2015-2016 UMS K-12 Field Trip Brochure

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What is UMS? We believe in the power of world-class performing arts to inspire, transform, and connect individuals with transcendent experiences. Housed on the campus of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, UMS (also known as the University Musical Society) is one of the oldest performing arts presenters in the country, committed to connecting audiences with performing artists from around the world in uncommon and engaging experiences.

What are UMS Field Trips? UMS Field Trips are music, theater, and dance presentations carefully chosen from UMS’s complete season and referred to as School Day Performances. Performances are artistically unaltered presentations of the same material that the general public experiences in the evening, and tickets are only $7 each. Bringing your class to a School Day Performance is not only a fun field trip, but a way to make classroom curricula come to life.

What are UMS K-12 Educator Workshops? K-12 Educator Workshops are professional development opportunities for teachers to explore arts-based classroom strategies that nurture student learning and support student achievement goals across various areas of the curriculum.

UMS’s Three Guiding Principles for K-12 Education Programs ACC ESSIBIL ITY

The Arts are for everyone, of any socio-economic status or ability. ARTS IN TEGR ATION

Arts-infused experiences engage and motivate students, provide them with multiple entry points in other subject areas, and energize teaching and learning.

Learning is core to UMS’s mission. UMS Field Trips Provide: C R E AT I V I T Y, by providing a fertile learning ground and encouraging innovative approaches to exploring complex issues. C O N N E C T I O N , by incorporating a variety of cultural, social, and historical topics that help students connect their personal experiences to universal themes. C O M M U N I T Y , by broadening students’ perspectives as they encounter artists from distinct cultural backgrounds, as well as diverse groups of students from throughout the region.

UMS Educator Workshops Support: A R T I S T I C A N D C U LT U R A L E X P L O R AT I O N , by offering educators experiences to expand their knowledge about diverse art forms and cultures. C U R R I C U L A R C O N N E C T I O N S , by helping educators bridge the gap between artistic experiences and specific Common Core state standards through arts-integration strategies. COMMUNITY, by drawing together like-minded educators who support the arts in education and want to share their challenges, successes, and best practices.


Artistic excellence creates sparks in us all, and encourages us to achieve our very best. 2


The Hampsong Foundation: Song of America Led by Thomas Hampson, Mark Clague, Susan Key, and Dan Tolly Saturday, December 5 // 9 am—3 pm U-M School of Music, Theatre & Dance Moore Building (1100 Baits Drive, Ann Arbor) Fee: $30, Grades K-12

K-12 Educator Workshops Character Interviews: A Dramatic Approach to Reading Comprehension


The internationally renowned operatic baritone Thomas Hampson explores the power of classic American songs as the gateway for a richer knowledge of the cultures, languages, peoples, and events that have shaped American life. The workshop will include a full complement of activities: sessions exploring both content and pedagogical strategies, a conversation with Hampson about his passion for telling the story of history and culture through classic song, and a special live performance focusing on songs related to the material covered in the workshop. This workshop is ideal for Language Arts, History, Social Studies, and Performing Arts teachers.

4th Wall Theatre Company:

Lights! Camera! Learning! Incorporating Theater Skills into the Classroom

Led by Kennedy Center Teaching Artist Lenore Blank Kelner Thursday, November 5 // 4:30 pm—7:30 pm WISD Teaching and Learning Center (1819 S. Wagner Road, Ann Arbor) Fee: $30, Grades 3-8

Led by Katie Mann and Annie Klark, Co-Founders 4th Wall Theatre Tuesday, January 26 // 4:30 pm—7:30pm WISD Teaching and Learning Center (1819 S. Wagner Road, Ann Arbor) Fee: $30, Grades K-12

Teachers explore an effective and engaging technique for involving students in examining literature and developing their reading comprehension skills. Participants discover how to use an imaginary talk show format in which students are interviewed while portraying characters from a book. Teachers also learn how to become the talk show host and pose appropriate questions that require students to support their answers from the literature, make predictions and inferences about their characters, and analyze the text’s theme. This workshop is ideal for Language Arts and Performing Arts teachers. Presented in conjunction with the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Partners in Education Program.

