Healthy You from UMR – Winter 2018 edition

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Healthy You Winter ~ 2018

Say “yes� to you


life balance

in the new year

To tech or not to tech 7 steps to easier

meal planning Serious sleep (re)solutions

Winter blues sneaking up on you? Stop, look up and observe the wonder of your day.


Š2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

About this magazine “Healthy You” magazine is published as an educational resource for UMR members and provides information about tools and resources available from UMR as a part of our member online services. Available features and benefits are dependent on the products and features included in the plan design. Not all members will have access to all features shown. Copyright ©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without permission in writing from UMR. All information and links were accurate and functional at the time of publication. However, because this electronic publication contains links to third-party sites, information can change and become unavailable. While using this electronic publication, you may click on a link to other websites. We provide links to other websites that may contain information that may be useful or interesting to you. We do not endorse, and are not responsible for, the content and accuracy of linked websites operated by third parties or for any of your dealings with such third parties. You are solely responsible for your dealings with such third parties and we encourage you to read the terms of use and privacy policies on such third-party websites.

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Our Health Education Library All access meets greater flexibility We’ve made it easier than ever to get the trusted answers you seek. An updated – and fully integrated – Health Education Library is now available.

Check it out Experience the latest Health Education Library enhancements for yourself – and delight in the difference.

Health education library


Make sure you check out this FREE resource. Log into your member account on and select Health Education Library. ©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.



Sleep? Exercise? Get the inside scoop on the one thing we all need more of this new year.



Here’s to everything you need to know about alcohol's impact on your health and happiness.



Movement isn’t one-size-fits-all. Find out how to take your activity level up a notch to fit YOUR needs – without resolution rebound.



Learn what balancing work, life and family really means — and what it takes to achieve it.

10 11 20 21 24 25 32 33 34 35




Register on to take advantage of all our online resources for members.

©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

Are you making sleep a priority? It’s time. Learn the surprising truth about the power of sleep.



Even if you were “born ready,” we all need the latest disaster-preparation tips.



Here we sit, once again contemplating the best way to ring in the New Year. After the ball has dropped and all of the toasts are made, we find ourselves seated at our desks and cubicles, around our kitchen tables, and pushing carts through shopping aisles. We’re back at it – back to the daily grind of life.

At UMR, we asked ourselves how we can best serve up our special dose of New Year’s inspiration. Because we too need some fresh incentive, something to put the pep in our own steps – and we aren’t sure that pushing resolutions is the best solution. (Especially when only 8 percent of Americans report sticking to them).


It’s your year;

your time.

Say “yes” to you.

©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

So our team went digging for some real reasons – reasons grounded in facts – to make a little more sense of all the typical hype. What would give us good reason to stop and reassess our commitment to ourselves?

It all begins with you Our most important discovery wasn’t rocket science. As it turns out, people are craving more personal time, and frankly, they’re desperate for it. In the era of smartphones, FaceTime and virtual everything, we’re rarely alone. So the “year of you” bubbled up to the surface as a natural fit and focus.

INSIGHT: “Me time” is in high demand. Regardless of age, place in life, work or interests, people across the spectrum are feeling burnt out, overwhelmed and hurting for rest. Over half of Americans work more than 40 hours per week, and

most aren’t sleeping the recommended 7-8 hours per night. Surprised? We aren’t either. So, how many more reasons do we need to put ourselves first?

#TREATYOURSELF This issue of Healthy You is designed to help you prioritize yourself – and your health – in a way that’s authentic, lasting and sensible. If you need a good reason to step into the spotlight and take a solo spin, the New Year invites you to take center stage.

©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.


New year,

new fitter you Creative ways to reflect on your fitness goals and revitalize your routine. Most of us know the story:

Movement changes more than your waistline. The positive effects of exercise are at play from your head to your toes. From improving anxiety and depression to helping keep cancers and heart disease at bay, we aren’t short of reasons to believe that investing in a fitness routine is invaluable to life.

It's time to step up!

“Movement is my middle name.” ACTIVE Swimming laps, aerobics, tennis, jumping rope and hiking STEP IT UP Find a friend with similar goals to help hold you accountable

“I work at it everyday.” MODERATE Brisk walking, water aerobics, gardening and bicycling STEP IT UP Multitask while watching television – you can march in place, stretch or do a core workout

Do an honest assessment of your current activity level. This benchmark will help you set reasonable goals now and as you progress. How active are you?


