Department of Anesthesiology
ASA Meeting Companion Anesthesiology 2019
PUTTING PATIENTS FIRST David A. Zvara, MD Professor and Chair
Campus Box 7010 • Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7010 919-966-5136 •
Orlando, Florida
SATURDAY, OCTOBER SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19th 19th19th SATURDAY, OCTOBER ABSTRACT GROUP DISCUSSIONS | W312C ABSTRACT GROUP DISCUSSIONS | W312C ABSTRACT GROUP DISCUSSIONS | W312C AD03-1 |AD03-1 7:30| AM 9:00AM AD03-1 7:30| -7:30 AM - AM 9:00- 9:00 AM AM A1001: Mechanistic Insights intoDifferences Sex Differences inPain Chronic Pain Following Major Thermal Burn A1001: Mechanistic Insights into Sex in Chronic Following MajorMajor Thermal Burn Injury A1001: Mechanistic Insights intoDifferences Sex in Chronic Pain Following Thermal Burn InjuryInjury McGrath, Student; Matthew Mauck, M.D., Ph.D.; Sarah Linnstaedt, Ph.D.; Samuel McLean Kyle McGrath, Student; Matthew Mauck, M.D., Ph.D.; Sarah Linnstaedt, Ph.D.;Ph.D.; Samuel McLean M.D. Kyle Kyle McGrath, Student; Matthew Mauck, M.D., Ph.D.; Sarah Linnstaedt, Samuel McLean M.D.M.D. 60-MINUTE REFRESHER COURSE LECTURE | W311GH 60-MINUTE REFRESHER COURSE LECTURE | W311GH 60-MINUTE REFRESHER COURSE LECTURE | W311GH 105 |105 7:45|105 AM 8:45AM 7:45| -7:45 AM - AM 8:45- 8:45 AM AM Perioperative Management of Thoracoabdominal Endovascular Aortic Repairs Perioperative Management of Thoracoabdominal Endovascular AorticAortic Repairs Perioperative Management of Thoracoabdominal Endovascular Repairs Harendra Arora, M.D., Harendra Arora,Arora, M.D., FASA Harendra M.D., FASAFASA MEDICALLY CHALLENGING | WA2 MEDICALLY CHALLENGING CASES | CASES WA2 MEDICALLY CHALLENGING CASES | WA2
| 11:00 AM - 11:10 MCC01 |MCC01 11:00 AM -AM 11:10 AM MCC01 | 11:00 - 11:10 AM AM MC1100/Monitor 09: When Ace-inhibitor Allergy Proves More Than A Cough: MC1100/Monitor 09: When Ace-inhibitor Allergy Proves More Than A Cough: MC1100/Monitor 09: When Ace-inhibitor Allergy Proves More Than A Cough: Acute Airway Compromise Following Cystoscopy Procedure AcuteAcute Airway Compromise Following Cystoscopy Procedure Airway Compromise Following Cystoscopy Procedure Michael Goldberg, M.D.; James Krakowski, Michael Goldberg, M.D.; James Krakowski, M.D.M.D.M.D. Michael Goldberg, M.D.; James Krakowski, | 11:20 AM - 11:30 MCC01 |MCC01 11:20 AM -AM 11:30 AM MCC01 | 11:20 - 11:30 AM AM MC1042/Monitor 04: Hypoventilation A Mass Obstructing Nasal Endotracheal Tude Lume MC1042/Monitor 04: Hypoventilation Caused ByCaused ABy Mass Obstructing The Nasal Endotracheal TudeTude Lumen MC1042/Monitor 04: Hypoventilation Caused ABy Mass Obstructing The The Nasal Endotracheal Lumen Vivian Doan, M.D.; Aaron Vivian Doan, M.D.; Aaron Low, M.D.Low, Vivian Doan, M.D.; Aaron Low, M.D.M.D. | 11:30 AM - 11:40 MCC01 |MCC01 11:30 AM -AM 11:40 AM MCC01 | 11:30 - 11:40 AM AM MC1043/Monitor 04: When Your Pressors Are Working: Not Working: Refractory Hypotension MC1043/Monitor 04: When Your Pressors Are Not Refractory Hypotension MC1043/Monitor 04: When Your Pressors Are Working: Not Refractory Hypotension By Anti-thymocyte Infusion During Renal Transplantation Caused ByCaused Anti-thymocyte Infusion During Renal Transplantation Caused By Anti-thymocyte Infusion During Renal Transplantation Vivian Doan, M.D.; Harendra Arora, M.D., Vivian Doan, M.D.; Harendra Arora,Arora, M.D., FASA Vivian Doan, M.D.; Harendra M.D., FASAFASA MCC02 | 2:00 PM 2:10 PM MCC02 | 2:00 PM 2:10 PM MCC02 | 2:00 PM - 2:10 PM MC1334/Monitor 11:Depressions ST Depressions On The Morning Of Proceed Surgery: Proceed OR Cancel? MC1334/Monitor 11: ST On The Of Surgery: OR Cancel? MC1334/Monitor 11:Depressions ST On Morning The Morning Of Surgery: Proceed OR Cancel? Sanjay Kadari, M.D.; Matthew Hallman, M.D.; Lavinia Kolarczyk, Sanjay Kadari, M.D.; Matthew Hallman, M.D.;M.D.; Lavinia Kolarczyk, M.D.M.D.M.D. Sanjay Kadari, M.D.; Matthew Hallman, Lavinia Kolarczyk, MCC02 |MCC02 2:00| PM 3:00-PM PM MCC02 2:00| -2:00 PM 3:00- 3:00 PM PM Moderator/Monitor 07: Fundamentals of Anesthesiology Moderator/Monitor 07: Fundamentals of Anesthesiology Moderator/Monitor 07: Fundamentals of Anesthesiology MarcMarc Levi,Marc M.D.Levi, Levi, M.D.M.D. MCC02 |MCC02 2:30| PM 2:40-PM PM MCC02 2:30| -2:30 PM 2:40- 2:40 PM PM MC1409/Monitor 17:An Care OfAdult An Adult Patient With Arthrogryposis Having Uterine Myomectomy MC1409/Monitor 17: Care Of Patient With Arthrogryposis Having Uterine Myomectomy MC1409/Monitor 17: Care OfAdult An Patient With Arthrogryposis Having Uterine Myomectomy Talal Akbar, M.D.; Stephen Acosta, M.D.; TalalTalal Akbar, M.D.; Stephen Acosta, M.D.; Marc Levi,Marc M.D.Levi, Akbar, M.D.; Stephen