2011 Resident Coordinator Annual Report Montenegro Montenegrois undergoing extensive reforms for harmonization with European Union legal and policy frameworks. The development and human rights agenda of Montenegro remains unfinished despite tremendous progress since it regained independence in 2006; although progress has been made in establishing institutional, policy and legal frameworks, capacities of the state machinery to implement development strategies, ensure public administration reform and deliver services are still limited. The United Nations Country Team in a “Delivering as One” context, has played a key role in contributing to the reform process, and is well positioned to provide tailor-made capacity development support to address issues of sustainable human development and human rights fulfillment while also supporting European Union accession. The year 2011 was characterised by continuous political stability under the ruling coalition, major progress toward EU integration and modest growth in 2011 estimated at 1.9%. On the political front, the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) is set to remain the dominant political force in 2012-13, following victories in the parliamentary election in March 2009 and the local elections in May 2010. EU integration remains the foreign policy priority. Based on the positive recommendations of the October 2011 Progress Report of the European Commission, the European Council on 9 December 2011 concluded that accession negotiations with Montenegro will start in June 2012, after the Commission assesses its progress in carrying out reforms on rule of law, respect for fundamental rights and repressing corruption and organised crime. In light of these positive changes, the Government appointed Montenegro’s Ambassador to Brussels as the chief negotiator for EU accession talks. Montenegrocontinued to face developmental challenges, throughout 2011, particularly those of vulnerable groups and regional disparities, which were exacerbated by the global financial crisis. The issues of income poverty and inequality [1] were at the centre of the human development agenda. There was an increase in social and workers’ protests in 2011 compared to previous years. Those employed in the police, army, security, education and justice sectors also expressed disquiet regarding wages. The Roma are the most vulnerable with a poverty rate of 36 per cent; they are followed closely by displaced and internally displaced persons, welfare recipients, older people, the unemployed, and people with disabilities. Efforts are also needed to engender respect for protection of minorities and vulnerable groups such as children with disabilities. This is a first step towards equitable socio-economic development to support the elimination of disparities. Attitudes towards children with disabilities are changing, and there have been positive steps in 2010 and 2011 promoting their social inclusion. Policy and legal frameworks for gender equality are in place; however, due to pervasive norms and attitudes, women’s participation in political and economic life remains low and capacity to implement the frameworks is also limited. In February 2011, the Government of Montenegro produced an Action Plan in response to the European Commission’s Opinion to meet the following key priorities [2]: to improve the legislative framework for elections;to strengthen rule of law; to strengthen administrative capacities to deal with future EU accession obligations;to improve the anti-corruption legal framework and implement the government's anticorruption strategy and action plan;tostrengthen the fight against organised crime; to enhance media freedom; to implement the legal and policy framework on anti-discrimination in line with European and international standards; guarantee the legal status of displaced persons, in particular Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians, and ensure respect for their rights. This last priority includes the adoption and implementation of a sustainable strategy for the closure of the Konik camps. In the context of theregional Sarajevo Process, the Government is developing a comprehensive housing programme for the most vulnerable refugees from Bosnia andHerzegovina, Croatia and partly from Kosovo, which is an integral part of the National Strategy for Durable Solutions for Displaced and Internally Displaced Persons, adopted by the Government in July 2011.The UN in the country, under UNHCR’s lead role, has been working for the last ten years to ensure durable solutions for these refugees. Civil society remains relatively weak, however, the new Government has taken steps to enhance the dialogue between the Government and civil society to effectively address the human development, social inclusion and human rights agenda, but there is room for further improvement. There was a significant breakthrough in negotiations between the new Prime Minister, appointed in December 2010, and leaders of political opposition, on the divisive issue of the name of the language in the school curricula (i.e. Montenegrin-Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian Language and Literature) was reached in summer 2011, after five years of heavily politicized disputes on the subject between the ruling and opposition political parties. Another positive development in the last year was the accession of Montenegro to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in December 2011. Since it is a candidate country for EU membership, Montenegro's WTO membership is an important milestone in the integration process with the EU. Promoting economic recovery will be high on the government’s agenda, following a modest rebound in 2010-11 from the sharp contraction in output in 2009 (at nearly 6%), as well as coping with an expected upsurge in public discontent. There is a risk of increased social unrest, as economic growth is forecast to slow in 2012 (1% in 2012 – EIU forecast) and unemployment is set to remain high (20%), before stronger growth returns in 2013, with real GDP growth forecast to accelerate to 2.5% in 2013 as the euro zone begins to recover (EIU). A key milestone for Montenegro has been its adoption to WTO terms of entry during the 8th Ministerial Conference in Geneva in December 2011 - the country will have until 31 March 2012 to ratify its accession package. The forthcoming year will be challenging for Montenegro as the country has to live up to the EU’s expectations. But it will also be challenging for the EU because it must show to its people that Montenegro’s progress is good for the stabilisation and prosperity of the Western Balkans. Moreover, Montenegro needs to implement a series of reforms until the next session of the European Council in June 2012 with a special emphasis on the fight against corruption and organized crime.
Council in June 2012 with a special emphasis on the fight against corruption and organized crime.
[1]The level of inequality in Montenegro increased from 6 in 2004 to 9.8 in 2008 (Decile coefficient). [2]The avis of the European Union on Montenegro’s accession highlights seven key benchmarks.
Summary on progress towards UNDAF outcomes Montenegro, self-starting Delivering as One (DaO) country as of late 2009, finalized implementation of a transitional two-year phase (2010-2011) of Integrated UN Programme. The country is now beginning implementation of the Phase II of its Integrated UN Programme, which actually represents the first UNDAF in independent Montenegro, covering the period 2012-2016. The existing Joint Country Steering Committee (JCSC), which approves the Integrated UN Programme and guides the UN in its “Delivering as One” commitment, is the primary political mechanism through which the Government was engaged in the UNDAF process as part of formulation of Phase II of the Integrated UN Programme, in late 2010 and beginning of 2011, and will be as part of implementation of the Phase II. The Integrated UN Programme is guided by the over-riding priority of the Montenegrin Government to join the European Union as well as by key national reform and development strategies. The first Integrated UN Programme for Montenegro has three strategic programme pillars, namely: Social Inclusion, Democratic Governance, and Sustainable Economic Development & Environmental Protection (SEDEP). Together with national partners, the UN agencies in Montenegro in 2011 either developed or continued implementation of joint programmes in relation to Democratic Governance, Social Inclusion and Sustainable Economic Development and Environmental Protection (SEDEP) on a) Good Health system Governance for Equitable Effective and Quality Health Care in Montenegro(joint programme of UNDP and WHO); b) Non-communicable diseases prevention, healthy lifestyles and food safety (joint programme of WHO, UNICEF and UNDP); c)Improving the business environment through green jobs and institution building (joint programme of UNDP and regionally based organisations UNEP, UNESCO, UNIDO and FAO); d) Support to fulfillment of Montenegro’s social inclusion priorities related to permanent solution of status for refugee, displaced and domicile Roma persons (joint programme of all resident agencies, implemented by UNDP); e)Child protection and social inclusion (joint activity of UNICEF & WHO); f) DRR, Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation (joint programme of UNDP, UNEP, UNICEF) all funded partially or entirely from the Expanded DAO Funding Window 2010 and 2011. Members of the JCSC agreed at the meeting in June 2011 that the Expanded Delivering as One Funding Window was a good source of funding, but not the only one. Montenegro received USD 557,000 from the 2011 EFW, however, not all funds have been transferred to the UN Country Fund by the Headquarters. The release of the last tranche, as communicated by the Chair of the EFW Steering Committee, will be subject to satisfactory progress against the indicators and will be made in the first quarter of 2012. Under the leadership of the JCSC, the UNCT, conveners of Pillars and line ministries pledged to work jointly on mobilisation of additional resources for the UN Country Fund in order to cover funding gaps identified in the Integrated Budgetary Framework. Within the framework of EU accession, cooperation has been deepened with national institutions in addressing the issue of displaced and internally displaced persons, especially in the area of providing support for their registration and voluntary return to the places of origin. Public awareness on challenges and opportunities of stateless persons has been significantly raised throughout a broad media campaign conducted by the cross-cutting Working Group on Gender and Human Rights with assistance from the UN Coordination Office. Networking aimed at raising awareness on human rights protection was particularly upgraded on the occasion of Human Rights Day observance, when the UN Working Group on Gender and Human Rights merged its knowledge, experience and commitment with the Academia, OSCE Mission, EU Delegation to Montenegro, Government and NGO sector in order to pursue solutions for particular human rights areas such as antidiscrimination, statelessness and gender equality and through organisation of a joint “16 days against violence in family” campaign in late 2011. The Theme Group and Joint Team on HIV/AIDS successfully implemented its Work Plan through supporting the national counterparts in development and implementation of National HIV/AIDS Programme and Universal Access Review Report. It also effectively implemented the joint programme “UNCT and National Response to HIV/AIDS” providing strategic guidance to the Ministry of Health, Country Coordinating Mechanism and National AIDS Commission in addressing the key challenges and gaps of the national HIV/AIDS response and in development of standards for inclusion of Counselling Centres in national health system. UNCT’s policy engagement activities with national partners are evident in development and realisation of projects and programmes dealing with: support in acquiring personal documents for I/DPs and domiciled Roma (at risk of statelessness) , improving the business environment through green jobs and institution building as well as through assisting the country in creating and harmonisingeffective legal aid , mediation andjuvenile justice systems. Another important outcome of UNCT’s policy engagement with national partners is in the area of disaster risk reduction , risk management and climate change adaptation. Namely, the disaster risk reduction was recognized by the Government and the EU Delegation as a priority for IPA 2012/2013 where the UN was recommended as the implementing partner by the Government.The UN system supported the Ministry of Interior, Sector for Emergencies, and the municipalities to develop 12 local flood risk assessments (these are the first flood risk assessments in Montenegro) based on which the flood preparedness plans will be
developed and carried out in 2012. Overall, the Integrated UN Programmefollows programmes and priorities defined in the policy documents of the Government of Montenegro that pertain to UN mandates and comparative advantage. Outputs of the Integrated UN Programme fully correspond to strategic objectives of Montenegro in joining the EU, achieving the Millennium Development Goals and Millennium Declaration, improving donor coordination and strengthening of international cooperation. Implementation of the Integrated UN Programme involves realisation of nine outcomes [1]. The DaO approach of work led to higher level of strategic results as UN agencies and the Government pooled agency and ministry specific resources for joint and more coherent and coordinated work. The JCSC reviewed for the first time the Integrated UN Programme and UN Country Fund. It took place during JCSC meeting in March, when its members discussed the most evident benefits and challenges of DaO implementation in the country. The JCSC agreed then that the Integrated UN Programme and its implementation in 2010 laid a foundation for further continuation of the programme’s execution and confirmation of a clear dedication of the Montenegrin Government and the UN system to Delivering as One reform and significant tasks in front of them.
[1]For more detail, please refer to the Integrated UN Programme of Montenegro 2010-2016.