Theater is for everyone! After their highly praised session during the “UMS Accessibility and the Arts Immersion,” 4th Wall Theatre co-founders Katie Mann and Annie Klark return to UMS to present an interactive and playful workshop where teachers will take an in-depth look at bringing theater to the classroom. Using music, dance, and drama strategies, teachers will learn new approaches and brainstorm ways to inspire arts-integrated and inclusive lesson plans. Mann and Klark specialize in working with children with disabilities, especially children on the autism spectrum, but their strategies and approach apply to children of all abilities. This workshop is ideal for Performing Arts and Special Education teachers. 5

Impact Roundtable with K-12 Humanities Teachers Led by Robin Bailey, AAPS Fine Arts Coordinator Thursday, March 17 // 4:30 pm—7:30 pm WISD Teaching and Learning Center (1819 S. Wagner Rd, Ann Arbor) Fee: Free, advance registration required, Grades k-12 See what your fellow K-12 teachers are up to in their classrooms. Teams of educators will share the arts-infused projects they have been working on throughout the school year, and talk about the origins of their ideas, highlight their successes, and reflect on challenges. You’ll take away creative approaches to add a spark to your classroom and learn about the nuts and bolts of implementing arts-integrated projects from peer teachers.

Immersion: Southwest Detroit Mexican Arts & Culture Saturday, March 19 // 9 am—6 pm Meet at WISD Teaching and Learning Center (1819 S. Wagner Rd, Ann Arbor) Travel by bus to various locations throughout southwest Detroit Fee: $75, Grades 3-8 The culture of Mexico is among the richest and most fascinating in the world, the product of myriad indigenous influences, Spanish cultural elements, and a tradition of vibrant artistic expression. This day-long cultural immersion explores Mexican and Mexican-American culture as expressed right here in Michigan, in southwest Detroit. From the working tortilla factories, to the shops selling handcraft goods, to the colorful murals that decorate the streets, there is Mexican culture everywhere! Bring your appetite for discovery (and good food) and prepare to expand your appreciation of our neighbors to the South (and right down the road). UMS will partner with community experts to lead hands-on activities which give educators an authentic cultural experience. All workshops are participatory, and each workshop will feature demonstrations and resources that can be brought back into the classroom. 6

School Day Performance Series TWO PERFORMANCES!

A Christmas Carol National Theatre of Scotland Thursday, December 17 // 12 noon­—1:30 pm Friday, December 18 // 11 am—12:30 pm Power Center Stage Tickets: $7, Grades 3-12 (limited capacity) The National Theatre of Scotland returns to Ann Arbor with a unique production of Charles Dickens’s literary classic A Christmas Carol, performed in a specially designed box that transforms the Power Center into the offices of Messrs. Scrooge and Marley, with onstage seating right in the midst of the action. Dickens’s immortal tale of the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge features haunting puppets, live music, and a set that will spirit you back to Scrooge’s Victorian London. Length: 90 minutes. SUP P O RT E D BY

David and Jo-Anna Featherman


Tanya Tagaq Tuesday, February 2 // 11 am—12 noon Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Tickets: $7, Grades 7-12 Tanya Tagaq’s music isn’t like anything you’ve heard before. Born and raised in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, in Canada’s largest and northernmost territory, Tagaq grew up surrounded by Inuit and Western culture. Although traditional music was always on the periphery, it was the sounds of pop music that captured her imagination. As a teenager she began experimenting with Inuit throat singing and gradually developed her own solo style, fusing her contemporary interests with the ancient art form. Unnerving and exquisite, Tagaq’s unique vocal expression is rooted in Inuit throat singing, but her music has as much to do with electronica, industrial, and metal influences as it does with traditional Inuit culture.

B L A C K G I R L — L I N G U I S T I C P L AY

Camille A. Brown & Dancers Camille A. Brown, artistic director and choreographer Friday, February 12 // 11 am—12 noon Power Center Tickets: $7, Grades 5-12 Camille A. Brown brings her newest work to Ann Arbor for her UMS debut. Black Girl – Linguistic Play speaks to the complexities of carving out a positive identity as a Black female in urban American culture. Using African-American social dancing, rhythmic play, and musical compositions to better illustrate the true identity of the “Black Girl” beyond stereotypes, Brown’s choreography is creative, energetic, and accessible.

