Faci l i ti es Focus
The newsletter of Facilities Management at UNC Charlotte . Issue 49 | Summer 2014 of
h Car
The Un iv
Creating a Campus of Distinction
Employees of the Year
Acts of Safety, Heroism, and Innovation Earn Bell, Williams, and Renwick Top University Award We S. H. A. R. E. Facilities Management Values: Safety, Honesty and Integrity, Accountability, Respect for Others, and Excellence
Issue 49 | Facilities Focus
FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | From the desk of the Associate Vice Chancellor
Greet i ngs from the Associate Vice Chancellor of Facilities Management
Greetings FM Team! We are experiencing a beautiful spring and our campus has never looked better due to your hard work. Thank you.
Philip M. Jones of
h Car
The Un ive
Creating a Campus of Distinction
Fa ci l i t i e s M a na ge men t
MISSION To provide a quality learning, research, and living environment for the benefit of students, faculty, staff, and the community by planning, building, operating, and maintaining the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
VISION A leader in Facilities Management distinguished by safety and excellence A proficient, responsive, and adaptable ‘Team of teams’ Providing high quality services and facilities in an environmentally sustainable manner
As usual, it is a time of growth and change for our campus. This summer we will begin work on the Phillips Road realignment, Mary Alexander and Cameron Boulevard traffic signal installation, and Craver Road improvements. Construction of major renovations will begin on Belk Gym and Holshouser Residence Hall. Phase XII Residence Hall (Martin Hall) will open in August and we start the design phase on major renovations of Burson and Colvard Buildings. The summer will be very busy with re-roofing and sidewalk improvement projects happening around campus. Later this year, intersection improvements including a traffic light, will be implemented at the South Entrance (Cameron Boulevard and University City Boulevard). The ever changing landscape of our campus seems to be a way of life at UNC Charlotte. As the University evolves, so does our organization, which continues to learn, change, and improve. The Building Environmental Services (BES) and Recycling group has just completed a reengineering study to fundamentally change its organization and has taken the first step to implement a pilot program to standardize cleaning methods across campus. BES has truly embraced our key business driver of continuous improvement! Read more about this on page 12.
Another key business driver - teamwork - is also very visible throughout Facilities Management. I was very impressed with the team awards presented at the last All Employees meetings. Two really stand out because the particular events required teamwork, collaboration, and cooperation between multiple zones and shifts within our Department. One was for preparation for special events to open the new PORTAL Building. This won Team of the Quarter. Read more about this on page three. The other team award was for their response to a flood that took place in Robinson Hall. We just finished the performance evaluation period. Now is the time to begin planning your professional development course for the next year. Set goals that will help you achieve the level of success you desire. Before we transition into summer, we have our annual Facilities Management picnic scheduled on Friday, May 16. This is a time for us to come together as a family of teams for a few hours to have some fun, enjoy great music, and delicious food. The picnic event committee is working diligently to make sure there is something for everyone to enjoy. I look forward to seeing all of you there. Finally, what is summer without a vacation? Please take time to relax, reflect, and recharge mentally, physically, and emotionally. Taking time away from the daily work operations reduces stress and helps enhance your quality of life. Have fun!
Philip M. Jones Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management
2 Facilities Focus | Issue 49 Website: facilities.uncc.edu
h Car o
The Un i
Creating a Campus of Distinction
Ins i d e th i s Is s ue
Summer Issue | May 2014
Facilities Management, a department of Business Affairs
Employees of the Year Ronnie Bell, John Renwick, and James Williams
Team of the Quarter PORTAL Building Dedication Team
Safe Teams of the Quarter
Safety Fair
Promotions | New Employees | Awards for Excellence
Welcome New FM Employees: Jessica Casado and Michael Peddycord
APPA Supervisor Toolkit
APPA Award for Excellence
Do Things Better. Do Better Things. Do The Right Thing. Philip M. Jones Associate Vice Chancellor
Editor Beverly Imes Staff Beth Brown Solomon T. Franklin Ronda Latham Laurie Manderino Shelly Theriault Proofreaders Elizabeth Frere Devin Hatley Photographers Kathy Boutin-Pasterz Wade Bruton Shannon Caveny-Cox Joyce Clay Clyde Derberry Paul Dilgard Pamela Duff Jennifer Evans Robyn Flowers Brian Guns Devin Hatley Dorothy Vick
p. 2
10 Capital Projects - Building Update p. 9
11 Facilities Operations 12 BES Continuous Improvement 14 Earth Day | Campus Clean up 15 Facilities Information Systems
p. 13
16 Upcoming Events 17 Birthdays
PORTAL Grand Opening Celebration - February 28, 2014
Thanks to all contributors! Facilities Focus is a communication tool for the benefit of all Facilities Management employees to develop a better informed workforce, to foster a greater sense of community, and to build morale. Your ideas are welcomed and appreciated for future issues.
