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Welcome to the first day of classes!
UofMNLawSchool University of Minnesota Law

BLSA celebrates 50 years!

The Johnsons join the Class of 2025!

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison ’90 with Justice Shannon, 3L, and Samia Osman, 3L, after he spoke at an event on the state of Minnesota’s elections. umnlaw

Shonice Pooniwala, 2L, and Cizhu Feng, 3L, participated in the Law Council’s student snowman-building challenge in February.
University of Minnesota Law

Dean Garry W. Jenkins and student speakers and honorees at the 134th Commencement.
University of Minnesota Law

Immigration and Human Rights Clinic director Professor Stephen Meili and clinic students Yemaya Hanna ’22 and Patrick Murray ’22 collaborated on a report concerned with treatment of LGBTQ+ citizens in Guatemala. University of Minnesota Law
Parth S. Deshmukh ’22 and Isaac S. Foote ’22 battled it out in the final match of the Student & Professor spring Ping Pong tournament.

Sydney Goggins ’22 at the Dean’s Graduation Reception.
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Financial Information
Minnesota Law has
nonresident and resident
(reciprocity) tuition rates. Students from SD, WI, and Manitoba qualify for resident tuition. Merit scholarships are awarded to highly qualified candidates at the time of admission and range from $5,000 to full tuition. No separate application is required.
Summer funding and/or
fellowships are available to students through the Human Rights Center Fellowship, Robina Public Interest Scholars Program, and the Career Center. Many student paid positions exist at the Law School for law students, including research assistant, structured study group leader, library assistant, and orientation leader. Travel reimbursement funds are available for students to attend 20+ national diversity, practice area, and law school-hosted job fairs.
Application deadlines:
Early decision (binding) ................... December 31 Priority consideration for scholarship ............ March 1 Final day to submit ..............................June 1
• Completed application with $60 fee • Personal statement • Resume • Optional supplemental statement • Completed CAS report (includes LSAT, transcripts, one letter of recommendation)
Apply to Minnesota Law Today
Our Admissions Committee looks forward to reviewing your application and conducting a holistic review of the materials you submit. We consider many factors in our decision, such as student engagement and leadership, professional experience, writing ability, community service, academic achievements, and references.
For more details on the application process at Minnesota Law, please visit LAW.UMN.EDU/JDADMISSIONS
University of Minnesota Law School Admissions N130 Mondale Hall 229 19th Ave. South Minneapolis, MN 55455
University of Minnesota
The University of Minnesota shall provide equal access to and opportunity in its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. All statistics herein are correct as of September 1, 2022. Visit our website to review the ABA required disclosures. © 2022 University of Minnesota. All rights reserved.
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