Summary on progress in UN Reform Montenegrois a unique environment since it is a rather new country (it regained independence in 2006) and there is a need for normative and capacity development support from international organisations. It is also a middle income country (MIC) on its path toward the EU accession and certain funds for development in different areas are available, but these are gradually decreasing due to regional approaches by major donors toward MICs. The Expanded Funding Window has positioned the UN as a partner which supports human-rights and development agenda at time of diminishing resources. A Phase I of the Integrated UN Programme 2010-2011 represented the consolidation of efforts by the UN system and the Government of Montenegro, to implement the UN reform agenda at the country level. The Integrated UN Programme builds on the areas of intervention of various resident (UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR, WHO, IOM) and regionally-based programmes, funds and agencies of the UN system (FAO, UNEP, UNESCO, UNIDO and UN Women) already agreed between them and the Government of Montenegro. Another two Regionally-based Organisations are considering to join the Phase II of Integrated UN Programme in early 2012 (IAEA and ILO). Throughout the year the Government and especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has continued to be particularly engaged in and supportive of the new Delivering as One approach. The Government is further encouraging the DAO concept as a way to reduce transaction costs and to increase donor coordination. They also consider the DAO as a means to improve their internal horizontal coordination, which is still a challenge. The Directorate for UN and Other International Organisations has efficiently coordinated the work of ministries which are members of the Joint Country Steering Committee (JCSC) and the Government of Montenegro discussed the DAO, its impact, challenges and benefits, as well as implementation of the Integrated UN Programme at one of its session in December 2011. It, therefore, adopted “Information on the results of cooperation between Montenegro and the United Nations within the integrated model ''Delivering as One''. By means of this document, the government tasked the ministries involved in the work of the Joint Country Steering Committee and Sector Working Groups to intensify activities aimed at full implementation of Integrated UN Programme between Montenegro and the United Nations, in accordance with current assessments of the cooperation and guidance provided in this Information. The Joint Country Steering Committee has met twice in 2011. On both occasions the meetings were co-chaired by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Resident Coordinator. At these meetings, the JCSC formally approved the programmatic documents for the Phase II of the Integrated UN Programme in Montenegro 2012-2016 - Results Matrix for the period 2012-2016 and 2011 UN Annual Work Plan for Montenegro as well as allocations from the UN Country Fund to priority areas of: acquiring personal documents for I/DPs and domiciled Roma (at risk of statelessness), child protection and social inclusion, prevention of non-communicable diseases, cancer control plan, reducing vulnerability of Roma adolescents to HIV, gender equality and human rights, legal aid, improving the business environment through green jobs and institution building, disaster risk reduction, risk management and climate change adaptation.The JCSC also discussed strategic priorities of Integrated UN Programme and areas that need additional attention both from the Government and UN sides, such as such as issues of human rights of different vulnerable groups. In addition, the JCSC talked about the benefits and challenges of Delivering as One (DaO) reform during its first year of implementation (2010) and the Government summarised them in the Information mentioned above. The JCSC also adopted a proposal for enhancing work efficiency of Sector and Pillar Working Groups, with the aim of improving implementation of the Integrated UN Programme and DaO as a whole. At the technical level, the existing UN Pillar Working Groups and the government’s Sector Working Groups engaged in joint planning exercises , which resulted in development of 2011 UN Annual Work Plan, and in regular coordination of activities when implementing projects/programmes. In June 2011, the Joint Country Steering Committee adopted certain measures for further improving the work efficiency of sector and pillars working group, such as working on improvement of information exchange,
having a joint calendar of activities and joint work on resource mobilisation for the UN Country Fund, with the aim of filling the gaps in financing of the Integrated UN Programme. The UN Country Team, through its inter-agency Operations Management Team (OMT), worked on increasing efficiency and effectiveness through improved business practices and common services as well as planning and preparing for the functioning in the future common premises. In particular, the OMT implemented a strategic work plan for 2011 common services with relevant targets and timeliness. A joint approach of UN agencies in 2011 in regard to tendering and contracting media monitoring service company, in a very limited Montenegrin market with only a few service providers, led to a successful signing of a joint Long Term Agreement (LTA) with monthly total amount paid by UN agencies three times lower than the one obtained in previous years. The Joint Communications Team (JCT) significantly upgraded efficiency of its joint work which resulted in successful implementation of the Joint Communication Strategy 2010-2011 aligned with the Integrated UN Programme and Delivering as One reform. Promoting a unified voice and coherent brand image of the UN System in Montenegro has been advanced through organisation of a number of joint activities, events and campaigns including UN Day, Poverty Day, Roma Day, Women’s Day, Statelessness campaign, 16 Days of Activism against Violence in Family, message from the Secretary General to Montenegro on the occasion of the country’s fifth anniversary in the UN, Human Rights Day, visits of various high ranked UN officials and so on. The UN Montenegro website was revamped and updated on daily basis, which resulted in multiplied website traffic. The construction of the UN Shared Eco Premises is moving to its completion using efficient, ecological technology and a modern design that will equally satisfy the Montenegro Government's commitment to the Ecological State and provide the appropriate joint roof for UN family in Montenegro. The finalization of the construction of the so called UN Eco Building was postponed due to technical reasons that have to do with a complex engineering design and inexperience of local partners in the construction of green buildings. However, the Government of Montenegro reiterated on numerous occasions as well as in the meeting of the Prime Minister with UNDG Chair and UNDP Administrator, on the margins of the General Assembly in September 2011, that the construction will be finalised in 2012. It is important to mention that the UNCT was faced with severe financial constraints and budget cut of the RC budget in mid-year resulting in budget deficit that later had to be covered by resident UN agencies. The RC visited non-resident donors in Belgrade, Serbia, in December 2011, and provided them with the major information on goals and objectives of the Integrated UN Programme and DAO in Montenegro. This was followed by discussions on current and possible future cooperation with UN and individual agencies. The economic crisis influenced the traditional UN donors, so many are closing their programmes or changing the way they are operating, however, most of them said they would invest in catalytic projects which will leverage more results and additional resources. For the time being, Norway, Holland and Japan reassured of their full and continuous support to the UN’s work in the field, mostly in areas of rule of law, capacity development in the context of the EU accession, green economy and environment. The UN Country Team met with the Japanese ambassador and discussed areas of possible future cooperation, such as human security, Konik area development, DRR and environment. After two years of its implementation, Delivering as One in Montenegro resulted in certain challenges for the UNCT and the Government alike: An unclear perception by technical UN staff of the DaO and the relationship between their own work, agency programme and UN integrated programme. At times, different understanding of DaO between regional offices and COs of certain agencies; A culture change required on the part of both the UN and the Government, which led to delays in certain areas of work the establishment of a functional inter-ministerial coordination mechanism isrequired; At the beginning, UNCT and the Government considered the purpose of the DaO funding from conceptually different perspectives: for UNCT – to meet strategic development goals and UN standards, for the Government (or some parts of it) to cover immediate (mostly infrastructure-type) needs; At the beginning, nocommon vision within the UNCT whether the funds should be used to support funding gaps for existing initiatives (within the spirit of the Integrated UN Programme) or for new initiatives, mostly joint, that would still be relevant to the outcomes; Different interpretation and application of operational rules and procedures by UN agencies & different financial systems of agencies; Increased operational burden for UN staff; Short-term increase of transaction costs. However, there are numerous benefits that emerged after the second year of implementation of Delivering as One and Integrated UN Programme: Together with national partners, the UN agencies developed and implemented joint programmes and activities funded mostly with funds from the Expanded DaO Funding Window, but also agency specific and government funds. These joint programmes and initiatives respond directly to some of the most immediate national priorities and most programmes are still ongoing (e.g. Konik area , resolving personal documents for I/DPs and domiciled Roma, mental health, green jobs); The Government holds the ownership of the DaO in close cooperation with the UN and as a result adopted the “Information on the results of cooperation between Montenegro and the United Nations within the integrated model ''Delivering as One''; Enhanced cooperation with regionally based UN organisations and as a result, the number of Participating Organisations in the Phase II of the Programme increased from 9 to 11 as of March 2011 and possibly to 13 as of 2012; Results seen in coherent joint planning and programming are more significant and more important for the future of a more cohesive, coherent and results-based UN delivery; The UN is collectively addressing complex issues to support individual agencies in addressing issues, such as the one of I/DPs and refugees. This could be one of the greatest value-added of a DaO approach; Improved inter-ministerial and inter-UN cooperation, but it is an ongoing process;
Improved inter-ministerial and inter-UN cooperation, but it is an ongoing process; It is still possible to preserve individual mandates and work very coherently at national level; Long-term decrease of transaction costs.
