A Magazine for Alumni & Friends of the University of Minnesota, Crookston
Vol. 42, No. 2 Summer 2010
From the Chancellor It is always a proud day for everyone at the University of Minnesota, Crookston when we gather for commencement and celebrate the accomplishments of the graduating class. It all begins when students come to campus, and we have the privilege of watching them choose a major and pursue a dream. Over the time students are here, they develop so many of the skills they will need in the workplace or in graduate school. This transformational process takes place in what seems like such a short time under the skillful guidance of our outstanding faculty and staff. In April during our student awards program and reception, we had the opportunity to acknowledge students for their accomplishments. The time, talent, and energy they put into their classes, volunteer projects, and clubs and organizations are truly commendable, and we relish this opportunity to applaud their success. Congratulations to each one and to the faculty and staff who worked so closely with them. There are so many students who stand out on our campus. For example, take Erin Shaw, a senior from Lancaster, Minnesota double majoring in accounting and business, who was named outstanding accounting student; or Nik Jiran, a senior aviation major from Hayden, Idaho, who was named outstanding volunteer of the year; or Shawn Friedland, a junior biology major from Viera, Fla., who was named outstanding math and science student; or Kevin Anderson, a senior from Spring Grove, Minn., a double major in natural resources and agricultural systems management, who was recognized for his outstanding service to the music and theater department. And there are many others. I especially would like to congratulate our Man and Woman of the Year, Anthony Dank and Eun Hye Kang. It is an honor for each of you to be recognized for your outstanding service and achievement. All of the students I mentioned represent only a few examples of the way our students have excelled over the last academic year. Spring semester went by so quickly, and even now, it is surprising to realize that this spring marks my fifth commencement on the Crookston campus. Each year, I am impressed with the new class of graduates, and I know our students’ successes will help make them great leaders, employees, community members, and global citizens. To our new graduates, I hope you will come back often to visit campus, share your success stories with our alumni office, and keep in touch with faculty and staff. We are proud of you and want to continue to encourage you in your future endeavors. The word commencement means “beginning” and is a most appropriate name for this auspicious occasion. As you commence from the U of M, Crookston, may it be the beginning of great things for all of you. Congratulations to the Class of 2010!
CONTENTS Director of Development & Alumni Relations........4 Nancie Hoerner ............4 Jean (Stromstad) Vigness-Parker ..............5 Campus News ................6 Summer Place ................7 Jean (Fischer) Whalen ............................8 Terry Nelson ................10 Ann Bailey ....................12 Hunter Family ..............14 Fehr Family....................16 Matt Brinkman ............18 Elizabeth Kern ..............20 Graduation ....................21 Gretchen Lucken ........22 Shelton Derisma ..........23 Red Potion ....................24 Mucky Peat ..................26 Alumni News ................27 In Memory ....................30
Sincerely, Charles H. Casey, D.V.M. Chancellor
Corby Kemmer with Alumnus James Clack, ‘80, following commencement on May 8.
From the Director of Development & Alumni Relations Dear 2010 graduates, I offer you my sincere congratulations on your accomplishments! Saturday, May 8, 2010, marked a proud and memorable day in your lives as you became graduates of the University of Minnesota, Crookston and transitioned into alumni. As alumni what can you expect? First, I welcome you to an elite group as new members of the University of Minnesota, Crookston Alumni Association (UMCAA). You’ll receive the Torch magazine three times annually allowing you to stay current on happenings at your alma mater. I strongly encourage you to stay active and involved, return to campus often, and communicate frequently with our staff Sue Dwyer, Bill Tyrrell, Rose Ulseth and me, Corby Kemmer. What role can you play? You’re the greatest advocates of the U of M, Crookston; therefore, share your insights and wisdom with prospective students. Consider joining the U of M, Crookston Alumni
Focus on the Board As an older-than-average student, University of Minnesota, Crookston Alumni Association Board member Nancie Hoerner, ’95, remembers her experiences on the Crookston campus revolving around classes and her three part-time jobs. “I remember the four years as being very rewarding, and if someone would pay my tuition, I’d go back in a heartbeat,” Hoerner claims. “I started at UMC to complete my 4
Association Board, Teambackers Board, coordinate an alumni gathering in your geographical area, or volunteer your time. As new alumni you have the opportunity to build a stronger U of M, Crookston network, and I ask for your partnership. Thank you! We acknowledge the excellent generosity by alumni and friends whose donations contribute to the enhanced successes of the University of Minnesota, Crookston. All gifts, no matter the size, make a difference and change lives. As alumni, your private support is more critical today than ever before so I challenge you to begin your philanthropy sooner rather than later. We need your continued support. Best wishes and good luck. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at: ckemmer@umn.edu or 218-281-8434. Sincerely, Corby Kemmer, director Development & Alumni Relations
Nancie Hoerner, ’95 generals because it was a two-year school at the time. My intention was to attend the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks. UMC went to a four-year school during that period, and I couldn’t find a college anywhere in the world that offered a major in ‘independently wealthy.’ UMC offered a major in applied management that I could work with, so I stayed right where I was; I have never regretted it.”
Hoerner feels she was very lucky to be able to complete an internship at Nancie Hoerner, ’95 RiverView Health in Crookston during the last quarter of her senior year. Following that internship, she was hired by RiverView first as a temporary, fulltime employee in order to finish the projects she was working on during
Focus on the Board Jean (Stromstad) Vigness-Parker, ’55 The reason Jean (Stromstad) Vigness-Parker, ’55, attended the Northwest School of Agriculture (NWSA) is simple. It was a family tradition. Her father, John, ’33; uncles, Walter, ’38; and Raymond, ’47; aunt, Dora, ex. ’34; brother Allan, ’63; and sister, Jane, ’60; along with cousins: Beulah, ’47; LaVerne, ’53; Duane, ’62; LeRoy, ’64; and Bruce, ’66; all attended the Northwest School. It is a tradition Vigness-Parker is glad her family carried on. “Attending the NWSA allowed me to be in all kinds of activities,” she recalls. “Those are opportunities I would not have had if I had lived at home and attended school because of the distance we lived from the public high school.” Vigness-Parker took advantage of those opportunities. She sang in the choir, took voice and piano lessons, and took to the stage in the junior class play. When she looks back, Vigness-
her internship and then as the Information Systems Coordinator making her the only information technology person on staff at the time. She has worked at RiverView for 15 years, and her current title is systems analyst/HIPAA security officer. There is a long history with the campus for Hoerner. Her former husband, Robert Hoerner,’65, and his mother, Norma (Morgan) Hoerner, ’38, both graduated from the
Parker recalls so many wonderful memories of going to school. “I am not sure any teenager today could stand for the kind of rules we had. We had to be in our room by 7 p.m. and studying until 9 p.m.,” she says. “Then, we had bathroom privileges until 9:30 p.m. and to bed by 10 p.m. If you were a junior or senior, you got to stay up until 10:30 p.m.” She was “campused” once when she failed to sign back in when she returned from the movies. That violation meant Miss Bede called her father and she was confined to campus for a specified amount of time, hence, the term “campused.” “Another thing I remember is the bad feeling you had after supper if you had to walk back to your dorm alone,” she smiles. “There were only 17 girls in my class; you would think it wouldn’t have been a concern, but when you are in high school, it was.” After graduation, Vigness-Parker
Northwest School of Agriculture. Her son-in-law, Troy Olson, ’89, graduated from the U of M, Crookston when it was a two-year technical college and was recognized as one of the Outstanding Alumni for 2009. Hoerner says she serves on the alumni board because she believes “it’s always a good thing to give back when possible so even though I am also on the UMC Teambacker Board
was employed by Bell Telephone in Crookston and worked there until she was married. She also worked for Jean (Stromstad) 20 years in area Vigness-Parker, ’55 grocery stores after her children were in school. NWSA Board member Norm Landby, ’55, and her classmate originally invited her to join the board. “Norm was hard to turn down,” she says. “I couldn’t say no to him, and I thought I could help with the reunion planning so I willingly agreed to join the board.” Vigness-Parker has been back to campus for many a reunion since she graduated and is looking forward to this year’s gathering on June 25-26. Join her and all your friends and classmates on campus this summer.
