Convocation Program 2013

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University of Northern British Columbia

Friday, May Thirty First Two Thousand Thirteen Charles Jago Northern Sport Centre PRINCE GEORGE, BC

A MESSAGE FROM THE CHANCELLOR Allow me to congratulate each of you on the important milestone you have achieved and that we all celebrate here today. In the complex world of the 21st century, graduation from an institution of higher learning, such as UNBC, is a major step in preparing yourself for success as you progress along whatever path you choose to take in this changing and challenging world. After today, some of you will go on to continue your formal education while others will pursue career objectives. Whatever you do it is important to remember that learning is a life-long process. One of the most important things a university does is teach you how to learn. Continue to exercise that skill and enjoy doing it. These are both strong ingredients in a successful future. It is also important to recognize all those who have supported you through the learning experience you have gained; your parents, your family and friends as well as the faculty and staff at UNBC. They have all given their best efforts to ensure that you are as well prepared as you can be for what lies ahead. The University of Northern British Columbia is a unique and important institution. It is a young university that reflects the values, aspirations and cultures of those of us that have called northern British Columbia home. Its origins are in the exceptionally strong desire of the people of this region to have a university that is world class, easily accessible, reflects the uniqueness of the region’s widely distributed population and offers its young people, together with those who have joined us from afar, the opportunity to gain knowledge that enables successful pursuit of whatever path in life they choose to follow. I look forward to greeting each of you as you cross the stage today and to present you with the degree and recognition you have earned.

Best wishes to each of you,

John S. MacDonald Chancellor

A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT AND VICE-CHANCELLOR Dear Graduates, Families and Friends, Congratulations on your graduation today! You deserve to be proud of your accomplishments. Allow me to join you in thanking your families, friends, instructors and professors who have supported you in so many ways through your studies and research. We all know the problems - environmental, economic, and social - facing the world. But you, the graduates of one of the finest universities in Canada, are ready to confront these challenges and make your positive mark, and we look forward to learning of your contributions on the years to come. Our University has had another fruitful year. UNBC Forestry Professor Kathy Lewis was recently named Academic of the Year by the Confederation of University Faculty Associations of BC - the third UNBC professor to receive the honour in four years. Congratulations should also be extended to Dr. Dezene Huber, who was part of the team that garnered international headlines this year by successfully decoding the genome of the mountain pine beetle. Our soccer and basketball teams played their first-ever matches in the Canada West league of Canadian Interuniversity Sport, the highest level of amateur sport in the country. UNBC Environmental Engineering student Stephanie Doherty of Prince George was awarded one of only ten 3M National Student Fellowships this year, after two UNBC students were distinguished by the honour last year in the Award’s inaugural year. Days before this recognition, Doherty was part of the UNBC engineering team that took top prize at the national Canadian Engineering Competition for design in Ottawa. And last but not least, UNBC once again held its highest position ever in Maclean’s Magazine’s annual university rankings, placing second in the primarily undergraduate category, and retaining its spot as “best in the west”. I hope your time at UNBC has been a rich experience. I hope that you’ve made good friends that will last your lifetime. I hope you have found a passion that will drive you and guide you through life. UNBC is now your alma mater: we need your help to continue our success. Please stay in touch. I look forward to greeting you, as graduates of the University of Northern British Columbia, as you cross the stage today. Marilyn and I look forward to celebrating with you, your family and friends on this very special day.

With very best wishes,

George Iwama President and Vice-Chancellor

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A MESSAGE FROM THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Congratulations on your graduation from the University of Northern British Columbia! I know from personal experience that the last few years have been filled with hard work and dedication. I hope you have also had amazing experiences and built lifelong friendships along the way. You should feel very proud of the degree you have earned and know that the investment you have made in your education at UNBC will allow you to compete favourably with graduates from any school. I want to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Alumni Association of UNBC! With the conferral of your degree, you join a community of over 10,000 alumni worldwide, and some of the most successful graduates in the country! This network is an invaluable resource and we look forward to playing an integral role in your future. The alumni pin you received today is meant to serve as a reminder that we are here for you and that you will always be a part of the UNBC community! I encourage you to keep in touch with your alma mater at Again, congratulations to you and to all the proud family members and friends who have journeyed here to celebrate your Convocation. Be proud of your achievements and please share your positive experiences from UNBC, so we can continue to grow our community. I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavours, and a mutually rewarding, lifelong relationship with UNBC.


Jennifer Young, BA, 2000 & BSW, 2007 President, Alumni Association of UNBC

A MESSAGE FROM MLA SHIRLEY BOND Greetings, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to this year’s graduates. Today is an exciting day for all of you; the culmination of years of hard work filled with studying and classes. What you have accomplished is something to be proud of and celebrated. For those of you who now look to begin your careers, there are countless exciting opportunities especially here in Northern British Columbia. Regardless of the decision you make about your future, I hope you have thoroughly enjoyed your time at UNBC. Today is your day and you should be proud of yourself for your achievement. On behalf of the Province of British Columbia, I wish each of you continued success in your future endeavours and hope that today holds special memories as you celebrate with family and friends.

Shirley Bond, MLA Elect Prince George – Valemount Justice Minister and Attorney General

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A MESSAGE FROM MLA MIKE MORRIS Dear Graduates: I am honoured to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all of the 2013 UNBC Graduates. This Convocation Ceremony marks a very important milestone in each of your lives as well as the lives of your families. The journey of life brings both challenges and opportunities. Congratulations! All of you have great talents, skills, and privileges— share them generously with others and with the world.


Mike Morris Mike Morris, Candidate Elect Prince George – Mackenzie

A MESSAGE FROM COUNCILLOR BRUCE CHRISTENSEN Dear Graduates, I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to all of the graduates here today on behalf of the North Central Local Government Association. This is a very exciting and meaningful day for all of you, and I am honoured to be here. The North Central Local Government Association is one of the five area Associations within the Union of British Columbia Municipalities. Our association consists of elected officials from 41 local governments from 100 Mile House to the Yukon border, west to Haida Gwaii, and east to the Alberta border. There are so many opportunities for employment throughout our region, and I would like to encourage each and every one of you to consider staying and working here in the north. You are our future, and your success is our success. Once again, congratulations, good luck, and enjoy the remainder of your day!


Councillor Bruce Christensen

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HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENTS Honorary degrees at UNBC are presented to individuals who display the highest levels of achievement in public service, the arts, business, politics, environmental stewardship, and community development. Prominent in their professions and in the community, UNBC recognizes those whose distinguished contributions add to the betterment of the University and society as a whole.

Distinguished Professor Graham Hingangaroa Smith Ceremony 1

Distinguished Professor Smith is a prominent Māori educationalist who has been at the forefront of the alternative Māori initiatives in the education field and beyond. His recent academic work has centred on initiating theoretically informed transformative strategies to enhance Māori cultural, political, social, educational and economic advancement. He has been involved in the development of Tribal Universities and was the foundation Chairperson of Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi in Whakatāne. He is the former Pro Vice-Chancellor (Māori) at the University of Auckland where under his leadership the successful proposal for the establishment of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga – the National Centre of Excellence for Māori Research Development and Advancement was promoted and developed. He also developed the concept of Te Wānanga o Waipapa (an institution within an institution development) within the University of Auckland and as well initiated the National project to develop 500 Māori PhD students in five years (the MAI programme) – a successful intervention which has now been adopted as National intervention as well has been introduced in four other international indigenous contexts – in Canada, Australia, Alaska and Hawaii. Distinguished Professor Smith has made significant contributions to the political, social, economic and cultural advancement of indigenous communities around the Pacific Rim. He has also worked extensively with other Indigenous/ First Nation’s peoples across the world, including Canada, Hawaii, US mainland, Taiwan, Chile, Australia and the Pacific nations (including jurisdictions in the Northern Marianas Islands and the wider Pacific). He is a regular contributor to national discussions on indigenous issues and has also been an authoritative voice to international forums on indigenous education issues. Distinguished Professor Smith has been invited to provide advice to institutions and national bodies on indigenous education development and reform. Distinguished Professor Smith has been an active contributor to critical debates on issues related to ‘race’ and ‘ethnicity’, indigenous economics and indigenous education both in New Zealand and abroad. Distinguished Professor Smith is currently the Vice Chancellor/Chief Executive Officer of Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi: indigenous-university.

