Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Welcome Dr. Andrew Broadbent joined the Department of Veterinary Medicine as an Affiliated Assistant Professor. Dr. Seth Dickey joined the Department of Veterinary Medicine as an Assistant Professor. Dr. Jaekeun Park joined the Department of Veterinary Medicine as an Assistant Professor. Dr. Wenbin Tuo joined the Department of Veterinary Medicine as an Adjunct Professor.
OUR NEWLY ADMITTED MARYLAND-RESIDENT DVM STUDENTS VMCVM CLASS OF 2026 Danielle Alms Shannen Auffarth Niamh-Marie Batstone Mamta Bhatia Alyssa Blancke Delaney Briscoe Christa Clark Rebecca Enger Briana Gleizer Thomas Heck
Ethan Heiberger Rachael Horton Ryan Jordan Danielle Kila Alison Lynch Lauren Maghak Elena Mantis Kaitlyn Morse Elizabeth Niesz Acadia Parker
Kruti Patel Ava Porter Abigail Reilly Brianna Romagnano Cole Shapiro Jamie Snider Teresa Stabler Jalea Stevens Madison Warner Samantha Zolkiewicz
Congratulations Ms. Halema Baxter was promoted to Business Manager Dr. Mohamed Adel Elbehairy graduated from our Ph.D. program. Dr. Seyedehmahsa Moghimi graduated from our Ph.D. program. Mr. Ricardo Morales was promoted to Director of Administrative Services Dr. Ashley B. Strickland graduated from our Ph.D. program.
Dr. Belov with graduate Mohamed
Dr. Zhang with graduate Shaoli
Recent graduate Berin
Awards & Recognitions Ms. Judy Knight was recognized for 10 years of service at the University of Maryland. Mr. Tam Ong was recognized for 15 years of service at the University of Maryland. Dr. Ashley Strickland received the Avrum Gudelsky Veterinary Graduate Student Award for Exemplary Research in Veterinary Medicine which recognizes an outstanding graduate student who has demonstrated excellent research methods, publications, and service skills. Dr. Mustapha Dahmani received the Excellence in Postdoctoral Research Award which recognizes exemplary contributions as a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Veterinary Medicine. Ms. Halema Baxter received the Staff Excellence Award which recognizes a staff member in the Department of Veterinary Medicine who consistently makes outstanding contributions in support of faculty, staff, students, administrators and all those served by the department. Dr. George Belov, received the Outstanding Faculty Research Award which is presented annually to recognize an individual or team, in the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, that has published highly significant scholarly research, enhancing the reputation of the college and university and having a substantial impact on their discipline at the national and international levels.
Ishita Roy Chowdhury of Dr. Belov's lab, has been awarded the Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship during the 2022-2023 academic year. The Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship supports students with excellent qualifications who are in the latter stages of writing their dissertations. Ms. Alyssa Harris received the David Bruce Snyder Award for Avian Molecular Epidemiology which recognizes a graduate student at the Maryland Campus of the VMCVM who has conducted exemplary research in avian disease. This award was presented by Nancy Snyder in honor of her late husband David B. Snyder. Yanli Chen, graduate student in Dr. Meiqing Shi’s lab, received the American Association of Immunologist (AAI) Trainee Abstract Award. This award provides travel support to AAI Trainee members (undergraduate students, graduate students, young professionals, and postdoctoral fellows) whose first-author abstracts submitted to the AAI annual meeting are selected for oral presentation in Block Symposia. Dr. George Belov and Dr. Utpal Pal have been awarded the 2022 Dean’s Grantsmanship Award from the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. This award recognizes the great effort of the faculty members in successfully securing competitive extramural grants and contracts.