Nufonia Must Fall Sphinx Competition Honors Concert Friday, February 5 // 12 noon—1pm Music Box, Max M. Fisher Music Center (Detroit) Tickets: Free, registration required (limited capacity), Grades K-12 The 19th Annual Sphinx Competition showcases the most gifted young Black and Latino string players in the U.S. In this free performance with the remarkable Sphinx Symphony Orchestra, three Junior Division Finalists (under age 18) compete for cash prizes, scholarships, and performance opportunities with the top symphony orchestras around the nation.

Kid Koala, DJ, producer, and graphic novelist K.K. Barrett, director The Cecilia Quartet Thursday, March 10 // 11 am­—12 noon Power Center Tickets: $7, Grades 3-12 The Montreal-based scratch DJ and music producer Kid Koala presents a magical multi-disciplinary and theatrical adaptation of his graphic novel and soundtrack, Nufonia Must Fall. This charming story centers around a headphones-sporting robot on the verge of obsolescence who, through the course of the story, falls in love with a lonely office girl. This live adaptation unfolds via real-time filming of more than a dozen miniature stages and a cast of puppets, while Kid Koala and the Cecilia Quartet provide original live scoring on piano, strings, and turntables. You’ll seem to be watching an animated picture, but simultaneously seeing puppets being filmed and projected in real time. Heartfelt, hand-made, and a very cool live experience. E NDOW E D SUP P O RT F RO M

Phyllis and David Herzig Endowment Fund



Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlán Friday, April 1 // 11 am­—12 noon Hill Auditorium Tickets: $7, Grades K-12 No other mariachi in history has had a trajectory or influence remotely comparable to the Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlán; they are widely considered the finest mariachi in the world. With worldclass vocalists and instrumentalists, flawless ensemble work, impeccable taste in repertoire, and spellbinding showmanship, the group never fails to engage its audience, eliciting spontaneous gritos, sing-alongs, and one ovation after another with its heart-wrenching vocals and virtuosic instrumentals. Masters at melding the old world style of mariachi music with new, innovative pieces, Mariachi Vargas is appealing to audiences across all generations.

New Program! Pre- & Post-Performance In-Class Workshops for K-12 Students

Zafir: Musical Winds from North Africa to Andalucía Simon Shaheen, musical director, oud, violin Sonia M’barek, vocals Juan Pérez Rodríguez, piano, vocals, guitar Auxi Fernandez, flamenco dancer with Qantara Friday, April 15 // 11 am—12 noon Michigan Theater Tickets: $7, Grades K-12 Simon Shaheen brings to life the Arab music of Al-Andalus (Spain) and blends it with the ubiquitous art of flamenco in Zafir (wind), a program of instrumental and vocal music and dance that renews a relationship with music from a thousand years ago. Zafir explores the commonalities of music born in the cultural centers of Iraq and Syria that blew like the wind across the waters of the Mediterranean to Spain, where it blended with elements of Spanish music before being brought back across the seas to North Africa, where it flourished in the cities of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. 10

UMS is excited to introduce our new program of pre- and post-performance workshops in connection with our season of School Day Performances. For select School Day Performances, a UMS teaching artist will visit your classroom and facilitate a 30- to 45-minute arts-integrated experience that is directly connected to school curricula and the performance. After the performance, the UMS teaching artist returns to your classroom to lead students in reflection and discussion. These workshops are designed to actively explore the art form and themes that students will encounter during the performance, and, best of all, come at no additional charge to your school. Your students will deepen their experience as audience members and critical thinkers, while collaborating and connecting with each other, growing artistically and academically, and practicing their creative skills in the classroom. UMS will contact teachers one month prior to the performance date to schedule workshops. Ticket orders must be confirmed and the 50% deposit paid prior to the date of the workshop. All classroom workshops are subject to availability. All teachers receive a copy of lesson plans once workshop dates are confirmed. 11

Making Ticket Requests


X (Spanish)

X X (Spanish)

X (Arabic & Spanish)


World Languages


Arts Integration Pre- & Post- show workshops

Curriculum Connections

To submit ticket requests: Visit: www.ums.org/fieldtrips E-mail: umsyouth@umich.edu

Call: 734-647-4010

General Ticketing Information • Tickets may be requested at any time! School Day Performance tickets are $7 for each student, teacher, or chaperone, unless otherwise noted (allow at least one chaperone per 15 students). Additional discounts may be available for schools where 50% or more students qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch.