and serve as secretary, I agreed to serve on the UMCAA board when I was asked.” For Hoerner the board is just a great group of people. “Everyone on the board is willing to pitch in and do their share to make things work which makes serving on the board relatively easy. I want to be the best board member I can be, and I want to do the best job I can do with whatever task I am given.” 5
Campus News Highlights Grant for $5 million to Train Health Care Professionals
National Society of Leadership and Success
Man and Woman of the Year
Shanel Finke, Brittany Novak, Ashley Williams, Katie Bowar, and Anna Ogaard
A consortium led by the University of Minnesota Institute for Health Informatics has been awarded more than $5 million to train health professionals in the field of health informatics. In a Adel Ali, head of the partnership that also includes Math, Science, and the U of M, Crookston and the Technology Department College of St. Scholastica, Professor Adel Ali, Ph.D., head of the Math, Science, and Technology Department will serve as the lead investigator from the Crookston Campus. Learn more by visiting www.ahc.umn.edu/media/releases/IHIgrant. This year’s recipients of Student Achievement Awards are Anthony Dank, senior, Sartell, Minn.; Shawn Friedland, junior, Viera, Fla.; Thomas Haarstick, senior, Vergas, Minn.; Nikolas Jiran, senior, Hayden, Idaho; Brandon Sachwitz, senior, St. Paul, Minn.; Karl Syverson, senior, Minneapolis, Minn.; Anthony Dank and Eun Hye Kang Alvin Tong, senior, Singapore; Lhakpa Gurung, junior, Kathmandu, Nepal; Eun Hye Kang, senior, Seoul, South Korea; Kimberly S. Nelson, senior, Cold Spring, Minn.; Kristine Neu, junior, Pelican Rapids, Minn.; Mindy Nieuwboer, senior, Kenneth, Minn.; Brittany Novak, junior, Dahlen, N.D. Honored as “Man and Woman of the Year” from the students who received the Student Achievement Award were Man of the Year Anthony Dank, a senior animal science and equine science prevet major; and Woman of the Year Eun Hye Kang, a senior communication major. 6
The University of Minnesota, Crookston inducted 44 students into the National Society of Leadership and Success at a gathering held in April. Keynote speaker Kenneth Johnson, instructor in the Business Department, spoke to the students about vision, leadership, and lifelong goals. The National Society of Leadership and Success, in its inaugural year on the Crookston Campus, is designed to help students succeed by discussing such topics as leadership, creating a vision, and identifying goals. It serves as a powerful force of good in the greater community by encouraging and organizing action to better the world. Officers elected for the 2010-11 academic year include: Publicity Chair Shanel Finke, sophomore, Grand Marais, Minn.; Vice President Brittany Novak, junior, Dahlen, N.D.; President Ashley Williams, junior, Big Lake, Minn.; Secretary Katie Bowar, senior, Moorhead, Minn.; and Events Coordinator Anna Ogaard, junior, Maple Grove, Minn. A treasurer for the group will be named at a later time.
It’s “A Summer Place” for You If you listen, you can almost hear the melodic strains of “The Theme from A Summer Place” in the air. The song, made famous by the 1959 movie “A Summer Place,” starred Sandra Dee and Troy Donahue. It became a hit in early 1960 when the Percy Faith Orchestra played their instrumental version of the song. Do you remember 1960? Alfred Hitchcock’s thriller, “Psycho,” was one of the most successful films of the year and Harper Lee penned To Kill a Mockingbird. G.I. Joe was introduced by toymaker Hasbro, and students at the Northwest School of Agriculture were selling candy bars that cost a nickel for a dime to help raise money for the Aggie yearbook. The Northwest School reunion this summer honors the Class of 1960 with the reunion theme “A Summer Place.” On June 25-26, 2010, make the campus “A Summer Place” for you and your classmates and friends. You might not remember what you were doing in 1960, but you won’t forget spending a summer weekend on campus. If you are looking for something special to take home with you from the reunion, the brand new campus cookbook will be for sale featuring recipes from faculty, staff, and even a few alumni! It all begins with the fish fry on Friday night, and concludes with the Top Aggie banquet on Saturday night. Honored classes for this year’s reunion are ’25, ’30, ’35, ’40, ’45, ’50, ’55, ’60, and ’65, but we don’t care what class you are from, you are welcome to the campus of the University of Minnesota, Crookston because it is your summer place.
Taking a Written Account Working under a short-term contract for the United Nations as an official court reporter at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (UN-ITCR) has had a profound affect on University of Minnesota, Crookston Alumna Jean (Fischer) Whalen, ’80 and ’09. “At the genocide trials in Rwanda, I was on a ‘team’ of ‘English court reporters,’ as we were called,” Whalen says. “The Tribunal is actually located in Tanzania, which is a country in east Africa immediately adjacent to Rwanda. Because the United Nations’ (U.N.) two official languages are French and English, there were two separate “teams” of court reporters, one team providing daily transcripts in English and the other team providing daily transcripts in French. It was a fastpaced environment with some very unique challenges. The testimony could, at times, be incredibly gutwrenching.” The UN-ICTR is the forum where the people who were high up in the Rwandan government are being tried. “These ‘Accused,’ as they are referred to, are the government officials who planned and orchestrated the genocide,” Whalen says. “They weren’t the ones swinging the machetes; they were the ones giving the orders to other people to do the killing. “The witnesses would be flown to and from Rwanda on a small U.N. plane,” Whalen continues. “I had the opportunity to fly to Rwanda on that plane for a weekend visit. Rwanda is a breathtakingly beautiful country 8
with a climate like Hawaii’s. It’s hard to believe that such a tragic story could unfold in such a beautiful portion of the world. I visited some of the genocide memorial sites, and the experience was surreal.” Although such sad, gruesome stories come out of Africa, there is something about the continent that Whalen describes as incredibly alluring, beautiful, and makes a person want to keep going back. “In Tanzania, where the UN-ICTR is located, the people are friendly, the climate is perfect, and the landscape is amazing,” She reflects. “Two-thirds of Tanzania’s land has been made into national parks. I was able to go on some really amazing safaris and also hiked on Mount Kilimanjaro twice.” Whalen first saw an advertisement for short-term positions with the UN-ICTR in a newsletter from the National Court Reporters Association. She submitted her resume, and it wasn’t until eight months later that she was contacted by the UN about an assignment. “The UN hires people from all over the world,” she says, “I worked with a group of about 16 court reporters from the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the Gambia, Zimbabwe, and Zambia.” Growing up in Bismarck, N.D., Whalen decided to pursue a career in court reporting. She was glad to find a major at the University of Minnesota, Crookston Technical College because it was so close to home, had an outstanding reputation, and was accredited. “I
am very glad I made the choice to attend the U of M, Crookston. My professors were encouraging, positive, and approachable. Classes were small, and the student-teacher ratio was a great benefit to students.” During her second year at the U of M, Crookston, Whalen was a resident advisor. She credits this role as giving her the chance to get to know a great group of young women. Students of the late 1970s, would also probably recall a popular Jean Fischer Whalen in 1980 nightspot in Crookston known as the Viking Disco. While there is a bit of hesitation about bringing it up, Whalen smiles and admits it is the place where she met her husband, Mike. They have been married 26 years and have two children, Sarah and Greg. After graduating in 1980, she worked in Grand Forks, N.D., for two years and then Council Bluffs, Iowa, for five years as a freelance court reporter. Whalen and her husband relocated to the Twin Cities area in 1987 because they had started a family and wanted to be closer to relatives. After moving to the Twin Cities, she worked as a freelance deposition reporter through an agency for about seven years, then she took a leap of faith and struck out on her own starting a small freelance court reporting agency of her own. After several years, she United Nations Map
Whalen is pictured in Sedona, Ariz., with her husband, Mike.
