News Briefs
Niners elected to posts statewide and nationally Election night 2020 proved big for Niner Nation. Former Student Body President Richard Hudson was reelected to the U.S. Congress. A record 14 alumni were elected to the N.C. General Assembly, and two gained seats on the N.C. Court of Appeals. “Alumni who choose public service represent UNC Charlotte’s remarkable academic and extracurricular
depth, and the opportunities available to develop the skills, confidence and worldview to pursue a path that will make a difference for people and communities,” said Michael L. Wilson ’93, chair, Board of Trustees. “We thank these leaders for their commitment to public service and their support of Niner Nation.”
Dave Craven (R)
Cecil Brockman (D)
Randolph and Guilford counties
Guilford County
Richard Hudson
B.A. Political Science, B.S. Business
B.A. Political Science, 2006
U.S. House District 8 (R)
Administration and
B.A. History, 1996
Accounting, 2012 Kelly Hastings (R)
Cleveland and Gaston counties Teaching Certificate, 2009
Terry Brown (D) DeAndrea Salvador (D)
Mecklenburg County
Jake Johnson (R)
Mecklenburg County
B.A. in Political Science, 2009
Henderson and Polk counties B.A. Political Science, 2016
B.S. Economics, 2013 Brian Farkas (D) Joyce Waddell (D)
Pitt County
Mecklenburg County
B.A. in Political Science, 2009
M.A. Education, 1973 Dean Arp (R) Vickie Sawyer (R)
Union County
Iredell County
M.S. Civil Engineering, 1999
B.A. Special Education, 1997
NORTH CAROLINA COURT OF APPEALS Fred Gore (R) Seat 5 B.S. Business Administration,
Mary Belk (D) Mujtaba Mohammed (D)
Mecklenburg County
Mecklenburg County
B.A. Political Science, 2006
B.A. History, 2008
Marketing, 1998
Jeff Carpenter (R) Seat 7 Jason Saine (R)
Ted Alexander (R)
Lincoln County
Cleveland, Gaston and
B.A. Political Science, 1995
B.A. Political Science, 1994
Lincoln counties B.A. Political Science, 1982
Fall 2020