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General Information for Course Selection
Course Selection and Registration
Advanced Placement and Honors Coursework
Scheduling Conflicts
Course selection takes place in the spring of each school year. Leading up to the day of registration, students are strongly encouraged to discuss their course selections with parents, teachers and members of the Curriculum and Instruction Department. Students should carefully consider their personal interests, current and future time commitments, and their goals for college and beyond. Students are provided a deadline for registration. Failure to register by the posted date may result in the student’s forfeiture of course selection rights, and a schedule may be chosen for him/her. An Academic Blueprint worksheet is included on page 33 so students may plan their anticipated academic pathway.
UMS-Wright offers a variety of advanced courses including Honors (H) and Advanced Placement
(AP). Honors courses are taught at an accelerated pace and advanced level as compared to the College Preparatory (CP) courses. AP courses should be viewed as equivalent to a college level course relative to the demands of the course in both time and assignments. Students who choose to attempt an AP course at UMS-Wright should be mindful of the additional requirements involved, including taking the end of course exam. Students may take no more than 11 AP classes over the course of their academic career. AP Class Fee: $125 To enroll in Honors or AP courses a student must receive a recommendation. Recommendations are determined based upon the following criteria: Attendance and work ethic Performance in prerequisite coursework Contributions made to the learning process that indicate intellectual engagement and curiosity in the subject Strong ability to analyze, evaluate, problem solve and conceptualize new ideas Maturity necessary to work with more controversial and challenging works / topics
UMS-Wright offers a great variety of courses and activities for its students to pursue. Because of the varied nature of student interests, sometimes scheduling conflicts will occur. Every effort will be made to place each student in the courses that he or she requests. However, sometimes this is not possible. It is very important that students clearly indicate acceptable alternatives when registering.
Availability of Courses
UMS-Wright reserves the right to cancel a course if there is insufficient student enrollment or insufficient faculty availability. If a course is canceled, the Curriculum and Instruction Department will notify students to make another selection.