Please look online for the newsletter at: http://facilities.uncc.edu/home/facilities-focus-news/facilities-focus-news
Issue 49 | Facilities Focus
FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Employees of the Year
Three Facilities Staff Earn UNC Charlotte's 2014 Employee of the Year Award By Laurie Manderino, Facilities Planning
Facilities Management is proud to have three staff
Ronnie Bell, Locksmith,
members win the prestigious 2014 UNC Charlotte Employee of the Year Award. Congratulations to James Williams, Renovations; Ronnie Bell, Lock Shop; and John Renwick, Zone 4!
came to the aid of a
Ronnie and John were winners in the Safety and Heroism category while James won in the Innovations category. They were honored by Chancellor Philip L. Dubois at the Employee Appreciation Luncheon on March 31. All permanent SPA and EPA staff members with two or more years of continuous service (at the time of nomination) were eligible for the honor.
Ken Lambla, Dean of
James Williams, Facilities Operations Renovations Supervisor, built a business case to reinstate the
choking student by performing the Heimlich Maneuver.
the College of Arts and Architecture, noted, “It is good to know one student will be able to continue his Ronnie Bell
college education.”
Ronnie stated, “I could tell he was choking, so I just did what we’ve been trained to do. I’m glad I was there to be a blessing to someone.” A campus customer stated, “Mr. Bell is a problem solver, shows initiative, has a high work ethic, and a customerfocused attitude.”
Renovations Shop. By doing so, he has been credited for saving the University tens of thousands of James Williams (left) and Chancellor Philip Dubois
Lee Beard, Central Operations Manager, stated, “James has taken the Renovations team to a new level, which has provided a great advantage to the University. The team is not only able to competitively bid on projects, but able to handle many projects across campus, completing them with total customer satisfaction. Each member takes pride in their work. James continually strives to build this team better.“
In 2012, he was honored with Facilities Management’s Twenty Year Club Award. He is a certified and licensed locksmith by the state of North Carolina. He has served on the University Staff Council for eight years. He enjoys traveling, spending time with his family, and playing tennis. He serves as pastor of Carolina Deliverance Evangelistic Church in Kannapolis, NC; volunteers at homeless shelters; helps the elderly maintain their homes; teaches youth basic carpentry skills; and is starting a Boy Scout troop at his church.
John Renwick, Building Trades Advanced in Zone 4,
One colleague stated, “I have worked with James for a number of years and always appreciate his positive and cooperative demeanor. He is receptive any time I ask for assistance.” James remarked, “It was a heartwarming honor to be selected as Employee of the Year at UNC Charlotte. I have worked at the University since 1999 and loved working here since the very first day. I enjoy working with the wonderful and talented people here. I love spending quality time with my wife and family, especially my six year old grandson, Logan. It was an honor and pleasure to be Employee of the Year and thank you to everyone.”
helped a man recover quickly from being in diabetic shock thanks to his knowledge of the signs of diabetic shock, first aid training, quick thinking and actions, John Renwick (left) and Chancellor Philip Dubois
Facilities Focus | Issue 49
Continued on page 11
Team of the Quarter: PORTAL Building Dedication Nominated By Chip Yensan, Research & Economic Development and Ed Diaz, Zone 2
This quarter the winning team is comprised of staff from two units and multiple shifts who worked diligently outside of their normal scope of work to provide much needed assistance in the preparation for the Governor’s Roundtable Luncheon hosted within PORTAL, the Chancellor’s Grand Opening and Building Dedication of PORTAL, and the Board of Trustees Meeting hosted within Bioinformatics. All of these events were held on Friday, February 28, 2014.
Events conducted in PORTAL create a marketing opportunity for the facility, focusing on prospective business partners and tenants. The previously mentioned events created the opportunity to focus on marketing energy objectives and overall interest in the facility. However, with that focus came the challenge of preparation in a very short period of time. We are especially appreciative of the support, assistance, and extra effort given by Althea Cook, the BES EPIC Supervisor, and her team. Their focus was to make themselves readily available to us during these events. As a result, the buildings looked great, many compliments were given, and by all accounts, the entire day was successful. We again give KUDOS and much appreciation. Also, we would like to acknowledge Brien Clapton and Neal Eudy in Zone 2 for being instrumental in responding to each and every request, from hanging banners with an aerial lift to moving furniture. During the events, which the NC Governor Pat McCrory attended, Brien and Neal constantly monitored Building Automated Systems to ensure pleasant levels of comfort throughout the events. Little things like this tend to go unnoticed.
Governor McCrory and BES EPIC Zone
C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S : To : J u l i u s B ri c e , G l o ri a S u a re z- C ha lc o, A l t h e a C o o k , A l l e n G a y d e n , F a t ou M boy o, R o s a l i a M o ro n - P e re z , B ri e n C l a p t o n, N e a l Eudy ( a l l f i rs t ) , C o n n i e R o g e rs , M e l v in M a y f ie ld, M a ri a Ve l a s c o , R e g i n a l d D e mp s e y ( a ll s e c ond) , H a s h i me Wri g h t , R a d mi l a P a v l o v ic , C oja c k N s i mb a , R o b i n T h o mp s o n ( a ll t hir d) . w h o w e r e h o n o r e d w i t h th e A s s o c i a t e Vi c e Ch a n c e l l o r ’s Te a m o f th e Qu a r te r Aw a r d f o r J a n u a r y - M a r c h 2 0 1 4
The Team of the Quarter award is presented to a team with exceptional performance above and beyond expected duties exhibiting outstanding customer service with fellow workers and the University Staff, demonstrating creativity and initiative that results in outstanding measurable outcomes during the quarter.