Ian Doody, a Maryland-resident DVM student, received the Richard B. Talbot Memorial Award as a student in the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine Class of 2022. This award recognizes a student who has achieved the highest academic standing among their DVM class 2022 Award Recipients
Presentations and Service Graduate students Samuel Gabaglio and Anna Zimina, of Dr. George Belov’s lab, presented posters at the International Meeting on the Molecular Biology of Picornaviruses at Harrogate, United Kingdom. (June 2022): Gabaglio, S., Moghimi, S., Wynn, B., Viktorova, E., Sztul, E., Belov, G., "Microdomain organization of enterovirus replication organelles," Zimina, A, Viktorova, E, Moghimi, S, Chumakov, K., Kouiavskaia, D., Belov, G."Development of a novel approach to broadly-protecvtive anti-enterovirus vaccines,"
Students Samuel and Anna presenting posters
Graduate Students Peixi Chang, Ishita Roy Chowdhury, and Bhargava Teja Sallapalli attended and presented posters at the American Society of Virology's 41st annual meeting was held at the Monona Terrace in Madison, Wisconsin Chowdhury, I. "Development of Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) Student Ishita presenting a poster vectors expressing influenza hemagglutinin gene under the control of NDV transcription and translation signals."
Students Peixi, Teja, and Ishita
Chang, P. "Zika virus recruits an importin to its replication site as a proviral factor" On December 9. 2021, Drs. Nathaniel Tablante, Yanjin Zhang, and Xiaoping Zhu attended a networking event with the MDVMA Membership Committee and Roger Whitcomb of BoehringerIngelheim.
MDVMA Group Photo
Students Alyssa and Dhiraj presenting
On July 28 - August 2, 2022, Alyssa Harris gave an oral presentation about her master’s project "Development of Multilocus Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) for Avibactrium Paragallinerum" and Dhiraj Chundru, presented a poster titled "Molecular characterization of Avibacterium Paragallinarum Whole genome sequences", at the annual convention of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) meeting in Philadelphia. Both students are in Dr. Mostafa Ghanem’s lab.
Salisbury Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony On June 11, 2022, the Maryland Department of Agriculture hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Salisbury Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory in Salisbury, Maryland. The original Salisbury Animal Health Laboratory was built in 1953 and served its purpose for many years, particularly in catering to the diagnostic needs of the poultry industry on the Delmarva Peninsula. However, due to the age and deterioration of the old structure as well as an increased need for diagnostic services, staff, and equipment, a new facility had to be constructed. The newly built laboratory will play a key role in the timely and accurate diagnosis of economically important Drs. Ghanem, Tablante, Zhu, Shi, & Zhang poultry diseases that could impact the poultry industry, especially in the case of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). This new facility will also benefit the collaboration between the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory through a memorandum of understanding (MOU), which is facilitating the diagnosis of animal diseases, understanding the epidemiology of growing disease trends and emerging diseases in the state, and increasing data sharing by both parties, thereby better serving the poultry and livestock industries as well as public health and the wildlife community in Maryland. Five faculty members: Drs. Mostafa Ghanem, Nathaniel Tablante, Meiqing Shi, Yanjin Zhang, and Xiaoping Zhu from the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Maryland attended the ceremony. These faculty members had the opportunity to tour the new state-of-the-art BSL-2 and BSL-3 facilities, and meet Governor Larry Hogan, Secretary of Agriculture Joe Bartenfelder, and other state officials and poultry industry leaders. Vet Med faculty also discussed collaboration opportunities with colleagues in the Salisbury Animal Health Laboratory. Dr. Tablante, Governor Larry Hogan, & Dr. Zhu
Invention of the Year Award COVID-19 Research Invention of the Year: Mucosal Vaccination Against 2019-nCoV Infection and Other Infections With over half the worldwide population fully vaccinated against COVID19, an onslaught of breakthrough infections have left scientists wondering what more can be done. Researchers at the University of Maryland are seeking to fill in the gaps left by standard intramuscular vaccines and stop the spread of COVID-19 at its source–in the nose.
