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UNCG Campus Activities & Programs


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Executive Summary

The Campus Activities and Programs Office (CAP) mission is to promote involvement and engagement by educating students to create a vibrant campus life at UNCG. We encourage students to create meaningful relationships, explore interests and develop a sense of self and an appreciation for their community. Our student organizations promote leadership development, critical thinking and interpersonal skills. CAP is made up of several different areas: Student Groups, Programming, Activities and Campus Events, UNCG Weekends, Minerva’s Mid-days, Fraternity and Sorority Life and planning traditional events such as Rawkin Welcome Week, Homecoming, Luminaries, Fraternal Leadership Institute, Winterfest, Greek Week, Spring Fling, Relaxation Days and the Excellence Banquet. The Campus Activities and Programs Office outstanding accomplishments for 2016-2017 include the following:

Office Changes Overall

1. Hired and trained a new Program Coordinator • Relates to Division Goal - Create a culture of care for all students which encourages student success • Relates to Department Goal - Cultivate opportunities for students to strengthen and celebrate the UNCG community 2. Hired and trained (35) new student employees to work in CAP • Relates to Division Goal - Create a culture of care for all students which encourages student success • Relates to Department Goal - Cultivate opportunities for students to strengthen and celebrate the UNCG community. 3. Hired two new Graduate Assistants – one for Programming and one for Fraternity and Sorority Life. • Relates to Division Goal - Create a culture of care for all students which encourages student success • Relates to Department Goal - Cultivate opportunities for students to strengthen and celebrate the UNCG community 4. Received funding from the provost to implement “Collegiate Link” which is a new student group management system. • Relates to Division Goal – Serve as wise stewards of University resources • Relates to Departmental Goal – Strengthen technological applications to gain administrative efficiencies and direct delivery of information and d services to students 5. CAP received full support from Provost Dunn regarding student group advisor training. The provost reached out to the faculty about the importance of attending the training and she delivered a message to all the student group advisors at the training. • Relates to Division Goal - Collaborate to create a vibrant student-centered environment supporting student learning, engagement, service, and leadership while preparing students to contribute to a global society. • Strengthen and assess student learning and satisfaction and use results to demonstrate CAP’s contributions to retention and student success.

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Student Groups

1. Student groups are reporting more service hours. A total of 111 student groups reported service hours this year totaling 21,826 hours, which is an increase of 8.8% in the number of groups reporting service. • Relates to Division Goal - Collaborate to create a vibrant student-centered environment supporting student learning, engagement, service, and leadership while preparing students to contribute to a global society. • Relates to Department Goal - Strengthen and assess student learning and satisfaction and use results to demonstrate CAP’s contributions to retention and student success. 2. CAP partnered with the Office of Leadership and Service Learning to plan and implement the I Lead, U Lead Conference, a peer lead leadership conference aimed at student group leadership and lead by the peer leadership educators from OLSL. This was a new program and there were 55 student attendees. • Relates to Division Goal - Collaborate to create a vibrant student-centered environment supporting student learning, engagement, service, and leadership while preparing students to contribute to a global society. • Relates to Department Goal - Strengthen and assess student learning and satisfaction and use results to demonstrate CAP’s contributions to retention and student success. 3. CollegiateLink was implemented as the new university student group management system and was set up to run the co-curricular transcript in 2017-18. Rollout of the system was accomplished smoothly over the spring semester and student groups registered in April for 2017-18 using the system. • Relates to Division Goal - Serve as wise stewards of University resources • Relates to Department Goal - Strengthen technological applications to gain administrative efficiencies and direct delivery of information and services to students. 4. The under-utilized student group space in the EUC was remodeled under the leadership of Jeff Lail and William Parrish from the EUC. The student group cubicles were emptied and removed and new furniture and cabinets were installed in May 2017. • Relates to Division Goal - Collaborate to create a vibrant student-centered environment supporting student learning, engagement, service, and leadership while preparing students to contribute to a global society. • Relates to Departmental Goal – Strengthen and assess student learning and satisfaction and use results to demonstrate CAP’s contributions to retention and student success. 5. Student group advisor training was revamped and implemented. A total of 3 sessions were held and 135 advisors attended the new training. • Relates to Division Goal - Collaborate to create a vibrant student-centered environment supporting student learning, engagement, service, and leadership while preparing students to contribute to a global society. • Relates to Departmental Goal – Strengthen and assess student learning and satisfaction and use results to demonstrate CAP’s contributions to retention and student success.