LGen the Honourable Roméo A. Dallaire (Ret’d), Senator Ceremony 2

Roméo Dallaire is a Canadian Senator, a retired Canadian Army Lieutenant-General, a devoted humanitarian, and an outspoken advocate and champion of human rights. During his distinguished military career, General Dallaire commanded the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Rwanda prior to and during the 1994 genocide. His courage and leadership during this ill-fated mission has earned him recognition, affection, and admiration from around the globe. A graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada, General Dallaire holds honorary doctorates and fellowships from over two dozen universities in Canada and the United States. He is author of two best-selling books: Shake Hands with the Devil – the Failure of Humanity in Rwanda and They Fight Like Soldiers; They Die Like Children – the Global Quest to Eradicate the Use of Child Soldiers. General Dallaire is an Officer of the Order of Canada, a Grand Officer of the National Order of Quebec, a Commander of the Order of Military Merit, recipient of the Pearson Peace Medal, the Meritorious Service Cross, the United States Legion of Merit, the Aegis Award on Genocide Prevention, and the Harvard Secular Society Humanism Award.

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TO OUR GUESTS Convocation is a significant and solemn event, the recognition of years of study. To make it more meaningful to all, guests and participants are requested to avoid all unnecessary conversation and movement during the ceremony. It is requested that all applause be withheld during the presentation of degrees until each degree group has been acknowledged and all candidates have returned to their seats. Individuals wishing to take photos may do so, but are requested to use the designated photo area on the floor. Owing to limited space and as a courtesy to your fellow guests, please do not linger in the picture area. Please make your way to the picture area only when the name of the student five graduates ahead of the student you wish to photograph has been called.

The audience is asked to remain in place during the recession.

CEREMONY 1 | 9:30 AM College of Arts, Social and Health Sciences Programme Musical Prelude Processional

University Achievement Award for Service Dr. Henry Harder Dr. Andrew Kitchenham

Call to Order Talking Stick Bearer, Chief Dominic Frederick

University Achievement Award for Research Dr. Matias Margulis

National Anthem - O Canada Ms. Julie Howard

Lheidli T’enneh First Nation

Invocation Dr. Alan van der Woerd Chaplain

Remarks Dr. John MacDonald Chancellor

Dr. George Iwama

President and Vice-Chancellor

Greetings From the Province of British Columbia Honourable Shirley Bond

MLA-Elect, Prince George-Valemount Justice Minister and Attorney General, BC

Governor General’s Gold Medal Ms. Cherisse Seaton Citation: Dr. Tracy Summerville

Honorary Doctor of Laws Distinguished Professor Graham Hingangaroa Smith

Citation: Dr. Tracy Summerville

Convocation Address Distinguished Professor Graham Hingangaroa Smith Conferral of Degrees Dr. Tracy Summerville Orator

Valedictory Ms. Sarah Tod


Ms. Brenda Koller

Greetings from the North Central Local Government Association Councillor Bruce Christensen


Presentation of Awards


University Achievement Award for Teaching Dr. John Sherry Dr. Tracy Summerville Ms. Hiroe Wood University Achievement Award for Professional Practice, Mentorship or Stewardship Dr. Linda O’Neill

Welcome from the Alumni Association of the University of Northern British Columbia Ms. Jennifer Young President, Alumni Association of UNBC


Acting Dean of Graduate Programs Dr. William McGill THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Psychology

Cherisse Lynn Seaton, Prince George, BC

THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Development Economics

Jacqueline McKay Lytle, Fraser Lake, BC Christos Vardacostas, Houston, BC

Disability Management

Carleigh Alison Benoit, Kelowna, BC Sara Elizabeth Murphy , Kelowna, BC Randeep Sharma, Bassi Pathana Punjab, India Laura M Zaparinuk, Kelowna, BC


Jeremy Shawn Ball, Prince George, BC Barb A Dean, Prince George, BC Justin Lee Foster, Prince George, BC Zarrah Robin Holvick, Prince George, BC Brenda Koller, Prince George, BC Joshua Leonard Irving Massey, Prince George, BC

First Nations Studies

Shamim Abdulla Adam, Chilliwack, BC Cindy Ignas, Prince George, BC

Gender Studies

Nasim Janfada, Yazd, Iran


Troy Van Lee, Prince George, BC

Interdisciplinary Studies

Alexander Christian Oehler, Aberdeen, United Kingdom Jeremy John Thomas Staveley, Whitehorse, YT

International Studies - Global Environmental Policy James Michael Casey, Prince Rupert, BC

International Studies - International Development

Stephanie Audrey Ameyaw, Surrey, BC Diana Gabriela Blanco Barrios, Monterrey, Mexico Jude Nonso Udengwu, Nnewi, Nigeria




Family Nurse Practitioner

Kiyono Arao, Sapporo, Japan Joanna Kate Burrows, Prince George, BC Allison Leigh Crosby, Mackenzie, BC Melissa Jaime Finger, Prince George, BC Sara Lynne Garner, Kelowna, BC Kelly Mae Halverson, Surrey, BC Zandra Dahne Harding, Prince George, BC Christine Louise Jackson, Prince George, BC Kerry Anne Mary Kilsby, Prince George, BC Nicole Mary Robinson-Weaver, Kamloops, BC Marina Suzanne Sigismund, Richmond, BC Jessica Lynn Turner, Prince George, BC Amanda Dawn Unsworth, Bezanson, AB Amber Justine Van Den Biggelaar, Courtenay, BC Carmen Amanda Christie Wittig, Prince George, BC

Multi-Disciplinary Leadership Kathy Dawn Andrus, Whitehorse, YT Maxine Lisa-Marie Champion, Terrace, BC Carolee Sewell Clyne, Prince George, BC Nicole Renee Davey, Smithers, BC Aliceyn Barbara Fokuhl, Kitimat, BC Trenna Ryann Johnson, Terrace, BC Tracy Lynn Kettles, Prince George, BC Robert Laval, Terrace, BC Robert Andrew Millar, Prince George, BC Veralynn Ingeborg Munson, Terrace, BC Amandeep Kaur Pandher, Abbotsford, BC Carla Robyn Brenda Rourke, Powell River, BC Linnea Sarah Rudachyk, Whitehorse, YT Jennifer Marie Tippett, Prince George, BC Terry Lee Tisdale, Prince George, BC Crystal Margaret Rhoda Tom, Kispiox, BC Sahoko Usuda, Tokyo, Japan Myrtle Marianne Wick , Prince Rupert, BC Helen Elaine Wight, Prince George, BC April Marie Zakresky, Grande Prairie, AB

Special Education

Kathleen Miyuki Takeda, Creston, BC


Sherry Dawn Bellamy, Prince George, BC Nansalmaa Conway, Anchorage, AK, USA Junming Liu, Guangzhou, China Larine Mary Sluggett, Victoria, BC


Crystal Dawn Rollings, Prince George, BC

Francesca Chiste, Port Alberni, BC Damen Anthony Deleenheer, Prince George, BC Cindy Allison Fehr, Nanaimo, BC Eunice Lucille Finch, Prince George, BC Ann-Marie Gill, Revelstoke, BC Echo Marie Heighes, Kamloops, BC Enid Mary O’Hara, Gold River, BC Colleen Fay Patenaude, Williams Lake, BC Bryan John Schultz, Ft McPherson, NT

THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK Christal Lee Capostinsky, Prince George, BC C. Lee Anne Deegan, Prince George, BC Carmen Dee Hamilton, Kelowna, BC Heather Frances Lamb, Prince George, BC Amy Elizabeth Merritt, Prince George, BC Tammy Lorraine Percival, Victoria, BC Jennifer Catherine Scott, Prince George, BC Lauren Nicole Sevigny, Prince George, BC Heather Susan Whalen , Stephenville, NL


Carolee Sewell Clyne, Prince George, BC Tracy Lynn Kettles, Prince George, BC Robert Andrew Millar, Prince George, BC Crystal Margaret Rhoda Tom, Kispiox, BC Sahoko Usuda, Tokyo, Japan

