UMSSW Connections Fall/Winter 2020

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suicides, and fatalities resulting from law

Biobehavioral Catch-up intervention on

enforcement intervention in a violent

infants’ use of mother- oriented and self-

incident) among young people ages

soothing emotion regulation strategies

0–25 years in the United States. Findings

and infant emotion dysregulation.

will guide research and practice efforts to prevent intimate partner violence-


related deaths among young people.

Professor Bethany Lee, PhD, was

Lisa Berlin, PhD

Corey Shdaimah, PhD

Corey Shdaimah, PhD, Senior Research Project Coordinator Alyssa Goodman, MSW, and Natalie Slopen (University of Maryland School of Public Health)

Research Early-

published in

Career Mentored

Trauma, Violence


adults. Research Assistant Professor Angela Henneberger, PhD, and colleagues

Development. Le Réseau pour Transformer les Soins en Autisme/

Professor Sarah

Social Work and

a new paper

reduce violence among non-intimate

in the journal Early Education and

invited Assistant

Society for

Candidate has

and conflict resolution interventions can

Toddler Child Care Providers’ Wellbeing”

Consortium (RTSA)


explores the

A Mixed-Methods Exploration of Infant-

Autism Care

Journal of the

literature on whether restorative justice

published “I‘m Literally Drowning”:


named a 2019

Darrow, MSW,

& Abuse that

Professor Lisa Berlin, PhD, Daniel Thursz Distinguished Professor of Social Justice

Caroline Harmon-

Paul Sacco, PhD

have a new

Associate Professors Amanda Lehning,

paper published

PhD and Paul Sacco, PhD along with

in Emerging

alum Kyeongmo Kim, PhD have a new

Adulthood. The

paper published in Psychiatric Services.

piece is titled “A

The paper is titled “The Role of County

Longitudinal Study Examining Dual

Characteristics in Mental Health Service

Enrollment as a Strategy for Easing the

Use by Older African Americans.”

Transition to College and Career for Assistant Professor

Emerging Adults.”

Theda Rose, PhD,

Dababnah, PhD,

along with co-

to present her research on programs for

investigators Dr.

caregivers of young children with autism.

Gregory Hancock,

RTSA is a research network connecting

University of

Canadian researchers focused on

Maryland, College

improving the lives of individuals with

Park and Dr. Sean

autism and their families.

Joe, Washington University in St. Louis received almost

Assistant Professor Laurie Graham has been awarded a 2020 National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) New Investigator Award. Graham’s project will focus on learning more about intimate partner violence-related deaths (homicides, suicides, homicide-


Connections | Fall 2020

Amanda Lehning, PhD

$100,000 in National Institute of Health

Allison Hepworth, PhD

Brenda Jones Harden, PhD funding. The NICHD funded R03 grant

Allison Hepworth, PhD, Postdoctoral

explores psychosocial problems, positive

Fellow, Lisa Berlin, PhD, Professor, and

development and educational outcomes

Brenda Jones Harden, PhD, Alison

among Black youth.

Richman Professor for Children and Families, have a new paper published

The National Association of Social

in Prevention Science. The manuscript

Work-Maryland Chapter has name Reem

presents results from a randomized trial

Sharaf as its MSW student of the year.

that examined main and moderated

Sharaf has a BS in Community Health

effects of the Attachment and

and a certification in Women’s Studies

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