PORTAL Opening Ribbon Cutting
PORTAL Building
The Partnership, Outreach, and Research to Accelerate Learning (PORTAL) building is UNC Charlotte’s latest commitment to universityindustry partnerships and regional economic development leadership. The 96,000 square-foot building is designed to spur entrepreneurship, business growth, and job creation, as well as promote research and innovation in the region. The facility is the home of Ventureprise, Inc., a regional public-private nonprofit that supports the success of start-up and early-stage entrepreneurs. PORTAL will provide the intersection of academia, corporate, and entrepreneurial communities where business partners will have daily exposure to the creative mix of students, faculty, and specialized facilities at the region’s urban research university.
Issue 49 | Facilities Focus
FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Safe Teams of the Quarter
S afe TE AM S of the Q u ar t e r
(Statistical Information provided by UNC Charlotte Safety Office)
The following Teams had NO accidents January - March 2014 Facilities Operations (FO) Automotive, Steam Plant, Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, and Zone 7
Building Environmental Services (BES) and Recycling Center City Building (CCB), Colvard, Charlotte Research Institute (CRI), East, EPIC 1, EPIC 2, Friday, Kennedy, Library, North, South, West, Woodward, and Recycling
Bill Cavelli (EPIC 1) Bob Fitzgerald (Zone 6) Rosalia Perez (South) Bobby Robinson (Automotive) Aaron Moore (Center City Building) Robert Bonds (Recycling) Sherby Price (North) Randy Hudson (Steam Plant) Brian Perry (Zone 3) First Shift - P i c tu r e d above from left to righ t:
Jeremy Cunningham (Zone 2) Kenyel Spaulding (Zone 4) Jim Harris (Zone 5) Tom Guenther (Zone 1) Sammy Moore (Zone 4) Safe Teams of the Quarter
Marta Luna (West) Mario Moore (Library) James Brown (Colvard) Radmila Pavlovic (Charlotte Research Institute) Melvin Mayfield (East) Reginald Dempsey (EPIC 2) Marijan Pavlovic (Friday) Jonathan Bell (Kennedy) Second & Third Shift - P ic tu r e d above from left to right:
Tammie Farr (Woodward) Safe Teams of the Quarter
2013-2014 Facilities Management Safety Slogan
Facilities Focus | Issue 49 Beverly Starcher, BES
Safety Fair By Clyde Derberry, Facilities Business Office
2014 FM Safety Fair a success – “TEAMWORK” wins again!!
The weather was a little iffy for our fourth Safety Fair as storms were
prevalent across the eastern United States. But with positive thinking, stellar teamwork, and a huge tent we pulled it off quite nicely. Attendance was over 225 this year but at times it seemed like much more. Partnering with Grainger has been very successful and we look forward to continuing that relationship. The Facilities Management Safety Committee played a major role in getting the area staged, greeting vendors, and helping them set up. We had 17 vendors participating with products ranging from ladders to green cleaning items. A new presenter this year was the University’s Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Office. This was our second year having ice cream which continues to be a hit even with the threatening weather. Thanks to everyone for coming out and hope to see you again next year for our fifth FM Safety Fair!
Lamont Baldwin (EHS) and Lee Snodgrass demonstrate fire extinguisher techniques.
