smission of H d IV from moth • $1,500 can er to child. purchase on e motorcycle team membe for a program r to reach iso lated commu Sierra Leone nities in . • $200,000 ca n cover the c ost of distrib donated mosq uting 100,000 uito nets wit h the Ministr in parts of A y of Health frica. Imagine No Malaria, UM COR Advanc ImagineNoM e #3021190
In Times of Crisis—Emergency Relief When disasters strike their impact is usually overwhelming. You can support programs that provide emergency relief through food distribution, temporary shelter, or clean water access. When you give any amount to the UMCOR Undesignated Advance, you help those most in need at their time of need. Undesignated, UMCOR Advance #999895
Jan Snider/UMCOM
“We serve God when we serve others. We give to Jesus when we sacrifice our time, talents, and resources to meet others’ needs in his name.” -Mike Slaughter, p. 57 Christmas Is Not Your Birthday
WAYS TO GIVE Online Donations: For more ways to Rethink Christmas visit
United Methodist Communications | United Methodist Committee on Relief | United Methodist Publishing House | Imagine No Malaria | General Board of Global Ministries