Zhu Lab
Professor Xiaoping Zhu, Assistant Research Professor Weizhong Li, and Faculty Assistant Tao Wang were awarded COVID-19 Research Invention of the Year at the 2022 Invention of the Year ceremony. Together they developed a nasal protein vaccination strategy to block viral shedding and transmission from person to person. And because it is protein-based a non-invasive, it can be administered to all ages, either as a primary vaccination or as a booster for those previously vaccinated or infected. (
Summer Interns
Alissa Peels, a rising senior student from Eleanor Roosevelt High School, is a high school intern and will stay until May 2023. She is learning to examine the effect of ultrashort electric pulse on cells and virus infection. Makai Albert, a rising senior student majoring in Biomedical Sciences from Feitian College, is a summer intern. He is studying the effect of ultrashort electric pulse on cells and virus infection. He will stay until late August. Shengming Liu, a rising senior student majoring in Biomedical Sciences from Feitian College, is a Zoe working in the lab summer intern. He is doing DNA cloning to make a platform for protein-protein interaction study. He will stay until late August. Zoe Shi (pictured left) is an undergraduate from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UMD. She is a NIH hybrid summer intern working in Dr. Shi’s lab. Ms. Shi is studying mechanisms involved in fungal brain invasion and mechanisms underlying immune regulations.
Cindy working in the lab
Cindy Wang (pictured right) is a rising senior student from Atholton High School. She is a summer intern in Dr. Shi’s lab. Ms. Wang is learning to examine brain infection and brain immune responses during a Cryptococcus neoformans infection.
VMCVM Maryland DVM Students Welcome Reception
Group photos of DVM students and faculty members at the Welcome Reception
On August 4, 2022, we hosted our first VMCVM Maryland DVM Students Welcome Reception. This reception was open to all 120 Marylandresident students who are in our DVM program on the VMCVM Blacksburg Campus. Attendees enjoyed a brief overview of the VirginiaMaryland College of Veterinary Medicine history, then joined the rest of the Department members for a festive cookout with music and games, followed by a tour of our College Park facility. This event was a huge success. We look forward to hosting it again next year and hope to see many new and familiar faces.
Annual Retreat
On June 10, 2022, the Department of Veterinary Medicine hosted its annual Faculty and Staff Retreat on campus. The day was spent collaborating and reviewing the current state of the department and developing goals for the upcoming year. This year we were excited to add a few new elements to the event. We invited our students to attend a mixer where four alumni, Irina Etobayeva, Jules Nchoutmboube, Lauren Stiltz, and Quinn Yao, joined to share their post-graduation career paths, successes, and experiences. Our staff participated in a CliftonStrengths team exercise where they identified their top strengths and discussed ways to use them to maintain a thriving workplace. Later, our students shared their research with a poster presentation for the faculty, staff, guest alumni, and classmates. We rounded out the day with a teambuilding bowling and billiards friendly competition.
Group photos of students, faculty, staff, & alumni at the 2022 retreat
Welcome New Faculty The Department of Veterinary Medicine welcomes two new faculty members during the summer of 2022. Dr. Seth Dickey is appointed as an Assistant Professor of Microbiology in the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Maryland and the Maryland campus of the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine. His research interests include 1) defining the biosynthesis and mechanism of action of a novel class of antimicrobial peptides to capitalize on their potential for therapeutic use and 2) developing advanced genetic techniques to uncover new bacterial targets as candidates for drug discovery. Dr. Dickey earned his Ph.D. in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine where he Dr. Seth Dickey established a novel membrane-based assay and elucidated the atypical biochemical properties within a family of bacterial membrane proteases. In his post-doctoral work at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases within the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Dr. Dickey was awarded a Postdoctoral Research Associate Training fellowship and turned his attention to characterizing peptide transport systems that are important for virulence in the antibiotic-resistant pathogen methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus. Also, during his time at the NIH, Dr. Dickey taught and directed graduatelevel biochemistry courses at the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences. As a new Assistant Professor, Dr. Dickey plans to develop a course on the mechanisms of antimicrobials and antimicrobial resistance. Dr. Jaekeun Park is appointed as an Assistant Professor of Virology in the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Maryland and the Maryland campus of the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine. He obtained