Acting Dean of College of Arts, Social and Health Sciences Dr. Robert Tait THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Anthropology & History

Alauna Lynn Brown, Prince George, BC


William Patrick Bradley, Victoria, BC Haley Nicole Longlitz, Agassiz, BC Brianne Marie McMillan, Prince George, BC Ryan David Muirhead, Prince George, BC Taryn Kersti Nygaard, Bella Coola, BC Sabrina Emelia Ashley Scott, Prince George, BC Brianna Stefanik, Richmond, BC Krista JoAnne Voogd, Terrace, BC Anastasia Elizabeth Watson, Vancouver, BC

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Joint Major in Economics & Political Science

Danielle Marie Borgia, Prince George, BC


Ethan Albert Milo Anderson, Quesnel, BC Geoffrey Alan Roy, Prince George, BC

Joint Major in English &Environmental Studies Peggy Sue Mills, Burns Lake, BC

Joint Major in English & History Mercedes Miranda DuBois, Prince George, BC Robert Benjamin Filipkowski, Prince George, BC Leah Michelle Fisher, North Vancouver, BC Kara-lee Marie MacDonald, Prince George, BC

Joint Major in English & Political Science Hanna Elizabeth Petersen, Prince George, BC Charles Magaji Usman, Edmonton, AB

English & History

Marina Lee-Anne Stuparyk, Prince George, BC


Coral Dawn Atchison, McLeese Lake, BC Dustin James Batty, Williams Lake, BC Stephanie Lin Chiles, Prince George, BC Mitchell Harold Edwards, Quesnel, BC Lorilee Jamieson Herman, Prince George, BC Courtenay Janet Hudebine, Masset, BC Melissa Julie Iverson, Prince George, BC Jeremy Robert Johnson, Prince George, BC Amanda Rachel Moore, Prince George, BC Jennifer Jean Ida Simpson, Quesnel, BC Mikaila Marie Sosnowski, Prince George, BC Meghan Sierra Sterling , Prince George, BC Garett Mychael Svensen, Vanderhoof, BC Moira Helen Trahan, Prince George, BC Heather Raven Tuite, Smithers, BC Christine Heather Watt, Prince George, BC

First Nations Studies & History Carmen Jolene Williams, Prince George, BC

First Nations Studies

Lorna Elizabeth Azak, Gitwinksihlkw, BC Teresa Dale Azak, Gitwinksihlkw, BC René William Francis, Mackenzie, BC Charles Matthew Morven, Gitwinksihlkw, BC


Diana Gene Arnold, Vanderhoof, BC Mary Lucille Stewart, Prince George, BC


Jillian Diane MacMillan, Prince George, BC Lukas Tomas Skoczylas, Prince George, BC Cory Daniel Smithson, Williams Lake, BC

Joint Major in International Studies & Political Science

Chantal Carriere, Cold Lake, AB Krista Marie Ediger, Saskatoon, SK Donald Leo Ireland, Quesnel, BC

International Studies & Political Science

Jeffrey Julius Kormos, Whitehorse, YT Jennifer Lynn Martin, Cranbrook, BC Kathryn Anne Wesley, Beaumont, AB

International Studies

Robert Joel Baerg, Prince George, BC Kyle Murray Cameron, Quesnel, BC Megan Amy Cota, Prince George, BC

Northern Studies

Vienna-Lee Bouillon, Prince George, BC Alika Malu Rajput, Aberdyfi, United Kingdom

Political Science

Robin Matthew Currie-Wood, Prince George, BC Brian Ted Daszko, Prince George, BC Puneet Paul Singh Hayer, Amritsar, India Gavin William Ireland, Dawson Creek, BC Kevin Scott Loewen, Southbank, BC Christopher Braden MacLise, Bowen Island, BC Patrick Emery Michaud, Prince George, BC Stacy Nadeau, Prince George, BC Marissa Kelcey Olson, Burnaby, BC Heather Susan Arlette Ritchie, Maple Ridge, BC Kassidy Marlee Woods, Prince George, BC

Women’s Studies

Kylee Dawn Brown, Kitimat, BC

THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Debora Jean Bailey, Terrace, BC Erin Denise Beckett, Prince George, BC Tanis Elisa Bennell, Prince George, BC Samantha Ashley Bosworth, Houston, BC Andrea Jane Bronswyk, Port Coquitlam, BC Derek William Broughton, Quesnel, BC Christina Kathleen Brown, Prince George, BC Nicole Marie Collins, Prince George, BC Rebeka Elaine Colthorp, Fort St. James, BC Daniel Allan Dell, Burns Lake, BC Nathalie Denicola, Prince George, BC Melissa Jamie Dillman, Prince George, BC Hayden Drygas, Squamish, BC Heather Dawn Dunham, Terrace, BC Angela Elizabeth Edvardsen, Smithers, BC Tiffany Angela Emerson, Prince Rupert, BC Nicole Cecilia Emmerton, Hazelton, BC Carley Nicole Fairbrother, Maple Ridge, BC Dustin David Travis Filipchuk, Prince George, BC Lindsay Diane Freeman, Prince George, BC Renee Marie Funk, Terrace, BC Laura Eva Gerrits, Terrace, BC Shylo Elizabeth Gerritsen, Terrace, BC Stephen Roy Graboski, Quesnel, BC Myriam Emilie Gregoire, Prince George, BC

Harjot Kataria, Burnaby, BC Megan Renee Knowles , Vanderhoof, BC Krystijana Maria Korvin, Port Alberni, BC Jessica Mae Ruane Lafrance, Kelowna, BC Jo Anne Marie Leon, Fort St. James, BC Chrysta Leigh Mackeigan Burkitt, Kitimat, BC Jessica Malenfant, Terrace, BC Melissa Jo McCreery, Hazelton, BC Peter Thomas McKay, Terrace, BC Lauren Alyse Movold, Prince Rupert, BC Paul David Mulligan, Prince George, BC Ann Jeannette Olson, New Hazelton, BC Sylvia Kathryn O’Meara, Vanderhoof, BC Stephen J Porter, Quesnel, BC Andrea Lynn Presseault, Prince George, BC Lea Jean Prosofsky, Williams Lake, BC Gunther Roger Rauschenberger, Terrace, BC Christopher Paul Reilly, Kitimat, BC Stacy Christina Lea Renfrew, Quesnel, BC Carissa Lynn Riediger, Fort St. John, BC Marsha Helena Spencer, Sandy Bay, SK Jessica Theresa Reid Stewart, White Rock, BC Caitlin Ann Tates, Prince Rupert, BC Talya Celina Truant, Prince George, BC Peter Jimmy Van Tunen, Sik-e-dakh, BC Sarah Elizabeth Van Viegen, Quesnel, BC Lillian Patricia Wilson, Smithers, BC Gregory William James Wingham, Vanderhoof, BC Tamara Rita Young, Chilliwack, BC

THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (FINE ARTS AND CREATIVE WRITING) Cassandra Laura Aponte, Bedford, VA, USA Maddison Wendy Harder, Prince George, BC Caitlynn Gea Marsh, Burns Lake, BC Janet Lorraine McEachen, London, ON Jessica Rachelle Waller, Prince George, BC


Honours Biomedical Studies Selena Demenoff, Grand Forks, BC Christopher Ryan Fetterly, Prince George, BC

THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF HEALTH SCIENCES Biomedical Studies Navdeep K Bains, Prince George, BC Sujata Star Barnard, Sioux Lookout, ON Jessica Elaine Chow, Prince George, BC Jordan Fairfax Crosina, Williams Lake, BC Kathleen Ellen Dandeneau, Pender Island, BC Sarah Lorraine Geisheimer, Coquitlam, BC Harkaren Kaur Gill, Prince George, BC Jordan Victoria King, Prince George, BC Andrew Gilbert Kiraly, Vernon, BC

