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“Regulatory paralysis: The answer to the unanswerable question of FCC minority ownership policy” was published in Michigan Technology Law Review. In May he gave a talk at Whitworth University titled “A Little Less than Strict and Compelling: The Future of Free Speech in Social Media.”


Haseon Park

HASEON PARK, along with co-authors, had “A multi-modal emotion perspective on social media influencer marketing: The effectiveness of influencer emotions, network size, and branding on consumer-brand engagement using facial expression and linguistic analysis” accepted for publication in the Journal of Interactive Marketing. They examine how emotional expressions in social media content posted by social media influencers lead to consumer engagement with brands.

HYEJOON RIM was elected to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) publications committee.

ADAM SAFFER, along with co-authors Katie Kim (Ph.D. Student) and Yan Qu (postdoc), was awarded the University of Georgia Advertising/ Public Relations Top Paper Award for Public Relations Theory & Practice at the 26th annual International Public Relations Research Conference (IPRRC) for their paper title “The role of employees’ workplace communication networks on employee outcomes: Exploring from egocentric network and social

CLAIRE M. SEGIJN was awarded an American Academy of Advertising Research Fellowship for the project “Mapping the surveillance effect: How perceptions of phones ‘listening to offline conversations’ relates to advertising responses” with collaborators Joanna Strycharz and Sanne Opree.

ERICH SOMMERFELDT is vice-chair of the public relations division of the International Communication Association (ICA). He will be program planner for the 2024 conference in Gold Coast, Australia, and the 2025 conference in Denver, Colo. He will take on the role of chair of the division for 2026 & 2027.


STEINKE received the International Communication Association (ICA) Journalism Studies Division’s 2023 Outstanding Dissertation Award at ICA 2023 in Toronto, Canada. Nominated by Ph.D. adviser Valérie Bélair-Gagnon, Steinke received the award for her work on her 2022 dissertation: “The Institutionalization of Solutions Journalism.” This prize recognizes and rewards doctoral dissertation research that explains, enlightens, inspires, and improves the practice and study of journalism and communication worldwide.

BEN TOFF presented research on news avoidance on a panel at the International Symposium on Online Journalism in Austin, Texas, in April. He gave a talk on the same subject at the University of Bergen in Norway in May. Toff’s Trust in News Project published its seventh report this spring on perspectives from marginalized and historically underserved communities. And in May he gave a virtual presentation to senior leadership at Australian Broadcasting Corporation about his research on trust.

EMILY VRAGA’s book chapter

“To Debunk or Not to Debunk?

Correcting (Mis)information” published in Managing Infodemics in the 21st Century, which was organized and edited by several leaders in the World Health Organization. She also gave a talk and participated on a panel at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in April on intervention to address science misinformation.

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