Acosta, M.D.; Marc Levi, M.D.M.D. MCC02 |MCC02 3:00| PM 4:00-PM PM MCC02 3:00| -3:00 PM 4:00- 4:00 PM PM Moderator/Monitor 07: Fundamentals of Anesthesiology Moderator/Monitor 07: Fundamentals of Anesthesiology Moderator/Monitor 07: Fundamentals of Anesthesiology Caryn Hertz, CarynCaryn Hertz, M.D. Hertz, M.D.M.D. MCC06 |MCC06 3:40| PM 3:50-PM PM MCC06 3:40| -3:40 PM 3:50- 3:50 PM PM MC2749/Monitor 12: Peri-operative Mangement Awith Patient with Severe Restrictive 3-Vessel Coronary MC2749/Monitor 12: Peri-operative Mangement of A of Patient Severe Restrictive 3-Vessel Coronary MC2749/Monitor 12: Peri-operative Mangement A of Patient with Severe Restrictive 3-Vessel Coronary Artery Disease and Uncontrolled Hypertension Presenting for Cervical Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Artery Disease and Uncontrolled Hypertension Presenting for Anterior Discectomy and Fusion Artery Disease and Uncontrolled Hypertension Presenting for Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Monika Nanda, M.B.B.S.; Yaroslav Yatsky, Monika Nanda, M.B.B.S.; Yaroslav Yatsky, M.D. Monika Nanda, M.B.B.S.; Yaroslav Yatsky, M.D.M.D. FEATURED ABSTRACTS | W206ABC FEATURED ABSTRACTS | W206ABC FEATURED ABSTRACTS | W206ABC F02 |F02 1:00|F02 PM 2:30-PM PM 1:00| -1:00 PM 2:30- 2:30 PM PM F1046/7: Mechanistic Insights intoDifferences Sex Differences inPain Chronic Pain Following Major Burn F1046/7: Mechanistic Insights into Sex in Chronic Following MajorMajor Burn Injury F1046/7: Mechanistic Insights intoDifferences Sex in Chronic Pain Following Burn InjuryInjury McGrath, Student; Matthew Mauck, M.D., Ph.D.; Sarah Linnstaedt, Ph.D.; Samuel McLean Kyle McGrath, Student; Matthew Mauck, M.D., Ph.D.; Sarah Linnstaedt, Ph.D.;Ph.D.; Samuel McLean M.D. Kyle Kyle McGrath, Student; Matthew Mauck, M.D., Ph.D.; Sarah Linnstaedt, Samuel McLean M.D.M.D. HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS | W204ABC HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS | W204ABC HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS | W204ABC 806 |806 1:15|806 PM 5:15-PM PM 1:15| -1:15 PM 5:15- 5:15 PM PM Introduction to Perioperative Point-of-Care Ultrasound and Transthoracic Echocardiography Introduction to Perioperative Point-of-Care Ultrasound and Transthoracic Echocardiography Introduction to Perioperative Point-of-Care Ultrasound and Transthoracic Echocardiography Moderator: H. David Hardman, M.D., M.B.A, FASA; Presenters: Lavinia Kolarczyk, M.D.; Moderator: H. David Hardman, M.D.,M.D., M.B.A, FASA; Presenters: Lavinia Kolarczyk, M.D.;M.D.; Moderator: H. David Hardman, M.B.A, FASA; Presenters: Lavinia Kolarczyk, Emily Teeter, M.D.; Meena Bhatia, M.D.; Priya Kumar, M.D., FASA; Jacob Acton, M.D.; EmilyEmily Teeter, M.D.; Meena Bhatia, M.D.; Priya Kumar, M.D., FASA; Jacob Acton, M.D.; Teeter, M.D.; Meena Bhatia, M.D.; Priya Kumar, M.D., FASA; Jacob Acton, M.D.; Harendra Arora, M.D., FASA; Robert Isaak, D.O., FASA; Ricardo Serrano, M.D., Harendra Arora,Arora, M.D., FASA; Robert Isaak, D.O., FASA; Ricardo Serrano, M.D., FASA Harendra M.D., FASA; Robert Isaak, D.O., FASA; Ricardo Serrano, M.D., FASAFASA PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS | W207BC PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS | W207BC PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS | W207BC L133 L133L133 | 2:45 3:45-PM PM | PM 2:45| -2:45 PM 3:45- 3:45 PM PM 11: Preoperative Optimization and Intraoperative in a Complex Cancer Patient TableTable 11: Table Preoperative Optimization and Intraoperative Acidosis inAcidosis a Complex Cancer Patient 11: Preoperative Optimization and Intraoperative Acidosis in a Complex Cancer Patient Samuel Blacker, Samuel Blacker, M.D. Samuel Blacker, M.D.M.D. OTHER EVENTS AND MEETINGS OTHER EVENTS ANDAND MEETINGS OTHER EVENTS MEETINGS AM - 10:00 AM | AUA Diversity Taskforce | TBA 8:00 AM -AM 10:00 AM |AM AUA Diversity Taskforce | TBA 8:00 8:00 - 10:00 | AUA Diversity Taskforce | TBA PM | Meet Greet Residency | LevelHall 2-West 3:00 PM -3:00 5:30PM PM- |5:30 Meet and Greetand Residency ProgramsPrograms | Level 2-West A1 Hall A1 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20th20th SUNDAY, OCTOBER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20th 60-MINUTE REFRESHER COURSE LECTURE | W311ABCD 60-MINUTE REFRESHER LECTURE | W311ABCD 60-MINUTE REFRESHER COURSECOURSE LECTURE | W311ABCD 204 |204 7:45| 7:45 AM AM - 8:45- 8:45 AM AM 204 | 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM Update on Nerve Blocks of theofUpper Extremity Nerve the Upper Extremity Update onUpdate Nerve on Blocks of Blocks the Upper Extremity StuartStuart Grant, M.D. Grant, M.D. Stuart Grant, M.D.