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1. In the 2016-2017 academic year, changes were made to the CAP programming model. The student programming board, formerly known as Campus Activities Board (CAB) was rebranded to Activities and Student Events (ACE) and focused on programming large event weeks such as SpartanFest, Homecoming, Winterfest and Spring Fling. Full time staff members and graduate assistants planned and implemented Minerva’s Middays and UNCG Weekend events. In addition to these programs, CAP worked with student groups and Fraternity and Sorority Life to plan and implement activities for the campus community. The activities breakdown is as follows: Total 2016-17 School Year Summary Event Type No. of Events ALL Reported Events (includes ACE, CAP, Weekends and Minerva’s Middays) 199 Summer Events 7 UNCG Weekends Events 69 Minerva’s Midday Events 39 ACE Events (including ACE Exec. and GB Meetings) 47 CAP Events (includes RWW and other misc. events) 37

No. of Participants 37,851 184 8,273 4,078 9,560 15,756

2. The CAP Office planned and implemented Minerva’s Middays due to the restructuring of CAB to ACE. This program was planned by the former Campus Activities Board. There were many different collaborations with other offices and student groups. CAP took the daytime programming name which was created by Vinny Justiniano, Programming GA. These events consisted of mental health programs, physical wellbeing, educational, and novelty events. Minerva’s Middays were held mostly in Elliott University Center (EUC) Maple, but also took place in the Kaplan Wellness Center (Kaplan), College Ave, Moran Fountain, and Auditorium Pre-Function Area. They were held in various places at different times to reach a wider and diverse audience of students. A total of 39 events were planned for Minerva’s Middays. 3. The CAP Office also developed and implemented weekend programming which was named UNCG Weekends and like Minerva’s Middays was a staff driven series of programs. These events were diverse in their content and the goal were to target a wider audience of UNCG students. Programs ranged from a drag show to athletic events to interactive activities to live performances and more. There were many opportunities for collaboration with UNCG Weekends across the division as well as with academic departments and faculty members. A total of 69 weekend events were planned on the weekends during 16- 17. 4. In the spring 2017 semester, CAP implemented a UNCG Weekends Gold Loyalty Card program in which students received giveaways for every 5 events they attended. Students got their card stamped at the events they attended and the full calendar of events was listed on the back of the card. By the end of the semester, 47 students attended 5 events, 21 students attended 10 events, and 10 students attended 15 events. The goal of this program was to increase overall attendance at UNCG Weekends programs. Looking at the attendance numbers, in the fall 2016 semester, there was an average of 168 students per UNCG Weekends event (not including the weekly movie screenings) and in the spring

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2017 semester, there was an average of 201 students per UNCG Weekends event which is an increase of approximately 20%. 5. For the 2016-17 year, the CAP Office held 199 events, serving 37,851 students. That is a little over an 8% decrease in programs from 2015-16 to 2016-17 and is an 11% increase in the number of students reached compared to last year. The decrease occurred due to the restructuring of CAB to ACE and the focus was not on the number of programs but getting more and different students to attend the events. We achieved the goal of reaching more and different students by 11%. 6. All the above accomplishments for Programming relate to the following division goals: • Engage: Cultivate opportunities to strengthen and celebrate the UNCG community. • Encourage: Strengthen and assess student learning and satisfaction and use results to demonstrate CAP’s contributions to retention and student success. • Enrich: Cultivate opportunities to enrich the student experience and the University’s rich traditions in celebration of diversity, service, life-long learning, and Spartan Pride! 7. All the above accomplishments for Programming relate to the follow departmental goals: • Cultivate opportunities for students to strengthen and celebrate the UNCG community.

