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extensive photo collection highlighting student life and the history of this campus. Also in the Prairie Portal are digital copies of all the WCSA and UMN Morris yearbooks, as well as the campus newspaper from 1960– present (made possible by a collaboration between the History Club and the Archives).

Digital Well

The University of Minnesota Morris Archives is seeking donations of photographs from the West Central School of Agriculture years. Of particular interest are photos of student life, classes, or campus buildings, particularly if the people, events, or year the photo was taken are identified.

If you have photos or other materials from the WCSA era that you would be interested in donating, please fill out the form on the UMN Morris Archives website at archives.morris.umn. edu/contribute-materials-archives or contact us at archives@morris.umn.edu or 320-589-6172 to arrange for collection.

The University of Minnesota Morris Archives maintains many digital collections that are available online.

The Digital Well at digitalcommons.morris. umn.edu is the UMN Morris institutional repository that houses important digital documents, audio, and videos from the campus. Listen to oral histories about UMN Morris or the west central Minnesota region in our Oral History collection, which includes 539 oral histories. Read copies of West Central bulletins or past editions of the WCSA AlumNEWS in the Archives collection. Watch public lectures and videos of special events in the Public Lectures, Events, and Conferences collection.

Visit contentdm.morris.umn.edu to view the UMN Morris Prairie Portal, which houses our

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