Aislynn Elizabeth Lansdowne, Terrace, BC Danya Mikolajczyk, Prince George, BC Jatinder Kaur Minhas, Prince Rupert, BC Kristjan Syvert Mytting, Prince George, BC Melissa Diane Pynn, Prince George, BC Jennifer Morgan Aili Salokannel, Fort St. James, BC Krystle Dawn Samways, Aldergrove, BC Jenna Marie Scott, Halfmoon Bay, BC Sarah Elizabeth Tod, Prince George, BC Jorden Anthony Tran, Terrace, BC Callie Bliss Eileen Waters, Victoria, BC Jena Christine Wiebe, Saskatoon, SK


Adam Ismail Abassi, North Vancouver, BC Brooklyn Elizabeth Aitchison, Prince George, BC Lindsey Alicia Dawn Augaitis, Prince George, BC Sara Nicole Barber, Prince George, BC Kali Nicole Bazarynski, Dawson Creek, BC Riley Jean Beckman, Quesnel, BC Andrea Irene Bertulli, Prince George, BC Leah Danielle Blais, Prince George, BC Kristen Gail Bomben, Prince Rupert, BC Stephanie Roberta Borchert, Vernon, BC Luke James Borserio, Queen Charlotte City, BC Jamie Lynn Braid, Terrace, BC THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR Melissa Louise Breuker, Kitimat, BC Chelsea Lynn Brevik, Prince George, BC OF SCIENCE - HONOURS Cara-Leigh Brndjar, Prince George, BC Michelle Dawn Brown, Vernon, BC Honours Psychology Debbie-Jo Millisa Bubela, Quesnel, BC Co-operative Education Kathryn Amanda Marie Buttenaar, London, ON Angeline Michelle Donald, Campbell River, BC Danielle Marie Cada, Quesnel, BC Alisha Blair Carlson, Prince George, BC Quinn Alina Cautley-Davis, Quesnel, BC Honours Psychology Morgan Olivine Frances Chevrefils, Prince George, BC Ariel Janoah Dimler, Prince George, BC Sara Anne Christenson , Prince George, BC Bailey Anne Doreen Fraser, Prince George, BC Ellen Lorene Christison, Smithers, BC Michael Ian Moffat, Prince George, BC Rylee Leanne Laura Cork, Quesnel, BC Ruth Elisabeth Tomasino, Prince George, BC Sadie Côté, Dawson, YT Chantel Alice Marie Darter, Burns Lake, BC Mar Y Sol Michele Dessureault, Terrace, BC Rameeta Kaur Dhaliwal, Prince George, BC THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR Gurtaj Singh Dhillon, Prince George, BC Janis Marie Donald, Terrace, BC OF SCIENCE Melissa Rose Doverspike, Vanderhoof, BC Ryan Michael Doverspike, Williams Lake, BC Psychology & Anthropology Jennifer Paige Dowling , Vanderhoof, BC Terri Lynn Guest, Houston, BC Megan L. Doyle, Quesnel, BC Tilithia Angelina Dunphy, Quesnel, BC Freda A Edgars, Terrace, BC Psychology Megan Alesha Edwards , Quesnel, BC Gregory Mathew Austman, Prince George, BC Meghan Lee Egli, Vanderhoof, BC Chad John Bergman, Oona River, BC Marlee Elise Emery, Terrace, BC Courtney Brenda-Marie Bogart, Terrace, BC Golnaz Faghihi-Emamchai, Burnaby, BC Darbi Rees Brand, Stewart, BC Andrea Patricia M Fish, Prince Rupert, BC Katherine Mary Harrhy, Telkwa, BC Jasmine Suzanne Ford, Prince George, BC Lisa Dawn Hollis, Prince George, BC Fern Roberta Fuller, Prince George, BC Aron Horvath, Edmonton, AB Gurpreet Singh Gill, Terrace, BC Nathan Andrew Knol, Kitimat, BC Ramanvir Kaur Gill, Prince George, BC Laryssa Olenka Maria Kuzma, Prince George, BC Elizabeth Helen Grant, Chetwynd, BC Joyce Kathleen Kwan, Prince George, BC Tara Nadine Green, Nanaimo, BC Nathan Leenders, Whitehorse, YT Victoria Kathleen Griffiths, Prince George, BC Lauren Ashley Legere, Kitimat, BC Melissa June Grossler, Lillooet, BC Lauren Ann MacDonald, Prince George, BC Kayla May Harder, Fraser Lake, BC Erin Shawn MacQuarrie, Nanaimo, BC Colin Spencer Hendry, Prince George, BC Nadine Ruth Meroniuk, Prince George, BC Sharley Brittany Hickey, Prince George, BC Nicole Marie Mobbs, 150 Mile House, BC Erin Elizabeth Hill-Tout, Prince George, BC Melanie Jan Mosher, Prince George, BC Ashley Judy Hoebee, Quesnel, BC Tonya Latoya Lausanta Scantlebury, Toronto, ON Brittany Laura Howard, Prince George, BC Samantha Joanne Mary Siegrist, Prince George, BC Emily Jacqueline Howarth, Toronto, ON Melissa Rae Simmill, Chilliwack, BC Kaitlyn Lea Danielle Hurrie, Nanaimo, BC Kallie Ann Frances Smith, Williams Lake, BC Katie Lynn Hutchison, Quesnel, BC Emily Jansje Miriam Stainton, Squamish, BC Kourtney Lea Hutchison, Revelstoke, BC Florence Li-Geun Tsok , Prince George, BC Rebecca Jane Irving, Prince George, BC Tamara Adelle Ziemer, Dawson Creek, BC Shaylan Eve Jacobsen, Quesnel, BC Derek Joshua Joyce, Prince George, BC Sanjiv Kumar Kalia, Quesnel, BC” Courtenay Marion Dawne Kelliher, Vanderhoof, BC Robyn Kathleen Klassen, Chetwynd, BC Elena Joyce Konkin, Nanaimo, BC Chantal Ginette Marie La Roche, Quesnel, BC

Allie Marie Leidl, Fort St. James, BC Sharnjeet Kaur Lidder, Quesnel, BC Ashtin Lourenco, Terrace, BC Serena Ellyse Lundquist, Prince George, BC Aleasha Louise Grace MacDonald, Maple Ridge, BC Sharla Rae MacNeill, Duncan, BC Tiffany Burkett Mantua, Terrace, BC Alexandra Paige Marleau, Smithers, BC Bobi Lee Martin, Quesnel, BC Maria Mascher, Lillooet, BC Trista Lory Christine McCarville, Prince George, BC Lindsey Elizabeth McCuaig, Malakwa, BC Stephanie Marie Millward, Quesnel, BC Myette Alisha Mueller, Prince George, BC Destiny Rose Mulvahill, Williams Lake, BC Bethany Leanna Munk, Prince George, BC Andrea Mary Navratil, Vancouver, BC Manreet Kaur Nijjer, Prince George, BC Diana Da costa Oliveira, Terrace, BC Kerry Alana O’Riordan, Terrace, BC Tara Jennifer Orleans, Prince Rupert, BC Melisa Sara Jin Park, Prince George, BC Nicole Juliette Parker, Prince George, BC Sandeep Kaur Parmar, Houston, BC Sheri Lynn Pepper, McBride, BC Samantha Marie Peters , Quesnel, BC Brittany Michelle Peterson, Quesnel, BC Pamela Jane Pighin, Prince George, BC Katherine Frances Pim, Terrace, BC Carrie Anne Pomeroy, Prince George, BC Micheal Nevin Powell, Quesnel, BC Jaysa Jacqueline Power, Prince George, BC Tina Irene Ramsey-Wall, Garden Bay, BC Andrea Ruby Rickey, Quesnel, BC Chad Ronald Ridsdale, Prince George, BC Lynn M Riley, Prince George, BC Chantel Frances Saario, Prince George, BC Jade Alexsandra Sailer, Fraser Lake, BC Kailee Anne Sambad, Prince George, BC Loveleen Kaur Sandhu, Prince George, BC Natalie Lynn Sawyer, Calgary, AB” Mellissa Alyda Schotel, Quesnel, BC Darlene Patricia Shaw, Prince George, BC Denise Marie Sibilleau-Hawkes, Courtenay, BC Nadia Ruta Josie Skoczylas, Prince George, BC Shauna Suzanne Smith, Masset, BC Rauchene Spearing, Qualicum Beach, BC Jeffrey Thomas Straw, Terrace, BC Stephanie Aurora Sutton, Vanderhoof, BC Veronica Gabriel Thurlborn, Prince George, BC Waylon Allan Tucker, Quesnel, BC Wanda Maranda Veer, Quesnel, BC Connie Louise Watkinson, Prince Rupert, BC Rachel Irene Webb, Terrace, BC Jamie Lee Whitwick, Prince George, BC Jodi Ellan Wiebe, Prince George, BC Rebecca Louise Wieler, Prince George, BC Natalie Elena Woodman, Prince George, BC Trina Michelle Yacyshyn, Mackenzie, BC Julia Ann Ziebarth, Summerland, BC

THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SOCIAL WORK Laura Lynne Abel, Dawson Creek, BC Kimberly Diane Allen, Mackenzie, BC Saralee May Andrews, Fort Nelson, BC JoAnn Gail Barclay, Prince George, BC Jennifer Nicole Boudreau, Quesnel, BC

Tammy Lee Chmelyk, Dawson Creek, BC Candy Lee Coldwell, Prince George, BC Christa Glenete Cook, Williams Lake, BC Michael Samuel Davis, Laxgalts’ap, BC Destiny Denise Dornbusch, Prince George, BC Diana Lee Falardeau, Terrace, BC Erin Danielle Ferris, Fort St. John, BC Denis Jean Raphael Gagne, Terrace, BC Sandra Gail George, Smithers, BC Ioannis John Giannisis, Prince George, BC Lyndsey Thea Green, Prince George, BC Nicole Tanya Hanson, Dawson Creek, BC Harriet Jane Hird, Williams Lake, BC Danielle Nicole Johnston, Dawson Creek, BC Bryce Wyatt Kaiser, Prince George, BC Karen Helena Koning, Langley, BC Jennifer Lynn Love, Quesnel, BC Hank Christopher Lukyn, Prince George, BC Rachel Bernice Lutgens, Vancouver, BC Carolyn Evelyn Morrison, Terrace, BC Anne Catherine Moyls, Kitimat, BC Sarah Jayne Irene Murphy, Prince George, BC Storme Svienna Jonsson Sandy, Williams Lake, BC Maria Ann Shaheen, Sydney, NS Brianne Lee Smith, Toronto, ON Kathleen May Smith, Fort St. John, BC Chelsey Lori-Jean Thorne, Prince George, BC Alisa Ellen Watts, Williams Lake, BC Bryan Walter Woronchak, Prince George, BC

EDUCATION DIPLOMA First Nations Language & Culture Dolores Rose Alfred, Moricetown, BC Georgina Rose Erickson, Burns Lake, BC Cecilia Eve Godfrey, Granisle, BC Bernadette Lucy Lacerte, Burns Lake, BC Amanda Rosanne Lewis, Moricetown, BC Rosalie Eileen MacDonald, Burns Lake, BC Beatrice Michell, Burns Lake, BC Brenda Joan Michell, Moricetown, BC Kelly Sarah Tizya, Burns Lake, BC Jacqueline Ann Williams, Burns Lake, BC


First Nations Language - Carrier Leanna Joyce Leon, Anahim Lake, BC

First Nations Public Administration Megan Amy Cota, Prince George, BC

General First Nations Studies

Nicole Sara Jean Morven, Gitwinksihlkw, BC Irene A Seguin, Gitwinksihlkw, BC

Nisga’a Language Crystal Gail Shavon Azak, Gitwinksihlkw, BC Maxine Audrey Azak, Gitwinksihlkw, BC Vincent Jason Scott, New Aiyansh, BC

Nisga’a Studies Crystal Gail Shavon Azak, Gitwinksihlkw, BC Stephanie Wendy Azak , Gitwinksihlkw, BC

Rural Acute Care Nursing Mi Kyoung Choi, Bella Bella, BC Heather Jane Morris, Creston, BC Donna Christine Reynolds, Salmon Arm, BC

Rural Nursing Wendy Lorraine Barber, Merritt, BC Julia Laine Campbell, Clearwater, BC

Traditional Environmental Knowledge Aleah Marie Gagnon, Moricetown, BC Noelle Elizabeth Pepin, Prince George, BC

Graduation lists as shown in this program were prepared one week before Graduation and may therefore not be completely correct; the names of some graduates may be missing.

17 | Convocation 2013

CEREMONY 2 | 2:30 PM College of Science and Management Programme Musical Prelude Processional Call to Order Talking Stick Bearer, Chief Dominic Frederick

Lheidli T’enneh First Nation

National Anthem - O Canada Ms. Julie Howard Invocation Dr. Alan van der Woerd Chaplain

Remarks Dr. John MacDonald Chancellor

Dr. George Iwama

President and Vice-Chancellor

University Achievement Award for Service Dr. Annie Booth Dr. Chris Johnson University Achievement Award for Research Dr. Alex Aravind Dr. Chris Johnson Dr. Hugues Massicotte Governor General’s Silver Medal Mr. Colin Castley

Citation: Dr. Tracy Summerville

Honorary Doctor of Laws LGen the Honourable Roméo A. Dallaire (Ret’d), Senator

Citation: Dr. Tracy Summerville

Convocation Address LGen the Honourable Roméo A. Dallaire (Ret’d), Senator

Greetings From the Province of British Columbia Mr. Mike Morris

Conferral of Degrees Dr. Tracy Summerville

Greetings from the North Central Local Government Association Councillor Bruce Christensen

Valedictory Ms. Susan Luong

Candidate-Elect, Prince George-Mackenzie


Presentation of Awards University Achievement Award for Teaching Dr. Andrea Gorrell Dr. Sean Maurice University Achievement Award for Professional Practice Dr. Michael Gillingham Dr. Jianbing Li



Welcome from the Alumni Association of the University of Northern British Columbia Ms. Jennifer Young

President, Alumni Association of UNBC


Acting Dean of Graduate Programs Dr. William McGill THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Natural Resources & Environmental Studies Eduardo Bittencourt, Gaspe, QC Kathryn H Hrinkevich, Collegeville, PA, USA Alexander Gordon Martin, Neepawa, MB



Business Administration

Zhijian He, Prince George, BC Richard Kelly Rebagliati, Prince George, BC Jaspreet Kaur Sra, Surrey, BC

Dean of College of Science and Management Dr. Daniel Ryan THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF APPLIED SCIENCE Environmental Engineering

David Robert Addison, Penticton, BC Maria Teresa Amiama, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina Rico Berkhout, Chilliwack, BC Jaclyn Rochelle Bowman, Vancouver, BC Chemistry Stanley James Brown, Hazelton, BC THE DEGREE OF MASTER Paige Erin Derry, Terrace, BC Manbir Kaur Chohan, Quesnel, BC OF ARTS Alessandro Deviato, Toronto, ON Matthew William Jensen, Fort St. John, BC Joshua Daniel Kelly, Surrey, BC Natural Resources & Andrea Louise Macdonald, Campbell River, BC Computer Science Environmental Studies Robin Melanie Peterson, Chetwynd, BC Behrooz Dalvandi, Tehran, Iran Lauren Chelsea Pickering, Calgary, AB Environmental Studies Shah Nahid Mahmud, Chapai Nawabganj, Kyum Park Shogren, Prince George, BC Jessica Natalie Shapiro, Toronto, ON Bangladesh, India Chantelle Jordana Stevens, Bragg Creek, AB Viswanathan Manickam Rasipuram, Tamilnadu, India Baldeep Kaur Pal, Jalandhar, Punjab, India Natural Resources & Yong-quan Qiao Wuhan, Hubei, China Environmental Studies MD Azizur Rahman, Rajshahi, Bangladesh THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR

- Geography

Jessica Elizabeth Blewett, 100 Mile House, BC Nicholas Ryan Ehlers, Ashland, OR, USA Brooke Idell Eschuk, Victoria, BC Eric Andrew Kopetski, Quesnel, BC

Natural Resources & Environmental Studies - Tourism Herbert Shane Hartman, Fraser Lake, BC Blake Russell Rowsell, Oshawa, ON

THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Eman Muhammed Alturaiki, Prince George, BC Tamatha Myrtle Baskin, Prince George, BC Sherry Jacqueline Eidsvik Beal, Prince Rupert, BC Michelle Manveer Kaur Dhami, Quesnel, BC Ogechukwu Ifeyinwa Igwenagu, Calgary, AB Walter Joseph Ivens, Terrace, BC Deborah Lynn Kalyn, Prince George, BC Miranda Dawn Kynoch, Prince George, BC Tracy-Ann McCall, Prince George, BC Triantafillos Phil Mentacos, Vancouver, BC Paul Arthur Mercer, Prince George, BC Anthony Martin Messer, Calgary, AB Lindsay Marie Parker, Tumbler Ridge, BC Corrin Leanne Peet, Prince George, BC Lucinda Marie Praught, Terrace, BC Muhammad Afruzur Rahman, Prince George, BC Craig Theodore Sears, Terrace, BC Prem Jeffery William Selver, Prince George, BC Russell William Stalker , Mackenzie, BC Celia Martha Lynne Sterritt, Williams Lake, BC Robert Craig Van Buskirk, Quesnel, BC David John Williams, Southampton, England


Faramarz Kashanchi, Prince George, BC Haakon William Sullivan, Prince George, BC

Natural Resources & Environmental Studies - Biology Becky Ann Cadsand, 100 Mile House, BC Allan William Carson, Vancouver, BC Asha Marie MacDonald, Prince George, BC Kendra Gail Schotzko, Moscow, ID, USA

Natural Resources & Environmental Studies - Environmental Science

Teresa Bessie Brewis, 100 Mile House, BC Kasia Anna Caputa, Prince George, BC Tyler Bawn Smith, Aurora, ON Randip Toor, Prince George, BC Ju Zhang, Prince George, BC

Natural Resources & Environmental Studies - Geography

Darin Brooks, Bendits Cove, NL


Gregory Mohammed, Prince George, BC


Environmental Studies

Kari Lynn Andreschefski, Prince George, BC Caitlin Anne Dixon, Maple Ridge, BC Aleah Marie Gagnon, Moricetown, BC Natalie Victoria Wiesmann, Cold Lake, AB Emily Clare Williamson, Kelowna, BC


Conor Nairn Darke, Port Moody, BC Shane Brooks Doddridge, 100 Mile House, BC Carolyn Ellen Emon, Prince George, BC Krista Vandersteen, Fort Nelson, BC Shane Raymond Williamson, Campbell River, BC

Nature-Based Tourism Management

Dominic Joseph Bernardin, Pinawa, MB Anna Michelle Birosh, Hudson’s Hope, BC Vernon Bruce Hofferd, Central Saanich, BC Carling Audrey Matthews, Quesnel, BC Darryl Edward Theodore Triebner, Cobourg, ON

Public Administration & Community Development Kourtney Paige Chingee, Prince George, BC Krystle Maquirang, Vancouver, BC Sydney Elizabeth Smith, Prince George, BC

19 | Convocation 2013


Accounting & Finance

Fahad Rashid Al Marri Al-Hasa, East Province, Saudi Arabia Gurpreet Singh Bagri, Prince George, BC Sukhbir Bahia, Prince George, BC Karan Bains, Prince George, BC Jennifer Maria Boss, Burns Lake, BC Shi Chen, Wuhan, Hubei, China Brad Lyon Hildebrandt, Kitimat, BC Yang Li, Deyang, Sichuan, China Xiaozheng Liu, Beijing, China Keith Anton Lundquist, Port Moody, BC Senteng Luo Chengdu, Sichuan, China Abdi Ahmed Mohammed, Prince George, BC Joseph Stephen James Osborne, Prince George, BC Ryan James Penner, Prince George, BC Jessica Ann Righi, Prince George, BC Joel Walter Rybachuk, Vernon, BC Paul Gregory Stinson, Kitimat, BC Susana Tang, Macau, China Lisa Nicole Taranoff, Castlegar, BC Cassaundra Leigh Nicole Wiebe, Quesnel, BC Michelle Leah Willocks, Prince George, BC Xiong Ying Wu, Prince George, BC Guilin Xie Xiamen, Fujian, China Xinyi Zhao Tianjin, China

Accounting & General Business Katherine Ann Armstrong, Quesnel, BC Matthew Gene Cameron, Prince George, BC Brandon Robert Williams, Prince George, BC Haixia Yu, Harbin, China

Accounting & International Business

Junlong Xu , Shan Wei, China

Accounting & Marketing

Co-operative Education Natascha Olivia Lukawitski, Prince George, BC

Accounting & Marketing Kiara Catherine Jorgensen, 100 Mile House, BC


Co-operative Education Wendy Louise McRae, Lac La Hache, BC


Lin Bai, Ganzhou, Jiang Xi, China Alison Sheilagh Barry, Nelson, BC Krystle Rae Buszko, Prince George, BC Jessica Lyn Cave, Prince George, BC Usama Zafar Chaudhry, Coquitlam, BC Patricia Dawn Gill, Prince George, BC Rebekah Grace Harris, Fraser Lake, BC Weiying Liang, Guangzhou, China Sherry Jacklynn MacDonald, Prince George, BC Sean Michael MacRae, Vancouver, BC Georgette Madja, Prince George, BC Andy Patrick Martin, Prince George, BC Megan Victoria McKellar, Prince George, BC Rozana Maria Mikic, Prince George, BC

Karen Lorraine Muir, Vanderhoof, BC Samuel John Raphael, Prince George, BC Erin Lynn Svisdahl, Fort St. John, BC Scott Gallagher van Dyk, Terrace, BC Kar Chun Kenneth Won, Richmond, BC Merissa Dara Mae-Yu Wong, Prince George, BC

Finance & Economics

Ryan Nathanial Lidder, Quesnel, BC

Finance & General Business

General Business

Badr Abdullah Alejairi, Prince George, BC Michael Greg Jurkovic, Prince George, BC Marie Pinder, Prince George, BC Jason Alan Roberts, Prince George, BC Jasmin Chanel Ricki Siemens, Vanderhoof, BC

Human Resources Management & International Business

Aaron Stuart Middlemiss, Prince George, BC Ivana Topic , Quesnel, BC Ruibo Zhao, Luo Yang, China

Karina Estefania Andrango, Ibarra, Ecuador Dennis Andrew Stark, Prince George, BC

Ahmed Hamour, Prince George, BC Jingya Xie, Nanjing, Jiang Su, China Guodong Zhou, Taian, Shandong, China

Human Resources Management Finance & International & Marketing Business Ziyad Nasser A Altwaim, Khobar, Saudi Arabia

Finance & Marketing

Eric Thomas Ball, Prince George, BC Scott Charles Bickerton, Nanaimo, BC Cameron Raymond Braun, Coquitlam, BC Nathan Thomas Chiles, Prince George, BC Garrett Dobson, Prince George, BC Abdel Salam El Husseini, Montreal, QC Shaun Alan Fomenoff, Prince George, BC Lara Michaela K Kettern, Trier, Germany Claudia Wing Lam Li, Prince George, BC Kate Elizabeth Robillard, Mackenzie, BC Yang Shi, Beijing, China William Scott Simpson, Terrace, BC Bailee Toll, Vanderhoof, BC

Finance Ayman Ahmad Aldhabaan, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Paula Ann Ladds, Prince George, BC Yu Liang, Oroos, Mongolia Changhao Linghu, Gui Zhou, China Yicong Wang, Hangzhou, China Zheng Yang Wang, Beijing, China Sisi Xie, Beijing, China Peng Xiong Nan Chang, Jiang Xi, China Ji Zhou, Shanghai, China

General Business & Human Resources Management Colin Alexander Castley, Prince George, BC Dustin Lee Elliott, Prince George, BC Dokubo-Wizzdom Gborubosobioemi, Abuja,Nigeria Jason Dean Hamborg, Prince George, BC Courtney Jeraldine Magnusson, Prince George, BC

General Business & International Business

Kelsey Ann Hatcher, Prince George, BC Kennedy Chizoba Sunny-Etele, Lagos, Nigeria