Fraternity and Sorority Life

1. The fraternity and sorority community welcomed 333 new members over the course of 2016-17, growing to 724 members. Of note was the growth of our Multicultural Greek Council. Psi Sigma Phi Multicultural Fraternity, Inc. returned to campus in Fall 2016, and Sigma Sigma Rho (South Asianfocused sorority) and Alpha Pi Omega (Native American-focused sorority) became recognized in Spring 2017. 2. BRAVE training was once again required for new members at the Fraternal Leadership Institute. Fraternity and Sorority Life continues to move towards the eventual outcome of the entire community having received bystander intervention training. 3. A student review committee and staff stakeholders have made concrete steps towards implementation of the Fraternity & Sorority Life Task Force recommendations. The Fraternity & Sorority Association will serve the entire community as a governing body starting in Fall 2017, and the InterFraternity Council and College Panhellenic Council will move to deferred recruitment in the 2018-19 school year. An Assistant Director for Fraternity & Sorority Life has been approved and will be hired in Summer, 2017. 4. Kappa Alpha Psi and Alpha Kappa Alpha have drafted Statements of Establishment for endowed scholarship through the UNCG Excellence Foundation, Inc. 5. Debuting in Fall 2016, “It’s All Greek to Me” introduced interested students to all organizations and aspects of Fraternity & Sorority Life, regardless of council.

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Fraternity & Sorority Life Membership by Council 111 College Panhellenic Council


Interfraternity Council 370


Multicultural Greek Council National Pan-Hellenic Council

6. All the above accomplishments for Fraternity and Sorority Life relate to the following goals: • Relates to Division Goal - Cultivate opportunities to enrich the student experience and the University’s rich traditions in celebration of diversity, service, life-long learning and Spartan Pride! • Relates to Department Goal - Cultivate opportunities for students to strengthen and celebrate the UNCG community.

CAP Business Office

1. The Business Office in Campus Activities and Programs monitors’ 7 different student fee based accounts totaling approximately 1.636 million dollars in funds. We also provide student account services for over 250 student accounts. We also process travel and purchasing for all of the aforementioned groups. 2. SGA provided approximately $140,000 in student group allocations funding. SGA started a new funding process this year with a new model. In this new model $30,000 was given directly to Club Sports for their allocation discretion. A New Group Funding Grant was created and new groups received $150 each but only if they met a specified set of criteria. A total of 17 New Group Funding grants were awarded over the academic year. The General funding allocation was $57,500. In previous years, this was on an event by event basis. This year it was moved to an overall budget approval system and this is one of the most significant and successful changes implemented. SGA allocated $50,000 for Travel Requests and 26 groups were awarded funds based on their needs. SGA reduced the 4 allocation periods from previous years to 3 allocation periods; Fall, Spring, and Travel. SGA heavily advertised the Association of Student Governments (ASG) Grants and they awarded 11 groups grants from ASG.

3. In reference to the 7 budgets that Campus Activities and Programs monitors, here are some statistics:

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One of the accounts the Business Office administrates is WUAG (130006). They were allocated a total of $56,155 and spent $32,218. This left the department with $6,291 remaining. The salary allocation was $37,000 and they spent 87% of that portion of the budget.


The Carolinian and Corradi share a budget as Student Media (130008) of $95,398.50 and spent $83,711.97. This was split with the Carolinian receiving $55,311.00 and spending $54,514.13 and the Coraddi receiving $40,087.50 and spending $29,197.84. The Carolinian salary allocation was $47,170 and 93.7% was spent. The Coraddi was allocated $12,000 for salaries and spent 97.4%.

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The Graduate Student Association (130013) received an allocation of $89,555 and spent $60,425.37 with awards still left to be distributed for summer allocation periods. Salaries allocated totaled $15,000 and they overspent their budget by 1.5%.


The total student fee allocation for CAP was $1,178,906. The break of this budget is as follows: o 21% was used for ACE, formerly CAB, o 8% was used for Weekend Programming, o 3% was used Marketing, o 2.5% was used for Fraternity and Sorority Life. o 05% was utilized for traditions such as Homecoming and the Excellence Banquet. *These allocations were used to provide over 100 quality programs on campus for students.

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4. All the above accomplishments for the CAP Business Office relate to the following goals: • Relates to Division Goal - Serve as wise stewards of University resources and cultivate opportunities to enrich the student experience and the University’s rich traditions in celebration of diversity, service, life-long learning and Spartan Pride! • Relates to Department Goal - Cultivate opportunities for students to strengthen and celebrate the UNCG community.