Issue 49 | Facilities Focus
FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Promotions and New Employees
Pro mo t i o ns & N e w E m p l o y e e s (January - March 2 01 4) Promotions
New Employees
Building Environmental Services Ronald Kelly, Floor Maintenance Assistant (Colvard) Althea Cook, EPIC 1 Supervisor Joe Scollo, BES Night Manager Grounds Rafael Rucker, Grounds Worker
Building Environmental Services (BES) Lydia Gordon, BES Technician (Kennedy) Chantal Kiyedi, BES Technician (CRI) Claude Morrison, BES Technician (Kennedy) Cojack Nsimba, BES Technician (Friday) Tyrice Potts, BES Technician (Friday) Robin Thompson, BES Technician (Library)
High Voltage Raymond Butler, Power Distribution Electrican II
Design Services Lee Cox, Architectural Project Manager
Recycling Annette Miller, Lead Recycling Technician
Facilities Information Systems Michael Peddycord, GIS Java Developer
Zone 2 Richard Bohling, HVAC Technician Brien Clapton, Maintenance Mechanic IV
Facilities Planning Jessica Casado, Capital Renewal and Deferred Maintenance Program Administrator
Zone 7 Kristi Westphal, Administrative Support Associate - Journey
Fire Controls James Luchene, Electronics Technician Recycling Amir Patterson, Recycing Technician Jose’ Luis Ramirez, Recycling Technician
Tea m A w a rd fo r Team Awards
Zone 2 Jeremy Cunningham, Maintenance Mechanic III Dennis Kowalski, HVAC Mechanic
Robinson Flood Recovery Memorial Bench for Jon Finn Gloria Chalco, BES South Peter Franz, Capital Projects Zone 3 Rena Foster, BES South Michael Rogers, Renovations Bryan Burris, Maintenance Mechanic IV Rosalia Moron-Perez, BES South Tim Smith, Renovations Brian Perry, HVAC Mechanic Walter Alexander, BES North James Williams, Renovations Julius Brice, BES EPIC 1 Zone 5 Bill Cavelli, BES EPIC 1 Eddie Seegars, Maintenance Technician Allen Gayden, BES EPIC 1 David Adams, BES Administrative Brian Guns, BES Administrative Joe Scollo, BES Night Manager FRIENDLY REMINDER Rob Ervin, BES East Melvin Mayfield, BES East Bonnie Peoples, BES Supervisor, East Compensatory time earned Team Jonathan Bell, BES Kennedy for the quarterly Employee Awards Lee Snodgrass, Facilities Operations Program must be used within 90 Gary Edwards, Grounds Willie Clark, Fire Controls days of receipt. If you do not Randy Walter, Grounds Jeff Michel, High Voltage use it, you will lose it! Phillip Leonard, Grounds James Mechum, Steam Plant Mark Blackwelder, Grounds Barclay Brantley, Zone 5 Frank Milone, Grounds Patrick Foley, Zone 5 Chip Lawrence, Grounds Nick Gray, Zone 5 David Smith, Zone 5 Eric Walcott, Zone 5
Applause Cards
To view awards photos and read detailed descriptions of nominations, visit: ht t p: / / f aci l i t i es. uncc. edu/ home / a w a rd s - p ro g ra m/ a w a rd - re c i p i e n t s / a w a rd - re c i p i e n t s
Facilities Focus | Issue 49
We l c om e N e w FM Em plo yees By Laurie Manderino, Facilities Planning
By Pamela Duff, Facilities Information Systems
Facilities Planning is
Michael Peddycord is
pleased to welcome
the newest member of
Jessica Casado,
the Facilities Informa-
Capital Renewal and
tion Systems team.
Deferred Maintenance
Michael began work-
(CRDM) Program
ing with us on March
31, 2014, as our GIS Developer
Jessica assists with inputting and prioritizing projects
in ARCHIBUS as well as coordinating with other Facilities Management units to refine and improve our overall list of projects. Jessica comes to us from NOVASoutheastern University, Davie, Florida where one of her responsibilities included assisting Construction Project Managers with budget cost analysis and maintaining construction files for projects. Jessica holds a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology from Florida International University. She is currently enrolled in dual program obtaining a Master of Arts in Human Resource Management and a Masters of Arts in Project Management at DeVryÂŽ University. Her anticipated graduation date is August 2014.
Michael’s responsibilities include working with our
GIS Survey Technician on space surveying projects, creating GIS database applications utilizing JAVA and Oracle, updating Campus maps, and managing ARCHIBUS GIS mapping projects. Michael previously worked at AppraisalPro LLC, where he was a Lead Web Developer. He brings more than two years of .NET, SQL, database and web development experience. Michael received his BS in Marketing from High Point University in High Point, NC. He currently lives in High Point, NC, and his hobbies include video game development, cooking, and fitness.
Jessica is proud of her Cuban heritage. She is fluent in both English and Spanish. Her hobbies include cooking Cuban food and dancing.
We are excited to have Michael join our team, and we believe that his skills will be extremely valuable in supporting Facilities Management.
Please stop in the Facilities Planning Office, second floor of the Facilities Management/Police Building in Room 222 to say hello and welcome Jessica. You can reach her by phone at 704-687-8298 or via email at jcasado@uncc.edu.
Please join us in welcoming Michael to our team. Michael is located on the second floor of the Facilities Management/Police Building in Room 236. You can reach him by phone at 704-687-0551 or via email at MichaelPeddycord@uncc.edu.
Please join us in congratulating Jennifer Evans, Capital Construction Manager, on her May 10, 2014 graduation from North Carolina State University with the degree of Master of Civil Engineering in Construction Engineering and Management. You Go Jen! Jennifer Evans
Issue 49 | Facilities Focus
U N C C h a r l otte Ho sts Se co nd APPA S upervisor's Toolk it By Clyde Derberry, Facilities Business Office
Vice Chancellor Beth Hardin kicks off the week-long workshop
Charlotte skyline from the Center City Building
Management’s hosting of the Supervisor’s Toolkit workshop at the Center City Building was a stellar success. According to APPA it is the largest workshop to date with 48 people attending from 10 universities/schools. There were folks from as far away as Reno, Nevada and Sarasota, Florida. Instructors Judy Clay and David Schmidt made several comments on how well a group this size embraced the program, contributing greatly to its success. One comment from a workshop participant pretty much captured the tone of the event; “I began this week thinking I have so many things I should be doing instead of being in a week long workshop, but by Friday I had realized there is no other place I needed to be but here”! Other feedback included UNC Charlotte’s BES Supervisor, Michael Harris, who plans to incorporate newly acquired tools learned at the workshop into his leadership practices. Also, UNC Charlotte BES Lead, Virgie Fewell said, “it helped me know what is expected of me as a future supervisor and also gave me insight on how to handle certain situations.”