Key aspects of the proposed 2012 workplan The UN resident and regionally based organisations will begin implementation of the Phase II of UN Integrated Programme, covering the period 2012-2016. Pillar and Sector Working Groups, hence the UN and the line ministries, will develop and finalise the 2012 UN Annual Work Plan by the end of February andwill simultaneously began its implementation. In all three result areas of the Programme ( Social Inclusion, Democratic Governance and Sustainable Economic Development & Environmental Protection ) the core principles of human rights, gender equality and development of national capacity will be upheld and incorporated throughout the implementation of the Annual Work Plan. The UN system will continue to provide continuous, enhanced and coherent support to Montenegro in the overall reform process (EU accession, fulfilment of international obligations including the Millennium Declaration and MDGs, CEDAW, the UPR, the CRC and conventions on refugees and statelessness). It will support the continued integration of human rights principles into Government policies and actions. Furthermore, the UN agencies will continue supporting the Government of Montenegro in the process of implementation of relevant strategies, such as the Strategy on Social Inclusion, and further on in the process of monitoring and evaluation. Other related dimensions of UN coherence will also continue to be built upon based on experience to date, including common services and business processes, preparation for the move to the common UN Eco premises, and enhanced Resident Coordinator’s and UNCT’s functions. As the Integrated UN Programme moves into the second phase, an important feature is joint implementation of sub-programmes by a number of Participating UN Organisations in support of particular outcomes. Joint Programmes reflect complementarities and synergy of support among UN organisations to collectively work together on common national development priorities. This does not mean that all agencies work together on all joint programmes, but only those agencies that can add value. Each existing joint programme has its own lead agency, based on the primacy of its role or mandate in the area. Implementation of the following joint programmes will continue in 2012: 1. Improving the business environment through green jobs and institution building (joint programme of UNDP and regionally based organisations UNEP, UNESCO, UNIDO and FAO) 2. DRR, Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation (joint programme of UNDP, UNEP, UNICEF) 3. Non-communicable diseases prevention, healthy lifestyles and food safety (joint programme of WHO, UNICEF and UNDP) 4. UN Eco Shared Premises (joint programme of resident Participating Organisations) 5. UNCT and National Response to HIV/AIDS (joint programme of resident Participating Organisations with UNAIDS funds). The Participating UN Organisation will continue its joint programming and activities in all pillars of the Integrated Programme, particularly in the areas of I/DPs / refugees, child protection and social inclusion, justice reform, climate change and environmental protection. If there would be no more contribution from UNAIDS for programmatic activities on HIV/AIDS as of 2012, the UN agencies will prepare the phasing out strategy and will communicate the closing of the joint programme, which began in late 2007, to relevant national counterparts and the Government. The UNCT will work extensively on enhancing the functioning of all Pillar/Sector Working Groups together with the Government of Montenegro and will intensify its activities in the area of monitoring & evaluation through joint work of the working groups. Further decrease of transaction costs for both the UN and Government is expected. The cross-cutting Working Group on Gender and Human Rights will continue communications and working relationship with the three Pillar Working Groups and will carry out a joint study on domestic violence and impact of the UN’s work in the area and “16 days against violence campaign”, which is being organised by the UN and partners in the last few years. The findings of the study will be used for future work in the area of domestic violence and for advocacy. The UN Coordination Office will continue monitoring the construction of the UN Eco building , which should be finalised in 2012, and will provide necessary technical support to the Government and construction company in this process. The UN family expects to be able to move under one roof in the second half of 2012. The Operations Management Team will put into force the plan for functioning of common services in the future UN Eco Shared Premises in close cooperation with the UNCT. Possible common ICT Services need to be identified before moving into the new joint building and eco-friendly furniture as well as security fence around the building need to be procured and relevant funds need to be secured. The UNCT will also continue its work on further implementation of HACT in 2011. The HACT Task Force will conduct a macro-assessment of country’s public financial system. Furthermore, strengthening joint UN communication and functioning of the Joint Communications Group will be continued through organisation of a joint workshop/training for JCT members and development and implementation of the Joint Communication Strategy for 2012-2013. Since some funding might cease to exist as of 2012, such as Expanded Funding Window and 2012 RC funds will be more or less
Since some funding might cease to exist as of 2012, such as Expanded Funding Window and 2012 RC funds will be more or less at the same level as in 2011 while the Programme Acceleration Funds of UNAIDS might also cease to exist, most of the costs for UN Coordination Office human resources will need to be picked up by the Participating UN Organisations. The UNCT, therefore, agreed that the 2012 will be a transitional year when it comes to cost-sharing for the UN Coordination Office , and the Participating UN Organisations will cost share the entire cost of the position of UN Communications Analyst and UN Admin/Finance Assistant on the basis of proportional cost-sharing model. Regionally-based Organisations (RBOs) will be requested to contribute towards 20% of the total cost for the mentioned two positions and this cost will be divided among RBOs on equal basis. A more sustainable and structured modality of resourcing the UN coordination office will be developed and discussed towards the end of the next year.
Recommendations We would appreciate if the following could be provided to our UNCT: -Assistance and guidance in building capacities of the Operations Management Team on functioning of common services in the future UN Eco Shared Premises, with a special focus on common ICT system; -Guidance in availability and mobilising resources related to Delivering as One countries, such as Expanded Funding Window funds and similar.
2011 Resident Coordinator Annual Report Montenegro (MNE) - Annexes 2011 Results and Use of Funds 2011 Results and Use of Funds Part One: Progress towards UNDAF outcomes (Results 2011)
Key Result Area
Outcome 1
Outcome 1
OUTCOME 1.1: Montenegro’s legal framework is harmonized with EU/UN standards, and policies relevant to social inclusion are implemented and monitored
Outcome 2
Indicate Total Budget Per Outcome
Provide an indicative budget delivery amount per outcome in 2011.
OUTCOME 1.2 Social norms are changed in order to facilitate age and gender sensitive inclusive attitudes and practices towards vulnerable and excluded populations
Outcome 3
OUTCOME 1.3 Montenegro reduces disparities and gaps in access to quality health, education and social services, in line with EU/UN standards
Outcome 4
OUTCOME 2.1: National legislative framework is harmonized with UN, EU and CoE standards and relevant secondary legislation regulating implementation is developed
Outcome 5
OUTCOME 2.2: State and independent institutions with increased capacity to ensure the realization and monitoring of human rights, support empowerment of women, enable equal opportunities for all inhabitants.........
Outcome 6
OUTCOME 2.3 Empower civil society and supportive institutional mechanisms to increase awareness on human rights and the benefits and obligations of participation in decision-making, advocacy, demanding quality services and accountability.
Outcome 7
OUTCOME 3.1 Climate change adaptation and mitigation measures are designed and implemented to accelerate the use of renewable, clean energy, carbon trading and energy efficiency, thereby achieving low carbon emissions, climate resilient growth and....
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Outcome 8
OUTCOME 3.2 Established system for conservation and sustainable management of natural resources, effective prevention, control and reduction of environmental risks, and enhanced environmental awareness and participation by children, young people and....
Outcome 9
OUTCOME 3.3: Established system for strengthening entrepreneurial capacity building and facilitating private sector partnerships for ‘green jobs,’ rural livelihoods and development of Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises (MSME) in order to improve .....
PART 1 TOTAL Part Two: Coordination Results
Funds required/spent at Year End Key Results Area
Expected Outputs 1
Performance Indicators 2
Actual Outputs at Year End
SRC Required
Un Agencies 3
Transition Spent
Target Date
Additional Support Needed from HQ or Regional Director's Team
Other Spent
Result Area 1: Coordination for Results UNCT Contribution to the National Development Plan/Poverty Reduction Strategy/MD and MDGs plan UN support to formulation/implementation of relevant national strategies or plans e.g. JAS/NDP/PRSP
The UNCT to continue supporting the Government of Montenegro in the process of implementation of the Strategy on Social Inclusion (innovated PRSP) and National Programme for Integration of Montenegro in the EU.
2011 Annual Work Plans of three Pillar Working Groups (Social Inclusion, Democratic Governance and Sustainable Economic Development & Environmental Protection) of the Integrated UN Programme developed and implemented.
Pillar and Sector Working Groups engaged in joint planning exercises, which resulted in development of 2011 UN Annual Work Plan, and in regular coordination of activities when implementing projects/programmes. In June 2011, the Joint Country Steering Committee (JCSC) adopted certain measures for further improving the work efficiency of sector and pillars working group, with the aim of enhancing implementation of the Integrated UN Programme and DaO as a whole and filling the gaps in financing of the Integrated UN Programme.The JCSC also discussed the benefits and challenges of Delivering as One reform during its first year of implementation (2010) and the Government summarised them in the "Information on the results of cooperation between Montenegro and the United Nations within the integrated model ''Delivering as One'', adopted at its session on 15 December.
UN plan to support the implementation of the Millennium Declaration, including scaling up MDG initiatives *
UNCT to support the Government and the civil society in the process of implementation of the Millennium Declaration through successful implementation of joint programmes in the three programmatic pillars (Social Inclusion, Democratic Governance and Sustainable Economic Development & Environmental Protection).
Implementation of joint programmes a) Good Health system Governance for Equitable Effective and Quality Health Care in Montenegro (joint programme of UNDP and WHO) and b) Improving the business environment through green jobs and institution building (joint programme of UNDP and regionally based organisations UNEP, UNESCO, UNIDO and FAO), which are funded by UN Country Fund, continued and finalised successfully.
a) Joint programme of UNDP and WHO on Good Health system Governance for Equitable Effective and Quality Health Care in Montenegro, which implementation began in 2010, was finalised successfuly. Strategy for optimization of secondary and tertiary health care levels with implementation action plan developed. Numerous trainings, workshops and presentations were organized on various topics such as: regulatory mechanism, quality assurance, financial management for transparent and efficient use of public resources. Emergency Medical Service (EMS) information system is operational as of December 2011 and it covers the capital city. b) Joint programme of UNDP and regionally based organisations (UNEP, UNESCO, UNIDO and FAO) on improving the business environment through green jobs and institution building continued and received new funding from the UN Country Fund (2012
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from the UN Country Fund (2012 Expanding Funding Window funds) and Government of Montenegro (â‚Ź416,800) illustrating the importance of the outputs of this programme to the Government. UN support to capacity development strategies UN assistance to national authorities for the preparation of the national report on the implementation of the Brussels Programme of Action of LDCs 4 *
Montenegro is MIC
Formulation/implementation of a transition plan or strategy 5 Other Aid Coordination / Management / Paris Declaration Planned efforts to making use of national systems in the areas such as programme/project reporting, PRS/sectoral monitoring and evaluation systems, annual PRS/sectoral performance reviews, national procurement systems, etc UN support to aid coordination/management
UNCT to strengthen its support to the Government in organisation of regular donor coordination meetings, and in establishment of a relevant national donor coordination mechanism in cooperation with international and national partners.
Regular feedback from the RC to the UNCT on donor coordination meetings/plans. Advice and support for establishment of the Government's System for Coordination of Donor Support in Montenegro provided by the UNCT.
The UN RC provided regular feedback on donor coordination meetings and plans to the UNCT. The UN agencies took active part in Sector Donor Coordination meetings to support preparation of Instrument for Pre Accession (IPA) Programme 2012/2013, organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration. There are three sectors identified in preparation of IPA national Programme 2012/2013: Public Administration Reform, Justice and Home Affairs, and Environment and Climate Change. The Sector Donor Coordination meetings are meant at improving Sector Identification Fiches. The UN system is already involved in implementation of certian IPA projects in areas of social inclusion, gender equality and health and plans to remain a valid partner of the Government in implementation of the new projects and programmes.
The UN resident and non-resident agencies (Participating UN Organisations in the Integrated UN Programme) to continue implementation of the UN Integrated Programme 2010-2015.
2011 UN Annual Work Plan developed and implemented in close cooperation with Government's Sector Working Groups. Joint Steering Committee met on regular basis, guided and reviewed progress in the implementation of the programme. The UNCT retreat on implementation of the Programme held in the first half of the year.
The eleven Participating UN Organisations in the Integrated UN Programme continued implementation of 2011 UN Annual Work together with relevant national partners thus finalising a transitional two-year phase (2010-2011) of Integrated UN Programme. The JCSC has met twice in 2011. On both occasions the meetings were co-chaired by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Resident Coordinator. At these meetings, the JCSC formally approved the programmatic documents for the Phase II of the Integrated UN Programme in Montenegro 2012-2016: Results Matrix for the period 2012-2016 and 2011 UN Annual Work Plan for Montenegro as well as allocations from the UN Country Fund to priority areas of: acquiring personal documents for I/DPs and domiciled Roma, child protection and social inclusion, prevention of non-communicable diseases, cancer control plan, reducing vulnerability of Roma adolescents
Other UNDAF/Common Programming Efforts to align UN programme cycle with national development cycle *
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to HIV, gender equality and human rights, legal aid, improving the business environment through green jobs and institution building and disaster risk reduction, risk management and climate change adaptation. The JCSC met also to discuss strategic priorities of Integrated UN Programme and areas that need additional attention both from the Government and UN sides, such as such as issues of human rights of different vulnerable groups. The DaO approach of work led to higher level of strategic results as UN agencies and the Government pooled agency and ministry specific resources for a joint and more coherent and coordinated work. The UNCT retreat was not held due to RC budget cuts, however the UNCT met on regular basis and organised additional topic-specific meetings and working lunches to plan and agree on priority areas of actions and on actions themselves. The expenses for these activities were cost-shared by UN agencies, because of the RC budget cut in mid 2011. Preparation of Country Analysis/UNDAF/UNDAF Action Plan
UNCT to continue developing the Phase II of its Integrated UN Programme, which actually represents the first UNDAF in independent Montenegro, covering the period 2012-2016.