sold the freelance agency in 2005 and accepted a position in state district court in St. Paul, Minn., where she currently works. Over the years, she has held several leadership roles on the board of the state court reporters association. She is currently union steward. In 2008, Whalen received the Minnesota Association of Verbatim Reporters and Captioners Distinguished Service Award. She is a Registered Diplomate Reporter and Certified Realtime Reporter. She could have not have served with the U.N. without the support of her husband and children. Whalen’s experience is something she carries close to her heart. “I will never be the same,” she shares. “We reporters were continually amazed at the dignity of the witnesses who testified at the Tribunal. They never broke down on the witness stand, even when testifying about the horrific things that had happened to them and their families. I think I became much more of a global citizen. In the U.S., we are so insulated from much of what’s going on in the rest of the world. “Places like Rwanda are closer to us than we realize on this small, blue planet we share. These are real places with real people with real families who have real dreams and
aspirations just like the rest of us. When it’s nighttime here, they’re enjoying our common sun. When it’s daylight here, they’re gazing upon the same stars that we gazed upon last night. In the end, we’re all just people who want peace, dignity, and a little happiness.” Whalen values education. She graduated again from the U of M, Crookston in 2009 with a bachelor of science in applied studies, and she did it online. A good advisor can help make the online experience very doable. “My advisor was Lynnette Mullins, and she was very good at working with me and helping me meet my objectives. “Because I work full time, I could complete my class work on my time rather than adding a second commute to my busy workday,” Whalen says. “As long as a person has enough self-discipline to sit down and do the work, nothing beats the convenience of online classes. Another advantage is that as long as you have Internet access, you can keep up with your studies from anywhere in the world. Taking online classes allowed me the freedom to travel and still keep up with my classes without missing a beat.” For Whalen, there was a lot of
personal satisfaction involved in earning a degree.” The focus of my classes was in organizational psychology, which will help make me more effective in my role as a union steward representing court reporters in the State of Minnesota,” she says. “I still really enjoy being a court reporter, so I will probably continue on in my current profession,” Whalen believes. “In the future, I may go back to Africa and work on a short-term contract with the UN again. I’m currently studying for the grad school admissions test and may continue on with my education and get a master’s degree in some branch of psychology perhaps organizational or experimental psychology.” She believes that learning is a lifelong process. “Horizons were made to be broadened,” she says, “I can’t think of a better and more convenient way to do it than to take online classes!” It is evident education has had a great influence on Whalen’s life. It certainly led her to experiences she would not have had without it and changed the way she views the role of global citizenship—an important and powerful lesson we all need to learn. 9
Sweet Memories of Northwest School Never give up. Three words that Alumnus Terry Nelson, ’60, has carried with him from the time he was a high school student at the Northwest School of Agriculture (NWSA). “Wrestling is where I learned to never give up,” Terry says. “And, those words have come back to me time and again over the years.” Moving in with his aunt and uncle on their farm near Twin Valley, Minn., made it possible for Terry to help with the farm work and attend the Northwest School. Rather than staying at home in Minneapolis and attending school there, Terry planned to one day take over his uncle’s farm. It made sense for him to attend the agricultural high school because of its shorter school term allowing rural students to spend time on the farm during spring’s work and harvest. Terry’s wife of almost 47 years, Bette (Hovet) Nelson,’60, grew up on a farm near Thompson, N.D., and she Terry and Bette Nelson loved the close relationships built at the NWSA. “We felt like a big family, not just with our classmates, but with Terry Nelson, ’60, Bette (Hovet) Nelson, everybody,” she and his wife, Bette, ’60, followed her older reflects. “Terry met at the Northwest sister Marilyn, ’56, School. In November and her older brother, and I have 2010, the two will Terry, ’57, to the wonderful celebrate 47 years of Northwest School of memories and marriage. Agriculture. we have stayed close with many of our friends from high school.” The close-knit feeling of the campus was something special to them. Terry was co-captain of a
Homecoming royalty from 1960 (l to r): JoAnn Straus, Wallace Philipp, Mary Ostrem, LeRoy Guttormson, Queen Ethelyn Brandli, Jerry Tjon, Bette (Hovet) Nelson, Terry Nelson, Linda Hanson, and Richard (Dick) Danielson The Homecoming football game was played against the Glyndon Buffaloes; the Northwest Aggies won by a score of 14 to 6.
very successful wrestling team and Bette participated in many of the activities the NWSA offered. Success is something Terry and Bette have worked hard to achieve, not just as students, but in their family and professional lives as well. After graduation from the NWSA, Bette attended nursing school in St. Louis graduating three years later as a registered nurse. Meanwhile, Terry worked on his uncle’s farm. After the two were married, they continued on the farm until a local banker asked Terry to come and work for him. “The idea of having regular hours and vacation sounded appealing to me,” Terry explains. “I decided to try it. My uncle and I sold the farm at that point, and I went to work for the bank in Twin Valley, Minn.” Bette worked at the hospital in Ada and cared for the couple’s four children. “No matter where we lived over our lifetime,” Bette says, “I always worked part time at a nearby hospital or clinic.” After a couple of years, the Nelsons moved to The Dalles, Ore., where Terry worked as an insurance salesman. They enjoyed Oregon, but an opportunity in Minnesota called them home. A cousin of Terry’s wanted to open a business together. Terry used his skills as a salesman to sell Subaru and Volkswagen
from their car dealership in Detroit Lakes. A series of events led to the decision to move back to Oregon. When they purchased a roofing company in The Dalles, Terry would draw on Row: Pat Graham, Amy (Nelson) Graham, Rick Weseman, Holly (Nelson-Belcher) Weseman, Terry all his skills as farmer, banker, Back Nelson, Bette Nelson, Katie Nelson, and Travis Nelson. Front Row: Colton Belcher, Madison Graham, Tyler and salesman to shape this Belcher, Savannah Graham, Erin Nelson, Taylor Weseman, Alyssa Weseman, and Molly Nelson new experience. Over time, Terry and Bette’s roofing location was opened in Idaho. spending less time in her role as company would grow from one Bette and Terry agree that the nurse and more time in her role as location to three. “All the jobs I Northwest School taught them the business office manager. Their had provided me with skills I responsibility and independence. son, Travis, joined the roofing would need,” Terry says. “The “Attending a high school where company in 1992 and helped to midwest work ethic I knew from students lived right on campus like open a new location in Pendleton, farming, the skills I gained working college students helped give us an Ore., in 1994, followed by a third in the financial world, and the art important foundation,” Bette location in Tri-Cities, Wash., of successful sales, all influenced reflects. opening in 2001. my career.” It also gave them a multitude of The Nelsons place a high Gradually, Bette found herself priority on family and friends. The Class of 1960 has enjoy having their six enjoyed staying connected, and they are looking forward to grandchildren; gathering on June 25-26, 2010, for daughters, Amy and their 50th class reunion. Holly; and their son “When we are together,” Bette living near them. says, “the years melt away and we Sadly, the Nelson’s just appreciate seeing everyone. I daughter, Bridgette, hope our classmates close to was killed in 1993. Crookston and those far away will In 2008, Bette and join us for the reunion this Terry sold the summer.” business and retired. Make the University of Their son continues Minnesota, Crookston “A Summer his involvement, and Place” for you and come home for many of the men that the Northwest School Reunion. Terry and Bette hired Terry and Bette Nelson will be over the years are there, and they would encourage now managers within their classmates and friends to join the company. Terry them. To find out more, contact the still serves as a alumni office at 218-281-8439 consultant, and Co-captains for the Aggie wrestling team, Terry Nelson (left) and (rulseth@umn.edu). recently, another Kenny Straus, ’60, (right), are pictured with Coach Jaroslav Kruta.