Phil Jones congratulates the attendees at graduation ceremony
Attendees from UNC Charlotte Facilities Management
Building Environmental Services Jonathan Bell, BES Lead Tomasa Bonilla, BES Lead Virgie Fewell, BES Lead Allen Gayden, BES Lead Michael Harris, BES Supervisor Wilfride Joline, BES Lead Facilities Operations Lance Anderson, Supervisor Barclay Brantley, Technician Nicholas Gray, Technician Randy Hudson, Supervisor Paula Lail, Technician Chris McKinney, Supervisor G. David Smith, Technician Matt Smith, Supervisor Recycling Henry Bennett, Recycling Lead Dot Munson, Recycling Lead
Facilities Focus | Issue 49
A P P A A WARD FOR EXCELLENCE By Shelly Theriault, Facilities Business Office
A nnounced in the last All Employees Meetings,
Facilities Management is one of just a few finalists for APPA’s prestigious “Award for Excellence.” The formal award ceremony will take place at the APPA National Convention in July. Meanwhile, as part of the final selection process, two APPA representatives visited UNC Charlotte on April 28 and 29 to conduct a site visit, as well as interview internal team members and campus customers. Their two-day visit included a meeting with Chancellor Philip L. Dubois; a conference call with our Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs, Beth Hardin; and a campus tour. We were very excited for this opportunity.
Pictured above is Philip M. Jones, Associate Vice
David Cain, APPA’s Vice President of Professional Affairs, states, “The awards program offers the opportunity…to publicly recognize the contributions of facilities management that enable institutions to achieve their educational vision.” The Award for Excellence is APPA’s highest institutional honor, providing educational institutions the opportunity for national and international recognition for their outstanding achievements in facilities management. This year-long process has been an excellent opportunity to take an even closer look at our services, people, and processes as a whole with the primary intent being to: • confirm and build upon our department’s current strengths, • better understand how we measure success and explore new methods, • profile our achievements and, • target areas for improvement against national and industry best standards
Chancellor for Facilities Management, flanked by APPA representatives, Luis H. Rocha, Associate Director, Facilities Management, University of Arizona and John Herrera, Director, Facilities Management Polytechnic Campus, Arizona State University.
APPA is made up of over 7,000 education facilities professionals and is internationally recognized for promoting leadership in educational facilities. Their Award for Excellence has been granted annually to one or two well-deserving facilities organizations over the past 25 years.
We have been able to highlight some of the great work that’s already being done, as well as identify some areas of improvement, both of which embody the first line of our vision to be “A leader in Facilities Management distinguished by safety and excellence.” Winning the Award for Excellence would certainly validate we are striving to achieve that vision. For more information about APPA and their Award for Excellence, please visit their website www.appa.org.
Issue 49 | Facilities Focus
B uil d i n g Upda te By Dorothy Vick, Capital
South Village Dining Facility
In case you are wondering why the gravel parking lot
behind the FM building was taken away . . . modular units are coming. That’s right, grading has been completed for the two double wide modular units that will be delivered and ready for occupancy in June 2014. One unit will become the new home for the BES and Recycling leadership – Brian Guns, Ronda Latham, Greg Kish, Kathy Boutin-Pasterz, Shannon Caveny-Cox, Kelly Freshcorn, and Devin Hatley. The other unit will be occupied by Risk Management’s Environmental Health & Safety Office.
Hopefully you had time to get one last meal at RDH before the doors closed after commencement. If not, be prepared to dine at the South Village Dining Facility (to be renamed South Village Crossing) when it opens this summer. This facility will be more than just a dining facility, it will be a new destination for students residing in the South Village. Don’t forget the 24-hour Denny’s. Everyone, including the local wildlife, is talking about it!
You may have also noticed that we are in the process of expanding the E-Z Go Cart parking shelter to accommodate at least six more desperately needed carts.
In case you missed the recent Niner Times article, Cone Plaza, the area outside of the Cone University Center, will be coming back after nearly six months of construction, with a new and improved look that should definitely attract both students and staff!
Residence Hall Phase XII
Construction of Residence Hall Phase XII located on Cameron Boulevard across from Hawthorn Hall continues. While this residence hall is the largest built to date at over 170,000sf, it will provide 408 beds which is slightly less than previous halls due to the layout of the facility. This hall is scheduled to open in August 2014. Cone Center Deck Renovation
Facilities Focus | Issue 49 49
Facilities Operations | FACILITIES MANAGEMENT
A M essa g e fr o m th e D i r e ct or of Facilit ies Operat ions By Lee Snodgrass, Facilities Operations
After a long winter, and a few challenging storms,
Spring has sprung! Grass is growing, flowers are blooming, everyone just wants to be outside and enjoy the weather. The campus really looks nice…a lot of work goes into maintaining a “Campus of Distinction.” Our organization’s most valuable asset is our people; they make it happen day in and day out! Just recently, we have added a new member to our FO Leadership Team. We are excited to announce Mr. Chris Facente is the new Automotive and Motor Fleet Supervisor. Chris has more than 20 years of experience in multple areas of the automotive industry and is an outstanding addition to our team.