Sources: American Council on Exercise; National Institutes of Health; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.


“I try to move, but life often gets in the way.” LOW Leisurely walking and housework STEP IT UP Take a 20-minute walk every other day

“My movement is toward the sofa.” SEDENTARY Little to no activity each day STEP IT UP Stand up and move once every hour

*For safety’s sake, talk with your doctor before significantly increasing your activity level. Ask about the amounts and types of activities that may be best for you. ©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

Now that you have an idea of how much exercise you currently do, and how much you need, it’s time to start thinking about WHAT you do. Variety helps keep things interesting and makes for a better, more balanced fitness plan. MIXING IT UP PREVENTS * Boredom * Overworking the same muscle group * Performance plateaus WHERE TO BEGIN Aim for at least 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise a week.* Add strength exercises two or more days a week. Mix in balance and stretching, too. REMEMBER: RESULTS DON'T HAPPEN OVERNIGHT Time, consistency and patience will help you achieve your goals. So when you don’t see physical change right away, stay positive.


Ask a nurse My husband has a horrible snoring problem. Is there anything we can do about it – other than making him sleep on the couch? And should I be worried it’s a sign of a more serious issue?

Email and your question may be featured in a future issue of Healthy You.

I just found out I am pregnant and I haven’t had my flu shot yet this year. What are the pros and cons of getting a flu shot during my first trimester? Dana in Missouri

Jennifer in Indiana Snoring may be a sign of a more serious issue. The snoring may be caused by something physical, such as blocked nasal passages due to sinus or nasal congestion, or possibly due to a structural abnormality, such as a deviated septum. There are many other potential physical causes, and your husband should discuss with his physician and see if a referral to an ear, nose and throat specialist, or ENT, may be beneficial. Snoring may also be caused by sleep apnea, a condition where a person has unusual pauses in their breathing and may appear to “stop breathing” while sleeping. In this case, encourage your husband to discuss with his physician to see if a sleep study test may be appropriate for him. In either case, start with a trip to your husband’s doctor and be sure to mention anything you’ve noticed that reduces his snoring, such as changing sleeping positions.


That’s an excellent question, Dana. Health experts are currently seeking more input on the potential risks of receiving a flu shot during pregnancy. The U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recommended that pregnant women get a flu vaccine during any trimester of their pregnancy because flu poses a danger to pregnant women and a flu vaccine can prevent serious illness, including hospitalization. However, the CDC has published further guidance on the issue based on results of a recent study. Therefore, our advice to you is to speak to your health care provider about any questions or concerns you have about the flu vaccine before making a decision on what’s best for you. In all other cases, the CDC recommends a yearly flu vaccination for everyone 6 months of age and over as the first and most important step in protecting against the flu. ©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

Health Literacy Your personal health record matters

In our last Health Literacy 101 column, we established that patients who are willing to talk with their doctors tend to be happier with their care. A good way to start those conversations is with a personal health record. A personal health record is different from the medical records your doctors keep. It’s your own tool you can use to track the details of your health care. You can then share that information with doctors when they need to know more about you.

Today's lesson What is a personal health record? Why should you create a personal health record? What should you include in your personal health record?

5 key benefits

Keeping a personal health record can help you get organized so your doctors can take better care of you. It can also help you with:

REMEMBERING when it’s time for tests or screenings

TRACKING family members’ health problems that might put you at risk

©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

RECALLING when symptoms began, got worse or got better

MANAGING your health in between doctor's visits

ADVOCATING for yourself in a medical emergency


4 ways to store your personal health record There’s no one right way to keep track of your health. What’s most important is that you choose a format that you can update often and access easily. A notebook or journal A printable computer document or spreadsheet

An online tool like the one on Log in and select Health center from the myMenu, then choose the Keep a health record tile to get started

Name Birth Date Blood Type

Allergies: Drug/Food/Environmental

A health app (some smartphones come with one already installed)

What to include in your personal health record

Medications: Prescription/Over-the-Counter/Supplements (Names, Dosages, Frequency, How Long You’ve Been Taking) Doctor’s Visits: (Names of Doctors, Dates, Reasons) Hospitalizations: (Dates, Reasons) Tests, Procedures, Screenings: (Dates and Results) Major Illnesses and Surgeries: (Dates and Details) Chronic Health Problems and Treatment Plans Immunization History Exercise Habits, Dietary Plans, Health Goals Family History Living Will/Advanced Directives

Just Plain Clear®


We know that health care and health benefits terms can be difficult for anyone. Log in to and select the Glossary tile to find thousands of terms defined in plain, clear language to help you make informed decisions.