Writing a Life As a child, Alumna Ann Bailey, ’79, could not be described as a girly-girl. By her own admission, she preferred riding a horse to playing with dolls, and to this day, blue jeans rank at the top of her fashion list. Growing up near Larimore, N.D., her summers included daily rides on her horse. “I started riding a pony when I was only five years old,” she explains. “I bought every horse book I could, and when I had a writing assignment in school, I wrote about horses.”
and three dogs complete life on the farm. After graduating from the U of M, Crookston, Bailey returned to the family farm and worked for a year and a half. In 1981, she entered the University of North Dakota (UND) majoring in English. “I always loved to write and discovered that while I enjoyed horses, I didn’t want to make them my entire life,” she reflects. In December 1983 before she finished at UND, Bailey began working at the Grand Forks Herald, and she accepted a full-time position with them following graduation. She currently works as the editor of the special features department at the Herald and has spent the last 27 years as a writer. Bailey has often incorporated her passion for horses into her writing Northwest School of Agriculture Alumnus Ray Dusek, ’57, presented Freshman Ann Bailey with a $75 scholarship in 1978. career. “One of the most memorable for When a friend of her brother me was a story on a horse from told her about a degree at the Minot, N.D., who had a perfect University of Minnesota, heart shaped mark on its Crookston in light-horse forehead,” she smiles. “The horse management, she knew without a was invited to the Belmont Stakes, doubt where she wanted to attend and I was excited about the school. opportunity to travel to New York Today, Bailey lives with her to cover the story.” husband, Brian Gregoire, and their Prior to her college career at the three children on the farm where U of M, Crookston, Bailey rarely her grandparents lived. The ever used a saddle to ride, and she family’s three horses, three cats, continues to ride whenever she has 12
the time and her family’s schedule allows it. Her youngest child, Ellen, was diagnosed with leukemia in 2009, and that is when Bailey says, “I received a crash course in chemotherapy.” Her daughter’s story has served as the theme for some of her writing. A reader comes to appreciate what Bailey and her family have been through and the following excerpt from her column in the Herald in February 2010 provides a small snapshot: These days I am less impressed by people’s talents and more about their character. My heroes are people who live their lives in a way that inspire me to be a better person, show grit and determination in the face of adversity and have empathy for others. Several children I know fit that criteria. One of them is my daughter, Ellen, and the others are area children, who, like her, have been diagnosed with leukemia. Ellen and the other children don't just endure their illness and chemotherapy and other medical procedures they undergo, they do so with grace and, much of the time, without complaining. The experience with leukemia has not dimmed Bailey’s positive attitude; in fact, it seems to be reflected in the life of her family. Her husband and two sons, Brendon and Thomas, along with Ellen, are like any other family consumed with activities both on the farm and in school. Over the years, Bailey has taught riding lessons providing her a chance to share her riding skills
Alumna Ann Bailey, ’79, in the tack room at the U of M, Crookston. Photo by Jackie Lorentz, Grand Forks Herald.
not only with her own children but also with those around her. Looking back to the time she spent as a student, Bailey considers the friendships she made on the Crookston Campus a highlight. She lived in both Skyberg and McCall halls, worked in the barn, and participated in Ag Arama. As a senior, she was crowned queen at the annual spring horse show sponsored by the Light Horse Management Club. Like so many alumni, Bailey appreciated the stand out faculty
who helped her navigate her college career. “Harvey Peterson gave me individual help,” she says. “And, I know I had help in the sciences from Wendell Johnson.” Bailey also remembers Marty Goodnow, who headed the light horse management program at the time. “Marty was a native of Massachusetts, and she brought a huge thoroughbred with her to Crookston named Nanook,” she recalls. “I learned English riding, dressage, and driving while I was there. I loved it.
“I would have been lost in the crowd had I attended school somewhere bigger,” Bailey continues. “I received one-on-one attention from instructors, and while I was strong in English and writing, I needed help with math and science.” Writing is the thread that runs through Bailey’s life. Her career as a writer has given her a place to combine her passions and interests into a storyline that chronicles the real story—her life story—filled with all the people, places, and horses she loves. 13
Family Ties Kraig Hunter, ’88, began his education at University of Minnesota, Crookston in the early 70s. He moved into his first dormitory as a three-year-old and grew up in both Robertson and Stephens halls with his parents, Ken and Kathleen, who were both students and dormitory counselors. Kraig’s father, Ken Hunter, ’71, earned an accounting degree and currently farms near the Lancaster, Minn., area with his wife, Kathleen (Uscensky) Hunter, ex. ’71, who took courses in fashion merchandising. Both Kathleen and Ken formed good friendships that kept them coming back to campus for visits and athletic events. Ken was also very involved with the Vets’ Club. “As a child, we would stop by campus to visit Dave Hoff or attend homecoming,” explains Kraig. “When we were driving through Crookston, we would often stop to visit the people my parents knew there.” For Kathleen, Kraig’s mom, there were other campus connections. Her younger sister, Judy (Uscensky) Ness, ’73, attended the U of M, Crookston to earn her degree in accounting and has worked in Bismarck, N.D., for an insurance company for some 30 years. Kathleen’s younger brother, Bill Uscensky, ex. ’79, was a starter on the Trojan football team in 197879. He went on to the University of North Dakota to earn his degree in teaching. He taught and was the
Seated (l to r): Ken Hunter, Kathy Hunter, and Bill Uscensky. Standing: Donnie Schmiedeberg, Jen Schmiedeberg, Kristin Erickson, Paul Erickson, and Kraig Hunter. Not Pictured: Judy Ness
boys basketball coach in Edinburg, N.D., and then moved to Minot, N.D., where for the last 21 years he has served as the junior varsity basketball coach. He was honored with the Outstanding Alumni Award in 1988, the year his team in Edinburg won the Class B State Boys Basketball championship in North Dakota. When Kraig, graduated from high school in the 80s, he headed to the U of M, Crookston. “I was comfortable with the campus, Kraig explains, “I remember the visits to campus and I felt the influence of my parents in the choice. When it was time to go to college, it seemed like a natural progression to head to Crookston.”
After two years at Crookston, Kraig headed for Minnesota State University Moorhead to complete a bachelor’s degree in teaching. He taught in Bowbells, N.D., and in 1993, he took a position in Elbow Lake, Minn., where he still works. For the past 17 years, he has taught business education and served as head basketball coach and offensive coordinator for the football team. “I think what I liked most about going to school in Crookston was the family atmosphere,” Kraig recalls. “The two years I spent in Crookston were the most fun of all my college years.” Following Kraig to Crookston, were his younger sister, Kristin
Part 1 in a series on family connections at the University of Minnesota, Crookston
Donnie Schmiedeberg earned his associate and bachelors degrees at the U of M, Crookston and was a starter for the Golden Eagle Football Team.
Kraig Hunter was a starter on the Trojan men’s basketball team in the 80s. Athletics is a big part of Kraig’s career at Minot High School where he coaches junior varsity basketball.
Paul Erickson played Trojan men’s basketball at the U of M, Crookston.
Jennifer (Swenson) Schmiedeberg earned a bachelor’s degree at the U of M, Crookston in animal industries management.
Bill Uscensky is Kathleen Hunter’s younger brother. He played Trojan football in the late 70s.
Ken and Kathleen Hunter were both students and dormitory counselors at the U of M, Crookston Technical College.
Kristin (Hunter) Erickson majored in accounting as did her aunt Judy (Uscensky) Ness.
(Hunter) Erickson, ’91, and her husband, Paul Erickson, ex. ’92. Kirstin, an accounting major, works at Eide Bailey in Fargo, N.D., and Paul works as a salesman for Fargo HotSpring® Spas & Pool Tables. The Hunter family’s most recent graduate was Kathleen Hunter’s nephew, Donnie Schmiedeberg, ’96 and ’97, who graduated with an associate degree in agricultural business and a bachelor’s degree in agricultural industries sales and management. He is self-employed and lives in Lancaster, Minn., with his wife, Jennifer (Swenson) Schmiedeberg, ’98. She graduated with her bachelor’s degree in animal industries management and works at the veterinary clinic in Greenbush, Minn. For Kraig, a gathering with family is like an alumni reunion. They have nine connections to the U of M, Crookston, and they are the first in a series of the families you will be meeting in future issues of the Torch. Watch as we feature families you may know who attended high school or college on the Crookston Campus and like the Hunter family are “well connected.”