Helen Giroux has joined the team as the Zone 5 Administrative Support Associate; another great find from the FM Business Office. Helen has exceptional people skills and will be a tremendous resource for our team and our customers. We recently said thanks and a temporary good bye to our student work force; they have been a tremendous help to us this past year! Most of them have left now that the semester has ended, but will hopefully be back next fall. Congratulations to Lucy Xiong and Sierra Roberts they will both be graduating this semester! Many thanks to Christy Case and Pamela Hickman for providing mentorship to these valued team members. Bryson Tousey, Dharmick Patel, Lauren Koontz, Luis Velasco, George Barrett, Justin Blakely-Robinson, Jacob Hobson, Lucy Xiong, Preston Wall, Da’shanna White, Sabahat Siddiq, Ciara Holloman.
Chris Facente
David Smith, Zone 5 Supervisor, has stepped in as the Interim High Voltage Supervisor; this position will be advertised in mid May. We will begin the process to hire the permanent High Voltage Supervisor.
Spring semester is finishing up and we are getting ready for a busy summer. We have been working hard to identify needs for our customers and the facilities that they occupy. Enjoy the summer!
Continued from page 2
“I feel very privileged to have received this prestigious award and would like to encourage those who have not taken a first aid course to do so. One day will come the opportunity to help someone and you will be prepared to do so,” John emphasized. He has been employed with Facilities Management since 2005 and was promoted in April 2013 to Zone 4 to help with all of the building trade type of work. Paul Taylor, Area B Manager stated, “during his time in Zone 4, John has helped with much more than just carpentry and building trades work. He has worked with all of our technicians in the HVAC, plumbing, and electrical fields to get equipment repaired quickly.” facilities.uncc.edu
John enjoys spending time with his family and playing the Mountain Dulcimer and the upright bass in a Bluegrass band. John is a member of the Charlotte Folk Society, which is a non-profit organization for continuing the tradition of acoustic music. He often volunteers to play at outings, churches, and retirement centers. He entertains at our departmental holiday parties, picnics, and campus events such as Earth Day. Four other Facilities Management staff were nominated for UNC Charlotte Employee of the Year for their contributions to our department and campus community. They are Shannon Caveny-Cox, Recycling; Gary Edwards, Grounds; Mike Klemmer, Grounds; and Warren Monk, Grounds. Issue 49 | Facilities Focus
FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Building Environmental Services
BES C on ti n uo u s Impr o ve ment Measures By Solomon T. Franklin, BES & R
BES Zone Study/Implementation Building Environmental Services & Recycling cares for UNC Charlotte’s built environment to provide a safe and healthy campus. We achieve this by routinely cleaning, recycling, and conserving University resources. Building Environmental Services (BES) just completed a 14-month study of its organization and resources and developed a proposed reorganization plan. The Zone Study was conducted to address these challenges: the vertical organizational structure in BES, the complex shift and zone structure, the loss of productivity due to extensive travel time within zones, and lack of streamline processes and task delegation protocol. The reorganization will have a significant impact on BES employees, work hours, and customer interface. The outcomes of reorganizing will result in an improved management organizational structure, comprehensive schedules better fit to meet the business needs, and a simpler geographical zone structure that will allow the BES unit to achieve these deliverables: • A better distribution of the workload, equalizing the workload per zone • Quicker customer response times • Ability to streamline ARCHIBUS work order distribution/supply ordering • Reductions in the need for vehicles/vehicle operators • Increased unity of the BES staff • More training opportunities for BES staff • Better access to IT support for BES staff • The opportunity to exploit Resource 25 Calendar to enhance use of staff hours during the business day • More opportunities for BES management collaboration • Reduction in travel time between buildings • Increased familiarity between zone staff/customers
Tim Poskin, Ben Walker, Alan Bigger, and Brian Guns
Ben Walker presenting at the Night Shift All Hands (OS1) meeting
The BES Zone Study Proposal was submitted to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities, Phil Jones, on March 1, 2014. The BES Zone Study has been approved and now is in the Implementation planning phase. Meetings with key stakeholders within UNC Charlotte are being scheduled to ensure the implementation process is feasible and executed appropriately. Implementation of the reorganization plan is scheduled to be in place by March 7, 2015. Between now and then, BES will hold multiple planning sessions within its leadership, informational sessions with the technicians and customers, and trainings with the BES staff. To see the BES Zone Study Proposal please visit: http://issuu.com/besandrecycling/docs/bes_zone_study_ proposal__3.1.2014_-
Ben Walker presenting at the First Shift All Hands (OS1) meeting
Facilities Focus | Issue 49
Building Environmental Services | FACILITIES MANAGEMENT
(OS1)® Audit, APPA Audit and Work loading In effort to continuously improve the cleaning operations within the academic and administrative buildings on campus, BES is exploring the possibility of implementing a cleaning industry standard focused on process called Operating Systems 1 (OS1). These processes are based on 20 years of data in science, engineering, and professional standards for the cleaning industry. From April 14 - April 17, 2014, BES worked with ManageMen, Inc. to conduct an (OS1) Baseline Audit, an APPA Audit, and to work load three buildings at UNC Charlotte. During this weeklong schedule BES also conducted two “All Hands” briefings with all of the BES staff, an Informational briefing with all of the BES Supervisors and Managers, and an Executive level briefing that was hosted by Mr. Phil Jones and included key stakeholders within UNC Charlotte.