Emergency Contact Information


©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

Cheers to a healthy approach to drinking It can be hard to say "no" to a drink, but sometimes it’s the only way to say "yes" to a healthy body and healthy relationships. While sobriety should be the ultimate goal for some, others would benefit from simply drinking less alcohol or examining the conditions under which they drink. On the following pages, we take a look at what drinking in moderation really means, the effects of excessive drinking and how to get help if you need it.

DID YOU KNOW: When alcohol begins to impact your brain, it causes changes in mood, behavior, concentration and coordination. According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health:

15.1 million

adults had alcohol use disorder (AUD), defined as drinking that causes distress or harm.

The percentage of men with AUD is nearly double that of women. This widespread problem also affects adolescents, teens and seniors.

If you are concerned about excess alcohol use, start by talking with your physician or other health care provider to:

Rules for the road

Never drink and drive! ©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

• Decide whether or not the drinking behavior is risky

• Determine if medications would be helpful

• Develop a treatment plan

• Make a referral to the appropriate resource, if indicated

• Evaluate your overall health status


How much is safe to drink There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to consuming alcohol. Your gender, your health and your habits all play a role in how much alcohol is safe. Consider the following to determine what’s right for you.

What is




One 12-ounce can, bottle or glass of beer (about 5% alcohol)

or One 8-ounce glass of malt liquor (about 7% alcohol)


One 5-ounce glass of wine (about 12% alcohol)

One shot or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits (40% alcohol)

What is

drinking in moderation?

"Moderation" is considered no more than two drinks per day for men and no more than one drink per day for women.

The effects of alcoholic beverages Alcohol can affect each person a little differently, depending on a number of factors:

• t he number of alcoholic • • • • 14

beverages you drink h ow often you drink y our age y our overall health y our family history

Alcohol impacts the body almost immediately, and its effects are noticable in as little time as

10 minutes PEOPLE WHO SHOULD NOT DRINK: pregnant women women who may be pregnant

those taking certain over-the-counter and/or prescription medications people with certain medical conditions recovering alcoholics or those who cannot control their drinking anyone under the age of 21

©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

The effects of excessive drinking The effects of excessive drinking go well beyond embarrassing behavior and a wicked hangover. Alcohol abuse can cause serious health risks, damage relationships and even cost you your job.


Cancer risk Heavy drinking, particularly over time, can increase your risk for certain cancers, including:

The emotional effects of heavy alcohol use on spouses/partners and children are immeasurable. You can harm or even lose those you care about.

esophagus throat breast liver


people die per year in the U.S. due to alcohol

Serious health issue risks • brain damage • heart issues • cirrhosis For some conditions, there is no known safe level of alcohol. These conditions include certain types of cancers, such as breast cancer, liver disease and fetal harm during pregnancy.


At work, alcohol abuse could cause injury, low productivity or loss of employment.

©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

A delicate balance

It's something we all strive for. But in between our idealistic big-picture planning and our realistic day-to-day demands, we often lose sight of this goal. So what can you do differently this year when walking that tricky tightrope of work, life and family? It will take careful planning and plenty of courage, but saying “yes” to the things you’ve been backburnering and “no” to the things that aren’t really that important to you could be the key to finding that elusive balance — and a happier you.


©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

What does balance look like? Balance means something different to each person. And your personal picture of balance will undoubtedly change with the ebb and flow of life. Balance doesn’t necessarily mean splitting your time 50/50 between home and work, either. Having work/life balance means that you’re fulfilled at both work and home and don’t feel like you’re sacrificing too much of one for the other.

