6 minute read
Poet Laureates
Bilkovsky, Caitlyn J
Brodzik, Lane
Bultman, Thea Christine
Casper, Jordan
Chun, Haneul
Dwyer, Deanna
Fox, Natalie Eliana
Grewal, Sophia
Hu, Michael
Hurley, Emma Grace
Ibrahim, Aisha Bisola
Kasto, Jessica Thaka
Lee, Nathan Parker
Marcus, Matthew Landon
Miranda, Lesley
Na, Leah
Noraeva, Katherine
Singh, Navpreet
Sloan, Kimberly Jenelle
Srivastav, Riya
Williams, Aaron John
Wurster, Mary Osberg
Yang, Fuchun
Zelin, Halle
Our sincere thanks to our teacher Zilka Joseph
Mindfulness Practice
As I rise from this peaceful place, A warmth of care upon my face, I’ll carry this love with me each day, Guiding my steps along the way.
May my heart stay open, my spirit light, Filled with compassion, free from spite, And may my kindness, like a gentle breeze, Bring joy and peace to all I seize.
Breath in Mindfulness in my mind
Joy in my mind
My mom, dad, brother, friends, Justin, and workers at my school
Hoping they are happy
Thinking how they laugh and enjoy the life
Sending a small piece of hope and joy in their life
Hoping it reaches them
Hoping they are happy
Breath out
Feeling quite a bit tired. But who isn’t?
In one way, being tired is a privilege. I get to do so much and be a part of so many things that I’ve run out of energy.
In another way, being tired is a negative side effect of grind culture. Our society’s mentality of running ourselves into the ground.
Refusing to pause when we need it.
Privilege or suffering?
A bit of both.
Thankful for my mandatory pause for a breath meditation today.
Getting to pause, but only because it’s considered homework.
Grind culture wins yet again.
No distractions, breathe. No distractions, breathe.
One, two, three, four. Come back. Love to distractions.
Stories I forgot about. Breathe. In.
Tense, tense, tense. Compassion, connection. Out.
Tingling sensation, freedom of the day. Instructions
Relief dwells over me as I sit in the dark space and allow myself to breathe. In. Out. In. Out.
Breathing calmly and staying in control. Wandering mind, it is okay. Remain kind to yourself. You are only human.
Relaxed, hungry, calm, and energized are sensations I felt after my practice.
I could hear my stomach growling, and I knew I had to eat soon. My mind was all over the place, but once I focused on my breath
I could feel a sense of calmness. I have a lot of assignments, but my mind rills full of energy, ready to compute them. I now feel relaxed and rejuvenated after a long day.
Anxious in the beginning
Headaches and eye strains are bothering me
Now, slowly close my eyes, and focus on my breath
Don’t think of anything but just relax
Inhale and exhale
I can feel that I am alive
As I breathe more, the pains and worries are flowing away Instructions
Don’t worry
I will do a great job tomorrow
Calmed lots for a day to be heard to give what is inside me to see inside my stress and be with my stress and to appreciate life
Returning after practice
Colorful vehicles and trees run beside me All are heading toward different destinations Realization hits me we are all alive.
In my living room, my favorite place to rest. Out of all of the comfy brown couches in the world, I think I have the best.
This place is mine, and mine only I’ve done my best to make it homey
Bathed in purple and orange light
A relaxing and welcoming sight.
Here I exist in my own space
The only member of the human race
My solitude is my greatest treasure
Coming home is always a pleasure.
My eyes open up as I enter my environment
I see myself
That’s Ok. The makeup mirror in front of me reminds me of preparing for a good time
But looking at myself after meditation is weird
I see just a human
I remember that under my skin, there are blood and organs the same as everyone else knowing this is special
A baby crying
An alarm clock going off
Say a quick prayer before starting my day
What is my agenda today?
What is today? What day?
What time is the class?
Do I have time for breakfast?
Did I do the assignments for today?
A simple morning greeting to baby
What’s for dinner?
Errands after school
How do I feel today
Did I get enough rest?
Checking phone for important information
Let’s get the day started
Generosity and Kindness
A dream after a series of nightmares
A space suddenly mine without conditions or contingencies little by little, the emptiness was filled with soft white wood an accent wall that brought the brightness of the sun to fight against the cold grey space a desk that allows me to invest in myself the way my quasi-parents have invested in me a place of my own a sense of belonging found again
The glass shattered, metal ripped people crying, sirens wailing there you are beside the wreckage
“Is that everything I can do?” without thought, you lend a helping hand always having kindness for others you inspire me daily
A long week that seems to have no end in sight
A tunnel with no guiding light to lead me home until suddenly, I hear the rustle of paper on my door who knows, words could be such a source of strength and love
A bright square illuminates the dark tunnel suddenly the finish line becomes clear after so many dark skies who knows, a little note of encouragement could hold so much power?
Ann Arbor might seem like its own bubble
But that’s false...life outside the University exists such as can be seen at the BTC (Blake Transit Center), where a mix of life within the University and outside the university can be seen. One day, a teenager was there, looking around-lost He knew where he needed to be but didn’t know how to get there. A Bus driver guided him-told him where to go- and where to exist Almost mother-like.
She took him under her wings, even for only a couple of minutes, and helped him get where he needs to be
The boy relaxed in the bus seat – stress-relieved almost. as he now was able to get to his destination.
To give and give and expect nothing you are a martyr of your own
I see you, but you don’t see me That flower speaks 1000 words she will love you for who you are not for the flower your kindness is her source of gratitude
A basket of all My favorite things and eight Notes I will cherish
Creamy and thick dull to the eye but exciting to the village on my tongue potatoes styled just the way I like playfully combined with my name our connection special. made for me with the love only a mother can imbue to green beans
The best pancake you ever had you said that to your aunt she is all happy, telling you to eat more she asked you if it was a tough trip
7236 miles, 13 hours flight you are a dandelion flowing with the wind wherever you go, beneath the ground there is a dandelion root
Rose, shimmering glaze
Cheddar infused oats, onions
Mom’s meatloaf is home
A spicy and sour smell touches my nose
A familiar and warm smell is filled in the space
Today’s dinner is kimchi jjigae, Yes, I love my mom’s kimchi jjigae
The taste that I never can feel in the US
Yes, I am at home.
I am really at home.
From jjigae, I feel my mom and home.
Noodle, a food from thousands of years ago
You are coming back from school thousands of miles away
We have not seen each other for years
She cooks it for you in the kitchen
Even though she has rheumatism and barely could walk
Tears dropping into the bowl
You look at the clock and know it is time to go
When can you see her next time?
The smell of meatloaf
TV playing in the background in the room
Music playing on my phone in the kitchen
The kitchen sink running periodically
Familiar sound of Netflix once I sit down to eat
Random conversations
Darkness outside
The aroma of my favorite dish
Smells better than it tastes
Oh, what a meal
Connecting to Nature
A frayed rope dangles from a tree, It looks as if it has always been there, An extension of its branches, The yellow fibers look scratchy and rough, Uninviting to the touch,
But should you choose to grab ahold, And swing over the incline of sand,
And feel the wind rush past your face, And look towards the sun through the full summer trees, There will be no regrets
Waves meet sandy shores
Gulls caw, sun ablaze above no worries, just life
My favorite outdoor spot, a peaceful retreat where my heart belongs to The rustling leaves, in a calming dream
They bring me to a state of ease
In this place of peace, I feel at one.
I’m surrounded by peace and calm. A warm sun ray, a cool breeze
The lake is still but echoes the wind
The birds fly relentlessly throughout The noises beyond the trees intrigue me
I close my eyes and imagine
The peace and calm that heals me