MCC03 |MCC03 7:30| AM 9:30AM MCC03 7:30| -7:30 AM - AM 9:30- 9:30 AM AM 2030/Monitor 03: Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Contributing To ToFailure Intubate To Ventilate 2030/Monitor 03: Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Contributing To Failure ToFailure Intubate ToFailure Ventilate 2030/Monitor 03: Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis Contributing To Failure To Intubate Failure To Ventilate Christen Allred, M.D., M.P.H.; Caryn Hertz, Christen Allred, M.D., M.P.H.; Caryn Hertz, M.D. Christen Allred, M.D., M.P.H.; Caryn Hertz, M.D.M.D. MCC03 |MCC03 8:10| AM 8:20AM MCC03 8:10| -8:10 AM - AM 8:20- 8:20 AM AM MC2125/Monitor 11: Oral Surgery Complicated By Postoperative Angioedema &Pneumoperitoneum Tension Pneumoperitoneum MC2125/Monitor 11: Oral Surgery Complicated By Postoperative Angioedema & Tension MC2125/Monitor 11: Oral Surgery Complicated By Postoperative Angioedema & Tension Pneumoperitoneum Robin Leopold, M.D.; Kimberley Nichols, M.D.; RobinRobin Leopold, M.D.; Kimberley Nichols, M.D.; Marc Levi,Marc M.D.Levi, Leopold, M.D.; Kimberley Nichols, M.D.; Marc Levi, M.D.M.D. MCC05 |MCC05 1:40| PM 1:50-PM PM MCC05 1:40| -1:40 PM 1:50- 1:50 PM PM MC2619/Monitor 17:Arrest Cardiac Arrest Following Retrobulbar For Vitrectomy MC2619/Monitor 17: Cardiac Following Retrobulbar BlockBlock ForBlock Vitrectomy MC2619/Monitor 17: Cardiac Arrest Following Retrobulbar For Vitrectomy Tiffany Pham, M.D.; Stephen Acosta, M.D.; Tiffany Pham, M.D.; Stephen Acosta, M.D.; Marc Levi,Marc M.D.Levi, Tiffany Pham, M.D.; Stephen Acosta, M.D.; Marc Levi, M.D.M.D. MCC06 |MCC06 3:40| PM 3:50-PM PM MCC06 3:40| -3:40 PM 3:50- 3:50 PM PM MC2802/Monitor 17: Newly Diagnosed Anterior Mediastinal Mass, Suspected Severe Pulmonary Hypertension, MC2802/Monitor 17: Newly Diagnosed Anterior Mediastinal Mass,Mass, Suspected Severe Pulmonary Hypertension, MC2802/Monitor 17: Newly Diagnosed Anterior Mediastinal Suspected Severe Pulmonary Hypertension, And An Cervical Unstable Cervical Spine Fracture And And An Unstable Spine Fracture An Unstable Cervical Spine Fracture Anne Whitehouse, M.D.; Benjamin Heller, AnneAnne Whitehouse, M.D.;M.D.; Benjamin Heller, M.D. Whitehouse, Benjamin Heller, M.D.M.D. MCC06 |MCC06 3:40| PM 3:50-PM PM MCC06 3:40| -3:40 PM 3:50- 3:50 PM PM MC2749/Monitor 12: Peri-operative Management AWith Patient With Severe Restrictive 3-Vessel Coronary MC2749/Monitor 12: Peri-operative Management Of AOf Patient Severe Restrictive 3-Vessel Coronary MC2749/Monitor 12: Peri-operative Management AOf Patient With Severe Restrictive 3-Vessel Coronary Artery Disease And Uncontrolled Hypertension Presenting For Cervical Anterior Cervical Discectomy And Fusion Artery Disease And Uncontrolled Hypertension Presenting For Anterior Discectomy And And Fusion Artery Disease And Uncontrolled Hypertension Presenting For Anterior Cervical Discectomy Fusion Monika Nanda, M.B.B.S.; Yaroslav Yatsky, Monika Nanda, M.B.B.S.; Yaroslav Yatsky, M.D. Monika Nanda, M.B.B.S.; Yaroslav Yatsky, M.D.M.D. E-ABSTRACT PRESENTATIONS | WA2-Area E-ABSTRACT PRESENTATIONS | WA2-Area D D D E-ABSTRACT PRESENTATIONS | WA2-Area EA03-01 EA03-01 | 7:45| AM 8:15AM EA03-01 7:45| -7:45 AM - AM 8:15- 8:15 AM AM A2011/Monitor 03: 17B-estradiol Predicts Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Development Following Trauma A2011/Monitor 03: 17B-estradiol Predicts Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Pain Development Following Trauma A2011/Monitor 03: 17B-estradiol Predicts Chronic Musculoskeletal Development Following Trauma Exposure and Influences the Expression of Pain-associated Genes Exposure and Influences the Expression of Pain-associated GenesGenes Exposure and Influences the Expression of Pain-associated James Williams, M.D., Ph.D.; Samuel McLean, M.D.; Sarah Linnstaedt, JamesJames Williams, M.D., Ph.D.; Samuel McLean, M.D.; Sarah Linnstaedt, Ph.D.Ph.D.Ph.D. Williams, M.D., Ph.D.; Samuel McLean, M.D.; Sarah Linnstaedt, EA03-01 | 9:15 AM9:45 AM EA03-01 | 9:15| AM9:45 AM EA03-01 9:15 AM9:45 AM A2023/Monitor 03: Does Legislation Charge Opioid Prescribing Practices? A2023/Monitor 03: Does Legislation Charge Opioid Prescribing Practices? A2023/Monitor 03: Does Legislation Charge Opioid Prescribing Practices? Patricia Doerr, M.D.; Dominika James, M.D.; Lauren Sylvester, Patricia Doerr, M.D.; Dominika James,James, M.D.; Lauren Sylvester, M.D. Patricia Doerr, M.D.; Dominika M.D.; Lauren Sylvester, M.D.M.D. CLINICAL FORUM | W310AB CLINICAL FORUM | W310AB CLINICAL FORUM | W310AB CF03 CF03CF03 | 7:45 8:45AM | AM 7:45| -7:45 AM - AM 8:45- 8:45 AM AM Intraoperative Pulmonary Embolism: Application of Emerging Diagnostic and Treatment Options Intraoperative Pulmonary Embolism: Application of Emerging Diagnostic and Treatment Options Intraoperative Pulmonary Embolism: Application of Emerging Diagnostic and Treatment Options Point of Care Ultrasound, Anticoagulation - Point of-Care Ultrasound, Anticoagulation - Point of Care Ultrasound, Anticoagulation Robert Isaak, D.O., RobertRobert Isaak, D.O., FASA Isaak, D.O., FASAFASA CF03 CF03CF03 | 7:45 8:45AM | AM 7:45| -7:45 AM - AM 8:45- 8:45 AM AM Intraoperative Pulmonary Embolism: Application of Emerging Diagnostic and Treatment - CA-ECMO Intraoperative Pulmonary Embolism: Application of Emerging Diagnostic and Treatment Options - Options CA-ECMO Intraoperative Pulmonary Embolism: Application of Emerging Diagnostic and Treatment Options - CA-ECMO Lavinia Kolarczyk, Lavinia Kolarczyk, M.D.M.D.M.D. Lavinia Kolarczyk, PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS | W207BC PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS | W207BC PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS | W207BC L213 AM - 10:15 L213L213 | 9:15 10:15 AM | AM 9:15| -9:15 AM - 10:15 AM AM 02: Descending Thoracic Aortic Repair: Spinal Cord Protection Strategies TableTable 02: Table Descending Thoracic Aortic Repair: Spinal Cord Protection Strategies 02: Descending Thoracic Aortic Repair: Spinal Cord Protection Strategies Harendra Arora, M.D., Harendra Arora,Arora, M.D., FASA Harendra M.D., FASAFASA L215 AM - 10:15 L215L215 | 9:15 10:15 AM | AM 9:15| -9:15 AM - 10:15 AM AM 04: NilDoes PerDoes OS Not Guarantee Empty Stomach. The Use Point of Care Gastric TableTable 04: Table When NilWhen Per NotDoes Guarantee Empty Stomach. The Use Point ofofCare Gastric 04: When NilOS Per OS Not Guarantee Empty Stomach. Theof Use of Point of Care Gastric Ultrasound to Aspiration Decrease Aspiration Ultrasound to Decrease Risk Risk Risk Ultrasound to Decrease Aspiration Priya Kumar, M.D., FASA; Ricardo Serrano, M.D., PriyaPriya Kumar, M.D., FASA; Ricardo Serrano, M.D., FASA Kumar, M.D., FASA; Ricardo Serrano, M.D., FASAFASA L246 L246L246 | 2:30 3:30-PM PM | PM 2:30| -2:30 PM 3:30- 3:30 PM PM 02: Perioperative Optimal Perioperative Monitoring During Carotid Endarterectomy TableTable 02: Table Optimal Monitoring During Carotid Endarterectomy 02: Optimal Perioperative Monitoring During Carotid Endarterectomy Harendra Arora, M.D., Harendra Arora,Arora, M.D., FASA Harendra M.D., FASAFASA L256 L256L256 | 3:45 4:45-PM PM | PM 3:45| -3:45 PM 4:45- 4:45 PM PM 01: Coronary Keeping Coronary Stents in Patients TableTable 01: Table Keeping StentsStents Patent in Patent Patients 01: Keeping Coronary Patent in Patients Priya Kumar, M.D., PriyaPriya Kumar, M.D., FASA Kumar, M.D., FASAFASA L256 L256L256 | 3:45 4:45-PM PM | PM 3:45| -3:45 PM 4:45- 4:45 PM PM 11: Preoperative Optimization and Intraoperative in a Complex Cancer Patient TableTable 11: Table Preoperative Optimization and Intraoperative Acidosis inAcidosis a Complex Cancer Patient 11: Preoperative Optimization and Intraoperative Acidosis in a Complex Cancer Patient Samuel Blacker, Samuel Blacker, M.D. Samuel Blacker, M.D.M.D. SMART STAGES | Exhibit SMART STAGES | Exhibit Hall SMART STAGES | Exhibit HallHall Smart Pod A | 12:05 SmartSmart Stage PodStage A | 12:05 PM Stage Pod A | 12:05 PM PM Newly Diagnosed Anterior Mediastinal Mass, Suspected Severe Pulmonary Hypertension, Newly Diagnosed Anterior Mediastinal Mass,Mass, Suspected Severe Pulmonary Hypertension, Newly Diagnosed Anterior Mediastinal Suspected Severe Pulmonary Hypertension, And An Cervical Unstable Cervical Spine Fracture And And An Unstable Spine Fracture An Unstable Cervical Spine Fracture Anne Whitehouse, M.D.; Benjamin Heller, AnneAnne Whitehouse, M.D.;M.D.; Benjamin Heller, M.D. Whitehouse, Benjamin Heller, M.D.M.D. FEATURED ABSTRACTS | W206ABC FEATURED ABSTRACTS | W206ABC FEATURED ABSTRACTS | W206ABC
F06 |F06 1:00|F06 PM 2:30-PM PM 1:00| -1:00 PM 2:30- 2:30 PM PM F2080/4: What Matters? Teaching Pediatric Residents How to Effectively Perform Peroperative Clinic Assessmen F2080/4: What Matters? Teaching Pediatric Residents HowHow to Effectively Perform Peroperative ClinicClinic Assessments F2080/4: What Matters? Teaching Pediatric Residents to Effectively Perform Peroperative Assessments Marley Lawrence, Fei Chen, Ph.D.; Kimberly Blasius, M.D.; Micheal Steiner, Marley Lawrence, M.D.;M.D.; FeiM.D.; Chen, Ph.D.; Kimberly Blasius, M.D.; Micheal Steiner, M.D. Marley Lawrence, Fei Chen, Ph.D.; Kimberly Blasius, M.D.; Micheal Steiner, M.D.M.D. HANDS-ON WORKSHOP | W102B HANDS-ON WORKSHOP | W102B HANDS-ON WORKSHOP | W102B 900 |900 1:15|900 PM 4:15-PM PM 1:15| -1:15 PM 4:15- 4:15 PM PM A the an Anesthesiologist A Day theDay anLife Anesthesiologist A in Day inLife theinof Life of anofAnesthesiologist Susan Martinelli, M.D.; Robert D.O. FASA; Sally Stander, M.D.; Lavinia Kolarczyk. SusanSusan Martinelli, M.D.;M.D.; Robert Isaak, D.O.Isaak, FASA; Sally Stander, M.D.; Lavinia Kolarczyk. M.D.M.D.M.D. Martinelli, Robert Isaak, D.O. FASA; Sally Stander, M.D.; Lavinia Kolarczyk.
A12-1 | EA12-1 2:30| PM 3:00-PM PM EA12-1 2:30| -2:30 PM 3:00- 3:00 PM PM A2210/Monitor 04:Stewardship Opioid Stewardship Post-cesarean Delivery: AImprovement Quality Improvement Initiative A2210/Monitor 04: Opioid Post-cesarean Delivery: A Quality Initiative A2210/Monitor 04: Opioid Stewardship Post-cesarean Delivery: A Quality Improvement Initiative Brent Harkrider, M.D.; Matthew Hallman, M.D.; Christine McKenzie, M.D.; Straube, rentBrent Harkrider, M.D.;M.D.; Matthew Hallman, M.D.;M.D.; Christine McKenzie, M.D.;M.D.; Lacy Straube, M.D. Harkrider, Matthew Hallman, Christine McKenzie, Lacy Lacy Straube, M.D.M.D.
AD03-2 |AD03-2 3:15| PM 4:45-PM PM AD03-2 3:15| -3:15 PM 4:45- 4:45 PM PM A2280: anThat: App for That: iPads Improve Patient Satisfaction During Pain Procedures A2280: There’s anThere’s App iPads Improve Patient Satisfaction During Pain Procedures A2280: There’s an for App for That: iPads Improve Patient Satisfaction During Pain Procedures Katherine Mills, M.D., Andrew Lobonc, atherine Mills,Mills, M.D., Andrew Lobonc, M.D. Katherine M.D., Andrew Lobonc, M.D.M.D. AD03-2 |AD03-2 3:15| PM 4:45-PM PM AD03-2 3:15| -3:15 PM 4:45- 4:45 PM PM A2281: Trajectory-based Assessment of Pain 7 Common Neuropsychiatic Disorders Traumatic Stress Exposures A2281: Trajectory-based Assessment of Pain Common Neuropsychiatic Disorders after Traumatic StressStress Exposures A2281: Trajectory-based Assessment of 7Pain 7 Common Neuropsychiatic Disorders after after Traumatic Exposures Xinming An, Ph.D., Samuel McLean, inming An, Ph.D., Samuel McLean, M.D. Xinming An, Ph.D., Samuel McLean, M.D.M.D.