Executive Summary Common Country Assessment, UN System Comparative Advantage Analysis and UN Results Matrix for the period 2012-2016 finalised in close cooperation with the Government and a Regional Peer Support Group.
UN System Comparative Advantage Analysis and UN Results Matrix for the period 2012-2016 as well as Executive Summary Common Country Assessment were finalised in close cooperation with the Government and a Regional Peer Support Group in March and June respectively. The JCSC discussed and adopted these programmatic documents at its meetings. The documents were developed by the RC Office with te support of DaO Consultant, financed with UN Country Fund funds.
Implementation of UNDAF M&E framework*
Pillar and Sector Working Groups to further refine the M&E Framework for the Integrated UN Programme in Montenegro.
M&E Framework for Integrated UN Programme reconciled with a final version of the Results Matrix for Phase II and the baseline data confirmed.
The Monitoring and Evaluation Framework was reconciled with the Result Matrix for the period 2012-2016 and this work was done through Pillar Working Groups which involved line ministries in the process to a certain extent, some more and some less. The documents were developed and reconciled by the RC Office with inputs from M&E Task Force and Pillar Conveners.
UNDAF Annual Review/ UNDAF Evaluation/SOF
The UN resident and regionally based agencies and the Government to prepare Annual Review of the Integrated UN Programme and UN Country Fund through Pillar and Sector Working Groups.
The first Annual Review of the Integrated UN Programme and UN Country Fund completed in the first half of the year. The JCSC to acknowledge the Annual Review.
The JCSC discussed the Consolidated Annual Progress Report for the Montenegro UN Country Fund (developed by the Administrative Agent of the UN Country Fund for the period 1/01/2011 to 31/12/2011) at its meeting in June and disseminated it to all line ministries. The Government used findings of the report when preparing the "Information on the results of cooperation between Montenegro and the United Nations within the integrated model ''Delivering as One''.
Progress towards UNDAF outcomes (inputs provided by theme group chairs)
Joint planning initiatives with UN peacekeeping, peacebuilding, political and humanitarian actors (e.g. UNDAF plus, Integrated Strategic Framework) . Other Joint Programmes6
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Preparation/ implementation of new Joint Programmes *
Together with national partners, the UN agencies in Montenegro to adopt joint programming approaches in relation to social inclusion, which were agreed upon and approved by the JCSC in late 2010.
Joint programming approaches to address complex multi-layered challenges, including durable solutions for Roma, refugees and socially vulnerable families; and mental health and de-institutionalization increasingly adopted and put in practice by both the UN and relevant national institutions.
The UN together with national partners engaged in development and realisation of projects and programmes dealing with: support in acquiring personal documents for I/DPs and domiciled Roma, improving the business environment through green jobs and institution building and through assisting the country in creating effective legal aid, mediation and juvenile justice systems. It worked extensively with national partners on issues concerning mental health and de-institutionalization, through a) UN joint programme dealing with development of a national Mental Health Action Plan with time bound actions and supporting implementation of the National Mental Health Strategy, and b) agency specific projects and activities, such as the campaign 'It's about Ability" implemented by UNICEF.
UNCT to ensure a full implementation of HACT through the Operations Managers Team.
UN HACT macro-assessment of the country is completed. Cash Transfer Manual for counterparts completed. Training of new and existing IPs conducted.
UN HACT macro-assessment of the country was not carried out in 2011 due to RC budget cuts by the Headquarters. It will be completed in 2012 and UNDP and UNICEF would need to cost-share the cost.
The cross-cutting Working Group on Gender and Human Rights to work closely with national and international partners on development of relevant bylaws which would support successful implementation of the Law on Family Violence. The WG, in close cooperation with Pillar Working Groups, to support national institutions in implementation of the Action Plan for the fight against violence in family and to resource mobilize for relevant activities.
Implementation of the newly adopted Law on Family Violence enhanced in close cooperation with with the Parliamentary Committee on Gender Equality, through organisation of a seminar for institutions that work on implementation of the Law. The WG 's application for grants from the UN Trust Fund to end Violence against Women submitted in January. UNCT report on CEDAW finalised and submitted to the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. 16 Days against Violence in Family Campaign organised in close cooperation with the Government and NGO sector. Development of a national strategy on family violence supported by the WG.
Within the Delivering as One framework, the UN Working Group on Gender and Human Rights consolidated further the UN's work under the gender streamline agenda, through strengthening the joint work with national and international partners in the areas of 1) enhancement of the legislation concerning gender equality; 2) providing support for strengthening capacities of national institutions to respond to gender-based violence and 3) raising awareness on importance of gender equality. Together with the OSCE Mission in Montenegro, a joint recommendation for enhancement of women’s political participation in the new Election Law aimed at introduction of mandatory quota of 30% for women on electoral lists was issued. UNCT report on CEDAW finalised and submitted to the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. The Group organised the campaign “16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence” together with relevant national partners. The campaign included the signing of the Joint Protocol aimed at systemized response to domestic violence by a number of relevant state institutions, after being drafted together with the EU Delegation. Implemented by the UNDP Gender Programme on behalf of all UN agencies, the campaign involved close cooperation with four NGOs which conducted different raising awareness campaigns on domestic violence. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the UN Working Group, together with
M&E of Joint Programmes Other HACT Status of HACT implementation/compliance7 in the country *
Strengthening national systems/capacities through HACT Other Gender Equality UN support to incorporation of gender equality in national planning processes (such as National Development Strategies; PRSPs; SWAPs; Joint Assistance Strategies, etc.)
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women ambassadors in Montenegro and NGOs, organised an open dialogue on public engagement opportunities of women in late March. A conference on human rights, organised jointly with the Academia, international organisations and NGOs on the occasion of International Human Rights Day, provided a forum for deepening a discussion among all relevant partners on gender equality and its enhancement. Capacity development for Gender theme groups to support UNCT to respond to national priorities for gender equality. Other HIV/AIDS Establishment of Joint UN Team on AIDS and implementation of joint programme of support on AIDS *
Further improve the effectiveness of UN Theme Group and Joint UN Team on HIV/AIDS and continue implementation of joint programme in cooperation with national counterparts
Joint UN Team on AIDS Work plan for 2010 implemented; Number of meetings organized of the Joint UN Team on AIDS; cooperation with national counterparts further improved and strengthened
Work plan for 2011 was successfully implemented through supporting the national counterparts in strengthening the national response to HIV/AIDS and providing strategic guidance to the Ministry of Health, Country Coordinating Mechanism and National AIDS Commission in addressing the key challenges and gaps of the national HIV/AIDS response in Montenegro. UN HIV/AIDS Theme Group Focal Point, as a Chair of the UN Joint Team on HIV/AIDSO, convened and organized five meetings of the UN Joint Team on HIV/AIDS, with participation of the members of the UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS.
UNDP USD 6040.41; UNICEF USD 2684.62; UNHCR 3355.78; WHO USD 402.69; IOM USD 939.61
UN support to the national response to AIDS through strengthening the Three Ones *
Joint UN Team on HIV/AIDS strengthened capacities of the Country Coordinating Mechanism related to National HIV/AIDS Strategy and National Roadmap to achieve Universal Access goals and supported national partners in its implementation.Joint UN Team on HIV/AIDS worked on enhancement of PLHIV's Human Rights together with national partners and NGO sector.
National HIV/AIDS Programme developed and adopted. Consultation meetings and workshops with representatives of relevant national stakeholders to review and analyse the current Model of organization of Public Health Centres system carried out.Standards for inclusion of Counselling Centres in national health system developed and adopted by the Ministry of Health. Relevant normative guidelines and protocols developed. Capacity building of medical staff strengthened through relevant trainings(e.g. prevention of mother to child transmission) and raising awareness campaign.
National HIV/AIDS Programme 2012-2016 was developed and adopted in 2011. The project team held 16 consultation meetings and 2 workshops in total, with representatives of the relevant national stakeholders to review and analyse the current Model of organization of primary health care system. The necessary normative and standards (on conditions of work, necessary human resources, services, spaces and equipment) were designed and adopted. In addition, the standards for quality service delivery were developed and applied. Voluntary Counselling and Testing has been fully integrated at primary health care system level, while the guidelines and protocols for treatment within primary health care counselling units and reduction of mother-to-child transmission were also developed. The Joint Team worked on capacity building of the health professionals, covering 30 medical staff with a relevant training and around 340 medical staff covered with raising awareness campaign. The Joint Team contributed to maintaining a low rate of mother to child transmission cases, and the Institute of Public Health reported zero new cases of mother to child HIV transmission in Montenegro. The Joint Team on HIV/AIDS and Theme Group supported the Desk Review of National Action Plan on Mainstreaming gender into the national HIV/AIDS response. The Review was adopted by the Country Coordinating Mechanism/ National AIDS Commission. The 2011 World AIDS Day campaign “Getting to Zero� was implemented jointly with the Ministry of Health, Country Coordinating Mechanism and National AIDS Commission through implementation of variety of
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implementation of variety of activities. Finally, a joint commitment for elimination of stigma of HIV positive persons has been reconfirmed. HIV/AIDS in the Workplace *
On the basis of our experience so far, UN Joint Team on HIV/AIDS recommends to have one bigger workshop on HIV/AIDS in Workplace biennially (once in 2 years). There are few reasons for this: 1) Learning facilitator reported a decrease in response of UN staff in 2010, most probably due to the fact they all attended at least one workshop on HIV/AIDS in the UN workplace organized in the last few year; 2) Set of information that needs to be passed to the UN staff in pretty uniformed and therefore it is not easy to change the scope and topics of the sessions from year to year; 3) Montenegro is a low-prevalence country and a turn-over of staff in UN agencies is not high.
The workshop on HIV/AIDS in the UN workplace was not held this year due to the reasons described in the section "Expected outputs". The UN Joint Team on HIV/AIDS and the UN Cares Learning Facilitator plan to organize it during 2012, depending on the availability of most of UN staff. This will be also be subject to discussion at one of the UNCT meetings in 2012, so we will find the most suitable term for organization of the workshop for all/most of the UN staff.
The UNCT supported building capacity of UN staff at country level to address the HIV related needs of people who inject drugs, sex workers and men who have sex with men, in accordance with UNAIDS Outcome Framework for 2009-11.
Members of the Joint Team on HIV/AIDS attended UN Joint Teams on AIDS for In-Reach Training on Key Populations, organised by UNODC, UNFPA, UNDP, UNICEF and the UNAIDS Secretariat in February.
Three members of the UN Joint Team on HIV/AIDS and two representatives of NGO sector from Montenegro participated at the In-Reach Training on Key Populations organized in Bucharest, Romania. The expenses were covered by the agencies whose representatives attended the training, and the training was very useful for all participants, especially when it comes to working with key populations (Injecting drug users, Sex workers and Men having sex with men).