Face your roadblocks Before you can balance your time, it’s important to understand where your time is going and why. Are you a perfectionist? While there’s not much to lose when you spend too much time on things as a child or young adult, there’s more at stake as you get older and have more responsibilities and relationships to manage. Think about what you could let go of. Can you be OK with “good enough” when it comes to certain work or household tasks?

Afraid of change? Be honest about whether fear is keeping you from doing less or more of something. For instance, perhaps you’re overworking because you’re afraid you’ll lose your job if you cut back your hours. Fear of failure can keep us from trying new ways of doing things, too. You may even be afraid of adjusting to new routines or to spending more time with loved ones if you’re not used to doing so — even if it’s what you really want to do.

©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

Tied to technology? Lack of boundaries when it comes to tech use is one of the biggest hurdles on the road to work/life/family balance. Using tools like an “out of office” response (even on a nightly basis) and turning off devices or notifications after a certain time can help you escape the clutches of technology. And it cuts both ways: While work communication can interfere with family time, things like texting and social media can make you less productive at work and potentially cause you to work longer hours, thus sabotaging the work/life balance you’re striving for.



Say to say “yes” While being busy is a badge of honor these days, overextending yourself sabotages your quest for balance.

Mark your calendar Set the must-haves Hold yourself accountable to the commitments you make and the changes you’re striving for.


Jot down the activities everyone in your household has already committed to. Log any doctor, dentist, vet or other non-negotiable appointments.

Consider the nice-to-haves Pencil in the things you’d like to do. Now look at your month as a whole. Is it manageable? Is there anything you can forego? As other requests for your time come in, look at where they’d fall on the calendar. Is there time in your schedule for them? Are they things you really want to do,

or do you just feel obligated to say “yes?" Ask yourself what you’ll have to say “no” to if you say “yes” to those invitations.

Remember yourself It’s important to take time to do the things that re-energize you physically, mentally and spiritually. Saying “no” to other people’s demands on your time gives you the time to say “yes” to seeing that new movie, shopping, taking a class, getting a mani/pedi or reading a new book. It takes practice and courage, so be kind to yourself. ©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

Evaluate your efforts According to, effective work-life balance involves two key concepts that are relevant to all of us: achievement and enjoyment. It’s important to define what those two things mean to you personally, in both your home and work life. Remember, what’s joyful for one person might not be for another. And everyone has a different definition of success. Once you figure that out, you can step back and gauge whether you’re maintaining a balance that’s right for you.

PLAN, AND THEN PLAN SOME MORE The biggest key to successful work/life/family balance is planning ahead and (realistically) allocating your time. No task or activity is too small to plan: • Walking the dog • Going to the gym • Doing laundry • Getting a haircut

Embrace change Maintaining balance requires continual recalibration. What works now might not in six months as work demands, family dynamics, financial obligations and other important things shift. Recognize these changes, embrace them, and be willing to change yourself to sustain the balance you’ve worked hard to achieve.

Sure, life will throw unexpected obligations your way, but the more you plan ahead, the more control you’ll have over your time. ©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

• E ven binge-watching Netflix! Of course, it’s also important to plan time for family, friends, hobbies and travel. Keep your planning on track with tools like: Calendars Meal planning websites Reminder apps


Find your power switch Stick with whatever gets you up off the couch and keeps you moving at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week.

To tech or not to tech

Modern technology can be a blessing and a curse when it comes to staying fit. Personal electronics and exercise equipment can make our fitness routines more efficient than ever. But our many screens (TVs, computers, mobile devices) can also distract us or leave us disconnected from the real world around us. The key is finding out what keeps you motivated and putting to use the methods that work for you.

Wearables and mobile fitness trackers

Home gym equipment

Ear buds

PLUG IN Exercise machines,

PLUG IN Choose from a world

PLUG IN These digital devices

such as stationary bikes or steppers, can help you get in a quick workout without leaving home. Some models are equipped with digital tracking features or even streaming video classes.

of podcasts with expert advice on different types of exercise. Or jam out with a playlist of songs to push you through the most intense workout.

UN PLUG Investing in a single type of workout might not keep your interest. If you prefer a more social setting or like to mix up your routines, your money might be better spent on a gym membership.

in isolation, work out with a buddy or personal coach. Or join a class or play a team sport and share your successes.

and apps can monitor your activity level and help you measure your success. Some also have sensors to monitor your heart rate and other vital signs. UN PLUG Certain gadgets may

not be very accurate, particularly at measuring the intensity of your workout. Others may come with pricey options you might not find useful.