his D.V.M. degree (2010) and Ph.D. in Veterinary Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (2014) from Konkuk Univerisity, Seoul, South Korea. During the Ph.D. training, under the supervision of Dr. Chang-Seon Song, he worked on surveillance of avian influenza viruses in wild birds and vaccine development against avian influenza and Newcastle disease using virus-like particle (VLP) platforms. Between 2015 and 2022, during his post-doctoral research at the Dr. Jaekeun Park National Institutes of Health, under the mentorship of Dr. Jeffery Taubenberger, he focused on defining the correlates of human influenza protection, viral escape from host immunity, and developing universal influenza vaccine candidates. His research interests span different aspects of influenza viruses and immune responses against influenza virus infection. In particular, he will focus on 1) defining molecular signatures of protective or pathological lung resident memory T (TRM) cells, 2) identifying strategies for robust generation and maintenance of protective lung TRM cells, and 3) advancing current influenza animal models to reliably support influenza research on viral pathogenesis and vaccines. Findings from the above research areas are likely to provide key insights concerning the protective or pathological mucosal immune responses to influenza viruses and help identify effective therapeutic and vaccine interventions against influenza and potentially other zoonotic respiratory viruses. He also plans to actively seek opportunities to collaborate with other scientists with various interests in infectious diseases and immunology within the University of Maryland and the VAMD College of Veterinary Medicine
We are currently recruiting new faculty members, if interested click here to apply!
Facility Upgrades The University of Maryland strives to create a thriving workplace and here at the Department of Veterinary Medicine we are continuously looking for new ways to provide upgrades to foster a comfortable and inviting workplace. Two major undertakings that we have completed over the last few months include an HVAC upgrade in the front corridor which updated the system to a central control and monitoring system to allow spaces to receive a comfortable amount of heating, cooling, and ventilation. We also completed an overhaul of the flooring throughout the facility hallways and are in progress of updating the floors in the laboratories.
Hallways before and after
Community Pantry
Several of our community members raised concerns about the lack of food options for our off-campus location. This issue was heavily impacted by the current pandemic as the transportation options to our facility were greatly reduced. To help address this concern, the Vet Med administration established a community pantry in our shared kitchen. Thanks to the generosity and donations from our faculty and staff we have been able to stock the pantry, which includes refrigerated and frozen options.
Food Pantry
Graduate Student Association On May 2, 2022, our Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program (VMSC) Director, Dr. Yanjin Zhang, and Coordinator, Ms. Halema Baxter, guided our Graduate Students to establish a Graduate Student Association (GSA) for the VMSC program. We are proud to present our first and founding GSA officers. President: Urmil Dave Vice President: Anna Zimina Treasurer: Jack Cook Secretary: Bibek Bhattachan Alternative Officer: Kruthi Vavilikolanu VMSC Representative for GSG: Bhargava Teja Sallapalli
GSA: Urmil, Kruthi, Anna, Jack, Teja, Bibek
Extension The Poultry Extension Team, including Dr. Nathaniel Tablante, Project Director and Dr. Ghanem, Dr. Jon Moyle (UME), Ms. Jenny Rhodes (UME) and Ms. Maegan Perdue (UME), co-PDs, was recently funded a USDA-NIFA Smith-Lever Special Needs grant titled "Biosecurity Compliance Audits to Prevent Outbreaks of HPAI and Risk-based Planning to Improve Outbreak Response" in the amount of $106,963.39 for 2 years starting (Sept. 1, 2022-Aug. 31, 2024). Dr. Nathaniel Tablante coordinated virtual (Zoom) visits of VMCVM Summer Veterinary Research Students to federal agencies including the USDA-ARS, FDA-CVM, and NIH. Dr. Nathaniel Tablante served as a guest speaker and panelist on the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) at virtual Science Policy and Information Forum hosted by the Philippine National Academy for Science and Technology. Dr. Nathaniel Tablante gave a virtual lecture on "Avian Influenza - What You Need to Know, not Fear" to students at Sumy Agricultural National University in Ukraine. Dr. Nathaniel Tablante attended the MDVMA Board of Directors meeting in Ocean City, MD as the Poultry and Exotic Animal representative. Dr. Mostafa Ghanem gave two research presentations at the North Central Avian Disease Conference (NCADC) titled "Evaluation of Candidate Reference Genes Stability for Gene Expression Analysis by Reverse Transcription QPCR in Clostridium perfringens" and "Development of Multilocus Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) for Avibactrium Paragallinerum" Dr. Mostafa Ghanem gave a virtual lecture on "Avian Influenza outbreak updates" as a part of the “Top Tips to Keep Your Birds Safe" to Poultry Growers lunch series.