The Working Group on Gender and Human Rights to continue its activities in the area of human rights with involvement of national institutions, NGOs, Ombudsperson's office and academia, therefore strengthening the response of national stakeholders in addressing human rights issues.
Continuous communications and working relationships with Human Rights organisations and networks in Montenegro established. Awareness on importance of proper implementation of the legal and policy framework on anti-discrimination in line with UN and EU standards raised through organisation of a conference on anti-discrimination against certain groups of population.
Strategic cooperation and joint programming of the cross-cutting Working Group on Gender and Human Rights and UN Coordination Office with relevant national and international partners resulted in 1) improved joint work on addressing certain issues of marginalized groups such as stateless, refugees and people with disabilities; 2) strengthened national response in the area of human rights protection; 3) raising awareness on importance of proper implementation of the legal and policy framework on anti-discrimination in line with UN and EU standards. Through addressing these human rights issues, cooperation has been strengthened with relevant human rights organisations, NGOs such as the Ombudsperson's Office and NGOs monitoring human rights, national institutions, internationals organisations and so on. Within the framework of EU accession, cooperation has been deepened with national institutions in addressing issue of displaced and internally displaced persons, especially in the area of providing support for their registration and voluntary return to the places of origin. Public awareness on
Human Rights Application of Human Right Based Approach Strengthening the capacity of UNCTs to support national human rights protection systems Other
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origin. Public awareness on challenges and opportunities of stateless persons has been significantly raised throughout a broad media campaign conducted by the Working Group with assistance from the UN Coordination Office. Networking aimed at raising awareness on human rights was particularly upgraded on the occasion of Human Rights Day, when the UN Working Group on Gender and Human Rights merged its knowledge, experience and commitment with the Academia, OSCE Mission, EU Delegation to Montenegro, Government and NGO sector to pursue solutions for particular human rights areas such as antidiscrimination, statelessness and gender equality through organisation of a joint conference, finaced by the OSCE. Common Services and Premises Status of initiatives to increase collaboration and cost-effectiveness of UN business operations in support of programme delivery (common services and premises)
The Operations Management Team (OMT) finalized the action plan for functioning of common services in the future UN Eco Shared Premises in close cooperation with the UNCT. Common ICT Services discussed and agreed with UNDG ICT Group. The OMT worked on increasing efficiency and effectiveness through improved business practices and common services. Fee range for National consultants and individual contractors revised in accordance with the current Salary Scale for NO and GS staff.
The action plan for functioning of common services in the future UN Eco Shared Premises finalized in an OMT workshop/retreat and its implementation initiated. OMT members visited UN partners in Albania as one of the DAO pilot countries and received insight and advice on functioning of the Country Fund. Possible common ICT Services identified with assistance of an UNDG mission on ICT and relevant action plan developed and put into practice before moving into the new joint building. A tender for procurement of eco-friendly furniture for the UN Building conducted and relevant funds secured. Common services for common banker and translators/editors conducted and /or extended in 2011. Comprehensive Salary Survey and DSA Survey conducted. Work on extension and/or procurement of common services for office stationary & supplies, fuel provider, vehicle maintenance, car wash, initiated in 2011.
The UN Country Team, through its inter-agency Operations Management Team (OMT), worked on increasing efficiency and effectiveness through improved business practices and common services as well as planning and preparing for the functioning in the future common premises. In particular, the OMT implemented a strategic work plan for 2011 common services with relevant targets and timeliness. The OMT did not have the retreat due to reduction of the RC budget in mid year and unavailability of funds from the agencies for cost-sharing this workshop. A tender for procurement of eco-friendly furniture for the UN Building and work on identification of possible common ICT services were postponed for 2012 due to delays in construction of the UN Eco Building and unavailability of funds for the common ICT mission. Procurement for common services for translators/editors was carried out by the OMT in February. Comprehensive Salary Survey and DSA Survey was conducted in April. Procurement for common banker was postponed for 2012, as agreed by the OMT after considering the market and announced changes in respective procurement policies. The OMT started working on prolongation and/or procurement of common services for office stationary & supplies, express courier, fuel provider, vehicle maintenance and car wash as well as travel and conference organizing services.
Other (specify)
The UNCT continued implementation of a programme for structural observation during the construction process of the UN Eco Shared Premises in Podgorica. UN RC Office and UN Eco Building Project Coordinator liaised and closely cooperated with national and international partners to ensure effective carrying out of all needed tasks during the construction phase.
Contractor construction and labour closely monitored by the Project Coordinator and the RC Office. The works execution reviewed assuring that the building is built in line with all regulations, terms and requirements of verified technical documentation. Supported by contracted international company and the main architect, the quality of the executed works reviewed. Regular information on the progress of this project to the UNCT and the Working Group on Common Premises and Services provided by the RC Office.
The UNCT, through the RC Office and UN Eco Building Project Coordinator, liaised and closely cooperated with relevant national and international partners in the process of the construction. However, finalization of the construction of the UN Eco Building was postponed due to technical reasons that have to do with a complex engineering design and inexperience of local partners and authorities in the construction of green buildings. The Government of Montenegro reiterated on numerous occasions that the construction will finalise in 2012.
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UNDP USD 2838.37; UNICEF USD 1261.49; UNHCR USD 1576.87; WHO USD 189.22; IOM USD 441.52
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Other (specify) Other (specify) Result Area 2: Coordination of Emergency Preparedness and Relief Preparedness Coordination of emergency preparedness efforts of UNCT members and relevant humanitarian actors Relief Establishment of Humanitarian Country Team Development of a response plan
The UNCT continued supporting the Government of MNE, together with the national Red Cross, in its emergency response and preparedness.
An early recovery and disaster risk reduction programme aimed at recovery framework for the locations affected by severe floods in late 2010 and at long-term strategy for reducing risks to future disasters developed by UN agencies in close cooperation with the Sector for Emergencies in the Ministry of Interior, Montenegro Red Cross, Seismological Institute, Hydrometereological Institute, Clinical Centre of Montenegro and OCHA.
The UN system began implementation of a joint programme on risk reduction, risk management and climate change adaptation, funded with funds from the UN Country Fund and agency specific funds. Through this programme, the UN system supported the Ministry of Interior, Sector for Emergencies, municipalities and other relevant national partners to develop 12 local flood risk assessments (these are the first flood risk assessments) in Montenegro based on which the flood preparedness plans will be developed and carried out in 2012.
The UNCT to attempt mobilising resources for early recovery and disaster risk reduction programme, in close cooperation with the Government.
Financial and/or technical resources for implementation of at least one component of the programme secured.
Financial and/or technical resources for implementation of at least one component of the programme were secured through the Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery and the UN Country Fund Montenegro and thus the implementation of the joint programme on DRR, risk management and climate change adaptation began.
Joint Communications Team promoted a coherent image of the United Nations and kept the public informed of Delivering as One approach and key UN priority issues through joint activities/events. UNCT website kept updated on regular basis. A workshop for enhancing the work of the Joint Communications Group organised in cooperation with Communication Specialists from UN DOCO. Celebration of UN Day events organised in close cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, President's Office and municipality of the Royal Capital Cetinje.
The Joint Communications Team (JCT) significantly upgraded efficiency of its joint work which resulted in successful implementation of the Joint Communication Strategy 2010-2011 aligned with the Integrated UN Programme and Delivering as One reform. A unique voice and coherent image of the UN System in Montenegro has been streamlined throughout organisation of a number of joint activities, events and campaigns including UN Day, Poverty Day, Roma Day, Women’s Day, Statelessness campaign, 16 Days of Activism against Violence in Family, message from the Secretary General to Montenegro on the occasion of the country’s fifth anniversary in the UN, Human Rights Day, visits of various high ranked UN officials and so on. The UN Montenegro website was revamped and updated on daily basis, which resulted in multiplied website traffic. Besides regular update, a number of new modules and sections developed. The UN’s mission of supporting Montenegro in addressing key national priorities was incorporated in planning joint
Coordination of humanitarian operations Advocy Resource mobilization
Other (specify) Result Area 3: UN Advocacy and Resource Mobilization Joint UNCT Advocacy and Communications Development/implementation of the UNCT communications/advocacy strategy & plan
Joint Communications Team to improve its joint work and enhance implementation of the Joint Communication Strategy in line with the Integrated UN Programme.
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activities, designing key messages and organizing events and campaigns. Internal communication upgraded through a mind shift towards joint work and embracement of the Delivering as One approach. New joint comms tools and channels introduced like joint media clipping service and UN Montenegro weekly update. Regardless of quite different professional profiles of JCT members and different mandates of UN agencies, the team spirit was developed. Cost effectiveness, knowledge sharing, relying on comparative advantages of each team member, supporting UN agencies in their individual work and pursuit of added value have been introduced as regular principles of the team work. Previously planned training for strengthening the work of the JCT was postponed to early 2012, due to budget constraints. Other (specify) Joint UNCT Resource Mobilization Strategy Development/implementation of RM strategy
The UNCT continued implementation of the existing Joint Resource Mobilization and Partnership Strategy, which is part of the Integrated UN Programme.
Detailed Donor Profiles for current donors to Montenegro developed by RC Office. The UNCT held meetings with potential donors and mobilised funds for UN Country Fund. The UNCT presented its achievements to date to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway, Division for International Organizations, in an official mission to Oslo in March.
Due to the global economic crisis and either closing of bilateral donors' programmes or changing the way they are operating, the UNCT did not succeed in mobilising additional resource in the UN Country Fund, except Expanded Funding Window funds. However, the UNCT members had meetings with bilateral donors (Japan, Norway, Switzerland, Finland, Spain, Netherlands) who said that they would invest in catalytic projects which will leverage more results and additional resources. For the time being, Norway, Holland and Japan reassured of their full and continuous support to the UN’s work in the field, mostly in areas of rule of law, capacity development in the context of the EU accession, green economy and environment.
The Security Management Team (SMT) updated SRA for all locations in the country where UN staff are present.
SRA updated by Country Security Focal Point (CSFP) in consultation with the DO and the SMT. The SMT approved the updated SRA by July.
The SMT updated and adopted the SRA in May.
Up to date security plan
Security Plan is regularly updated ensuring safety and security of UN staff.
Country Security Focal Point updated the Security Plan in consultation with the DO and the SMT. CSFP kept updated all security lists and organised regular warden tree exercises and emergency situation drills.
The SMT updated MOSS and MORS in July. The CSFP worked on update of the Security Plan, which will be adopted in the first quarter of 2012. The SMT organised only one warden tree exercise due to the fact that a composition of the UNCT changed throughout the year because of departures and arrivals of new Heads of Agencies, including the RC/DO.
Security Management Team
The SMT held regular meetings and assessed the security situation in the country.
Quarterly SMT meetings held. The security situation closely monitored by the SMT which liaised with representatives of relevant national institutions. Quarterly reports on security situation in Montenegro developed by CSFP and submitted to UN Department of Safety and Security.