UN PLUG Instead of exercising

Š2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

Know where to go when

someone is sick or in a crisis situation. Where you go for medical services can make a big difference in how much you pay and how long you wait to see a health care provider. Explore the following information to help you decide the appropriate setting for your care.

What you need to do:


Find your member ID card.


Find a provider On the back of your member ID card, you’ll find: • your PPO network • contact number • pharmacy contact, if applicable. You can also visit our website at


If you are severely ill and/or it's an emergency, call 911.

FIND OUT WHERE TO GO ON THE NEXT PAGE ©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.


COLD, FLU OR ALLERGIES RETAIL CLINIC Retail clinics, sometimes called convenient care clinics, are located in retail stores, supermarkets and pharmacies. You can find over-the-counter medications and you can talk to you pharmasist for help. TIMES TO GO:

• • • •

Vaccinations or screenings Sinus infections Minor sprains, burns or rashes Headaches or sore throats

Expect to wait 15 minutes or less

Average cost $50-$100

(per service for non-employer sponsored facilities)

NOT FEELING WELL (NOT URGENT) DOCTOR’S OFFICE Seeing your doctor is important. Your doctor knows your medical history and any ongoing health conditions. TIMES TO GO:

• Preventive services and vaccinations • M edical problems or symptoms that are not an immediate, serious threat to your health or life Expect to wait 1 day to 1 week or more for an appointment


Average cost $100-$150

Note: Costs may vary based on your plan. Costs shown represent national averages.

©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.



Determine the severity of the symptoms and choose the provider that works for you.

URGENT CARE Urgent care centers, sometimes called walk-in clinics, are often open in the evenings and on weekends. TIMES TO GO:

• • • • • •

Sprains and strains Sore throats Minor broken bones or cuts Minor sprains, burns or rashes Minor infections or rashes Earaches Average cost $150-$200

Expect to wait 20-30 minutes

(for non-employer sponsored facilities)

SUDDEN HEALTH CHANGES EMERGENCY ROOM Visit the ER only if you are badly hurt. If you are not seriously ill or hurt, you could wait hours and your health plan may not cover non-emergency ER visits. TIMES TO GO:

• Sudden weakness, trouble talking or blurred vision • Large open wounds • Difficulty breathing • Severe head injury Expect to wait 3-12 hours

(for non-critical cases) ©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

• • • • •

Heavy bleeding Spinal injuries Chest pain Major burns Major broken bones Average cost $1,200-$1,500


On the go? Visit on your mobile device

Quick and easy There’s no app to download. Simply visit and add us to your favorites.


Š2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

everyday tips for easier meal planning Your stomach is growling, and you’re standing in front of an open fridge wondering what to eat. There’s a way to stop this what’s-for-dinner scramble: Plan a week’s worth of meals at a time.

Sound too complicated? Try some of these tips:




If you can’t see everything on the shelves, you have too much. Keep your food fresh and shop often.

Find out what food you already have and then buy the few remaining ingredients necessary.





BE A COLLECTOR Clip and save recipes of your favorite meals. Find them in printed material or online. Store in an easily accessible place for future use.

GIVE LEFTOVERS SOME LOVE Eat some now — and freeze the rest for later, or redesign into a new meal. Last night’s chicken can be today’s salad topping.

©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

meals by following these freezing tips:


• • • •

E ggs – hard boiled eggs will get rubbery and in-shell eggs will expand and crack F ruits and veggies – foods with HIGH water contents will get mushy and limp.(ie: watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, tomatoes, and lettuce) R aw potatoes C ream or egg-based products


CREATE THEME NIGHTS Themes can help give your planning some focus. How about “Breakfast for Dinner”, “Taco Tuesday” or “Meatless Monday”?

Stretch your groceries and





Plan your meals and organize a shopping list before you go to the store – saving you time and money.

If thinking up full meals is tricky, pencil in one food group at a time. That’s also a good way to make sure you’re striking a healthy balance at every meal.

