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Katherine Wasdin, assistant professor of classics, received a Loeb Fellowship from the Loeb Classical Library Foundation for a book project on how contemporary female artists and writers engage with the work of the Roman poet Catullus.
Elizabeth Toth, professor of communication, received the Public Relations Division’s PRIDE Award for Lifetime Achievement in Public Relations Education.
Patrick Warfield, associate professor of music, received a 2019 Research Communicator Impact Award from the UMD Division of Research in the “New Media” category for his narrated concert about WWI produced in collaboration with the Washington National Opera Domingo-Cafritz Young Artist Program at the Kennedy Center’s Millennium Stage.
Martha Randall, lecturer of music, received the 2018-19 Provost’s Excellence Award for Professional Track Faculty in teaching for her work drawing on the study of acoustics and anatomy to help her vocal students use and maintain their voices.
Supported by a fall 2019 Fulbright-Tocqueville Distinguished Chair Award and a spring 2020 Collegium Grant from the Université de Lyon, Valérie K. Orlando, professor in the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, will spend the year in France studying the influence of experimental French literature on North African authors.
Jennifer Barclay, assistant professor of theatre, won a 2019 Best New Play (Small Theater) Award from the Independent Reviewers of New England for her play “Ripe Frenzy,” which used innovative storytelling and media projections to explore the impact of mass shootings on small-town America.
Back row L–R: Matthew Miller (School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures), Eva Hageman (American studies and women’s studies), David Carroll Simon (English) | Middle row L–R: Chad B. Infante (English), Jordana Moore Saggese (art history and archaeology), Sun Young Lee (communication) | Front row L–R: Patrick Chung (history), Jyana S. Browne (School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures) and GerShun Avilez (English) | Inset: Andrea E. Brown (School of Music)
Carly S. Wood’s “Debating Women: Gender, Education and Spaces for Argument 1935-1945” won the 2018 Daniel Rohrer Memorial Outstanding Research Award from the American Forensic Association.
Karin Rosemblatt’s “The Science and Politics of Race in Mexico and the United States, 1910-1950” won a 2019 PROSE Award in the category of “North American/ U.S. History” from the Association of American Publishers.
Sarah Cameron’s “The Hungry Steppe: Famine, Violence, and the Making of Soviet Kazakhstan” won the Joseph Rothschild Prize in Nationalism and Ethnic Studies from the Association for the Study of Nationalities and the Southern Slavic Book Award from the Southern Conference on Slavic Studies.
Matthew Suriano’s “A History of Death in the Hebrew Bible” won the Frank Moore Cross Award from The American Schools of Oriental Research.
Ida Meftahi’s “Gender and Dance in Modern Iran: Biopolitics on Stage” received the 2018 Latifeh Yarshater Award from the Association for Iranian Studies.