General Business & Marketing Bryan Surjeet Singh Gill, Burnaby, BC Kayla Marie McCallum, Williams Lake, BC Vincent Michael Shenk, Vanderhoof, BC Jeffrey Robert Stromdahl, Prince Rupert, BC

Human Resources Management Mandy Lianne Crawford, Castlegar, BC Ai Liu, Tang Shan, China Iain Edward MacRitchie, Prince George, BC Kerry-Anne O’Connor, Prince Rupert, BC Nadine Schoenfelder, Boerssum, Germany Michael Grant Smith, Prince George, BC Cheng Yuan, Zhen Jiang, Jiangsu, China

International Business & Marketing

Morgan Bayliss, White Rock, BC Kirsten Anne Johnston, Prince George, BC Yan Liu, Beijing, China Haotian Yun, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China

International Business

Ting ting Dai, Tai Zhou, Zhe Jiang, China Mengjie Ding, Shanghai, China Chen Xi Hao, Beijing, China Adam Donald Nichiporuk, Prince George, BC Miranda D M Strahl, Vernon, BC Kaiyan Wang, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China

Marketing Saihaz Azam, Vancouver, BC Lindsay Dawn Gardner, Ladysmith, BC Lindsey Jean Johnston, Quesnel, BC Michael Nino Verticchio, Prince George, BC


Natural Resources Planning

Dana Marie Hawkins, Prince George, BC Lindsey Lemieux, Montreal, QC Ashley Nicole Murphey, Delta, BC James Christopher Outhwaite, Newmarket, ON

Northern & Rural Community Planning

Ashley Nicole Elliott, Mission, BC Katherine Fabris, Ottawa, ON Kali Shea Flick, Prince George, BC Gardiner Bolton Richard Hanson, Victoria, BC

Tuan Hoang, Vancouver, BC Patrick Kirby Sills, Whistler, BC Krystin Marie St Jean, Burns Lake, BC


Honours Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Matthew RG Halstead, Nelson, BC Kelly Nadine Hrywkiw, Smithers, BC Susan Ngoc Thu Luong, Prince Rupert, BC Melissa Kathryn Morrison, Grand Forks, BC Nikolina Nikolic, Agassiz, BC Quinn Smith, Fort St. John, BC Marta Krystyna Zmudzinski, Prince George, BC

Honours Biology

Alice Hae-mi Lee, Prince George, BC

Honours Natural Resources Management - Wildlife & Fisheries Matthew Dyson, St. Thomas, ON

Kate Joan Knuff, Williams Lake, BC Blake Lindsay Lambert , Grande Prairie, AB Sheena Marie Larson,108 Mile Ranch, BC Carly Lynn Legault, Prince George, BC Chanel Ann Lewis, Port Coquitlam, BC Eric Brennen Pawluk, Quesnel, BC Terena Jean Snodgrass, Big Lake Ranch, BC Alyssa Ann Thomas, Tumbler Ridge, BC Karlee Elizabeth Vankoughnett, Fort St. James, BC Deenpal Singh Virk, Quesnel, BC

Emily Joy Braam, Terrace, BC Joleen Katrina Fougere, Hope, BC Quentin Fletcher Groome, Prince George, BC Sean McBain, Sechelt, BC Shannon O’Keefe, Comox, BC Gillian Alexandra Rourke, Houston, BC

Outdoor Recreation & Conservation

Jerrica L. Ginter, Prince George, BC Dawn Ashley Hansen, Whitehorse, YT Fraser Patrick Hayes, Edmonton, AB Chemistry Jen Christine Miller, Prince George, BC Brian Gin Zie Huang, Quesnel, BC Brock Albert Wladek Paciejewski, Prince George, BC Computer Science Physics Stephen Michael Inwood, Prince George, BC Masresha Berhanu-Tegegn, Edmonton, AB Michel Laterman, Richmond, BC Caleb Dennis Miller, Fort St. John, BC Carson Chi Shing Lee, Vancouver, BC Deanna Mary Moore, Surrey, BC Harveer Singh Parmar, Prince George, BC Eric Matthew Schibli, Smithers, BC Yan Hui Sang, Beijing, China Cole Aln Thompson, Prince George, BC Environmental Science Graduation lists as shown in this program were prepared one Lee-Ann Ruth Bauman, Edmonton, AB week before Graduation and may therefore not be completely Kurt Barriere Gasser, Terrace, BC correct; the names of some graduates may be missing. Sara Michelle Sparks, North Vancouver, BC Amanda Bonita Jayde Upshaw, Prince George, BC


Biochemistry & Molecular Biology And Finance

Stephen Donald Freschi, Calgary, AB

Brenna Alexandra Boyle, Prince Rupert, BC Ewan Daniel Jones, Ladysmith, BC Adam Paul Simons, Terrace, BC Natalie Claire Marie Vogt, Prince George, BC Amy Lucille Wainwright, Burns Lake, BC


Samantha Jolene Evelyn Louie, Terrace, BC Marc Waller, Prince George, BC

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology &Psychology Joint Major In Mathematics Kimberlie Anne Settle, Kaslo, BC &Physics Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Umesh Anghnoo, Valemount, BC Falon Jean Burkitt, Hudson’s Hope, BC Barinder S Chahal, Mackenzie, BC Amanda Melanie Cookhouse, Prince George, BC Xilin Deng, Chengdu, Sichuan, China Justine Brianna Derksen, Prince George, BC Karen Joyce Espiritu, Prince George, BC James Micheal Jones, Prince George, BC Caleb Jacob Lawlor, Prince George, BC Joshua Michael MacIver, Prince George, BC Anthony Nino Maletta, Prince George, BC Shirley Diane Rudecki, Prince George, BC Manpreet Kaur Sidhu, Prince George, BC Douglas George Streifel, Vancouver, BC Jordan Faye Thorne, Prince George, BC Johannes Rikhard Yliruusi, Prince George, BC


Derek Daniel Glover, Powell River, BC Keri Elena Rudolph, Prince George, BC


Joya Elizabeth Danyluk, Midway, BC Jessica Elizabeth Anne Pawluk, Prince George, BC Arthur Francis Rowe, Victoria, BC

Natural Resources Management Forest Ecology & Management Alexander Dean Burkinshaw, Prince George, BC Nichola Maria Gilbert, Prince George, BC Kyle Stanley Krupop, Terrace, BC Amanda Elizabeth Mjolsness, Prince George, BC Staci Lynn Potratz, Dawson Creek, BC

Natural Resources Management Forestry

Crystal-Lynn Grace Copley, Smithers, BC Ryan Richard Foster, Prince George, BC Larissa Nicole Gach, Nampa, AB Cierra Cherie Hoecherl, Fort St. John, BC Bo Huang, Coquitlam, BC Natasha Sudarshan Jawanda, Quesnel, BC

April Mabel Bilawchuk , Prince George, BC

Natural Resources Management - Wildlife And Fisheries Simon Michael Joseph Allard, Powell River, BC

21 | Convocation 2013

THE COAT OF ARMS The University’s Coat of Arms is comprised of several elements. The shield, which is divided into UNBC’s colours of green and gold, contains three elements. The open book, which is a traditional symbol of learning, is flanked by two ravens, which are hardy, resident birds of the North and of open spaces. Ravens are symbols of wisdom in some First Nations traditions, and are recognized as among the most intelligent of birds by ornithologists. Below these elements is a young coniferous tree with roots that symbolizes growth, and represents both the dominant flora of the North and the backbone of the northern economy. The crest is created from a wreath surmounted by the maple leaf, symbolizing Canada; dogwood flowers, symbolizing British Columbia; and snowflake crystals, symbolizing the north. The crest is a salmon, which is the symbol on the base of the University’s mace/talking stick, and is used there as an indication of all the people of the region. The salmon was created by Ron Sebastian of New Hazelton specially for the Coat of Arms. To the left of the shield is a Kermode bear, a rare subspecies of the black bear found only in the northwest region of British Columbia. To the right of the shield is the woodland caribou, a distinctive mammal of the central interior and northeast region. Each carries a wreath comprised of conifer branches with cones, again indicating a definitive element of much of northern British Columbia. The compartment is the base on which the supporters stand. The Kermode stands among mountains and trees, which are distinctive of much of the region. To the right is a wheat field, distinctive of the Peace River region. Beneath the mountains and wheat field is a depiction of the ocean and orca, indicative of the Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands) and coastal regions. The orca was also created by Ron Sebastian. The motto, ‘En cha huná (pronounced “enn cha huhNAH”), is a saying of the Dalkelh elders, with a direct translation of “respect for all living things.” The saying would be used by an elder when reminding someone who is critical of another that the individual is also a living being, with a voice and a viewpoint. The motto encapsulates much of the spirit of academic freedom, respect for others, and the willingness to recognize different perspectives. 23 | Convocation 2013


Ceremonial Banner

The Talking Stick includes 13 traditional Indian crests, which represent all of the tribes/clans of northern British Columbia. They are, from top to bottom, Wolf, Black Bear, Beaver, Wolverine, Caribou, Mountain Goose, Frog, Raven,Thunderbird, Fireweed, Killer Whale, Owl, and Eagle. In the centre is a human face representing all peoples. The Mace/Talking Stick rests in a base of red cedar, carved in the form of a salmon.