The SMT meetings held in January, May and November. The CSFP developed four quarterly reports on security.
Other (specify) Result Area 4: Security Management Security Duty station specific security risk assessment (SRA) for all locations in the country where UN staff are present
Implementation of mitigating measures as identified in SRA
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Cost-share for the position of Country Security Focal Point UNDP USD 3,900; UNICEF USD 780; UNHCR USD 1,014; WHO USD 156; IOM USD 546; FAO USD 780; EBRD USD 390; WB USD 234
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Implementation of security training for staff
Agency security focal points continued providing security trainings for new staff.
Security trainings for new staff organised on regular basis.
Security trainings for new staff organised by the CSFP and agency security focal points on regular basis.
Other Result Area 5: Non-Resident UN Agencies Special measures to integrate non-resident UN agencies in UNCT processes Supporting the Involvement of non-resident UN agencies in the national strategic planning processes/ UN programming
UNCT continued working and liaising closely with regionally-based agencies, which are also Participating Organisations to the Integrated UN Programme, ensuring their active involvement and cooperation with the Government in implementation of the Integrated UN Programme.
RC's consultations with regionally-based agencies on a) implementation of the Integrated UN Programme; b) on implementation of the existing joint programme on green jobs, which involves four regionally-based agencies, and c) on possible future joint projects/programmes involving regionally-based agencies carried out. Pillar Working Groups kept regular contacts with representatives of regionally-based organisations to facilitate their involvement in UN joint programming. New regionally-based organisations joined the Integrated UN Programme and signed the UN Country Fund.
Both former and the current RC, with the assistance from Pillar Conveners and UN Coordination Office, carried out the consultations with RBOs on implementation of a) the Integrated UN Programme, especially 2010 UN Annual Work Plan of SEDEP Pillar, b) of the joint programme of UNDP, FAO, UNESCO, UNIDO and UNEP on the creation of green jobs in the northern Montenegro and c) new joint activities and projects, such as the programme on DRR, risk management and climate change. SEDEP Pillar Working Group (in which areas the RBOs work mostly) had regular, almost daily, contacts of all involved Participating UN Organisations and either continued or and began implementation of joint activities and mentioned joint programmes. Other Pillar Working Groups also kept the RBOs updated of the major developments in UN's work and involved them in planning and implementation of UN Annual Work Plan to the extent required and possible. Representatives of some RBOs took active part in the UN Town Hall meeting, organised in December to discuss challenges, benefits and way forward in implementation of DaO and Integrated UN Programme. Enhanced cooperation with regionally based UN organisations (RBOs) and as a result, the number of Participating Organisations in the Programme increased from 9 to 11 as of March 2011 and to probably to 13 as of 2012.
UN Coordination Analyst, UN Communications Analyst and UN Administration/Finance Assistant in place. Further support in implementation of the Integrated UN Programme provided and financed with funds from the UN Country Fund.
Effective support to the UNCT in implementation of the RC Work plan for 2011 and Integrated UN Programme as well as coordination of different activities re UN Eco Shared Premises provided by the RC Office.
The UN Coordination Office provided effective and timely support to the UNCT in realisation of DaO reform, in implementation of the Integrated UN Programme, 2011 UN Annual Work Plan and in planning, coordination and realisation of the joint programmes and activities, such as UN Eco Shared Premises, activities of the Working Group on Gender and Human Rights and joint communications of the UN.
Capacities of the RC Office staff, especially new staff, enhanced to ensure better functioning of the office and enhanced support to the UNCT in implementation of UN Integrated Programme, joint plans, initiatives and response to national priorities.
Coordination Analyst attended regional meeting of Coordination Officers and other relevant meetings. UN Communications Analyst attended trainings/workshops for UN communication focal points. UN Administration/Finance Assistant attended relevant workshops concerning the use of Atlas.
Capacities of the RC Office staff, especially new staff, have been enhanced through daily work and in-house trainings provided by the Operations Unit of the UNDP and UN Coordination Analyst as well as participation of the UN Communication Analyst in communications/advocacy related trainings of specific UN agencies. There were no funds in the RC budget for participation of the UN Coordination Office staff in other trainings/workshops due to the cuts in the RC budget in 2011, however, agencies cost-shared or
Other (specify) Result Area 6: Coordination Capacity of the UNCT Strengthening UNCT Coordination Capacity RCO Staffing
25% of salary for positions of UN Communications Analyst and UN Administrative/Finace Assistant is cost-shared among all Participating agnecies. 25% of salary for positions of UN Communications Analyst and UN Administrative/Finace Assistant is financed from UN Country Fund.
Materials/Equipment Training of UN staff
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however, agencies cost-shared or paid for expenses of UN Coordination Analyst in attending the workshop on strengthening national implementation of recommendations from International Human Rights Mechanisms as well as the regional meeting of coordination officers, both organised in Belgrade, Serbia. Other (specify) TOTAL
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Joint Programmes Joint Programmes Title
Linkages to MDGs and UNDAF outcomes
Duration (from/to)
Fund management Modality
Manag. agent
Admin. agent
National or local partners and donors
Total budget
UN Eco Shared Premises
MDG 7 - Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes; reverse loss of environmental resources; Integrated UN Programme Outcomes 3.1 and 3.2
2007 - 2012
Government of Montenegro, Capital City of Podgorica, Coordination Office for Technical Cooperation of the Austrian Embassy in Montenegro, IOM, Local team of engineers and architects hired by the UNCT.
UNCT and National Response to HIV/AIDS
Improving the business environment through green jobs and institution building
Rural development
Non-communicable diseases prevention, healthy lifestyles and food safety
Disaster Risk Reduction, Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation
Good Health System Governance for Equitable Effective and Quality Health Care in Montenegro
Sustainable development
MDG 6 - Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS; Integrated UN Programme Outcome 1.3
2008 - 2012
MDG 7 - Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes; reverse loss of environmental resources; Integrated UN Programme Outcome 3.3
2010 - 2012
MDG 4, 5, 6; Integrated UN Programme Outcomes 1.3 and 1.2
MDG 7 -Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes; reverse loss of environmental resources; Integrated UN Programme Outcome 3.2
MDG 4, 5, 6; Integrated UN Programme Outcomes 1.3 and 1.2
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2011 - 2012
2011 - 2013
2010 - 2011
Pass-through Pooled
Parallel Pass-through
Pass-through Pooled
Institute of Public Health, National AIDS Commission, Country Coordinating Mechanisam, Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Welfare, NGO sector
Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism (ex Ministry for Spatial Planning and Enviroment), NGO sector
Ministry of Health, Institute for Public Health, Health Insurance Fund
Ministry of Interior (Sector for Emergencies)
Ministry of Health, Institute for Public Health, Health Insurance Fund
Financial contribution
Governmnet of Montenegro
Austrian Development Agency
Expanded DaO Funding Window
UN Country Fund
Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism
Expanded DaO Funding Window
UN Country Fund
Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare
$180,000.00 Expanded DaO Funding Window
UN Country Fund
Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery
Expanded DaO Funding Window
UN Country Fund
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Coordination Procedures and Practices Coordination practices and procedures CP
In Montenegro, some 16,000 refugees from neighboring countries have lived for up to 20 years without a proper legal status. In 2009, the Government of Montenegro amended the legislation to give refugees a two-year period to apply for permanent residency. UNHCR offered assistance to refugees in acquiring necessary documents through a local NGO. In the period from November 2009 until Nivember 2011, 7,208 documents have been obtained for 4,193 persons. In addition, 522 procedures for subsequent registration in the birth and citizenship registries in Serbia, Montenegro or Croatia have been initiated with 203 procedures successfully solved, while 300 persons were financially supported to obtain documents. In early 2011, the increased need for such support exhausted UNHCR’s funds for this work, leaving no possibility to help vulnerable refugees without means to pay for transport to their places of origin to get personal documents and to pay administrative fees to get the papers. Since the deadline for submitting applications for residency expired on 7 November 2011, this put many refugees at risk of losing the chance to regularize their status. The situation was discussed in the Social Inclusion Pillar group in June 2011 and it was agreed that the UN Country Team would continue the work, under Delivering as One and will use funds from the UN Country Fund, i.e. Expanded DaO Funding Window funds. UN agencies’ framework supported the project unanimously. UNDP took the responsibility for managing the project through the NGO Legal Centre with UNHCR’s expert guidance. Meanwhile, UNHCR advocated with the Government of Montenegro to extend the deadline for submitting application for residence permits, and on 1 November 2011 the Law on Foreigners was amended to extend the deadline until 31 December 2012.
Transaction costs:
Small- and medium-scale businesses play a key role in economic growth and equitable development in Montenegro. They are a main source of income and employment opportunities thus contributing to the livelihood of a large share of workforce and entrepreneurs. However, the potential role of these businesses is often not realized because of a set of problems commonly related to size and isolation. This particularly holds true for the most underdeveloped Northern region, which supports the livelihoods of over 28.9 % of the Montenegrin population and significantly lags behind the other regions in terms of economic development, the extent of poverty and poverty risk (twice the national average). Poverty rate in Northern region in 2010 was 10.3%, and 45.2% of the poor (in comparison with other region poverty rate in North region are almost 2 times bigger than in central region and almost four times bigger than in south region). Also, taking into consideration that In Montenegro live in rural areas 60.5% of poor individuals, while living in urban areas 39.5% recommends that Northern region is very difficult for living. One result of the economic divide is considerable North-South migration, resulting in a net population decrease of 8% in the north over the last ten years. With recently privatized state-owned industrial enterprises in the North either not operational or operating well below previous levels, the main economic sectors are tourism, agriculture and forestry. Total unemployed population in Montenegro in 2010 was 27,8%, out of 10,7% are from Northern region. When this project was initiated, cluster initiatives focusing on small and medium scale businesses have not yet been widely initiated in Montenegro. Whilst there was evidence of spatial concentration of enterprises within tourism, wood processing and agro-industries, little efforts have been undertaken to improve the organization of economic activities within such production systems. Although the Government encouraged businesses operating in the same industrial sector to form groups, there was still limited experience in cluster and network development approaches and methodologies for this target group. Also, there was a dearth of qualified local practitioners to help trigger cluster development in this sector. In 2009, five UN agencies including UNIDO developed a joint project with a focus on mitigating the impacts of the economic crisis in Montenegro by focusing on the creation of ‘green jobs’ in the most under-developed northern region of the country -targeting 5 municipalities around Durmitor National Park – UNESCO world heritage site (phase I). The awareness raising, research and capacity building activities carried out within the framework of this project have contributed to the following results: - Cluster development was included as an integral component in the recently published Regional Development Strategy of Montenegro; - The Ministry of Finance circulated a communiqué to all other relevant Ministries highlighting the importance to jointly work towards a strategy for fostering the creation of sustainable business clusters throughout the entire country – the Ministry of Economy has taken the lead in elaborating such strategy and has requested the support of the UN. On this basis, UNDP assemble again the UN Agency Team to work together on the elaboration of a national cluster policy, which can be seen as phase II of this initiative, which is currently ongoing. The awareness raising, research and capacity building activities carried out within the framework of this project have contributed to the following results: - Cluster development was included as an integral component in the recently published Regional Development Strategy of Montenegro; - The Ministry of Finance circulated a communiqué to all other relevant Ministries highlighting the importance to jointly work towards a strategy for fostering the creation of sustainable business clusters throughout the entire country – the Ministry of Economy has taken the lead in elaborating such strategy and has requested the support of the UN. On this basis, UNDP assemble again the UN Agency Team to work together on the elaboration of a national cluster policy, which can be seen as phase II of this initiative, which is currently ongoing. The aim of this upcoming policy is to strengthen the competitiveness and market access of selected clusters and networks in Montenegro, with a special emphasis on the more impoverished Northern region. In this context it will foster a more equitable integration of small and medium scale businesses in that region into domestic and regional value/supply chains through enhanced dynamism, collective efficiency, productivity and viable business partnerships with private sector investors. A cluster approach will help local firms move beyond their individual capacities, organizing themselves in dynamic production networks, developing strategic relationships with other firms and institutions to improve their competitive advantages based on economies of scale, innovation and learning.