• •

• • •

C asseroles and soups F ruits and veggies – LOWER in water content. (ie: strawberries, peppers, beans, blueberries and carrots) Frozen veggies make great additions to soups or crock pot meals. Use fruits for smoothies, baking or snacks! M eat – Raw and cooked B utter and margarine B read


We've all said it. And many of us believe it. I'll make up for it this weekend.

But it's impossible to catch up on lost sleep. Find out why sleep loss can cause health problems – and why it’s just as important as eating well.

Say yes to sl We’ll put sleep myths to bed for good.

Why sleep matters


14-17 hrs


12-15 hrs


11-14 hrs


10-13 hrs

School age

9-11 hrs


8-10 hrs


8-10 hrs


7-9 hrs

Adults over 65


7 hrs

One in three people suffer from poor sleep, with stress, computers and taking work home bearing most of the blame. And while a night of poor sleep here and there may just leave you tired and grumpy, after several nights of losing sleep – even a loss of just 1–2 hours per night – your ability to function suffers as if you haven't slept at all for a day or two.

Four components of healthy sleep:

1 3

2 4

A sufficient amount of sleep

The proper number of age-appropriate naps

Uninterrupted, quality sleep

A sleep schedule that’s in sync with your natural biological rhythms ©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

10 benefits of healthy sleep

leep... The nitty gritty on naps

While naps don’t necessarily make up for inadequate or poor quality nighttime sleep, a well-planned nap can help you feel refreshed and recharged. The optimal naptime is between 1 and 3 p.m., usually after lunchtime, when your blood sugar and energy starts to dip. A 10-20 minute nap, often referred to as a “catnap” or “power nap,” can help to improve mood, alertness, concentration and performance. An hour to 90 minutes of napping brings Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, which can boost memory and creativity.

Stronger immune system Increased sex drive Improved fertility Better mental well-being Easier weight management Sharper memory and concentration Lower stress Fewer accidents Enhanced athletic performance Decreased risk of chronic health conditions

BUT APPROACH NAPS STRATEGICALLY: When they last longer than 20 minutes, but less than 60 minutes, they can leave you feeling groggy and disoriented. Naps can also affect your ability to fall asleep at night if they’re too long or taken too late in the day. ©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.


ARE YOU SLEEP SAVVY? MYTHS MAKE SLEEP APPS WORK FOR YOU In addition to logging calories and counting steps, you can use



Sleep needs can vary greatly, depending on your age. (see pg. 26)



While sleeping more on the weekends can help you feel more rested, you can never fully make up for lost sleep. And irregular sleep habits can interfere with your ability to fall asleep or stay asleep.



Using electronics before bedtime can inhibit sleep by suppressing important sleep hormones and keeping your brain alert.


Drinking alcohol may make you feel sleepy, but as your body metabolizes alcohol, it impacts your quality of sleep and can lead to being awake in the middle of the night.


People who exercise regularly tend to sleep better, but if you exercise too close to bedtime it elevates your core body temperature and may make it tough to fall asleep.

your smartphone or fitness tracker to monitor your sleep.

These apps and gadgets can help you meet your sleep goals by: • Telling you when it’s bedtime • Tracking your quality of sleep • Tracking your hours of sleep • Providing white noise •W aking you up gently with “smart” alarm features • O ffering a place to record specific triggers that might affect sleep, such as alcohol consumption, daily exercise and stress • Detecting sleep patterns



©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

2 4



Sleep (Re)Solutions 8



5 10


These 10 tips will help you improve both your quality and quantity of sleep: 1 G o to sleep and wake up at the same time each day. 2 E xercise daily, but avoid strenuous activity for three hours before bedtime. 3 G et plenty of light when you wake up and throughout your day, and avoid bright light as you approach bedtime. 4 L imit caffeine to early in the day. 5 D on’t eat or drink large quantities three hours before bedtime. ©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

10 T ake UMR’s “Sleep Smart” challenge,* which offers encouragement and support to help you get the recommended hours 7 Avoid bright lights and of sleep each night. screens (TV, laptop, Log in to and cell phone) at least 30 visit the wellness minutes before bedtime. activity center to sign up and get started. 8 Make sure your room You’ll earn credit as is cool, dark and well you track how many ventilated when it’s hours you sleep each time for bed. night, and you can 9 Write down anything check your progress that’s on your mind online. before bedtime so you can clear your head *Availably of this challenge is dependent on your employee without worrying you’ll benefits offering. forget. 6 Don’t work or do other stimulating activities in the bedroom. Reserve this area for sleep and intimacy.