Visual Arts &Technology

1. The Visual Arts Specialist (VAS) collected analytics from the social media sources that CAP uses (website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) and we found we are steadily increasing the number of students we reach. While social media habits differ with each student, Instagram and Snapchat continue to be the leaders regarding usage. This school year, the CAP office began utilizing Instagram and has grown its student audience exponentially. Additionally, Facebook and Twitter remain a crucial part of our marketing strategy. See analytics below. 2. During the Fall semester, the Student Graphic Office began an online tracking system housed in Google forms. This new system allows the graphics office manager to better assign and track projects.

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3. Total # of Projects Produced 2015-16 (470); 2016-17 (674) +43% 2015-16


Flyers/Posters/Banners (Breakdown below)




4.25" x 5.25" (palm card) 8.5" x 5.5" (half sheet) 8.5" x 11" 11" x 17" 18" x 24" 22" x 28" 24" x 36" 30" x 40" 3' x 5' (EUC Ind. Banner) 4' x 12' (EUC Out. Banner) Misc. Graphics (Breakdown below)

13 4 73 12 1 17 42 71 3 2 44

9 1 10 7 8 102 82 95 2 3 31


Logos Punch Cards Programs Invitations T-shirt designs Movie Slides Manuals Website Custom Gfx Yard Sign Step & Repeat Spring Fling Stairs Tablecloths

15 2 3 4 6 4 2 5 1 1 n/a 1

5 2 3 1 9 n/a updated 5 1 2 1 2

Digital Graphics (including graphics for social media, screens, and website)



% Inc./Dec. Notes ďƒ‡162%

Significant increase in digital graphics due to (1) CAPs aggressive push for Instagram followers (2) Student groups seem to request more graphics for social media rather than print. (3) CAP's new website has a carousel that events can be featured on. (4) The CAP Marketing Asst. implemented a process to send graphics across campus to be viewed on screens. This year the Marketing department upped its usage of outdoor signage. Boards were placed at Bryan, Sullivan, the Cafeteria, and more were placed both inside and outside of the EUC.

Student groups requested more misc pieces last year, but more digital graphics this year.

UNCG Campus Activities & Programs


Email Communications (Breakdown below)



UNCG Weekends Student Group Shoutouts CAB Newsletter CAP Surveys Fall Kickoff Rawkin Welcome Week Spartan Fest Homecoming Join ACE Reading Day Activities Winterfest Spring Fling SGA Elections EUC Blood Drive Throwback Week Voter Registration Greek Scholarship Opp Excellence Banquet Spartan Choice Awards Spartans Real Talk Paul Chelimo I Lead U Lead Corq (Spartan Connect)

24 27 18 n/a 1 1 n/a 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 10 n/a 2 n/a n/a n/a

23 29 n/a 7 0 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 0 4 n/a n/a 0 6 1 n/a 1 1 1






4. Social Media Data is listed below.

Facebook • •

“Likes” as of May 2016 (1529); May 2017 (1683) +10.1% Posts with the most engagement (post clicks): o Join us at 7pm for Men’s Basketball (3/6/17) o Nightmare on College Avenue (10/10/16) o Helloooo Fred (12/12/16) Posts with the most reach (post views): o Join us at 7pm for Men’s Basketball (3/6/17) o Are you ready for #UNCGHome?! (10/22/16) o Homecoming Day Party (10/22/16)

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This school year the CAB newsletter was eliminated and replaced with a stronger social media presence, more event-week specific emails, digital screenings, and additional outdoor postings.

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Twitter • • • • •

Followers: (896) as of May 2016; (1109) as of May 2017 +23.8% Tweets: (1424) as of May 2016; (2181) as of May 17 +53.2% Mentions: (24) as of May 2016; (100) as of May 2017 +316% 9,017 Profile visits 1.449 Interactions Aug 16 – May 17 (470) likes; (354) retweets; (625) link clicks

*Instagram analytics • • •

Followers: (513) as of January 2017 +503.5% Posts: (393) as of May 2017 Top 3 posts from 2016-17 o Snoop Dogg tickets (4/26/17) o Blue & Gold Block Party (4/18/17) o Spring Fling Giveaways (3/28/17)

*Essentially, our Instagram page is gradually being built from the ground up. We started the school year with (85) followers. Since the beginning of the Fall semester, the VSA and marketing assistant have been working tirelessly to increase our following. We are proud of the progress we’ve made and are striving to increase that number even more in the upcoming year.