Summer Opportunities in Agricultural and the Environment (SOARE) program. Dr. Mostafa Ghanem’s Lab hosted two undergraduate students Anika Jessup from Middlebury College, Vermont, and Diego Daniel Gomez-Ceballos from California State University-San Marcos, CA in Diego presenting a poster the Summer Opportunities in Agricultural and the Environment (SOARE) program. They received research training and completed two pilot projects titled: A. Jessup “Molecular Characterization and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profile of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale” D. Gomez-Ceballos “Molecular characterization of Salmonella Infantis in Delmarva” Anika working in the lab The Summer Opportunities in Agricultural and the Environment (SOARE) is a partnership between the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR), The Big Ten Alliance Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP), and The UMD Graduate School. SOARE is a gateway to graduate education. The goal of the program is to increase the number of underrepresented students pursuing graduate study and research careers in agricultural, environmental, nutrition and food science, and natural resource areas of study.
Ghanem Lab group photos
Grants Dr. George Belov received an NIH R01 grant for his project titled “Infection-specific lipid metabolism as a target to control enterovirus infections” Dr. George Belov received a MAES competitive grant for his project titled "Identification of a molecular target of a novel broad-spectrum anti-enterovirus compound" for $30,000. Yanli Chen and Dr. Ashley Strickland, graduate students in Dr. Meiqing Shi’s lab, were awarded the 2022 Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grant. This grant is intended to help defray the expenses incurred by graduate students who are traveling to scholarly, scientific, or professional conferences to present papers, posters, or other scholarly material. Dr. Xiaoping Zhu received a MAES competitive grant for his project "Helminth-derived protein for the treatment of inflammatory diseases" for $30,000. Dr. Mostafa Ghanem, Dr. Shankar Mondal, Dr. Nathaniel Tablante, and their team received a One Health Initiative Grant for their project titled “Understanding the role of chickens sold at Maryland’s feed stores, hatcheries, and auction markets in recent human salmonellosis outbreaks and identification of evidencebased interventions.” Dr. Sean Riley and his collaborator, Dr. Elke BergmannLeitner, have received a 2-year NIH R21 grant titled: “Identification of Genetic Markers of Susceptibility to Intracellular Bacterial Infection Using the Collaborative Cross Mouse Model”. The proposed study will identify novel animal models that closely recapitulate variations in human disease to enhance the development of vaccines/ immunotherapeutics and identify genetic factors that govern immunity against intracellular pathogens. Dr. Yanjin Zhang received a new research grant, for antiviral drugs therapies for SARS-CoV-2 infection, sponsored by Viriom, INC. Dr. Don DeVoe (Mechanic Engineering), Dr. Don Milton (Public Health), Dr. Xiaoping Zhu (co-investigator) have received a NIH R21 grant: Elucidating Airborne SARS-CoV-2 Infectivity at Single Aerosol Resolution. This project will implement a set of clinical studies using a novel technology platform designed to elucidate the distribution, clustering, and infectivity of SARS-CoV- 2 virus within exhaled breath aerosols, with the goal of enhancing our understanding of SARS-CoV-2 aerobiology and informing the design of improved approaches to mitigating viral spread. Dr. Shaik O. Rahaman (Food & Nutrition), Dr. Xiaoming He (Bioengineering), and Dr. Xiaoping Zhu (co-PI) received a 5-year NIH NIAID R01 grant: Investigate the mechanisms underlying microRNA-146a activity in regulation of foreign body response to biomaterials. The major goal of this proposal is to determine the role of TRPV4 channel in the pathogenesis. The results of this proposal promise to define the role of microRNA-146a in the pathogenesis of FBR, and may lead to novel and effective therapeutics for FBR and other fibrotic disorders.