NC Delegate of Delegates | Hyatt - Windemere Ballroom :00 AM |AM NCAM House of House Delegates Meeting |Meeting Hyatt Regency -Regency Windemere Ballroom 8:00 8:00 |Delegate NC| Delegate House of Delegates Meeting | Hyatt Regency - Windemere Ballroom 9:00 AM 11:00 AM | JCVA Editorial Board Meeting | TBA :00 AM 11:00 AM | JCVA Editorial Board Meeting | TBA 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM | JCVA Editorial Board Meeting | TBA | 48th Annual Meeting ofAnesthesiologists Cardiac Anesthesiologists | Hilton Orlando :00 PM 6:30-PM PM 48th|PM Annual Meeting of Cardiac | Hilton Orlando 2:00 -2:00 PM 6:30- |6:30 PM 48th Annual Meeting of Cardiac Anesthesiologists | Hilton Orlando |Alumni Annual Alumni Reception | Hilton - Destination :00 PM 9:00-PM PM Annual Reception | Hilton Orlando -Orlando Destination DeckA1 Deck 3:00 -6:00 PM 5:30- |9:00 PM |PM Meet and Greet Residency Programs | Level 2-West Hall
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM | Annual Alumni Reception | Hilton Orlando - Destination Deck MONDAY, OCTOBER 21st MONDAY, OCTOBER 21st
ABSTRACT DISCUSSIONS | W312AB AM - 11:00 AM AD09-1 |AD09-1 9:30 AM|GROUP -9:30 11:00 AM A3003: Preoperative Ace Inhibitor and Angiotensin ReceptorTherapy BlockerisTherapy is Associated with Increased A3003: Preoperative Ace Inhibitor and Angiotensin Receptor Blocker Associated with Increased AD09-1 | 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Vasopressor Use Ace inUndergoing Patients Undergoing VideoThoracoscopic Assisted Wedge Resection or Lobectomy Vasopressor Use in Patients Video Assisted Wedge Resection or Lobectomy A3003: Preoperative Inhibitor and Angiotensin ReceptorThoracoscopic Blocker Therapy is Associated with Increased Andres Rojas, Reena Nagar, M.D.; Christen Allred, M.D.,Yaroslav M.P.H.; Yaroslav Yatsky, Chen, Ph.D.; ndres Rojas, M.D.; Nagar, M.D.; Christen Allred, M.D., M.P.H.; Yatsky, M.D.; Fei Chen, Fei Ph.D.; Vasopressor UseReena inM.D.; Patients Undergoing Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Wedge Resection or M.D.; Lobectomy Jay Schoenherr, M.D.; Emily Teeter, M.D. ay Schoenherr, M.D.; Emily Teeter, M.D. Andres Rojas, M.D.; Reena Nagar, M.D.; Christen Allred, M.D., M.P.H.; Yaroslav Yatsky, M.D.; Fei Chen, Ph.D.;
MEDICALLY CHALLENGING AM - 11:30 AMCASES | WA2 MCC07 |MCC07 9:30 AM| -9:30 11:30 AM MCC Facilitator/Monitor of Anesthesiology MCCMCC07 Facilitator/Monitor 10: Fundamentals of Anesthesiology | 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM10: Fundamentals Brooke Chidgey, M.D. rookeMCC Chidgey, M.D. Facilitator/Monitor 10: Fundamentals of Anesthesiology | 10:20 AM - 10:30 AM MCC07 |MCC07 10:20 AM - 10:30 AM Brooke Chidgey, M.D. MC3018/Monitor 02: Vasoplegia BlueCardiopulmonary During Cardiopulmonary MC3018/Monitor 02:AM Vasoplegia RequiringRequiring MethyleneMethylene Blue During Bypass Bypass MCC07 | 10:20 - 10:30 AM After Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest AfterMC3018/Monitor Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest 02: Vasoplegia Requiring Methylene Blue During Cardiopulmonary Bypass Andres Rojas, M.D.; BrianM.D. Barrick, ndres Rojas, M.D.; Brian Barrick, After Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest M.D. MCC07 | 10:40 AM 10:50 MCC07 | 10:40 AM 10:50 AM Andres Rojas, M.D.; Brian Barrick,AM M.D. MC3044/Monitor 04:Tooth Broken ToothADuring Critical Airway-How ToAfter Proceed After Dental Trauma MC3044/Monitor 04:AM Broken CriticalAAirway-How To Proceed Dental Trauma MCC07 | 10:40 - 10:50 AMDuring Nasir Khatri, M.D.; James Krakowski, M.D.; Brigette Wesley, D.D.S.To Proceed After Dental Trauma NasirMC3044/Monitor Khatri, M.D.; James M.D.;During Brigette D.D.S. 04:Krakowski, Broken Tooth AWesley, Critical Airway-How | 10:50 AM - 11:00 AMM.D.; Brigette Wesley, D.D.S. MCC07 10:50 - 11:00 AM Nasir|MCC07 Khatri,AM M.D.; James Krakowski, MC3201/Monitor 17: Hip Fracture In The Patient Bordering Centenarian: MC3201/Monitor 17: Hip Fracture Repair In Repair The Patient Bordering Centenarian: MCC07 | 10:50 AM - 11:00 AM Weighing To Geta Weighing AnestheticAnesthetic Alternatives To GetaRepair MC3201/Monitor 17: HipAlternatives Fracture In The Patient Bordering Centenarian: Nathan Leone, M.D.; Tiffany Pharm, M.D.; Hallman, Matthew Hallman, M.D.; James Krakowski, M.D. Nathan Leone, M.D.; Tiffany Pharm, M.D.; Matthew M.D.; James Krakowski, M.D. Weighing Anesthetic Alternatives To Geta |M.D.; 11:00 AM - 11:10 AMM.D.; Matthew Hallman, M.D.; James Krakowski, M.D. MCC07 |MCC07 11:00 AM - 11:10 AM Nathan Leone, Tiffany Pharm, MC3130/Monitor 11: Use of Point-Of-Care For The Diagnosis OfPressure NegativePulmonary Pressure Pulmonary MC3130/Monitor 11: AM Use-of11:10 Point-Of-Care UltrasoundUltrasound For The Diagnosis Of Negative Edema Edema MCC07 | 11:00 AM Michael H. Richman, M.D.; H. David Hardman, M.D., M.B.A, FASA Michael H. Richman, M.D.; H. David Hardman, M.D., M.B.A, FASA MC3130/Monitor 11: Use of Point-Of-Care Ultrasound For The Diagnosis Of Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema | -1:10 PM Hardman, M.D., M.B.A, FASA MCC08 |MCC08 1:10 1:20PM PM- 1:20 Michael H.PM Richman, M.D.; H. David | Monitor 15: Erector Spinae Block Ventral Following Ventral Hernia Repair:Postoperative A Novel Postoperative Rescue Strategy MC3370 |MC3370 Monitor Erector Spinae Plane BlockPlane Following Hernia Repair: A Novel Rescue Strategy MCC08 | 1:1015: PM - 1:20 PM Leslie| Monitor Matthews, M.D.; James Krakowski, M.D. eslieMC3370 Matthews, M.D.; James Krakowski, M.D. 15: Erector Spinae Plane Block Following Ventral Hernia Repair: A Novel Postoperative Rescue Strategy PM - 1:10Krakowski, PM MCC08 1:00 PM| -1:00 1:10 PM Leslie|MCC08 Matthews, M.D.; James M.D. MC3202/Monitor 01:PM Anesthetic To Postpneumonectomy MC3202/Monitor Anesthetic ApproachApproach To Postpneumonectomy SyndromeSyndrome MCC08 | 1:0001: PM - 1:10 Brandon Hammond, M.D.; Benjamin Haithcock, M.D.; Lavinia Kolarczyk, M.D. randon Hammond, M.D.; Benjamin Haithcock, M.D.; Lavinia Kolarczyk, M.D. MC3202/Monitor 01: Anesthetic Approach To Postpneumonectomy Syndrome PM Haithcock, M.D.; Lavinia Kolarczyk, M.D. MCC09 |MCC09 4:30Hammond, PM| -4:30 4:40PM PM- 4:40 Brandon M.D.; Benjamin MC3479/Monitor 08:PM Management OfHematemesis Massive Hematemesis From Right Aberrant Right Subclavian MC3479/Monitor Management Of Massive From Aberrant Subclavian Artery ToArtery To MCC09 | 4:3008: PM - 4:40 Esophageal Fistula sophageal Fistula MC3479/Monitor 08: Management Of Massive Hematemesis From Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery To Candy M.D.; Ezimora, M.D.;Clerizier, Soshona M.D.; Clerizier, M.D.; Long, M.D.,Meena M.P.H.; Meena Bhatia, M.D. andyEsophageal Ezimora, Jason Long,Jason M.D., M.P.H.; Bhatia, M.D. FistulaSoshona
Candy Ezimora, M.D.; Soshona Clerizier, M.D.; Jason| W207BC Long, M.D., M.P.H.; Meena Bhatia, M.D. PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS | W207BC ROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS
L313 | 10:45 AM -LEARNING 11:45 AM DISCUSSIONS | W207BC 313PROBLEM-BASED | 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM 02:AM Optimal Monitoring DuringEndarterectomy Carotid Endarterectomy ableL313 02: Table Optimal Perioperative Monitoring During Carotid | 10:45 - 11:45Perioperative AM Harendra Arora, M.D., FASA Harendra Arora, M.D., FASA Table 02: Optimal Perioperative Monitoring During Carotid Endarterectomy
ABSTRACT | W312AB - 2:45 PM AD15-1 |AD15-1 1:15 PM|GROUP -1:15 2:45PM PMDISCUSSIONS A3169: What Matters? Teaching Pediatric Residents How to Effectively Perform Peroperative A3169: What Matters? Teaching Pediatric Residents How to Effectively Perform Peroperative AD15-1 | 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Clinic Assessments ClinicA3169: Assessments What Matters? Teaching Pediatric Residents How to Effectively Perform Peroperative Marley Lawrence, Chen, Ph.D.; Blasius, KimberlyM.D.; Blasius, M.D.;Steiner, MichealM.D. Steiner, continues M.D. on continues on next page Marley Lawrence, M.D.; FeiM.D.; Chen, Fei Ph.D.; Kimberly Micheal next page Clinic Assessments Marley Lawrence, M.D.; Fei Chen, Ph.D.; Kimberly Blasius, M.D.; Micheal Steiner, M.D.
continues on next page
SPECIAL MEETINGS ANDAND EVENTS | W315AB SPECIAL MEETINGS EVENTS | W315AB SPE32SPE32 | 2:00 |PM 4:00-PM 2:00- PM 4:00 PM WoodWood Library-Museum of Anesthesiology PatrickPatrick Sim Forum on theon History of Anesthesiology: Is Research in in Library-Museum of Anesthesiology Sim Forum the History of Anesthesiology: Is Research Anesthesia History as Valuable as Research in Basic Clinical Practice, and Quality and Patient Safety?Safety? Anesthesia History as Valuable as Research in Science, Basic Science, Clinical Practice, and Quality and Patient DavidDavid Zvara,Zvara, M.D. M.D. E-ABSTRACT PRESENTATIONS | WA2| WA2 - Area-BArea B E-ABSTRACT PRESENTATIONS EA06-2 | 2:30 |PM 3:00-PM EA06-2 2:30- PM 3:00 PM A3114/Monitor 03: Introduction of a Protocol to Replace Intraoperative Administration of Normal SalineSaline A3114/Monitor 03: Introduction of a Protocol to Replace Intraoperative Administration of Normal with Balanced Electrolyte Solutions with Balanced Electrolyte Solutions Brandon Hammond, M.D.;M.D.; PatrickPatrick Steele,Steele, M.D.;M.D.; Anne Whitehouse, M.D.;M.D.; Talal Akbar, M.D.;M.D.; Myungsa Kang, Kang, M.D.;M.D.; Brandon Hammond, Anne Whitehouse, Talal Akbar, Myungsa Peggy Peggy McNaull, M.D. M.D. McNaull, A3112/Monitor 01: Practice Patterns for Preserving the Right Internal JugularJugular Vein for Central Venous AccessAccess A3112/Monitor 01: Practice Patterns for Preserving the Right Internal Vein for Central Venous During Cardiac Transplation During Cardiac Transplation Nasir Khatri, M.D.;M.D.; Patricia Chang,Chang, M.D.;M.D.; Alan Smeltz, M.D. M.D. Nasir Khatri, Patricia Alan Smeltz, PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS | W207BC PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS | W207BC L334 |L334 2:30 |PM 3:30-PM 2:30- PM 3:30 PM Table Table 01: Keeping Coronary StentsStents PatentPatent in Patients 01: Keeping Coronary in Patients Priya Kumar, M.D.,M.D., FASAFASA Priya Kumar, OTHER EVENTS ANDAND MEETINGS OTHER EVENTS MEETINGS 6:30 AM 8:00-AM Committee on Academic Anesthesiology | Hyatt Regency - Celebration 3 Room 6:30-AM 8:00| AM | Committee