Website •

• • •

Email • •

37,571 Unique visitors; 4,696 monthly average (2016-17); 41,992 Unique visitors; 5,249 monthly average (2015-16) Avg. visit duration: 1:45 60.87% of total visits are new visits Top 5 pages (Aug – April): o /Greek-life (24.54%) o /student-groups (18.95%) o / [homepage] (12.86%) o /campus-events (11.87%) o /onthego/eating (6.72%)

UNCG Weekends: avg. 9,424 opens (50.3%); 17% increase from 2015-16 Student Grp Shoutouts: avg. 309 opens (57.15%); 23% decrease from 2015-16

5. All the above accomplishments for the Visual Arts Specialist relate to the following goals: • Relates to Division Goal - Serve as wise stewards of University resources • Relates to Department Goal -Strengthen technological applications to gain administrative efficiencies and direct delivery of information and services to students.

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Points of Pride •

Homecoming kicked off the day students returned from fall break for a second year in a row. A total of 500 students attended the kick-off. We worked very hard to market the program in a different way so that students would still come out and participate in the Homecoming festivities. It was a success. We planned a kick-off party on the day they returned and decorated the campus to show Spartan Pride. Over 5000 students participated in the Homecoming activities throughout the week.

CAP sponsored 2 Homecoming student forums, attended several group meetings with the major student groups on campus and sent out a survey about homecoming to 1000 random students. We are making some big changes to Homecoming based on the feedback we received from the students. The students want a large concert, they are ambivalent about the parade and they want to be involved with the block party on Kaplan commons. We have created two Homecoming student chairpersons who will be part of the Homecoming Planning Team. There will be no parade this year. We are having a block party on Kaplan Commons, and closing off Stirling and Walker Circle to have student tents and events mingled in with all the alumni events.

CAP partnered with the Office of Leadership and Service Learning to plan and implement the I Lead, U Lead Conference, a peer lead leadership conference aimed at student group leadership and lead by the peer leadership educators from OLSL. This was a new program that drew 55 attendees. The event was held on the afternoon of November 16th and included educational sessions like Constructive Conflict Management, Member Motivation, Recruitment and Retention and Marketing Your Organization.

CollegiateLink was implemented as the new university student group management system and was set up to run the co-curricular transcript in 2017-18. Rollout of the system was accomplished smoothly over the spring semester and student groups registered in April for 2017-18 using the new system.

The under-utilized student group space in the EUC was remodeled under the leadership of Jeff Lail and William Parrish from the EUC. The student group cubicles were emptied and removed and new furniture and cabinets were installed in May 2017.

Student group advisor training was revamped and implemented. Three training sessions were held and 135 advisors attended this expanded training. The session was 90 minutes long and covered essential topics for student group advisors like basic advising skills, reporting with the dean of students, title IX and the police, and free speech. Feedback about the training was overwhelmingly positive.

UNCG Weekends received a $5,000.00 grant from the North Carolina Problem Gambling Program to share information about problem gambling. The funds were used to host a Casino Night and 334 UNCG students attended the program.

UNCG Weekends implemented a Gold Loyalty Card Program in which students received giveaways for every 5 UNCG Weekends programs they attended. Students got their card stamped at the events they attended and the full calendar of events was listed on the back of the card. By the end of the semester, 47 students attended 5 events, 21 students attended 10 events, and 10 students attended 15 events. The goal of this program was to increase overall attendance at UNCG Weekends programs. Looking at

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the attendance numbers, in the fall 2016 semester, there was an average of 168 students per UNCG Weekends event (not including the weekly movie screenings) and in the spring 2017 semester, there was an average of 201 students per UNCG Weekends event which is an increase of approximately 20%. •

UNCG Weekends programs collaborated with UNCG departments, offices, and student groups on seventeen weekend programs. Partners included the UNCG Police Department, New Student Transitions and First Year Experience, UNCG Athletics, the Office of Leadership and Service Learning, the Community and Therapeutic Recreation academic department, Recreation and Wellness, the Office of Intercultural Engagement, Activities and Campus Events (ACE), UNCG student organizations, and three academic departments. Attendance at these programs exceeded 4,000 students total and were among some of the highest attended UNCG Weekends programs of the year.

