Things that Bring Barkat to Muslim’s Wealth and Life (part 2)

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Requesting ALLAH’S pardon: Increase in one’s sins and wrongdoings can also result in lack of wealth and spiritual assist in worldly stuff, as it leads to weakening of the connection with the ALLAH Almighty. One can get assist from prayers and asking ALLAH Almighty for forgiveness of its transgression from the true path, which would ease every matter and bring tranquil in one’s life. So, calling for mercy on past crimes does not only result in tranquillity in life issues, but also brings about Barakat from sources which we cannot even consider of.

Reciting the Holy Quran: The great importance of the Divine Manuscript is apparent from the verity that it became the reason of transforming lives of the savage Arabs, who used to be most horrible enemies of one another. It gave them well balanced information about both religious and secular themes, and the similar illiterate Arabs ruled the world afterwards. It shows that understanding and reciting the Holy Quran improved their lives altogether and caused them to increase productivity in all walks of life. It contains certain Verses and Surahs which remind us of matters like blessings of ALLAH Almighty, His mercy and remembrance, belief and reliance in One ALLAH, and thankfulness to Him and many other helpful methods, which are all basis for attaining Barakat in life. Verse 38:29 of Holy Quran: [This is] a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded.

Hence, this is a Sanctified Volume and it serves as means of prompt about various issues, and pondering on its verses is also considered as a blessed deed. Giving charity Zakaat: Conducting contributions in the way of ALLAH Almighty, be it helping the needy or poor, spending for the reason of Jihad, or donating to the construction of a masjid or etc. is said to be one of the best grounds for increasing one’s wealth beyond imagination. That is why Hazrat Usman (R.A) after spending a lot for the ALLAH Almighty never had any decrease in his prosperity. The Holy Quran guides us in this matter as follows:

Verse 34:39 of Holy Quran; Say, “Indeed, my Lord extends provision for whom He wills of His servants and restricts [it] for him. But whatever thing you spend [in His cause] – He will compensate it; and He is the best of providers.”

The above mentioned verse or Ayah shows that using one’s resources for purposes which fulfil the criteria that are developed by the religion of peace Islam, whether it is for spiritual or secular cause, will eventually result in the superlative and everlasting returns from ALLAH Almighty. is one of the authorized Hajj and Umrah travel agent based in UK offers a range of Best Hajj 2018 Packages from UK.

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