Family Ties, Continued The Fehr family has a history that goes back to the Northwest School of Agriculture (NWSA), a residential high school that was originally founded in 1906 on what is now the University of Minnesota, Crookston. When Peter Fehr, ’50 (adv.), registered as a freshman in 1946, he would become the first of five of the Fehr children to attend the Northwest School. The Fehr family’s school years spanned the fifties and sixties until the Northwest School closed and the campus transitioned to a technical college in the late 1960s. “My parents each completed school through the 8th grade,” Peter says. “My mother wanted us to get an education, and since we grew up on a farm near East Grand Forks, Minn., attending the NWSA allowed us to help our father with spring planting and fall harvest.” The NWSA was designed for rural students with a school term running from early October through late March to allow students to help with the busiest times on the farm. This unique school calendar proved to be a big boon in the educational opportunities for farm families in the region. These high school students lived on campus and had access to many things unavailable in the small country schools where they had grown up. The Fehr family took advantage of all the Northwest School had to offer. From athletics to academics, Peter and his brothers Walter, ’57;
The junior class officers in 1956 included Walter Fehr. Pictured with Walter are (seated, l to r): Roger Tollefson; Mr. J.A. Miller, advisor; Duane Kuzel. Standing: Jean McWilliam; Jeanette Love; Fehr; and Miss Margaret Larson, advisor.
As a graduating senior in 1949, Peter’s yearbook already mentions his interest in becoming a doctor.
Eric, ’61; and Robert, ’67; and sister, Carol (Fehr) Peterson, ’63, National Honor Society officers for 1963 were (seated, l to r) Gary enjoyed learning and Ackerman; Mr. Reiersgord, advisor; and Carol Fehr. Standing: Jack Bornsen. living at the NWSA. For the five Fehrs, the great information about farming at education they received at the the Northwest School,” he recalls. NWSA was just the beginning. “I discovered that I particularly When Peter started at the enjoyed the chemistry and physics NWSA, he thought he would learn classes I was taking, and in my as much as he could about second or third year, I felt called to agriculture and then return to the become a medical missionary.” family farm. “You learned a lot of
Peter went on to the University of Minnesota where he completed both his bachelor’s degree and his medical degree. As a doctor, Peter specialized in obstetrics and gynecology and spent 10 years in Africa as a medical missionary. His sub-specialty was maternal and fetal medicine focusing on highrisk obstetric cases. Walter earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Minnesota in the area of agronomy and plant genetics. From there he went to Iowa State University, located in Ames, to earn his doctorate in plant breeding and genetics. As a professor at Iowa State, he specializes in soybean breeding research. Eric, an electrical engineer, graduated from North Dakota State University in Fargo, N.D., and currently lives in Coeur d’Alene,
Robert Fehr played guard on the Aggie football team in the fall of 1966. It was the final season for the Aggies and the last game was played against Fisher High School.
The Fehr family (standing, l to r): Eric, Walter, Robert, and Peter. Seated: Jean; Marjorie; Clara, their mother; and Carol. (Note: Jean and Marjorie attended high school in East Grand Forks, Minn.)
Idaho, where he is owner and president of Air Tech Mechanical Company. Carol attended the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Minnesota, where she earned a master’s degree in home economics education in 1967. Sadly, Carol passed away in 1985. Robert, the last in the line of
Fehr family members to attend the NWSA, earned his bachelor’s degree at North Dakota State University in Fargo, N.D., and completed his doctoral work at Iowa State University. He is an Extension professor in biosystems and agricultural engineering at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. His work in the College of Agriculture also includes working with residential housing and energy education issues. For the Fehr family, the education they received at the NWSA served as a springboard to higher learning and a future career. Today, the University of Minnesota, Crookston carries on the heritage of the Northwest School. Like its predecessor, the U of M, Crookston continues to bring the best in education to northwest Minnesota and beyond.
Mary Ostrem, Eric Fehr, and Shirley Sheldon worked on photos of the underclassmen as part of the Aggie staff in 1961.
Island Living and Learning San Clemente Island (SCI) is the southernmost of the eight Channel Islands in the Pacific Ocean off the southern California coast. Five of the islands are part of the Channel Islands National Park, but since 1934, SCI has been owned and operated by various naval commands. The island’s 60-mile radius is home to more than a dozen of the Navy’s range and operational areas. It is also home to an important Natural Resources Office (NRO). The NRO is responsible for the island’s land use and management of its cultural and natural resources. A mix of cactus and grassland, the island is also home to University of Minnesota, Crookston Alumnus Matt Brinkman, ’09, who chose a degree in wildlife management. After growing up in St. Joseph, Minn., and attending the northernmost campus in the University of Minnesota system, Brinkman never imagined he would find himself on a small island some 70 miles off the coast of California. But, this strange new way
Matt Brinkman at work for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
Matt Brinkman holds a Golden-winged Warbler. He helped conduct research on the bird while working with John Loegering, Ph.D., associate professor in the Agriculture and Natural Resources Department at the U of M, Crookston.
of life as a predator biologist fits his interests perfectly. Working with the NRO to restore the island’s ecosystem to its natural state, Brinkman is in charge of protection of endangered species, like a rare sub species of the Loggerhead Shrike, a bird that as late as 2004 numbered only 78. He conducts predator surveys and works to prevent degradation of the shrike’s nesting areas. Along with protection of the shrike, he guards the health of the island foxes giving them distemper and rabies shots. “The island’s fox population cannot be removed from the island,” Brinkman says. “We work to remove only non-native predators and give protection to the natural habitat. “When I first thought about living on an island in the Pacific, I imagined something tropical and green, but San Clemente Island has cool summers and mild winters. The roads range from good to almost nonexistent, and when something needs fixing, we do it ourselves,” he reflects. “I grew up on a farm and am familiar and comfortable with those expectations.” Brinkman’s schedule includes working ten days straight followed by four days off. To leave the island he must go through Navy security and fly out on a 19passenger plane on the half hour flight to the California coast. “We stay in hotels during our days off
and the four-day break gives us enough time to do something while we are on the mainland,” he shares. “I really am enjoying the work and the people I work with; this has been an amazing experience for me.” While a student, Brinkman worked closely with Associate Professor John Loegering, Ph.D., as a work study. The summer following his graduation, he assisted Loegering with research on the Golden-winged Warbler, a bird whose population has been in decline since the 1960s. “When I was in high school, I had never heard of the U of M, Crookston until I found out a classmate of mine had decided to go there to major in natural resources,” Brinkman recalls. “I started looking into what was available on the Crookston campus, and after a visit, I decided I would too. By the time I was
finishing my sophomore year, I was hooked. “I would recommend the natural resources major at the U of M, Crookston because of the experience they provide. The field trips and hands-on learning are great, and the professors are willing to help you get you where you want to go.” While a student, Brinkman enjoyed playing Ultimate Frisbee on the Campus Mall and pool in the Sargeant Student Center. “I met a lot of people hanging out in the student center,” he says. “It was the place where all the majors were mixed together. I enjoyed getting together for a game of pool or whatever was going on there.” He was also a member of the Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society, the Natural Resources Club, and played intramurals. Brinkman is headed for graduate school, and in fact, is
Brinkman enjoying some fishing after work on the Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge.
preparing for his graduate entrance exams. When a fellow crew member left recently for another job, Brinkman was moved to a permanent position on the island. Someday, he would like to become a professor. “I owe thanks to Dr. Svedarsky and Dr. Loegering for my interest in becoming a professor,” he goes on. “I was given the opportunity to help teach and assist with labs when I was an upperclassman and found it really enjoyable.” Even though he thinks about the future and where he would like his career to take him, Brinkman is taking advantage of every opportunity this island experience affords him—making the best of his island living and learning. If you are interested in learning more about a major in natural resources, visit www.umcrookston.edu/academics.
Elizabeth Kern hopes to work for the dairy industry in communications or public relations. She graduated in May 2010.