The Multicultural Greek Council re-centralized, revised its constitution, and elected a council executive board. The council consists of three organizations: Theta Nu Xi, Chi Upsilon Sigma, and Lambda Theta Phi.

The Interested Gentlemen of Lambda Theta Phi became a recognized student group in September 2015, and, upon the initiation of their founding line in November, joined Fraternity & Sorority Life as the UNCG colony of Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc.

Twenty students were initiated into Order of Omega honor society

There is a fully staffed CAP Student Graphics Office (GFX). A total of 3 students worked as designers and photographers. The 4th student was the marketing assistant.

Graphic forms can now be submitted online with each project filed by group name with all supporting sizes, file types a click away housed in google drive and accessible to coordinators and ACE Marketing

Each designer completed and presented 3 design projects that were given to them by their supervisor as a chance to sharpen and enhance their design and presentation skills. All three went above and beyond the supervisor’s expectations.

The new graphics office, now housed in the CAP office, has allowed for more creative collaboration amongst the team and the Visual Arts Specialist. The office is well organized and located in a space where interruption is minimal but easily accessible.

Redesign of the CAP website. The new website features include: o Updated layout with a front-page carousel that features “sliders” that market events, announcements, etc. o Live twitter feed and updated events calendar on home page o Updated page layouts o NEW pages for ACE, UNCG Weekends and Things to Do in Greensboro o Last year’s Campus Activities Board (CAB) underwent a full rebrand and changed its name to Activities & Campus Events (ACE). Elements of the rebrand include: o Rebranded Swag (pens, cups, lanyards)

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o Rebranded apparel (shirts, hats, jackets) o Updated page on CAP website • •

The Business Office utilized the new Spartan Connect portal and provided a more visible tracking process for the Student Government Association allocations. The Business Office worked closely with the Student Government advisors to streamline the SGA administrative and financial management process.

Collaborations/Partnerships with other departments, faculty and community

CAP is working with many different departments, faculty and the Greensboro community to provide students with outstanding programs and services. Over the past year, CAP was instrumental in building collaborative relationships and partnering with the following areas:


1. Alumni Affairs (UNCG Department) a. Homecoming b. Luminaries and the lighting of the VACC Bell Tower 2. New Student Transitions and First Year Experience (UNCG Department) a. Rawkin Welcome Week. b. UNCG Weekends partnered with New Student Transitions and First Year Experience on Family Weekend. 3. Housing and Residence Life (UNCG Department) and RHA a. Housing sponsored food for students during the Homecoming day festivities. b. We continue to collaborate with Housing regarding the Panhellenic women living in the Residence Halls. c. CAP supported the HRL Opening Carnival during RWW by sponsoring food trucks. d. UNCG Weekends also worked with RHA to sponsor a movie on the lawn in the spring 2017 semester. 4. Recreation and Wellness (UNCG Department) a. BRAVE Training for Fraternal Leadership Institute b. Minerva’s Middays co-sponsored with Rec/Well on several events such as “DeStress Fest” and “Not Just for Lovers.“ c. UNCG Weekends worked with Rec/Well on two dive in movies at the Kaplan Center. d. Served as venue for Greek Week events 5. Office of Intercultural Engagement and OLSL (UNCG Department) a. Worked with both departments on Empty Bowls, a traditional program at UNCG. 6. Dean of Students Office (DOS), Police, and Title IX (UNCG Departments) a. Collaborated on student group advisor training, identifying campus security authorities to ensure compliance with the Clery Act. b. Work with DOS office on judicial matters. 7. Campus Dining Services (UNCG Department) a. CAP worked with Dining Services on many events as well as Spartan Hour Tuesdays and the Food trucks.

