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Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?
Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?
Photos © dillonkeenphotography.com
The stands were full and there were echoes of coos, caaws, crowing and clucking in the cavernous Fauquier Livestock Exchange in Marshall. Buyers and sellers arrived in the morning toting cages of Seramas, Black Cochins chicks, Australorp, Bantam Roosters, Brahma/Bard Rock cross hybrid roosters and Midget White hens for a recent Poultry and Small Animal Auction. The sale began with eggs in all shades of blue, beige, white and black. A crate of farm fresh eggs went for $3 and a hatching turkey egg went for $14. Manager Stan Stevens was in the auctioneer’s booth…going once, going twice and SOLD.