1 minute read

Ann MacLeod presented the Ann MacLeod Spirit award to Erik Scheps during the Middleburg Tennis Club’s winter tournament.

Storied Friends: Marguerite Henry and Wesley Dennis explores the literary and artistic partnership that brought Misty and many other equine friends to the hearts of young and old between 1945- 1965. The pair published fifteen books together, twelve of which are featured in the exhibit on view in the Forrest E. Mars, Sr. exhibit hall at the National Sporting Library & Museum from April 30 through September 11. Many in the area have fond memories of Dennis and his family, who lived in Warrenton.

The Yale Whiffenpoofs, the oldest collegiate a cappella singing group in the country, recently performed as part of the Middleburg Concert series before a packed and very appreciative audience at the Salamander Resort & Spa.

The Middleburg-based RSC (Raising Seventeen Children) racing team of Peter Pejacsevich, Mark Wyatt, Brian Wilson and Alex Vogel won the overall championship in their division of the American Endurance Racing Series (AER). They went up against 116 teams in an eight-race race season. They were the first team to earn over 300 points and completed nearly 4,000 racing laps at eight different race tracks. They’ll soon be competing in AER again with a second car, racing for the first time at Road Atlanta, Sebring and Daytona.

The Goose Creek Association is hosting a Spring Day of canoeing on Goose Creek to clean and protect the area watershed. Reserve a canoe/kayak or bring your own and meet at the Benton Bridge on the Foxcroft Road. Canoes and lunch will be provided. Reservations required by April 30th. Bring water, bug spray, hat, gloves, suncreen. Details: info@goosecreek.org.