Transaction costs:
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Recommendations to DGO
Achievements: Lessons learned:
The main lesson learned is, that when the UN agencies act together, it is possible to achieve much better results than when agencies act individually. In addition, UN agencies got well prepared while waiting for the allocated funds and did not start accruing expenses until the money was received on the account.
Achievements: Lessons learned:
The project faced to date some delays in implementation due to multi-stakeholder approach. In the current phase these were minimized through the adoption of a further improved communication structure with participating institutions and national stakeholders, as well as the setting and monitoring of key milestones and targets. Staff rotation within beneficiary institutions has been an issue in the past, so in order to avoid any problems in this regard, the current phase will train more staff from each institution to anticipate possible losses (however, staff rotation, if within the same cluster or sector, can have positive implication by cross-fertilization of competences).
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2012 Workplan UNDAF Outcomes 1. 1.1 Montenegro’s legal framework is harmonized with EU/UN standards, and policies relevant to social inclusion are implemented and monitored. 1. 1.2 Social norms are embedded in order to facilitate age and gender sensitive inclusive attitudes and practices towards vulnerable and excluded populations. 1. 1.3 Montenegro reduces disparities and gaps in access to quality health, education and social services, in line with EU/UN standards. 2. 2.1 National legislative framework is harmonized with UN, EU, OSCE and CoE standards and relevant secondary legislation regulating implementation is developed. 2. 2.2 State and independent institutions with increased capacity to ensure the realization and monitoring of human rights, support empowerment of women, enable equal opportunities for all inhabitants, including access to efficient service delivery, through 2. 2.3 Empower civil society and supportive institutional mechanisms to increase awareness on human rights and the benefits and obligations of participation in decision-making, advocacy, demanding quality services and accountability. 3. 3.1 Climate change adaptation and mitigation measures are designed and implemented to accelerate the use of renewable, clean energy, carbon trading and energy efficiency, thereby achieving low carbon emissions, climate resilient growth and better manageme 3. 3.3 Established system for strengthening entrepreneurial capacity building and facilitating private sector partnerships for ‘green jobs,’ rural livelihoods and development of Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises (MSME) in order to improve economic choices 3. 3.2 Established system for conservation and sustainable management of natural resources, effective prevention, control and reduction of environmental risks, and enhanced environmental awareness and participation by children, young people and adults.
2012 Workplan KEY RESULTS AREA
Expected Outputs
Perf. Indicators
Actual Outputs at Year End
Funds required/spent at Year End SRC
Additional support needed from HQ or Regional Director's Team UNCCF
UN Agencies
Target Date
Other Spt
Coordination for Results (WORKPLAN 2012) A) UNCT Contribution to the National Development Plan/Poverty Reduction Strategy/MD and MDGs plan
UN support to formulation/implementation of relevant national strategies or plans e.g. JAS/NDP/PRSP
The UNCT to continue supporting the Government of Montenegro in the process of implementation of the Strategy on Social Inclusion (innovated PRSP) and National Programme for Integration of Montenegro in the EU.
2012 UN Annual Work Plan aligned with national priorities and approved by the Joint Country Steering Committee in the first quarter of 2012. Targets of 2011 Annual Work Plans of three Pillar Working Groups (Social Inclusion, Democratic Governance and Sustainable Economic Development & Environmental Protection) of the Integrated UN Programme are met.
UN plan to support the implementation of the Millennium Declaration, including scaling up IADG/MDG initiatives *
The Government able to identify and respond to key outstanding gaps in fulfilling the Millennium Declaration and meeting the MDGs.
Number of national and local reforms and/or increased budget allocations related to MDGs and UN conventions where UN has either engaged in policy dialogue, advocacy or provides capacity development support. The Law on Social and Child Protection passed and the regionally-based Strategy on Business Clusters completed.
UN support to capacity development strategies UN assistance to national authorities for the preparation of the national report on the implementation of the Brussels Programme of Action of LDCs 4 *
N/A Montenegro is Middle Income Country
Other Formulation/implementation of a transition plan or strategy 5 B) Aid Coordination/ Management / Paris Declaration
Planned efforts to making use of national systems in the areas such as programme/project reporting, PRS/sectoral monitoring and evaluation systems, annual PRS/sectoral performance reviews, national procurement systems, etc
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UN support to aid coordination/management
The Government able to optimize the effectiveness and efficiency of aid through donor coordination mechanism.
UN coordination structure logically integrated in overall donor coordination and development cooperation of the country, in close collaboration with the PM Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration. Monthly reporting on donor coordination by all UNCT members every third UNCT meeting or quarterly.
Strengthen Government's ownership of the Integrated UN Programme Phase II 2012-2016. UNICEF and UNDP jointly sign and closely cooperate with national institutions on implementation of their Country Programme Action Plans (2012-2016) aligned with the Phase II of the Programme.
Joint Country Steering Committee reviewed progress in the implementation of the Integrated UN Programme at least once in the year resulting in clear recommendations, which are reflected in the work of Pillars. UNICEF and UNDP Country Programme Action Plans signed jointly in January.
Implementation of UNDAF M&E Framework*
The UN effectively monitors all Pillar indicators of the Integrated UN Programme Phase II. The UN to establish the M&E Working Group.
The M&E Working Group established in the first quarter of the year and closely cooperated with all Pillars. The M&E Working Group meets at least three times in the year to review implementation of the M&E Framework of the Phase I (2010-2011) and progress towards targets of the year 2012.
UNDAF Annual Review/ UNDAF Evaluation/SOF
The Participating UN Organisations and the Government to prepare Annual Review of the Integrated UN Programme and 2011 UN Country Fund through Pillar and Sector Working Groups and MPTF Office respectively.
The Annual Review of the Integrated UN Programme and 2011 UN Country Fund completed in the first half of the year. The Annual Reviews acknowledged by the JCSC in the first half of the year and attended by senior partners from all line ministries.
Together with national partners, the Participating UN Organisations in Montenegro to continue implementation of joint programmes and activities responding to immediate national priorities in the areas of social inclusion and sustainable economic development & environmental protection.
a) National strategic policy framework for enhancing the competitiveness through cluster-approach developed, with the governance structure, policy recommendations, monitoring and evaluation plan and a budget; through implementation of the joint programme Improving the business environment through green jobs and institution building. b) At least 10 municipalities using information management services/GIS for disaster management and planning, through implementation of DRR, Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation. c) Transformation Action Plan for Komanski most completed and approved by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, through joint project Non-communicable diseases prevention, enhancing service provision to adults at Komanski most; d) Capacity for NCD control and prevention with a particular focus on early cancer control and prevention strengthened, through the project Non-communicable diseases prevention, healthy lifestyles and food safety; e) Final draft of the Konik study (Socio-Economic part)completed in close cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and
Other C) UNDAF/Common Programming
Efforts to align UN programme cycle with national development cycle *
Preparation of Country Analysis/UNDAF/UNDAF Action Plan
Other Progress towards UNDAF outcomes (inputs provided by theme group chairs) Joint planning initiatives with UN peacekeeping, peacebuilding, political and humanitarian actors (e.g. UNDAF plus, Integrated Strategic Framework). D) Joint Programmes
Preparation/ implementation of new Joint Programmes *
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with the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare; 2,080, individual documents, or 10 percentage of the total of I/DP caseload, obtained for I/DPs and domiciled Roma (from Serbia, B&H, Croatia), through joint project Durable solution for refugees, displaced and domiciled Roma in Montenegro. M&E of Joint Programmes Other E) HACT
Status of HACT implementation/compliance7 in the country *
The UNCT to continue its work on further implementation of HACT, through the Operations Management Team.
A macro-assessment of country’s public financial system conducted in the third quarter of the year. The cost of the assessment covered by UNDP and UNICEF, due to very limited RC budget. Beginner training for possible new IPs conducted.
UN agencies contributions: UNDP 11,000 UNICEF 11,000
The cross-cutting Working Group on Gender and Human Rights to continue supporting the national partners in planning and implementation of national policies in the area of domestic violence.
A joint study on domestic violence and impact of the UN’s and national partners' joint work in the area, such as “16 days against violence campaign” which is being organised by the UN and partners in the last few years, carried out by the end of the year. The findings of the study used for future work in the area of domestic violence and for advocacy.
The UN to continue close working relationship with relevant national and international partners in advocating for strengthened sanctions in the area of domestic violence and for the fight against violence in family. The Working Group on Gender and Human Rights to provide support to the UNCT and Pillar Groups in 1) Ensuring all staff in the UN who are responsible for Integrated UN Programme's outputs have formal training in gender mainstreaming 2) Monitoring all Integrated UN Programme's outputs at least once during the year through a gender equality lens and 3) Providing strategic direction to the RC, UNCT and others on high level gender related advocacy and policy dialogue.
Number of steps undertaken to implement inter-ministerial protocol on domestic violence. Percentage increase in negative attitudes towards domestic violence. 100 percent of staff responsible for Integrated UN Programme's outputs able to apply gender mainstreaming in their work. Percentage of staff trained able to report on outputs from gender perspective. Percentage of staff accountable for outputs of the Integrated UN Programme are trained in gender mainstreaming.
UN agencies contributions: UNDP 15,000 UNHCR 5,000
Establishment of Joint UN Team on AIDS and implementation of joint programme of support on AIDS *
The Joint UN team on HIV/AIDS to continue implementation of joint programme in cooperation with national counterparts and to develop the new proposal for UNAIDS, if Programme Acceleration Funds or its equivalent become available.
Targets of the 2012 work plan of the Joint UN Team on HIV/AIDS met and activities implemented according to the agreed timeline. At least one new joint programme/project proposal designed in close cooperation with national partners and submitted for funding. The Focal Point on HIV/AIDS supported the Joint Team and the Theme Group on HIV/AIDS in implementation of UN's joint programme on HIV/AIDS, if Programme Acceleration Funds or its equivalent become available by UNAIDS.
