Hongyang Wang Architectural Portfolio

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PORTFOLIO 2015-2016

Hongyang Wang





Projects I

#high-rise #infrastructure #mixed-use #UniversityofMiami

University Station

#infrastracture #poparchitecture II #mixed-use #MiamiDesignDistrict Social Interaction 1 Index

#high-rise #NYC III #mixed-use #highline Chelsea 101 #pavillion #inthewoods IV #mixed-use #northMiami Earth Form

#Cultrual #geometry Chaple of Little Flower V #Miamicoralgables


Additional I

#drawing #photography #sketch #ceremic

Art Work

#Kineticdesign #3dprint II #woodwork Fabrication

#constructiondocuments #clientmeeting III #residential #responsivearchitecture Professional Experiences

About an Architecture Student

2 Resume


University of Miami, 2016 3 Resume


Beijing No.80 High School, 2010

Science Specific Diplma

In der Ey 42, Zurich, CH hy.wang2017@gmail.com +41 786640031

Working Experiences RAD-UM, Miami Part-time/ 2016 Fall and Spring University Miami’s Responsive Architecture and Design (RAD) Lab is a new Lab brought by our Dean, Prof. elKhoury. Working on innovative projects, such as responsive coffee table, LED Wall, Plant Energy, etc. Cure and Penabad Architects, Miami

Part-time/2015 Spring Prof. Penabad is the director of UM SOA undergraduate. I worked on various projects in Guatemala, and was in charge of 3D rendering, hand-drawing, construction documents, etc.

Robert A.M. Stern Architects, New York

Full-time/2014 Summer Mainly worked with one team on producing construction documents, for a high-end residential building and designed architectural details, interior and materials. Also worked on a affordable housing project, a mixed-use retail and a single house.

Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, New Haven Full-time /2013 Summer

Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, Shanghai

Full-time /2012 Summer Worked with PCPA for two summers, in both Shanghai Office and New Haven Headquarter. Working ranged from construction documents, conceptual designs, interior deisgns, 3d printing to architectural assistant, meeting clients, and office manager assistant.

Freelance Designer, photographer, architectural designer, graphic designer Designed various logos for firms in different fields. Designed the exterior of a coffee stand in San Francisco.

Extracurricular Kyoto Open Studio /Summer Program / 2015 Summer

A UM summer program focusing on research the urban evolvement of Japan’s anciant cities and modern cities. Teaching Assistant/Lighting and Acoustic for Master Student/ 2015 Fall Beijing Open Studio /Summer Program / 2012 Summer A summer program coordinating with University of Notre Dame and Nanjing University. An insightful study program of Chinese/Asian traditional Architecture and Urban Planning.

MOMA Exhibition/Research and Model / 2014-15 American Institute of Architecture Student (AIAS), University of Miami, President 2012 Chinese Student and Scholars Association (CSSA), University of Miami, President 2013

A cultural based organization, recognized by the Chinese embassy in Huston. Has more than 50 officers, aiming at serving more than 900 Chinese Students on campus. Organizes two to three events per month, from Student Orientation to Chinese New Year Celebration, which have more than 800 hundred attendants. Recently invited Jorge Perez to UM giving a lecture on Miami development as a global city.

Honors and Publications


Student of the Year 2013

Architecture Software

University of Miami, AIA Miami

Dean’s Honor List 2010 2011 2012 2013

Sukkah Design Competition 2012

First Place

SWIRE Scholar 2015

Studio Publication along with IAAC student work

Latin America in Construction: Architecture 1955-1980 MOMA Exhibition, 2015

Autocad, Rhinoceros, Revit, 3ds Max, Sketch up, Archicad, V-ray, Maxwell, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Illustrator, Ecotect


Processing, Python, Java, Arduino, Raspberry Pi


Digital Lasercutting, 3d Printing, CNC Hand-make Wood Work, Paper Word, Multi-Media


Photography, Graphic Design, Pen/Pencil/Water color/Charcoal/Chinese/Manga Painting


