2 minute read

of NOTE - Happy Anniversary


It’s been two years since we took a leap of faith and decided to start Country ZEST & Style, in August of 2019.


Who knew when we began that within six months, the world and our nation would be in the grips of a pandemic that still lingers. And yet, we’ve managed to not only to survive, but to thrive, mostly due to our awesome advertisers, loyal readers and immensely talented staff of dedicated writers and photographers.

Folks on the street, in the bank or at the post office stop us all the time to say how much they appreciate the magazine. Better yet, many tell us they read it cover to cover and love the fact that we write about the real Middleburg—so many interesting people, places and other fascinating facets of our unique corner of the Commonwealth.

And so, to one and all who have helped make ZEST the most respected magazine in the Middleburg area, we say many, many thanks for all the kind words. Your continued support is what my old boss at The Washington Post, the late and legendary executive editor Ben Bradlee, used to call psychic income (especially at bonus time).

xLilly Newton is now the Middleburg Library’s new branch manager.

Photo by Vicky Moon

There are other important milestones to celebrate with this August issue. We have several significant retirements to report. Sheila Whetzel, the innovative and incredibly accommodating branch manager at the Middleburg Library for 33 years, will be leaving this month. She’ll be succeeded by Lilly Newton, now head of the children’s division at the Rust Library in Leesburg. Ken Quinn, Middleburg’s do-it-all postmaster the last ten years, will focus on playing golf and softball umpiring after a long and distinguished four-decade career with the U.S. Postal Service. And Jo Motion, the octogenarian long-time owner of the Tack Exchange, has also decided to call it a career. We’ve profiled her in a past issue, and now have stories on Sheila and Ken in the current issue.

A little sprinkle of water offers budding possibilities at Piedmont Child Care in Upperville.

Photo by Doug Gehlsen Middleburg Photo

Middleburg Library’s new There’s much more to savor, including branch manager. several back-to-school offerings, features on several new area businesses—antiques, toys and flowers (don’t miss the story on Roots and Shoots at Piedmont Child Care Center). And, we have a wonderful profile of veterinarian Rae Stone, one of the world’s foremost authorities on Dolphins, who makes her home in the Middleburg area.

And so, as lazy summer days dwindle and fall quickly approaches, take a little time and help us celebrate our two-year anniversary by adding a little more ZEST to your reading pleasure.

Leonard Shapiro



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