Patents Dr. Xiaoping Zhu and Dr. Weizhong Li received a patent in 2022: US, 11,376,317 B2, FcRn-Targeted Mucosal Vaccination against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).
Publications Elbehairy, M. A., Samal, S., & Belov, G. A. (2022). Encoding of a Transgene In-frame with a Newcastle Disease Virus Protein Increases Transgene Expression and Stability. Journal of General Virology, 103(6). Harhala MA, Gembara K, Nelson DC, Miernikiewicz P, Dąbrowska K. Immunogenicity of Endolysin PlyC. Antibiotics (Basel). 2022 Jul 18;11(7):966. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics11070966. PMID: 35884219; PMCID: PMC9312349. Chao KL, Shang X, Greenfield J, Linden SB, Alreja AB, Nelson DC, Herzberg O. Structure of Escherichia coli O157:H7 bacteriophage CBA120 tailspike protein 4 baseplate anchor and tailspike assembly domains (TSP4N). Sci Rep. 2022 Feb 8;12(1):2061. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-06073-2. PMID: 35136138; PMCID: PMC8825819. Snyder AM, Riley SP, Robison CI, Karcher DM, Wickware CL, Johnson TA, Weimer SL. Behavior and Immune Response of Conventional and Slow-Growing Broilers to Salmonella Typhimurium. Front Physiol. 2022 May 2;13:890848. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.890848. PMID: 35586720; PMCID: PMC9108930. Thakur M, Bista S, Foor SD, Dutta S, Yang X, Ronzetti M, Rana VS, Kitsou C, Linden SB, Altieri AS, Baljinnyam B, Nelson DC, Simeonov A, Pal U. Controlled Proteolysis of an Essential Virulence Determinant Dictates Infectivity of Lyme Disease Pathogens. Infect Immun. 2022 May 19;90(5):e0005922. doi: 10.1128/iai.0005922. Epub 2022 Apr 13. PMID: 35416705; PMCID: PMC9119094. Kitsou C, Pal U. Vaccines Against Vector-Borne Diseases. Methods Mol Biol. 2022;2411:269-286. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1888-2_16. PMID: 34816411. Strickland AB, Sun D, Sun P, Chen Y, Liu G, Shi M. 2022. IL-27 signaling promotes Th1 responses and is required to inhibit fungal growth in the lung during repeated exposure to Aspergillus fumigatus. ImmunoHorizons. 6(1): 78-89.
Adjunct & Affiliated Faculty
George Belov
Yonas Araya
Andrew Broadbent
Seth Dickey
Halema Baxter
Chinta M. Lamichhane
Mostafa Ghanem
Matthias Corrotte
Weizhong Li
Aleksandar Dakic
Daniel Nelson
Ely Guevara
Utpal Pal
Girmay Gebreluul
Jaekeun Park
Judy Knight
Sean Riley
Johanna Lavigne
Meiqing Shi
Ricardo Morales
Nathaniel Tablante
Tam Ong
Ekaterina Viktorova
Joan K Lunney
Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (BARC), Agricultural Research Service (ARS), USDA.
Shankar Mondal
Maryland Department of Agriculture
Shaik O. Rahaman Maria Salvato Larry Shelton Wenbin Tuo Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (BARC) USDA/ARS/NEA
Xiuli Yang Yanjin Zhang
AVRUM GUDELSKY VETERINARY CENTER 8075 Greenmead Drive | College Park, MD 20742
Editor: Halema D. Baxter