Microsoft Office, iWork, iLife, iMovie, Finalcut pro

Proficient in English, Chinese Basic in German

4 Resume

We are living in the time of radical change, stimulated by globalization, urbanization, technology revolution (the 4th industrial revolution) and increasing environmental pressure. By 2050, world population will reach 9.7 billion and 66 percent will be in urban area(projected by the UN). How should urbanism, buildings and spaces evolve to adapt the challenges systematically and sustainably? As a primitive link in the social system, architecture infiltrate through urban fabric, buildings and spaces into everyone’s daily life. It is not only a method of individual empowerment, but also a unique expression of design, culture and society. In response to the ever-changing world we live in today, I believe that the design approach would have to combine the understanding of the past and projection of the future. Elements as adaptation, interaction, sustainability and resilience are going to play an increasingly important role. Born and raised in Beijing, an ancient city wounded by all the major problems of fast urbanization, over-population, pollution, traffic, income inequality, etc. There is no easy solution. I devoted myself into pursuing site-specific, cultural-sensitive, human-center, and eco-friendly design, in order to contribute to the society and improve people’s lives.

5 Work

University Station Reinventing American District Chelsea 101 Earth Form Pavilion Sounding Flower


From Participant Observation to Observant Participant

6 Work

University Station The Miami Underline Movement

2015.1-2015.5 Location: University of Miami Metro Station, Miami, FL Collaborator: Natalie Paulino Contribution: Concept 70%, Analysis 50% Physicle Model 100%, Final Drawings 80% Professors: Jacob Brillhart

Detailed Master Plan and Design

Design Concept Develop

Program and Design Detail

Exploded Axon

Hotel Tower Section Elevation

Plaza & Metro Station Section

Model Detail



Complete Project Model

18 Work . I

19 Work . I

Reinventing American District Social Interaction in Digital Age

2015.8-2015.11 Collaborator: Ahmed Jawdet Contribution: Concept 60%, Analysis 50% Site Model 95%, Final Drawings 70% Professors: Vicente Guallart, Yi Li

19 Work II

20 Work II

University of Miami had a long-standing reputation of urban planning especially under the lead of Elizabeth Plater-Zybrerk, the pioneer of New Urbanism. New Urbanism is a form-based code system that create livable sustainable communities. Our studio is led by Porf.Vicente Guallart the formal chief architect of Barcelona. He devoted to find a new urban paradigms for the new age of information society, with the passion of nature, technology and architecture. This studio is aiming at re-design the Miami Design District from a high-end luxury retail to a modern self-sufficient district. The whole studio had thorough studies on subjects from food, energy, digital fabrication, waste management to social interaction and shading. What would it be like to re-create a livable, human-centered district with rigorous new technologies? We examined social interaction under the thought of creating a modern district combining human-centered living qualities and technologies. Using big data, we were able to collected one year twitter data of the district, in order to study the human pattern of the district. Additionally, we survey the whole district to get the first-hand information. After the discussion with Craig Robins, the developer of Design District, we were asked to focusing on transforming the under-highway space form no-man’s land to an attractive gate way to the district.

Social Media Data Collection, Analysis and Visualization

Design Site Selection and Detailed Sorrounding Analysis

Strategy 1: Re-vision Intersections

Existing Condition


Axis Extension




Green Area




Convenience Diverse Flexibility Fun Green Space Identity Multi-sensation Open

Re-vision Intersections

(arund highway)


Comfortable Continuity

Strategy 1

Public Art


Communal Social Needs

Infrastructure Enhancement Community Needs of Midtwon Market Needs of Design District

Human Need Analysis and Design Strategies

Collorative Office Communal Gallary Multi-Program

Strategy 2 Re-design Under high-way space

Pop-up Space Transportation Multi-Functional Site Furnitures Multi-Functional Beam “Smart” Columns

Strategy 3 Tech-enhanced Infrustructure

Sustainable Signage

Safe Sittable

Distric Exploration App


Drone Pitctures


Real-time Event

Strategy 4 Social Reconnect

A District package for the new age

Third, we recognize that infrastructure is not avoidable in any planning. Inspired by the human-enhancement technologies. We want to equip the infrastructure with technology, making them part of important “internet of things”.

First, we want to re-design the most important intersections around highway, in order to give design district an identification for all the visitors and passengers.

Last, we are looking for a solution to the social problems that created by technology. We want to design a “District Exploring Kit “to maximum the interaction between people and between people and the urban scene.

Second, we focus on redesigning the under-highway area. To better connect the two district, and at the same time. bring more people to Design District, by providing programs that serve both residents and the local creative community.