on Academic Anesthesiology | Hyatt Regency - Celebration 3 Room 9:30 AM 11:00- 11:00 AM | AM ASA| Committee on Resident and Medical Students | Hyatt Regency 9:30-AM ASA Committee on Resident and Medical Students | Hyatt Regency TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd 22nd TUESDAY, OCTOBER PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS | W207BC PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS | W207BC L402 |L402 7:45 |AM 8:45-AM 7:45- AM 8:45 AM Table Table 02: Descending Thoracic AorticAortic Repair:Repair: SpinalSpinal Cord Protection Strategies 02: Descending Thoracic Cord Protection Strategies Harendra Arora,Arora, M.D.,M.D., FASAFASA Harendra EABSTRACT PRESENTATIONS | WA2| WA2 - Area-EArea E EABSTRACT PRESENTATIONS EA19-6 | 8:15 |AM 8:45-AM EA19-6 8:15- AM 8:45 AM A4081/Monitor 04: Opioid Education: Reducing Unsecured Pills Postoperativly A4081/Monitor 04: Opioid Education: Reducing Unsecured Pills Postoperativly Stephanie Woodward, M.D.;M.D.; Patricia Doerr,Doerr, M.D.;M.D.; Brian Brian Whitlow, M.D.;M.D.; BrookeBrooke Chidgey, M.D.;M.D.; Nasir Khatri, M.D.;M.D.; Stephanie Woodward, Patricia Whitlow, Chidgey, Nasir Khatri, Ajay Unnithan, M.D.;M.D.; Nathan Woody,Woody, B.S. B.S. Ajay Unnithan, Nathan EA03-2 | 10:45| 10:45 AM - AM 11:15- 11:15 AM AM EA03-2 A4112/Monitor 02: Methods of theof Aurora Study:Study: A Large-scale, In-depth Study Study of theof Development A4112/Monitor 02: Methods the Aurora A Large-scale, In-depth the Development of Chronic Pain and Neuropsychiatric Sequelae after Traumatic StressStress Exposure of Chronic PainOther and Other Neuropsychiatric Sequelae after Traumatic Exposure Xinming An, Ph.D.; Sarah Sarah Linnstaedt, Ph.D.;Ph.D.; SamuelSamuel McLean, M.D. M.D. Xinming An, Ph.D.; Linnstaedt, McLean, 60-MINUTE REFRESHER COURSE LECTURE | W311ABCD 60-MINUTE REFRESHER COURSE LECTURE | W311ABCD 409 | 9:00 10:00- 10:00 AM AM 409 |AM 9:00- AM NerveNerve InjuryInjury After After Peripheral NerveNerve Block:Block: Evaluation, Management, Best Practices and Medicolegal IssuesIssues Peripheral Evaluation, Management, Best Practices and Medicolegal H. David Hardman, M.D.,M.D., M.B.A., FASAFASA H. David Hardman, M.B.A., HANDS-ON WORKSHOP | W204ABC HANDS-ON WORKSHOP | W204ABC 841 | 9:00 12:00- 12:00 PM PM 841 |AM 9:00- AM Must Must KnowKnow BlocksBlocks for Ambulatory Anesthesia for Ambulatory Anesthesia H. David Hardman, M.D.,M.D., M.B.A., FASA;FASA; Sally Stander, M.D.;M.D.; Monika Nanda,Nanda, M.B.B.S; StuartStuart Grant,Grant, M.D.;M.D.; H. David Hardman, M.B.A., Sally Stander, Monika M.B.B.S; Jay Schoenherr, M.D. M.D. Jay Schoenherr, 60-MINUTE PANEL | W311EF 60-MINUTE PANEL | W311EF PN419 | 1:00 |PM 2:00-PM PN419 1:00- PM 2:00 PM Embracing QualityQuality Improvement: Key Steps to Improve Yourself, Your Department and Your Embracing Improvement: Key You StepsCan YouTake Can Today Take Today to Improve Yourself, Your Department and Your Hospital! - Quality Improvement as a Key of the of Residency Training: Training the Next Hospital! - Quality Improvement as aComponent Key Component the Residency Training: Training theGeneration! Next Generation! Harendra Arora,Arora, M.D.,M.D., FASA FASA Harendra POINT-COUNTERPOINT | W310AB POINT-COUNTERPOINT | W310AB PC28PC28 | 1:00 |PM 2:00-PM 1:00- PM 2:00 PM Paravertebral BlocksBlocks for Outpatients BreastBreast Surgery: A Score to Settle Paravertebral for Outpatients Surgery: A Score to Settle StuartStuart Grant,Grant, M.D. M.D. PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS | W207BC PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS | W207BC L436 |L436 2:15 |PM 3:15-PM 2:15- PM 3:15 PM Table Table 04: When Nil Per EmptyEmpty Stomach. The Use Point of Care Ultrasound 04: When NilOS PerDoes OS Not DoesGuarantee Not Guarantee Stomach. TheofUse of Point of Gastric Care Gastric Ultrasound to Decrease Aspiration Risk Risk to Decrease Aspiration Priya Kumar, M.D.,M.D., FASA;FASA; Ricardo Serrano, M.D.,M.D., FASAFASA Priya Kumar, Ricardo Serrano,
2019 2019Presenters Presenters
Hyatt Orlando Regency -Orlando - Celebration Room Hyatt Regency Celebration 3 Room | 36:30 AM| -6:30 8:00AM AMCommittee on Academic Anesthesiology Committee on Academic Anesthesiology Hyatt Orlando Regency -Orlando - Celebration Room? AM Hyatt Regency Celebration 3 Room? |39:30 AM| -9:30 11:00 A ASA Committee on and Resident andStudents Medical Students ASA Committee on Resident Medical
Stephen Stephen AcostaAcosta
Jacob Jacob Acton Acton
Adam Adam Christen Christen Xinming Xinming Harendra Harendra Brian Brian MeenaMeena Akbar Akbar AllredAllred An An Arora Arora Barrick BhatiaBhatia W312AB ||AD09-1 | -9:30 AM -Barrick 11:00 AM W312AB | AD09-1 9:30 AM 11:00 AM
A3003: Preoperative Ace and Inhibitor and Angiotensin Recept A3003: Preoperative Ace Inhibitor Angiotensin Receptor Blocker Vasopressor Use inUndergoing Patients Undergoing VideoTho As Increased Increased Vasopressor Use in Patients Video Assisted People People MEDICALLY CHALLENGING MEDICALLY CHALLENGING CASES CASES
Kimberly Fei Fei Samuel Samuel Kimberly Chen Chen Blacker Blacker BlasiusBlasius
WA2 ||MCC07 AM - 11:30 AM WA2 | MCC07 9:30 AM| -9:30 11:30 AM
