6 minute read
Adults, Couples, and Families - 200
200 The Intersectionality of Sexual Assault for Women of Color: Sexual assault against Women of Color has historically been an attack against not only their identities as women, but also their racial identity. Research indicates that Women of Color are often at elevated risks for sexual assault and that their experience of sexual assault is usually made more complex by factors such as race, socioeconomic status, and lack of culturally appropriate services. This presentation will connect the historical sexual assault of Women of Color and its implications for how society responds to Women of Color survivors today. Friday, February 5, 2021; 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.; Live Interactive Webinar; $65; CEs: 3; Instructor: Teresa Stafford, Inspiring Change, LLC 201 Healing Wounds for Black Women & Their Children: With the increased acceptance of mental health treatment in Communities of Color and particularly among Black women, it is essential that clinicians are aware of some of the reasons for their hesitation to accept therapy, especially play therapy as an effective way to heal their past hurts and trauma or those of their children. The purpose of this training is to assist Play Therapists with identifying what interpersonal and intergenerational trauma is and how both ultimately affect Black women in the therapeutic setting. This training will assist play therapists with ways to overcome potential barriers so that treatment is more successful. During these three hours, participants will learn not only how to identify trauma but be able to identify interpersonal and intergenerational trauma that has impacted and continues to impact African Americans in the United States. During this time, we will also explore interventions and activities that can be used to promote play therapy with Black women to not only heal themselves, but also to assist with healing their children. Friday, February 5, 2021; 1:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Live Interactive Webinar; $65; CEs: 3; Mimi Ryans, LICSW, LCSW-C, RPT-S
202 Machismo: Exploring Fact, Fiction, Culture, Mental Health, and
Treatment Modalities: This workshop will discuss and explore the concept of “machismo” from a clinical and systems perspective. An emphasis will be placed on the word origin, cultural elements, mental health, and various treatment modalities. The workshop will provide participants with a general understanding of “machismo” and how to utilize it in a clinical setting to achieve optimal results. A comparison between Western and Eastern cultures will be discussed. This course will explore what is fact and what is fiction. Wednesday, March 10, 2021; 1:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Live Interactive Webinar; $65; CEs: 3; Instructor: Veronica Cruz, LCSW-C
203 Education, Family Engagement, and the Growing Latinx
Community: This course is designed to focus on the education and family engagement of Latinx communities in the United States and implications for social workers who work with them. Students will learn knowledge, skills, and competencies to work with Latinx communities from different backgrounds, experiences, and with diverse needs. Challenges impacting
educational outcomes and attainment, health care, and the law will be discussed throughout the session. Systemic inequities impacting the Latinx communities will be central in readings, discussions, and reflections. Friday, March 26, 2021; 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.; Live Interactive Webinar; $65; CEs: 3; Instructor: Maritza Gonzalez, PhD
204 Infidelity and Affairs: Helping Couples Heal their Broken Hearts:
The disclosure of an affair is among the most devastating and painful experiences that couples face. It is also one of the most challenging and complicated problems encountered in therapy. This workshop will examine various forms of infidelity, the impact of its discovery on each spouse and the marriage, and issues of recovery and treatment. Some of the challenges encountered in treatment include how much information about the affair should be disclosed; how to help with shattered trust, hypervigilance, and anxiety; and how to build empathy between the partners. Some important insights that have been gained in understanding and treating infidelity and affairs will be reviewed. In addition, a framework for the treatment of infidelity rooted in Relationship Enhancement Therapy will be presented. Wednesday, April 7, 2021; 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.; Live Interactive Webinar; $65; CEs: 3; Instructor: Robert Scuka, PhD
205 Introduction to Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy: A Clinical
Model for the Treatment of Individuals: The Internal Family Systems model is an evidence-based method of treatment that offers healing and transformation by restoring balance to our internal system and allowing the Self, our true nature, to lead. In this workshop, participants will gain an understanding of the Internal Family Systems model through didactic education, interactive discussions, internally focused exercises, and interactive practice. Friday, April 23, 2021; 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.; Live Interactive Webinar; $65; CEs: 3; Instructors: Dana Rosenstein, LCSW-C and Julie Warren, LCSW-C ✺206 From Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder to Post-Traumatic Growth: Trauma is a universal experience that every human being endures at some point in their life. Some individuals sustain multiple traumas, and some of these become so pervasive and acute that they manifest in the form of PostTraumatic Stress Disorder. This workshop will focus on understanding the concept and the theory of what trauma is and how individuals can grow and thrive despite their trauma narrative. Different theories will be explored, but a particular focus will be on strength-based theories to help clients build on, or acquire, resiliency concepts that help them to reshape and reform their trauma narratives from that of victim to that of survivor. A myriad of treatment modalities will be explored, including strength-based theories, trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy, and art therapy. Friday, May 14, 2021; 9:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.; Live Interactive Webinar; $85; CEs: 4; Instructor: Veronica Cruz, LCSW-C
207 Art of Deep Empathy: Empathy is one of the therapist’s most important—and sometimes most taken-for-granted—therapeutic tools. Yet, it’s often misunderstood, both conceptually and in terms of application and technique. This workshop will clarify what empathy is (and isn’t), how to achieve a deep empathic connection, and the two distinct modes of verbally empathizing: the conventional “You” mode and the more specialized “Identification” mode. It will also demonstrate special applications of empathy to deepen the therapeutic process with couples and families. Participants will have the opportunity to practice the specialized identification mode of empathy. Wednesday, June 16, 2021; 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.; Live Interactive Webinar; $65; CEs: 3; Instructor: Robert Scuka, PhD 208 Utilizing Technology with Couples, Families and Groups: Many of the published resources around tele-mental health focus largely on providing care to individuals. For many that serve couples, families, and facilitate groups, there is a collective realization of the difference in needs, assessment, communication, and engagement when providing support to more than one person simultaneously from a distance. Through live instruction, polling, and a live Q&A, we’ll compare HIPAA-secure platform features that allow for multi-point connection; review key terminology; explore single-point versus multi-point advantages and challenges; and review engagement techniques, insurance adjustments, ethical concerns, and online group guidelines when serving multiple participants. Friday, July 9, 2021; 1:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Live Interactive Webinar; $65; CEs: 3; Instructor: Melissa Douglass, LCSW-C, BC-TMH
209 Understanding the Role of Cognitive Distortion and Defense
Mechanism in Processing Trauma: This workshop will be a clinical conversation about the human psyche and the various defense mechanisms used to process and understand complex trauma. Participants will also discuss the process of post-traumatic stress disorder leading to posttraumatic growth. This is an interactive workshop with clinical questions and case examples derived from the film, Life of Pi. The clinical exploration of the film will allow the viewer to understand and define the traumatic journey and growth that the protagonist experiences in this film. Please view the film prior to the workshop. Friday, July 23, 2021; 12:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Live Interactive Webinar; $85; CEs: 4; Instructor: Veronica Cruz, LCSW-C 210 Play Therapy: Is it Really Just for Children? Participants will learn some strategies for incorporating play therapy into sessions with adults. Some topics will include: Play Therapy with Families, Play Therapy with Couples, and Using Play Therapy in Groups. Thursday, July 29, 2021; 1:15 p.m. -4:30 p.m.; Live Interactive Webinar; $65; CEs: 3; Instructor: Mimi Ryans, LICSW, LCSW-C, RPT-S