Measuring 17 feet long by 8 feet wide, and depicting a wolf, this unique design was specially created for the University of Northern British Columbia by Lee Edenshaw, Jr. and his family. The Edenshaw family comes from the Village of Skedans in the Queen Charlotte Islands. The Banner, which took hundreds of hours to prepare, was handcrafted by Joanne Patenaude of the Registrar’s Office.

Ceremonial Chairs The chairs include, at top and bottom, a human mask and sun, representing mankind, in particular, students and counsellors. The other symbols again represent the various First Nation peoples in the University’s region. The Chancellor’s chair (left) includes representations of the thunderbird, frog, beaver, grouse, fireweed, owl, eagle, and killer whale, with armrests carved in the shape of a wolf. The President’s chair (right) includes representations of the grizzly bear, wolf, caribou, black bear, crow, frog, moose, and mountain goose, with armrests carved in the shape of a raven.

The ceremonial chairs, talking stick, and base stand were carved in 1992 by Ron A. Sebastion from the Gitxsan and the Wet’suwet’en Nations.

ACADEMIC COSTUME AND REGALIA Distinctive academic costume has been worn in universities since their inception some one thousand years ago. Until recently, such costume was worn as part of the everyday life of the University. Indeed, members of the faculty recollect firm instructions in their student days to wear gowns to tutorials, examinations and formal dinners. The gown, hood and mortarboard are the basic items of academic regalia and originally had practical functions. The hood was specifically created to be pulled over the head to provide protection from inclement weather. Along with the rest of the costume, it now has more of a symbolic function, and indicates through its colours, trim and lining, the degree and the university giving the award. Gold and green, being the University of Northern British Columbia colours, feature widely on the academic costumes. The colours for the various hoods include: PhD green & gold MA white MBA blue MEd light blue MNRES lavender MSc gold

MSW citron BA white BComm blue BASc scarlet BEd light blue BFA fuchsia

BHSc silver BPl gold BSc gold BScN apricot BSW citron

Chief amongst the elements of University regalia is the Mace. In the European tradition, the Mace is the most important symbol of authority. In early medieval times, a mace was a formidable weapon – a rod with a spiked ball at the end – used to defend a king, baron, or bishop. Over the years, the martial requirements gradually declined, and the mace evolved into a symbol. In universities, it now symbolizes the authority of the Chancellor to award degrees; only in its presence can degrees be conferred. You will also note that at the beginning of the Recession (exit procession), the Mace, as tradition decrees, is “brandished”, and precedes the Chancellor out of the hall. The University of Northern British Columbia Mace is unique in combining the ancient European tradition with the First Nations’ tradition of the Talking Stick, which is used both as a symbol of authority and the right to speak. It was carved, as were the Ceremonial Chairs, by Ron Sebastian, a well-known Northwest Coast native artist.

25 | Convocation 2013

BOARD OF GOVERNORS UNBC’s 15 member Board of Governors comprises the Chancellor, the President, persons appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor, faculty members elected by faculty, full-time students elected by students and people elected by and from the full-time employees of the university who are not faculty members. By legislation, the Board is responsible for the management, administration and control of the property, revenue, business and affairs of the university including the appointment of senior officials and faculty on the recommendation of the President. The Board of Governors represent diverse backgrounds, which provide valuable input during board deliberations. Dr. John MacDonald, Chancellor Dr. George Iwama, President and Vice-Chancellor Mr. John Turner, Chair Mr. Don Prior, Vice Chair Mr. Ryan Matheson

Dr. Kathy Lewis Dr. Gary Wilson Mr. Glen Montgomery Mr. Harry Nyce, Sr. Ms. Judy Mason Ms. Louise Burgart

Mr. Simon Yu Mr. Andy Clough Mr. Cory Brown Ms. Kimberly Lawyer

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Sincere thanks to the many volunteers, faculty, and staff who made this event the success it is. Special acknowledgement to the following for their contribution to a successful Convocation:

Thank you to the many generous donors who have contributed to the celebratory Convocation events occurring at each of our five UNBC campuses over the next week. More than 750 graduates are receiving degrees from UNBC this year and in the Northern spirit and tradition of marking great achievements by the sharing of food and stories, thousands of people will gather throughout the region to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates and envision their bright futures within our communities. Heartfelt thanks for your support of these important traditions.

THE UNIVERSITY THANKS ITS DONORS AND FRIENDS FOR SUPPORTING UNBC AND THE CLASS OF 2013 Celebrating 10,000 Strong! On the occasion of Convocation 2013, UNBC welcomes its 10,000th graduate into the alumni community. This is a remarkable achievement shared with all of northern BC. We are especially grateful to our many donors who support UNBC students, and make a university education a realistic and celebrated achievement for so many. During the past year, 424 scholarships and bursaries totaling almost $600,000 were awarded to students through the generosity of others. Donations also make a profound difference in creating experiential learning opportunities for students, addressing the growing need for health care, supporting aboriginal initiatives, enabling library expansion, and supporting academic programs, research, and athletics. Base funding for universities comes from Provincial Government grants, but it is with donor support that UNBC can be truly exceptional. Over the past year, the Graduating Class has been raising funds for the 2013 Class Gift. Their leadership helps ensure future students also receive a great UNBC experience. Please join them – consider designating a gift to the Area of Greatest Need or an area most important to you. Gifts to the Area of Greatest Need increase UNBC undergraduate students’ involvement in experiential learning opportunities and strengthen their connections to the university, the community, and the region. All gifts are important and valued, thank you for supporting UNBC!

For more information, please contact: Chanel Lewis, 2013 Class Gift Officer

UNBC Office of External Relations 250-960-5750 or toll free at 1-866-960-5750 3333 University Way, Prince George, BC V2N 4Z9 UNBC is a registered Canadian charity. Charitable # 12162-7350-RR0001

27 | Convocation 2013

EVACUATION PROCEDURE In the event that the Charles Jago Northern Sport Centre must be evacuated during the ceremony, please: 1. Remain calm and follow direction provided by University staff. 2. Exit though the South Parking Lot Doors. 3. Gather outside at the Assembly Area 11 or 12 and await further instructions.

UNBC Emergency Numbers Campus Emergency 250-960-3333 Residence Emergency 250-960-3333 or 7000 Off-Campus Emergency 250-960-7000 Security, Non-Emergency 250-960-7058


Assembly Area


Administration Building

1 or 8



1,4 or 5


Bio Energy Plant



Conference Centre (NUSC)

6 or 8





Enhanced Forestry Lab

4 or 9


Northern Health Sciences Centre



Geoffrey R. Weller Library

1 or 2


Maintenance Building



Northern Sport Centre

11 or 12


Power Plant



Research Laboratory

4 or 9


Residence 1

6 or 7


Residence 2

6 or 7


Teaching & Learning Centre

3 or 10


Teaching Laboratory

3 or 9

29 | Convocation 2013



Ring Road

Ring Road


6 7








Bioe Plantnergy


8 10


The list of graduates in this program was complete at the time of printing. University of Northern British Columbia Office of the Registrar Š May 2013

32 | Convocation 2013

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