BrookeBrooke Soshana VivianVivian Patricia Soshana Candy MCC Facilitator/Monitor 10 Patricia CandyEzimora MCCClerizier Facilitator/Monitor Chidgey Doerr Doerr Ezimora Chidgey Clerizier Doan 10 Doan
BrookeM.D. Chidgey, M.D. Brooke Chidgey,
WA2 ||MCC07 | 10:20 AM - 10:30 AM WA2 | MCC07 10:20 AM - 10:30 AM MC3018/Monitor 02: Vasoplegia Blu MC3018/Monitor 02: Vasoplegia RequiringRequiring MethyleneMethylene Blue During Andres Rojas, M.D., BrianM.D. Barrick, M.D. Andres Rojas, M.D., Brian Barrick, WA2 ||MCC07 | 10:40 AM - 10:50 AM WA2 | MCC07 10:40 AM - 10:50 AM
MC3044/Monitor 04:Tooth Broken ToothADuring Critical Air MC3044/Monitor Broken During Critical Airway--How David Benjamin Michael StuartStuart Matthew Matthew Brandon Brandon David 04:Brent Brent Benjamin Michael CarynACaryn Goldberg Grant Grant Hallman HallmanHammond Hammond HardmanHarkrider Harkrider Heller Heller Hertz Hertz Goldberg People PeopleHardman PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS
| L313 | 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM W207BCW207BC | L313 | 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM 02:Perioperative Optimal Perioperative Monitoring DuringEndarter Carotid Table 02: Table Optimal Monitoring During Carotid Arora, M.D. FASA Harendra Harendra Arora, M.D. FASA Lavinia Lavinia James Dominika SanjaySanjay Myungsa Myungsa Nasir Nasir Priya Priya James RobertRobert Dominika MEDICALLY CHALLENGING CASES MEDICALLY CHALLENGING CASES KolarczykKrakowski JamesJames KadariKadari Kang Kang Khatri Khatri Kolarczyk Krakowski KumarKumar Isaak Isaak
WA2 ||MCC07 | 10:50 AM - 11:00 AM WA2 | MCC07 10:50 AM - 11:00 AM MC3201/Monitor 17: HipRepair Fracture In TheBordering Patient MC3201/Monitor 17: Hip Fracture In Repair The Patient People People
Nathan Robin Robin MarleyMarley Nathan Lawrence Lawrence LeoneLeone Leopold Leopold
WA2 ||MCC07 | 11:00 AM - 11:10 AM WA2 | MCC07 11:00 AM - 11:10 AM MC3130/Monitor Use of Point-Of-Care Ultrasound Fo MC3130/Monitor 11: Use of11: Point-Of-Care Ultrasound For The Di Richman, M.D., David Hardman, M.D. MichaelSarah H.Michael Richman, M.D.,Andrew David Hardman, M.D. Susan SarahH.Andrew Aaron Aaron Susan Marc
Marc Linnstaedt Lobonc Lobonc Levi Levi Linnstaedt
Low Low
Martinelli Martinelli
WA2 ||MCC08 WA2 | MCC08 1:10 PM| -1:10 1:20PM PM- 1:20 PM MC3370/Monitor 15:Spinae Erector Spinae Plane Block Followin MC3370/Monitor 15: Erector Plane Block Following Ventral Leslie Matthews, M.D., James Krakowski, M.D. Leslie Matthews, M.D., James Krakowski, M.D.
WA2 ||MCC08 WA2 | MCC08 1:00 PM| -1:00 1:10PM PM- 1:10 PM MC3202/Monitor 01: Anesthetic To Postpneum MC3202/Monitor 01: Anesthetic ApproachApproach To Postpneumonectomy Brandon Hammond, M.D., Benjamin M.D.,Kolarczy Lavini Brandon Hammond, M.D., Benjamin Haithcock,Haithcock, M.D., Lavinia
Leslie Leslie Matthew Katherine ReenaReena Monika Monika Samuel PeggyPeggy Katherine Matthew Christine Christine Samuel McNaull Matthews Matthews MauckMauck McKenzie Mills McNaull Mills DISCUSSIONS McLean NagarNagar NandaNanda McKenzie McLean ABSTRACT GROUP ABSTRACT GROUP DISCUSSIONS
W312ABW312AB | AD15-1||AD15-1 1:15 PM| -1:15 2:45PM PM- 2:45 PM A3169: What Matters? Pediatric Residents How A3169: What Matters? Teaching Teaching Pediatric Residents How to Effectiv People People MEETINGS AND EVENTS SPECIALSPECIAL MEETINGS AND EVENTS
Jay PM Anthony TiffanyTiffany Michael Michael Jay Andres Andres ||2:00 Kimberley KimberleyAnthony W315AB SPE32 | -2:00 PM 4:00 PM Alan Alan W315AB | SPE32 4:00Ricardo PM- Ricardo Passannante Pham Pham Richman Richman Rojas Rojas Schoenherr SchoenherrSerrano Serrano SmeltzSmeltz Nichols NicholsPassannante
Wood Library-Museum of Anesthesiology Patrick Sim Wood Library-Museum of Anesthesiology Patrick Sim Forum onForu the as as Valuable as in Research in BasicClinical Science,P AnesthesiaAnesthesia History asHistory Valuable Research Basic Science, David Zvara, M.D. David Zvara, M.D. EABSTRACT PRESENTATIONS EABSTRACT PRESENTATIONS WA2 Area B || EA06-2 WA2 - Area B |-EA06-2 2:30 PM| -2:30 3:00PM PM- 3:00 PM
A3114/Monitor 03: Introduction of a Protocol toIntraoperat Replace I A3114/Monitor a Protocol Sally Sally PatrickPatrick Lacey Lacey LaurenLauren Emily Emily03: Introduction Ajay Ajay of Anne Bryan Bryan Anne to Replace with Balanced Electrolyte Solutions with Balanced Electrolyte Solutions Stander Stander SteeleSteele Straube Teeter Straube Sylvester Sylvester Teeter Unnithan Whitehouse Unnithan WhitehouseWhitlow Whitlow People
WA2 Area B || EA06-2 WA2 - Area B |-EA06-2 2:30 PM| -2:30 3:00PM PM- 3:00 PM A3112/Monitor 01: Patterns Practicefor Patterns for Preserving Rig A3112/Monitor 01: Practice Preserving the Right the Interna DuringTransplation Cardiac Transplation During Cardiac People People David David Yaroslav Yaroslav JamesJames Stephanie Stephanie Nathan Nathan PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DISCUSSIONS Williams WilliamsWoodward Woodward Woody Woody YatskyYatsky Zvara Zvara
| L334 W207BCW207BC | L334 | 2:30 PM| -2:30 3:30PM PM- 3:30 PM 01:Coronary Keeping Coronary Stents Table 01: Table Keeping Stents Patent in Patent Patientsin Patients