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b. Partnered at the beginning of the year at the Student Organization Event Planning Workshop where they talked about food options for student events. 8. UNCG Police a. The UNCG police provide consultation on event planning and provided security at events. b. UNCG weekends collaborated with the UNCG Police on two community cookouts, on in partnership with SGA and RHA. Both were well attended. 9. Office of Leadership and Service Learning (UNCG Department) a. Collaborated on peer leadership conference entitled “I Lead U Lead” which had 55 attendees. b. UNCG Weekends and Fraternity and Sorority Life collaborated with OLSL on a Fountain Friday event promoting voter registration 10. Elliott University Center – EUC (UNCG Department) a. They worked on the remodeling of EUC 225 which is a student group space 11. Information Technology Services – ITS (UNCG Department) a. Collaborated on the implementation of CollegiateLink which is a database management system for student groups 12. Athletics a. CAP collaborated with Athletics on multiple tailgates throughout the year. b. ACE collaborated with Athletics on Spartan Madness for a second year in a row. c. Greek Treats d. Greek Night at the men’s basketball game e. Homecoming Parade 13. Office of Intercultural Engagement (OIE) a. UNCG Weekends co-sponsored a Drag Show with OIE in February 2017. This event had the highest attendance for a UNCG Weekends program. b. UNCG Weekends co-sponsored a documentary screening and discussion with the Director of Wilmington on Fire with OIE, the African Diaspora Studies Department, the History Department, and the Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations Department. c. UNCG Weekends collaborated with OIE and Greensboro College to show two screenings of the movie “Hidden Figures”. d. CAP and OIE also collaborated on multiple Minerva’s Midday events throughout the year. e. Safe Zone program for Fraternal Leadership Institute f. Exploring climate survey for fraternities and sororities 14. Jackson Library a. CAP and the Jackson Library collaborated on a Minerva’s Midday event called Spirit of a Spartan during Spring Fling 15. Community and Therapeutic Recreation (UNCG Academic Department) a. UNCG Weekends collaborated with CTR on two events b. CAP collaborated with CTR to hire students to work as programming assistants c. CAP hired a summer intern from CTR 16. Transfer and Adult Student Union (UNCG Student Group) a. UNCG Weekends collaborated with TASU on a Paint Night event 17. Students First Office a. Fraternity and Sorority Scholarship Plans 18. Office of the Registrar

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a. Student graduation speaker selection 19. College of Visual and Performing Arts and The Bryan School a. Reached out to these areas to hire students for the student graphics office

Awards and Recognition a. b. c. d.

Ashley Hill, Visual Arts Specialist - nominated for Student Affairs Unsung Hero Award Jeff Lail, Assistant Director – nominated for the Student Affairs Team Player Award Curtis Tarver, Associate Director for FSL – Awarded the Student Affairs Employee of the Year Curtis Tarver, Associate Director for FSL – Staff Star, September 2016

Student Involvement

Graphics Office Student Employees The purpose of the Graphics Office is to provide student groups with resources to market their activities. We have a total of 3 student employees in the Graphics Office who work with student groups to create fliers, brochures, banners, etc. for their group’s activities

Activities and Campus Events (ACE) ACE is an organization that plans traditional events throughout the year. They plan Spartanfest, Homecoming events for students, Winterfest, and Spring Fling. Graduate Students in CAP CAP worked with 3 Graduate Students this past year. Two of the GA’s worked in the programming area. One of the GA’s worked with the Fraternity and Sorority community and this was a new position. •

The programming GA’s worked on advising student groups, working with CAB to plan and implement activities. They were involved with major traditions such as Rawkin Welcome Week, Homecoming, Winterfest, the Excellence Banquet and the Reading Day massages.

The GA for Fraternity and Sorority Life worked with Panhellenic recruitment, attended and advised FSA meetings, worked with the Associate Director on scholarship for all the chapters, attended council meetings, oversaw Greek week with FSA and worked on the Fraternal Leadership Institute.