Tim Poskin demostrates work loading with Joe Scollo and Althea Cook
The ManageMen team included Mr. Tim Poskin, Chairman of the Cleaning Industry Think Tank; Mr. Alan Bigger, Director of Knowledge Management at the Simon Institute; and Mr. Ben Walker, Director of Business Operation at ManageMen, Inc. Mr. Poskin worked with Mr. Joe Scollo, BES Night Manager; Ms. Althea Cook, EPIC Zone Supervisor; and Mr. Solomon T. Franklin, Program Development and Education Coordinator, to workload the Atkins Library, the Friday Building, and the EPIC building. Mr. Bigger, a former APPA President and an APPA Fellow, worked with BES staff to gather information and photos to conduct an APPA Audit in the aforementioned buildings. Mr. Walker worked with BES staff to gather information and photos to conduct an (OS1) Baseline Audit in the same buildings. Once the APPA Audit and the (OS1) Baseline Audit information is completed, BES will have an accurate standard baseline of its appearance levels and a process score to compare with future data. The first step in implementation of (OS1) is to conduct a pilot program in one building. Once a pilot is conducted, BES will have data to determine the implementation of (OS1) cleaning processes within more buildings.
ManageMen and BES First Shift Leaders
More information about (OS1) can be found at this link: https://managemen.com/os1/
Issue 49 | Facilities Focus
C amp u s C l ea n U p a n d Ea r th Day By Devin Hatley, Recycling
A HUGE THANK YOU! to our Facilities Management staff and campus volunteers. 2014’s Campus Clean Up was a tremendous success! ~ We had over 300 volunteers for the cleanup and tree planting (almost twice the number of volunteers in past years). ~ We planted 125 trees ~ We collected about one ton of litter
On April 16, we had 35 vendors on campus for Earth Day.
Facilities Focus | Issue 49
Facilities Information Systems | FACILITIES MANAGEMENT
FIS B i d s C u r ti s a Fo n d Fa r ewell By Pamela Duff, Facilities Information Systems
It is with mixed emotions that Facilities Information Systems announces the resignation of its Space Surveyor, Curtis Gatt. Curtis’s last day was Friday, April 11, 2014. We were all sad to say goodbye to Curtis but wish him the best in his future endeavors with Argos Real Estate. Curtis had been with the Facilities Management Information Systems team since November 2012. Curtis was a great asset and integral part of the FIS team. He was instrumental in completing numerous internal campus building space surveys, maintaining floor plans and assisting with the space informational updates in ARCHIBUS. Curtis Gatt
Please join us in congratulating him and wishing him the best in his new career aspirations.
New Security Updates for the Campus Building Automation System (BAS) Controls The final phase of the Building Automations System (BAS) controls infrastructure project is underway, which provides extensive security upgrades to the campus Building Automation System. Activelogix and Facilities Management have been working collaboratively to complete the upgrade project, support users and communicate to campus personnel concerning outages and building controls updates. During the first phase of the project, which was completed February 10, 2014, the server was upgraded and configured with the newest software. The second phase, which was completed on March 31, 2014, involved the upgrade of 53 building controls devices (JACEs). The final phase, estimated to be completed by May 31, 2014, will complete the implementation and use of active directory (LDAP) authentication and finalize security protocol (SSL) updates. This infrastructure upgrade provides the foundation for future implementations, enhances the security of our campus building automations controls applications, implements the NinerNet user login authentication to the system, and provides a newer, faster server for our Building Automation Systems application. Additional benefits include fewer browser issues and reduced problems with JAVA software application updates.
New Wireless Installation for J-Building, Grounds Compound, Recycling and Grounds Annexes A new wireless expansion project is underway for the Facilities Management Grounds Compound, J-Building (Automotive) and the current Facilities Annex (Recycling and Grounds) areas. This project will expand the wireless access points to the entire annex buildings and provide Facilities Management users access on their mobile devices to the campus NinerWiFiSecure. ITS Networking is anticipating to be completed with the final equipment installation by May 30, 2014.
