Illumination Spring 2013

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Russian Ties


Testudo through Time


Riots on Route 1


First Degree

Summer 2013

Wayzegoose celebrates popular William Morris exhibition UPHOLDING a longstanding tradition among printers and pressmen, the University Libraries hosted a springtime Wayzegoose, or seasonal celebration, for donors and special guests. The event highlighted a yearlong exhibition relating to the 19thcentury British designer and typographer William Morris. Morris himself hosted Wayzegoose dinners for the employees of his famous Kelmscott Press, so the May 9 event, held in Hornbake Library, was especially fitting. Although many people know Morris (1834 – 1896) for his textile and wallpaper designs, a goal of the exhibition, says curator Ann Hudak, is to show this immense range of Morris’s interests. “Morris is credited as one of the founders of the Arts and Crafts movement,” Hudak says. “But he was also an author and a translator, a designer and a printer. He is such an inspiring figure, and his works and thoughts resonate today as they did more than a century ago.”

From top: Cartoon by Burne-Jones of Morris reading to him; Illuminated book; upholstery fabric designed by Morris.

The exhibition examines Morris’s life and vision, focusing on his written works, political activism and artistic endeavors. “He died doing the work of ten men,” his doctor said of him. A rare copy of works by Geoffrey Chaucer printed by the Kelmscott Press in 1896 inspired the exhibition. Known as the Kelmscott Chaucer, the book is a masterpiece of hand printing and widely considered to be one of the finest books ever printed. It was continues on page 7

Russian library director recalls days as Terp

Dear Friends, Another academic year has come to a close here at the University of Maryland Libraries. We’ve had such a busy year, you’ll have to forgive us for only now telling you all that we’ve been up to! I want to introduce you to Illumination, our newsletter for alumni, donors and friends. We’re doing great things day after day in the libraries, and we lacked a venue to deliver that information to you. We’ll produce this newsletter twice a year to keep you informed of the upgrades, acquisitions, events, and exhibits happening in McKeldin, Hornbake and our branches. For some of you, this might seem familiar. In fact, this is Illumination 2.0, the revamped and restyled version of our former but beloved magazine, Illumination. We’ve heard from many of you who missed reading and seeing the progress within the Libraries and we hope you’ll find this new endeavor equally satisfying. Take a peek inside and tell us what you think. Send an email to—we can’t wait to hear your feedback. Best wishes for a fun and relaxing summer!

DR. VALERII PAVLOVICH LEONOV, director of the Russian Academy of Sciences Library and an exchange scholar at the University of Maryland in the midst of the Cold War (1973-1974), visited the University Libraries in early April. He talked about his life and career, including his handling of the aftermath of a tragic 1988 fire that devastated the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences and marked one of the worst library disasters the world has ever known. The library is more than 300 years old and was founded by Peter the Great. Librarian Yelena Luckert led a group of Maryland students to Russia last year in a collaboration between Russia and the University of Maryland.


Patricia A. Steele Dean of the Libraries

Help the libraries sustainability efforts. If you only wish to receive the electronic version of this newsletter, please send an email to Kristy Robb, Development Coordinator, at ­ or call 301.314.5674. 2

MARYLAND DAY 2013 Find more photos of fearless fun at

Testudo through Time Spirited senior Kevin LaCherra honors campus traditions STUDENTS SPEND their four years here at Maryland and do a hundred different things. Though we all arrive here awestruck at the opportunities a university like this provides to us, pretty soon we’re in the swing of things like everyone else. Joining fraternities or sororities, running for student government, doing research with professors, or playing intramural sports. Everyone finds their niche and hopefully works to do a little bit to leave the university better than they found it. I could not be more thrilled that the ‘Testudo Through Time’ exhibit is on display in McKeldin Library because I’ve spent my four years here

working to nurture and build on campus traditions. What’s the thing that I most hear from students? They want to see more spirit on campus. Which is why this exhibit matters. Practically the entire campus utilizes McKeldin Library at one time or another and to have this cooperation with the University Archives in displaying our beloved mascot through the years where all can see sounds exactly like what students want. —Kevin LaCherra, a senior double-majoring in History and Government and a member of the Dean’s Student Advisory Group

“Testudo through Time” was unveiled on Maryland Day in McKeldin Library. View the exhibit on McKeldin Library’s first floor and in the Portico Lounge.

How do you kidnap a 300-pound turtle?

“The University of Maryland has a very distinguished and interesting history, and the University Archives is delighted to have another, highly visible venue to share some of the stories of our past with the campus community and other visitors to McKeldin Library.” —Anne Turkos University Archivist

From top: Testudo images from 1949, 1956, and 1935.

BEFORE THE 1947 Maryland vs. Johns Hopkins national lacrosse championship game, a group of Hopkins students kidnapped the bronze statue of Testudo, buried him in Baltimore for safekeeping, and laid a trap. When about 250 Maryland students responded, Hopkins students soaked the rescuers with fire hoses and watched as they slipped on soapy floors. A brawl erupted. More than 200 Baltimore policemen fought for two hours to control the chaos; three Hopkins students and eight from Maryland were arrested for disorderly conduct. Some of the Maryland students later shaved the heads of the Hopkins offenders as punishment.