Social Studies

• 10-ticket minimum request per performance.

• Ticket demand often exceeds availability. To accommodate demand, UMS reserves the right to cap ticket requests per school for each performance.







English Language Arts

• Before requesting tickets, check school calendars and transportation availability.

• All performances are subject to change and cancellation. • 50% deposits are non-refundable; see payment timeline below.





Incorporating Theater into the Classroom

Impact Roundtable

Mexican Immersion

X Zafir


X Mariachi Vargas

Song of America

X Nufonia Must Fall


X Camille A. Brown & Dancers

Character Interviews

X Tanya Tagaq

Educator Workshops

x School Day Performances

A Christmas Carol

Payment Timeline

Performing Arts

Event 12



Visual Arts

• For the complete list of ticketing policies, visit www.ums.org/k12policies.

Are you on the list? Sign up for UMS Education eNews to keep in touch for fresh info on programs, including our 2015-16 teacher professional development series. Add your name to the list by emailing umsyouth@umich.edu.


Workshop Registration

To register for a workshop: Visit: www.ums.org/workshops Email: umsyouth@umich.edu Call: 734-647-4010 2014-2015 Award winners with UMS staff and DTE Energy Foundation President Faye Alexander Nelson.

General Workshop Registration Information • Teachers must register for workshops and pay nonrefundable workshop fees in advance. • Final payments are due five business days prior to the workshop in order to guarantee your spot. • A $10 workshop registration discount is available to teachers bringing students to a corresponding School Day Performance and to students enrolled in a university teacher education program. • All workshop fees are nonrefundable.

Workshop Reimbursement Ann Arbor Public School Teachers: AAPS will reimburse teachers’ workshop fees, up to $30 per workshop, subject to availability. Washtenaw Intermediate School District Teachers: WISD will reimburse the workshop fees of the first five teachers per workshop to register. Teachers who miss the workshop may not apply for reimbursement.

K - 1 2 S E A S O N L A U N C H C E L E B R AT I O N ! Tuesday, September 15 // 4:30 pm–6:30 pm U-M Museum of Art (525 S. State St., Ann Arbor) Join UMS and fellow teachers as we launch the 2015-2016 K-12 season at a special after-school wine reception. Register at www.ums.org/workshops. 14

DTE Energy Foundation Educator and School of the Year N O W A C C E P T I N G N O M I N AT I O N S ! ( D E A D L I N E : F R I D AY, D E C E M B E R 4 ) Each year, UMS asks the Southeast Michigan community to help us choose the DTE Energy Foundation Educator and School of the Year. The award recognizes educators and learning communities advocating for arts in education and doing great work integrating the arts throughout the K-12 curriculum. Anyone can nominate by visiting ums.org/awards. Nomination deadline is Friday, December 4, 2015. Nomination form is available at ums.org/awards.

UMS’s Youth Education Supporters UMS is grateful to the following donors for establishing permanent endowment funds or making annual contributions of $10,000 or more between July 1, 2014 and June 1, 2015 to support Youth Education Programs.

Bank of Ann Arbor Joseph A. Bartush DTE Energy Foundation The Esperance Foundation David and Jo-Anna Featherman Maxine and Stuart Frankel Foundation David and Phyllis Herzig Endowment Fund Miller, Canfield, Paddock, and Stone, P.L.C. PNC Foundation Prudence and Amnon Rosenthal K-12 Education Endowment Fund Toyota University of Michigan (U-M) U-M Health System


P UB L I S H ED AU GU S T 2 01 5 Non-Profit

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Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1011

881 North University Avenue

Ann Arbor, MI

Burton Memorial Tower


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