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Creating Global Citizens

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Faculty & Staff


students studied abroad this past year


ARHU provides enriching international experiences, on and off campus, through the new Global Engagement requirement, language immersion programs, servicelearning, education abroad and more.

Global Engagement Requirement


Curriculum Integration

ARHU is the only college with a Global Engagement Requirement, in which students can now study abroad, enroll in a language course and participate in a cultural engagement experience to satisfy an ARHU graduation requirement.

ARHU partnered with UMD’s Education Abroad Office to approve over 250 courses for residency credit, making it easier for students to study abroad. This program expands the opportunity for international study in the college curriculum.

Language Immersion Programs

Summer Institute in Critical Languages: SLLC’s nine-week language intensive institute ran programs in Arabic and Persian for 46 students, 12 of whom resided in the Language House. The institute served traditional and nontraditional students from across the U.S.

The Language House is a living and learning immersion program that offers an intensive academic experience to 96 students working to enhance their foreign language and culture study and develop fluency in one (or more) of 10 languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Persian, Russian and Spanish.

Jiménez-Porter Writers’ House students traveled to Chile as a service-learning opportunity to help improve the quality of life in communities around the world and to gain skills, knowledge and attitudes for a lifetime of meaningful global citizenship. Education Abroad

■ Australia: Australian Literature and Culture, Aboriginal to Contemporary (ENGL) •

■ New! The Caribbean: Gender, Sexuality and Globalization: Feminist Advocacy in the Anglophone Caribbean (WMST) •

■ Chile: Chilean Literature, Democracy, and Social Change (Writers’ House) •

■ China: Exploring Confucius’ China (CHIN) •

Beijing ♦

■ Ecuador: Andean Spaces-Traversing the Colonial City and the Natural World (SPAN) •

■ Egypt: Alexandria (ARAB) ♦

■ England: London and the British Empire, 1500-1850 (HIST) - • Design: London (ARTT) - • UK: London Study Abroad: Literature, History, Drama, Architecture, Art and Archaeology (ENGL) • ■ France: Classical Myths in Europe (CLAS) • Maryland in Montpelier: French Language and Culture on the Mediterranean (FREN) • Nice ♦ ■ Germany: Germany in the New Europe: Politics, Business, and Culture (GERM) • Berlin ♦ ■ Greece: Cultural Crossroads, Past and Present -Macedonia & Greece (ARTH) • The Classics in Context: Greece: The Living Legacy (CLAS) • ■ Ireland: James Joyce’s Dublin (Writer’s House) •

■ Israel: Culture in Tel Aviv: 100 Years of Hebrew Israeli Culture (ISRL) •

■ Italy: Baroque Rome: Art, Architecture and Urban Splendor in the Eternal City (ARTH) • The Classics in Context: The Ancient Roman City: Pompeii and Beyond (CLAS) • Intensive Elementary Italian (ITAL) •

■ New! Spain: Seville (SPAN) ♦

■ New! Turkey: Ankara (PERS) ♦


♦ Long-term programs (semester or year long) • Short-term programs (winter, summer or spring break)

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