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The Morris Academic eXperiences (MAX) Fund supports educational opportunities for students who wish to enhance their academic career through activities like internships, study abroad, community-engaged learning, and undergraduate research. These four students made use of MAX funding to expand their educational experiences.
McKenna Langerud
’23, East Grand Forks health and wellbeing science major, biology minor

Among the many reasons I chose the University of Minnesota Morris is the many academic scholarships that make undergraduate study and all of the additional opportunities accessible and affordable. For me, the MAX scholarship meant studying abroad in South Tyrol, Italy. I lived at Brunnenburg Castle and studied art and archaeology of the Alps, as well as castles of South Tyrol. I visited numerous museums, archaeological sites, and castles that allowed me to further conceptualize the material I was learning in the classroom. I participated in a sustainability practicum, where I assisted with various tasks on Brunnenburg Castle’s organic farm/vineyard. Those included tending to the land, animals, and plants, harvesting a wide variety of produce, and processing the produce to taste the fruit of our labors.
This has been a program that has really enhanced my education by opening my eyes to different cultures, different ways of life, and helping me learn how to be a global citizen. After graduation, I plan to attend naturopathic medical school to pursue a career as a naturopathic doctor.
Lindsey Roemeling ’23, Luverne economics and management: financial and organizational management double major
I chose to attend UMN Morris because of my campus tour. I went on the tour with my mom and loved the small community, as it reminds me of home. I went on a separate visit with my friend, who also ended up going to Morris, and we were able to talk to management faculty. It was great to know that the faculty, staff, and students seemed to genuinely care about the campus community. This is what drew me into committing as a student here.
Because of the MAX scholarship, I have been able to work with an organization called 100 Rural Women. I grew up in a rural area, so this organization’s mission is important to me. I have had the opportunity to network with so many amazing women leaders. I learned how to use many different platforms for team communication and event planning, as well as enhanced my communication skills. My leadership skills and confidence have improved more than I can say. After graduation, I plan on attending graduate school for human resources and industrial relations.
Elsa Eaves ’25, Hinckley environmental studies major

What makes Morris different from other colleges is the special connection you build with the community and faculty. Having a smaller sized campus is wonderful when working with faculty on research projects who are asking questions about their area of study. There is much going on with the campus, and one of the perks about smaller classes is getting to know your professors and their research opportunities.
The MAX scholarship allows me to invest more into books needed for research in order to have stronger knowledge and stronger outcomes. So why does this scholarship matter? It not only allows a little more freedom with finances to explore and do what we are passionate and interested in, but it also shows that people are rooting for the students at Morris, and it adds encouragement for what we want to do next.
There’s so much progress and creativity happening through the University of Minnesota Morris, and I am so grateful for the support of the MAX scholarship.
Kiley Rodarmel ’24, Sartell
Spanish and communication, media, and rhetoric double major
I chose UMN Morris because of the small size. I knew that a larger university would not fit me. I was recruited to play tennis, which was one of my main deciding factors coming here. This year I am doing Morris Academic Partnership research, taking on the role of Morris Intercultural Education Initiative student leader, and playing tennis. At a bigger school, I may not have these same opportunities.
My MAX scholarship supported employment with both the Morris Intercultural Education Initiative and Uniting Cultures. The work that I am doing helps the communities with ESL classes and documenting the diversity of the city of St. James. This allowed me to practice my Spanish in a new way and expand my vocabulary. I had never done something like this. Thanks to the MAX scholarship I can list Spanish transcriber on my resume because of the work that I did this summer. This could be helpful for a job in the future. In addition, the position provided me with funding to support my college education.