Issue 49 | Facilities Focus
M ar k Y ou r Ca le n da r s
You may submit as many contest entries as you like. Turn in entries to your supervisor or the FBO-HR office. Contest deadline is May 31. 13th ANNUAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEE PICNIC Friday, May 16 from 11:00am until 1:30pm Location ~ Front Fields on Alumni Way Bring your beach chair, sunscreen, and join us for food, fun, and fellowship. Enjoy freshly grilled burgers and hot dogs with the fixin’s. This year we have four Sno Cone flavors! Music by DJ Mike Lamb NEW FEATURE ~ The Dunk Tank Stick around for the softball game at 2:00 p.m. See your representative or sign up on site if you plan to play. ALL EMPLOYEES MEETINGS July 10, 2014 (2nd and 3rd Shift) 10:00 pm | CHHS 281 July 24, 2014 (1st Shift) 10:00 am | Cone Center, McKnight Hall
Did You Know?... You can go to the Campus Special website: http://www.campusspecial.com/unc-charlotte/coupons | Issue 49 for Facilities all typesFocus of discounts for UNC Charlotte faculty/staff.
H a p p y B i r t h d ay M a y - Ju ly 20 1 4 5/2 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/6 5/6 5/7 5/9 5/9 5/9 5/14 5/16 5/16 5/17 5/18 5/19 5/20 5/20 5/21 5/21 5/22 5/23 5/24 5/25 5/27 5/28 5/29 5/29 5/29 6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/6 6/6 6/7 6/9 6/10 6/10 6/10 6/11 6/11 6/14 6/14 6/14 6/16 6/18 6/23
Kathy Boutin-Pasterz Gregory Towne Steve Tillman Samuel Tallent Lee Arnold James Revis Gregory Barnes Josh Hyatt Darrell Morgan Carl Sampson Melvin Mayfield Don Henry Bobby Robinson Lee-Anne Tisdale Mike Lizotte Paul Yost Jonathan Coty Eddie Seegars Dot Munson Randy Walter Matt Smith Greg Kish Julie Deese Cojack Nsimba Bob Fitzgerald Terry Eudy Tom Bastian Amanda Caudle Melissa McLaughlin Kathy Fisher Steve Reis Althea Cook Bernetta Lee Ed Diaz Barry Kirkman Randy Sidbeck Jim Campbell Susan George Andrew Tilley Robert Whisnant Beverly Imes Annie Joyner Neal Eudy John Fessler Steve McMIller Lance Anderson Melanie Witherspoon Sherby Price
Recycling BES Zone 2 Zone 3 Recycling BES Zone 1 Zone 7 Zone 1 BES BES Boiler Room Automotive BES Planning Grounds FIS Zone 5 Recycling Grounds Zone 3 BES BES BES Zone 6 Zone 1 Design Services Design Services Grounds Automotive Renovations BES BES Zone 2 High Voltage BES High Voltage BES Grounds Fire Controls AVC Office BES Zone 2 Capital BES Zone 1 FBO BES
6/24 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/26 6/26 6/27 6/27 6/28 6/29 6/29 6/30 6/30 7/1 7/2 7/2 7/5 7/7 7/7 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 7/14 7/14 7/14 7/15 7/15 7/15 7/16 7/18 7/20 7/22 7/22 7/25 7/26 7/27 7/28 7/28 7/28 7/28 7/29 7/29 7/30 7/31 7/31
Narcisa Flores Danny Dang Alexander Davis Kristie Ross Robert Carey Annette Miller Robert Braun Warren Monk Michael Stewart Dennis Kowalski Tommie Stafford Glenda Locklear Daniel Mullins Ronnie Bell Bill Cavelli Sintanis Joline Pamela Hickman Tom Stutts Anthony Thurmond Gloria Suarez-Chalco Jessica Deal Uma Pandya Ronda Latham Raymond Duckett Cheryl Lansford David Showalter Lotoia Young Paul Dilgard Daniel O’Donnell Shari Thompson Allen Gayden Kirk Kirstein Jeremy Cunningham Brien Clapton Mark Neel Kathy Brown Terrell Patton Steve Conder Beth Brown William Hester Lee Snodgrass Virgil Torrence Joe Loder Marta Luna Parasram Gobin Patrick Lukungu Lasharn Lowry
BES High Voltage BES Design Services BES Recycling Renovations Grounds BES Zone 2 BES Zone 1 Zone 1 Lock Shop BES BES FO Capital Grounds BES High Voltage BES BES BES Design Services Grounds BES BES Zone 5 BES BES Zone 5 Zone 2 Zone 2 Zone 1 Zone 2 BES Lock Shop FBO BES FO Grounds Zone 6 BES FO BES BES
Issue 49 | Facilities Focus
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Facilities Management 9201 University City Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
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The Un i
Creating a Campus of Distinction
Mission To p r o v i d e a q u a l i t y l e a r n i n g , r e s e a r c h , a n d l i v i n g e n v i r o n m e n t f o r t h e b e n e f i t o f s t u d e n t s , f a c u l t y, s t a f f , a n d t h e c o m m u n i t y b y p l a n n i n g , b u i l d i n g , o p e r a t i n g , and maintaining the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Vi s i o n • • •
A leader in Facilities Management distinguished by safety and excellence. A p r o f i c i e n t , r e s p o n s i v e , a n d a d a p t a b l e ‘ Te a m o f t e a m s ’ . Providing high quality services and facilities in an environmentally s u s t a i n a b l e m a n n e r.
Facilities Focus | Issue 49