As a communication graduate, Elizabeth Kern, ’10, can’t quit talking! “Communication was the perfect fit for me since it’s what I love to do!” related Kern. They say time flies when you’re having fun, and as a recent graduate of the University of Minnesota, Crookston, Kern has seen time fly. “It seems like only yesterday that I was taking my tour of the campus, and now I’m a graduate,” she smiles. Kern has kept time flying with involvement in the campus and local community. On campus she was in Communication Club, Alpha Lambda Delta, the Dairy Club, and has been part of several theater productions. In the community, she serves as a mentor and is involved in Crookston Community Theatre. If you talk to Kern, even once, you’ll probably find out she loves cows, “3-A-Day of dairy!” (the slogan coined by National Dairy Council) is a phrase she often repeats. Kern grew up on a farm near Owatonna, Minn., where she and her family milk registered Holstein dairy cows. Kern has earned several honors in the dairy industry including high individual in the National 4-H dairy judging contest. In 2008, she was one of the top twelve finalists for Princess Kay of the Milky Way, the title given to the Minnesota state dairy princess. Next fall, Kern will attend graduate school at Minnesota State University, Mankato to work on a master’s degree in communication studies. Her future career ambitions include working within the dairy industry in public relations, as a communication consultant, or in project management. No matter where she goes, Kern will continue to use her communication skills to get her there. Senior Amanda Peterson, a double major in equine science and agricultural business from Rochester, Minn.; Elizabeth Kern, ’10; and Senior Caitlin Rose, an animal science major from Burns, Ore.; pause for a photo together in the Sargeant Student Center.
Congratulations Class of 2010 Graduation is a special time for many. Not just U of M, Crookston graduates, but also for those who have stood behind them for so many years: parents, family, instructors, and mentors. Graduation symbolizes a new step in life. Anyway you look at it, graduation is the gateway to a new beginning. Commencement exercises for the Class of 2010 took place on Saturday, May 8. The day began with a reception for the graduating class in the Sargeant Student Center prior to commencement. Just before 2 p.m. the graduates led by Mace Bearer William Peterson, professor in the Math, Science, and Technology Department, began the walk to Lysaker from the student center. Faculty Marshal W. Daniel Svedarsky, Ph.D., professor and director of the Center for Sustainability, joined the procession along with members of the faculty and staff in their regalia. Greetings from the University of
Minnesota Board of Regents were brought by the Honorable Dean E. Johnson, who also assisted with the conferring of the degrees. Along with Regent Johnson, Senior Vice President for System Academic Administration Robert Jones was in attendance at the ceremony. The commencement address was given by Alumnus and Baltimore, Md., Fire Chief James Clack, ’80, who was the primary commander during the first 24 hours following the
2007 collapse of the I-35 bridge in Minneapolis, Minn. Cindy Bigger, ’79, brought greetings from the University of Minnesota, Crookston Alumni Association Board and welcomed the new graduates to the alumni association. The traditional passing of the torch of education took place between Thomas Haarstick, the outgoing president of the Crookston Student Association (CSA), and Shawn Friedland, the incoming president of CSA. Haarstick is an agricultural systems management major from Vergas, Minn., and Friedland is a biology major from Viera, Fla. It was a day filled with memories and milestones. Congratulations to members of the Class of 2010 and to the faculty and staff who helped in the transformation of these students into their new lives as alumni of the U of M, Crookston!
Travel Abroad Epiphany the Rodeo Club, and as a freshman, she was a member of the U of M, Crookston Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) as a rider “They showed me the barns, and on the Western team. Her I fell in love,” Senior Gretchen participation on the riding team Lucken exclaims about her first halted in Gretchen’s sophomore visit to the University of year as she wasn’t living in Minnesota, Crookston. She toured Crookston. Rather, she called more than one school but wanted Ireland her temporary home. an equine program close to her Studying abroad is an exciting home in Melrose, Minn. As a first experience the U of M, Crookston generation college student and the offers to help students learn about oldest of eight children, other cultures and gain Lucken’sdecision brought both international experience. For anxiety and excitement for her Lucken, it was even more than a family. great cultural adventure. “I had an “It was a really big deal for my epiphany while I was in Ireland,” family,” she says. But Lucken she affirms. didn’t miss a beat in the transition Lucken traveled abroad to from high school to college at the Ireland, where she took classes that U of M, Crookston. She has applied directly to her major in participated in theatre productions, equine science. During a riding class, she fell off her horse and was left on the sidelines her last few weeks abroad. Although glum about the loss of riding time, Lucken quickly realized the benefit. Watching from the ground gave her a brand new look at riding. Soon, she was able to pick up on the minute Lucken (standing) discovered a passion for teaching when she was on a details that she study abroad trip.
Written by Elizabeth Kern, ’10, communications assistant in University Relations
Senior Gretchen Lucken, an equine science major, will graduate in spring 2011.
may have otherwise missed. When Lucken noticed a rider needing to tighten her hands, the instructor would note the same errors. When Lucken was eyeing a rider that needed to put her heels down, the instructor would shout out the same message. For Lucken, the study abroad experience helped her realize she wanted to become an instructor. “I enjoy teaching and passing on knowledge to other people,” she shares. Lucken is well on her way already. During summer 2009, she taught riding to an 11-year-old neighbor girl who had just gotten her first horse. Of course, the trip to Ireland isn’t the only thing that inspired Lucken to be an instructor. U of M, Crookston instructor in equine science Nicky (Demarais) Overgaard, ’96, also has guided her, “She has had the biggest influence on me,” Lucken says, “particularly on my career path.” Overgaard was literally the first riding instructor Lucken ever had, and she coached Lucken as a part of IHSA for a year. Lucken
appreciates how Overgaard has helped her, “I’ve learned a lot from her and have great respect for her.” Lucken will graduate in spring 2011 with a major in equine
Major Choice
Growing up in inner-city Miami, Fla., college was not in the game plan for most students around Senior Shelton Derisma. It turns out that for Derisma college was a way to get a step ahead. Add this to his love for football and you have an unstoppable combination. Derisma was going to college. One might wonder why a Floridian would come all the way up to northern Minnesota for college. Derisma made the Crookston campus his home after deciding to play football for the Golden Eagles. He joined the squad at the last minute after his high school classmate, Alumnus Enrique Julien,’09, recommended the school. Although Derisma knew he wanted a degree, he wasn’t completely decided what he wanted to pursue. “I started as a sport and recreation management major, but after working in that program, I found that it just wasn’t for me.” he said. He visited with Kim Cousins, a former program advisor for the federally funded Student Support Services program. Cousins was one of Derisma’s biggest influences on
science and a minor in communication. She wants to attend graduate school with hopes of following her new dream of becoming a collegiate equine
campus. She directed him to the Crookston campus’ Career and Counseling Center where director, Don Cavalier, provided him with a career assessment test. With results in hand, Cavalier broke down what the U of M, Crookston had to offer to fit his needs which ultimately brought Derisma to the decision of a major in Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management (HRI). The U of M, Crookston offers three distinct options for this degree program: resort and spa management, food service administration, and hotel and restaurant management. Derisma has chosen the latter. He hopes to find his way to culinary school after completing his internships and ultimately graduation. “Shortly after culinary school, I want to get established within the HRI industry in a restaurant franchise. Hopefully I can work my way up through the company to become a purchasing agent.” Now, in preparation for graduation Derisma is working as one of the managers at the new
instructor. To learn more about the equine science major at the U of M, Crookston, visit www.umcrookston.edu/academics.
Shelton Derisma, who intends to graduate in fall semester 2010, stands in the Evergreen Grill located in the newest residence facility on campus, Evergreen Hall.
food venue on campus, the Evergreen Grill located in Evergreen Hall. “I plan to do inventory and help create weekly specials for the shop.” Derisma has been involved in other parts of campus life as well. He has worked at the Students in Free Enterprise coffee shop, the Golden Eagle Grind, is involved in Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) and was one of the co-founders of the Black Student Association (BSA) in 2006. Learn more about the opportunities in HRI by visiting, www.umcrookston.edu/academics.
