3 minute read
The Hunt Country
The Hunt Country
By Nina Carter Tabb
Oct 21, 1940; The Washington Post, reprinted with permission.
Six to Attend Virginia Garden Club Board Meeting at Old Point Comfort
Leaving for Old Point Comfort tomorrow are Mrs. Fairfax Harrison, Mrs. Nathaniel H. Morison, Mrs. Reginald Vickers, Mrs. Daniel C. Sands, Mrs. Henry Fairfax and Miss Martha Harris. All are members of the Fauquier and Loudoun Garden Clubs and they plan to attend the annual meeting of the board of governors of the Garden Club of Virginia, to be held at the Chamberlin Hotel tomorrow and Wednesday.
Mrs. Jesse James, wife of the Secretary of Commerce, was a recent visitor to Mrs Bernard B. Jones at her home, Audley, near Berryville.
Miss Eleanor Flood of Washington, and Dick Byrd of Berryville, were visitors to Middleburg on Saturday Miss Welhelmina Kirby, of New York, has been staying with Mrs. David M. Waller, at her home in Warrenton.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cary Randolph, Jr., left the past week for New York, where he has accepted as a position as pilot with Eastern Air Lines. They will make their home in Flushing, Long Island, where they have taken an apartment.
MRS. HUBERT PHIPPS and Harris Bucklin, Jr., have returned to Virginia from New York, where they went to attend a party given in honor of their brother, William Gordon and Miss Dorothy Frink, whose engagement was announced by her mother, Mrs. Angelica Frink of New York. The bride elect attended Vassar College and was presented to New York society two seasons ago. William Gordon attended Choate School and is a pilot for the Eastern Air Lines between Washington and New York. He is from Maryland but has spent much time in Virginia with his sister, Mrs. Phipps. The wedding will take place in January, in New York, and they will live on Long Island.
Invitations have been received in Virginia from Mr. and Mrs. James Wesley Foreman to the marriage of their daughter, Marion Cook, to Howard Worth Smith, Jr. on November 8 at 8 p. m. at the First Methodist Church, Elizabeth City, N. C. There will be a reception after the ceremony at the Virginia Dare Hotel. Mr. Smith is the son of Representative Howard V. Smith of Cedar Hill in Fauquier County, and Alexandria,Va.
MISS FANNY NELSON LYON of Black Oak Ridge, near Purcellville, has returned to her home from Milton, Mass., where she was one at the bridesmaids at the wedding of Miss Olivia Ames Peters and Lawrence Pool, of Warrenton, which took place last week. Miss Phoebe Spilman, of Warrenton, stepsister of the bridegroom, went to the wedding and Mr. Pool was best man for his son. Young Mr. and Mrs. Pool have gone to Bermuda on their honeymoon. Upon their return they will come to his home in Warrenton for a visit before going to New York to live.