UN entities contribution: UNDP 17,714.64 UNICEF4,000.00 UNHCR 4,285.80 WHO 571.44 IOM 1,428.60
Strengthening national systems/capacities through HACT Other F) Gender Equality
UN support to incorporation of gender equality in national planning processes (such as National Development Strategies; PRSPs; SWAPs; Joint Assistance Strategies, etc.)
Capacity development for gender theme groups to support UNCT to respond to national priorities for gender equality
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UN support to the national response to AIDS through strengthening the Three Ones *
The UN Theme Group and UN Joint Team on HIV/AIDS to strengthen capacities of the national authorities related to National HIV/AIDS Strategy 2010-2014 and National Roadmap to achieve Universal Access goals and to support national partners in their implementation. The UN Theme Group and UN Joint Team on HIV/AIDS to work closely with relevant national counterparts on enhancing the human rights of people living with HIV. The UN Theme Group and UN Joint Team on HIV/AIDS to effectively monitor implementation of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy 2010-2014 and National HIV/AIDS Programme 2012-2016, and to assist national authorities in addressing the key obstacles and gaps in the national response.
At least 40 national institutions' staff provided with trainings on strengthening capacities in the area of public relations, monitoring and evaluation and organisational management. At least 15 medical staff provided with learning tools for reducing stigma and discrimination towards people living with HIV. National HIV/AIDS Strategy and National HIV/AIDS Programme fully implemented and international obligations regarding the global HIV/AIDS reporting fulfilled. UNGASS and national indicators as per Action Plan on Monitoring and Evaluation of the National HIV/AIDS Response achieved with support from the UN.
HIV/AIDS in the Workplace
The UN Joint Team on HIV/AIDS to develop learning tools and to organise a workshop to enhance the knowledge of UN staff and their families on HIV/AIDS.
The learning tools on HIV/AIDS developed. At least 50 UN staff and family members provided with the most recent findings in regard to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, in the first half of 2012.
The Working Group on Gender and Human Rights to provide support to the UNCT and Pillar Groups in 1) Ensuring all staff in the UN who are responsible for Integrated UN Programme's outputs have formal training in HRBA 2) Monitoring all Integrated UN Programme's outputs at least once during the year through a HRBA lens 3) Providing strategic direction to the RC, UNCT and others on high level human rights advocacy and policy dialogue, including the Government’s preparation of the second cycle of UPR reporting, due in early 2013 4) Sharing information and developing a quarterly brief on the human rights environment in the country and 5) Programme staff responsible for Integrated UN Programme's outputs and human rights campaigns are able to deliver on these.
100 percent of staff responsible for Integrated UN Programme's outputs able to apply HRBA in their work. Percentage of staff trained able to report on outputs from HRBA perspective. The Working Group has reports back from the staff responsible for Integrated UN Programme's outputs on how they applied HRBA in their work. Four briefs on the human rights situation in the country completed and submitted to the UNCT. Percentage of staff accountable for outputs of the Integrated UN Programme are trained in HRBA. Human rights focal points in UN agencies and UN Coordination Office provided advisory and technical support to the Government in preparing the second cycle of UPR reporting, due in early 2013.
The UN Country Team, through its inter-agency Operations Management Team (OMT), to work on increasing efficiency and effectiveness of UN operations through improved business practices and common services. The UNCT and OMT to prepare for moving to and working in the future common premises.
Targets of the 2012 work plan for common services with relevant timeliness developed and met by the OMT. Procurement of common services for travel, office stationary & supplies, fuel provider, express courier, vehicle maintenance and car wash completed in the first quarter of 2012. Procurement of common services for travel, common banker and printing services finalised by the end of 2012 .DSA Survey carried out in the first half of 2012 resulting in new updated DSA rates for Montenegro. Place to Place Survey (Cost of Living Survey) conducted in September 2012 resulting in new Post-Adjustment Index. Targets of a plan for functioning of common services in the future UN Eco Shared Premises met by the OMT in close cooperation with the UNCT and UN staff. Possible common ICT Services identified and IT plan prepared before moving into the new joint building; eco-friendly furniture as well as security fence around the building procured and relevant funds secured. Relocation
30.000 UNAIDS (pending the availability of PAF or other funding mechanism of UNAIDS)
Other H) Human Rights
Application of Human Right Based Approach Strengthening the capacity of UNCTs to support national human rights protection systems
Other I) Common Services and Premises
Status of initiatives to increase collaboration and cost-effectiveness of UN business operations in support of programme delivery (common services and premises)
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to UN Eco Shared premises successfully organised and completed by the end of 2012. Future indexation method agreed with ICSC to serve for revision/update of the local FTA salaries instead of Comprehensive Salary Survey. Other
J) Other
The UNCT continued implementation of a programme for structural observation during the construction process of the UN Eco Shared Premises in Podgorica. The UN Coordination Office and UN Eco Building Project Coordinator liaised and closely cooperated with national and international partners to ensure effective carrying out of all needed tasks during the construction phase and sharing of relevant information with the UNCT and the Working Group on Common Premises and Services.
Contractor construction and labour closely monitored by the Project Coordinator and the UN Coordination Office. The UNCO, supported by contracted international company and the main architect, reviewed the quality of the executed works assuring that the building is built in line with all regulations, terms and requirements of verified technical documentation. Regular follow up and update on the progress of this project provided by the UN Coordination Office.
Capacities of the Government to integrate emergency preparedness and DRR into planning and governance strengthened.
Flood preparedness plans of 12 municipalities developed and carried out in close cooperation of the UN and relevant partners.
The UNCT continued its joint work in mobilising resources for disaster risk reduction and emergency preparedness, in close cooperation with relevant national partners.
Joint proposal for DRR on local level completed in close cooperation with the Sector for Emergencies and submitted to the USA Embassy in the first quarter of the year.
A systematic and coherent plan for UN system wide communications and advocacy on human rights and development agenda implemented.
A biannual, synchronized UN communications strategy developed by the JCT and approved by the UNCT in the first quarter of the year. Targets of the 2012 Annual Work Plan of the JCT met timely. At least 10 joint activities/events/observances, including UN Day, Poverty Day, Human Rights Day, International Women’s Day, International Roma Day, AIDS Day organised throughout the year resulting in a more coherent image of the UN's work; More than 10 news items/articles published/broadcasted on each joint events; More than 10 joint media clipping reports prepared upon completion of joint events/campaigns; Targets of at least three UN campaigns, including Roma registration/statelessness, It’s about ability and adoption campaign, met. The Campaigns organised in synchronized manner, without overlapping; One JCT retreat/workshop resulting in enhanced team spirit and cooperation organised in January; More than 400 new information/stories/pages on UN
UNDP 2,880.00 USD; UNICEF 1,280.00 USD; UNHCR 1,600.00 USD; WHO 192.00 USD; IOM 448.00 USD
Coordination of Emergency Preparedness and Relief A) Preparedness
Coordination of emergency preparedness efforts of UNCT members and relevant humanitarian actors Other
B) Relief
Establishment of Humanitarian Country Team Other Development of a response plan
Coordination of humanitarian operations Advocacy Resource mobilization
UN Advocacy and Resource Mobilization A) Joint UNCT Advocacy and Communications
Development/implementation of the UNCT communications/advocacy strategy & plan
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the majority of costs for joint communications will be cost-shared among UN agencies.
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information/stories/pages on UN activities in Montenegro and global published on UN Montenegro website; UN Montenegro website traffic increased for 20% (according to website statistics; A documentary about UN in Montenegro produced and broadcasted on national television in the last quarter of the year; At least 20 new photo galleries created for different UN purposes in 2011; UN Montenegro website upgraded to a more functional UN web gate by redesigning certain sections, developing of new ones and regular update. Other B) Joint UNCT Resource Mobilization Strategy
Development/implementation of RM strategy
An effective and relevant Resource Mobilization and Partnership Strategy is implemented.
Funding secured for three core posts of UN Coordination Office for 2013. 20 percent of revised Integrated UN Programme's targets met.
The Security Management Team (SMT) updated the SRA for all locations in the country where UN staff are present.
SRA revised and updated by Country Security Focal Point (CSFP) in consultation with the DO and the SMT. The SRA approved by the SMT by December.
Up to date security plan
Security Plan is regularly updated ensuring safety and security of UN staff.
The Security Plan revised and updated by the Country Security Focal in consultation with the DO and the SMT. The updated Security Plan approved by the SMT. All security lists updated on quarterly basis. Three warden tree exercises and at least one emergency situation drill (fire) organised.
Security Management Team
The SMT held regular meetings and assessed the security situation in the country.
At least two SMT meetings held. The security situation closely monitored by the SMT, which liaised with representatives of relevant national institutions. Quarterly reports on security situation in Montenegro developed by the CSFP and submitted to UN Department of Safety and Security.
Implementation of security training for staff
Agency security focal points continued providing security trainings for new staff.
Security trainings for new staff organised.
The UNCT and Pillar co-conveners continued close work and liaison with regionally-based agencies (RBOs), which are also Participating Organisations to the Integrated UN Programme, in addressing national priorities and ensuring active involvement and cooperation of the RBOs with the Government in implementation of the Integrated UN Programme.
RC's consultations with regionally-based agencies on a) implementation of the Phase II of Integrated UN Programme; b) on implementation of the existing joint programmes on green jobs and disaster risk reduction, which involve most of regionally-based organisations, and c) on joint programming and communications carried out successfully. Participation of regionally-based organisations in joint activities and programming increased further. Financial contributions of regionally-based organisations in implementation of the Integrated UN Programme and joint initiatives increased. New regionally-based organisations joined the Integrated UN Programme and signed the UN Country Fund.
Other Security Management (WORKPLAN 2012) A) Security
Duty station specific security risk assessment (SRA) for all locations in the country where UN staff are present
Implementation of mitigating measures as identified in SRA
Other Non-Resident UN Agencies A) Special measures to integrate non-resident UN agencies in UNCT processes
Supporting the Involvement of non-resident UN agencies in the national strategic planning processes/ UN programming
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Other Coordination Capacity of the UNCT A) Strengthening UNCT Coordination Capacity
RCO Staffing
The UN Coordination Office provided effective and timely support to the UNCT in implementation of the RC Work plan for 2011 and Integrated UN Programme as well as in coordination of different activities re UN Eco Shared Premises.
Frequency of JCSC, UNCT, JCT, SMT meetings held and number of action points addressed. The 2013 funds for the UN Coordination Office secured.
Capacities of the UN Coordination Office enhanced to ensure better functioning of the office and effective support to the UNCT in implementation of the Integrated UN Programme, different joint work plans, initiatives and responses to national priorities.
Training plan for the UN Coordination Office approved by the UNCT and implemented.
UN agencies contributions: UNDP 30,022.46, UNICEF 6,779.26, UNHCR 7,263.49, WHO 968.46, IOM 2,421.16, FAO 1,694.80, UNESCO 1,694.80, UNIDO 1,694.80, UNEP 1,694.80, UN Women 1,694.80, UNECE 1,694.80, IAEA 1,694.80
Materials/Equipment Training of UN staff
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