Reasons to Rock “You just have to love rock music to join us,” Yunho Jang says. If a student loves rock music, they can be part of the first-ever rock band club on the Crookston Campus. Jang, a business management major from South Korea, started Red Potion Rock Band Club during spring semester 2008. “I was in choir, and I knew George [French],” Jang says. “At first we were not a club, but we wanted others interested in rock music to join us so we met with the Crookston Student Association (CSA) and fulfilled the requirements for becoming a club.” French, who is director of the Music and
Theater Department on campus, encouraged Jang and helped them where he could. However, the only requirement for membership in the group is a love of rock. Since they first organized, Red Potion’s membership has changed. Like it is with any club or organization on a college campus, students move on or graduate. “This spring we were looking for a new guitar player, a drummer, and a bass.” He found the students he was looking for, and Red Potion began practicing in earnest. Joining Jang, lead vocalist for the group, are drummer Dong Sung Lee, a sophomore; and bassist Ho Hyun Jung, also a sophomore; guitarist Suk Il Oh and vocalist Joon Ho Kim, who are both freshman; keyboardist MinJeong Kim, a sophomore and the lone female member, and Jae Woo Cho, a freshman, who is also drummer. Some of the band’s members have musical training in their background. Cho plays the traditional Korean drum and has taught younger students to play. He also took violin lessons in elementary school and two years studying applied music. Lee has taken a year of piano lessons and ten years of drum lessons. His skill and experience on the trap set is evident when the band is playing. While Jung admits he loves jazz, Red Potion focuses on playing alternative rock. They enjoy Bon Jovi, who Jang says influenced the group’s music, along with Chris Cornell. When first meet the group, one might think they are too quiet to get their rock on, but once they begin to play, led by the mellow vocals of Jang, the group connects to the music and to their audience. “When the group first formed, we practiced three hours every evening during the week to learn about rock music and to improve our skills,” Jang explains. “We don’t practice that much now, but we do get together at least three times a week for an hour or more to play together. We enjoy the music, and we enjoy performing.” Red Potion has been part of open mic night on campus and performed following a choir concert
Yunho Jang sings lead for Red Potion and also managed the Golden Eagle Grind during spring semester.
in fall 2009. When they play, one recognizes the passion the members have for the music and the camaraderie they share. As an upperclassman, Jang has been an active member of Students in Free Enterprise, and during spring semester managed the Golden Eagle Grind Coffee Shop. As manager, he is responsible for training new employees, working in the coffee shop, and managing its 18 employees. When he graduates, he would like to work for a nonprofit organization. Fellow band member Jung would like to major in psychology and become a college professor; Oh would like to focus on the study of chemical engineering; and Cho is planning to go back to work in his father’s business in South Korea. For now, all of the band’s members are enjoying a great time making music as part of the band. Students interested in joining them are welcome to do so, but for everyone else, listening is the best way to rock with Red Potion.
Red Potion band members include, back row (l to r): Suk Il Oh (guitar), Dong Sung Lee (drum), and Ho Hyun Jung (bass). Front row: Joon Ho Kim (vocal), Yunho Jang alias “Rockstar Karaoke King” (vocal), and MinJeong Kim (keyboard).
Four new Ways to Keep In Touch and Informed Visit the U of M, Crookston on Facebook at www.Facebook.com. If you don’t have your own account, create one, and keep in touch. Look for the University of Minnesota, Crookston—it’s the official page for all graduates of the Crookston campus. You can also follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com. Search for UMCrookston and follow all the latest news from the Crookston campus. Join us on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com. Search for University of Minnesota, Crookston and connect to our official group.
While you are at it, sign up to get the U of M, Crookston Alumni eNews. Send an e-mail to Sue Dwyer at sdwyer@umn.edu to get your name added to the mailing list. 25
That Other Band
Mucky Peat and the Macrophytes include Junior Chris Evans, Senior Jake Anderson, Senior Jonah Olson, Junior DJ Salquist, Senior Jeff Wilson, Senior Paul Anderson. Their manager, Senior Josh Smunk is not pictured.
Written by Elizabeth Kern, ’10, communications assistant in University Relations
With a big enough beat to keep your head nodding but a smoothness that will rock you to sleep, Mucky Peat and the Macrophytes have surprised many. The music they play is nontraditional to say the least. They describe themselves as a band that plays blue grass mixed with rock and roll, a little country, folk, and an occasional touch of blues. This potentially tattered mix of music isn’t just your ordinary pick-up band. These guys play with passion. Even snapping a photo was difficult during a performance because their eyes waned with focus and intensity. Band members described themselves as “freespirited.” For Mucky Peat and the Macrophytes the music is all about relaxing, being themselves, and having fun. The band consists of guitarists 26
and singers Jake Anderson and D.J. Salquist, electric guitarist Chris Evans, Jeff Wilson on the mandolin, Paul Anderson playing bass guitar, and Jonah Olson on percussion. These guys didn’t start out together however; it was coincidence that united them. Salquist and Wilson had a bluegrass band named Potato Creek, while Olson and both Andersons had a band named the Calico Dogs. While hanging out with mutual friends the guys started talking and getting to know one another. They quickly came to realize they all loved music and decided to get together to “jam.” Before they knew it the group became a unit, taking on the name of Mucky Peat and the Macrophytes. Although larger than an average band, this group defies the common trends of today’s music. Writing from personal experiences and not afraid to push the limits, Mucky Peat and the Macrophytes
have gained numerous fans around town. They’ve played on campus for the weekly student activity Music On Mondays and have performed at Open Mic Night. Off campus they are a hit as well and are quickly landing performances at area venues. Mucky Peat and the Macrophytes and Red Potion provide students with two reasons to rock at the U of M, Crookston.
Read the Torch Online You can read the Torch, the alumni magazine for the Northwest School of Agriculture and the University of Minnesota, Crookston online by visiting: http://issuu.com/umcrookston or on the U of M, Crookston Web site at www.umcrookston.edu/alumni/torch If you would prefer to receive your Torch online only, contact Elizabeth Tollefson at 218-281-8432 (ltollefs@umn.edu)
Alumni News This alumni news reflects submissions received by May 1, 2010. News received after that date will be in the next issue of the Torch.
E-mail forwarding: If you are interested in reconnecting with a former classmate or acquaintance, the alumni office can help! Although we cannot release e-mail addresses due to privacy issues, we will be happy to forward a message to the person if he or she can be located in our database.
1940s Alla G. (Clow) Barnes, ’45, Webb City, Mo., has three children, Michael, Donna, and Haley; six grandchildren; and six great grandchildren. Sadly, her husband, Charles, passed away 12 years ago. She worked many years in Missouri as a meter maid, quality control manager, and finished her career as an office manager at the American Legion in Webb City. Alla is a member of the Presbyterian Church, belongs to Freeman Hospital Advantage, and has been a Legion Auxiliary member for 30 years and a V.F.W. Auxiliary member for 28 years. She’s a “Red Hat” lady and belongs to a singles group.
Darrell Larsen, ’72, Royalton, Minn., is the Morrison County Farm Service Agency director. He and his wife, Arlene, have a 40cow beef herd made up of registered Texas Longhorns, Red Angus, and crosses of the two on their century farm. They direct market the longhorn meat and sell breeding stock. The farm was homesteaded by Darrell’s great-grandfather; Darrell represents the fourth generation to farm the land.
Pictured on the left, Gary Wagner, ’75, Climax, Minn., local farmer, teaches yield monitoring and remote sensing courses in the Precision Agriculture curriculum at the University of Minnesota, Crookston. Lanny Faleida, founder of Agri ImaGIS, was guest lecturer at a recent class and is pictured in the center above. Fred Parnow, ex. ’87, Crookston, Minn., right, local Seeds 2000 dealer, was also in attendance. Dale Erickson, ’76, Vergas, Minn., has been Mahnomen (Minn.) High School agriculture instructor for 32 years. Erickson, who recently retired, was one of eight individuals to be inducted in the Minnesota FFA Hall of Fame in April 2010. He and his wife, Sheila, have three children and one grandchild.
R. James ‘Jim’ Ertl, ’74 & ’75, Rosemount, Minn., executive secretary of the Minnesota FFA since 1981, has been involved in all facets of planning for the convention that draws about 3,000 FFA members from across the state to the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities annually. He was recently inducted into the Minnesota FFA Hall of Fame during the 81st Minnesota State FFA Convention. He and his wife, Jane, have two sons, Jon and Jason.
Alumni News 1980s Christopher Bucholz, ’83, Scottsdale, Ariz. (formerly from Perham, Minn.), has been living in Arizona since 1984. He would love to hear from old friends.
