UMN Crookston Senior Paige Pitlick Bonds Chemistry with Pharmaceutical Care University of Minnesota Crookston senior Paige Pitlick truly embodies the University of Minnesota system tagline “Driven to Discover.” Pitlick’s passion for science and ongoing absorption of knowledge has molded her path and taken her on to become a future student of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Pitlick, a UMN Crookston senior from Jordan, Minn., is a semester away from graduating with a degree in health sciences alongside two minors, one in chemistry and another in biology with an emphasis in pre-pharmacy. For Pitlick, pre-pharmacy lines up perfectly with her passion, chemistry. Nonetheless, Pitlick did not know from a young age that chemistry and pharmacy were her passion. She grew up on a goat farm and spent years partaking in 4-H activities. Given her connection to livestock and agricultural education, Pitlick automatically connected it to animal science and thought that could be something she would love to pursue. However, after taking chemistry classes in high school, Pitlick knew she had found her calling. 8
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