Social Media Data Collection, Analysis and Visualization

Strategy 1: Re-vision Intersections

Strategy 4: Social Reconnect

Strategy 3: Enhenced Infrastructure

Visual Rhythm The NYC Highline

2014.8-2014.12 Location: Highline, Chelsea, NYC Collaborator: Sofie Jueanus Contribution: Concept 50%, Analysis 50% Physicle Model 70%, Final Drawings 50% Professors: Robert Behar

31 Work . III

30 Work . III

Diagram Analysis

Design Concept Develop

Front View Elevation

Plaza & Front Building Section

Floor Plans

1st Floor Plan - Galleries

2st Floor Plan - Gym

3st Floor Plan - Gym

Upper Floor Plan - Typical Residential Unit

Section & Ground Floor Plan

Residential Units

Night Rendering

Earth Form

Pavillion Bok Tower Botanic Garden 2013.1-2013.5 Location: Bok Tower Gardens, Lake Wales, FL Individual Project Professors: Denis Hector

39 Work .IV

40 Work .IV


Pavilion Rendering and Elevation

Follow the Topography

Self-Sustaining Water Reclamation

Solar Energy Energy Saving AC System

Detail Site Plan, Site Section Elevations

Preserve all the Trees

“Hugging” the View of Bok Tower

Humble but Stunning Peaceful and Free

Exploded Diagram

1. Assembly Hall Roof Membrane Skin 2. Assembly Hall Roof Wood Grid Shell Structure 3. Stage Coverage Membrane Skin 4. Stage Coverage Grid Shell Structure 5. Wall (as stage back drop and divider) 6. Proformer’s Serving Rooms 7. Floating Stage by the Water 8. Main Assembly Hall (glass and steel colomn wall system) 9. Lobby 10. Entrance “Gate“ 11. Reflector and “Roof“ of Amphitheater 12. Amphitheater Seating 13. Pure Glass Service Elevator for Kitchen Staff (open to public view) 14. Underground Level Rooms (from left to the right, kitchen and bathrooms, mechanical room, water reclamation room)

15. The “Energy Flower Garden‘ 16. From Top to Bottom, Water Reclamation Flower, Steel Supporter, Solar Panel 17. Floor Plate 18. Classrooms and Bathrooms (carving into the slopping land) 19. Elevator to Access to the “Underneath” Classroom 20. Walkable Grass Roof for Classrooms 21. Seperated Bathrooms for Assembly Hall

Exploded Diagram

Pavilion Detail

Construction Detail

Sounding Flower Chapel Dedicated to Saint ThÊrèse of Lisieux 2011.8-2011.11 Location: Little Flower Church, Miami, FL Individual Project Ink on Mylar Professors: Oscar Machado

47 Work .V

As the very first studio that I had ever taken, our design challenge was a small chapel next to the major local Church of Little Flower in Miami. The Project was expressed through ink on Mylar hand-drawings. After a throughout study of relating symbology, I decided to use golden spiral to represent the perpetual following to god and circles to signify the purity of Saint Therese. By connecting and overlapping the circles, formed a geometrical flower. Center of the circles dropping on the golden spirals, meaning that Saint Therese, you and me, we are in the perpetual chase of eternity.

48 Work .V

Site Plan with Units Cut-Out

Section Elevation

Site Section Elevation

Site Section Elevation

53 Additional

Fabrication Wood Craft Design-Build Drawings Photography

Other Interests/ Skills

54 Additional

Kinetic Shading Device

55 Additional Fabrication

In searching for a solution of kinetic shading device that is light-weight, easy to assemble and could apply on regular window units. The shading device is inspired by traditional asian origami form. It is made possible by arduino board, light sensor and digital fabrication. The shading area would change according to daylight.

First Year Studio Project Logia Design

Hand-Craft Wood Model

58 Additional Wood Word

Detail of Hand Egraved Brick Pattern

Presented to and complemented by Michael Grave

58 Additional Wood Work

MOMA Exhibition: Latin America in Construction: Architecture 1955–1980 March 29–July 19, 2015 Edificio Altolar, Caracas (1966) Architect : Jimmy Alcock

MOMA Wood Model

59 Additional Wood Word

60 Additional Wood Work

Design-Build Under Construction A coffee stand in San Francisco

Sukkah Competition First Price

Observe Feel



63 Additional Drawing

64 Additional Drawing





65 Additional Photography





66 Additional Photography

Thank you! Hongyang Wang h.wang22@umiami.edu +1 7867634929

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