A resource for readiness

When it comes to emergencies, you can never be too prepared. Knowing how to respond quickly may help you and your family stay safe. For a variety of action plans, check out You’ll find answers to questions like:

It’s not always possible to avoid a disaster — but there are ways to be prepared. Plan ahead with these five steps:


What should I have on hand in case of a power outage?

Have a way to get emergency alerts. You may

Know how and where to evacuate. Choose

be able to receive warnings and instructions by email, text, phone or mobile app. A battery-operated radio is likely going to last longer than your cell phone.

several safe places to go in an emergency and always be aware of where exits are located. And work out what help you might need to get there.

Create a support network. See if people you

Figure out how family members will get in touch.

Prepare for your medical needs. Have a seven-day

know can check on you after a disaster. Give them an extra set of keys for your home.

Carry a printed copy of their phone numbers and email addresses with you. Designate a meeting spot and pick an out-of-town person you can all contact to check in.

supply of medicines on hand. Store backup batteries for your medical equipment. And if you have treatments at a hospital or clinic, find out where to go if they are closed. ©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

How can I make my home safer if a hurricane is coming?

How can I help?

How can I make sure my pets are taken care of in a disaster?


WHAT IF? Have you ever seen someone having car trouble, and you wonder what you could do to help? What if you were stranded? In addition to having a plan for natural disasters and home emergencies, you should also try to prepare for the “what-ifs” of travelling. As most of modern American travel is done by car, it is important to be prepared.

Keep these items accessible in your car. • Jumper cables • Tow strap • Blankets • Flashlight • Bottled water • Phone charger

• Non-perishable snacks • Map • First aid kit • Printed copies of important phone numbers

Here are some ways to help others that may be affected by emergencies, big or small: • H elp a neighbor when they are sick •W atch children, pets or a loved one’s home in a pinch • Travel with a first aid kit • K now CPR and basic first aid • D rive a loved one to their doctor appointment • S end a card or “help kit” • H elp clean up or provide aid after a disaster •V olunteer for an emergency relief organization. Or, make a monetary donation Sources: American Red Cross; Federal Emergency Management Agency; Ready. gov;,

©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.


Health topics Did you know? Our blood vessels tighten in cold weather, making it harder for us to pump blood. Add the physical exertion of shoveling heavy snow, and it could spell trouble.


• Use a small shovel to

avoid lifting heavy weight

• Go slow and take frequent breaks

• Drink plenty of water and

dress in layers to stay warm

Click on the links below to find out more information about the monthly health observances for winter.




Cervical Health Awareness

American Heart Month

Colorectal Cancer Awareness

Birth Defects Prevention

Children’s Dental Health

National Nutrition Month

Glaucoma Awareness


National Kidney Month

©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

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©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.


Meal Makeover Turn your leftover spaghetti and meatballs into a “breakfast for dinner” delight.


Ingredients: 1/3 cup ricotta

1/4 cup grated parmesan

3 large eggs

Salt and pepper

3 cups leftover pasta and sauce (combined)

1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil


Serves 6

1. Heat broiler.

Want more recipes? Visit for other great winter recipe ideas

2. Stir together parmesan, ricotta and eggs. Season with salt and pepper. Add pasta mixture and combine. 3. Use a 10-inch non-stick, oven-proof skillet, and heat olive oil over medium-high heat. 4. Spread pasta and egg mixture evenly in the skillet. Without stirring mixture, let it cook and set on the bottom for 5-7 minutes. 5. Move the skillet to the oven and broil for 4-5 minutes. 6. Use a thin spatula to loosen the frittata from the skillet and flip it onto a large plate. 7. Slice and serve hot (or at room temperature).


©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

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©2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.


About us UMR is a third-party administrator (TPA), hired by your employer to help ensure your claims are paid correctly so your health care costs can be kept to a minimum and you can focus on your health and well-being. UMR is not an insurance company. Your employer pays the portion of your health care costs not paid by you.

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UMR is a UnitedHealthcare company. Š2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

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