1 E T U O R ON


ACH SEMESTER, librarians lead a variety of classes in cooperation with faculty on campus. While much of this instruction occurs during a single class for a given course, some librarians teach semester-long courses on in-depth topics related to rare or unique library materials. The vast majority of instruction related to these special collections focuses on research using primary sources. A recurring theme for history courses is 20th-century social movements. Librarians also provide a number of virtual resources to support students after the instruction is over. Students can find links to resources on Facebook, study tips on Twitter, collections of primary source material on Pinterest, or in-depth analysis on Wordpress blogs. —Laura Cleary

THESE 1970s photographs of campus riots are part of an extensive collection of material documenting Vietnam-era protest activities at the University of Maryland. Following the U.S. i­ nvasion of Cambodia, protests reached a violent peak between 1970 and 1972. Thousands of students and protestors occupied and vandalized buildings on campus, set fires, engaged in battles with riot police, and blocked Route 1. Students fought off a police barrage of teargas, riot batons, and dogs by throwing bricks, rocks, and bottles. Learn more about the Vietnam-era protests, and discover other items in this collection by visiting


Primary Sources Primary sources are original materials. As the basis for research, they have not been filtered through interpretation or evaluation. Photographs, speeches, diaries, and audio recordings of radio programs are all examples of primary sources.

During instruction sessions, students are encouraged to evaluate:

Who created the source? What is the historical context for this source? What is shown and not shown in this source? How might people have reacted to this source at the time of its creation?

How does this source fit into what I know about my research topic?

Photos: Baltimore News-American Photo Archive and Philip Geraci Collection in Hornbake Library.


Conservators rescue historic diploma THE DIPLOMA awarded to the first Korean student to receive a degree from any American college or university has returned to Maryland, now at home in the University Archives. Pyon Su received the diploma from Maryland Agricultural College in 1891; his great-great-great nephew donated it to the university in 2012. Printed on parchment and tightly rolled, the diploma suffered from multiple creases. In order to digitally scan the document, it first had to be flattened. Collections conservator Bryan Draper began

his treatment by reintroducing low levels of moisture to the document, first in a humidity chamber which allowed him to slowly unroll the stiff document. To remove the creases, the diploma was humidified again between laminate material and damp blotting paper. Modified bulldog clips attached to the diploma’s edges maintained proper tension as the parchment dried. The historic diploma has been digitized and is safe at home in the University Archives. Find out more about the process and see more photos at

Conservator Bryan Draper attaches clips to maintain proper tension during drying.

Terp for Life A fund to support the University Archives PROJECTS to preserve Maryland’s history, like Pyon Su’s diploma, are made possible through generous support to Terp for Life, the fund for the University Archives. This University Archives collection is not only highly regarded and used extensively by the University of Maryland community but also has built a reputation that attracts scholars and researchers from across the nation and around the world. From historic football footage to the evolution of Testudo, the University Archives, under the leadership of Anne Turkos, is doing


its part to preserve the great history of the University of Maryland. As projects have evolved, the needs for service and collection enhancements have increased exponentially. With a donation to the Terp for Life fund, you can help to preserve the irreplaceable records of the University Archives for many generations to come. To find out more about the University Archives, please visit To make a gift to Terp for Life, please visit the Libraries g ­ iving page at t­ —Heather Foss

Wayzegoose continued from page 1 acquired by the university in 2010 and has not been previously exhibited at the university. Guests to the May event viewed this university treasure and feasted on traditional Wayzegoose fare updated for a modern palate. A guitarist performed music of the era. Conservators Bryan Draper and Carla Montori showed guests fragile or worn books in need of preservation treatments and discussed the particular needs of rare materials. A new Adopt-a-Book program now allows individuals to support the most-loved works in the Special Collections. Guests were also invited to make a donation to support the acquisition of “new” rare book titles for the University Libraries. More than 400 individuals attended or showed financial support for How we Might Live: The Vision of William Morris, which opened in September 2012. E-mail to join our mailing list and be the first to find out about our exhibitions and events. For additional exhibit information and a link to the digital version, please see­wmorris. Contributions to the Special Collections Gift Fund can be made online at

THE UNIVERSITY’S WILLIAM MORRIS COLLECTION started in 1985 with 340 items. It has since grown to approximately 900 items, including: n Kelmscott Press books: 34 of 53 published n Non Kelmscott Press Works by Morris: 152 n Books from Morris’s personal library: 4 n Auction/Dealer catalogs: 105 n Ephemera: 78 items n Manuscript letters: 38

Counter-clockwise from top: Wayzegoose fare; graduate student Laura French helped curate the exhibit; Dr. Wallace Oates and Grace Mary admire a facsimile reproduction of Morris’s Chaucer; August and Clare Imholz don white gloves to inspect a rare book; Barbara Hornbake Angier adopts a book.




PE RMIT N O. 1 0 COL L E G E PARK , MD Dean of Libraries 6131 McKeldin Library College Park, Maryland 20742-7011

— C O M I N G

S O O N —

tricia Steele. ns with Dean Pa tio sa er nv Co ss ly for Fearle our email list. your name to your inbox in Ju ries by adding Keep an eye on ra Lib nd yla ar the future of M Hear all about sign up! to Contact librarie

As both the vo ice of the cam pus community an d a training gr ou nd for students in terested in broa dc as trelated careers, WMUC plays a un iq ue role. Our upco ming exhibit w ill showcase our efforts to preserve its rich history as a sprin gboard to futu re growth.



Past, Present & FuC ture Se ptember 2013 -July 2014 Hornbake Libr ar y

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