2 minute read
John Ruppert, professor of art, received a 2015 individual artist award in visual arts from the Maryland State Arts Council.
Sarah Cameron, assistant professor of history, received a 2015 Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation award to research famine, violence and the making of Soviet Kazakstan.
Colleen Woods, assistant professor of history, was awarded a 2015 American Council of Learned Societies fellowship to research U.S.-Philippines relations and the making of global anti-communism.
Georges Rey, professor of philosophy, was awarded a Fulbright fellowship to research the implications of Noam Chomsky’s theory of universal grammar at the University of Oslo’s Center for the Study of Mind in Nature.
Robert Ramsey, professor of East Asian linguistics, won the Korean Language Society’s Ilsuk Korean Linguistics Award for his accomplishments in the field of Korean historical linguistics.
Cary Gillett, production manager in the School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies, was invited to develop a stage management program at the National Academy of Chinese Arts in Beijing, China.
Ed Summers, lead developer for the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, won the 2015 Frederick G. Kilgour Award for Research in Library and Information Technology from the American Library Association.
Curlee Holton, professor of art and executive director of the David C. Driskell Center, was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Anyone Can Fly Foundation for his dedication to enriching and making known the history of African-American art and culture.
Back row L-R: Christopher Bonner (HIST)*, James M. Harding (TDPS), Craig Kier (MUSC), Nick Joyce (COMM), Omer Preminger (LING) | Middle row L-R: Alexis Lothian (WMST), Julius B. Fleming Jr. (ENGL)*, La Marr Jurelle Bruce (AMST)*, Lindsey Anderson (COMM), Ting Zhang (HIST) | Front row L-R: Mercédès Baillargeon (SLLC), Jared Mezzocchi (TDPS), Chanon Adsanatham (ENGL) | Not photographed: Thayse Leal Lima (SLLC), Nancy Raquel Mirabal (AMST) | *African Americanist Cluster Hire
Michael Ross’ “The Great New
Orleans Kidnapping Case: Race, Law and Justice in the Reconstruction Era” | 2014 Kemper and Leila Williams Prize awarded by The Historic New Orleans Collection.
Lindley Darden’s “In Search of Mechanisms: Discoveries Across the Life Sciences” | List of Choice Outstanding Academic Titles for 2014 by the American Library Association.
Stanley Plumly’s “The Immortal Evening: A Legendary Dinner with Keats, Wordsworth and Lamb” | 2015 Truman Capote Award for Literary Criticism from the University of Iowa.
Christina Hanhardt’s “Safe
Space: Gay Neighborhood History and the Politics of Violence” | 2014 Literary Award for Best Book in LGBT Studies
awarded by Lambda Literary.
Laura Demaria’s “Buenos Aires
y las provincias: relatos para desarmar” | 2015 Best Book Award in the Humanities from
the Latin American Studies
Association’s Southern Cone
Studies Section.