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TORT Presents
Leslie Bellwood, 2L 2021 TORT poster art (Left to right) Justin Oakland, 1L, Ben Parker, 1L
(In audience, left to right) Joshua Hamel, 2L, AJ Nold, 2L, Jessica Szuminski, 3L (On stage, left to right) Justin Oakland, 1L, Daniel Lecker, LL.M., Vanessa Hird, 1L, Jake Polinsky, 1L
The Theatre of the Relatively Talentless’ (TORT), annual show for the Law School Community, Super Smash Gophers! is scheduled for May. Thinking creatively in the best spirit of the old adage that “the show must go on,” the students have structured the 2021 show to offer three viewing options: a drive-in screening at the Bohemian Flats, a second drive-in screening with a Zoom simulcast, and a third Zoom-only matinee.