Programming Assistants CAP hired 10 student programming assistants who worked with the Coordinator for Programs, one of the programming GA’s on planning and implementing weekend events Student Assistants CAP hired several students to work in the office in the following areas: • (8) Office Assistants – worked the front desk to greet and direct visitors and students. • (4) Business Office Assistants – assisted the Business Manager with processing financial transactions. • (10) Programming Assistants – worked on planning and implementing weekend events • Marketing Assistant – assisted with marketing events

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Graphic Office Students – worked on fliers and marketing projects for student groups


1. Leadership Rubric: Campus Activities and Programs created a leadership rubric to assess student learning during the student’s involvement with a student group. This past year several student groups who went through this process completed a pre-test and a post-test to assess their learning. The Event Consultant and the supervisor observed student learning over this past year. The results are as follows: A total of 29 students completed the post test • Activities and Campus Events (ACE) 8 students • Student Employees 5 students • Programming Assistants 11 students • Graphics Office 3 students • WUAG 1 student • Fraternity and Sorority Life 1 student The pre-test asked students to rate themselves on inter and intrapersonal competencies, communication skills, and the ability to ask and offer help, time management, and the strengths they bring to their roles. Students then completed a post-test in May. The results of the post-test indicated that the students: • Felt more comfortable asking for help, • Felt that there was an improvement in their communication skills, and that they had a better understanding of their position and ability to perform their assigned tasks. *Refer to Appendix A for the CAP Rubric 16-17 (Inter and Intrapersonal competence. This was used by the Event Consultant and the Supervisor in evaluation student learning. *Refer to Appendix B which is the Pre-Test and the Post-Test for the student leaders. This will be sent in a separate email because it is a Google Doc. Please note that it shows the questions and it has 34 responses. Only 6 people completed the post-test. However, each Event Consultant and supervisor did do an observation to assess the student learning.

2. Fraternity & Sorority Life demographics (see Appendix C): The most comprehensive demographic analysis of the fraternity/sorority community was completed with Fall 2016 data and will be completed following each fall. FSL data are compared to Universitywide, and are also separated out by chapter and council. Demographics included are race/ethnicity, gender, and on/off campus and in/out of state residency. 3. Fraternity and Sorority Life Grade Reports (see Appendix D and E) The FSL grade report is generated each semester. We benchmark this report against the all undergraduate average to assess how our FSL chapters are doing academically. Over the past year we have partnered with Students First office to work with the chapters on scholarship. We use the Starfish program which is an early alert system that highlights students who need academic assistance.

UNCG Campus Activities & Programs


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We have found that some chapters are still struggling but overall many have started to exceed the all undergraduate average. *Refer to Appendix D for the Fall Grade Report *Refer to Appendix E for the Spring Grade Report 4. CAP visitor tracking Campus Activities and Programs created a sign in process to track the number of students that they serve as well as which department in CAP provided most services to students. The results are as follows: • Between September and May approximately 462 students/visitors signed in using this new system. • 73% of our visitors were walk-ins. • 43.5% were Business Office visitors, • Student Groups were seen 14% of the time, and • Fraternity and Sorority Life was seen 12% of the time. • Every visitor received a follow-up satisfaction survey, only 27 students responded.

Data •

Staff Professional Staff Part Time Graduate Students Student Assistants Student Groups Registered Student Groups New Registered Student Groups Student Groups Head Officers Student Group Members Total o Female members o Male members Programming (7) Summer activities (69) UNCGWeekend activities (39) Minerva’s Middays activities (47) ACE activities (37) CAP activities

7 (FTE) 0 3 35 272 27 287 3438 2262 1176 184 participants 8,273 participants 4,078 participants 9,560 participants 15,756 participants

Fraternity/Sorority Life (24) Chapters) Budget Allocation $30,000 # of chapters with new member classes: # of male members # of new male members

22 265 (12.8% increase from 15-16) 127 (5.8% increase from 15-16)

UNCG Campus Activities & Programs


# of female member # of new female members # of members in F&S Life: # of Fraternities # of Sororities # of interest groups # of Order of Omega Initiates Total # of community service hours •

459 (-0.2% decrease from 15-16) 206 (-12.3% decrease from 15-16) 724 (4.2% increase from 15-16) 13 11 1 20 8,826

Visual Arts Total of 674 unique design projects produced for 2016-2017 (See detailed breakdown above)

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