Eileen Todahl, ’99, moved to Cottage Grove, Minn., in August 2009 to take a position as a loan processor at ProPartners Financial in Lake Elmo, Minn. ProPartners finances short term line of credits for farmers.
Brian Tangen, ’86, Frazee, Minn., is a Frazee High School (FHS) business teacher. He’s also in his 20th year of coaching track at FHS.
1990s Tia Leoni, ’00, St. Paul, Minn., is pleased to announce the birth of daughter, Catalina, on March 22, 2010. She and fiancé, Traxton Turner, are to be married on July 4, 2010. Tia is currently working as the general manager of Panera Bread in Eagan, Minn., and has been with the company for three years. Shana and Eric Klindt, ex. ’99, Campbell, Minn., were recently named Agassiz Ambassadors for the Red River Valley Emerging Leadership Program at the awards banquet held at the U of M, Crookston. They will carry the title of Agassiz Ambassadors 2010 for the coming year and put their leadership skills to work in public relations, recognition, and fund development. They will also work with program coordinators to develop and deliver the educational programs. Eric has been an aerial applicator for 13 years, covering most of Wilkin County in Minnesota and Richland County in North Dakota. He has also owned and operated a limo/bus service since 1999. Shana is a Creative Memories independent consultant and has owned and operated “Threads & Design,” a custom embroidery and design shop, in their home for eight years. They have two children, Elise, 5, and Cody, 2.
Shane and Deb (Wosick) Kolling, ’00 & ’01, Grand Forks, N.D., have two children, Jack, 4, and Claire, 2. In January, Deb became an insurance agent for Nodak Mutual and sells/services home, auto, farm/ranch, life, and health insurance. Shane is a sales/account representative for Airgas; he’s been with the company for ten years. Robert and Carrie (Tollefson) Lovelace, ’01, Milford, Conn., are the parents of a daughter, Elizabeth Caitlin, born on April 8, 2010. Carrie currently works in development for Yale University in New Haven.
Tiffany and Kyle Page, ’04, Crookston, Minn., received special recognition for their commitment to leadership and their community at the Agassiz Leaders Awards Banquet held recently at the U of M, Crookston. The Pages are West Polk County’s representatives in the 2010 Red River Valley Emerging Leadership Program. Kyle is an ag/business banker at American Federal Bank in Crookston, a position he’s held since 2005. Tiffany has been employed since 2005 in the Recorder’s and License Center offices at the Polk County Courthouse. They own a small registered Angus cattle herd with Kyle’s father and began farming small grains in 2010. Jennifer Severinson, ’04, Grand Forks, N.D., and Tyler Graetz were married April 10, 2010, at United Lutheran Church in Grand Forks followed by a reception and dance at the Celebrity Ballroom in Grand Forks. Jennifer is a program associate in the Center for Adult Learning at the University of Minnesota, Crookston. Tyler is employed by Eagle Electric of East Grand Forks, Minn., as a journeyman electrician.
We Want to Hear From You! Patrick and Charly (Reinert) Stansbery, ’06 & ’06, Maplewood, Minn., welcomed their daughter, Cayley Vivian, on February 7, 2010. Pat is working at Molitor Brothers Farms in Miesville, Minn., as a cropping assistant and Charly is completing her last year of veterinary school at the University of Minnesota.
Lucas Palm, ’08, Wheaton, Ill., and Lindsay Bjerga were married July 11, 2009, at Grace Bible Church in Elmhurst, Illinois. They currently reside in Wheaton.
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A will or living trust is a statement about what matters most in your life. It ensures that your intentions are clearly understood and will be followed by those administering your estate. If you value your experience at the University of Minnesota, Crookston or the Northwest School of Agriculture, you can leave a legacy through a gift to the campus in your will. Your generosity will help further the mission of the University of Minnesota, Crookston to provide education, research and outreach. The following language can be used by you and your attorney in your will: “I give, devise and bequeath to the University of Minnesota Foundation (percentage, sum or description of property) for the benefit of the University of Minnesota, Crookston.” If you would like more information, contact Corby Kemmer, director of development & alumni relations toll free at 1-800-862-6466, ext. 8434 or 218-281-8434 (ckemmer@umn.edu). For more information about giving, visit www.umcrookston.edu/alumni/giving.html
Email Year of Graduation or years of attendance Information or news you wish to share (new job, career, or family achievements, etc.)
Torch Volume 42, Number 2, Summer 2010 Torch is a publication of the University of Minnesota, Crookston.
In Memory
Director of Development & Alumni Relations Corby Kemmer 218-281-8434 ckemmer@umn.edu
Marvel (Noyes) Smith, ’31 Madison, Wis. April 4, 2010
Hazel (Sylvester) Schultz, ’43 Red Lake Falls, Minn. April 6, 2010
Donald Gandrud, ’35 Callaway, Minn. August 18, 2008
Donald Dufault, ’45 St. Anthony, Minn. April 25, 2006
Elwood Gustafson, ’39 Edina, Minn. April 15, 2010
Walter Lystrom, ’50 Lake Park, Minn. January 10, 2010
Harold Anderson, ’40 Greenbush, Minn. November 16, 2008
Robert Schroder, ’58 Mekinock, N.D. March 28, 2010
John Lamberson, ’40 Bemidji, Minn. September 2008
John Weiland, ’59 Euclid, Minn. April 14, 2010
Jay Bergh, ’41 Hallock, Minn. January 30, 2010
Rebecca Preisler, ’00 Eagan, Minn. March 2, 2010
Ila (Grove) Winterbourne, ’41 Ventura, Calif. January 28, 2010
Support Staff Rose Ulseth 218-281-8439
Sue Dwyer 218-281-8401
UMCAA Board Cindy Bigger, ’79 Paige Eskelson, ‘08 Nancie Hoerner, ‘95 James Kruize, ‘91 Kylene (Odegaard) Lehmann, ‘01 Juanita Lopez, ‘08 Amy (Peterson) Lubarski, ‘02 Carl Melbye, ‘77 Kari (Vallager) Moe, ’03 Linda (Knutson) Morgan, ’85 & ‘09 Jen Novak, ‘06 Katie (Becker) Shaw, ‘07 NWSA Alumni Association Board Allan Dragseth, ‘57 Lowell Hamrick, ‘53 Charles Holmquist, ’52 Melvin Larson, ‘55 Barbara (Hylland) Lunsetter, ’56 Berneil Nelson, ’42, ex officio Gerhard Ross, ‘45 David Sorvig, ‘47 Beulah (Stolaas) Vad, ‘58 Jean (Stromstad) Vigness-Parker, ‘55 Contact information: Torch Elizabeth Tollefson, ’02, editor University of Minnesota, Crookston 2900 University Avenue Crookston, Minnesota 56716 Phone: 218-281-8432 Fax: 218-281-8440 E-mail: ltollefs@umn.edu The University of Minnesota, Crookston is a public, baccalaureate, coeducational institution and a coordinate campus of the University of Minnesota. The Northwest School of Agriculture (NWSA) was a residential high school serving students from 190668 and the predecessor of the Crookston campus. The Torch is named for the historical passing of the educational torch between the NWSA and the U of M, Crookston in 1968. The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status or sexual orientation. Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with at least 10 percent post-consumer material using agribased inks. Designed and printed at FinePrint of Grand Forks, Inc.
On the cover: Ann Bailey, ’79, has her photo taken in the University Teaching and Outreach Center with one of the horses. On the back, Driven to Discover: Kevin Cooper, instructor in the Business Department, and Jared Hendricks, senior, Owatonna, Minn., work on a project for Economic Development Administration (EDA) University Center for the state of Minnesota which is located on the Crookston Campus.
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Upcoming Events
Aug. 18
Ox Cart Days Ice Cream Social
June 25-26
Northwest School of Agriculture Alumni Reunion Honored classes include: ’25, ’30, ’35, ’40, ’45, ’50, ’55, ’60, and ’65
Sept. 4-5
U of M, Crookston at the Minnesota State Fair in St. Paul
July 1-4
U of M, Crookston at the Polk County Fair in Fertile, Minn.
Sept. 24-25
Homecoming Weekend
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